当前位置:文档之家› 英语简单句的翻译训练




你应当努力学习。 You should study hard.

2 她昨天回家很晚。 She went home very late yesterday evening.

3 那天早上我们谈了很多。 That morning we talked a great deal.

4 会议将持续两个小时。 The meeting will last two hours.

5 在过去的十年里,我的家乡已经发生了巨大的变化。

Great changes have taken place in my home town in the past ten years.

6 这种事情全世界各地每天都在发生

Things of that sort are happening all over the world every day.

7 1919年,在北京爆发了“五.四”运动。

The May Fourth Movement broke out in Beijing in 1919.

8 每天八时开始上课。 Classes begin at eight every day.

9 这个盒子重五公斤。 This box weighs five kilos.

10 五年前我住在北京。 I lived in Beijing five years ago.

11 爱丽丝很会游泳。 Alice swims very well.

12 约翰的父亲昨晚去世了。John’s father died last night.

13 秋天有些鸟飞到南方去。 In autumn, some birds fly to the south.

14 我的爷爷早晨起得很早。 My grandfather gets up early in the morning.

15 每天下午有许多学生到图书馆来借书

Every afternoon a lot of students come to the library to borrow books.



(1)表示特征和存在状态的 be, seem, feel, appear, look, smell, taste, sound.

(2)表示状态延续的 remain, stay, keep, continue, stand.

(3)表示状态变化的 become, get, turn, go, run, fall, come, grow.


1 我的兄弟都是大学生。My brothers are all college students.

2 冬季白天短,夜晚长。 In winter, the days are short and the nights are long.

3 布朗夫人看起来很健康。 Mrs Brown looks very healthy.

4 十五岁他就成为有名的钢琴家了。

At the age of fifteen he became a famous pianist.

5 孩子们,请保持安静。 Children, keep quiet please.

6 这本书是有关美国历史的书。 This b

ook is about the history of the United States.

7 她的工作是在幼儿园里照看儿童。

Her job is to look after the children in the nursery.

8 他失业了。 He is out of work.

9 树叶已经变黄了。 The leaves have turned yellow.

10 这个报告听起来很有意思。 The report sounds interesting.



1 昨晚我写了一封信。 I wrote a letter last night.

2 今天下午我想同你谈谈。 .I want to talk with you this afternoon.

3 这本书他读过多次了。 He has read this book many times.

4 他们成功地完成了计划。 They have carried out the plan successfully.

5 你们必须在两周内看完这些书。You must finish reading these books in two weeks.

6 那位先生能流利地说三种语言 That gentlemen can speak three languages fluently.

7 我收到了笔友从澳大利亚寄来的信。

I received a letter from my pen friend in Australia.

8 Jim 还不会自己穿衣服。 Jim cannot dress himself.

9 我们大家都相信Jack 是一个诚实男孩。

.All of us believe that Jack is an honest boy.

10 他不知道说什麽好。 He did not know what to say.

11 他每天早晨洗冷水澡。 He takes a cold bath every morning.

12 我开窗户你在意吗? Do you mind my opening the window?





1.含有away, out, forward, up 等副词的动词词组是可拆分的。如,

They carried out the plan successfully.我们还可以说,

They carried the plan out successfully. 但我们只能说

As the plan was practical, they carried it out successfully.

动副词组都可以这样用,如,point out(指出), carry out(执行), put forward(提出), work out (做出,算出), find out(找出), give up(放弃), give away(赠送,分发),pick up(拣起), put up (挂上), 等。

2. 而含有介词 at, for, from, into, of, with, to 等的动介词组是不可拆分的。如,look after(照顾), look at(瞧), look for(寻找), belong to(属于), refer to(参考,提及), think of(考虑,评价), send for(派人去请), care for(喜欢),suffer from(受…之苦), deal with(对付,应付), object to(反对), pay for(付…的钱),等。即我们只能说think of it,不能说think it of. in 在动词词组中用作副词,表示“在里面”,“往里进”,“在家”等意思。如,get in(收割),hand in (提交,交进)。

用作介词,表示“在…地点”,“在…范围”,“在…方面”。如,persist in(坚持),succeed in (在…成功)。

Off在动词词组中用作副词,表示“关闭”,“隔离,离开”,“去掉”,等意思。如,turn off(关掉), switch off(关掉), ring off(挂断电话), keep off(远离), take off(脱掉), kick off(踢脱), carry off(运走), put off(推迟), pay off(付清),give off(放出).

