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Penalty Kick

Since I can remember, there are many things have been gradually forgotten, but there is one thing that I will always remember.

I was in junior high school; my brother was a player of the school football team, so in extracurricular time I also often play football with my brother. But I have never played football game, because I never believe in my strength. Once the football team of our school and other schools plan to a game, but there is one player didn't come. My brother see me sitting near the stadium, my brother pulled me into the stadium, I was very nervous in the face of the game. After the match began, I made many mistakes, we were given a penalty kick at the end of the half-court, I just want to go outside to find water to drink, I become stupefied when my brother let me penalty kick, but a lot of players were very confident to me, I couldn't believe my eyes, The football rolled into the goal. I feel very excited for the goal, my scoring let me find the confidence.

Although we lost the game, but later I completely in love with the football, the penalty kick let me find the confidence, thank you for the penalty kick, thank you for my brother.



An Unforgettable Day

August 5 was a special day. It was my eighteenth birthday, on the way to become an adult. I didn't go out with my relatives as usual, I went to Zhejiang Daily Newspaper Building to experience how an editor of Zhejiang Online Website worked. In the morning, we visited many offices, chatted with Wang Zhidong, the former CEO of Sina, and we tried to edit a report and send it to the Internet. We also had a debate about whether kids'being on-line was good. I stood on the positive side. That was, we should get on-line, to learn, to relax, to shop, to play, to make friends, and to name just a few. We took some pictures to accept as a souvenir. We had lunch there and watched movies afterwards. Spiderman II was truly realistic. We were fascinated by the cool actions, scared by the ugly beast,and

encouraged by the brave hero. Then we saw part of Detective Conan, a Japanese cartoon film. In the afternoon, we took a bus to a building where the governors worked to interview a grandpa, who used to work for the young generation. He is kind, and healthy, though he is over eighty. He loves working, especially working for the youth. He feels more energetic as he talks with kids. At last, he asked us to sing a song for him. We sent a boy on behalf of us all to sing a happy song. He didn't disappoint us, making everyone present laugh for a while. When the interview ended, we headed back to the newspaper leader

handed each of us a diploma and the photos we took that morning. Good time passed quickly. We said good-bye to each other, and then we parted. Yeah, we've become friends though we haven't known each other very long. In a word, that was a meaningful enjoyable day.

I really had great fun.



The most unforgettable thing


Dear teachers, classmates:


Hello everyone,


My name is . I would be very glad to share my most unforgettable moment with you guys.


When I was as a student in middle school, I was so playful and always got the low marks. Once the math teacher asks us to, and I failed to do that! And the math teachers blames me and tell me that my learning ability is so poor and I was very very down at that time. But, from that time, I started to be very concentrated on my study, I keep learned and excised almost every

day. And gradually, something changed, from that semester, i started to obtain the top scores from every subject, and I also finally achieved the top grade from the senior high school entrance examination in my this experience in school, I always believed that this will always give me courage, confidence, and will continuing push me make further progress.


And after high school, because I lacked for rest, my result drastically slip down again, and again the teachers and classmates put lots of suspicions on me, they started to doubt my “” story. I felt desperate and discouraged and nearly give up at that moment. But still, the unforgettable experience of my middle school eventually inspired me to overcome this, it tells me I must believe myself. I must study hard again and

overcome all this obstacles! I can!

Surely, since the Senior Two semester, I achieved the top grade in the class again, and I keep this “”title and story until the college entrance examination took place.


I think, to me, I achieved the top score from the senior high school entrance examination in the county, it is the most unforgettable thing in my life.


This become unforgettable, this experience tells me a simple and deep meaning. That makes me understand that if we have strong determination, we will eventually make achievement. This will become my first milestone in my life, and it will always encourage and urge me to achieve more and more “”, and progress.


Thanks for every one, thanks for Mr…..




One day Mon said to me "I love you. son"

I was very happy that day and went to school.

6 o'clock in the afternoon, i went back was also back and there was a big cake on the table.

I asked him "why there is a cake can i eat it"

Dad answered " should eat first."

"why"I asked again.

"because it's your mom's birthday"

then i remembered mom said "i love you" to me in the was mom's birthday,but i didn't know that.

and she said "i love you"to me.


寒假最难忘的一件事Has the winter vacation year after year, all is often different. Formerly, I all only was busy in the winter vacation is making merry, but this difference, not only I have not played, but also almost closed the confinement. Asked how I do fall so the fate, ya, all is the calamity which wants to play all the time annoys!

