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第二部分 教材词组及例句

at times 有时,偶尔
He used to go to the theatre at times.
At times he feels that he wants to leave his job.有时他真想辞职。
be worth sth./doing sth. 值得...的
The watch is worth more than the price.
Doing morning exercises is worth the time.
not only...but also... 不仅...而且...
Not only did I find the game very boring, but I also felt it was meaningless.
Not only the story is interesting to us but also the English is good for us to learn. 这故事不仅有趣,而且其英语地道,值得一学。
far from 一点都不
The composition is far from perfect.
I know he was hurt, but he was far from being the person who was hurt most. 我知道他受了伤害, 但他还不是受伤害最深的人。
a couple of 两个;一些,几个
I will need a couple of minutes to complete
the report to my boss.
I met him a couple of times last year.
get/have/obtain access to
People living here have access to that swimming pool for free. 住在这里的人可以免费去那个游泳池游泳。
If I could get access to the head offices, I could tell the management my new ideas about how to improve this company.
participate in 参加
We are expected to participate actively in English class. 我们要积极参与英语课的活动。
She participated in several sports in senior middle school.
keep up with 赶上;不落后
The small child had to run in order to keep up
with his brother.
I'm having trouble keeping up with the rest of
the class. 我要赶上班上其他人还有困难。
feel like sth./doing sth. 想要;想做
I feel like a cup of tea. 我想要杯咖啡。
I just don't feel like doing anything tonight.
give up 停止,放弃
My teacher told me not to give up no matter
how difficult things become.
I've given up trying to get her to change her mind. 我已不再争取让她改变主意。
think out 仔细考虑;推敲;琢磨
I need time to think things out.
She hadn't thought out what she was going to
say at the party.
come across 偶然遇到;偶然发现
I've never come across anyone like her father
While I was cleaning the house, I came

across some old baby pictures of my father that I had never seen before. 在打扫房间时,我偶然发现了几张我父亲还是婴儿时的老照片,这些照片我过去从未见过。
reap the benefit(s) 获得益处,得到好处
Only a part of the people have reaped the benefits from the new policy.
But the teenagers should reap the benefits of a more personal, better-run service.
trade for 用...换...
I traded my old car for a new one.
In order to pay off his debts, he had to trade his piano for money.
give sb. insight(s) into 深刻理解
The discussion gave us a real insight into the causes of the present economic crisis.
The story gave us insight into his determination to win and his desire to become the best. 这件事使我们对他决心获胜、渴望完美的心情有了深刻的认识。
now that 既然,由于
Now that you have come, you may stay here. 你既然来了,就留在这里吧。
Now that we know each other better, we get along fine. 既然大家相互了解更深了,相处也就融洽了。
instead of 而不是;代替
They raised prices and cut production instead of cutting costs.
He took English as his major instead of Japanese.他选择学英语,而没选日语。
reach out to 接触,联系
Online learning helps us reach out to new friends. 网络学习使我们接触新朋友。
I realized at the same time he was reaching out to me;he was also asking for help. 我同时也察觉到他正在联系我;他在寻求帮助。
play a role 1. 起作用
Online learning is playing a very important role in education.
Clearly there are many factors that play a role in the decision-making process.
2. 扮演一个角色
Many famous actors dreamed of playing the role of Hamlet.
be/become aware of认识到,知道,觉察到
Are you aware of my coming?
I was not aware that you had already heard of the news.
in addition 另外,加之
In addition, we usually spend a week of the first term in Paris.
In addition to the 40,000 students taking class on campus, the University has over 300 students on distance-learning. 除了在校的40,000名学生外,该校还有300多名远程学习的学生。
reflect on 深思,考虑
She sat reflecting on how much had changed since she'd bought the farm. 她坐在

