当前位置:文档之家› 2012届高三英语单项选择考点精讲精练-形容词和副词









1. (延边F)(典型例题精选reen products are becoming more and more popular because they are environmentally .

A. friendly

B. various

C. common

D. changeable

(延边F) [考场错解] D

(延边F) [专家把脉] 由于不能正确理解句意becoming,易和changeable联系起来,所以造成错选D项。friendly友好的;various不同的,各式各样的;common普通的,常见的;changeable易变的。本句表达:因为绿色产品对环境友好,所以越来越受欢迎。

(延边F) [对症下药] A

2. (延边F) (典型例题精选)—How is everything going on with you in Europe?

—Quite well. Not so smoothly as I hoped, .

A. though

B. instead

C. either

D. too

(延边F) [考场错解] B

(延边F) [专家把脉] 本题考查在具体语境中易混淆副词的含义和用法。根据句意“非常好。不过,没有期望的那样顺利。”这里though用作副词,意为“然而,不过”。

(延边F) [对症下药] A

3. (延边F) ( 典型例题精选) The house smells as if it hash' t been lived in for years.

A. little white wooden

B. little wooden white

C. white wooden little

D. wooden white little

[考场错解] B

(延边F)[专家把脉] 此题考查形容词排列顺序问题。由于受汉语的影响易错选B。关于多个形容词的排列参看下面的“专家会诊”。

(延边F) [对症下药]A

4. (延边F) (典型例题精选—Did you enjoy yourself at the party?

—Yes. I' ve never been to one before.

A. a more excited

B. the most excited

C. a more exciting

D. the most exciting

(延边F) [考场错解] D

(延边F) [专家把脉]本题考查形容词或副词比较级作定语的用法,同时亦考查否定词与比较级连用的意义和用法。比较级与否定词连用表示最高级。根据题意C正确。

(延边F) [对症下药] C

5. (延边F) (典型例题精选Although she did not know Boston well, she made her way to the Home Cirele Building.

A. easy enough

B. enough easy

C. easily enough

D. enough easily

(延边F) [考场错解] D


(延边F) [对症下药] C

6. (延边F)(典型例题精选) It is any wonder that his friend doesn' t like watching television much.

A. no

B. such

C. nearly

D. hardly

(延边F) [考场错解] A

(延边F) [专家把脉]此题考查no wonder一词用法。译为“难怪”,既然中间插入any,我们知道no=not any,因此,填空处需要一个not即可,而hardly=almost not,故D正确。

(延边F) [对症下药] D


1 (延边F)英语中某些副词短语的意义和用法很重要。


not a little, not a bit, not more

than, no more than, too much, much too, by far, more than,more than, no less than, not less than 等, 在平常练习中要加以注意。


意: hard, hardly ; deep, deeply ; high, highly ; dead, deadly; most, mostly; fair, fairly; quite, fair]y, rather; ahnost, nearly; such 等。

3.(延边F)多个形容词同时修饰一个名词时,多用下列顺序:性质+大小+形状+新旧+颜色,有时也要看与名词的密切关系,越密切越靠近名词。多个词同时作前置定语时的一般排列规律是:代词性定语+冠9-V指示/物主/所有格+数词(先序后基)+形容词+国籍/材f4/用途形容词或名词或动名词+被修饰的名词。如:a charming small round old brownFrench oak writing table.


1 (延边F) Excuse me, but can I borrow your pencil-box?

A. blue cheap plastic

B. cheap blue plastic

C. plastic blue cheap

D. plastic cheap blue


2 (延边F) Mr. Evans is wise than smart. Few people can solve such a problem.

A. no less

B. no more

C. less

D. more


3(延边F) They found there was to weigh such an elephant.

A. big enough nothing

B. nothing enough big

C. enough nothing big

D. nothing big enough




1. (延边F) (典型例题精选) David has won the first prize in singing ; he is still very excited now and feels desire to go to bed.

A. the most

B. more

C. worse

D. the least

(延边F) [考场错解]A或c

(延边F)[专家把脉] 解答本题首先要理解语境。David刚刚获奖,还很兴奋,那么睡觉的欲望当然是很少了。the least表示“最少的”的意思。

(延边F) [对症下药] D

2. (延边F) (典型例题精选)John is the tallest boy in the class,

__ according to himself.

A. five foot eight as tall as

B. as tall as five foot eight

C. as five foot eight tall as

D. as tall five foot eight as

(延边F) [考场错解] A

(延边F)[专家把脉] 名词foot在口语中和用作定语时复数形式可以是foot或feet。在“as...aS”结构中,第一个as是副词,修饰形容词或副词,强调程度,后一个as引导比较状语从句。

(延边F)[对症下药] B

3. (延边F) ( 典型例题精选) Jenny has a good appetite recently.

She kept weighing herself to see how much she was getting.

A. heavier

B. heavy

C. the heavier

D. the heaviest

(延边F) [考场错解] B

(延边F) [专家把脉] 本题最容易出错的地方是考生难以理解句意中暗含的比较,常常误选B。因此,读懂题干是关键。Jenny所做的目的是“看看(比以前)重了多少”。

(延边F) [对症下药] A

4. (延边F) ( 典型例题精选) I think whoever makes contributions to the company than others should get income.

A. greater; the higher

B. more greater; a higher

C. greater; the highest

D. more greater; the highest

(延边F) [考场错解]B或D

(延边F) [专家把脉] 在解答本题时,如果没有把握好第一空和第二空的比较关系,那么就会导致错选D或B。比其“他人的收入都要高”,所以是最高级了。

(延边F) [对症下药] C

5. (延边F) (典型例题精选f the two sisters, Betty is one, and she is also the one who loves to be quiet.

