当前位置:文档之家› 直插&定长程序





' 主要演示功能: 直线插补


' 关键函数:

' 多轴直线函数

' d1000_start_t_line //相对

' d1000_start_ta_line //绝对


' 注意事项:

' DMC1000B不包含圆弧插补



' FAX: 0755 - 26402718

' TEL: 0755 - 26434329

' EMAIL: support@ https://www.doczj.com/doc/da19028705.html,

' HTTP: https://www.doczj.com/doc/da19028705.html,



Const XCH As Integer = 0

Const YCH As Integer = 1

Const ZCH As Integer = 2

Const UCH As Integer = 3

Private Sub Command_Clear_Click()

For i = 0 To 4

d1000_set_command_pos i, 0


End Sub


Private Function GetAxisPosi%(ByRef AxisArray() As Integer, ByRef posiArray() As Long)

Dim n As Integer

n = 0

If Check_X = 1 Then

AxisArray(n) = XCH

posiArray(n) = Val(Text_X.Text)

n = n + 1

End If

If Check_Y = 1 Then

AxisArray(n) = YCH

posiArray(n) = Val(Text_Y.Text)

n = n + 1

End If

If Check_Z = 1 Then

AxisArray(n) = ZCH

posiArray(n) = Val(Text_Z.Text)

n = n + 1

End If

If Check_U = 1 Then

AxisArray(n) = UCH

posiArray(n) = Val(Text_U.Text)

n = n + 1

End If

GetAxisPosi% = n

End Function

Private Sub Command_Run_Click()

Dim nStart, nMSpeed As Long

Dim fAccel As Double

Dim nNum As Integer

Dim AxisArray(4) As Integer

Dim posiArray(4) As Long

nNum = GetAxisPosi(AxisArray, posiArray)

If nNum < 2 Then

MsgBox "插补不能少于两个轴!", vbOKOnly, "提示"

Exit Sub

End If

nStart = Val(Text_Start.Text)

nMSpeed = Val(Text_MSpeed.Text)

fAccel = Val(Text_TAcc.Text)

Text_Num.Text = Str(nNum)

d1000_start_t_line nNum, AxisArray(0), posiArray(0), nStart, nMSpeed, fAccel

End Sub

Private Sub Command_Stop_Click()

If d1000_check_done(XCH)=0 Or d1000_check_done(YCH) = 0 Or

d1000_check_done(ZCH) = 0 Or d1000_check_done(UCH) = 0 Then '在运行d1000_decel_stop (XCH)

d1000_decel_stop (YCH)

d1000_decel_stop (ZCH)

d1000_decel_stop (UCH)

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Dim nCard As Integer

nCard = d1000_board_init()

If nCard < 1 Then '控制卡初始化

MsgBox "未找到控制卡!", vbOKOnly, "警告"

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)


End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()

Label_Pos.Caption = " 位置:" + Str(d1000_get_command_pos(XCH))

Label_Pos.Caption = Label_Pos.Caption + "," + Str(d1000_get_command_pos(YCH)) Label_Pos.Caption = Label_Pos.Caption + "," + Str(d1000_get_command_pos(ZCH)) Label_Pos.Caption = Label_Pos.Caption + "," + Str(d1000_get_command_pos(UCH))

End Sub

' 雷泰DMC1480控制卡编程示例之三


' 主要演示功能:

' 1. 控制卡的基本操作

' 2. 单轴驱动脉冲,驱动模式

' 3. T形和S形速度曲线选择

' 4. 减速或急停控制,外部减速停

' 5. 位置显示,位置清零及指定轴状态显示

' 6. 定长运动和连续运动选择


' 关键函数:

' 1. 控制卡的基本操作函数

' d1000_board_init , d1000_board_close

' 2. 单轴驱动,T形及S形选择

' d1000_set_pls_outmode 脉冲设置

' d1000_start_tv_move 梯形曲线单轴连续运动

' d1000_start_sv_move S形曲线单轴连续运动

' d1000_start_ta_move 梯形曲线单轴绝对坐标点位运动

' d1000_start_sa_move S形曲线单轴绝对坐标点位运动

' 3. 减速或急停

' d1000_decel_stop 当减速时间为0时为急停

' 4. 位置显示及状态显示

' d1000_get_abs_position

' d1000_set_position

' d1000_check_done

' d1000_get_axis_status


' 注意事项:

' 本例虽然只提供了四个驱动函数,实质上其它驱动函数都一致'


' FAX: 0755 - 26402718

' TEL: 0755 - 26434329

' EMAIL: support@ https://www.doczj.com/doc/da19028705.html,

' HTTP: https://www.doczj.com/doc/da19028705.html,



Const XCH As Integer = 0

Const YCH As Integer = 1

Const ZCH As Integer = 2

Const UCH As Integer = 3

Dim nAxis As Integer '选择的驱动轴

Dim nSpeed As Integer 'S形或T形选择

Dim nMove As Integer '定长或连续选择

Private Sub Check_Dir_Click()