He had time to reflect on his successes and failures.
speak up
There was a brief silence, then he spoke up. 先是短暂的沉默;接着他发了言。
If you never speak up, people will not know how you feel. 如果不把想法说出来,大家不会知道你是怎么想的。
2. 大声说
Could you speak up so I can hear you, please? 麻烦您声音大点好么?
Speak up so grandma can hear you.
说大声点, 祖母才会听得到。
be finished with 做完,完成
Aren't you finished with the wash up yet?
When you are finished with the book, give it back to me. 书看完后就还给我吧。
allow for 为...留出余地;考虑到
We must start early to allow for troubles we might have in finding her house.
It will take you an hour to get to the station, allowing for traffic delays.把路上耽搁的时间算进去,你要用一个小时才能到车站。
on sb.'s part/on the part of sb. 某人所做的;就某人而言
It was the mistake on my part. 这是我的错。
There are still doubts on the part of the students. 这些学生仍然心存疑虑。
catch up (with) 赶上,追上
He is studying hard to catch up with his classmates. 他正努力学习以赶上其他同学。
Run faster! They are catching up with us. 跑快点!他们快追上咱们了。
remind sb. of sth. 使想起;提醒
The photo always reminds me of college days. 这张相片总让我想起大学里的日子。
She never forgets to remind her husband of his promises.
她从不忘记提醒丈夫他曾许下的诺言。along with 一起,一道
Along with hundreds of others, she lost her job when the factory closed. 工厂倒闭,她和其他几百名工人一起失去了工作。
The mother was saved from the fire along with her baby.
turn off 关闭
Please turn all the lights off as you leave the building; we can't afford to waste power. 离开时请将所有的灯关掉,我们浪费不起电。
She turned off the water, dried herself, and dressed in jeans and a shirt. 她把水关掉,擦干身上的水,然后穿上牛仔裤和衬衫。
burst into
1. 闯入
She burst into the manager's office and demanded to speak to him.
His partner was so excited about the news that he burst into the room to tell him. 他的伙伴听到这消息非常激动,冲进房间去告诉他。
2. 突然开始
She burst into laughter. 她突然笑了起来。
Afterwards, she went straight to the ladies' room and burst into tears.
over and over 一再,反复
Read the word ov

er and over until you can say it correctly. 一遍一遍地读这个单词,直到你读对了为止。
They kept asking the same question over and over again. 他们反复问同一个问题。
reach for 伸手去摸;伸手去取
There was no time for me to reach for my gun. 我来不及伸手掏枪。
There was a noise outside, so Bill reached for his flashlight.
turn up 调大,开大
He turned the heat up because it was very cold inside the house.
Is the sound turned up too loud for you?
turn down 调小,开小
She could not bear the music and turned down the volume.
Can you turn the TV down? I'm trying to work. 你能把电视的声音开小点吗?我正想静心工作呢。
as well as 除...之外;和
He's worked in Japan as well as Italy.
Flowers are chosen for their scent as well as their look.
turn on 打开开关
Please turn on the light for me; it's getting dark. 天黑了,请给我开开灯。
Jack turned on his computer and checked his email. 杰克打开电脑,查看电子邮件。
as usual 像往常一样,照例
Everything went on as usual, as if nothing had happened.
As usual, they'd left the children at home with the babysitter. 像往常一样,他们将孩子留在家里由保姆看管。
in peace and quiet 平静地
I'm tired—can't you just leave me in peace and quiet? 我累了,你不能让我静一静吗?
I wish she would just leave me in peace and quiet so that I can think about the problem without interruption.
wake up (使)醒来
Wake up, Jimmy, it's 8: 00.
I'll wake you up when it's time to leave.

make one's blood boil 使某人生气
Her tuneless music made her father's blood boil. 她那难听的音乐使她父亲很生气。
Whenever I think about it, it makes my blood boil. 我一想起它就生气。
get rid of
1. 摆脱;除去
I've tried all sorts of medicines to get rid of this cold.
This is an effective way to get rid of weeds. 这是一种除草的有效方法。
2. 丢弃;扔掉
We're moving, so we have to get rid of a lot of our old furniture.
We should encourage the governments of the world to get rid of all nuclear weapons.
knots in one's stomach 紧张,不安
He said he f

elt knots in his stomach.
She had knots in her stomach before meeting his parents for the first time.
in any case 无论如何;不管怎样
The cost may be lower than we first thought, but in any case it will still be a lot.
I don't understand why you're against it. In any case, I'm going to try. 我不明白为什么你不同意,无论如何我要试一试。
talk sth. over 商议;讨论
If you're worried about this change of career, why don't you talk it over with your family?
She wanted me to go to her office to talk things over.
as a result 结果是
There was a heavy snow and, as a result, she was late. 她由于下大雪而迟到了。
A terrible earthquake took place last week. As a result, 2,500 people were killed.
in turn
1. 因此,转而
One of the members told the story to his friend who, in turn, leaked it to a reporter.
Stressful environment leads to unhealthy behavior, which in turn increase the risk of heart disease. 有压力的环境会导致不良的行为,这反过来会增加患心脏病的危险。
2 依次;轮流
There were cheers for each of the women as they spoke in turn.
We drove in turn so that each of us could rest a bit.
tap into 了解
The survey is aimed to tap into people's attitudes toward the new policy.
The program helps people tap into more job opportunities.
get ahead 取得进步;成功
The best way to get ahead is through hard work. 成功的最佳途径是努力工作。
She soon found that it wasn't easy to get ahead in the movie business.
look to 依赖;指望
He always looked to his father for advice. 他经常依靠父亲给他提供意见。
They're looking to the new manager to make the company profitable.
feel like 感觉好像;似乎
They felt like they were giving away company secrets. 他们觉得好像在泄露公司秘密。
I stayed there two days, but it felt like a week. 我在那里呆了两天,但觉得好像呆了一周。
the way 以...方式,以...方法
He does not bother about small matters the way his elder brother does.
He tried to decorate his house the way we did. 他