A. a younger

B. a youngest

C. the younger

D. the youngest

(延边F) [考场错解] A

(延边F)[专家把脉]本题考查形容词的比较级用法。比较的范围已经给出of the two sisters,故排除B和D表示两个中较……的一个,应是特指,应该用定冠词the,所以A


(延边F) [对症下药] C



2.(延边F)形容词比较级的倍数表达方式:比较级修饰词+as+adj./adv.+as和比较级修饰词+as+ many/much+n.+眠在“在"as…as”结构中,第一个as是副词,修饰形容词或副词,强调程度。当某些副词如so,as,too,how等用来修饰名词前的形容词时,不定冠词放在该形容词之后,名词之前。后一个as引导比较状语从句。表示倍数的三个句型是:

(1)…times as+形容词原级+as…如:

This table is three times as bis as that one.

(2)…times the+性质名词+以..如:

This table is three times the size of that one.


This table is thtee timcx$bigger than that one.

3.(延边F)比较级前可以用even,stm,a bit/little,mach,a lot,far,by far,no,not,any等修饰,表示程度。最高级前可以有序数词,by far,nearly,almost,by no means,not really,not quite,nothing like等来修饰。如:

一Is your father any better?你父亲好一点了吗?

一Yes,mileh better.是的,好多了o

I’d like to buy the second most expensive lap- top.

4.(延边F)形容词副词比较的对象应该相同但不能相互包容。常用以下结构形式:比较级+than+any other+单数名词:比较级+than+all(the)other+复数名词:比较级+than+any one else:比较级+than+any

of the other+复数名词。如:

China is larger than any other country in Asia / all the other countries in Asia.

The weather here is colder than that of Huang- gang.

The computers made in our factory are better than those in your factory.


1 (延边F)You'd better go and buy some tomatoes for the dinner party, for you see, there are tomatoes left in the basket than I imagined.

A. far more

B. far fewer

C. many more

D. many fewer


2 (延边F)— Are you satisfied with his work?

— Well, I' m afraid it couldn' t be .

A. any better

B. the best

C. any worse

D. the worst





1. (延边F)Shanghai has a larger population in China.

A. than any city

B. than any cities

C. than any other city

D. than all other city

(延边F) [解答] C 注意比较的范围是in china而Shanghai是中国的城市之一,故用any other。


对三个或三个以上的人或事进行比较,也可用“比较级+the+any other”的结构。在类似这样的比较中,要避免不合逻辑的比较。



1. (延边F)Her health is

A. as poor as, if not poorer than, her sister' s

B. as poor as, if not poorer than, her sister

C. poor as her sister, if not poorer

D. as poor, if not poorer than, her sister' s

(延边F) [解答] A

(延边F)[解题思路]在第一个比较未完成以前,不应该插入另一个比较。同时选项B 中her health不能和her sister相比。选项C在形容词前缺少as,否则也是正确的。再如:The cell-phone in the other shop will be cheaper,but not as good.(后面省略了as the ones in this shop.)





1.(延边F)Many students signed up for tlle race meeting to be held next week.-

A.800 meter-long B.800-meters-long- C.800 meter-length D.800-meter-length

(延边F) [解答] A





1. (延边F)—Why didn' t you buy the camera you had longed for?

—I had planned to, but I was£50

A. fewer

B. less

C. cheap

D. short

(延边F)[解答] D本题考查形容词在具体语境中的辨别使用。其语义为“我还缺50英镑”。而如果用fewer或less,在本句中或上下文中都缺少比较成分,故不成立。che印的主语应该是物而不应该是价格,因此空格处用short作后置定语,意为“不足的,缺少的”。(延边F)规律总结



1 (延边F)A sheep __ on this kind of special grass usually grows much faster than

on ordinary.

A. fed ; one

B. feeds ; the one

C. fed ; that

D. feeding; it


2 (延边F)The purpose of the research had a more important meaning for them than .

A. ours

B. those of ours

C. it had for ours

D. it did for us

2.D解析:用来指代it had a more important meaning for us。



1 (延边F)(典型例题精选I' m certain David' s told you his business troubles. , it' s no secret that he owes a lot of money to the bank.

A. However

B. Anyway

C. Therefore

D. Though


2 (延边F) (典型例题精选)There was such a long queue for coffee at the interval that we gave up.

A. eventually

B. unfortunately

C. generously

D. purposefully


3 (延边F) (典型例题精选) At times, worrying is a normal, response to

a difficult event or situation - a loved one being injured in an accident for example.

A. effective

B. individual

C. inevitable

D. unfavorable


4 (延边F) (典型例题精选—Would you like , sir?

—No, thanks. I have had much.

A. some more oranges

B. any more oranges

C. some more orange

D. any more orange

4.c 解析:委婉语气的文句中用some,排除B、D,由答语中的much可知问句中应用不可数名词orange意为橘汁,故选C。

5 (延边F)(典型例题精选) Maggie has been fortunate to find a job she loves and, , she gets well paid for it.

A. sooner or later

B. what' s more

C. as a result

D. more or less

5.B 解析:本句考查副词短语,根据句意是强调Maggie得到的报酬好。

6 (延边F)(典型例题精选) My mother always gets a bit if we don' t arrive when we say we will.

A. anxious

B. ashamed

C. weak

D. patient

6.A 解析:如果我们不到,母亲总是有点担心,故选A。

7(延边F) (典型例题精选)Bob ran the 100 meters in 9.91 seconds, and I have not seen this year.

A. the best

B. better

C. the most

D. more


8 (延边F) (典型例题精选)—Have you been in New Zealand?

—No, I'd like to, .

A. too

B. though

C. yet

D. either

8.B解析:根据第二个人说的是“No.I’d like to go to New Zealand,tho ugIl I haven’t been there”的省略。

9 (延边F)(典型例题精选) Mr. Smith owns collection of coins than anyone else I have ever met.

A. larger

B. a larger

C. the larger

D. a larger

9.B解析:collection在本句中是不可数名词,是泛指,应用不定冠词,下文有比较内容,故用a larger。

10 (延边F)(典型例题精选) If it is quite to you , I will visit you next Tuesday.

A. convenient

B. fair

C. easy

D. comfortable


11 (延边F) ( 典型例题精选)— Have your working conditions improved?

— No, than before. I' m afraid.