That day clear and boundless sky, solar especially beautiful, my in high spirits running to the maternal family, father and mother and the relatives and friends disappears for a long time, therefore particularly is excited. After finished eating the lunch to chat a meeting, they on full of enthusiasm played the playing cards. I am idling the safe, a person exits the extension, and brought a cigarette lighter, several dozens firecrackers along with; Transferred had not seen any interesting thing, thereupon I put the firecracker on a person in the courtyard. But that day wind especially big, I originally want to lose on the place the firecracker actually and I do to, rode the wind but has flown on the side haystack, a detonation, unexpectedly 窜出 a ten feet high flame for to ignite the haystack, I was startled immediately had, hurried brushes with the bamboo pole, but the haystack roasted in the overpoweringly hot hot sun roasts has dehydrated completely, in addition that wind helped an evildoer do evil in the one side, the flame fled in a twinkling Lao Gao, I was scared immediately, got a sudden inspiration nearby the discovery well to have a

washbasin suddenly, hurried the water used fire fighting, just has irrigated a trough, That presses the hydraulic engine also to press did not sail upstream, really awfully, this heaven resembles is intending to oppose with me resembles, my anxious tear has all fallen, wants to let loose the throat to shout, can how also shout does not make noise; The younger sister comes out by chance asks me to play, she hurried the human has all called, everybody busily has opened immediately, barrel barrel trough trough water straight upward irrigated. This water is originally may suppress the fire, but this fire gentle breeze becomes the ally, the fire has borrowed the circumstances, the wind helps the fire prestige, the situation is not more and more wonderful. By now although greatly burnt down was the haystack but likes actually is burning my heart, from caught up with the villagers in all directions which put out a fire also to, they did not know lifted a small water pump from where, finally, this water pump drew up the water has all supplied, was seeing this fire had to irrigate extinguished, but did not know how, the water broke suddenly. We run as soon as looked that,

the original water source is far, that splices the pipe joint place 散架, Shui Zhenggu 汩 braved to outside, to flow place. When we fix the pipe, this is irrigated the fire which extinguishes to resurge quickly. Has not been good, this time wind has gotten up greatly, again does not take the measure, not only this haystack has not guaranteed, all must suffer disaster including the side on haystack and the house. In this critical moment, sees only the uncle to take up the pipe, flushed the haystack which burnt, he did not attend to the intermittent thick smoke to destroy completely the exterior fire diligently outside, also let the public hoe push aside the haystack, the water used to has Mars the place pouring to go, but most was anxious certainly is I, one side me was snatching the fire fighting, at the same time unceasingly the mouth read "the amen", really was turns to any doctor one can find when critically ill. But, this move resembles also very is effective, soon, the wind really has stopped down, this fire also naturally extinguished. My deep sigh one breath, in a heart big stone finally fell to the ground.

Although the fire extinguished, but my

responsibility feared was the inescapable, I have finished the full psychological preparation, in just a little bit, the maid ablaze with anger walked, very far away I 闻到 the smell of gunpowder, but fortunately, the maid has not begun, otherwise I also could write the thesis in this Oh, I now really regretted that, I do must put that to provoke the

right and wrong to me the firecracker




One day Mon said to me "I love you. son"

I was very happy that day and went to school.

6 o'clock in the afternoon, i went back was also back and there was a big cake on the table.

I asked him "why there is a cake can i eat it"

Dad answered " should eat first."

"why"I asked again.

"because it's your mom's birthday"

then i remembered mom said "i love you" to me in the was mom's birthday,but i didn't know that.

and she said "i love you"to me.



范文:The thing that I'll never forget

How time flies!I'm fifteen years the long time,there was one thing that I will never forget.

The Spring Festival is our traditional the Spring Festival,people usually visit their friends and I was 9 years old,my family took the bus to my grandparents' to say "Happy New Year" to them.

In the bus,I had a good 7:30,the bus came to a woman got on with a baby in her that time,there was no she must look after her baby had to stand next to wanted to stand up and let her sit down,but I was afraid of hearing the other people say"That girl want to be praised."I looked people were looking out of the windows and some were ,a little boy behind me,stood up and made room for the said "Thank you very much" with a big boy smiled, I told my cousin about it after that,he said "The child is the father of a man." I'm very could't I do the same thing as the little boy did?

From that I learn that we should do our best to help people who need everyone makes a contribution to

helping others,the world will become much more beautiful!

篇八:暑假难忘的一件事 An Unforgettable Thing in Summer Holiday

暑假难忘的一件事 An Unforgettable Thing in Summer Holiday July 2 is my grand father's birthday. On that day, all of my families will get together to celebrate his birthday. This year was the same. My uncles and aunt came back from other cities. It was so alive that my grand parents were very happy. This year, I made a surprise for my grand father. I cooked a dish for him. As I never cooked before, he was so surprised as well as exciting. My grand father said that it was the best birthday gift he received. I was glad to make grand father happy. Actually, I had practiced for several days before that day. My mum was my cooking teacher. She supported me to prepare this gift to grand father.





记叙文的六要素: 时间,地点,人物,事情的起因,经过,结果.









老师先用一条小手巾蒙上她的眼睛,边系边问她能不能看见,然后在一个同学的位子上拿了本英语书放在讲台上说:Touch it and guess(摸一摸再猜一猜)刘英先是一愣,立即回过神来,开始用手小心地触摸起那本英语书。她一会儿眉头紧锁,一会儿嘴角又流露出一丝笑意。终于,她开口了:Is this an English book?(这是一本英语书吗?)同学们听她回答对了,齐声喊道:Yes!(对)刘英取下不手巾,兴奋地回到了座位上。(观察仔细,描写传神)见这个游戏这么有趣,同学们的兴致一下子上来了,纷纷跃跃欲试。我也高高地举起了右手。老师叫到了我的名字。老师照例用小手巾蒙上我的眼睛。我眼前一片漆黑,只能听见同学们的笑声和老师的脚步声,不知道老师要拿什么东西为难我。(摸一摸再猜一猜)我听了,用手摸着那个东西。咦!硬邦邦的,还长了许多角,而且每个角都比较尖,是什么呢?对了!也许是星星。Is this a star Yes!(对)同学们大声回答。我听了高兴地松了口气。可没想到老师又发问了:What colour is it You have 3 chances.(它是什

