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Dear guests,

欢迎参观大连开发区规划展览馆。本馆位于大连开发区文化中心B区,建筑面积12600平方米,展区面积8800平方米, 共2层, 14个展区。接待台后面的是能与参观者互动的大屏幕,我们把它叫做“互动墙”。当您从这里经过的时候,您的身影就会在这个大屏幕上显示出来。由此您将与我们的展馆融为一体,也将与大连开发区融为一体。如果您感兴趣可以试一下。请您转身到五块‘岩石’状的展品旁看看。

Welcome to the Planning Exhibition Hall in Dalian Development Zone. The hall is located in Section B of the Cultural Center of Dalian Development Zone and covers a floor area of 12,600m2, including an exhibition area of 8,800m2. There are two floors and fourteen exhibition sections in all. Behind the reception desk is a big screen for interaction with visitors, called the “Interaction Wall”. When you are walking past here, your figure will be displayed on the big screen. In this way, you get integrated with our exhibition hall, and also with Dalian Development Zone. If interested, you may have a try. Next, please turn around to the five “Rock” exhibits.


The five “Rock” exhibits you are watching now represent coastal reefs. The patterns of the “World”, “Asia”, “China”, “Northeast China” and “Dalian Development Zone” on the “Rocks” show the geographic location of Dalian Development Zone. They also imply the role of Dalian Development Zone in the globalization, rise of China and revitalization of Northeast China. Of the five rocks, two are embedded with touch screens on top, which serve as self-help multimedia guide system for the exhibition hall. With the guide system, you may get to know the distribution of all exhibition sections and facilities in the hall and enjoy a preview of the hall as a whole.


(The hall is a new-type exhibition hall adopting the most advanced interactive multimedia system now in China. It thoroughly cast away the exhibition boards used in traditional exhibition halls while adopting instead electronic displays for all contents. In the entire hall, a total of 300-plus computers, servers, projectors, touch screens and displays are in use, in addition to 4,000-plus other imported visual & audio as well as central control units. Moreover, 10,000-plus famous-brand lighting and control facilities made in the U.S., Denmark and Belgium etc. are also working in the hall. All in all, these facilities are generally characterized by central control, interaction and easiness of updating.


With the extensive application of high technologies, the Planning Exhibition Hall of Dalian Development Zone has become one of the most modern exhibition halls in China. The first

Finland-made fog screen in China, China’s first directional sound box made with the latest U.S. technology producing directional sound, British interactive touch screen controllable over glass, big screen from Hong Kong for interaction with visitors, interactive tabletop projector… all these equipments are visible in the exhibition hall. Thanks to the all-around application of these modern exhibition equipments and central control systems etc., you will have a genuinely comfortable tour around this modern, intelligent, digitalized and specialized planning exhibition hall of top grade in China.


The whole exhibition is a showcase of the history of Dalian Development Zone. It reflects the huge changes and great achievements that have been made in Dalian Development Zone in the past two decades ever since its creation, and also portrays its future bright prospect. Just as mentioned in the Foreword, the exhibition is a record of the past, present and future of Dalian Development Zone). On the left side of the interaction wall is our entrance. We will begin our today’s tour from here.

您现在来到的是展馆的“序厅”。这里是对大连开发区的总体概述。在这里您可以了解到大连开发区的由来,了解到开发区当今经济、社会的发展概况。您正前方看到的照片是1983年9月邓小平同志在大连听取工作汇报时的照片。画面上的小平同志正在查看旅大的地图。旁边的雕刻是小平同志于1986年8月21日的题词—— “开发区大有希望”。小平同志当年这一“希望”如今已经变成了现实。您现在看到的9块展板恰似9只扬起的风帆。分别向大家介绍的是:DDA概述、对外经济贸易、招商引资、工业、现代服务业、科技、固定资产投资、旅游、农业。您可以看看,在您右手边不断闪现着不同照片的墙壁是我们的“人民墙”。而在您的左手边的墙壁上有不断滚动的字幕可以了解到开发区的起源。

