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ASIC: Application Specific Integrated Circuit. 专用IC

CPLD: Complex Programmable Logic Device. 复杂可编程逻辑器件

EDA: Electronic Design Automation. 电子设计自动化

FPGA: Field Programmable Gate Array. 现场可编程门阵列

GAL: Generic Array Logic. 通用阵列逻辑

HDL: Hardware Description Language. 硬件描述语言

IP: Intelligent Property. 智能模块

PAL: Programmable Array Logic. 可编程阵列逻辑

RTL: Register Transfer Level. 寄存器传输级描述)

SOC: System On a Chip. 片上系统

SLIC: System Level IC. 系统级IC

VHDL: Very high speed integrated circuit Hardware Description Language. 超高速集成电路硬件描述语言



Application-Specific Integrated Circuit. A piece of custom-designed hardware

in a chip.专用集成电路。一个在一个芯片上定制设计的硬件。

address bus (地址总线)

A set of electrical lines connected to the processor and all of the peripher

als withwhich itcommunicates. The address bus is used by the processor to select aspecific memory location or register within a particular peripheral. If the address bus contains n electrical lines, the processor can uniquely address up to 2^n such locations.一个连接处理器与所有外设的,用来通讯的电子线路集。地址总线被处理器用来选择在特定外设中的存储器地址或寄存器。如果地址总线有n条电子线路,处理器能唯一寻址高达2^n的地址空间。

application software(应用软件)

Describes software modules specific to a particular embedded project. The application softwar e is unlikely to be reusable across embedded platforms, simply because each embedded system has a different application.



A software development tool that translates human-readable assembly language programs int o machine-language instructions that the processor can understandand execute.


assembly language(汇编语言)

A human-readable form of a processor"s instruction set. Most processor-specific functions mu st be written in assembly language.




See board support package.

见board support package。

binary semaphore(二元信号)

A type of semaphore with just two states. Also called a mutex.


board support package(板卡支持包)

Part of a software package that is processor or platform-dependent. Typicall

y,sample source code for the board support package is provided by the package developer. The sample code must be modified as necessary, compiled, and linked with the remainder of the software package.


bond-out processor (外合处理器)

A special version of a processor that has some of the internal signals brought out to externa l pins. A bond-out processor is most often found within an emulator and is never intended to b e used in a production system.


A location in a program at which execution is to be stopped and control of the processor sw itched to the debugger. Mechanisms for creating and removing

breakpoints are provided by most debugging tools.





Complex Instruction Set Computer. Describes the architecture of a processor family. CISC pr ocessors generally feature variable-length instructions, multiple addressing formats, and contain on ly a small number of general-purpose registers. Intel"s 80x86 family is the quintessential exa mple of CISC. Contrast with RISC.



Central Processing Unit. The part of a processor that executes instructions.



A software development tool that translates high-level language programs into the machine-la nguage instructions that a particular processor can understand and execute.


context (上下文)

The current state of the processor"s registers and flags.


context switch(上下文切换)

The process of switching from one task to another in a multitasking operating system. A con text switch involves saving the context of the running ask and restoring the previously-saved cont ext of the other. The piece of code that does this is necessarily processor-specific.


A type of semaphore that is used to track multiple resources of the same typ

e. An attempt to take a counting semaphore is blocked only if all of the ava

ilable resources are in use. Contrast with binary semaphore.


critical section(临界段)

A block of code that must be executed in sequence and without interruption

to guarantee correct operation of the software. See also race condition.




A compiler that runs on a different platform than the one for which it produces object code.

A cross-compiler runs on a host computer and produces object code for the target.




Direct Memory Access. A technique for transferring data directly between two peripherals (us ually memory and an I/O device) with only minimal intervention by the processor. DMA transfers are managed by a third peripheral called a DMA controller.



Dynamic Random-Access Memory. A type of RAM that maintains its contents only as long a s the data stored in the device is refreshed at regular intervals.

The refresh cycles are usually performed by a peripheral called a DRAM controller.


Data bus(数据总线)

als with which it communicates. When the processor wants to read (write) the

contents of a memory location or register within a particular peripheral, it sets the address bus pins appropriately and receives (transmits) the contents on the data bus.



The time at which a particular set of computations must be completed. See also real-time sy stem.一个特定计算必须被完成的时间。请看实时系统。


An unwanted software situation in which an entire set of tasks is blocked, w aiting for an event that only a task within the same set can cause. If a deadlock occurs, the only solution is to reset the hardware. However, it is usually possible to prevent deadlocks altogether by followin g certain software design practices.


debug monitor(除错监视程序)

A piece of embedded software that has been designed specifically for use as a debugging t ool. It usually resides in ROM and communicates with a debugger via a serial port or network c onnection. The debug monitor provides a set of primitive commands to view and modify memory locations and registers, create and remove breakpoints, and execute your program. The debugger combines these primitives to fulfill higher-level requests like program download and single-step.



A software development tool used to test and debug embedded software. The debugger runs on a host computer and connects to the target through a serial port or network connection. Usi ng a debugger you can download software to the target for immediate execution. You can also s


device driver(设备驱动程序)

A software module that hides the details of a particular peripheral and prov

ides a high-level programming interface to it.


device programmer(设备编程器)

A tool for programming non-volatile memories and other electrically-programmable devices. Ty pically, the programmable device is inserted into a socket on the device programmer and the con tents of a memory buffer are then transferred into it.


digital signal processor(数字信号处理器)

A device that is similar to a microprocessor, except that the internal CPU has been optimize d for use in applications involving discrete-time signal processing. In addition to standard micropr ocessor instructions, DSPs usually support a set of complex instructions to perform common sign al-processing com putations https://www.doczj.com/doc/e116341845.html,mon DSP families are TI"s 320Cxx and Motorola"s 5600 x series.

一种类似于微处理器的的设备,不同的是它内部的CPU被优化,用于特定的应用,如离散信号处理。除了标准的微处理器指令外,DSP常常支持复杂指令集去非常快地完成通用的信号处理计算。通用DSP 家庭是TI的320Cxx和Motorola的5600x系列。



Electrically Erasable, Programmable Read-Only Memory. (Pronounced"Double-E"-PROM.) A ty pe of ROM that can be erased electronically.



Erasable, Programmable Read-Only Memory. A type of ROM that can be erased by exposin



embedded system(嵌入式系统)

A combination of computer hardware and software, and perhaps additional mechanical or oth er parts, designed to perform a dedicated function. In some cases, embedded systems are part

of a larger system or product, as is the case

of an anti-lock braking system in a car. Contrast with general-purpose computer.



