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Rebellion and Cowardice

--------On Tess of the d’Urber villes

Thomas Hardy , novelist and poet, is one of the representatives of English critical realism at the turn of the 19th century. And Tess of the d’Urbervilles is one of his most successful novels. Hardy cannot solely be labeled as a Victorian novelist,nor can he only be categorized as a Moderist. As a traditional writer, Hardy was determined to explode the conventions of nineteenth-century literature and built a new kind of novel in its place. In many respects, Hardy was trapped in the middle ground between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, between Victorian sensibilities and more modern ones, and between tradition and innovation.

1.Brief Introduction

Tess of the d’Urbervilles was published om 1891. It is generally regarded as Hardy’s tragic masterpiece, and certainly it is his most ambitious tragic novel.

As a pure , loyal , intelligent, strikingly attractive young woman, Tess is the central character of the novel. At the begining of this story,Tess lived in a small village peacefully. Tess’s father was a poor countryside hawker , who was lazy and constantly excessive drinking . Tess’s mother was a dairymaid ,whose mind was very simple. They were pitiful creatures who were always feeling after the vanity. Just as such terrible parents became the setter of Tess’s tragedy. Incidently, Tess’s father discovered a link to the noble of the d’Urbervilled. Therefore, Tess was sent to work at the d’Urbervilles mansion. And then,Tess was seduced by a so-called gentleman----Alec. Unfortunatelly, her ideals cannot prevent her from sliding further and further into misfortune after she becomes pregnant.

Forced by the gossips and the church’s blame, Tess thought she deserved nothing good. In order to get rid of the past, she decided to go to a distant diary farm but still thought she was of guilty. Maybe God didn’t approve of this, because the Lord gave her someone she loved with her whole heart----Angel Chare. They loved each other deeply.Somehow, Tess agreed to marry Angel. Soon after their wedding Angel confessed the crime he committed to a woman long time ago and asked for Tess’s forgiveness. Tess was not at all angry and forgave Angel at once; in fact she was rather happy and excited for she also had things to confess. She sat and told her past to Angel, and hoping to be forgiven. But she was wrong and Angel didn’t listen to her explanation at all .

Without Angel’s love, nothing meant anything to her. Alec found Tess again and forced her to stay with him. At last, Tess couldn’t bear it and killed Alec. Everything was changed. Tess was arrested for her murder eventually. And this story was ended with the death of Tess.

2.Tess’s rebellion

Tess is a rebelled girl. First of all, she never yeilded to pressure from the society. The contest between corruption and innocence takes place not only in a field, but also in the human’s heart. In Tess’s life, there are two men----Alec and Angel. Both of them have a great influnence to change her fate. Tess is a pure girl tangled up to the tragedy web which is delineated by the imposed fate. That is too unfair to accept by anyone. But Tess never gives up.

Alec is a devil young man who does everything he can to seduce Tess when she works for his family. And he does not try to hide his evil. At the begining of this book, he

promises to provide for the family that brings Tess to “sell” herself to him. It is Alec who not only ruins Tess’s virginity, but also destroys her happy life. Alec is not only sensual, but also arrogant and physically strong. He believes that winning a woman requires force, not affection and love. Disregarding Tess’s revolution, Alec considers women as carnal objects rather than as equal human’s worthy of affection. Then, he believes he is different from the ancestors, since he has power over her while they do not but in fact he is just like them, using his power like a God although his is quite hollow. He promises empty advantages to her, like the wealth she eventually receives from him, that can never be more important than love. Facing Alec’s force, Tess trys her best to rebel him. And, after the seducing, Tess decided to leave Alec and work for a distant diary farm. She uses her action to prove her rebellion to the world.