We are now in the "Preface Hall”, which gives a brief introduction to Dalian Development Zone. Here you may know about the origin of Dalian Development Zone and find out the current economic and social development here. In the front, you can see a photo of Comrade Deng Xiaoping listening to the work report in Dalian in September 1983. In the photo, Comrade Xiaoping is looking over the map of Lvda. The sculpture beside the photo is an epigraph by Comrade Xiaoping on August 21st, 1986—开发区大有希望(meaning Development Zone Highly Hopeful). The hope has been realized now. The nine exhibition boards you are watching now seem like nine sails that have been hoisted, respectively representing: DDA Survey, International Trade and Economy, Investment Attraction, Industry, Modern Service, Science and Technology, Investment in Fixed Assets, Tourism and Agriculture. Next look at

the wall on the right side on which many photos are flashing. That is our “People’s Wall”, while on the left side, the wall carries scrolling captions, describing the origin of the development zone.


On the “People’s Wall” are photos of “people of the development zone”. It is the epitome of the development zone as a diversified and harmonious community. Beside the wall is the “Blog of the Development Zone”, which is an open platform for information exchange. The website is

https://www.doczj.com/doc/df18806484.html,. Beside the blog is a touch screen on which you may play the prized game. In the hall, there are in all seven touch screens of this kind, which are distributed in different areas. The game can be played on any one, in which 12 questions are stored. Starting from the Preface Hall, one question is raised about information shown in each hall, i.e., you may find the answer to the question in the corresponding exhibition area. If you have given correct answers to over 10 questions, get a prize at the souvenir desk on the ground floor. To start a game, input a 4-digit number which will be your ID number, then input a 4-digit password and next select a role.


The scrolling captions on the wall now are telling of the origin of Dalian Development Zone. The development zone was originally a small, remote and deserted fishing village, called Maqiaozi, under the jurisdiction of Dagushan Village, Jinxian County, Dalian City. On October 15th, 1984, the construction of Dalian Development Zone started here. From then on, the resounding name of Dalian Development Zone replaced the unknown Maqiaozi. You are now standing on the map of Dalian Development Zone and we are now arriving at the bygone village of Maqiaozi. Then turn around to see the huge projection on the wall.


The projection is a special future entitled “Hometown Development”. Through these changing “Windows”, you are sure to acquire a more visual knowledge about Dalian Development Zone. {The feature lasts for about 14 minutes} The projection is technically realized by collage and blending of multiple screens. In the exhibition hall, there are also many other reproductions of the technology. Now along the “Time Tunnel”, we are now entering the History Section.

现在您即将进入“历史区”。在这里,您将详细了解到开发区的发展历程。右手边是“发展速度板”,那些不断变换的数字会告诉您开发区在短短的20几年间发生了怎样翻天覆地的变化,内容包括: GDP(亿元)、工业总产值(亿元)、出口创汇(亿美元)、外商投资项目数(个)、外商投资实际使用外资(亿美元)、财政总收入(万元)、基础设施及公共服务设施投资(万元)、土地出让(公顷)、年末总人口,从发展速度板上我们可以看到,发展速度最快的是出口创汇、工业总产值和GDP,而增长最慢的是人口,其中GDP在1984年建区之初只有0.36亿元,到2006年的时候达到了562.5亿元。

Now you are entering the “History Section”. Here you will understand every detail of the development of the zone. On the right side is the “Development Pace Board”. Those changing figures will tell you about the huge changes that have taken place in the development zone in a short span of two decades, concerning: GDP (hundred million Yuan), gross industrial output value (hundred million Yuan), foreign exchange earnings by export (hundred million US dollars), number of foreign-invested projects, actual amount of foreign investment utilized (hundred million US dollars), total financial revenue (ten thousand Yuan), investment in infrastructure and public facilities (ten thousand Yuan), area of land transferred (hectares) and total population at the year end. According to the figures shown on the Development Pace Board, we can see that the foreign exchange earnings by export, gross industrial output value and GDP have witnessed the fastest growth, while the population the slowest. Among them, GDP grew to 56.25 billion Yuan in 2006 from only 36 million Yuan in 1984 when the development zone was just set up.