用作介词,表示“从…下来”。如,get off(下车), fall off(从…掉下来).

On 在动词词组中用作副词,表示“开”,“走开”,“传递”,“穿戴”。如,turn on(开),move on (走开), pass on(传递), put on(穿上), have on(穿着).

用作介词,表示“在…上”,“在…方面”。如,work on(从事于…), operate on(在…上动手术), agree on(同意)。

表示“上车,上船,上…”,如,get on(上车,上船),ride on(骑上)。

表示“依靠”,“以…为基础”,“按照”,如,depend on(依靠),base on(以…为基础), feed on (以…为食), live on(以…为生计).

Over在动词词组中用作副词,表示“翻转”,“翻倒”,如, turn over(打翻,翻倒),push over


表示“过一遍”,“仔细”,“遍及”,如,think over(仔细考虑),look over(仔细查看,研究). 用作介词,表示“从上越过”,如,fly over(从上飞过), jump over(从上跳过).go over(越过,横过)。

表示“为了”,“由于”,如,quarrel over(为…争吵),cry over(因…哭泣).

表示“查看”,“复习”,“检查”,如,go over(检查,复习).


pay attention to(注意), catch hold of(抓住,握住), catch sight of(看见,发现),do harm to (对…有害), get rid of(排除,除去), make fun of(取笑,嘲笑),put (one’s) heart into(专心于…), say hello to(打招呼), sing praise for(赞扬,表扬),take care of(照顾), take part in (参加), take pride in(以…自豪,骄傲)。

1 我不信任那个人。 I don’t believe in(介) that man.

2 他指出了我的作文中的错误。He pointed out


英语句子翻译大全 导读:本文是关于英语句子翻译大全的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 01、I never stopped loving you,I just stopped showing it。 我对你的爱从来没有停止,只是我不再让别人知道而已。 02、Standing in a corner of the world,watching the sunrise and sunset。 站在世界某一个角落,看着日出日落。 03、Waiting is painful。Forgetting is painful。But not knowing which to do is the worse kind of suffering。 等待是一种痛,忘掉也是一种痛,但不知道该怎么办,是一种更折磨人的痛。 04、That formerly how to pick,time flies straight forward。 那段从前怎么去捡,光阴似箭一直向前。 05、Are you turn a walk,do not see my sad。Am I too wayward,regardless of your feelings。 是你转头就走,没看见我的难过。是我太任性,不顾你的感受。 06、Start everyday with a new hope,leave bad memories behind & have faith for a better tomorrow。 用新的希望开启每一天,释放掉不好的回忆,相信明天会更

好。 07、Who’s who of the hook,and who is who of redemption。 谁是谁的劫,谁又是谁的救赎。 08、They say after losing only treasure,in fact,after losing most painful treasure。 她们都说失去以后才懂得珍惜,其实珍惜后的失去最痛。 09、Love warms more than a thousand fires。 爱情的炽热胜过千万团的火。 10、It is good if you begin crying,that is the sign of cure。 能够哭就好,哭是开始痊愈的象征! 11、Life is too short for us to wake up in the morning with regrets。 人生苦短,所以每天不要带着遗憾醒来。 12、Because of loving you so much that I stood aside。Although myfigure left you away,my heart didn’t。Today I have made up my mind to say “I love you。” 正是因为爱才悄悄的躲开,躲开的是身影,躲不开的是默默的情怀;今天我终于鼓起勇气,向你表达我的爱。 13、As long as people do not lose their direction,they will not lose themselves。 人只要不失去方向,就不会失去自己。


