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作者:杜海燕, 林阳, DU Hai-yan, LIN Yang








1.金有豫药理学 2001

2.Singh U;Devaraj S;Jialal I Comparison effect of atorvastatin(10 versus 80 mg) on biomarkers of inflammation and oxidative stress in subjects with metabolic syndrome 2008(03)

3.Kagami S;Kanari H;Suto A HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor simvastatin inhibits pro-inflammatory cytokine production from murine mast cells 2008(suppl 1)

4.Montecucco F;Burger F;Pelli G Statins inhibit Creactive protein-induced chemokine secretion,ICAM-1 upregulation and chemotaxis in adherent human monocytes 2009(05)

5.Ridker PM;Cannon CP;Morrow D C-reactive protein levels and outcomes after statin therapy 2005(01)

6.Deedwania P;Stone PH;Bairey Merz CN Effects of intensive versus moderate lipid lowering therapy on myocardial ischemia in older patients with coronary heart disease:Results of the study assessing goals in the elderly (SAGE) 2007(06)

7.Wenger NK;Lewis S J;Herrington DM Treating to new targets study steering committee and investigators.Outcomes of using high or low dose atorvastatin in patients 65 years of age or older with stable coronary heart disease 2007(01)

8.Olsson AG;Schwartz GG;Szarek M Effects of high dose atorvastatin in patients 》 or = 65 years of age with acute coronary syndrome from the myocardial ischemia reduction with aggressive cholesterol lowering[MIRACL]study 2007(05)

9.Ozova EM;Kiiakbaev GK;Kobalava ZhD Inflammation and chronic heart failure role of statins 2007(01)

10.Heeba G;Hassan MK;Khalifa M;Malinski T Adverse balance of nitric oxide/peroxynitrite in the dysfunctional endothelium can be reversed by statins.[外文期刊] 2007(4)

11.Jantzen F;Knemann S;Wolff B Isoprenoid depletionby statins antagonizes cytokine-induced down-regulation of endothelial nitric oxide expression and increases NO synthase activity in human umbilical vein endothelial cells 2007(03)

12.Wenzel P;Daiber A;Oelze M Mechanisms underlying recoupling of eNOS By HMG-CoA reductase

inhibition in a rat model of streptozotocin-induced diabetesmellitus 2008(01)

13.Besler C;Doerries C;Giannotti G Phamacological approaches to improve endothelial repair mechanisms 2008(08)

14.Vincent L;Chen W;HongL Inhibition of endothelial cell migration by cerivastatin,an HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor:contribution to its anti-angiogenic effect 2001(03)

15.Negre AP;Van EM;Van LRE Differential effect of simvastatin on various signal transduction intermediates in cultured human smooth muscle cells 2001(08)

16.Sawada N;Itoh H;Nakao K Novel actions of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (statins) -vascular and cerebral protection through inhibition of small GTPase Rho 2001(12)

17.Yamakawa T;Tanaka S;Kamei J Pitavsatatin inhibits vascular Smooth muscle cell proliferation by inactivating extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 2003(01)

18.曲莉,刘宗武,赵学忠他汀类药物多效性研究进展[期刊论文]-中国老年学杂志 2010(2)

19.Rodríguez-Vita J;Sánchez-Galán E;Santamaría B Essential role of TGF-beta/Smad pathway on statin dependentvascular smoothmuscle cell regulation 2008(12)

https://www.doczj.com/doc/de18169882.html,ufs U;Gertz K;Huang P Atorvastatin upregulates type Ⅲ nitric oxide synthase in

thrombocytes,decreases platelet activation,and protects from cerebral ischemia in normocholesterolemicmice 2000(10)

21.Gertz K;Laufs U;Lindauer U;Nickenig G;Bohm M;Dirnagl U;Endres M Withdrawal of statin treatment abrogates stroke protection in mice.[外文期刊] 2003(2)

22.Undas A;Brummel Ziedins KE;Potaczek DP;Stobierska Dzierzek B;Bryniarski L;Szczeklik A;Mann KG Atorvastatin and quinapril inhibit blood coagulation in patients with coronary artery disease following 28 days of therapy.[外文期刊] 2006(11)

https://www.doczj.com/doc/de18169882.html,cut K;Oger E;Legal G Statins but not fibrates are associated with a reduce drisk of venous thromboembolism:a hospital-based case-control study 2004(04)

24.The Long term Intervention with Pravastatin in lschemic Disease (LIPID) Study Group Prevention of cardiovasculsr events and death with pravastatin in patients with coronary head disease and abroad range of initial cholesterol levels 1998(19)