On our left side is the “Wall of Chronicle of Major Events”, which lists some of the annual major events in the development zone ever since its establishment.

我们迎面看到的“拓荒牛”雕塑由96只组成,“拓荒牛”是大连开发区早期建设者的象征和真实写照。 1994年10月大连市委、市政府为表彰在开发区建设中做出突出贡献的各界先进人物,决定授予他们“大连开发区十年建设“老开发”荣誉称号“并向他们颁发铜牛雕塑。拓荒牛是开发区



The “Pioneer Cattle” sculpture head-on consists of 96 cattle. “Pioneer Cattle” is the symbol and true portrayal of early workers in Dalian Development Zone. In October 1994, to commend the leading figures that had made outstanding contributions to the construction of the development zone, Dalian City Committee and Government decided to award them the honorary titles of “Senior Pioneers in the Decade-long Development of Dalian Development Zone” and also the copper cattle sculptures. The pioneer cattle is the monument of the development zone and a concretionary historic symbol. Based on the history, we can look into the future development. The wallpaper and projection on the ground in the exhibition section where you are now displays the first newspaper of Dalian Development Zone. The newspaper was published on August 27th, 1990. Behind you, the projector is showing old and new photos of the same places in the development zone in different years. These photos are voiceless

narrators of the great changes that have occurred in the development zone. Here you may take a look at the old and new photos of the development zone during its original and established period, Inn Fine Hotel before and after the completion and Copper Cattle Mountain in the past and at present etc. Turn around and the five touch screen computers on the left side are our “Electronic File Search Platforms”.


This is the Electronic File Hall, where important files and documents of the development zone in past years are on show. Click the floating years to display relevant laws and regulations. It is a showcase of governmental decisions to the public and also a publicity platform of governmental affairs. On your right hand is the “Old Film Showroom”. Some of the early videotapes of the development zone are being played on the four televisions sets. The first television shows the foundation ceremony of Jinshi Beach, foundation ceremony of the development zone, foundation ceremony of eastward rolling of the development zone, and site selection for the development zone by vice premiers Wan Li, Li Peng and Gu Mu. The four films are played circularly. The second television shows the site selection for the development zone by vice premiers Wan Li, Li Peng and Gu Mu and an inspection by Hu Jintao to Dalian Development Zone. The two films are played circularly. The third television plays the past publicity films of the development zone for investment attraction. The last one plays the special interviews of foreigners working in the development zone, especially Mr. Nishimula Shoji, General Manager of Mabuchi Motor Dalian Co., Ltd. (Though the four films are played at the same time, their sound will not get mixed, thanks to our adoption of the new U.S. technology—directional sound box making directional sound).


On your left hand is the “History Drawer”. In every drawer there is a picture. If you open all the drawers, you will see Dalian Development Zone in the history, in early years of China’s reform and opening-up, in the centralized construction period, in the established period and in the future. In the first drawer is a map of Jinzhou drawn by hand in 1566 in the Ming Dynasty (1368—1644), when the present site of Dalian Development Zone was part of Jinzhou. At this time, one television is showing “Old Photos”, which would tell you what the development zone looked like in the past and what stories there used to be on the land. In the front, you could see the “Interactive Newspaper”. Wave your hand

slightly and the newspaper would automatically turn pages for you, just as we turn over newspapers ordinarily. In the newspaper are important headlines from Dalian Development Zone newspapers of past years. Now you may turn right into our “City Image”.