么颜色的,你有三次回答的机会。)它是什么颜色的呢?我想。可能是因为紧张,也可能是平时没有观察,我一连浪费了两次机会。糟了!我只剩下最后一次机会了。没办法,乱猜一个吧!我不抱希望地问老师:Is it white(是白色的吗?)Yes。(是)同学们肯定地回答。(3——6段游戏的活动过程)游戏做完了,老师请我们把课本翻到19课。我们一看课文,哇!文中的对话正是我们刚才游戏的内容。结果,课上发言的人多了,同学们学习的热情十分高涨。(老师教学方法的新颖——游戏结果)



那是一年前的一天晚上,我正在温习功课。平时常出题考我的哥哥又来到我身边。启任,我出三道题考你,要是全答对了奖励你一块糖,要是答错了——哪怕是一道题,也一块不给。我从来没怕过考试。尤其是哥哥出的题,我根本没放在眼里。一棵树上4只鸟,肩并肩,脚并脚,有人向它们开了一枪,打掉1只,还剩几只鸟?零只呗。我轻松地过了第一关。无论你走到哪里,总有个东西跟着你,这个东西是什么?哥哥又问道。这太容易答了,是影子!就这样的题,学前班的小朋友都知道,还考我?哼!我心里得意的就别提了。好,你再听第三道题。哥哥像是很有把握地,狡猾地笑了一笑,大声说:从0到9 这几个数,是相加大还













经典英语演讲稿带翻译6篇 经典英语演讲稿带翻译6篇 还在为找不到合适的英语演讲稿发愁吗?为大家整理了经典英语演讲稿带翻译6篇,欢迎大家阅读。 经典英语演讲稿带翻译篇1 As everyone knows,English is very important today.It has been used everywhere in the world.It has become the most common language on Internet and for international trade. If we can speak English well,we will have more chance to succeed.Because more and more people have taken notice of it,the number of the people who go to learn English has increased at a high speed. But for myself,I learn English not only because of its importance and its usefulness,but also because of my love for it.When I learn English, I can feel a different way of thinking which gives me more room to touch the world.When I read English novels,I can feel the pleasure from the book which is different from reading the translation.When I speak English, I can feel the confident from my words.When I write English,I can see the beauty which is not the same as our Chinese... I love English,it gives me a colorful dream.I hope I can travel around the world one day. With my good English, I can make friends with many people from different contries.I can see many places of great intrests.I dream that I can go to London,because it is the birth place of English.


《好人好事演讲稿》 好人好事演讲稿(一): 身边的好人好事演讲稿 尊敬的各位来宾、同学们: 大家好! 这天,我要向大家演讲的主题是寻心中榜样,赞最美少年。 古人云:勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之。意思是:不要以为一件好事并不起眼而不去做,不要以为一件坏事并不大而去做。在社会这个温馨的大家庭中细心观察,慢慢体会,你就会发现许多榜样人物,他们用实际行动让我们感动,佩服! 接下来,我要向大家讲述一个感人至深的故事。 故事的主人公名叫xx,她生前是广西桂林的一名12岁小学生,201x年11月17日,xx脑死亡,父亲按照女儿遗愿将她的两个肾和一个肝捐献了出来。她的事迹感动众人。 那天,何对爸爸妈妈说的第一句话是:爸爸,我想把器官捐出去行不行?父母吓了一大跳,把何骂了一顿,因为按老家的风俗,人死后尸体被解剖是大逆不道的。何哭了:我想把生命奉献出来!让我的生命得到延续,同时我也想让我的生命更有价值,哪怕只是一点点最后父母含着泪同意了。 11月17日,何离开了人世。虽然我们的女儿没了,但我们帮她完成了心愿,我们很欣慰!在感动中国演播室里,xx的父母从走上台那一刻起就几度泣不成声。xx离开了我们,但她瘦弱的身躯呈现出来的却是感人的力量,我觉得何姐姐还在那里,虽然我们看不见她,但她的故事永远流传! xx走后,她的两个肾被送到解放军第181医院并捐给了两名患者,其中一名是18岁藏族小伙索朗旺青。理解肾脏移植手术后的索朗旺青状况稳定,在索朗旺青的西藏故乡,索朗旺青的家人将何视为亲人,日夜祈祷,为她点上100盏酥油灯。何因捐献器官被称为最美女孩,她死前的这个愿望被称为最美遗愿。 当一个12岁的生命逝去时,换来了3个生命的重生,这是人世间怎样的一种悲喜交加? 当201x十大感动中国人物揭晓,xx这个名字再次被千万人记起,也必将被无数人铭记。正如央视给予她的颁奖词:你来过,你不曾离开,你用平凡生命最后的闪光,把人间照亮。