Secondly, Tess kills Alec at last. This thing shows her rebellion again. When Tess refuses to marry Alec despite the social advantage the match would give her, and refuses his offers of help because she does not sincerely love him, we see her as more than an unwitting victim: her integrity and courage make her heroic. Thus, in the latter part, as Angle returns with renewed loyalty and love for Tess, it becomes apparent that Alec’s trick has considerably broken down Tess’s loyalty to Angle. Torn apart, her shame and grief cause her violent side to explode; Tess now kills her lover in a murderous rage out of love for her husband. Whether intentional or not, Tess has fulfilled Angle’s proclamation that they cannot be together as long as Alec is alive. Her newfound activity may not save her; indeed, her punishment for the murder, presumably death by hanging, will snap her neck

just like she snaps the necks of those pheasants. Nevertheless, it may be preferable to her earlier passivity, providing her with a nobler way to face her fate.

In a word, Alec of the representatives of the bourgeoisie, he has a bourgeois state apparatus, law, and ethics, as a backup. Wealth can rely on the law and not easily bullied and on the playing Tess. Tess and his contradictions, it can also be said that the workers are oppressed and the specific performance of the entire capitalist social contradictions. Tess beginning of his attitude is very clear, she publicly declares his obnoxious. Later, at a farm, she puts up a struggle to him. Finally, she curses him to ruin her life. She ignores the bourgeois legality and morality, on the feelings of great anger to kill him. Her reaction is a heavy attack to the dark society.

3.Tess’s cowardice

Tess has a definitely rebeled charactor. at the same time, she is coward. This charactor is also showed on two aspects. First, her love for Angel. In great contract to Alec, Angel wins Tess’s heart by sweet words and kindness. In fact, he is a more complicated person. As a typical nineteenth century progressive representative, Angel rejects the values handed to him, and sets off in search of his own. His disdain for tradition which is an independent spirit contributes to his aura of charisma and general attractiveness. He thinks of this at the time of the British bourgeoisie humanitarian and historical conditions, bourgeois rule in a very brutal, very tragic life of the peasant class, a certain progress is meaningless. However, it must be pointed out is that he has not really jump out of his area against the old moral values, He has not really despised from the class prejudices. He decides to stand for the bourgeois ideology and his inevitable departure from the selfish interests. Although he goes

to the farmers to learn farming techniques, but his real purpose is to the future. Although he claims to be independent judgment opinion, once the thing is a very crucial stage, he is still upholding the decadent bourgeois social customs and moral hypocrisy.

Angel loves Tess because he thinks that she is sweet and pure. Tess’s de nial of him shows she is concerned about her past. To Angel, her denial seems to signify that Tess is even more virtuous than he thinks of. Somehow Tess agrees to marry him. She is so afraid to lose her husband that makes her life restless all the time. Later on, when she knows a similar error in Angel’s past “eight-and forty hours” dissipation with a stranger in London, she securely makes her confession and hopes to get Angle’s forgiveness. Tess has thought although Angel didn’t find the letter under the c arpet he can forgive her and then they will live a happy life together. But Angel, who proves himself more judgmental and inflexible than his parent, is blind by his failure to accept Tess for who she really is. He takes Tess’s transgression as a personal attack on him, which makes him unable to see her clearly. The idealized, pure vision of Tess is destroyed. Angel has the same past as Tess’s, but he cannot forgive Tess as Tess forgives him. He no longer sees the woman he once has seen and has married only hours ago. For him, the lover who’s beloved has been transformed in his mind from the embodiment of purity into the tarnished reality of a fallen woman.

Second, her second stay with Alec also presents her cowardice. While enduring the abanded life, as Tes s struggles with Alec’s temptation , her need for Angel, becomes more and more desparate. If Angel were to return to her and do his duty as her husband, her problems would greatly diminish. She writes to Angel and pleads that he not judges her on her irret rievable past. Tess’s situation thus makes her very vulnerable to Alec’s persuasions.

She is obviously heartbroken and needs to be loved more than ever. She is also distraught by her family’s ever-worsening financial situation. Alec’s reasoning seems more valid to Tess than it has in the past. In a way, Tess and Alec are similar in that they have both fallen and ask for forgiveness for their indiscretions. After a long wait for Angel’s reply, but nothing, Tess begins to realize that Alec may be her only hope. She gives up all hopes and becomes Alec’s mistress for the sake of her family.