Here is “City Image”, the 24-hour image video-recorded of Dalian Development Zone. From the perspective of an ordinary person, the scenes of ordinary people working, living, resting and playing in the development zone are shown in the original form. The innermost videotape lasts for about 90 minutes; the one in the middle is a simplified version, with duration of about 8 minutes; and the last one is touchable, on which you may select different sections of time and watch corresponding video clips. Please go on to turn right, into our “Past Planning Section”.


You are now in the Past Planning Section, which shows to you information about the general plans of Dalian Development Zone in past years. You are looking at five general plans of Dalian Development Zone of 1984, 1989, 1992, 2004 and 2005 respectively. In 1984, the construction of the development zone started here, with the start area covering about 5km2; in 1989, the land area expanded to reach

42km2; in 1992, the zone area reached 210km2; in 2004, the Development Zone, the Bonded Area and Dayaowan Harbor Area composed the new town of Dalian City; and in 2005, Desheng Town, Dalijia Town and Jinshi Beach National Tourist Resort was further included into the planning zone, hence the zone area reached 388km2. (The two touch screens in the wall are interactive ones that are touchable over glass. There are only 10 touch screens of such kind in China, 9 of which are collected in this exhibition hall. Some others are on show in the Section of Social Undertakings). In this section, two past publicity films of Dalian Development Zone, Dalian Development Zone under Construction and Two-decade Achievements, are being played on two television sets. On the touch screen beside it, you may play games on general knowledge about planning and even personally plan a city.



You are now watching the model of “Dalian Japanese Industrial Park”. The park is China’s first contracted development project of a land area and also the largest land development project between China and Japan in China. Covering a total area of 2.17km2, it is a cooperative project between the Chinese Government and the Japanese Government. The project contract was signed in October 1992 and all land had been transferred by December 2002. The park has introduced 77 enterprises, with total investment exceeding USD 1.3 billion, and an overwhelming majority of them are solely-owned Japanese enterprises. The desktop projection is an interactive desktop game produced in Hong Kong. You may catch hold of the swimming jellyfish. Then pictures and characters would appear on the desktop, to give an all-around introduction to the development zone. Next you are entering the Future Development Section.


You are coming to the Future Development Zone. The General Development Plan of Dalian Development Zone from 2006 to 2030 was compiled and completed in 2005. From 2006 to 2015 in the near future and further to 2030, the planning covers the section comprising Dalian Economic and Technological Development Zone, Jinshi Beach Tourist Resort, Bonded Area and Double D Port, with a total land area of 388km2 and a total population of 1 million. The plan sets Dalian Development Zone as the auxiliary center of Dalian City, the core area of the important international shipping center of Northeast Asia and China’s major manufacturing base of advanced equipment and hi-tech industrial base. The picture-in-picture projection is now showing the main contents in the general development plan of the development zone from 2006 to 2030. The big screen is displaying the spatial structure and layout of the development zone, the planning area, greenbelt system and landscape planning; while the small screen is showing the geography of the development zone, current development, general development strategy, function positioning, industrial development orientation and priority as well as key areas of development etc. By operating on the touch screen, you may select the contents to be displayed on the small screen. For further information about the planning, use the four touch screens behind us. (Detailed contents on the big and small screens). You are now looking at the model of Phase I Section of Inter Factory in Dalian, with a scale of 1:350. The project is located in Section B of

Export-oriented Processing Zone and covers a land area of about 0.6km2 in Phase I. With a total investment of USD 2.5 billion, Inter is to set up a factory producing 300mm wafers here. 300mm wafer manufacturing is the most advanced chip making technology in the world now and also the limit technology permitted by the U.S. Government of export. The factory is also Inter’s first wafer factory in Asia. On September 8th, 2007, the foundation ceremony of the factory was held. The project is the largest foreign investment in the history of Dalian. What is playing on TV now is the video of the signing ceremony and the foundation ceremony of the Inter-invested project.