Short for In-Circuit Emulator (ICE). A debugging tool that takes the placeof

-emulates-the processor on your target board. Emulators frequently incorporate a special "bon d-out" version of the target processor that allows you to observe and record its internal state as your program is executing. 在线仿真器的简写。一个在你的目标板上放置仿真的处理器的调试工具。仿真器经常和一目标处理器的一种“外合”版本合在一起,这个版本的的处理器充许你运行程序时观察和记录它的内部状态。


A file containing object code that is ready for execution on the target. All

that remains is to place the object code into a ROM or download it via a de

bugging tool. 一个包含准备在目标机上运行的目标代码的文件。放置目标代码到ROM中或通过调试工具下载。



Embedded software that is stored as object code within a ROM. This name is most common among the users of digital signal processors.


flash memory (闪存)

A RAM-ROM hybrid that can be erased and rewritten under software control. Such devices a re divided into blocks, called sectors, that are individually-er

w cost. In some cases, a large fash memory may even be used instead of a disk-drive.



general-purpose computer(通用计算机)

A combination of computer hardware and software that serves as a

general-purpose computing platform. For example, a personal computer. Contrast with embed ded system.




See high-level language.



An area of memory that is used for dynamic memory allocation. Calls to malloc and free an d the C++ operators new and delete result in run-time manipulation of the heap.


high-level language(高级语言)

A language, such as C or C++, that is processor-independent. When programming in a high-level language, it is possible to concentrate on algorithms and applications without worrying about the details of a particular processor.



A general-purpose computer that communicates with the target via a serial port or network c onnection. This term is usually used to distinguish the compu ter on which the debugger is ru nning from the embedded system that is being developed.





In-Circuit Emulator. See emulator.



Input/Output. The interface between a processor and the world around it. The simplest exam ples are switches (inputs) and LEDs (outputs).


I/O device(IO设备)

A piece of hardware that interfaces between the processor and the ou tside world. Common e xamples are switches and LEDs, serial ports, and network controllers.


I/O map(I/O映射)

A table or diagram containing the name and address range of each peripheral addressable b y the processor within the I/O space. I/O maps are a helpful aid in getting to know the target.


I/O space(I/O空间)

A special memory region provided by some processors and generally reserved for the attach ment of I/O devices. Memory locations and registers within an I/O space can be accessed only v ia special instructions. For example, processors in the 80x86 family have special I/O space instru ctions called in and out. Contrast with memory space.

一个由处理器提供的特殊内存区域,一般为为I/O设备的附件保留。在I/O空间的内存位置和寄存器只能通过特殊的指定进行访问。例如:80X86家族的处理器有叫做in / out的特殊的I/O空间指令。相对内存空间而言。


See interrupt service routine.

A register in the processor that contains the address of the next instructio

n to be executed. Also known as a program counter.



An asynchronous electrical signal from a peripheral to the processor. When the peripheral as serts this signal, we say that an interrupt occurs. When an interrupt occurs, the current state of the processor is saved and an interrupt service routine is executed. When the interrupt service routine exits, control of the processor is returned to whatever part of the software was previousl y running.


interrupt latency(中断延迟)

The amount of time between the assertion of an interrupt and the start of th

e associated interrupt service routine.


interrupt service routine(中断服务程序)

A piece of software executed in response to a particular interrupt.


interrupt type(中断类型)

A unique number associated with each interrupt.


interrupt vector (中断向量)

The address of an interrupt service routine.


interrupt vector table(中断向量表)

A table containing interrupt vectors and indexed by interrupt type. This table contains the pro cessor"s mapping between interrupts and interrupt service routines and must be initialized by th e programmer.


intertask communication(进程间通讯)

A mechanism used by tasks and interrupt service routines to share information and synchroni ze their access to shared resources. The most common building blocks of intertask communicatio n are semaphores and mutexes.




An essential part of any multitasking operating system, the kernel contains

just the scheduler and context-switch routine.




A software development tool that accepts one or more object files as input a nd outputs a relocatable program. The linker is thus run after all of the s ource files have been compiled or as sembled.




A software development tool that assigns physical addresses to the elocatab le program pro duced by the linker. This is the last s tep in the preparation of software for execution by an emb edded system and the resulting file is called an executable. In some cases, the locator"s function may be hidden with in the linker.


logic analyzer(逻辑分析仪)

A hardware debugging tool that can be used to capture the logic levels (0 or

1) of dozens, or even hundreds, of electrical signals in real-time. Logic analyzers can be qu



memory map(内存映射)

A table or diagram containing the name and address range of each peripheral addressable b y the processor within the memory space. Memory maps are a helpful aid in getting to know the target.


memory-mapped I/O(内存映射I/O)

An increasingly common hardware design methodology in which I/O devices are placed i nto t he memory space rather than the I/O space. From the processor"s point of view, memory-mappe d I/O devices look very much like memory devices.


memory space(内存空间)

A processor"s standard address space. Contrast with I/O space.



A microcontroller is very similar to a microprocessor. The main difference is that a microcontr oller is designed specifically for use in embedded systems Microcontrollers typically include a CP U, memory (a small amount of RAM and/or ROM), and other peripherals on the same chip. Com mon examples are the 8051, Intel"s 80196, and Motorola"s 68HCxx series.



A piece of silicon containing a general-purpose CPU. The most common examples are Intel"s 80x86 and Motorola"s 680x0 families.


In the context of this book, a debug monitor. However, there is a second meaning for this w ord that is associated with intertask communication. In that context, a monitor is a language-level synchronization feature.



The use of more than one processor in a single computer system. So-called "multiprocessor systems" usually have a common memory space through which the processors can communicate and share data. In addition, some multiprocessor systems support parallel processing.


Multitasking (多任务)

The execution of multiple software routines in pseudo-parallel. Each routine

represents a separate "thread of execution" and is referred to as a task. The operating system is responsible for simulating parallelism by parceling out the processor"s time.



A data structure for mutual exclusion, also known as a binary semaphore. A mutex is basical ly just a multitasking-aware binary flag that can be used to

synchronize the activities of multiple tasks. As such, it can be used to protect critical sections of the code from interruption and shared resources from simultaneous use.


mutual exclusion(互斥现象)

A guarantee of exclusive access to a shared resource. In embedded systems, the shared res ource is typically a block of memory, a global variable, or a set of registers. Mutual exclusion ca n be achieved with the use of a semaphore or mutex.




Non-V olatile Random-Access Memory. A type of RAM that retains its data even when the sy stem is powered down. NVRAM frequently consists of an SRAM and a long-life battery.

非易失的随机访问存储器。一种能在系统关机的情况下保持它的数据的RAM。NVRAM常常由SRAM 和长寿命电池组成。



See one-time programmable.

object code(目标代码)

A set of processor-readable opcodes and data. The output of compilers,assemblers, linkers, a nd locators are files containing object code.


object file(目标文件)

A file containing object code. The output of a compiler or assembler.


one-time programmable(一次可编程的)

Any programmable device, like a PROM, that can be programmed just once by th

e end user. However, this term is used almost exclusively to refer to microc ontrollers wit h on-chip PROM.