25.胡大一;马长生心脏病学实践 2007

26.Pasceri V Atorvastatin for reduction of myocardial damage during angioplasty 2004(06)

27.Patti G;Pasceri V;Colonna G;Miglionico M;Fischetti D;Sardella G;Montinaro A;Di-Sciascio G Atorvastatin pretreatment improves outcomes in patients with acute coronary syndromes undergoing early percutaneous coronary intervention: results of the ARMYDA-ACS randomized trial.[外文期刊] 2007(12)

28.Briguori C;Visconti G;Focaccio A Novel approaches for preventing or limiting events (Naples) ⅡTrial impact of a single high loading dose of atorvastatin on periprocedural myocardial infarction 2009(23)

29.DiSciascio G;Patti G;Pasceri V Efficacy of atorvastatin reload in patients on chronic statin therapy undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention:results of the ARMYDA-RECAP-TURE (Atorvastatin for Reduction of Myocardial Damage During Angio plasty)Randomized Trial 2009(06)

30.方向华卒中的流行趋势、危险因素研究与预防模式 2006

31.郭佳,田金徽,杨克虎,任尧尧,姜雷,石正洪他汀类药物预防卒中再发的系统评价[期刊论文]-中国循证医学杂志 2009(5)

32.杨燃,杨红敏,付志新,王晓雪,杨静,庞玉玲辛伐他汀对血脂异常人群缺血性脑卒中的预防[期刊论文]-中华老年心脑血管病杂志 2006(12)

success 2007(03)

34.王兴全解读他汀类药物防治IS/TIA的专家共识[期刊论文]-中国实用医药 2010(12)

35.Matafome P;Nunes E;Louro T;Amaral C;Crisostomo J;Rodrigues L;Moedas AR;Monteiro P;Cipriano

A;Seica R A role for atorvastatin and insulin combination in protecting from liver injury in a model of type 2 diabetes with hyperlipidemia.[外文期刊] 2009(3)

36.Villalba JM;Parrado C;Santos-Gonzalez M Therapeutic use of coenzyme Q (10) and coenzyme Q (10) -related compounds and formulations 2010(04)

37.Rajpathak SN;Kumbhani DJ;Crandall J Statin therapy and risk of developing type 2 diabetes:a metaanalysis 2009(10)

38.Matikainen N;Kahri J;Taskinen MR Reviewing statin therapy in diabetes-towards the best practice 2010(01)

39.Imai E;Hamano T Clinical study on nephrology 2010(01)

40.Chapman MJ;Redfern JS;McGovern ME;Giral P Niacin and fibrates in atherogenic dyslipidemia: pharmacotherapy to reduce cardiovascular risk.[外文期刊] 2010(3)

41.Kostapanos MS;Milionis HJ;Elisaf MS Rosuvastatinassociated adverse effects and drug-drug interactions in the clinical setting of dyslipidemia 2010(01)

42.Nicholls SJ;Brandrup-Wognsen G;Palmer M Metaanalysis of comparative efficacy of increasing dose of Atorvastatin versus Rosuvastatin versus Simvastatin on lowering levels of atherogenic lipids (from VOYAGER) 2010(01)

43.Wierzbicki AS;Viljoen A Hyperlipidaemia in paediatric patients: the role of lipid-lowering therapy in clinical practice.[外文期刊] 2010(2)

44.陈莉,陈灿,黄石安,王焱他汀类药物与心房颤动[期刊论文]-中国实用医药 2010(23)

45.Haag MD;Hofman A;Koudstaal PJ Statins are associated with a reduced risk of Alzheimer disease regardless of lipophilicity.The Rotterdam Study 2009(01)

46.Galus R;Jozwiak JW;lodarski K Polskimerkuriusz lekarsk:i organ polskie go to warzystwa lekarskiego 2008(144)

47.Sparks DL;Sabbagh MN;Connor DJ;Lopez J;Launer LJ;Browne P;Wasser D;Johnson Traver S;Lochhead

J;Ziolwolski C Atorvastatin for the treatment of mild to moderate Alzheimer disease: preliminary results.[外文期刊] 2005(5)

48.付婕琴,刘海洋,胡昌华他汀类药物治疗阿尔茨海默病的非降脂作用新机制[期刊论文]-中国药学杂志 2010(11)

49.Derosa G;Maffioli P Effects of amlodipine plus atorvastatin association in hypertensive hypercholesterolemic patients 2010(06)

50.Amin KA;Abd EI-T wab TM Oxidative markers,nitric oxide and homocysteine alteration in hypercholesterolimic rats:role of atorvastatine and cinnamon 2009(03)

51.胡大一,王振纲防治冠心病和高血压的药物--他汀类[期刊论文]-中国全科医学 2000(2)