我的家乡演讲稿,英文 篇一:我的家乡英文演讲 Good afternoon! Teachers !I’m Zhao Zhiyang from Class2,Grade6. I’m glad to give you a speech. My topic is my hometown. My hometown is a beautiful place. It has a beautiful name - Wansheng. There is a 5A level scenic spot – the Black Valley. It looks like a fairyland. There are many hills. They are covered by many green trees and beautiful flowers . Wan Sheng Stone Forest is also very famous in China. There are a lot of strange stones. They look like tiger, monkey, dog, man and woman. There is a tall stone like the spring bamboo. Many people come here to visit the Black Valley and Wan Sheng stone forest every year . Wansheng is the home of the badminton world champion- Zhang yawen. There are a lot of delicious food . People here are very friendly. I love my beautiful hometown Wansheng . Welcome to Wansheng. Thank you. 亲爱的朋友们: 下午好!我是来自六年级2班的赵智阳。我很高兴给大


2分钟带翻译英语演讲稿5篇 【篇一】2分钟带翻译英语演讲稿 Good evening ,Ladies and Gentlemen: Thank you very much for choosing to come in such a cold night.Today my topic is about choice and process.A research shows that a man has to make 73 choices one day.With so many choices one day, people easily get so confused and afraid of making wrong choice that they hesitate and finally miss the true part of life. In my opinion, the following part is of much more importance than the choice. There is no absolute right or wrong choice but wonderful or boring life, which the process makes the difference. Life is a box of chocolate,you never know what you will get. Forrest Gump made no decision by and for himself but he accomplished great success with his strong will in the process. The process is not the road itself but the attitudes and feelings ,the caution, courage and persistance we have as we encounter new experience and unexpected obstacles. Take myself as an example, I changed my major when I became a postgraduate. After the choice,days have been harsh for me.I cannot understand the new lessons at all. For they are closely related to mathmatics which I learned nothing about before. However wuth the belief that this is the great chance for me to experience new ideas and challenge myself,I persisted. I asked for help from every channel and reorgonized my life. Gradually I could understand some parts and even found maths interesting.Moreover, I learned to act instead of complaining. In retrospect,the choice left no

演讲稿 优秀英语演讲稿带翻译3篇

优秀英语演讲稿带翻译3篇 优秀英语演讲稿带翻译篇1 we are busier and busier now. sometimes we just feel stressed and painful and we forget to smile. please smile! smile to others around you. smile to the world! smile is important in our life. for ourselves, smile can make us happy and relaxed when we are sad or stressed. when you smile, the world in your eyes are better.for others, smile can make others feel comfortable and relaxed and they will like you. also, smile can bring you success. i once read a story. a salesman tried his best to sale things but always failed before. then he learned how to smile. he smiled all the time and others felt he was so kind and his smile was so attractive that they all wanted to but his things. finally, the man became successful. no matter you are happy or sad, do it now. the power of a smile is large. it can make all of us feel happy including yourself. smile to the world, to others and to everything. 我们现在忙,忙。有时我们只是感到压力和痛苦,我们忘了微笑。请微笑!对别人微笑。向世界微笑! 微笑在我们的生活中是很重要的。对于自己,微笑可以使我们快乐和放松当我们悲伤或压力。当你微笑的时候,世界在你眼中更好。对另一些人来说,微笑可以让别人感到舒


大学三分钟演讲我最难忘的一件事 大学是一段美好的生活,是你学业的最后一站,大学也是你步入社会的起点。下面是小编分享的大学三分钟演讲我最难忘的一件事,一起来看看吧。 大学三分钟演讲我最难忘的一件事篇一 大学生活最难忘的一件事 怀着对新事物,新生活的好奇之感,迈着轻巧的步伐,我走进了延边科技大学.我为自己能够考上这所学校而感到十分荣幸.因为我听说这所大学是中国独一无二的由韩国人开建的,确切地说是由我们敬爱的韩国总长用自己的宏伟构思创建而成的. 刚来到这所学校,我就觉得这里的校风特别好,比如这里的学姐,教授,同学每个人都与我以前所接触的人相比是那么地和蔼那么地可亲.我感受到了来自一个大家庭般的温暖. 回顾大一生活, 我觉得挺充实的.我参加过校园羽毛球比赛,歌唱比赛,秋季运动塞,常青树社团,房长MT,班级的野游…等很有锻炼价值和能够培养情趣的有益活动.现在这些事情还在我的脑

海里历历在目呢!但最让我记忆深刻和难以忘怀的则是指导教授的无私关爱. 事情是这样的.因在高中我是学日语上来的,到大学以后对于突然的英语学习感到十分的吃力.每天下午四节课全部由英语课填满.在学习英语上受到了相当大的压力,但关键是这些压力根本就没有让我在学习上产生任何的动力,反而我被这些压力压出了一门英语课F的成绩.我不知所措,心中满是恐惑,我当时真的太失落了.整个人像散了架的摊子一样无法支撑.何况我又是一个女生.听人说再怎么玩也是,只要学习了点,努力了点,是不会给F的. 但我却全身心努力了,投入了照样得了个F.指导教授知道了此情况,找我谈论了关于我的理想之话题.我大言不惭地说:”我的理想是到加拿大去留学”教授微微一笑,用肯定的预期说:”你该知道加拿大那边用的是英语啊!你在这儿不好好学英语,怎么能在那里生存呢?”我真的太委屈了.我拿出我以前密密麻麻抄下来的本子,递给教授说:”老师,其实我比谁都努力了,您看,这是我一学期下来所做的笔记.整整一大本子.我甚至把老师说的每一句话都给抄下来了.但我的成绩就是上不去.” 教授看后感慨地说:”你的问题不在于努力本身,在于学习方法问题.”说罢他就告诉我简单易懂的方法.那就是预习,听课理解内容而不是死记本子,再而就是复习了.然后告诉我需要坚持几个月才会有显著的效果的.我当时才恍然大悟,原来就那么简单啊!


