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1.underrated 被低估的 He is a very underrated poet.

2.perceive 察觉;理解 I can not perceive any diffrence between

these coins(硬币).

3.float 漂浮;飘动 He spent the afternoon floating on his back

in the pool(游泳池).

4.gene 基因 You have good genes from your parents,so you

should live a long time.

5.generate 产生,导致 This program would generate a lot of


6.receptor 感受器,受体 He discovered the receptor in 1969.

7.emergency 紧急情况 an emergency landing(紧急着陆)

8.vanish 突然消失 He just vanished and was never seen again.

9.slack 懈怠,松懈 He was fired(开除)for slacking at work.

10.b e outraged by 对……感到愤怒 We were outraged by the price


11.u nderlying 潜在的,根本的 an underlying meaning

12.g rievance不满,委屈 He will not easily forget his grievance.

13.r eluctant 不愿的,勉强的 She was reluctant to admit that

she was wrong.

14.m ere 仅仅,只不过 He lost the election(选举)by a mere ten

votes (票).

15.t oss 随意地扔 She tossed me a box of chocolate.

16.i nduce 引起,导致 Doctors said surgery(手术)could induce

a heart attack(疾病发作).

17.r esentment 不满,愤恨 She was filled with resentment for

being fired for no reason.

18.r ighteous 正直的 indignation 愤慨They were filled with

righteous indignation.(义愤填膺)

19.p reserve 特有的活动 Teaching used to be a male preserve.

20.e volve from 由……进化 Brids are widely believed to have

evolved from dinosaur(恐龙).

21.a s yet 到目前为止 We have heard nothing from him as yet.

22.l obby 游说团体 a powerful lobby group

23.i nconclusive 非结论性的,无确定结果的 The evidence against

him was inclusive.

24.s tay out of sth 不介入某事 She would better stay out of it.

25.p reface 序言 He has written a preface to the play.

26.r ecurring 再次发生的 a recurring theme(主题)

27.p anel 专家组;陪审团 The panel spent lots of time going over

the evidence.

28.e nlist 取得帮助;征募 Mary men were enlisted during thewar.

29.d efinitely 肯定地,明确的 It has not definitely settled


30.f ume 刺鼻的气体 car exhaust fume 汽车尾气

31.t ake out an insurance policy 买保险

32.B e modest(谦虚的)and prudent(谨慎的),never lag(落后)

behind. 谦虚谨慎,永不落后!

33.p ress for sth 竭力要求某事 press for a peaceful solution.

34.p aralysis 瘫痪状态 a period(时期)of political paralysis.

35.i nitiative 主动权 You should take initiative and ask her


36.f ashion 使形成,制作 fashion a policy

37.i ncentive 奖励;刺激 An added incentive is a box of

chocolates for the best student.

38.p romising 有前途的 a promising career

39.p ower plant 发电厂

40.s uspend 暂停 He was suspended from his job after the


41.f ormulate 明确的表达 We have not formulated any response


42.d isguise 掩盖 She tried to disguise her real feelings.

43.h arness 控制;利用 You need to know to harness them.

44.r elatively 相对地 The course is relatively easy to learn.

45.d epressed 沮丧的 I feel much depressed.

46.w ork through 调整情绪;解决问题 He is helping him work

through this trauma(创伤).

47.v isualize 想象 I tried to visualize our future together.

48.a t the end of the day 最终,不管怎么说

49.u ncertainty 不确定性,迟疑 There is a great deal of

uncertainty about his future.

50.i nsecurity 不安全 The insecurity of the job kept him away.

51.p ersistent 执着的,持续的 If he had not been so persistent,

he might not have gotten the offer.

52.d egradation 退化;堕落 Gambling(赌博)is always coupled

(结合)with degradation.

53.c ontroversial 有争论的 They tried their best to run away

from controversial issues(问题).

54.l iberal 开明的 My parents are people of liberal views.

55.c onservative 保守的 Old people are generally more

conservative than youngs.

56.t riumph 成功,成就 Wining an gold medal is a great triumph.

57.c ounterculture 非主流文化 a history of the counterculture.

58.p ermission 纵容的 a permission upbringing(教养)

59.s peciality 专长;专业 Her specialty is photography.

60.c ult 狂热崇拜 cult of personality

61.a uthentic 真实的;正宗的 I can promise you that we sell

only authentic products.

62.e levated 睿智的,高尚的 elevated philosophyical(哲学的)


63.c apture 捕捉;拍摄 capture a smile in a photography

64.g enre 类型 You could look at other books of the same genre.

65.l iveliness 活泼

66.s pontaneity 自发行为 He has the spontaneity of a child.

67.a cknowledge 承认 She acknowledges that she is hungry .

68.c hunk 大部分 The ticket took a chunk of my monthly salary


69.e laborate 详细制定;详尽说明 He refused to elaborate a good


70.g rieve 感到伤心 I did not have any time to grieve.

71.c onvey 表达;传送 I can not convey my feelings in words.

72.m ulti-media system 多媒体系统

73.i n relation to 关于,涉及

74.d emonstrate 证明 These problems demonstrate the importance

of planning.

75.u nderline 强调 This incident underlines the need for

immediate action.

76.i dentity card 身份证

77.s trategic 战略性的 strategic materials(物资)

78.s cale 范围;规模 He underestimates the scale of the problem.

79.i t is no exaggerate(夸张)to say 毫不夸张的说

80.p ass on the onus(义务)of…to…把……的义务转交给……


1.As can be seen from the cartoon above,().From the

information given in the drawing,we estimate that().


2.in my opinion,while self-reliance is an important quality

that everyone should strive to develop,it is also vital that

we know how to enlist and accept the support of others.



3.The successful for the department of this issue is of great

importance to the stability of a society and the cohesion

of a nation ,because it enables young people to foresee thei




4.They are duty-bound to show their filial piety to their aged

parents,because their parents have spared no efforts and

endured all kinds of hardships to bring them up.



5.I fell terribly sorry for any inconvenience I may have caused.


6.It is with great regret that I tell you that很抱歉通知您:

7.Only by doing so can we…只有这样我们才能……

8.I apologize again for inconveniencing you in any way.


9.The experience will be unforgettable throughout my life.


10.A s is subtly revealed in the caricatur.正如图画所生动展示


11.T he aim of the drawing is to show us that…这幅画旨在告



Dear Sir or Madam

I am writing to apologize for().Had I paid more attention,I would not have made such a foolish mistake.

Now something must be done to solve the problem because I understand().Please accept my sincere apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.

Please let me know which solution you prefer at your earliest convention.I really hope you will accept my sincere apology.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming










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