A sequence of bits that is recognized by the processor as one of the instruc

tions in its instruction set.


operating system(操作系统)

pically consists of a set of function calls, or software interrupts, and a periodic clock tick. The op erating system is responsible for deciding which tas k should be using the processor at a given ti me and for controlling access to shared resources.



A hardware debugging tool that allows you to view the voltage on one or more electrical line s. For example, you might use an oscilloscope to determine if a particular interrupt is currently a sserted.




Programmable Read-Only Memory. A type of ROM that can be written (programmed) with a device programmer. These memory devices can be programmed only once, so they are sometim es referred to as write-once or one-time programmable devices.


parallel processing(并行进程)

The ability to apply two or more processors to a single computation.


Peripheral (外设)

A piece of hardware other than the processor, usually memory or an I/O device. The periphe ral may reside within the same chip as the processor, in which case it is called an internal perip heral.


physical address(物理地址)

The actual address that is placed on the address bus when accessing a memory location or



A scheduler is said to be preemptive if it allows the running task to be sus

pended when a higher-priority task becomes ready. Non-preemptive schedulers are easier to implement but less appropriate for embedded systems.



A method of interfacing with hardware that involves repeatedly reading a status register until the device has reached the awaited state. Device drivers are either polling or interrupt-driven, with the latter being more generally preferred.



The relative importance of one task compared to another.


priority inversion(优先转置)

An unwanted software situation in which a high-priority task is delayed while waiting for acce ss to a shared resource that is not even being used at the time. For all practical purposes, the priority of this task has been lowered during the delay period.



A word that is often confused with task or thread. The crucial distinction is that all of the tas ks in a system share a common memory space. Processes, on the other hand, always have thei r own private memory space. Processes are common in multi-user systems but are rarely, if ever, found in embedded systems.



A generic term that does not distinction between microprocessor, microcontroller, and digital s ignal processor.


processor family(处理器族)

A set of related processors, usually successive generations from the same manufacturer. For example, Intel"s 80x86 family began with the 8086 and now in

cludes the 80186, 286, 386, 486, Pentium, and many others. The later models

in a family are typically backwards-compatible with the ones that came before.

一个相关的处理器集,常常连续地从一个生产商产生。例如:Intel"s 80x86族开始从8086开始,现在有80186, 286, 386, 486, Pentium及其他。在一个族中,稍后的产品典型地向后兼容在它以前生产的产品。


A piece of software that is independent of the processor on which it wi ll be

run. Most programs that can be written in a high-level language are processor-independent. Contrast with processor-specific.



A piece of software that is highly dependent on the processor on which it wi ll be run. Suc h code must usually be written in assembly language. Contrast with processor-independent.

一个高度依赖处理器的软件,在上其才能运行。一些代码必须用汇编语言编写。相对于处理器无关。我的嵌入式学习笔记(1)-- 搭建开发环境






#sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list

deb ftp://https://www.doczj.com/doc/e116341845.html,/mirror/ubuntu/ubuntu/





# sudo apt-get update




# sudo apt-get install vim

六、安装串口工具minicom 或kermit (本人喜欢使用kermit)

# sudo apt-get install minicom

#sudo apt-get install ckermic


#cd ~ 进入用户目录

#vim .kermrc


set line /dev/ttyS0 #如果使用的是USB串口这里是/dev/ttyUSB0

set speed 115200

set carrier-watch off

set handshake none

set flow-control none


set file type bin

set file name lit

set rec pack 1000

set send pack 1000

set window 5


#sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server


# sudo mkdir -p /nfsroot/myfs

# sudo chmod 777 /nfsroots

# sudo vi /etc/exports

/nfsroot/myfs *(rw,async,no_root_squash)

# sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart


#sudo apt-get install tftp-hpa tftpd-hpa xinetd 配置:

# sudo mkdir -p /tftpboot

# sudo chmod 777 /tftpboot

# sudo vim /etc/xinetd.d/tftp


service tftp


disable = no

socket_type = dgram

protocol = udp

wait = yes

user = root

server = /usr/sbin/in.tftpd

server_args = -s /tftpboot

per_source = 11

cps = 100 2

flags = IPv4


# sudo /etc/init.d/xinetd restart


# sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev sharutils


. 质量管理体系中英文缩写与其解释Abbreviations and their explanations 缩写与其解释 Engineering 工程 / Process 工序(制程) 4M&1E Man, Machine, Method, Material, Environment 人,机器,方法,物料,环境- 可能导致或造成问 题的根本原因 AI Automatic Insertion 自动插机 ASSY Assembly 制品装配 ATE Automatic Test Equipment 自动测试设备 BL Baseline 参照点 BM Benchmark 参照点 BOM Bill of Material 生产产品所用的物料清单 C&ED/CAED Cause and Effect Diagram 原因和效果图 CA Corrective Action 解决问题所采取的措施 CAD Computer-aided Design 电脑辅助设计.用于制图和设计3维物体的软件CCB Change Control Board 对文件的要求进行评审,批准,和更改的小组CI Continuous Improvement 依照短期和长期改善的重要性来做持续改善COB Chip on Board 邦定-线焊芯片到PCB板的装配方法. CT Cycle Time 完成任务所须的时间 DFM Design for Manufacturability 产品的设计对装配的适合性 DFMEA Design Failure Mode and Effect Analysis 设计失效模式与后果分析--在设计阶段预测问题的发生的可能性并且对之采取措施 DFSS Design for Six Sigma 六西格玛(6-Sigma)设计 -- 设计阶段预测问题的发生的可能性并且对之采取措施并提高设计对装配的适合性 DFT Design for Test 产品的设计对测试的适合性 DOE Design of Experiment 实验设计-- 用于证明某种情况是真实的 DPPM Defective Part Per Million 根据一百万件所生产的产品来计算不良品的标准DV Design Verification / Design Validation 设计确认 ECN Engineering Change Notice 客户要求的工程更改或部所发出的工程更改文件ECO Engineering Change Order 客户要求的工程更改 ESD Electrostatic Discharge 静电发放-由两种不导电的物品一起摩擦而产生的静电可以破坏ICs和电子设备 FI Final Inspection 在生产线上或操作中由生产操作员对产品作最后检查 F/T Functional Test 测试产品的功能是否与所设计的一样 FA First Article / Failure Analysis 首件产品或首件样板/ 产品不良分析 FCT Functional Test 功能测试-检查产品的功能是否与所设计的一样FFF Fit Form Function 符合产品的装配,形状和外观及功能要求FFT Final Functional Test 包装之前,在生产线上最后的功能测试 FMEA Failure Mode and Effect Analysis 失效模式与后果分析-- 预测问题的发生可能性并且对之采取措施