Tess’ love is not given the spirit of transcendence and physical beauty, but with the loss of self-emaciated blind and miserable, unrealistic to imagine that there is no hope with the chessboard, and all are attributable to the self - destiny of the fate and helplessness. Her life is not worthwhile to an attachment that her man and this is a profound tragedy. When she feels the opinions of all the sacrifices so insignificant, as all acts of levity, finally decides to angrily rebel. Of course, Tess once expressed her plainness angrily by the last letter to Angel under a completely disappointed condition.


Tess of d’Urbervilles is a great work. Tess is one of Hardy’s most sympathetic protagonists. She is as likeable as a literary charactor found in all of English literature. Readers come to understand her plight and her acceptance of the seemingly inevitable things that happen to her. Not once during the novel does Tess exhibit any traits that take away from Hardy's portrayal of her as a good person. As a result, by the end of the novel, we wish for a happy ending for Tess and Angel, but we know that not all stories end on a positive note. Nowadays women’s situations h ave become much better. Some are

because of the change of society and some are because of civilization. Just let those poor painful women like Tess be just a memory.

Tess of d’Urbervilles is a great work. Tess is one of Hardy’s most sympathetic protagonists. She is as likeable as a literary charactor found in all of English literature. Readers come to understand her plight and her acceptance of the seemingly inevitable things that happen to her. Not once during the novel does Tess exhibit any traits that take away from Hardy's portrayal of her as a good person. As a result, from a deep underatand of the original works ,wo can by the end of the novel, we wish for a happy ending for Tess and Angel, but we know that not all stories end on a positive note. Nowad ays women’s situations have become much better. Some are because of the change of society and some are because of civilization. Just let those poor painful women like Tess be just a memory.


苔丝英文读后感 苔丝英文读后感 Why was Tess&rsq uo;s girlish purity lost? Why did such a beautiful, noble and pure woman as Tess should suffer in evitable rui n? Why does the wrong man take the wrong woma n? Why it is always the woma n who pays? Why they are always hurt? Why is beauty damaged by ugliness? Why the tragedy is happened more than one hundred years ago repeated in moder n times? Is everyth ing too late? Rece ntly l&rsqu o;ve read the British famous writer Thomas Hard y’s masterpiece-Tess of the D’urbervilles. It describes the misfortune of a poor peasa nt girl Tess. In this no vel, we can see Tess resist her unjust fate aga in and aga in, till to be ruin ed. With the developme nt of the plot we find that her tragedy is in evitable. We can not but feel the intense emoti ons of pity and fear. The cause of Tess’s tragedy has always been the con cer n of people, such a beautiful, n oble and pure woma n as Tess should suffer in evitable rui n. What leads to her tragic desti ny? Who killed her? I can&rsq uo;t do very well in an alysis the no vel. I don&rsq uo;t know clearly how the time she lived in affect her life. I