Here you are looking at the planning model of Xiaoyao Bay, the future CBD in the development zone, with a scale of 1:2000. In the future, Xiaoyao Bay will become an internationalized comprehensive business center of the city, high-end commercial center of the new town and a seashore activity center for cultural recreations of citizens, integrating administration, finance, trade, business services, information, cultural entertainment, business and residence etc. The plan was designed by famous Canadian architect named Tan Bingrong in 1996. Moreover, in order to meet the construction needs of Double D Port, the planning area of Xiaoyao Bay will undergo some changes. The planning department is adjusting the plan. What is playing on the wall beside the model is the future image of Xiaoyao Bay made in 3D. Next you are entering our Tourist Section.


Dalian Development Zone is not only a newly-rising industrial area, but also a tourist resort boasting rich natural and cultural landscape resources. Jinshi Beach National Tourist Resort and Scenic Spot is a tourist resort at the state 4A level, and is now applying for 5A. Reputed as the “Backyard of Dalian”, the resort is to become a famous seashore resort center and one of the business tourist centers in Northeast Asia; China’s best seashore tourist resort, the best recreational and sports center in Northeast Asia, and one of the top ten tourist brands in China; a new growth point of the national economy of the development zone and major driver behind its restructuring, and a tourist resort integrating holidays, recreation, sports, commerce, museum, sightseeing and other functions. You are now looking at the

model of the general plan of Jinshi Beach Tourist Resort. Here there is the Jinshi Golf Course, Eastern Grotesque Stone Scenic Spot, Jinshiyuan Park, Discovery Kingdom Theme Park, Gold Coast Bathing Beach, Hunting Club and etc., which are all worthy of a visit and admiration. The projection is just showing photos of these scenic spots. Here is the model of the Discovery Kingdom Theme Park. Close to the Jinshi Beach Gold Coast, the theme park covers a land area of about 470,000m2, and is now the largest of its kind in China. The theme park is divided into seven sections, namely, Legendary Castle, Magic Forests, Metal Factory, Mysterious Desert, Crazy Town, American Avenue and Wedding Place. It also provides 20-plus kinds of world first-class recreational facilities such as the Roller Coaster from the U.S., and Condor from Germany etc. Time permitting, the site is a must for you. Go and feel the craze and stimulation there. On the wall beside the model, a device of “Phantom Imaging” is installed.


We are now looking at the “Phantom Imaging”, which shows the beautiful images on the Jinshi Beach. The system will play the images for you according to the fixed time. (In simple terms, Phantom Imaging refers to the combination of images with outdoor scenes based upon the optical principle, multimedia technology and computer control technology. Coupled with special sound, light and electric effects, lively and changing images including both dynamic and static ones are created.) Now you may turn right and walk along into our Section of Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development.


This is the Section of Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development, which will show to you the environmental protection and living environment in the development zone. Due to its special geographic surroundings, Dalian Development Zone pays special attention to environmental protection and building while developing its economy. It is among the first to have passed the ISO14001 Environmental System Certification and become the “National Demo Area of Environmental Protection” and “National Ecological Industrial Park”. The device in the middle of the section is called “Mirror Box”, which is playing the cartoon of future green and intelligent houses. On the mirror box, one of the touch screens can be operated to show the contents of environmental management and environmental quality. (Environmental management: in terms of the environmental protection, stick to

the policy of “giving priority to prevention, supporting with treatment and conducting comprehensive utilization”, strictly carry out the Regulations on the Administration of Construction Project Environmental Protection and Classified Directory for Environmental Management of Construction Projects and rigorously follow the working principles of environmental protection so as to render good services for investment projects in the development zone. Environmental quality: air quality is good, quality of the sea area reaches the standard and noise level also conforms to the national standard.) The other two show interactive games, introducing concepts about environment-friendly and energy-saving buildings, such as quality of greenhouse gas and indoor air of energy-saving buildings and building materials, light comfort and heat comfort etc. On two sides of the section, you may notice six environmental balls in all. Just sit on the four smaller reeded hemispheres and take a short break, but be careful, as something unexpected will happen once you sit on it. (There is an inductor in every hemisphere. Once you sit on the hemisphere, the inductor will be immediately triggered and shadow light activated. Then you can see the images.)