工廠常用英文縮寫 PE: Products Engineer;生产工程 Process engineer 制程工程 TE: Test Engineer 测试工程 ME: Manufacturing Engineer;制造工程; Mechanical Engineer 机械工程 IE: Industrial Engineer 工业工程 DCC: Document Control Center 文管中心 BOM: Bill OF Material 材料清单 ECN: Engineering Change Notice 工程变动公告 TECN: Temporary Engineering Change Notice 工程临时变动公告ATY: Assembly Test Yield Total Yield 直通率

TPM: Total Productivity Maintenance PM: Product Manager; Project Manager ECR: Engineering Change Request 工程变更申请ECO: Engineering Change Order 工程变更指令EN: Engineering Notice 工程通报 WPS: Work Procedure Sheet 工作说明书 ICT: In Circuit Test 电路测试 P/R: pilot run;C/R control run T/R trial run 试做EVT: Engineer Verification Test 工程验证测试DVT: Design Verification Test 设计验证测试MVT:


阿里系各个概念英文缩写名词解释大全!!! GMV成交笔数:拍下的订单笔数,包括未付款的。 GMV成交金额:拍下的订单总金额,包括未付款的。支付宝成交笔数:通过支付宝付款的订单笔数。 支付宝成交金额:通过支付宝付款的订单总金额(不是指确认收货完成了交易,仅指买家完成了付款的动作,因此可能会因为退款,这个数值比商家实际收到的款项高)。支付宝使用率:支付宝成交金额/GMV成交金额(珠宝66%,饰品82%) 支付宝使用率的辅助参数:支付宝笔数/GMV笔数(当支付宝使用率很低时,可用此参数看是否正常(80%以上)。因为采用限时折扣相关促销工具时,支付宝收到的款项是折扣价,销售记录中显示的是原价,会导致二者比率过低。)IPV:itemPageView,商品详情页面打开数。 IPV_UV:商品详情页面访客数。在线商品数:在线的商品数量(SKU)。

购买UV:通过支付宝付款的访客数。 店铺UV:到达店铺任何页面的独立访客数。 店铺PV:PageView,店铺所有页面的总打开数。 佣金:根据扣点百分比,和当日商家支付宝实际收到的金额实时划扣的佣金金额(确认收货后,卖家支付宝账户实际收到的款项为准)转化率1: IPV_UV/ 店铺UV(到达店铺的访客,有多少进入了商品详情页面。) 体现店铺首页、自定义页、分类页是否具备足够的导购能力。转化率2: 购买UV/ IPV_UV(到达商品详情页面的独立访客,有多少付款购买。)体现店铺单品页面图片、描述等是否能刺激购买。 店铺转化率:购买UV/店铺UV(转化率1*转化率2:到达店铺任意页面的访客,有多少付款购买。目前珠宝平均1.39%;饰品平均3.18%。)客单价:


TPI-总性能指数(产奶量.乳脂率.体型三个重要性状加权后综合) BLUP-最佳线性无偏预测值(群体遗传进展的最佳统计方法) Test—Day Model 测定日模型(育种值) PTA-预期传递力、公牛育种值的1/2 (代表公牛育种值的高低) LPI-终生效益指数TEV-总经济价值STA -标准化遗传力ETA-估计传递力EBV-估计育种值EBVM-产奶量估计育种值EBVF-乳脂量估计育种值EBVP-乳蛋白量估计育种值EBVFC-外貌等级分估计育种值EBVFL-肢蹄估计育种值EBCMS-泌乳系统估计育种值ACF-平均分娩次数(LC胎次计数)H-牛群数D-女儿数(DAUS)R%-重复力(预期遗传力可靠性)A VG-平均值NM-效益净值PL-利用年限M-产奶量F-脂肪量P-蛋白量F%-乳脂率P%-乳蛋白率ME-产奶成年当量LACT-泌乳期DOC-产犊年龄DIM(DAYS)-产奶天数YR(AGE)-年龄2X(3X)-日挤奶2次或3次T-体型Conf-结构FC-最终级别FrC骨架(容积)MS-泌乳系统UD(UDC)-乳房综合指数FL(FLC)-肢蹄BD-体容积D-乳用性EX(E)-优秀VG(V)-优良GP-好加G-好F-一般P-差GM-公牛金牌GMD(DOM)-母牛金牌SP-超级生产奖ST-超级外貌奖EXTRA-特别奖(同时获得超级生产奖和超级外貌奖)ET-胚胎移植RC-红色基因携带者NDF-中性洗涤纤维ADF-酸性洗涤纤维EFNDF-有效中性洗涤纤维NFC-非纤维碳水化合物NSC-非结构性碳水化合物ME-奶牛成年平均产奶量TDN-总可消化养分DM-饲料干物质NE-净能NEL-产奶净能CP-粗蛋白质RDP-可降解蛋白质UDP-非降解蛋白质Ash -粗灰分Lactose-乳糖SNF-非脂固形物(非脂干物质) SCS-体细胞分


一:常用術語 Hon Hai 鴻海 CMM Component module move 機動元件整合 CEM Contract Manu faction service 合約委托代工 IBSC Internet Business Solution Center 國際互聯網應用中心 PCEG Personal Computer Enclosure group 個人電腦外設事業群(FOXTEQ)CCBG Connector& cable business group CPBG Competition business group ESBG Enterprise system business group 鴻富錦事業群 SABG system assembly business group 系統組裝事業群 NWE Net Work Enclosure NSE Network system enclosure NSG Network system group NFE Network flexible enclosure Foxcavity = HZ = Hong Zhun 鴻準 Stamping tool shop I 沖模一廠 Stamping tool shop II 沖模二廠 Prototype workshop 樣品中心 Steel factory 裁剪廠 PCE molding tooling workshop PCE塑模廠 Hua Nan test and measurement center 華南檢測中心 MPE mobile phone enclosure MPE MBE mobile phone and notebook enclosure 明塑厂 MGE Alloy magnesium alloy enclosure 鎂合金 Engineer standard 工標 Document center (database center)資料中心 Design Center 設計中心 Painting 烤漆(廠) Assembly組裝(廠) Stamping 沖壓(廠) Education and Training教育訓練 proposal improvement/creative suggestion提案改善 Technological exchange and study 技術交流研習會 Technology and Development Committee 技術發展委員會 BS Brain Storming 腦力激蕩 QCC Quality Control Circle 品質圈