A. no better

B. a little better

C. not worse

D. no worse


12(延边F) (典型例题精选Ⅱ) , the more expensive the camera, the better its quality.

A. General speaking

B. Speaking general

C. Generally speaking

D. Speaking geneally

12.c解析:generally speaking,是垂悬分词作插入语,类似的还有:honestly speaking;strictly speaking;frankly


13 (延边F)(典型例题精选) Follow your doctor' s advice, your cough will get worse.

A. or

B. and

C. then

D. so


14 (延边F) (典型例题精选)— Must I turn off the gas after cooking?

— Of course. You can never be careful with that.

A. enough

B. too

C. so

D. very


15 (延边F)(典型例题精选)Your uncle seems to be a good driver,

I wouldn't dare to travel in his car.

A. even so

B. even though

C. therefore

D. so

15.A解析:本句意为“你叔叔似乎是个好司机,虽然如此,我不敢乘他的车去旅行”。even so虽然,如此。

16(延边F)(典型例题精选) No one has been able to prove that fish is better for the brain than many other kinds of food.

A. some

B. so

C. as

D. any


17 (延边F) ( 典型例题精选) —Could you tell Lucy about the meeting when you see her?

—Sure, I will I see her.

A. certainly

B. fortunately

C. probably

D. immediately

17.D解析:本句意为我一见到她就告诉她。immediately在此句中相当于as soon as。

18(延边F) (典型例题精选)—Where does she work?

—In a bank. She did when I last saw her, .

A. however

B. through

C. yet

D. anyway


19(延边F)(典型例题精选) In time of danger, it' s important that we keep .

A. calm

B. quiet

C. still

D. silent


20 (延边F) (典型例题精选)—What do you think of my garden, Tom?

—I doubt whether there' s one elsewhere.

A. a good

B. the better

C. the best

D. a better


21 (延边F) (典型例题精选) Thanks to the satellite.s, football games come to us on TV.

A. lively

B. live

C. alive

D. living


22 (延边F)典型例题精选) As far as I' m concerned, educa tion is about learning and the more you learn, .

A. the more for life are you equipped

B. the more equipped for life you are

C. the more life you are equipped for

D. you are equipped the more for life


23(延边F)(典型例题精选) i won' t love you even if you fail in the coming exam.

A. any more

B. any less

C. no more

D. no less

23.B解析:本题考查no less的用法。no less(than)=not anyless(than)表示“不亚于,和往常一样好”,排除C、D;no more表示“不再”,与题意不符。即使你在即将到来的考试中不及格,我也会像以前那样看你。

24(延边F)—It' s your favorite?

—Maybe, but it' s the place that I want to visit.

A. worst

B. last

C. best

D. latest

24.B解析:本题考查形容词最高级的意义区别。worst最糟糕的;last最后的;best 最好的;latest最晚的,最近的,最新的。根据maybe表达的不确定语气可知B为正确选项。

25(延边F)The little girl couldn' t work the problem out. She wasn ' t clever.

A. that

B. much

C. enough

D. too

25.A解析:本题考查副词。That作副词时,相当于so,强调所指的某一程度;much 作副词一般只用来修饰形容词或副词的比较级及动词;enough作副词,总是用在谓语所修饰的形容词或副词之后;too作副词时,强调事物的程度。

26(延边F)We are moved because Mr. Smiths always prepares his lessens into the night.

A. deeply ; deeply

B. deep ; deep

C. deeply; deep

D. deep; deeply


27 (延边F)I' d like to sleep with the window .

A. open wide

B. open widely

C. wide open

D. opened wide


28 (延边F)My brother was still studying into the night while I was asleep.

A. late ; sound

B. lately ; wide

C. deeply ; far

D. far; late

28.A解析:late/far/deep into the night到深夜,sound asleep 酣睡。

29 (延边F)He lives in the house where he was born.

A. already

B. yet

C. still

D. ever


30(延边F) I'm glad to say that she has already finished 50% of the book in three days.

A. no less than

B. no more than

C. not more than

D. much less than

30.A 解析:no more than仅仅,not more than不如,much lessthan比…少多了,no less than不亚于,多达。



School was over and I was both mentally and physicallytired. I sat at the very front of the bus because of my 31 to get home. Sitting at the front makes you 32 out like a shiny coin in a pile of dull pennies.

Janie, the driver, tries to break the 33 atmosphere by striking the match of 34 . I try to mind my manners and 35 listen, but usually I am too busy thinking about my day. On this day, 36 her conversation was worth lis- tening to.

"My father is sick," she said to no one in 37 . I could see the anxiety and fear in her eyes. With a sudden change of attitude and interest, I asked, "What' s wrong with him?"

With her eyes wet and her voice tight from 38 the tears, she responded, "Heart trouble. " Her eyes lowered as she 39 . "I'vealreadylostmymum, soldon'tthinkI can stand losing him. "

I couldn't respond. I was 40 . My heart ached for her. I sat on the old, smelly seat thinking of the great 41 my own mother was thrown into when her father died. I saw how hard it was, 42 still is, for her. I wouldn' t like any- one to go 43 that.

Suddenly I realized Janie wasn' t only a bus driver. That was 44 her job. She had a whole world of family and con- cerns too. I had never thought of her as 45 but a driver.

I suddenly felt very 46 . I realized I had only thought of as 47 as what their purposes were in my life. I paid no attention to Janie because she was a driver. I had judged her by her job and brushed her off as 48

For all I know, I' m just another person in 49 else's world, and may not even be important. I 50 not have been so selfish and self-centered. Everyone has places to go, peopleto see and appointment to keep. Understanding people is an art.