Next please walk along the ramp to go to the first floor underground. The gigantic model you are now watching covers an area of nearly 1,200m2, built with a scale of 1:750, so the actual ground covers

388km2, comprising all areas under Dalian Development Zone, Bonded Area and Double D Port.


This is the best place to view the huge model. You are now facing the north and can see the highest spot of the development zone, Dahei Mountain. (Introduction to the model). The two touch screens are interactive items, Searching Your Home: visitors living in the development zone can find their home

on the touch screens. (Fix on your residential area on the little map at the lower left corner of the screen, and click to magnify the map. The map can be dragged on the screen) then you can see the rooftop of your building and even cars parked in the courtyard. Now please go ahead along the ramp.



This is the Industrial Park. Through development for over two decades, Dalian Development Zone has become one of the development zones enjoying the most economic strength and development potential in China, and an important industrial base in North China. So far, over 2,000 foreign-invested projects from 46 countries and regions have been settled in the zone, including 43 enterprises among the world top 500 and the project investment averages over USD 70 million. Now the development zone is going all out to develop six major industrial parks. You are now watching the models of Jinshi IT Industrial Park and Jinguang Optoelectronic Industrial Park. On the left side is the model of Jinshi IT Industrial Park: the park is located in Dongjiagou Town, to the north of No.5 Road and close to Jinshi Beach National Tourist Resort to the east, and covers an area of 3.8km2. It is a boost area of IT industrial upgrading, giving priority to the development of equipment electronic and numeric control technologies while moderately developing integrate circuit and actively developing IT industry. It is also a modern multi-functional, ecological and high-quality industrial area integrating living, working, resting and studying. It is also equipped with the sand table projection. You may click the film play on the touch screen for more detailed information. On the right side is the model of Jinguang Optoelectronic Industrial Park: the park is located in Dongjiagou Town, to the north of the eastern section of No.5 Road, and close to Jinshi IT Industrial Park to the east, and covers an area of 2.51km2. It is a core area of the national semiconductor lighting industry in Dalian, giving priority to the development of semiconductor lighting, basic optoelectronic materials and important auxiliary materials etc. The park comprises the Optoelectronic Industrial R&D Area, Optoelectronic Industrial Area and Optoelectronic Auxiliary Industry and Service Area. Enterprises in this park can enjoy preferential treatments granted by the government in terms of land, taxation, fund support and etc. Dalian Lumei Opto and Dalian Meiming Epitaxial Wafers projects have been settled in the park, completed and put into production. Now if you turn left, you can see the Central Industrial Area and Dagushan Port Industrial Area; and turn right to see the Auto Parts Service Park.


On the left side is the model of the Central Industrial Area: the area is located in Dongjiagou Town and to the north of the eastern section of No.3 Road, covering an area of 708 hectares. It is a microelectronics manufacturing base, dedicated to the electronic information, chip manufacturing, electromechanical equipment manufacturing and other industrial projects. It has also introduced technological enterprises specialized in new energy and new materials. Enterprises in the industrial area can enjoy preferential treatments in taxation, including reduction, exemption and refund etc. Inter has settled in the park. Beside the model is the sand table projection. You may click the film play on the touch screen to know about more information. On the right-side wall is the model of Dagushan Port Industrial Area: located on the southern end of Dagushan Peninsula, the area is close to the West

Petrochemical Company and Dayaowan Port to the north, 300,000-ton ore dock of Xingang Town to the east, Beiliang Port to the west and the Yellow Sea to the southwest, covering a total land area of 685 hectares. It is an industrial park giving priority to the petrochemical industry and ship manufacturing, while developing the auxiliary port industry.