高三英语翻译技巧和方法完整版及练习题及解析 一、高中英语翻译 1.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.她五年前开始拉小提琴。(play) 2.由于天气恶劣,航班延误了好几个小时。(owing) 3.每位设计师都希望自己的作品能经受时间的考验。(stand) 4.能否抵御网络游戏的诱惑是摆在中学生面前的一道难题。(It) 5.在展览会上,公司销售经理展示了孩子们翘首以盼的新型电子玩具。(demonstrate) 【答案】 1.She began to play the violin five years ago. 2.Owing to bad weather, the flight was delayed for a couple of hours. 3.Every designer hopes that his work can stand the test of time. 4.It is a difficult problem for high school students whether they can resist the temptation of online games. 5.At the exhibition, the company’s sales manager demonstrated the new type of electronic toys (which/that) children were looking forward to. 【解析】 1.根据“五年前”确实时态,可知用一般过去时,注意短语play the violin。 【考点定位】考查动词时态、习语及表达能力。 2.根据提示词可知,由于译为:owing to ,此处to是介词。注意用被动语态,因为航班被推迟。 【考点定位】考查介词短语及被动语态。 3.此句希望(hope)是谓语动词,后接宾语从句。时态用一般现在时。 【考点定位】考查宾语从句及时态。 4.此句it是形式主语,whether引导主语从句,时态一般现在时。短语:抵御诱惑resist the temptation。 【考点定位】考查主语从句及形式主语it的用法。 5.注意句子结构的安排,“孩子们翘首以盼的”应译为定语从句。时态用一般过去时。 【考点定位】考查定语从句及相关短语的表达。 2.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.熬夜大大影响健康。(affect) _________________________ 2.等他明年回来,这个体育馆就建好了。(by the time) _________________________ 3.从长远来看,你的知识面越广,就越有能力应付工作中的问题。(capable)


Unit 1 1. sedimentary rocks沉积岩 2. petroleum reserves石油储备 3. internal combustion engines内燃机 4. the boiling point 沸点 5. fatty substance脂肪物质 6. in minor quantities少量 7. petroleum fractions石油馏分8. inflammable vapors易燃蒸汽 9. geologic formations地质结构10. in the territory of在……领土 11. chemical change 化学变化12. petroleum seepage 油苗 13. petroleum stores 油藏14. petroleum reserves 石油储量 15.medieval times 中世纪16.Industrial Revolution 工业革命 17.fossil fuel 矿物燃料 Unit 2 1. employment market 就业市场 2. video conferencing technology视频会议技术 3. job interview 求职面试 4. nine out of ten十有八九 5. aptitude test能力测试 6. recruitment method招聘方法 7. face-to-face encounter面对面接触8.personality questionnaires个性问卷调查 9. psychological test 心理测试10. customer complains 顾客投诉 https://www.doczj.com/doc/de7514446.html,e third from botton 倒数第三12 curriculum vitae 简历 Unit 3 1. multiple users 多用户 2. virtual assistant虚拟助手 3. human-machine interface 人机界面 4. speech synthesizer语音合成器 5. real time实时 6. information retrieval信息检索 7. air flight schedule飞机飞行时刻表8. weather forecast天气预报 9. speech recognition 语音识别10. stock quotes股市行情;股票报价 11. Mandarin Chinese普通话,官话12.data dumping 数据转储 Unit 4 1. genetic engineering基因工程 2. organic solvents有机溶剂 3. raw material原材料 4. sulfur dioxide 二氧化硫 5. landfill deposit垃圾填埋 6. garage sale旧物销售 7. information age信息时代8. lead compound铅化合物 9. municipal solid waste 固体生活垃圾10. eco-industrial park生态工业园 Unit 6 1. quantum mechanics量子力学 2. general theory of relativity 广义相对论 3. physical laws 自然法则 4. square of the distance 距离的平方 5. in principle原则上,基本上 6. in isolation孤立地 7. in one go一口气,一下子,一举8. Newton’s theory of gravity牛顿的引力理论9.partial theories 局部理论10.gravitational force 引力 11.the initial state of the universe宇宙初始状态12.the theory of relativity 相对论 13.be(intersely)proportional to 与...成反比 Unit 7 1.quick fixes权宜之计 2. go by the book 照章办事 3. close to the vest谨慎小心 4.corporate culture企业文化 5. Old Boy network老同学人脉网 6. to the point切题的(地),切中的(地) 7. social status社会地位 8. sense of humor幽默感 9. put on an impressive appearance装腔作势10.pull rank on利用职权强迫命令;仗势欺人11.be superior to 优于... 12.lip service 口头上应付的话 13.sense of humor幽默感14.make sense 有道理,有意义 15.memo 备忘录