31. (延边F)A. anxiety B. determination C. decision D. attempt

32. (延边F)A. find B. make C. think D. stand

33. (延边F)A. unpopular B. uncomfortable C. unusual D. unforgettable

34. (延边F)A. fire B. topic C. conversation D. discussion

35. (延边F)A. politely B. devotedly C. carelessly D. sincerely

36. (延边F)A. however B. therefore C. thus D. otherwise

37. (延边F)A. surprise B. common C. silence D. particular

38. (延边F)A. fighting B. avoiding C. clearing D. keeping

39. (延边F)A. told B. lasted C. repeated D. continued

40. (延边F)A. for sure B. at ease C. in shock D. in despair

41. (延边F)A. mercy B. pain C. pity D. disappointment

42. (延边F)A. but B. yet C. and D. or

43. (延边F)A. over B. round C. through D. without

44. (延边F)A. almost B. nearly C. ever D. just

45. (延边F)A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything

46. (延边F)A. sad B. embarrassed C. selfish D. worried

47. (延边F)A. far B. long C. much D. well

48. (延边F)A. unfit B. unselfish C. unnecessary D. unimportant

49. (延边F)A. everyone B. someone C. anyone D. no one

50. (延边F)A. must B. may C. can D. should


32.D解析:stand out"引人注目,突出”。


34.C解析:strike the match of conversation打开话匣子。

35.A解析:由mind my manners推断,作者虽然忙于思考别的事情,但还是“礼貌地”听着。


37.D解析:in particular特别地。司机没有特别地对着某一个人说。

38.A解析:fig}lt(against)the tears“忍住眼泪”,相当于keepback the tears o


40.c解析:由下文My heart ached for her可知,司机的话让作者很震惊。


42.C解析:and"而且”。and still is=and it is still hard.

43.c解析:go through经历。作者不愿意看到任何人再经历他母亲所经历的那种痛苦。


45.B 解析:never…anything but=nothing but仅仅,只是。在这以前我仅仅把她看作一个司机。


47.A解析;as far as远到。这里指作者在想到别人时,程度只限于“他们的目的是什么”。

48.D解析:结合下文中may not even be important可知。








People in the United States may live in one of three


area: the city, the suburbs, and the country-areas far


from the city. In the early twenty century, many


people leave their farming jobs in the country to find


higher-paying jobs in the cities. After the World War Two


people began moving out off the cities to surrounding


areas, calling suburbs, where they had more spaces.


The growth of transportation— public trains or private


automobiles— made this possibly. Today, most city


workers live in the suburbs. They stream into the city

every morning and out of the city each afternoon.


51.正确52.area改为areas 53.twenty改为twentieth 54.1eave改为left 55.去掉world前的the 56.off 改为of57.calling改为called58.or改为and 59.possibly 改为possible60.each改为every












much, still, far, even, any, no, a little, a lot, a great deal.


100道形容词、副词单选题 ()1. Which is , Lesson Five or Lesson Six? A. interesting B. more interesting C. most interesting D. the most interesting ()2. Sorry, I can ' t answer your question. I know ____________ about the news. A. a little B. little C. few D. a few ()3. “ I' ve got an A for my history. ” Judy said . A. sadly B. sad C. happy D. happily ()4. I think the song in the film “ Titanic ” is one of film songs. A. the most beautiful B. most beautiful C. much more beautiful D. a beautiful ()5. Jim works as as Zhang Hua. A. careful B. carefully C. more careful D. most carefully ()6. Can you speak ________ to a person in old clothes? A. kind B. kindly C. polite D. friendly ()7. Just a moment, please! I ' ll finish in ___________ five minutes. A. another B. other C. more D. less ()8. Who jumped ________ of all in the long jump? A. longest B. longer C. farther D. farthest ()9. My sister isn ' t ________ maths. A. good for B. well in C. good at D. best at ()10. Of all the shoes in your shop, is this pair ___ one? A. very good B. much better C. a cheaper D. the cheapest ()11. Jack didn ' t run ________ to catch up with the other runners. A. fast enough B. quick enough C. enough slow D. slowly enough ()12. India has the second _________ population in the world. A. most B. largest C. least D. smallest

2020年高考英语专题12 形容词和副词 解析版

2020年高考英语专题12 形容词和副词 【2020年】 1.(2020·新课标I卷)Landing on the moon’s far side is 62 (extreme) challenging. 【答案】extremely 【解析】考查副词。句意:登录月球的背面是极其有挑战性的。空处修饰形容词challenging,应使用extreme的副词形式,故填extremely。 2.(2020·新课标I卷)Data ab out the moon’s composition, such as how69 ice and other treasures it contains, could help China decide whether its plans for a future lunar (月球的) base are practical. 【答案】much 【解析】考查形容词。句意:关于月亮构成的数据,比如它含有多少水和其他财富,可以帮助中国决定它未来月球基地的计划是否实用。ice是不可数名词,应使用much修饰,故填much。 3.(2020·新课标I卷)Today I tried cooking a simply dish myself. 【答案】将simply改为simple 【解析】考查形容词。句意:今天我自己尝试做一道简单的菜。根据名词dish可知,此处应用形容词作定语,故将simply改为simple。 4.(2020·新课标II卷)Bamboo: Chinese love their “Lucky Bamboo” plants and you will see them often in their homes and office. 66 (certain) during the holiday period, this plant is a must. 【答案】Certainly 【解析】考查副词。句意:当然在假期期间,这种植物是绝对必要的事物。介词短语做时间状语,因此只有改变成副词才能复合句子结构,用副词形式做状语。故填Certainly。 5.(2020·新课标II卷)The 69 (beauty) long branches covered with pink-colored buds (蓓蕾) make fantastic decorations. 【答案】beautiful 【解析】考查形容词。句意:美丽的长枝上覆盖着粉红色的花蕾,做成漂亮的装饰。修饰名词branches,用形容词形式。故填beautiful。 6.(2020·新课标II卷)I’m surely you’ll have a good time. 【答案】将surely改为sure 【解析】考查形容词。句意:我相信你会玩得很开心的。分析句子,此处be动词am后面需用形容词作表语。故将surely改为sure。