介绍武汉的英文演讲稿 篇一:武汉每天不一样英语演讲稿 Wuhandifferent every day If suddenly spring night, the trees of pear blossoms . When a spring breeze over Jiangcheng , Wuhan is when you sit up and take notice . Now she had a new suit , with dare be a person first pursuit of excellence , Wuhan different every day ! If you find , originally a piece of rock beach has now become a beautiful scenery line If you find , roadside litter less . If you find , the hustle and bustle of the streets were quiet . If you find , more and more high-rise buildings , the traffic is more and more developed . If you find , people are more and more civilized . Civilization from the trivial , civilization begin from me . Classmates let us work hand in hand , create civilized Wuhan . Wuhan every day is different .


小学英语演讲稿3分钟带翻译 有时候我们需要用到英语演讲稿,那么有哪些比较好的英语类演讲稿呢?一起来看看小编为大家精心推荐的小学英语带翻译的演讲稿吧,希望能够对您有所帮助。 小学英语带翻译的演讲稿篇一 sara, who comes from canada, is our oral english teacher. she is loved and respected by many students. what influences me most is that she is warm-hearted, generous and easy-going. she always stays optimistic and tries hard to understand every of her student. besides, she often tells us some interesting stories and jokes in class, so as to make a happy atmosphere for us to study english. she loves teaching so much and has the eagerness to devote her life to education. because of her outstanding achievements, she had won lots of rewards, one of which is “model teacher” prize. 萨拉是我们的英语口语老师,她来自加拿大。很多学生都很尊敬和喜爱她。她给我的最深刻的影响是她的热情、慷慨又随和的性格。萨拉总是很乐观,不断地努力了解每一个学生。她还会在课上给我讲有趣的故事和笑话,所以她教的英语课都很轻松有


英语演讲稿带翻译4篇 下面是整理了英语演讲稿带翻译5篇,供你参考。 英语演讲稿带翻译范文一:我们是世界,我们是未来演讲稿 We Are The World ,We Are The Future Someone said "we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book, whose pages are infinite". I don't know who wrote these words, but I've always liked them as a reminder that the future can be anything we want it to be. We are all in the position of the farmers. If we plant a good seed ,we reap a good harvest. If we plant nothing at all, we harvest nothing at all. We are young. "How to spend the youth?" It is a meaningful question. To answer it, first I have to ask "what do you understand by the word youth?" Youth is not a time of life, it's a state of mind. It's not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips or supple knees. It's the matter of the will. It's the freshness of the deep spring of life. A poet said "To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour. Several days ago, I had a chance to listen to a lecture. I learnt a lot there. I'd like to share it with all of you. Let's show our right palms. We can see three lines that show how our love.career and life is. I have a short line of life. What about yours? I wondered whether we could see our future in this way. Well, let's make a fist. Where is our future? Where is our love,


三一文库(https://www.doczj.com/doc/df14944910.html,)/演讲稿/演讲稿范文 城市演讲稿4篇 *目录 .城市演讲稿 .创建卫生文明城市英语演讲稿 .文明城市演讲稿 .老师《争做文明市民,创建文明城市》演讲稿 如果这次市人大常委会议能够通过我的任职决定,我一定将党的信任和人民的期望作为工作的动力,不负重托,不辱使命,恪尽职守,廉洁奉公,详细内容请看下文城市环保局局长就职演讲稿。 倾听代表意见,接受人大监督。环保工作的焦点比较多,热点难点问题也很突出。因此,我衷心希望人大代表多为环保工作提意见,提建议,提批评,促进我们搞好工作。我一定自觉、主动地与人大代表加强联系,认真负责地向人大报告工作,接受市人大及其常委会组成人员的监督,实事求是地答复和办理人大批转的环保方面的监督意见和人大代表的建议,虚心接受人大评议。对人大代表提出的问题,一定认真对待,积极整改。同时,

我一定身体力行,影响与带动班子全体成员自觉置身于市人大常委会及人大代表的监督之下。坚持依法行政,认真按人大有关规定和程序做好一切工作。凡应该报请市人大决定的事情,严格按法律程序提请市人大审议。凡市人大及其常委会通过的决定、决议,市环保局都将坚决认真地贯彻执行。努力提高我们依法行政的自觉性,搞好环保工作。 改善环境质量,服务经济建设。在全面建设小康社会的新形势下,环保工作更加重要,任务更加繁重,人民群众对生存环境质量的要求也比以往任何时候都更为迫切。要从根本上改善我市环境质量,为经济发展创造优良环境,我决心突出抓好以下几点: (1)强化监督管理,巩固工业企业达标成果。要加大环保执法力度,严防土小企业死灰复燃;加强对达标企业的监督管理,保证企业长期稳定达标;加快工业污染治理步伐,提升企业达标水平;把好新建项目审批关,严格控制新污染产生。 (2)突出工作重点,搞好环境综合整治。要在巩固工业企业达标成果的基础上,积极推行清洁生产,发展循环经济,建设绿色企业、环保模范企业,促进全市企业走上新型工业化道路;在汾河、涑水河流域加强生态环境建设,实施绿色工程规划,全面改善汾河、涑水河水质;在城市环境综合整治上要有新的突破,协同相关部门在城市污水处理、垃圾无害化处理、集中供气供热、机动车尾气控制等工作中有更大进展。