DARPA :国防高级研究计划局 ARPARNET(Internet) :阿帕网 ICCC :国际计算机通信会议 CCITT :国际电报电话咨询委员会 SNA :系统网络体系结构(IBM) DNA :数字网络体系结构(DEC) CSMA/CD :载波监听多路访问/冲突检测(Xerox) NGI :下一代INTERNET Internet2 :第二代INTERNET TCP/IP SNA SPX/IPX AppleT alk :网络协议 NII :国家信息基础设施(信息高速公路) GII :全球信息基础设施 MIPS :PC的处理能力 Petabit :10^15BIT/S Cu芯片: :铜 OC48 :光缆通信 SDH :同步数字复用 WDH :波分复用 ADSL :不对称数字用户服务线 HFE/HFC:结构和Cable-modem 机顶盒 PCS :便携式智能终端 CODEC :编码解码器 ASK(amplitude shift keying) :幅移键控法 FSK(frequency shift keying) :频移键控法 PSK(phase shift keying) :相移键控法 NRZ (Non return to zero) :不归零制 PCM(pulse code modulation) :脉冲代码调制nonlinear encoding :非线性编程 FDM :频分多路复用 TDM :时分多路复用 STDM :统计时分多路复用 DS0 :64kb/s DS1 :24DS0 DS1C :48DS0 DS2 :96DS0 DS3 :762DS0 DS4 :4032DS0 CSU(channel service unit) :信道服务部件SONET/SDH :同步光纤网络接口 LRC :纵向冗余校验 CRC :循环冗余校验 ARQ :自动重发请求 ACK :确认 NAK :不确认


AVI 影音文件Audio Video Interleaved 声音图象交叉存取。AVI是一种微软媒体文件格式,类似于MPEG和QuickTime。在AVI中,声音和图象是交叉的存取在一个文件中的每个段的。 ADSL 非对称数字用户线路 非对称数字用户线路。这种DSL叫做非对称DSL,将成为广大家庭和小型商业客户最熟悉的一种DSL。ADSL之所以叫做非对称是因为它的两个双工通道都用来向用户传输数据。仅有很小一部分带宽用来回送用户的信息。然而,大部Internet 特别是富于图形和多媒体Web 数据需要很大的下传带宽,同时用户信息相对比较少,上传的带宽也不要很大。使用ADSL时,下传的速率可以达到6.1 Mbps,而上传速率也可以达到640 Kbps。高的下传速率意味着您的电话可以传输动画,声音和立体图形。另外,一小部分的带宽可以用来传输语音信号,您可以同时打电话而不用再使用第二条电话线。不象电视线路提供的相同的服务,使用ADSL,您不需要和您的邻居争用带宽。有时候,现有的电话线可以使用ADSL,而有时候却要升级,除非电话公司提供了无分离器的ADSL,您就必须安装一个DSL调制解调器。 ASP (Application Services Provider) 应用服务提供商 是指配置、租赁、管理应用解决方案,它是随着外包趋势、软件应用服务和相关业务的发展而逐渐形成的。ASP具有三大特点:首先,ASP向用户提供的服务应用系统本身的所有权属ASP,用户租用服务之后对应用系统拥有使用权;并且,应用系统被集中放置在ASP的IDC(Internet数据服务中心)中,具有充足的带宽、电力和空间保证以及具有专业质量的系统维护服务;ASP定期向用户收取服务费。应用服务提供商将以全新的方式推动应用服务产业的巨大发展。ATM (Asynchronous Transmission Mode) 异步传输模式 这是为满足宽带综合业务数据通信,在分组交换技术的基础上迅速发展起来的通信新技术。可以实现语音、数据、图像、视频等信号的高速传输。 AI (Artificial Intelligent) 人工智能 是计算机科学的一门研究领域。它试图赋予计算机以人类智慧的某些特点,用计算机来模拟人的推理、记忆、学习、创造等智能特征,主要方法是依靠有关知识进行逻辑推理,特别是利用经验性知识对不完全确定的事实进行的精确性推理。 AD 网上广告 指一则按规定象素尺寸或字节数设定的标语或图像,通常是以动画表现的。 Baseband 基带 在该方式中,电压脉冲直接加到电缆,并且使用电缆的整个信号频率范围。基带与宽带传输相比较,宽带传输中,来自多条信道的无线信号调制到不同的“载波”频率上,带宽被划分为不同信道,每信道上的频率范围一定。LocalTalk及以太网都是基带网络,一次仅传输一个信号,电缆上信号电平的改变表示数字值0或者1。使用电缆的整个带宽建立起两个系统间的通信对话,然后两个系统轮流传送。在此期间,共享电缆的其它系统不能传送。基带传输系统中的直流信号往往由于电阻、电容等因素而衰减。另外马达、荧光灯等电子设备产生的外部电磁干扰也会加快信号的衰减。传输率越高,信号就越容易被衰减。为此,以太网等建网标准规定了网络电缆类型、电缆屏蔽、电缆距离、传输率以及在大部分环境中提供相对无差错服务的有关细节。 BBS (Bulletin Board System) 电子公告板 这是因特网提供的一种信息服务,为用户提供一个公用环境,以使寄存函件,读取通告,参与讨论和交流信息。Bluetooth 蓝牙(一种无线通信的标准) 蓝牙技术涉及一系列软硬件技术、方法和理论,包括:无线通信与网络技术,软件工程、软件可靠性理论,协议的正确性验证、形式化描述和一致性与互联测试技术,嵌入式实时操作系统(Embedded RTOS),跨平台开发和用户界面图形化技术,软/硬件接口技术(如RS232,UART,USB等),高集成、低功耗芯片技术等。蓝牙的目标是要提供一种通用的无线接口标准,用微波取代传统网络中错综复杂的电缆,在蓝牙设备间实现方便快捷、灵活安全、低成本低功耗的数据和话音通信。因此,其载频选用在全球都可用的2.45GHz ISM(工业、科学、医学)频带。 CA (Certificate Authority)认证中心 是在线交易的监督者和担保人,主要进行电子证书管理、电子贸易伙伴关系建立和确认、密钥管理、为支付系统中的各参与方提供身份认证等。CA类似于现实生活中公证人的角色,具有权威性,是一个普遍可信的第三方。


各英文缩写代表的意思 一、A类 AAA1美国会计协会2美国广告协会3美国商务仲裁协会 AAL美国航空公司 https://www.doczj.com/doc/e116341845.html,英国商会联合会 ABS美国运局 AC加拿大航空公司 ACC美国商会 A.E.A美国经济协会 AF法国航空公司 AFEB指定外汇银行 AFRASEC亚非经济合作组织 AGM年度大会 AID国际开发署 AMA美国管理协会 Amex美国证券交易所 ADB亚洲开发银行 APEC亚太经济合作组织AIDS艾滋病ACPC咖啡产国协会 AUS 澳大利亚 AUT奥利地 二、B类 BBS论坛BSE疯牛病 BLR保加利亚 BEL比利时 BIH波黑 BRA巴西 三、C类 CEO首席执行官CS反恐精英CAAC中国名航CET大学英语等级考试CN1硝酸纤维素2十六烷值3染色体数4英联邦国家5合同号 Cn(域)中国CCTV中央电视台CIA美国中情局 CAN加拿大 CHN中国 CHN TPE 中国台北 CRO克罗地亚 CZE捷克 CPU中央处理单元 CBO首席品牌官 CCO首席文化官 CDO开发总监 CFO首席财务官 CHO人事总监