(一)形容词基本用法 1、了解形容词 主要用来修饰名词或不定代词,表示人或事物的性质、状态和特征的词。 Be careful about what you say. 说话要小心。 The sunset was a beautiful sight. 日落是一种美丽的景象。 I find it easy to get on with him. 我发现和他相处很容易。 2、形容词常用句型(重点) 1. “It’s +adj.+of+sb.+不定式”表示“某人(做某事)怎么样”。 注意:这一句型中常用描述行为者的性格、品质的形容词,如good(好的),kind(友善的),nice(友好的),polite(有礼貌的),clever(聪明的),foolish(愚蠢的),lazy(懒惰的),careful(细心的),careless(粗心的),right(正确的),wrong(错误的)等。 It’s very kind of you to help me.你能帮助我,真好。 It’s very rude of her to say such words.她说这样的话,真粗鲁。 It’s foolish of hi m to go alone. 他单独出去太傻了。 2.“It’s+adj.+for+sb.+不定式”表示“做某事对某人来说怎么样”。 注意:这一句型中常用的形容词有important(重要的),necessary(必要的),difficult(困难的),easy(容易的),hard(艰难的),dangerous(危险的),safe(安全的),useful(有益的),pleasant(舒适的),interesting(有趣的),impossible(不可能的)等。 It’s not easy for th em to learn a foreign language. 对于他们来说学好一门外语不容易。 It’s very important for students to listen to teachers carefully.对于学生来说上课认真听老师讲课是非常重要的。 It’s necessary for us to get to school on time.对于我们来说按时到校是非常必要的。 3.表示感情或情绪的形容词,如glad(高兴的),pleased(高兴的),sad(忧伤的),thankful(感激的)等常接不定式。 例如,I’m very sad to hear the bad news.听到这个坏新闻,我非常难过。 4.表示能力和意志的形容词,如ready(乐意的,有准备的),able(有能力的),sure(一定),certain(一定)等常接不定式。 Lei Feng is always ready to help others.雷锋总是乐于助人。 He is sure to get to school on time.他一定会按时到校。 (二)了解定语形容词和表语形容词 一般说来,形容词既可作定语又可作表语,但是,有些形容词只用于名词前作定语,它们被称为定语形容词,而另有一些形容词则只用作表语,它们被称为表语形容词。 1.常见的定语形容词有elder(年岁较大的), eldest(最年长的), indoor (室内的), outdoor(室外的), daily(每天的), everyday(每天的), weekly(每周的), monthly(每月的), yearly(每年的), last(最后的), wooden(木制的), woolen(毛纺的)等。如:


专题04 单项选择(形容词及副词) 1. 【2018年安徽省中考】Yuan Longping is______ regarded as the greatest scientist in rice planting. A. suddenly B. patiently C. hardly D. generally 【答案】D 【解析】句意:袁隆平通常被认为是在水稻种植上最伟大的科学家。A. suddenly突然; B. patiently 有耐心的; C. hardly几乎不; D. generally通常,普通的;根据句意应是普遍认为;故选D 2. 【2018年安徽省中考】The speaker showed some ______ examples to make the science report easy to understand. A. awful B. stupid C. proper D. thick 【答案】C 【解析】句意:演讲者举了一些合适的例子来使科学报告更容易理解。A. awful不舒服的,极坏的,可怕的; B. stupid愚蠢的;C. proper 合适的,恰当的; D. thick厚的;根据make the science report easy to understand.可知是合适的例子;故选C 3. 【2018年贵州省安顺】My cousin is heavy because he often eats fast food. A. too much;too many B. too many;too much C. much too;too much D. too much;much too 【答案】C 4. 【2018年黑龙江省绥化市中考】Alice is __________one of the twins. A. the taller B. taller C. tallest 【答案】A 【解析】句意:Alice是双胞胎中比较高的一个。本题考察形容词的比较级。根据句意,双胞胎中的两者进行比较,故使用比较级,且比较级前加定冠词the 故答案为A。 5. 【2018年湖北省恩施州中考】 -- What's the time? My watch is _______. -- It's a quarter to ten.


语法复习专题四——形容词和副词 备考建议: 1.从几年来收集到的题目中可以看出高考对形容词和副词的考查主要集中在以下两点: (1)形容词的比较级和最高级; (2)在具体语境中辨析形容词和副词语义。 另外,考查形容词作定语时的语序问题的试题也不少。 2.对于比较级的考查,淡化结构,注重深层语义。“比较”的意思并不是直接能从“结构”中看出来的,而是从语句的深层意义中挖掘出来的。 3.在加强考查词义辨析的题目中,高考不但加强了对语义的考查(而不仅仅是语法),随着新教材词汇量的增大,而且注重对词汇扩展能力的考查。 要做好各类有关形容词和副词的试题应从这几方面去努力: 1.对单音节形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的构成、双音节和多音节的形容词及副词的比较级和最高级的构成,要加强记忆、找出其中规律;灵活掌握修饰比较级和最高级的副词和一些短语。 2.对某些副词的词义还需进一步认识,多数形容词在加-ly后,词义基本不变,而有些则不同,如:hard—hardly. 3.加强形容词、副词比较级考点的学习与应用,尤其是比较级在某些特定结构中的特殊含义,比较级及其修饰语的搭配和用法。巧记名词前多个形容词的排列顺序,形容词、副词等在不同语境下的辨析,要不断地提高分析试题的能力,克服思维定势,灵活运用所学的知识。 (1)加强对比较级和最高级表达法的学习,尤其是一些常见的句型,要做到张口能诵的程度。在理解上,不能留任何疑点。 (2)加强对形容词和副词的词义和用法的学习,要做到“词不离句,句不离义”。做题时,要结合语境,注意惯用法和固定搭配认真辨析从而做出最佳选择。 (3)判断句子成分,如果是作定语、表语等,一般是用形容词;如果是作状语、修饰谓语动词或形容词和副词,一般应用副词。但注意也有特殊情况,如形容词(短语)可作伴随或结果状语。 (4)分清句子结构,看看该句应该用原级、比较级还是最高级。 (5)注意特殊的含有形容词比较级的句型。 考点聚焦 1、形容词、副词的作用与位置 形容词是用来修饰名词的,常被放在名词前作定语,或放在系动词后面作表语。而副词则用来修饰形容词、动词,其他副词或者句子,一般位于形容词之前,动词之后或句子之首。以下属几种特殊情况,须牢记; (1)形容词短语作定语,定语后置。如:a language difficult to master (2)表语形容词(afraid、alike、alone、asleep、awake、alive等)作定语,定语后置。如a man alive。有些表身体健康状况的形容词如well、faint、ill只作表语。sick 既可作表语又可作定语,ill如作定语意为“bad”。 (3)用作定语,修饰由不定代词one、no、any、some和every构成的复合词如anything、something等时,通常后置。如:I have something important to tell you.