This is the model of the Auto Parts Service Park: the park is located in the eastern part of the development zone, to the west of Double D Port, close to Dayaowan Port Area, vertically between No.5 and No.9 roads and horizontally between No.14 and No.16 roads, and covers a total land area of 62 hectares, of which the land for industrial purposes covers 46 hectares. The park is an integrated and independent industrial area, where Volkswagen Engine is settled. On your right hand is the 1.8T auto engine produced by Volkswagen. The projection is playing the “assembly process of engines”. Behind you is the model of City North Industrial Area: the industrial area is located on the first phase land of Desheng Town and Dalijia Town and covers 18.57km2. The first phase planning is to mainly develop the modern manufacturing with logistics and other industries as supplements. Among them, the mechanical processing, equipment manufacturing and mould making etc. to be prioritized will be the main areas of urban development in the future. Now look ahead and the orange section before you is the “Section of National Land Resources”.


You are entering the Section of National Land Resources. Here you can know about policies on land management, current land utilization and planning etc. in Dalian Development Zone. The

decision-making body on land management in Dalian Development Zone is the Leading Group of Land Management of Dalian Development Zone while the executive body is the National Land Resources and Housing Bureau, in charge of land approval, management and other concrete matters in Dalian Development Zone. Dalian Development Zone covers a total area of 388km2, including a farmland area of 205km2, accounting for 53% of the total, construction land 132km2, 34% and undeveloped land

51km2, 13%. The land planning: according to the general plan, four industrial sections, three residential areas and one tourist resort are to be built. The residential areas cover 2,291 hectares, with per capita area of 27m2 and land for the industrial sections is to cover 4,418 hectares. There will be five industrial

clusters. These are specimens of five types of soil in Dalian Development Zone, respectively Brown Earth, Wind Blown Soil, Meadow Soil, Alkali-Saline Soil and Paddy Soil.


This is a simulated self-drive city tour game, a charge item, 10 Yuan person/time. Traffic is the artery of a city. In the development zone, the road network extending in all directions forms the convenient traffic system. Next you are going to the Traffic Section, which will mainly introduce to you the traffic planning of the development zone, involving six aspects including highways, railways, rail traffic, city roads, ports and aviation.


The railways mainly undertake freight transport, particularly the collection, distribution and transportation for Dagushan Peninsular Port; the passenger transport is realized mainly by Dalian and Jinzhou passenger transport stations along fast track; the rail traffic mainly undertakes the transport of passengers for the development zone: No.3 Line that has been completed runs from Jinshi Beach to Dalian Railway Station, No.8 Line under construction runs from Wucaicheng Station of No.3 Line to Jinzhou Jiuli Station along Northeast Avenue, and No.9 Line being planned extends from Yellow Sea Avenue to Dengshahe of Jinzhou District. Outwards, the traffic system is mainly leading to the chief city zone of Jinzhou and Shenyang-Dalian Expressway as well as secondarily Dandong areas. Aviation transport will be mainly undertaken by Dalian Zhoushuizi International Airport, which is 24km away from the development zone; and in the long term by Jinzhou New Airport (being planned). Chief expressways leading outwards include Shenyang-Dalian (12km away from the development zone) and Dandong-Dalian expressways. We are now standing on the road network of the development zone. Green signifies highways, orange-railways, red-rail traffic and yellow-trunk traffic lines leading outwards. The five ports are respectively Dayaowan Port, Nianyuwan Oil Port, 300,000-ton Ore Dock, Beiliang Port and Jinshi Beach Port. Behind you is a “Clairvoyance” of the city: the screen shows to you the real-time traffic conditions on Jinma Road at the moment. Next please go ahead into the Section of Social Undertakings and Infrastructure.