CIO首席信息官 CKO首席知识官 CMO首席市场官 CNO首席谈判官 COO首席营运官 CPO公关总监 CQO质量总监 CSO销售总监 CTO首席技术官 CVO评估总监 CAO首席答辩人 CBO首席商业计划官 CCO首席成本控官 CDO首席域名官 CGO首席方针制定官 CJO首席执法官 CLO首席律师 CPO首席隐私官 CQO数量指标编造专家 CRO首席裁员官 CSO首席战略官 CTO首席测试官 CUO首席测试官 CVO风险投资商接待专员 CWO首席网络写手 CXO网站形象代言人 CYO公司元老 四、D类 DIY自己动手制作DJ最新、最劲、最毒、最HIGH的MUSIC DNA脱氧核糖核酸DOC文件的单据 DEN丹麦 五、E类EXP出口EMS特快传递 EST爱沙尼亚 EDO扩充数据输出 六、F类FTP文本传输协议FBI美国联邦调查局 FA足协 FRA法国 七、G类GPS全球定位系统 GSM全球移动通讯系统GDP国内生产总值 GER德国 GBR英国 八、H类 HK香港 HUN匈牙利


企业常用英文简写及解说 原来如此。 5S :5S管理 ABC : 作业制成本制度(Activity-Based Costing) ABB : 实施作业制预算制度(Activity-Based Budgeting) ABM : 作业制成本管理(Activity-Base Management) APS : 先进规画与排程系统(Advanced Planning and Scheduling) ASP : 应用程序服务供货商(Application Service Provider) ATP : 可承诺量(Available To Promise) AVL : 认可的供货商清单(Approved Vendor List) BOM : 物料清单(Bill Of Material) BPR : 企业流程再造(Business Process Reengineering) BSC : 平衡记分卡(Balanced ScoreCard) BTF : 计划生产(Build To Forecast) BTO : 订单生产(Build To Order) CPM :要径法(Critical Path Method) CPM : 每一百万个使用者会有几次抱怨(Complaint per Million) CRM :客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management) CRP : 产能需求规划(Capacity Requirements Planning) CTO : 客制化生产(Configuration To Order) DBR : 限制驱导式排程法(Drum-Buffer-Rope) DMT : 成熟度验证(Design Maturing Testing) DVT : 设计验证(Design Verification Testing) DRP : 运销资源计划(Distribution Resource Planning) DSS : 决策支持系统(Decision Support System) EC :设计变更/工程变更(Engineer Change) EC :电子商务(Electronic Commerce)


质量管理体系中英文缩写与其解释 Engineering 工程 / Process 工序(制程)Man, Machine, Method, Material, 人,机器,方法,物料,环境- 可能导 4M&1E Environment 致或造成问题的根本原因AI Automatic Insertion 自动插机ASSY Assembly 制品装配ATE Automatic Test Equipment 自动测试设备 BL Baseline 参照点 BM Benchmark 参照点 BOM Bill of Material 生产产品所用的物料清单 C&ED/C Cause and Effect Diagram 原因和效果图 AED CA Corrective Action 解决问题所采取的措施电脑辅助设计.用于制图和设计3维物体 CAD Computer-aided Design 的软件对文件的要求进行评审,批准,和更改CCB Change Control Board 的小组依照短期和长期改善的重要性来做持续CI Continuous Improvement 改善COB Chip on Board 邦定-线焊芯片到PCB板的装配方法. CT Cycle Time 完成任务所须的时间DFM Design for Manufacturability 产品的设计对装配的适合性设计失效模式与后果分析--在设计阶段 Design Failure Mode and Effect DFMEA 预测问题的发生的可能性并且对

之采取 Analysis 措施六西格玛(6-Sigma)设计 -- 设计阶段预 DFSS Design for Six Sigma 测问题的发生的可能性并且对之采取措 施并提高设计对装配的适合性DFT Design for Test 产品的设计对测试的适合性实验设计-- 用于证明 某种情况是真实DOE Design of Experiment 的根 据一百万件所生产的产品来计算不良DPPM Defective Part Per Million 品的标准 Design Verification / Design DV 设计确认 Validation 客户要求的工程更改或内部所发出的工ECN Engineering Change Notice 程更改文件 ECO Engineering Change Order 客户要求的工程更改静电发放-由两种不导电的物品一起摩ESD Electrostatic Discharge 擦而产生的静电可以破坏ICs和电子设备在生产线上或操作中由生产操作员对产FI Final Inspection 品作最后检查F/T Functional Test 测试产品的功能是否与所设计的一样 FA First Article / Failure Analysis 首件产品或


一、概念二、英文缩写及其含义 一、概念: 1、芯片组:是电脑微处理器CPU与、调制解调器、驱动器等其它部件的控制芯片之间建立数据通讯的纽带,它在电脑中处于举足轻重的协调地位。 2、CMM/SEI:CMM简介:全称为SW_CMM(CapabilityMaturityModelForSoftware)简称“CMM”,即:软件生产能力成熟度模型。是美国卡内基梅隆大学软件工程研究所(CMU SEI)1987年的研究成果。是一种用于评价软件承包商能力并帮助改善软件质量的方法。其目的是帮助软件企业对软件工程过程进行管理和改进,增强开发与改进能力,从而能按时地、不超预算地开发出高质量的软件。其依据的想法是:只要集中精力持续努力去建立有效的软件工程的基础结构,不断进行管理的实践和过程的改进,就可以克服软件生产中的困难。CMM它是目前国际上最流行、最实用的一种软件生产过程标准,已得到了国际软件产业界的认可,成为当今企业从事规模软件生产不可缺少的一项内容。CMM标准共分五级,第五级为最高,即优化级。 3、GIS: 地理信息系统(Geographic Information Systems,简称GIS)是专门用于采集、存储、管理、分析和表达空间数据的信息系统,兼具"工具"、"资源"和"学科"三大属性。其"工具"属性是指为人们采用数字形式表示和分析现实空间世界的一系列空间操作和分析方法,包括综合地存储管理人们研究和解决空间问题所需的各种空间数据,查询、检索空间分布信息和进行各种统计计算、列表制图,进行多因素的综合研究、决策方案的模拟优化等。GIS的"资源" 属性是指将单一分散的数据资料和科学积累集成起来,成为研究和解决空间问题所需的综合信息资源。就"学科"属性而言,GIS主要是研究现实世界空间实体及其相互间关系的描述和表达,在计算机环境下的空间数据组织、存取、分析、可视化,以及应用系统的设计、数据集成和业务化运作等。GIS有着相对独特的研究对象和技术体系,正在逐步地发展形成一门关于空间信息处理分析的科学技术。 GIS应用范围非常广泛。它不但在资源环境的管理与规划中发挥作用,而且逐渐成为城市交通设施管理和工程建设、商业策划、灾害防治、军事战略分析等领域的重要工具,并逐步走进人们的日常生活之中。GIS与数据库技术、通信技术一样,已成为现代信息技术的重要组成部分 二、英文缩写及其含义:


工厂生产管理常用的英文缩写 工厂生产管理常用的英文缩写 VQA Vendor Quality Assurance 供應商品質保證 IQC In-coming Quality Control 進料檢驗 IPQC In-process Quality Control 制程檢驗 FQC Final Quality Control 最終品質控制LQC Line Quality Control 線上品質控制 CQA Customer Quality Assurance 客戶品質保證 F.P.Y.R First Pass YIEld Rate 直通率(一次成功率) MRB Material Review Board 物料委員會 PMP Process Management Plan 制程管理計劃 SOP Standard Operation Process 標準作業程序 X-R Chart 平均值與全距管制圖 X-Rm Chart 個別值與全距管制圖 P Chart 不良率管制圖 U Chart 單位缺點管制圖 C Chart 缺點數管制圖 Ca Capability of Accuracy 精確度 CP Capability of Precision 準確度 CPK 制程能力分析 S/N Serial Number 序列號 Spec. Specification 規格 Pass 合格

Fail 失敗 NG No Good 不合格 VER Version 版本 ESD Electro-Static Discharge 靜電釋放(放電) DWG Drawing 圖紙 ISO International Standard Organization 國際標準組織 MBO Management By Objective 目標管理 CAL Calibration (儀器)校正 NCR No-Calibration Requirement勿需校正(免校) OEM Original Engineering Manufacture 原廠委托製造 COMPAQ 美國COMPAQ電腦公司 Fujitsu 日本富士通公司 HP Hewlett-Packard 美國惠普公司 QM Quality Manual 品質手冊 QP Quality Procedure 品質程序書 WI Working Instruction 作業規範 OJT On Job Training 在職訓練(工作中教導) FIFO First In First Out 先進先出 4M1E Man Machine Material Method Environment 人`機器`材料`方法`環境RMA Return Material Authorization 客戶退回 PPM Part Per Million 10-6(百萬分之…) MIL Military(U.S) 美國軍事標準 MIS Management Information System 管理認證公司


胎儿 B 超单常见缩写 BPD: 双顶径 TCD: 小脑横径 HC: 头围 AC: 腹围 FL: 股骨径 FTH: 胎儿腿部皮下脂肪厚度 FUH: 宫高 AFI: 羊水指数 MVP: 最大垂直羊水池 胎位缩写 胎位为先露部的代表在产妇骨盆的位置,亦即在骨盆的四相位-- 左前、右前、左后、右后。顶先露的代表骨为枕骨(occipital ,缩写为O);臀先露的代表骨为骶骨(sacrum ,缩写为S);面先露的为下颏骨(mentum ,缩写为M);肩先露的代表骨为肩胛骨(scapula ,缩写为Sc )。胎位的写法由三方面来表明: 1 、代表骨在骨盆的左侧或右侧,简写为左(L)或右(R); 2、代表骨名称,如顶先露为枕”,即“O:臀先露为’骶”,即“S”,面先露为颏”,即 “肩先露为肩”,即“Sc”; 3、代表骨在骨盆之前、后或横。例如顶先露,枕骨在骨盆左侧,朝前,则胎位为左枕前(LOA ),为最常见之胎位。 各胎位缩写如下: 顶先露有六种胎位:左枕前( LOA ) 左枕横 ( LOT) 左枕后 ( LOP) 右枕前 ( ROA) 右 枕横(ROT)右枕后 ( ROP ) 臀先露有六种胎位:左骶前( LSA ) 左骶横 (LST) 左骶后 ( LSP) 右骶前 ( RSA) 右 骶横(RST)右骶后 ( RSP ) 面先露有六种胎位:左颏前( LMA) 左颏横 ( LMT) 左颏后 ( LMP) 右颏前 ( RMA) 右颏横(RMT)右颏后(RMP) 肩先露有四种胎位:左肩前(LScA )左肩后(LScP )右肩前(RScA )右肩后 (RScP ) AC ——腹围 APTD ——腹部前后间的厚度,又称为“腹部前后径”。在检查胎儿腹部的发育状况以及推定胎儿体重时,需要测量该数据。


最常用的英文缩写和短信缩写 由于英文的字母太多,不方便的时候发短信很慢,所以外国人很多都在短信上输入缩写,这样就节省了很多时间。需要说明的是,不是所有的人都明白这些缩写是什么意思,因为太多了,这里也不是所有的,只是选了一些比较有意思的,并标红了那些在英国最常用的。 从数字到Z的顺序列出,其实还蛮多的。前面大写的是缩写(如果发短信的话不需要大写),后面附加的是英文和中文翻译。大家可以快速过一下前面的英文缩写(但注重记一下标红的那些),建议花多点时间看看后面的英文解释,因为很多都是非常生活化,很本土的英文短句,是出国留学的朋友们必须了解和明白的,中文翻译翻的比较中国化,没有那么生硬,这样大家应该能够更好的理解。 P.S (postscript附录):如果你知道还有什么很常用的英文缩写,请与我们交流。Others & Numbers @TEOTD– At the end of the day 最后 121 – One-to-one 一对一 10X – Thanks 谢谢 10Q – Thank you 谢谢你 1CE– Once 从前 1DR – I wonder 我想 1NAM – One in a million 100个里头的一个 2– Meaning ‘to’ in SMS 英文的“to” 2EZ – Too easy 太简单了 2moro– Tomorrow 明天 2nite– Tonight 今晚 4– Short for ‘for’ in SMS 英文的“for” 411 – Information 信息 4COL – For crying out loud 搞什么名堂;哎呀 4EAE – Forever and ever 永永远远 4EVER– Forever 永远 ^5 – High-five 击掌 6Y – Sexy 性感 7K – Sick 生病 A A3 – Anytime, anywhere, anyplace 哪里都成 AAP – Always a pleasure 很高兴 AAR – At any rate 任何价格 AB/ ABT– About 关于 ABT2 – Meaning ‘about to’将…… ACC – Anyone can come 谁都能来 ACK – Acknowledgement 感谢 ADBB – All done, bye-bye 完了,再见 ADD/ ADR– Address 地址 ADMIN– Administrator 管理员