sound like 听起来;似乎
Becoming a doctor sounds like a good idea. 当医生似乎是个好主意。
Malta sounds like a great place for a holiday. 马耳他似乎是个度假的好地方。
rather than 而不是
It was what he meant rather than what he said that annoyed me. 让我生气的是他话中的意思,而不是他所说的话。
Nuclear science should be developed to benefit the people rather than harm them.
point of view 观点,意见
He always put his point of view with courage. 他总是大胆地说出自己的观点。
From an economic point of view, the new development will benefit the town greatly.
as opposed to 与...对照;而不是
This is a book about business practice as opposed to theory.
Students have discussions as opposed to just listening to the teacher.
get across (被)理解;(被)接受
It is hard to get some Chinese jokes across to foreigners because of cultural gap. 由于文化差异,一些中国笑话很难被外国人理解。
We must get across the simple fact that drugs are dangerous. 我们必须让人知道这个简单的事实:毒品是很危险的。
be concerned about 担心
If you are concerned about your baby's health you should consult a doctor immediately.
She is concerned about her son's performance at school.
check in
He called to check in and tell us how he was doing.
She checks in with her mother at least once a week.
2. 登记入住;办登机手续
We've checked in at a local hotel.
Passengers should check in two hours before the time their plane leaves.
put sth. away 把某物收好或放好
Put the books away on the bookshelf.
He put his toys away every night.
lose one's cool 失去冷静
His teacher lost his cool when the boy was late again. 男孩又迟到了,他的老师很生气。
I should not have lost my cool and behaved in that manner.
awaken sb. to sth. 使某人意识到某事
We must awaken people to the need to protect our environment.
The program awakens us to the danger of pollution.
lean on 依靠

lean on each other for support.
You should not always lean on others for help. 你别总靠他人来帮你。
grow up 成长,长大
What do you want to be when you grow up? 你长大后想做什么?
He grow up in the countryside.
let on 泄露,透露
She never let on she was married.
He knew where his brother was going, but he didn't let on.
start out 出发
Bill started out for school on his bicycle.
Before starting out you should check that your seat and mirrors are properly adjusted.
make it
1. 及时赶到
I think we'll just make it if we hurry up!
Try your best to make it to the airport. 你们一定要及时赶到机场。
When he turned 30, he started wondering if he would ever make it in business. 过了30岁,他对自己在商场是否会成功感到疑惑。
I knew that he would make it when I first saw him.
even if 即使,虽然
We'll go tomorrow even if it rains.
Even if she's poor, at least she is honest.
on one's way (to)
Lynn was on her way to the theater when a car hit her. 在去戏院的路上,利恩被车撞了。
I will stop off at the post office to mail your letter on my way to work.
even though 虽说,即使
Even though it's hard work, I enjoy it.
Even though he is hardworking, there is never enough money to pay the bills.
break out 突然发生,爆发
A fire broke out in the basement of the building. 大楼的地下室发生了火灾。
Fierce fighting broke out between the rival groups.敌对组织之间爆发了激烈的争斗。
on leave 休假
I'm in charge of the department when the manager is on leave.
He went on leave when the business was gone down. 生意不景气时,他出去休假了。
see (to it) that 务必做到
He is late again today. I'll see to it that he will not be late tomorrow. 他今天又迟到了。我保证明天不让他再迟到。
Will you see to it that everyone gets a ticket for the concert?
come to 苏醒,恢复知觉
I came to in the hospital, but I didn't remember what had happened to me. 我在医院里醒了过来,却不记得发生了什么事。
When he came to and raised his head he saw his wife.

now and again/then 不时地,有时候
We do meet now and again, but not regularly. 我们有时候确实见面,但不是定期会面。
That student has been known to make the strange mistake himself now and then. 大家知道那个学生不时要犯那种奇怪的错误。
call for 要求
The attorney called for his next witness.
The relatives and friends of the dead man called for police to look into the cause of death.
set out 出发
The band set out on their worldwide tour.
They set out for London on a one-day trip.
for a while 一会儿,一段时间
She was speaking for a while before she noticed that no one was listening.
Just wait for a while and then I'll help you.
pay attention to 注意,关注
If you don't pay attention to the needs of others, others will pay no attention to you.
The boy failed the examination because he had paid no attention to the teacher in class.
hold to
He held to the rope so as not to fall down.
She held to his arm when walking on the ice. 在冰上行走时她一直抓着他的手臂。
He holds to a simple life.
I always hold to what I have said.
with that 接着,随即
She threw the book on the table, and with that ran angrily out of the room.
The train reached the terminal, and with that, my trip ended.
turn out 结果是,证明是
The film turned out to be a great success.
It turned out that his statement was false.
make up one's mind下定决心,打定主意
Have you made up your mind where to go for your holiday?
I can't make up my mind between these two dishes.
range from... to...
The price of beer ranged from 50 cents to $5 during the summer season.
She has had a number of different jobs, ranging from translator to swimming instructor. 从当翻译到当游泳教练,她从事过一些不同的工作。
be committed to 献身于,投入于
As a person who loves peace, he is committed to peace between countries.作为一个热爱和平的人,他致力于国与国之间