52.Azar RR;Badaoui G;Sarkis A Effect of ezetimibe/atorvastatin combination on oxidized low density lipoprotein cholesterol in patients with coronary artery disease or coronary artery disease

53.Moride Y;Hegele RA;Langer A Clinical and public health assessment of benefits and risks of

statins in primary prevention of coronary events:resolved and unresolved issues 2008(04)

54.Caso G;Kelly P;McNurlan MA Effect of coenzyme q10 on myopathic symptoms in patients treated with statins 2007(10)

55.Backes JM;Howard PA Association of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors with neuropathy 2003(03)

56.Baker SK;Tarnopolsky MA Statin-associated neuromyotoxicity 2005(04)

57.Focking M;Besselman NM;Trapp T Statins potentiate caspase-3 activity in immortalized murine neurons 2004(1-2)

58.李静,蒋立新,李希,冯芳,CHEN Yi-ping,CHEN Zheng-ming,LANDRAY Martin,ARMITAGE Jane,CHEN Fang他汀类药物在中国冠心病患者中的应用现状调查[期刊论文]-中国循环杂志 2010(5)

59.Kotseva K;Wood D;De-Backer G;De-Bacquer D;Pyorala K;Keil U EUROASPIRE III: a survey on the lifestyle, risk factors and use of cardioprotective drug therapies in coronary patients from 22 European countries.[外文期刊] 2009(2)


1.许桂萍他汀类药物的研究进展及临床应用评价[期刊论文]-现代妇女(医学前沿) 2014(11)

2.陈玉珍探讨他汀类药物在临床用药中的安全性[期刊论文]-医药前沿 2013(19)

3.卫昌华他汀类药物在临床用药中的合理性和安全性[期刊论文]-吉林医学 2012(13)

4.吉凤,徐小林三种他汀类药物治疗老年动脉粥样硬化性急性脑梗死合并高血脂效果对比观察[期刊论文]-山东医药 2014(28)

5.张娜,黄海伟,林兰,何兰,吕扬心血管系统治疗药物的晶型研究进展[期刊论文]-现代药物与临床 2014(06)

6.冯现俊他汀类与心血管药物配伍的疗效观察及安全分析[期刊论文]-中国医药指南 2013(10)

7.陈春雷,邱智辉,苏世鑫,张国良他汀类降脂药对急慢性脑血管病的远期疗效及卒中再发风险的影响[期刊论文]-中国医药科学 2013(24)

8.包海燕他汀类药物在治疗心血管疾病的临床应用与进展[期刊论文]-中国医疗前沿 2013(06)

9.张晋波阿托伐他汀治疗高脂血症的疗效观察[期刊论文]-中国保健营养(中旬刊) 2012(11)

10.胡晓琴瑞舒伐他汀对脑梗死患者血脂及神经功能评分的影响[期刊论文]-中国实用神经疾病杂志 2015(08)

11.齐继连,彭云蓉,刘涛,李梅笑,范国裕,李观强速度向量成像技术评估高脂血症患者颈动脉运动特征价值[期刊论文]-中华实用诊断与治疗杂志 2013(01)

12.王衍洪,何珊娜,尹庆和,邓汝波2007-2011年中山大学附属东华医院调节血脂药应用分析[期刊论文]-中国医院用药评价与分析 2012(07)

13.马维军他汀类药物在糖尿病血管病变应用的新进展[期刊论文]-医学信息 2014(36)

14.欧阳奕春II丹参酮A蟥酸纳联合洛伐他汀治疗肺心病急性加重期的疗效观察[期刊论文]-中外医疗 2013(33)


16.刘海霞,李全斌普伐他汀相关肌病不良反应的研究进展[期刊论文]-实用药物与临床 2015(01)

17.张素艳,张静,耿晓妍,王爱田,高景利,李晓岚他汀类药物对糖尿病合并严重感染患者预后的影响[期刊论文]-医学临床研究 2014(03)

18.张伏龙他汀类药物的临床应用研究进展[期刊论文]-现代中西医结合杂志 2015(05)

19.李荣,赵志刚,司延斌他汀类药物肝脏安全性的研究进展及合理选用[期刊论文]-药品评价 2013(04)

20.何春晓他汀类药物的临床应用与研究进展[期刊论文]-实用医技杂志 2012(12)

21.李健康3.1类新药克利贝特人体药代动力学研究[学位论文]硕士 2014

引用本文格式:杜海燕.林阳.DU Hai-yan.LIN Yang他汀类药物的研究进展与临床应用评价[期刊论文]-中国医院用药评价与分析 2011(6)

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