?奥迪英文缩写含义 ?ABS:防抱死制动系统,在保证足够的制动力时,具有良好的转向能力; ?EBV:制动压力分配系统(集成在ABS系统内部),调整各个车轮的制动压力,减少后轮的制动压力,防止甩尾,EBV—德文缩写 = EBPD—英文缩写; ?ASR:驱动防滑装置,英文缩写TCS,在驱动轮打滑时,推迟点火提前角,间歇关闭喷油器(即减小喷油量),实现降速增扭,进而使加速平稳。 ?EDS:电子差速锁,英文缩写:EDL电子差速锁。用于车辆在光滑的路面起步,可使打滑的车轮停转,把扭矩传给不打滑的车轮 ?3、电气——仪表显示17: ?仪表背光:红色为德国产、白色为中国产; ?时钟:国产为电子时钟,原装为电子和模拟时钟同时生产; ?EPC灯:发动机电控系统指示灯(说明书有误),KEY-ON,亮3秒后熄灭——系统正常; ?ASR警告灯(驱动防滑系统):当把副仪表台上的ASR按钮按下去时,表示断开ASR功能,此时ASR灯常亮;行驶中ASR有故障,此灯连续闪亮;行驶中ABS有故障时,此灯连续闪亮。 ?防盗指示灯:用未经授权的钥匙起动车辆时,此灯闪烁,然后锁定发动机电控系统 CMP凸轮轴传感器 CKP曲轴传感器 IAT进气温度 MAF空流 BARO本田汽车大气压力传感器 VAD真空电磁阀

别克汽车 MIL 发动机排放指示灯,排放或油耗超标 ANTI-LOCK 防抱死制动系统警告灯 TRAC OFF 牵引力控制系统警告灯,该灯有个控制按钮,在转向柱左边 LOW TRAC 全变速范围牵引力控制系统作用显示灯该灯亮起证明TCS统统工作,正在控制驱动轮扭矩 LOW COOLANT 冷却液液位低警告灯, LOW TIRE 轮胎压力监控灯,该灯亮起说明汽车4个轮胎气压不平衡,需检查胎压,此等复位在仪表右方保险丝盒处有个红色按钮,(REST) 按5秒即可CHANGE OIL SOON立即更换机油指示灯, SECURITY 安全灯,该灯亮起证明车的防盗系统处于锁止状态 LOW WASH 清洗液液位指示灯 DOOR/TRUNK 车门行李箱未关紧警告灯 TEAP 指的是水温 RPM 指的是转速 FUEL 指的是满箱油 BREA 指的是故障 马自达保险 RELAY 继电器 HORN 喇叭 AD FAN# RELAY 3号风扇继电器 ST RELAY 启动继电器 BOSE RELAY 未知 DEFOG RELAY 除霜继电器 DEICER RELAY 除雾冰


医药行业常用英文缩写释义 1、OTC(Over The Counter):非处方药物 我国卫生部医政司是这样定义的:它是消费者可不经过医生处方,直接从药房或药店购买的药品,而且是不在医疗专业人员指导下就能安全使用的药品,即不需要凭借执业医师或助理医师的处方即可自行选购、使用的药品。 OTC中又分甲类OTC和乙类OTC。甲类(红色)的可在医院、药店销售;乙类(绿色)的是可以在医院、药店、超市、宾馆等地方销售。买非处方药(OTC)红绿要分清,包装盒上OTC标识为绿色,安全性高,不良反应小,红色宜遵医嘱服。相对于OTC,RX是指必须凭借执业医师或医生开取的处方方可购买的药品。 2、GSP(Good Supply Practice):《药品经营质量管理规范》 GSP是英文Good Supplying Practice缩写,直译为良好的药品供应规范,在我国称为《药品经营质量管理规范》。它是指在药品流通过程中,针对计划采购、购进验收、储存、销售及售后服务等环节而制定的保证药品符合质量标准的一项管理制度。其核心是通过严格的管理制度来约束企业的行为,对药品经营全过程进行质量控制,保证向用户提供优质的药品。 GSP是控制医药商品流通环节所有可能发生质量事故的因素从而防止质量事故发生的一整套管理程序,医药商品在其生产、经营和销售的全过程中,由于内外因素作用,随时都有可能发生质量问题,必须在所有这些环节上采取严格措施,才能从根本上保证医药商品质量。药品经营企业应在药品监督管理部门规定的时间内达到GSP要求,并通过认证取得认证证书。 3、GLP(Good Laboratory Practice):药物非临床研究质量管理规范 GLP是英文Good Laboratory Practice 的缩写,中文直译为优良实验室规范。GLP是就实验室实验研究从计划、实验、监督、记录到实验报告等一系列管理


质量管理体系中英文缩写与其解释 Engineering 工程 / Process 工序(制程) Man, Machine, Method, Material, 人,机器,方法,物料,环境- 可能导 4M&1E Environment 致或造成问题的根本原因 AI Automatic Insertion 自动插机 ASSY Assembly 制品装配 ATE Automatic Test Equipment 自动测试设备 BL Baseline 参照点 BM Benchmark 参照点

BOM Bill of Material 生产产品所用的物料清单 C&ED/C Cause and Effect Diagram 原因和效果图 AED CA Corrective Action 解决问题所采取的措施 电脑辅助设计.用于制图和设计3维物体 CAD Computer-aided Design 的软件 对文件的要求进行评审,批准,和更改 CCB Change Control Board 的小组 依照短期和长期改善的重要性来做持续 CI Continuous Improvement 改善 COB Chip on Board 邦定-线焊芯片到PCB板的装配方法. CT Cycle Time 完成任务所须的时间 DFM

Design for Manufacturability 产品的设计对装配的适合性 设计失效模式与后果分析--在设计阶段 Design Failure Mode and Effect DFMEA 预测问题的发生的可能性并且对之采取 Analysis 措施 六西格玛(6-Sigma)设计 -- 设计阶段预 DFSS Design for Six Sigma 测问题的发生的可能性并且对之采取措施并提高设计对装配的适合性 DFT Design for Test 产品的设计对测试的适合性 实验设计-- 用于证明某种情况是真实DOE Design of Experiment 的 根据一百万件所生产的产品来计算不良DPPM Defective Part Per Million 品的标准 Design Verification / Design


质量管理体系中英文缩写与其解释 Abbreviations and their explanations 缩写与其解释 Engineering 工程 / Process 工序 (制程) 4M&1E Man, Machine, Method, Material, Environment 人,机器,方法,物料,环境- 可能导致或造成问 题的根本原因 AI Automatic Insertion 自动插机 ASSY Assembly 制品装配 ATE Automatic Test Equipment 自动测试设备 BL Baseline 参照点 BM Benchmark 参照点 BOM Bill of Material 生产产品所用的物料清单 C&ED/CAED Cause and Effect Diagram 原因和效果图 CA Corrective Action 解决问题所采取的措施 CAD Computer-aided Design 电脑辅助设计.用于制图和设计3维物体的软件 CCB Change Control Board 对文件的要求进行评审,批准,和更改的小组 CI Continuous Improvement 依照短期和长期改善的重要性来做持续改善 COB Chip on Board 邦定-线焊芯片到PCB 板的装配方法. CT Cycle Time 完成任务所须的时间 DFM Design for Manufacturability 产品的设计对装配的适合性 DFMEA Design Failure Mode and Effect Analysis 设计失效模式与后果分析--在设计阶段预测问题

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