If you want to get ahead in life, you must be committed to achieving your dreams.

be absorbed in 全神贯注于,专心于
I was so absorbed in my own thoughts that I didn't hear him talking to me. 我当时非常入神地在沉思,没听到他和我说话。
She was absorbed in the book.
fix one's eyes on 凝视,盯住看
She walked into the room and fixed her eyes on the person she wanted to talk to. 她走进房间,眼睛凝视着那个她想进行谈话的人。
I couldn't help fixing my eyes on this picture. 我情不自禁地凝视着那幅画。
drive sb. crazy 逼得某人发疯
His carelessness drove his girlfriend mad.
That noise is driving me crazy.
at one's best 处于最佳状态
This is an example of his work at his best.
I don't really feel at my best today.
lighten up 放轻松;别太当真
You need to light up a bit. 你需要放松点。
Hey, lighten up! It's only a game, you know! 喂,别太当真!你知道,这不过是游戏!
take sb. or sth. Seriously
Don't take him seriously—he's just kidding. 别跟他认真——他只不过是开玩笑。
We have to take his proposal seriously.
the minute 一...就...
I'll tell her the news the minute she gets here. 她一来这儿我就告诉她这个消息。
The students stopped talking the minute the bell rang for class.
find out 找出,查明,发现
I need to find out exactly what went wrong. 我需要查明到底出了什么毛病。
I want you to do everything you can to find out his reaction to our project. 我要你想一切办法查明他对我们项目的反应。
in relation to 有关,关于
We want to listen to his comments in relation to this affair.
A lot of questions were asked in relation to the project. 就这个项目,人们提出了许多问题。 become acquainted with 与...相识,了解
I'm not acquainted with her father.
The party was a way for them to become acquainted with each other.
pick up 学会;得到
I picked up quite a lot of Japanese words during my six-month stay in Japan. 我在日本逗留了六个月,学会了许多日语单词。
You can pick up some really useful messages from his gestures. 你从他的手势中能够得到一些真正有用的信息。
in part 在某种程度上,部分地
The delay was due in part to the heavy rain. 在某种程度上讲

The failure of the project was due, in part, to his lack of leadership.
be/feel at home 感到无拘束
They were friendly and kind and I felt at home immediately. 他们很友好和气,我立即就感到无拘无束了。
They feel at home with each other.
他俩之间熟不拘礼 。
be content with 对...感到满足
He's content with what he has.
He is not content with his present situation and hopes to improve it. 他对自己目前的情况不满,希望能加以改善。
a wealth of 大量的,丰富的
There is a wealth of useful information in the document. 文件中有大量有用的信息。
He has a wealth of teaching experience.
after all
1. 终究;最终还是
He passed the exam after all.
He wrote to say they couldn't give me a job after all.
She can't understand. After all, she's only two. 她是不会明白的。别忘了,她只有两岁。
Don't work too hard. After all, work is not everything.工作别太辛苦了;毕竟工作不是生活的全部。
be infected with 感染(疾病)
The whole class were infected with the virus. 全班都感染上了这种病毒。
He had become infected with AIDS from an improperly sterilized needle. 由于使用了消毒不当的针头,他感染上了艾滋病。
in place of 代替
William talked at the meeting in place of the manager who was sick.
In addition, students may offer a dissertation in place of one of the above courses.
suffer from 受...之苦,患(某种疾病)
Kevin is suffering from depression.
Dewey had been in hospital for several weeks suffering from malaria.
hand out 分发,散发
She plans to hand out gifts at a children's hospital tomorrow.
A boy was standing by the road, handing out leaflets.一个小男孩站在路边散发传单。
set up 建立,创立(公司、机构等)
Kate and her partner are setting up their own printing business.
He wants to set up a software company.