专题04 单项选择(形容词及副词)(第02期)-2018年中考英语试题分项版解析汇编(解析版)

1. 【2018年安徽省中考】Yuan Longping is______ regarded as the greatest scientist in rice planting. A. suddenly B. patiently C. hardly D. generally 【答案】D 【解析】句意:袁隆平通常被认为是在水稻种植上最伟大的科学家。A. suddenly突然; B. patiently 有耐心的; C. hardly几乎不; D. generally通常,普通的;根据句意应是普遍认为;故选D 2. 【2018年安徽省中考】The speaker showed some ______ examples to make the science report easy to understand. A. awful B. stupid C. proper D. thick 【答案】C 【解析】句意:演讲者举了一些合适的例子来使科学报告更容易理解。A. awful不舒服的,极坏的,可怕的; B. stupid愚蠢的;C. proper 合适的,恰当的; D. thick厚的;根据make the science report easy to understand.可知是合适的例子;故选C 3. 【2018年贵州省安顺】My cousin is heavy because he often eats fast food. A. too much;too many B. too many;too much C. much too;too much D. too much;much too 【答案】C 4. 【2018年黑龙江省绥化市中考】Alice is __________one of the twins. A. the taller B. taller C. tallest 【答案】A 【解析】句意:Alice是双胞胎中比较高的一个。本题考察形容词的比较级。根据句意,双胞胎中的两者进行比较,故使用比较级,且比较级前加定冠词the 故答案为A。 5. 【2018年湖北省恩施州中考】-- What's the time? My watch is _______.



精品文档 高考英语高频形容词和副词 1.immediate adj立即的,即刻的;立刻的,马上 2.clear adj 清楚的,清晰的 3.cautious adj小心翼翼的 4.vivid adj 生动的,逼真的 5.exactly adv1.确切地,精确地;完全地 2.恰好地,正好地 6.fortunately adv.幸运地 3. (用于答语)完全正确。(的确这样) 7.surprisingly adv令人惊讶的 8.hardly adv 几乎不 9.instead adv代替,相反 10. properly adv 适当地;正确地;恰当地 11. specially adv专门 12.reliable adj 可靠的,可信赖的 13.simply adv 简单地;仅仅,只不过 https://www.doczj.com/doc/d017406351.html,ly adv即,也就是 15.not nearly = far from = nowhere near远非,远远不,一点也不 16.patient adj耐心的;n 病人17.plain adj简单的,朴素的 18.familiar adj熟悉的; 19.lucky adj 幸运的 20.amazing adj令人惊异的, 21.accidentally adv 1. 偶然地;意外地 2. 附带地22.silent adj沉默的 23.calm adj平静的 24.secret adj 秘密的 25.otherwise adv 否则 26.meanwhile adv期间,同时 27.besides adv除…..以外还有 28.efficient adj高效的,有效的 29. flexible adj 灵活的 https://www.doczj.com/doc/d017406351.html,plex adj复杂的 awkward adj 尴尬的,笨拙的 clumsy complicated adj 难懂的,复杂的 31.smooth adj平稳的,光滑的,顺利的 32.regularly adv 定期的,有规律的 33.sensitive adj 敏感的,体贴的 34.honest adj诚实的 35.confident adj自信的 36.shy adj .1.害羞的,腼腆2.羞涩的 37.thoughtful adj 1. 深思的,沉思的 2. 富有思想的;经认真推敲的 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除


【考点解读】 一、基本用法 形容词的基本用法如下表: 副词的基本用法如下表: 二、形容词和副词的比较等级 形容词和副词的比较等级分为原级、比较级和最高级。 1.比较级和最高级的构成 (1)规则形式 ①单音节以及少数以-ow(如narrow)结尾的双音节形容词或副词,在原级后加-er -est构成。如:clever - cleverer - cleverest。其他特殊变化见下表:

②多音节和部分双音节形容词和副词,在原级前加more most构成。 active - more active - most active happily - more happily - most happily (2)不规则形式 good/well - better - best far - farther/further - farthest/furthest bad /ill /badly - worse - worst old - older/elder -oldest/eldest many/much - more - most little - less - least 2.基本用法 (1)两者相比(甲=乙),用“as+原级+as”表示。 For cheerleaders their sport is just as serious as baxxxxseball or football. 【温馨提示】在同等比较级中,若同时出现形容词修饰单数可数名词,其语序为:as+adj.+a+n.+as。 I have never had as boring a day as today. (2)两者相比(甲<乙),用“not as/so+原级+as”表示。 Unfortunately my wife isn’t so fond of them as I am. (3)两者相比(甲>乙),用“比较级+than”表示,(甲<乙)用“less+原级+than”表示。 Seeking information on the Internet is more convenient than searching in a library. 【温馨提示】在实际运用中,than从句常常省略,要通过上下文来理解。 Traveling from place to place is now so much cheaper and easier. (4)三个或三个以上的人或事物比较,表示最高程度时,用“the+最高级+比较范围”表示。 During the 1990s Michael Jordan was probably the best-known basketball plaxxxxyer in the world. 【温馨提示】有时形容词最高级前不用the,句中的most相当于very 意为“非常;十分”。如: I am most happy to get your e-mail. 3.特殊用法 (1)“比较级+and+比较级”和“more and more+原级”表示“越来越……”,其反义词组为“less and less+原级”。 In many ways my disability has made me grow more and more independent. (2)“the+比较级,the+比较级”表示“越……,就越……”。 The more upset I got the less I was able to concentrate. (3)“more+原级+than”表示“与其说……不如说……”。 The girl was more frightened than hurt.