You are now entering the Section of Social Undertakings and Infrastructure. On your right hand, the five computers on the wall respectively display contents about water, heat, gas, power supply and disaster prevention in the development zone. Water resources are mainly transferred from other river basins, and water supply facilities include water plants, pumping stations and pipe network. Before drainage, rainwater and sewage will be separated first. In terms of the gas supply, the gas supply plant will be expanded in the near future while in the longer term, new gas supply plants will be built or natural gas introduced, to ensure that citizens could have full access to gas. In the heat supply, after natural gas is introduced, all will become clean resources. In the power supply, three new 220KV transformer stations will be built in the near future, and Jinzhou 500KV transformer station and four other 220KV transformer stations will be built in the longer term. In telecommunications, the plan is to set up a telephone substation and postal central bureau in the extended area, and ensure that the popularization rate of mobile phones could reach 100/100 people. In the environmental sanitation, the plan is to ensure all rubbish harmless after treatment. You may notice there is a red button on each of the sign boards of the water, heat, gas and power supply facilities. If you press one of the buttons, the corresponding source points on the wall will flash, to show the distribution of the facilities in the development zone. The three plane televisions above are broadcasting clips of hard news covered by the Development Zone TV Station in past years. These audio and video materials are records of past important moments of the development zone. The Development Zone TV Station was set up in 1993 and formally established in 1999 with approval of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television. It is China’s only Development Zone TV Station set up with state approval. Next by operating on these three vertical touch screens and three drawers, you may know more about the development zone, in terms of the present development and future planning of education, sanitation, science and technology, culture, sports and other social undertakings. In science and technology, the development zone has been sticking to the guideline of “Development of High Technologies and Industrialization”, carrying out the strategy of “revitalizing the development zone through science and education” and sustainable development in a comprehensive way, and adhering to the core of industrial

development and the two focal points of advancing the capability of technological innovation and building the technological service system. The development zone takes a leading role in Dalian in terms of the development level of the technological industry and capability of technological innovation. In terms of education, a complete educational system has been established in the entire zone, comprising pre-school education, compulsory education, high school education, vocational education, adult education and higher education, and by 2010, the education modernization will be basically realized. In terms of culture, the development zone enjoys a long history and prosperous culture. A variety of public cultural activities are carried out on many cultural grounds, like theatres, public libraries, senior citizen activity centers, women’s activity centers and public amusement parks etc. In terms of public health, the entire development zone now boasts 2 large comprehensive hospitals, 1 center for disease prevention and control, 1 health inspection bureau and 1 women-children health care center, and is to establish and improve the system for disease prevention and control and public health information system. The sports undertakings develop with the regional economic and social development. There are 1,600 sports stadiums, facilities and activity grounds of various kinds in the entire zone. The sports undertakings are to be actively developed further.


This is 360-degree Circular Curtain Cinema, where a panoramic 3D film we produced is shown. The film mainly displays the splendid achievements that have been made in Dalian Development Zone ever since its creation and portrays its future good prospect. The film of such form is screened by nine cameras panoramically at the same time and then shown by nine projectors at the same time on a circular curtain. Through the seamless collage and combination technology, a panoramic view will be formed. The film lasts for about 6 minutes and a half and is played once every half an hour. The starting time is the twentieth and fiftieth minute of every hour.



(Whether to label the Mini Model Section)

This is the Electronic Library, which provides the consultation and query system. By operating on the touch screens, you may know more about the development planning of the development zone, the chronicle of events, past policies and regulations, important news events, scenes of the area and etc. Please move on.

这是一个电子留言台,装有调查问卷,参观者可以留下参观后的宝贵意见。您可一直前行。This is the Electronic Message Board with questionnaires. Visitors may leave a word here. Please go straight head.


On your left hand is the exit, where you can take the escalator; on your right side is the toilet.


This is our Virtual Imaging Hall, where you may enjoy the beautiful view of Dalian Development Zone again. Select your favorite scenes and take photos as mementos, or choose video clips which we may record into CDs for you.


This is our Gift Shop here. Just take a look around and select favorite gifts for your families and friends.


Dear guests, this is the end of our tour today. Thank you again. See you.

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