英语简单句翻译练习 1.由于大火的结果,成千上万的人失去了家园。 As a result of the fire, thousands of people lost their homes. 2.学生们一路上不停地说笑。 The students went on talking and laughing all the way. 3.我妈妈叫我做作业,而不是洗碗。 My mother asked me to do my homework instead of washing dishes. 4.在公共场合,不允许人们吸烟。 People aren’t allowed to smoke in public places. 5.昨天下午我妈在那家商店给我买了橡皮、小刀和铅笔盒等。 Yesterday afternoon my mother bought me an eraser,a knife, a pencil-box and so on. 6.我英语发音方面有些困难。 I have some difficulties in English pronunciation. 7.祝你在深圳玩得愉快。 Have a pleasant/wouderful time in Shenzhen. 8.这顶帽子是由手工而不是机器做的。 The hat is made by hand not by machine. 9.明天晚上我要到机场去送我姨妈。 Tomorrow evening I’m going to the airport to see my aunt off. 10.所有的学生都必须遵守校规。 All the students must obey the school rules. 11.事实上,我非常喜欢学英语。 In fact, I like to study English very much. 12.有时,英语口语完全不同于英语书面语。 Sometimes spoken English is different from written English. 13.我们学校图书馆将为学生们提供各种类型的书。 The library of our school will supply all kinds of books to the students. 14.下一年我的家乡将建一所新医院。 A new hospital will be built in my hometown next year. 15.许多人在这次车祸中丧生,仅有少数幸运者没有受伤。 A lot of people lost their lives in the accident. Only a few lucky ones were not injured. 16.玉米最先在美国种植。 Corn was first grown in America. 17.飞机比火车重20倍。 The plane is twenty times heavier than the car.


2020大学英语三级翻译练习题及答案2020大学英语三级翻译练习题及答案 61.When asked to explain what has happened,John was totally at a loss for words. A.要求约翰对发生过的事情实行解释时,他讲的话让人完全摸不 着头脑。 B.让约翰解释发生过的事情时,约翰完全不知道说什么好。 C.因为约翰完全不知道发生过什么事,所以他就让别人解释给他昕。 D.约翰自己要求要解释发生过的事情,到头来却又一句话也不肯说。 62.Much thought has been given over tlle recent years to ways of keeping meetmgs short. A.近年来人们对于控制会议长度的方法提出了很多想法。 B.最近几年来人们对于如何减少会议数量提出了很多意见。 C.近年来人们对于控制会议长度的方法考虑了很多。 D.如何在最近几年内减少会议数量是很多人都曾考虑过的问题。 63.You are no more capable of speaking Spanish than I am. A.你我都不能和西班牙人交流。 B.你我都不会说西班牙语。 C.你不会说的西班牙语我会说。 D.我们会说的西班牙语一样多。