at risk 有危险,有风险
Millions of lives are at risk because of food shortages.
Accidents in the home are extremely common, and elderly people are most at risk. 家庭事故非常常见,而老年人面临的危险最大。
regardless of 不顾,不管
All men

are born equal regardless of race or color.
Regardless of the weather, we have to go.
guard against 防止...发生
The coach reminded us to guard against over-confidence.
Use sunscreen on your skin to guard against skin cancer.
为了防止皮肤癌,要涂上防晒霜。 wipe out 彻底摧毁;消灭
The whole village was wiped out by the floods. 洪水摧毁了整个村庄。
We wish to wipe out poverty.
distract sb. from sth. 使分心
The music soon distracted the boy from his homework. 音乐很快就让这个男孩不能专心做家庭作业了。
He's easily distracted from any writing that isn't creative.
sign up for 报名参加
Her teacher encouraged her to sign up for the English speech contest.
He signed up for the course to improve his French. 为了提高法语水平,他报了个班。
in haste 匆忙地
They went off in haste.
Don't act in haste. 做事不要太匆忙。
call sb. names 骂某人
It is impolite to call other's names.
They called me names because I was slow.
have a shot at sth.
I'll have a shot at the puzzle.
He decided to have a shot at writing it himself.他决定尝试自己写。
take first place 获得第一名
He took first place in the high jump.
He shocked the world by taking first place in the competition.
他比赛得了第一, 震惊了全世界。
for fear (that) 担心,生怕
I left an hour earlier for fear that I would miss the train.
He ran away for fear that she would kill him. 他害怕自己会被她杀害,就跑掉了。
start with 从...开始
The meeting started with the visiting professor's speech.
If I were you, I would start with the easy questions.
head to 去;去往
She turned left, heading to the supermarket. 她左转弯,直往超市走去。
It's about time we were heading to the hotel where we are to be put up.
make the rounds 逐一巡查、访问
The watchman makes the rounds of the building. 看守人在大楼里走来走去地查看。
The postman is making the rounds of houses to find out to whom the letter belongs.
go with 与...相配
Mary's blue dress goes well with her shoes. 玛丽的蓝色衣服与她的鞋十

I'm not sure whether those earrings will go with your dress.
look sb. in the eye(s) 坦然正视某人
Can you look me in the eye and say you didn't steal it? 你敢正视着我说没有偷这个吗?
He dared not look her in the eyes.
at the sound of 一听到
They danced at the sound of music.
At the sound of footsteps, the thief ran away. 听到脚步声,小偷就跑了。
nothing but 只是
I could see nothing but your shoulder.
The girl longs for nothing but a red skirt.
be/feel ashamed of
He was ashamed of having lied to her.
She felt so ashamed of cheating on the test that she went and told the teacher.
boast about/of 吹嘘
He boasts of owning a digital camera.
He's always boasting about how clever his children are.
stay away from 避开
The sign warns people to stay away from the dangerous building.
Stay away from my daughter!" She said to the young man.
stay at 停留在
He decided to stay at his job as a trashman for another two years. 他决定再当两年垃圾工。
I'll stay at the bus stop while you go and see if there's a bus coming.
contrary to 与...相反
Contrary to what the fans had expected, the football team lost.
He's actually very nice, contrary to what people say about him.
look down on/upon 蔑视;看不起
Women have grown tired of being looked down on by employers.
She looks down on anyone who hasn't had a college education.
be in for 将遭遇
It looks as if we're in for some bad weather. 看样子我们要有坏天气了。
He'll be in for a shock when he gets the bill. 他收到账单时准要吃一惊。
hold water 经得起考验;可靠
His explanation of where he got the money just doesn't hold water.
There are times when this theory just does not hold water. 有时候,这一理论不管用。
leave behind 忘记带;留下
I've left the tickets behind.
Did anybody leave a dictionary behind last night? 昨晚谁忘了拿词典?
die of 死于
No one could save her and she finally died of the

His mother died of cancer when he was 10 years old.他10岁时母亲死于癌症。
care for
1. 看护,照顾
I am glad to see that you are being well cared for. 看到你得到很好的照顾,我很高兴。
He thanked the nurses who had cared for him while he was sick.

I don't really care for tea; I like coffee better. 我并不那么喜欢喝茶,我更喜欢喝咖啡。
Would you care for another drink?
stay up 熬夜
Please don't stay up for me, I may be back late. 不要熬夜等我,我可能很晚才回来。
Kate stayed up all night by his bedside.
straighten out
I hope the misunderstanding will soon be straightened out.我希望误解很快就能消除。
There are several financial problems that need to be straightened out quickly.
and all that 等等,诸如此类
When I was young, I was crazy about judo, karate, kungfu, and all that. 我小时候非常喜欢柔道、空手道、功夫之类的东西。
By cereals we mean wheat, oats, barley, and all that. 我们说谷类,指的是小麦、燕麦、大麦之类的东西。
pick out 认出
Try to pick me out in this old photograph.
I bet you he can pick her out of a crowd of people.
ask around 到处打听
If you want to know about the dean of the school, ask around.
I'll ask around to see if I can find you a place to stay.
face to face (with)
1. 面对面的/地
I'd like to meet him face to face someday; I've heard so much about him. 我已听到了很多关于他的情况,很想有一天能见见他。
Actually, I've never met her face to face.
What would you do if you were face to face with so many difficulties?
It was the first time he'd ever come face to face with death.
pull into (车)停靠,驶向(一旁)
He pulled into the small parking lot.
The train pulled into the branch line station. 这列火车缓缓驶进了支线车站。
as if 好像
He behaved as if nothing had happened.
It sounds as if she's been really ill.
attach... to... 系在...上,连接到...上
There was a message attached to the flowers. 随花一起送来一张便条。
He attached a check to the order