End Sub

Private Sub Check_PLog_Click()


End Sub

Private Sub Check_PMode_Click()


End Sub

Private Sub Check_SD_Click()


End Sub

Private Sub Command_Clear_Click()

For i = 0 To 4

d1000_set_command_pos i, 0


End Sub

Private Sub Command_Run_Click()

Dim nStart, nMSpeed, nPulse As Long

Dim fAccel As Double

Dim nDir As Integer

If d1000_check_done(nAxis) = 0 Then '若在运行,则返回Exit Sub

End If

nStart = Val(Text_Start.Text)

nMSpeed = Val(Text_MSpeed.Text)

fAccel = Val(Text_TAcc.Text)

nPulse = Val(Text_Pulse.Text)

If Check_Dir = 1 Then

nDir = 1


nDir = -1

End If

If Check_SD = 1 Then

d1000_set_sd nAxis, 1


d1000_set_sd nAxis, 0

End If

If Check_PMode = 1 Then

If Check_PLog = 1 Then

d1000_set_pls_outmode nAxis, 1 'pulse/dir 模式,脉冲下降沿有效Else

d1000_set_pls_outmode nAxis, 0 'pulse/dir 模式,脉冲上升沿有效End If


If Check_PLog = 1 Then

d1000_set_pls_outmode nAxis, 3 'CW/CCW模式,脉冲下降沿有效Else

d1000_set_pls_outmode nAxis, 2 'CW/CCW模式,脉冲上升沿有效End If

End If

If nMove = 0 Then '定长

If nSpeed = 0 Then 'S形

d1000_start_s_move nAxis, nPulse * nDir, nStart, nMSpeed, fAccel


d1000_start_t_move nAxis, nPulse * nDir, nStart, nMSpeed, fAccel

End If

Else '连续

If nSpeed = 0 Then 'S形

d1000_start_sv_move nAxis, nStart, nMSpeed * nDir, fAccel


d1000_start_tv_move nAxis, nStart, nMSpeed * nDir, fAccel

End If

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command_Stop_Click()

If d1000_check_done(XCH) = 0 Or d1000_check_done(YCH) = 0 Or d1000_check_done(ZCH) = 0 Or d1000_check_done(UCH) = 0 Then '在运行d1000_decel_stop (XCH)

d1000_decel_stop (YCH)

d1000_decel_stop (ZCH)

d1000_decel_stop (UCH)

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Dim nCard As Integer

nCard = d1000_board_init()

If nCard < 1 Then '控制卡初始化

MsgBox "未找到控制卡!", vbOKOnly, "警告"

End If

Check_PMode = 1

Check_PLog = 1

Check_Dir = 1

Check_SD = 1


End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)


End Sub

Public Sub UpdateControl()

If Check_PMode = 1 Then

Check_PMode.Caption = "脉冲+方向"


Check_PMode.Caption = "脉冲+脉冲"

End If

If Check_PLog = 1 Then

Check_PLog.Caption = "脉冲下降沿有效"


Check_PLog.Caption = "脉冲上升沿有效"

End If

If Check_SD = 1 Then

Check_SD.Caption = "减速:使能"


Check_SD.Caption = "减速:禁止"

End If

If Check_Dir = 1 Then

Check_Dir.Caption = "驱动方向:正"


Check_Dir.Caption = "驱动方向:负"

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Option_CM_Click()

nMove = 1

End Sub

Private Sub Option_M_Click()

nMove = 0

End Sub

Private Sub Option_S_Click()

nSpeed = 0

End Sub

Private Sub Option_T_Click()

nSpeed = 1

End Sub

Private Sub Option_U_Click()

nAxis = UCH

End Sub

Private Sub Option_X_Click()

nAxis = XCH

End Sub

Private Sub Option_Y_Click()

nAxis = YCH

End Sub

Private Sub Option_Z_Click()

nAxis = ZCH

End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()

Label_Pos.Caption = "状态:" + Str(d1000_get_axis_status(XCH))

Label_Pos.Caption = Label_Pos.Caption + "," + Str(d1000_get_axis_status(YCH))

Label_Pos.Caption = Label_Pos.Caption + "," + Str(d1000_get_axis_status(ZCH))

Label_Pos.Caption = Label_Pos.Caption + "," + Str(d1000_get_axis_status(UCH))

Label_Pos.Caption = Label_Pos.Caption + " 位置:" + Str(d1000_get_command_pos(XCH)) Label_Pos.Caption = Label_Pos.Caption + "," + Str(d1000_get_command_pos(YCH))

Label_Pos.Caption = Label_Pos.Caption + "," + Str(d1000_get_command_pos(ZCH))

Label_Pos.Caption = Label_Pos.Caption + "," + Str(d1000_get_command_pos(UCH))

End Sub

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