64.It call often take more time and effort to establish a firm in a foreign market than in the domestic one. A.在国外市场建立一家公司比在国内市场建立一家公司往往要花 费更多的时间和努力。 B.对于一家公司来说,开发国外市场所花费的时间和努力比开发 国内市场要多。 C.只要能够多花点时间和努力,就能够像在国内市场建立公司~ 样在国外市场建立公司。 D.在国外市场经营一家公司比在国内市场经营一家公司往往要花 费更多的时间和努力。 65. John has excellent interpersonal skills and is sociable, patient and a good listener. As a friend, I particularly appreciate his loyalty and sense of humor. I also admire his calmness when facing difficult situations. Therefore, I have no hesitation in recommending him for the position of Training Manager for your company and wish him every success in his application. 61.【答案】【B-A-D-c】 【难点分析】本句中包括一个省略形式的时间状语从句,如果根 据上下文补充出来.应为“when John was asked to explain what has happened”,所以该状语意为“要求约翰解释发生过的事情时”。理解主旬的难点在于对短语at a loss for words的理解,该短语意 为“不知道说什么好,找不到合适的话说”。结合上述分析可知,四 个选项中选项B提供的译文。选项A的问题在于错将at a loss for words译为“话让人摸不着头脑”;选项D同样错解了短语at a loss for words,将其译为“一句话也不肯说”.同时该选项还将时间状语 从句中的被动语态译为主动语态,与原意有较大出入;选项C的译文


高中英语翻译技巧和方法完整版及练习题 一、高中英语翻译 1.高中英语翻译题:翻译句子 1.只有当我们了解了不同的肢体语言我们才可以很好地跟人们交流。(only+状语从句) ________________________________________________________________________ 2.这就是我们未来的生活。(what引导的名词性从句) ________________________________________________________________________ 【答案】 1. Only when we have mastered the different body languages can we communicate well with them. 2. This is what our life will be like in the future. 【解析】 【分析】 本大题为根据括号内的要求把汉语句子翻译成英语。翻译时尽可能地精确,按照要求翻译还要注意某些特殊的语法项目。如倒装句式等。 1.考查倒装句式。本大题要求用only+状语从句来翻译。Only+状语从句置于句首,主句要部分倒装。因此本句要翻译成部分倒装。同时要注意运用短语如肢体语言可译成“body languages”,与某人交流可译为“ communicate with”。因此本句可译为Only when we have mastered the different body languages can we communicate well with them。 2.考查由what引导的名词从句。分析句子可知,本句是一个表语从句,表语从句中的介词like缺少宾语,可用what引导。因此本句可译为:This is what our life will be like in the future. 2.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.熬夜大大影响健康。(affect) _________________________ 2.等他明年回来,这个体育馆就建好了。(by the time) _________________________ 3.从长远来看,你的知识面越广,就越有能力应付工作中的问题。(capable) _________________________ 4.据信,过分溺爱孩子会不知不觉地造成孩子的坏脾气,甚至缺乏自理能力。(It) _________________________ 【答案】 1.Staying up late affects one’s health greatly. 2.By the time he comes back next year, the stadium will have been set up. 3.In the long run, the wider range of knowledge you have, the more capable you are of dealing


四六级翻译——科技类词汇 1.科技园science and technology park 2.高新技术开发区high-tech industrial zones 3.信息产业IT (Information Technology) 4.电器设备electrical appliance 5.电子设备electronic device 6.电子商务e-commerce 7.人工智能artificial intelligience 8.先进技术advanced technology 9.尖端技术state-of-the-art technology 10.载人航天飞行manned space flight 11.发射成功successful launch 12.自然科学natural science 13.新兴学科new branch of science 14.科技成果research achievements 15.科学发展观concept of scientific development 16.科教兴国revitalize China through science and education 17.可持续发展战略strategy of sustainable development 18.科技基础设施science and technology infrastructure 19.专利,专利权patent 20.生态农业environmental-friendly agriculture 21.物种起源origin of species 22.生物工程bio-technology 23.基因工程genetic engineering 24.转基因食品GM food (genetically modified food) 25.技术产权technology property right 26.科技含量technology content 27.电脑病毒computer virus 28.黑客hacker 29.垃圾邮件junk mail 30.数码科技digital technology 31.虚拟社区virtual community 32.网络空间cyber space 网络文化cyber culture 33.网民netizen 34.克隆cloning 激光laser 35.纳米nanometer 粒子particle 36.太阳能/ 核能/ 原子能solar/ nuclear/ atomic energy 37.突飞猛进advance by leaps and bounds 38.技术创新technological innovation 39.中国科学院the Chinese Academy of Science 40.科学技术是第一生产力Science and technology constitute the foremost productive forces. 41.科技前沿the forefront of science and technology 42.科技发明的传播和交流dissemination and exchanges of advanced scientific and technological inventions