摘要:本文企图从《苔丝》中主人公苔丝小姐性格矛盾入手,分析苔丝的人物形象,剖析苔丝悲剧的原因,并且站在历史所能给予的高度,找寻这一形象的社会意义。 关键词:苔丝软弱单纯坚强维多利亚时代 抗争与迷茫 ——小说《苔丝》中苔丝的人物分析 《苔丝》是英国著名作家和诗人托马斯哈代的代表作之一,描写了年轻的农村女子苔丝的坎坷经历,也向我们展现了当时英国社会的风貌。 其中,哈代对于小说的主人公苔丝的刻画十分成功,成为了世界文学史上经典的女性形象。本文就是笔者带着对于本作品的喜爱,希望在个人的浅薄与冒昧之下,用自己的眼光重新审视德比费尔德苔丝这一经典的女性形象。苔丝在作品中是一个性格丰富、内心复杂的人物。正所谓一切的悲剧都是性格的悲剧,正是苔丝这种既坚强又软弱、既单纯又幼稚的复杂性格,推动了整个故事的发展。 一:单纯与幼稚的一步之遥 在《苔丝》中,所有的读者都对苔丝的纯洁和天真留下了深刻印象。正是这种纯真使得他个人的遭遇为广大读者所同情。苔丝从小在农家长大,有着一个酗酒的父亲和许多兄弟姐妹,家境的贫穷和不完整的教育经历并没有使得他成为像其他许多同龄女子一样的粗鄙的农家女。但是,这使得她对生活出现了逃避的情绪。她先是觉得自己来到世界上就是个错误,还不如死了;同时又对当时的社会变化了解甚少,因此一直像个孩子那样单纯、可爱。他不懂什么是爱情,也不懂与人相处的道理。于是她在将德比家的公子推下马时会害怕和后悔的哭泣,但对德比的侵犯却缺乏防备。她的这种单纯使得读者都对她的遭遇深表同情,她的单纯也构成了她个性的最鲜明之处。哈代有意将苔丝刻画成一个理想主义的女性,她在经历了生活的种种磨难之后依然保持这她的纯真。苔丝的内心如同一个天使,毫无害人之心、毫无防人之心,甚至在大部分时间里,连仇恨的情感都是缺乏的。但是,人间终归不是天堂,当过分的单纯遇到风浪,她就显得如此的不堪一击。在苔丝和安吉尔结婚之后,苔丝对于贞洁的在意使得她的行为变得诡异。这一方面来自于丈夫的压力,一方面正是他的单纯使得这白璧上的瑕疵影响了她心中关于爱情和婚姻的所有幻想。她用完全的顺从来抗争着命运的不公,她的丈夫离开她到了殖民地,她即便在万分艰苦下也不向安吉尔家索求怜悯。苔丝总是那么单纯,做一件事就要坚持到底。这种性格一方面突出了她的坚强与对人格独立的追求,另一方面也凸显了苔丝在面对社会、家庭、爱情方面的幼稚。在很多时候,理想主义的情绪对于解决现实的问题没有任何帮助,这也是苔丝命运悲剧的重要原因之一。 也许,我们终究是渴望看到一个纯洁、单纯的女性形象的。哪怕这种纯真最终铸就了苔丝命运的悲剧,但正因为这悲剧的原因,才使得我们这些同处于世俗的压力之下的人们在小说与现实之间找到某种理想的发泄点。 可是,仅仅是单纯或幼稚,还不足以将苔丝的命运推向深渊。如果说单纯与天真构成了这个人物的血肉,那么内心深处的坚强与软弱,则是这个人物的灵魂。 二:软弱与迷茫 苔丝一直被认为是敢于反抗宗教的虚伪、人性的丑恶与男权的权威的代表,然而,笔者却不这样认为。 在那个时代,女人是男人的依附品,离开了家庭和丈夫,就变得脆弱不堪,苔丝也是如此。但与普通人不同,她是企图反抗的,并且在许多时候将其付诸实践。可是,苔丝所有的反抗都以悲剧收场,这正显示了苔丝性格的决定要素——她的软弱与迷茫。 苔丝先是在在德比的挑逗和强行之下做了他的情妇,后来孩子夭折之后自己为他做了洗礼,但却被牧师否认其合理性,于是她对教会失望。在爱上安吉尔之后,她没有再次鼓足勇气尝试告诉安吉尔自己不幸的过去,在安吉尔离开之后,最终没能坚持下来,又一次回到了德比身边。甚至在逃亡之中,都多次放弃,最终被抓获…… 在每次命运的转折,苔丝都是企图反抗的,但没有一次她坚持下来。她总是迷茫和忧郁,常常敢于挺身反抗,却在反抗之后陷入迷茫,不知何去何从,一次又一次被命运打败,最后陷入疯狂之中,杀死了德比,并坦然的面对警察的拘捕,最终以自我毁灭作为她最后的反抗。