have mercy on sb. 对某人仁慈
Have mercy on me! 可怜可怜我吧!
She appealed to the judge to have mercy on her husband. 她请求法官宽恕她丈夫。
get to one's feet 站起来
At the end of the game, the whole crowd got to their feet and cheered wildly. 比赛结束时,整个人群都站起来疯狂地欢呼。
He got to his feet and stood gazing at her.
look through 浏览;查找
I'll look through my notes but I don't think I have a record of his name. 我会浏览一下笔记,但我觉得我没有记下他的名字。
He asked me to look through the article for any spelling mistakes. 他叫我把文章检查一下,看有没有什么拼写错误。
out of control 失去控制
The situation was out of control, and fighting broke out. 局势已失去了控制,发生了打斗。
The fire was out of control.
eat (away) at 侵蚀;消耗
The sea has been eating away at this shore for centuries.
His gambling was eating away at his income. 他的赌博正慢慢耗尽他的收入。
be immune to
Most adults are immune to this disease.
The press had criticized her so often that in the end she was immune to it.报纸经常批评她,到最后这些批评对她不起作用了。
believe in 相信...的存在;信任
She used to say she didn't believe in marriage. 她过去常说她不相信婚姻。
I don't believe in miracles. 我不相信奇迹。
be capable of 有能力(做)
No one is capable of learning a foreign language within months.
I think you are capable of doing the job.
be intended for打算供...之用;为...而准备
This course is intended for students interested in classical music. 这门课程是为对古典音乐感兴趣的学生开设的。
The room is intended for the professor who will give a speech for us tomorrow.
hear of 听说,得知
We didn't hear of the news.
I've heard of him, but I've never read anything by him. 我听说过他,可是从来没有读过他写的任何东西。
at the sight of 一看见
She always faints at the sight of blood.
He stopped at the sight of me.
live with 忍受,容忍
Whether you like the new rule or not, you have to live with it. 无论你喜欢与否,你都得容忍这一新的规定。
You must live with the fact that you are no longer as strong as you were.

sleep on sth.
I'll sleep on the matter, and write to you tomorrow. 这件事容我再考虑一下, 明天我给你书面回复。
We will have to sleep on his invitation until we know whether we will be free Sunday night. 我们得先看看星期天晚上是否有空, 然后才能决定是否接受他的邀请。
a gift from the gods 天赐;走运的机会
The old man said his young wife is a gift from the gods.
Having you join us was a gift from the gods. 你能加入我们是上天所赐。
depend on 依靠,依赖
His decision will depend on how much money we can raise. 他将根据我们能筹集到的款项的多少来作决定。
His success depended on effort and ability.
write down 写下来
Write your idea down while it's clear in your mind. 趁你还没忘, 把你的想法写下来。
Write down what you still remember.
be occupied with 忙于做,专心于
Don't interrupt Father while he's occupied with his newspaper.
I had forgotten all about it because I had been so occupied with other things. 我把这件事全忘了, 因为其他事把我忙得够呛。
seek for 寻找
We should never seek for fame or position.
This is just what I have long sought for.

as though 好像
Everything went on as usual as though nothing had happened.
一切照常进行, 好像什么也没发生过似的。
This equipment operated as though it had been repaired.
take shape 成形
Plans for our vacation are beginning to take shape. 我们的假期计划开始成形了。
The new building is beginning to take shape. 这座新楼盖得渐渐有个样子了。
put into (以... 方式) 表达
Though they could not have put it into words, their dislike of him was that he did not wear uniform. 他们不喜欢他不穿制服, 虽然他们没能把这说出来。
I could not, no matter how I tried, put my feelings into words or make others understand me. 不管我怎么做, 我就是无法用语言来表达我的感情, 或让别人理解我。
at work 在起作用
We don't know what forces are at work behind the scenes.
The powerful economic and social forces are at work behind our own actions.
arrive at 达成 (协议),得出 (结论)
Finally, they arrived at an agreement.
It took us hours to arrive at a decision.
search for 搜索,寻找
They were searchin