一分钟励志英语演讲稿带翻译 英语口语演讲小短文精选

一分钟励志英语演讲稿带翻译英语口语演讲小短文 精选 励志的演讲稿能够让我们更好地积极面对生活,下面小编为大家整理了一些英语励志演讲稿,供参考! ? ?一分钟励志英语演讲稿范文带翻译You are Absolutely Unique ?Enjoy that uniquenesss1. You do not have to pretend in order to seem more ?like someone else. You do not have to lie to hide the parts of you that are not ?like what you see in anyone else. ?You were meant to be different. Nowhere, in all of history, will the same ?things be going on in anyone’s mind, soul and spirit as are going on in yours ?right now. ?If you did not exist, there would be a hole in creation, a gap2 in history, ?and something missing from the plan for humankind. Treasure your uniqueness. It ?is a gift given only to you. Enjoy it and share it! ?No one can reach out to others in the same way that you can. No one can ?speak your words. No one can convey your meanings. No one can comfort others with your kind of comfort. No one can bring your kind of understanding to ?another person. No one can be cheerful and light-hearted3 and joyous4 in your way. No one can smile your smile. No one else can bring the whole unique impact ?of you to another human being.


3分钟演讲稿励志小故事 3分钟演讲稿励志小故事1 爱是不会老的,它留着的是永恒的火焰与不灭的光芒,世界的存在,就以它为养料。——左拉 这个感人的故事,发生在一辆公车上,公车沿着南方偏远公路蹒跚而行。 车子里的乘客,有位瘦弱的老人,手里握着一束鲜花,车过教堂时,上来一个少女,目不转睛地看着老人的鲜花。 到了老人快要下车时,他突然冲动地将自己手中的鲜花推向少女的怀中。他赶忙解释说:“我看得出来你很喜欢这束花,我想我太太也会很快乐你拥有这束花的。我会告诉她我把花送给你了。” 那女孩接受那束花后,目送老人下车,看着他渐渐走到一座小公墓的门口。 3分钟演讲稿励志小故事2 兔子的胆小是出了名的,经常受到的惊吓总是像石头一样压在它们的心上。 有一次,众多兔子聚集在一起,为自己的胆小无能而难过,悲叹自己的生活中充满了危险和恐惧。 它们越谈越伤心,就仿佛已经有许多不幸发生在自己身上,而这也就是它们之所以成为兔子的原因。到了这种地步,负面的想像便无止境地涌现出来。它们怨叹自己天生不幸,既没有力气和翅膀,也没

有牙齿,日子只能在东怕西怕中度过,就连想要抛弃一切大睡一觉,也有什么都听得见的长耳朵的阻扰,赤红的眼睛也就变得更加鲜红了。 它们觉得自己的这种生活是毫无意义的,这又成了它们自我厌恶的根源。它们都觉得,与其一生心惊胆战,还不如一死了之好。 于是,它们一致决定从山崖上跳下去了结自己的生命,结束一切烦恼。就这样决定了,于是它们一齐奔向山崖,想要投河自尽。这时,一些青蛙正围在湖边蹲着,听到急促的脚步声,如临大敌,立即跳到深水里逃命去了。 这是兔子每次到池塘边都会看到的情景,但是今天,有一只兔子突然明白了什么,它大声地说:“快停下来,我们没必要吓得去寻死寻活了,因为我们现在可以看见,还有比我们更胆小的动物呢!” 这么一说,兔子们的心情巧妙地恍然大悟起来了,仿佛有一股勇气喷涌而出,于是它们欢天喜地回家去了。 不要为我们现在的遭遇就抱怨命运的不公,实际上,世界上还有很多比我们更不幸的人,想想那些更不幸的人仍旧坚强地活着,我们又为什么不能呢? 3分钟演讲稿励志小故事3 一个人在森林中漫游时,突然遇见了一只饥饿的老虎,老虎大吼一声就扑了上来。他立即用最快的速度逃开,但是老虎紧追不舍,他一直跑一直跑,最后被老虎逼到了断崖边。 站在悬崖边上,他想:“与其被老虎捉到,活活被咬死,还不如跳入悬崖,说不定还有一线生机。”