2017高考英语重点语法: 高考英语常考语法总结——形容词和副词形容词、副词是每年高考必考点之一,近几年语境综合化程度越来越高,难度加大。高考热点有:形容词、副词词义辨析;原级、比较级、最高级的使用;倍数的表达方法;比较等级的修饰语;多个形容词的排列顺序;常见形容词、副词的惯用法等。 关于形容词与副词这一考点,主要考查以下几个方面: 1. 考查形容词和副词的基本用法 形容词在句中一般作定语、表语、补语,而副词在句中主要作状语。 2. 考查形容词作定语的后置规律 形容词作定语一般位于所修饰的名词前,但下列三种情况形容词要后置: ①形容词短语作定语时;②表语形容词作定语时;③修饰复合不定代词时。 3. 考查多个形容词作定语的排序 多个形容词修饰名词时,其排序规律是:(限定词+程度副词+) 描绘+大小(长短、高低)+形状+年龄(新旧)+颜色+国籍或产地+物质材料+类别或用途+名词。 4. 考查副词在句中的位置规律 副词修饰形容词或其它副词时,一般位于被修饰词的前面,但enough却要放在被修饰的形容词或副词的后面。 5. 考查–ed形容词和-ing形容词的区别 -ed形容词,通常说明人,意为“(某人)感到……”;-ing形容词通常说明事物,意为“(某事物)令人……”或“令人……的(事物)”。 6. 考查两种不同形式的副词的用法差异 即考查与形容词同形的副词与形容词后加ly构成的副词的区别。 7. 考查形容词和副词的比较等级。 8. 考查比较等级的修饰语。 考点1:在具体的语境中辨析形容词与副词的语义 从复现的频率来看,此点是高考对形容词、副词考查的第一大热点。解答此类题关键是要分析具体的语境,结合基本词义、搭配等来选择正确的答案。


高考英语形容词副词用法大全 形容词的比较级和最高级 说明例词 一般情况加er, est smaller,smallest 以e 结尾加r,st larger,largest 单音节词和少数多音节的形容词,加词尾er ,est 以""辅音字母+y ""结尾的词 改y为i, 再加er,est busier,busiest 重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母双写末尾 辅音字母,加 er,est fatter,fattest 以ow,er结尾的双音节词加er ,est narrower,narrowest cleverer,clevest 多数双音节和多音节的词加more most more beautiful, most important 副词的比较级和最高级 1.大多数以ly结尾的副词前加more 和most 来构成比较级和最高级。2.少数单音节副词,加er,est 构成其比较级和最高级。 几个特殊的形容词和副词 原级比较级最高级 good ,well better best bad, ill, badly worse worst many ,much more most little less least far farther, further farthest,further

old older, elder oldest, eldest 比较级和最高级的常用句型 名称句型例句 相等 as 原形as (as 原形+ 名词as ) The train travels as fast as the 3:55 train.He has not as much money as his friend. 不及 not as(so) 原形as (not as[so ]+名词+原形as ) She is not as (so)beautiful as her sister. 比较级+ than Health is more important than wealth. 超越 the +比较级+of the two 两者中较… 的一个 He is the taller of the two. 用于否定 no +比较级+than 和… 一样不 He is no richer than I.他和我一样不富 有。 用于否定最…不过 His work couldn't be worse.他的工作再 糟糕不过了。 程度递增 er and er,more and more+多 音节词原级(越来越…) higher and higher more and more important 两种情况同时变化 the +比较级,the+比较级 (越…,越…) The quicker you get ready, the sooner we'll be able to leave. 三者或三者以上比较 the +最高级+of/in+比较范 围(…之中最…) Of all things in the world, people are the precious. 比较级结构的修饰语 1.用于原级之前: almost, nearly, just, exactly, quite, half , twice,three times , a third,etc. John is almost as tall as you.


1. It was _____ opportunity to miss. A. too good an B. a too good C. too a good D. too good 2. I don’t like it at all. It can’t be _____. A. better B. worse C. best D. worst 3. There was nothing special about this film — it was only ______. A. particular B. average C. interesting D. strange 4. She looks very _____ but I can’t remember her name. A. similar B. familiar C. friendly D. strange 5. He said he would return the money, and I was ______. A. fool enough to believe him B. enough fool to believe him C. fool enough believing him D. enough fool believing him 6. “This book is ______ more useful for us students.”“Yes, but it is _______ too difficult.” A. quite, quite B. much, rather C. rather, quite D. quite, much 7. The children all looked _____ at the broken model plane and felt quite _____. A. sad, sad B. sadly, sadly C. sad, sadly D. sadly, sad 8. The child dreamed that he had once lived in a _______ house in the forest. A. wooden pretty little B. little pretty wooden C. pretty little wooden D. wooden little pretty 9. He wanted to read more, so he asked his friends if there was _______ to read. A. something easy enough B. something enough easy C. enough easy something D. easy enough something 10. The doctor assured the patient that there was ______ with her, but she could not help worrying. A. seriously wrong nothing B. nothing serious wrong C. nothing seriously wrong D. serious nothing wrong 11. —How is your father? —He’s fine. He’s______ to play tennis every Sunday. A. enough active still B. enough still active C. still active enough D. still enough active