基本句型(一)主语+不及物动词( S + V ) 1. 他昨天早上起床很晚。 ________________________________________________________ 2. 那天晚上我们谈了很多。 ________________________________________________________ 3. 会议将持续两个小时。 ________________________________________________________ 4. 1919年,在北京爆发了“五四”运动.( the May Fourth Movement) _________________________________________________________ 5. 这个盒子重五斤。(kilo) _________________________________________________________ 6. 五年前我住在北京。 _________________________________________________________ 7. 在过去十年里,我的家乡已经发生了巨大的变化。 _________________________________________________________ 基本句型(二)主语+及物动词+宾语( S + V +O ) 1. 昨晚我写了一封信。 __________________________________________________________ 2. 我父亲能流利地说英语。fluently __________________________________________________________ 3. 你介意我开窗户吗? __________________________________________________________ 4. 你们必须在两周之内看完那些书。 __________________________________________________________ 5. 他指出我的作文中的错误。point out, composition __________________________________________________________ 6. 我们必须派人去请医生。 _________________________________________________________


1. 我已经戒掉睡前吸烟的坏习惯,再也不用听妻子不断地发牢骚了。(give up) Having given up the bad habit of smoking before bedtime, I no longer have to hear my wife complaining all the time. 2. 与其他同龄人不同的是,他迷恋京剧。(set apart from; be addicted to) What sets him apart from other people of his age is that he is addicted to Beijing Opera. 3. 她对他用情至深,愿意克服任何障碍与他结婚。(so that; obstacle) She is so much in love with him that she’s ready to overcome any obstacle to marry him. 4. 只是在考试成绩出来之后,我才意识到必须更加刻苦才能不落后。(only; keep up with) Only after the result of the exam came out did I realize I would have to work harder to keep up with the others. 5. 作为主要谈判人,她在打破双方之间的障碍上创造了奇迹。(miracle) As chief negotiator she has performed miracles in breaking down barriers between the two sides. 6. 您无需担心,男士是不允许进入这个房间的。(need; allow sb. to do sth.) You don’t need to worry. Men are not allowed to get into this room. 7. 如果要我在上大学还是去工作两者间选择,我会选择前者而非后者。(instead of) If I had to make a choice between going to college and finding a job, I would choose the former instead of the latter. 8. 尽管说明书上说“一次吃一片”,他还是一下子吃了三片。(in spite of; at a time) In spite of the instruction of taking one pill at a time, he took three all at once. II. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 我们将让班长来制定野餐计划的具体细节。 We will leave it to the monitor to work out the details of the picnic plan. 2. 基于我们销售情况的预测,我们明年将开始盈利。 On the basis of our sales forecasts, we may begin to make a profit next year. 3. 无论情况多么复杂,他都能应付自如。 No matter how complicated the situation was, he could coupe with it successfully. 4. 归结起来有两条出路:你或者改进工作,或者辞职。 It comes down to two choices; you either improve your work, or you leave. 5. 有尽管她父亲在公司,但她那份工作却是靠自己得到的。 Although her father is in the firm, she got the job on her own. 6. 他的口音太重,很难听出他在说什么。 With his strong accent, it is hard to figure out what he is trying to say. 7.我正在做心理准备,打算向我的老板要求加薪。 I am psyching myself up to ask my boss for a rise. 8. 我得把他们的电话号码赶快记下来,以免忘了。 I will just jot down their phone number lest I should forget it. 9. 他把整整几页的信息压缩成论文中的一段。 He has boiled whole pages of information down to one paragraph in the paper. 10. 看来她已经很快适应了她的新公司。 It seems that she has settled in very quickly at her new company. 1. 似乎总是这样的——你赚得越多,你花得就越多。(the more…, the more…) It always seems the more you earn, the more you spend. 2. 革命运动对他们的利益造成了直接的威胁。(pose) The revolutionary movement poses a direct threat to their interests.