good morning teachers and classmates. 早上好,老师同学们。 im glad to be here for self-introdution. 我很高兴能在这里做自我介绍。 my name is *** and you can also call me ****. 我叫***,你们也能叫我***. 我来自八年级***班。 i am a local person who is 14 years old,and im of the opinion that my hometown is a beautiful city. 我是一个14岁的本地女孩,我认为我的家乡是一个美丽的城市。 i have a family of four, my mother ,father ,younger brother and me. 我有一个4口人的家庭,家里有我妈,我爸, 我弟和我。 we are getting along with each other. 我们一家人相处得很好。 作为一名来自典型中国家庭的中国女孩,我怕知道我身上寄托了父母对我成功的很大希 望。 所以,我觉得我有责任让他们梦想成真。 its tired for anyone to be successful. 对每个人来说,成功的路都是辛苦的。 however, i have the confidence because i have such ability! 尽管这样,我依旧 有信心,因为我有能力。 i am kind-hearted, patient, outgoing and creative. 我很善良,有耐心,开朗,还很有创造力。 i am a hard working student especially do the things i am interested in. 尤其 在做我喜欢的事情时,我会很努力。 i will try my best to resolve any problem no matter how difficult it is. 无论 有多困难,我都会尽力去解决问题。 no pain, no gainsis golden words in my life book. “没有付出就没有得到”是我的人生金句。 i love music, because music can make me feel relaxed. 我爱音乐,因为音乐能让我放松。 and im also a piano player. 我还是一名钢琴演奏者。 i practice my skill for 8 hours every week in my spare time. 每周在我休息时间 里,我会话8小时练习我的钢琴技巧。 by doing this, i can refresh my mind. 这么做能让我精神变得很清醒。 that’s all. thank you for giving me such a valuable opportunity!就这些,感 谢您给我这么珍贵的机会。篇二:自我介绍英文演讲稿 大学自我介绍英语演讲稿 hello,everyone! unlike many other girls,i’m quite good at sports.swimming,skating,basketball,volleyball,badminton,table tennis and etc. are my preferences.in spite of my height,i have a good jumping capacity.due to this,i’ m the captain of the female basketball team and the principal member of the female volleyball team in our school.in addition,i’m fond of playing chess.i’ve got a silver


三一文库(https://www.doczj.com/doc/df14944910.html,)/演讲稿 最新英语演讲稿带翻译【三篇】 Thenwhatisthemostpreciousandeverlastingthingintheworld? Whenyouarefarawayfromyourfamilyandfeelespeciallylonely,whowil lyouthinkof?Whenyoustandonthecrossroadinyourlifeanddontknow whichwaytochoose,whowillyouthinkof?Whenyouencountergreater difficultiesthaneverandneedothersencouragement,whowillyouthink of?Whenyoudecidetomakethegreatestdecisioninyourfavoritecourse ,whoshedcheerfultearswhenseeyougetachievements?Whosewhole heartedblessingwillbealwayswithyounomatterhowfaryouwillgo? Yes,itsmotherwhoyouwillalwaysthinkofanditsmotherslovethatwillbe alwayswithyou. Ionceheardamovingstoryaboutamother.Twochildrenweredrawninto thefloodandthesituationwasverydangerous.Theirmotherjumpedinto thewaterwithouthesitation.Butthemothercouldntswimatall.Jumping


关于难忘的一件事的演讲稿范文 关于难忘的一件事的演讲稿 在漫漫的人生旅途中,每天都会发生令你意想不到的事情,有些事情使你心旷神怡,喜出望外;有些事情使你忧心忡忡,闷闷不乐;有些事情使你惊慌失措,提心吊胆;有些事情却使你记忆犹新,历历在目。至今,我的脑海里依旧深深地烙印着一件事。 去年三月,楼上官伯伯家搬来了一个远房亲戚,叫做晓婉,听说与我一般岁数。从小生活在城镇的我,一直被视为爸爸的“掌上明珠”,妈妈的“心头肉”,向来看不起乡下农民,自然对晓婉充满敌意。一件小事却让我改变了对她的印象,至今依旧难以忘却。 开学的第一天,老师向我们介绍了一个转学生。我一看,愕然了,原来是晓婉,她竟然成了我的同班同学,还坐在我旁边。我一看见她,气便不打一处来。 我憋着一肚子火挨到放学。回到家后,我发现爸爸妈妈都回老家了,千叮万嘱叫我到官伯伯家吃饭。我只好唯命示从! 我到了官伯伯家后,便开始吃饭。尽管饭菜十分丰盛,官伯伯也十分热情地款待我,但是我一看到晓婉,就食不知味。

饭后,我打开书包,拿出书本,开始做作业。一路上“过关斩将”非常顺利。眼看就要“完璧归赵”了,却出乎意料地从半路杀出个“程咬金”——一道难解的应用题,把我难住。我用手使劲地挠着头,绞尽脑汁也想不出来。此时此刻,我真是孤掌难鸣,简直是叫天天不应,叫地地不灵。打电话向爸爸妈妈求救?唉,远水救不了近火啊!向官伯伯询问?又不好意思开口!唉,怎么办啊?我急得像“热锅上的蚂蚁——团团转”。这时,我心急如焚,脑袋里忽然闪出一个念头:抄晓婉的答案!抄?不,不,不,是参考!反正,晓婉也做完作业了,现在正在操场上玩耍,官伯伯也在睡觉,不会有人发现的!我心里像“十五个吊桶——七上八下”。我四处张望了一番,确定没人后,才稍有点儿松懈。我蹑手蹑脚地走到晓婉放书包的椅子旁,小心翼翼地拉开书包的拉链,从里面拿出作业本,翻开作业,一边看一边把答案抄到自己的本子上。“璐鸣。”我循声望去,是晓婉。顿时,我的脸涨得通红,半晌说不出话来。晓婉并没有责备我,而是坐在我旁边慢慢地详细地向我讲解这道难题。 啊!“人不可貌相,海水不可斗量”。晓婉,你那广阔的胸襟,不斤斤计较的品质,是我们学习的榜样! 关于难忘的一件事的演讲稿 在我成长的这些年中,见过许许多多令我感动的人,但最让我受影响的人还是在5。12大地震中出现的一个放弃自己生命,