《德伯家的苔丝读后感》 德伯家的苔丝读后感(一): 《德伯家的苔丝》是英国着名小说家和诗人托马斯*哈代创作的代表作之一,一百多年过 去了,女主人公苔丝也早已树立在世界文学画廊之中,这不仅仅仅因为人们对传统美德有所超越,更因为作品主人公所拥有的人性与灵魂深处的巨大魄力使之成为最动人的女性形象之一。 哈代以小说女主人公苔丝的悲惨命运替西方杯具作了一个形象的阐释,苔丝足以哀感顽艳。 苔丝本是一位纯洁美丽又十分勤劳的农村姑娘,她向往人生的真和善,但又时时遭到伪和 恶的打击。苔丝的杯具始于为了全家人生计去远亲家打工,却因年幼无知而被亚雷骗去了处女 的贞操,成了一个堕落的女人,受到社会舆论的非议,把她看成不贞洁的罪人;苔丝之后与青 年克莱相爱,又因为新婚之夜坦诚有污点的过去而被丈夫遗弃,而与近在眼前的幸福失之交臂;出于高度的家庭职责感和自我牺牲精神,苔丝为换取家人的生存而再次违愿沦为亚雷的情妇; 最后因为丈夫的回心转意使得绝望的苔丝愤而举起了复仇的利刃,最后成了一个杀人犯,最后 不得不付出了生命的代价,导致象游丝一样敏感,象雪一样洁白的苔丝最后终被完全毁灭。 苔丝是被哈代理想化了的现代女性。在哈代的理想世界中,苔丝是美的象征和爱的化身, 代表着威塞克斯人的一切优秀的方面:美丽,纯洁,善良,质朴,仁爱和容忍。苔丝的灵魂是 纯洁的,道德是高尚的,但是在资产阶级的道德面前,她却被看成伤风败俗的典型,奉为警戒 淫荡的榜样,是侵犯了清白领域的罪恶化身。丢下《苔丝》一书,眼前那个历经磨难,失身而 又杀人的女人,却使我想起它们,想起我喜欢的两件事物:黎明与茶花。黎明,如处子的皮肤,光洁润滑,在明与未明之际,透着希冀与光亮;有一种茶花,叫雪塔,她洁白肥硕,细腻如瓷,在寒冷的季节里,傲然怒放,在出尘与入世间,清丽如水,独自芬芳。也许他们风马牛不相及,但是,我觉得它们同出一处,那便是纯洁。正因为这一点《苔丝》的故事才更凄凉。 苔丝为什么会有哀感顽艳之能呢苔丝的哀既有社会的因素,也与她的性格有关。 毫无疑问,苔丝的哀首先是社会制哀。哈代的威塞克斯小说是以其故乡威塞克斯为背景的。19世纪中期英国资本主义工业礼貌侵入农村,应对工业礼貌带来的后果,哈代作为一个人道 主义着者,心灵受到强烈冲击,在感情上深深地依恋古老的宗法礼貌,痛恨工业礼貌对人们和 谐生存状态的摧毁。《苔丝》中,哈代对当时工业礼貌对乡村的冲击进行了全景式描绘,然后 以苔丝家作为个体农民的缩影,深入展现人们在物质困境中的痛苦挣扎。社会杯具是人同社会 环境的冲突造成的。苔丝生活在英国资本主义侵袭到农村并毒化社会气氛的维多利亚时代。这 位弱女子,尽管聪明美丽,勤劳善良,但家贫如洗,经济拮据,负担沉重,她处于低下的社会 地位,作为一个劳动者,一个无权无钱的农业工人,自然会受到资本主义社会的种种压迫和凌辱,这些压迫和凌辱有经济的,权势的,肉体的,更有精神的,宗教的,道德的,传统观念的。她的哀是时代造成的,同时,亚雷和克雷代表了把苔丝推向深渊的两种不同的客观社会势力, 他们直接地共同造成了苔丝的社会杯具。 苔丝能哀感顽艳的第二个原因,她是暴力,恶势力及维护它们的法律,国家机器的受害者。这种暴力,恶势力的集中代表就是亚雷*德伯。 苔丝在绿草如茵,风景如画的乡野里长大,尽管家庭生活窘迫,但少女时代的苔丝内心是 明朗,欢快的。她热爱生活,敢于应对一切困难,为了维持家庭,不惜牺牲自己。苔丝一生都 是强权和暴力的受害者。亚雷之所以敢称霸四野,为非作歹,为所欲为,不仅仅因为他有钱, 有势,而且更主要的是有资产阶级国家机器,法律的保护。社会和法律都认为侮辱和迫害苔丝 的人是正当的,而受迫害的苔丝则是有罪的。苔丝一生都必得逆来顺受,忍受含垢,不能自卫,