【英语】 高考英语翻译专项训练100(附答案)及解析

【英语】高考英语翻译专项训练100(附答案)及解析 一、高中英语翻译 1.高中英语翻译题:Translate tbe following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.我们打篮球的时间到了。 (time) 2.他设法把游客及时送到了机场。 (manage) 3.你今晚能来参加我的生日聚会? (possible) 4.应该鼓励年轻人按照自己的特长选择职业。(encourage) 5.我对学生所谈的电子产品一无所知,我发现自己落伍了。(ignorant) 6.尽管遭受如重的自然灾害,但只要不灰心,我们终会克服暂时的困难。(Although...) 【答案】 1.It’s time for us to play basketball. 2.He managed to send the tourists to the airport in time. 3.Is it possible for you to attend my birthday party this evening? 4.Young people should be encouraged to choose their careers according to their own strong points. 5.Being ignorant of the electronic products the students are talking about, I find myself left behind. 6.Although we are suffering such a severe natural disaster, we will eventually overcome the temporary difficult as long as we don’t lose heart. 【解析】 1.考查time的用法。分析句子可知,本句为一般现在时,it is time for sb to do sth “该到某人做某事了”。为固定句型。再根据其它提示。故翻译为:It’s time for us to play basketball。2.考查manage的用法和一般过去时。分析句子可知,本句为一般过去时,manage to do sth“设法做某事”为固定短语。in time“ 及时”为介词短语,在句中作状语。再根据其它提示。故翻译为:He managed to send the tourists to the airport in time。 3.考查possible的用法和一般现在时。分析句子可知,本句为一般现在时,it is possible for sb to do sth “ 某人做某事是可能的”,it作为形式主语完成整个句子,不定式作为真正主语。再根据其它汉语提示。故翻译为:Is it possible for you to attend my birthday party this evening? 4.考查encourage的用法。encourage sb. to do sth.的被动语态形式就是sb. be encouraged to do sth.另外,此题还考查短语according to(按照)和strong points(长处,特长)。再根据其它提示。故翻译为:Young people should be encouraged to choose their careers according to their own strong points。 5.考查形容词短语作状语、定语从句以及find的用法。分析句子可知,本句为一般现在时,主语为I ,谓语为find, find oneself done表示“发现自己被…”,left behind是“被落在后面了”作宾语补足语。Being ignorant of the electronic products the students are talking about 为形容词短语作原因状语从句。products 为先行词,在后面的定语从句中,作talk about的


大学各专业名称英文翻译理科SCIENCE 理科SCIENCE 课程中文名称课程英文名称 矩阵分析Matrix Analysis 面向对象程序设计方法Desig n Methods of Object orie nted Program 李代数Lie Algebra 代数图论Algebraic Graph Theory 代数几何(I )Algebraic Geometry (I) 泛函分析Functional Analysis 论文选读Study on Selected Papers Hoof 代数Hoof Algebra 基础代数Fundamental Algebra 交换代数Commutative Algebra 代数几何Algebraic Geometry \ /

Hoof 代数与代数群量子群Hoof Algebra , Algebraic Group and Qua numb G roup 量子群表示Representation of Quantum Groups 网络算法与复杂性Network Algorithms and Complexity 组合数学Combinatorial Mathematics 代数学Algebra 半群理论Semigroup Theory 计算机图形学Computer Graphics 图的对称性Graph Symmetry 代数拓扑Algebraic Topology 代数几何(II ) Algebraic Geometry (II ) 微分几何Differential Geometry 多复变函数Analytic Functions of Several Complex Varian les 代数曲面Algebraic Surfaces 高维代数簇Algebraic Varieties of Higher Dimension 数理方程Mathematics and Physical Equation


1. Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent is the American antelope, or pronghorn. 1.美洲羚羊,或称叉角羚,是该大陆典型的草原动物。 2. Of the millions who saw Haley’s comet in 1986, how many people will live long enough to see it return in the twenty-first century. 2. 1986年看见哈雷慧星的千百万人当中,有多少人能够长寿到足以目睹它在二十一世纪的回归呢? 3. Anthropologists have discovered that fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise are universally reflected in facial expressions. 3.人类学家们已经发现,恐惧,快乐,悲伤和惊奇都会行之于色,这在全人类是共通的。 4. Because of its irritating effect on humans, the use of phenol as a general antiseptic has been largely discontinued. 4.由于苯酚对人体带有刺激性作用,它基本上已不再被当作常用的防腐剂了。 5. In group to remain in existence, a profit-making organization must, in the long run, produce something consumers consider useful or desirable. 5.任何盈利组织若要生存,最终都必须生产出消费者可用或需要的产品。 6. The greater the population there is in a locality, the greater the need there is for water, transportation, and disposal of refuse. 6.一个地方的人口越多,其对水,交通和垃圾处理的需求就会越大。 7. It is more difficult to write simply, directly, and effectively than to employ flowery but vague expressions that only obscure one’s meaning. 7.简明,直接,有力的写作难于花哨,含混而意义模糊的表达。 8. With modern offices becoming more mechanized, designers are attempting to personalize them with warmer, less severe interiors.


1.现在各行各业的人越来越多地依靠计算机来解决各种难题. Now people in different walks of life depend more and more on computers to solve various kinds of difficult problems 2.他已做出计划,每月留出一些钱准备明年去北京旅行. He has made a plan to set aside some money every month for a trip to Beijing next year. 3.现代科学技术的发展使社会发生了巨大的变化. The development of modern science and technology has brought about great social changes. 4.直到会议结束之后,他才放弃自己的想法. It was not until after the meeting that he gave up his idea. 5.我们不要怕别人指出我们的缺点。 We should not be afraid of having our shortcomings pointed out. 6.雨下的太大了,我们出不了门. It rained so hard that we couldn’t go out. 7.请务必在离开营地前把所有的火都熄灭掉。 Please make sure to put out all the fires before leaving the camping ground. 8.我们不能排除天气有变坏的可能性. We can not rule out there possibility that the weather may turn out to be bad. 9.要么做好失败的准备,要么干脆别做 .Either prepare yourself for failure or don’t do it at all . 10. 一看到多年未见的老友,她突然哭了起来. At the sight of the old friend she hadn’t seen for years, she burst into tears. 11. 他自失业以来减少了他的日常开支. He has cut down on his daily expenses since he lost his job. 12. 当被问及为何不愿与姐姐同在一屋时, 她只是一声不吭. When asked why she didn’t want to share the room with her sister, she just kept silent. 13. 请务必安排最好的摄影师在结婚典礼上照相. Be sure to arrange for the best photographer to take pictures at the wedding ceremony. 14. 他是否受过正规训练与成为一名优秀的演员并不相干. Whether he has received formal training or not is not relevant to being a fine actor. 15. 诸如空气污染和交通拥堵之类的问题早已引起政府的关注. Such problems as air pollution and heavy traffic have already attracted the government’s attention. 16. 那部新电影是根据真实故事而制作的,我认为它值得一看. I think it worthwhile to see the newly-released film which is based on a true story. 17. 那项新技术可能使他们的产量翻一番. This new technique may enable them to double their production. 18. 即使面前有许多困难,我们也决心要进行这项实验. We are determined to carry out the experiment even if there are a lot of difficulties before us. 19. 请提前一周把申请表寄至人事部门. Please send your application form to the personnel department a week in advance. 20. 他没有把录音机送回到商店,而是决定自己修理. Rather than take it back to the shop, he decided to repair the recorder himself. 21. 在市长的帮助下,我们最终获准接触这起交通事故的受害者。 With the mayor’s help, we were finally allowed access to the victime of the traffic accident. 22. 这是一次冒险的行动,请务必让他知道。

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