g for the missing man.
The policemen are searching for the survivors of the plane crash.
fill sb. with sth. 使充满 (感情)
The music fills me with memories.
My father's work filled me with wonder and curiosity.
right away 立刻
I am going there right away.
I have something to say to you right away.
act on / upon 依照...行动
The lawyer will act on your instructions.
The group acted upon the statements the researchers made.
come one's way
Take advantage of the opportunities coming your way. 有机会时要好好利用它。
I'm waiting for a big break to come my way. 我希望好运降临在我身上。
fall asleep 睡着
He fell asleep soon after he turned off the light. 他关上灯很快就睡着了。
Her three-year-old daughter fell asleep while we talked.
take advantage of
I took advantage of the moment to leave the room. 我利用这个时机离开了屋子。
The students took advantage of the fine weather to play tennis.
2.. (不公正地)利用某人
The thief took advantage of her innocence.
The robber took advantage of the old woman's kindness by cheating her to open the door.
bring sb. together 使聚在一起;使联合
We brought the researchers together to finish the project.
The event is unique in bringing together people of common interest.
lead to 引发,导致
The driver's carelessness led to the accident. 驾驶员的粗心大意导致了这场车祸。
His ignorance led to his failure.
at once 同时
Don't eat and talk at once.
I can't do two things at once.
set (sth.) in motion 使...运转起来;启动
Pull this handle to set the machine in motion. 拉动这个手柄就可以使机器运转起来。
The discovery set in motion a new round of searching for the missing boy. 那个发现开始了又一轮寻找失踪男孩的过程。
back and forth 来回,前后
Someone was pacing back and forth behind the curtain. 有人在幕布后踱来踱去。
She walked back and forth along the shore of the sea, anxiously waiting for the fishing boats to return. 她沿着海岸走来走去, 焦急地等待着渔船的返回。
take up 开始从事

He took up art while at school.
When he left school he took up news writing. 他毕业后开始从事新闻写作。
stand out 突出;出色
He stood out in terms of competence from all his fellows.从能力而言,他胜过他的同伴。
From the quotes on previous pages, only one stood out as surprising.在前面所引用的内容中,只有一条引用十分出色,令人惊讶。
no matter how/where/what, etc. 不管怎样(哪里,什么等)
No matter how hard I try I cannot seem to catch up on all the bills.
No matter what the request, as long as it's legal, don't hesitate to ask.
turn in 上交
Have you all turned in your homework assignments?你们把作业都交了么?
Now we wait for them to turn in their contracts.现在我们等着他们交合同。
with ease 容易地,不费力地
The task was accomplished with comparative ease任务完成得比较轻松。
It is a cancer that can be cured with relative ease.这种癌症可以比较容易地治愈。
sit back 闲坐着;不作努力
They sit back and let others do the work.
If you give them a new idea they will sit back and say that it won't work.如果你出了新主意,他们会不积极,还会说这法子不管用。
get behind 拖延
Once you get behind in class, it's difficult to catch up.
一旦落后于班上的进度, 就难以赶上。
She can always catch up later if she gets behind.如果落后了,她后来总能赶上。
get sth. out of the way 完成或处理某事
I can't wait to get all this housework out of the way.我巴不得把所有的家务活赶快做完。
strike sb. as sth. 给某人某种感觉或印象
Connie suddenly struck her as a logical candidate.
He struck me as a very serious person.
have to do with 与...有关
I don't know what he does exactly, but I know it has something to do with computer.
The question doesn't have anything to do with the main topic.这一问题与主题没有关系。
plow through 艰难地完成
You've got to plough through the newspaper.你得坚持把报纸看完。
Researchers have plowed through 16,000 different pieces of statistical reports.研究者已查阅了1,6000多份各种各样的统计报告。
adapt to (使)适应
You've got to be willing to adapt yourself to the modern city life.
These trees adapted themselves more easily to the red earth of this region.
catch phrase 流

coin a catch phrase撰出一句流行语
drop out 中途退出;辍学
Some successful people managed to gain fame and fortune even though they dropped out of school.有些成功人士虽然曾中途辍学,但后来还是事业有成,名利双收。
The criminal was an 18-year-old inner-city kid who dropped out of high school.罪犯是个18岁的孩子,来自内城区,高中辍学。
figure out 想出;理解;明白
It took them a whole day to figure out how to start the equipment.他们花了整整一天才琢磨出如何启用这台设备。
Try to figure out what feeling underlies your anger.要尽力弄明白你怒火之下的感受。
would rather... than... 宁愿...不愿...
We would rather have no help at all than continue to do that. 我们宁愿完全得不到援助也不愿再继续干下去。
He would rather lose his job than give up his principles.
care about 关心
We teased him because all he cared about was birds.我们奚落他一心牵挂着鸟儿。
I'm curious to see if there really is another person in this world you care about.
as to 至于;关于
As to me, I totally agree with her.
There is some doubt as to whether the information is totally accurate.