高考英语短文改错考点解析:形容词与副词 一、考点规律分析 短文改错对形容词与副词的考查主要涉及形容词和副词比较等级的误用(尤其是在本身已是比较级的词前误加more)、形容词与副词的混用(如修饰动词时误用形容词或修饰名词时误用副词)等,另外,用作表语时该用形容词的却误用了名词、简短副词(如in,down 等)的误加与漏用、涉及形容词搭配的as…as 结构、how 与what 的混用等也是常考的考点。 二、真题单句归纳 (1)After an hour or so we began to feel very frightening. (frightening 改为frightened,因它表示某人感到害怕,而不是令人害怕)(全国卷) (2)Charles said,“As soon as I see a realy tall building,I want to climb it. (realy 改为really 或real,若改为really,则修饰tall;若改为real,则修饰building)(全国卷)(3)Last Sunday,police cars hurry to the taller building in New York. (taller 改为tallest,因从含义上看此处应是最高级)(全国卷) (4)As a result,people in the modern world generally live much more longer than people in the past. (去掉more,因为longer 本身已是比较级,不能再受more 修饰)(全国卷)(5)Therefore,there are still some countries where people have shorter lives. (Therefore 改为However,因此处语意转折)(全国卷) (6)People in industrial countries can expect to live for twice so long as people who lived a few hundred years ago. (so long as 改为as long as,其意为“与……一样长”)(全国卷)(7)In some places you may borrow many books as you want. (many 之前加as,因as …… as 结构不完整)(全国卷) (8)I told Mother,Father,Sister and all my friends here that a great time I had. (that 改为what)(全国卷) (9)I never knew a ride down a river could be so much exciting. (去掉much,因much 不能用来修饰形容词的原级,尽管它可用来修饰比较级和最高级)(全国卷)(10)I…m sure we?ll have a wonderfully time together. (wonderfully 改为wonderful,因它是放在名词前作定语)(全国卷)


2013年高考英语【形容词、副词】讲义 形容词和副词在高考中的考查重点: 1.形容词、副词的作用与位置; ①多个形容词作定语排列的顺序 ②enough作修饰成分时的位置问题及形容词作后置定语 ③形容词作伴随状语和原因状语 2.表语形容词的特点及连系动词+形容词作表语; 3.形容词、副词比较等级的用法; ①原级的用法②比较级的用法 ③最高级的用法④形容词和副词前面使用冠词的情况 ⑤由as/so组成的形容词或副词短语⑥more /less than及其相关结构 4.容易混淆的形容词、副词的区别。 【常考点一:基本用法。】 1、复合形容词构成: 副词词干+现在分词:hard-working 名词词干+过去分词:man-made 名词词干+现在分词:time-consuming 名词词干+形容词:world-famous 数词词干+名词:five=star 数词词干+名词+形容词:5-year-old 2、形容词的位置: *形容词作定语修饰由some-,any-,every-,no-和-body,-thing,-one等构成的复合不定代词时,需要后置。 There is nobody absent today,sir. There is nothing new of the new president’s speech. *形容词+不定式构成的短语作定语时,后置。 The students asked me a question too difficult to answer. 常考点二:多个形容词作定语时的排列顺序。 当两个或以上的形容词修饰一个名词时,与被修饰的名词关系较为密切的越靠近

形容词和副词讲解和习题练习 含答案

高中英语——形容词和副词 一、考点、热点回顾 形容词 1、形容词的一般用法 (1).作定语,一般放在所修饰词的前面。 It’s a cold and windy day. (2.)作表语,放在系动词的后面。(look, feel, smell, sound….) He looks happy today. (3.)形容词修饰something,anything,nothing,everything等复合不定代词时,须放在其后。Would you like something hot to drink? (4.)表示长、宽、高、深及年龄的形容词,应放在相应的名词之后。 How long is the river?It’s about two hundred metres long. (5.)只能作表语的形容词:afraid;alone;asleep;awake;alive;well健康的;ill;frightened The man is ill.(正) The ill man is my uncle.(误) (6.)只能作定语的形容词:little小的;only唯一的;wooden木质的;woolen羊毛质的;elder年长的 My elder brother is in Beijing.(正) My brother is elder. (误) (7).貌似副词的形容词:lonely;friendly;lively;lovely 2、形容词常用句型 (1).“It’s +adj.+of+sb.+不定式”表示“某人(做某事)怎么样”。=Sb +be +adj+to do sth 注意:这一句型中常用描述行为者的性格、品质的形容词,如good,kind,nice,polite ,clever ,foolish ,lazy ,careful,careless,right(正确的),wrong等。 It’s very kind of you to help me.(=You are very kind to help me.) (2).“It’s+adj.+for+sb.+不定式”表示“做某事对某人来说怎么样”。=To do sth is adj for sb . 注意:这一句型中常用的形容词有important,necessary,difficult,easy,hard,dangerous,safe,useful,pleasant,interesting,impossible等。 It’s not easy for them to learn a foreign language.(=To learn a foreign language is not easy for them.)(3).表示感情或情绪的形容词,如glad,pleased,sad,thankful等常接不定式。 I’m very sad to hear the bad news. (4.)表示能力和意志的形容词,如ready(乐意的,有准备的),able(有能力的),sure(一定),certain (一定)等常接不定式。 Lei Feng is always ready to help others. He is sure to get to school on time. 副词 1、副词的分类 副词按词汇意义可分为: 方式副词:well,fast,slowly,carefully,quickly 程度副词:very,much,enough,almost,rather,quite


中考英语-单项选择题(形容词和副词) 1.Sometimes it often rains _____ in myhometown in summer. A.heavy B.hardly C.heavily D.strongly 参考答案:C 2.-What do you think of thewoman singer? -Hervoice sounds _____. I like her songs. A.sweet B.sweetly C.bad D.badly 参考答案:A 3.Let’s open the windows to have some_____ air here. A. cheap

B. nervous C. careful D. fresh 参考答案:D 4.I _____ ride a bike to school. Butthis morning, I walked to school. A. never B. hardly C. seldom D. usually 参考答案:D 5.Meimei thinks maths is _____ thanChinese. A. easy B. easier C. the easiest D. very easy 参考答案:B

6.-Why do people there _____ useumbrella in the sun? -Becausethey would rather enjoy the sunshine. A. hardly B. often C. always 参考答案:A 7.I lost my ticket, but _____ the travelagent gave me another one. A. actually B. firstly C. luckily D. exactly 参考答案:C 8.-The scarves are allbeautiful. I can’t decide which one to choose. -Oh, look at this red one. Ithink it’s _____. A. beautiful B. more beautiful

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