小学最难忘的一件事演讲稿 小学最难忘的一件事演讲稿1尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们:大家好! 对于校园,我想:那是我们再也熟悉不过的一个学习天地。有人说,学习是一件非常以及极其无聊的事情,更别说校园生活的枯燥乏味了。可我却觉得在学校是一件快乐的事情,校园生活是多姿多彩的。因为在学校里能认识许许多多的同学和老师,下课,中午休息还可以和同学们玩游戏,有困难的时候同学还会拔刀相助。 记得那是一个炎热的一天。下午的体育课,太阳火辣辣地烤着大地,天气干爽、燥热。嗓子里几乎要冒烟了,渴死了,想喝水的念头愈来愈强烈,如果能喝一口清凉的冰水,那该是一件多么开心的事情啊! 正想着,下课的铃声响了。大家都冲上了楼,而我忘拿水杯了,该怎么办呢?左右为难时,看到我们班的同学拿着一个水杯去灌水。我眼前一亮,飞快地跑过去,“渴死了,我帮你灌水,顺便喝口。”我说,他说:“不行。”我不愿再多问一句。“哼!帮你灌水只是喝口都不行,太不够意思了。”我垂头丧气地回到教室座位上,趴在桌子上,口渴的就像传说中追太阳的夸夫,嗓子干得都冒烟了。我觉得委屈极了。 最好的朋友在我最困难的时候看到了我的不快,连忙问清事情的原因,毫不犹豫地拿出了自己的水杯。我心中的感谢以无法用语言表

达出来,心快乐得像只飞翔的鸽子,我大口大口地喝了起来,水,真甜、真爽啊!这友谊的滋味,要比水更甜、更爽。 我的好朋友解决了我的燃眉之急。以后,不论遇到什么事,我会记得在别人最需要的时候,毫不犹豫地给予,像我的好朋友那样。赠人玫瑰,手留余香。 小学最难忘的`一件事演讲稿2 在我脑海里,有许许多多的难忘的是,但其中有一件事最令我难忘,那就是我第一次做饭。 那是那一年的夏天,中午我放学回到家,一回到家,我就大声喊道:“今天谁做饭啊?饿死我了”。走到餐厅,才发现爸爸妈妈不在,着急的我这是在餐桌上看到了一张字条,上面写道:“儿子,今天我们不回来了,你自己做饭吃吧”。看到这张字条,心里想:“哼!不就是做饭么,谁不会,今天我就露俩手给他们瞧瞧”。我该做甚么呢?就做我最爱吃的鸡蛋面把。 我先拿来俩颗鸡蛋,左手拿着鸡蛋,右手固定住碗用力的在碗上磕了一下,不聊鸡蛋被我磕碎了,蛋黄都洒在了我的手上,没办法还得重磕,我又把另一颗鸡蛋拿在手上,吸取了上次的教训,我这次稍微用力的一磕鸡蛋,正好磕在了碗里,我高兴的手舞足蹈,然后,在用力搅拌,搅拌好了,我就开始和面,面活好了我就用菜刀切,这些面被我左切一下,右切一下,让我切的乱七八糟,面切好了,我在打开电磁炉,里面的水开了,我就把鸡蛋和面条放进去一起煮熟,等上七八分钟,面就好了,这中途,我就打开电视,开始看我最喜欢的电


介绍家乡的英语演讲稿 篇一:介绍家乡的英语演讲稿 mini speech good morning! ladies and gentlemen,i am so pleasant to make a speech about introducing my let’s enter my hometown--tianzhu mountain. it’s located within qianshan country of anhui province,and it is known for its main peak looking like a gigantic pillar propping up the is listed among the first key scenic and historical interest areas, national forest parks and national are some pictures of tianzhu ’s first photo was taken last summer are my classmates,the behind is the tianzhu next two photos are the cloud sea on the top of the tianzhu sea often appears after the rain or at it is a pity that i

didn’t see it that does be a beautiful place deserving visiting,i am looking forward to your arrival. that’s all,thank you for listening!篇二:我和我的家乡英文演讲稿修 hello everyone, im a student from digital media class 4, grade 14. my name is li content of my speech is a story about me and my hometown. shou mountain in my hometown is the highest mountain. trees on the mountain are flourishing every year. there are a lot of wild plants, too. the scenery in four seasons is very beautiful:red maple, golden ginkgo, brown phoenix tree and green pine tree. it’s very colorful. in winter after the lake has iced up,everything seems so quiet. 我的家乡是个美丽的地方,他有一个美丽的名字—****.这里有一个风景名胜区—****. 它就象仙境.这有很多高山,山上有很多树.一眼看去都

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