page through 翻看;浏览
Seth was paging through a book.
My son was busy paging through the brochure for George Washington University.我儿子正忙着翻阅乔治?华盛顿大学的宣传册。
end up 以...结束;最终达到
You end up as just a footnote in his autobiography.在他的自传里,你最后只不过是个无足轻重的人物而已。
He didn't want to end up a mean and ignorant man like his father.他不想最终成为像他父亲那样一个吝啬无知的人。
as long as 只要
It's acceptable as long as it's not too dangerous.只要不是太危险,这是可以接受的。
You can look as long as you don't touch.
do with 利用;处置
I don't know what to do with this strange object.我不知道这怪东西怎么用。
What are you doing to do with the robber?
middle ground 中间道路;折中
The negotiators could find no middle ground. 会谈者没有寻找到中间道路。
You have to decide either to stay at home or to go out with me. There is no middle ground.
sell out (to) 出卖(原则或信念等)
They spoke of people who had sold out to the enemy. 他们提到了那些背叛投敌的人。
The leaders of the trade union were charged with selling out to the managers. 工会领导被

at hand
What he said has nothing to do with the question at hand.
Peter turned his attention to the task at hand. 彼德将注意力转向手上的工作。

Having the right equipment at hand will be very helpful.
Don't worry; help is at hand!
in short supply 缺货;短缺
Fresh water is in short supply. 缺少淡水。
These goods are in short supply; therefore, the price will be high.
the bottom line 重要因素;关键的东西
The bottom line is that it's not making any money. 关键是这不赚钱。
The bottom line is that it did not get the best out of everybody.
demand of 期待;要求
She demands little of others but much of herself.
Some parents demand too much of their children. 有些家长对孩子要求太高。
stand for
1. 主张;支持
This party stands for equal treatment in employment and fair trading.
This decision goes against everything I stand for. 这个决定与我所主张的相违背。
The pigeon stands for peace.
鸽子象征和平 。
What does ATM stand for? ATM代表什么?
confront with 面对;对质
Fearless hunters confront wild animals with bravery. 胆大的猎人勇敢地面对野兽。
When the police confronted her with the evidence, she admitted that she was guilty.
think of
1. 考虑;为...设想
I was thinking particularly of the children when I chose the house.
You are always thinking of other people.
2. 想起;回忆起
On her way to school Sandy thought of her brother Bill.
I can't think of the name of the song.
do fine 干得好
I'm doing fine in the school.
Don't worry, you're doing fine.
give sb. credit 赞扬
He was given credit for his work.
Everybody in the team was given credit for their excellent performance. 队里的每一个人都因为出色的表现得到了赞扬。
in other words 换言之
The flight was cancelled for the bad weather; in other words, we couldn't attend their wedding. 航班因为天气不好而取消了,换言之,我们不能参加他们的婚礼了。
The traveling library services have been reorganized; in other words, they visit f

ewer places. 流动图书服务得到了调整。换言之,他们服务的地方减少了。
win the day 获胜;成功
Common sense won the day, and the plans were dropped.
On this occasion the strikers won the day and were given a pay increase of 20%.
for free 免费
This card can enable you to watch movies for free in this cinema. 有了这张卡,你就可以在这家影院免费看电影。
People over 60 years old can use public transportation for free.
hand over 递交
John handed his card over to the manager.
Hand over your exercises the day after
tomorrow. 后天交作业。
do the trick 达到目的
Sometimes a few words will do the trick.
That seemed to do the trick, or at least he thought so.
hail as 称赞为
They hailed it as a work of art.
She's being hailed as one of the most promising young dancing stars today. 她被赞誉为当今最有前途的青年舞蹈明星之一。
a little bit 有点
He looks a little bit like his cousin.
Is that a little bit tough? 这是不是有点儿难?
be inclined to 倾向于;容易(做)
I'm inclined to get tired. 我容易疲劳。
He's inclined to accept my invitation.
sort of 有几分;近似
I'm sort of tired. 我有点累。
Isn't it sort of foolish to loan money to a cheat? 把钱借给骗子不是有点傻吗?
be a question of sth(重要的)是...的问题
It is a question of whether they are good at managing.
I would love to come, but it's a question of time. 我想来,只是有个时间的问题。
make the most of sth. 充分利用某物
He told the students to make the most of the opportunity to study.
He didn't do well because he didn't make the most of his ability.


fall behind 落在...后面
She hurt her ankle and fell behind the others.
His mother was chatting and didn't notice that he had fallen behind. 他妈妈一直在和别人聊天,都没发现他落在了后面。
result in 导致;造成...的结果
Our efforts resulted in success.
If left untreated, the condition will eventually result in blindness.
run out
1. 用完;耗尽
Their supplies soon ran out.
We must act

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