The Impression of Reading Tess of the d’Urbervilles In most works of Thomas Hardy’s ,he almost entirely concerns his native West Country—Wessex . For Hardy, nature was the primary fact in life. He felt that nature was good because it represented free life in its honest, basic form. Nature was also harsh and demanding, punishing those w ho did not live in tune with it. For most of his major character, life is a struggle to regain the simplicity and truth of natural living. Most of them are sensual women like “Tess” in Tess of the d’Urbervilles , they are the common villains in Hardy’s novels .The Wessex novels are similar in mant other ways. All of them rely heavily on sensational incidents and their plots are overloaded with exciting climaxes. Of all the Wessex novels, Tess of the d’Urbervilles is one of the most typical one. The other one is Jude the Obscure. Wessex raised a storm of controversy because of their “indecent” subject matter. Today, their subjects w ould be considered harmless, even dull, but the Victorians were outraged by his gloomy outlook and lack of sw eetness. The subtitle of the novel is “A Pure Maiden”. The novel portrays a pure maiden’s tragic experience. In Tess of the d’Urbervilles, a pure, just and industrious rural maiden Tess became degenerate under the press of society. She was filled with love and the trust in others. After being raped by Alec, she left Alec’s home, which embodies her pure heart and her yearning for well-being life. She didn’t want to live with a man she hated.


《苔丝》读后感 苔丝在五月节舞会上系着的红色发带,还在美丽的布莱克摩尔谷熠熠闪光。这个羞涩灵巧的少女,却早已沉入黑暗宁静的命运之海。可怜的苔丝,为爱而生存,因爱而毁灭. 苔丝的一切都是静静的。五月节的舞会上她静静地看着自己钟情的男子挑选了另外的姑娘,又静静地哀怨。在德伯家的农场她静静承受亚雷的玩弄,又静静地离开。在奶牛厂里她静静地爱着安玑,又静静地等待安玑回来。就连她的挣扎与反抗,都是那么沉默,悄无声息。 她有着贵族血统,又生在淳朴的乡村之中,这一切造就了她的纯洁和质朴的优雅。哈代赋予了她至真至美的个性,她是大自然的女儿。她的生命就如同一棵傲立的小树,虽然有寒冬落叶,但等到春暖时,又是枝叶喧闹。而命运无情的利锯,让她最终倒下,再也无法站起。 苔丝自始至终都是纯洁美好的,一如她的外表。女人珍视美丽,而美丽给女人带来的,却往往不是幸运。世人也珍爱美丽,可是却没有人真正知道怎样去爱。 我们不能武断地说亚雷不爱苔丝,爱美之心,就算不是对灵魂的欣赏,也无可厚非。他曾经有一点想要保护她,也想过要柔和地对她好,慢慢地进入她的内心。他的语言虽然粗鲁俗气,但细细品读,其中也不乏对苔丝温柔的心疼。但同时亚雷的纨绔习气又让人嗤之以

鼻,他最大的错误就在于只知占有,不懂尊重,生活所迫的苔丝,想推开他却不能。亚雷侮辱苔丝的那个晚上,他本来并没有意要这样做,只是在月光下的苔丝令他不能自禁,半推半就中苔丝被亚雷所践踏和侮辱。事后亚雷提出可以给予苔丝情妇式的豢养,这个承诺对于一个粗俗的商人,也许已经是很勇敢的担当了吧,但对于苔丝,这个表面沉默而内心倔强的无以复加的女性,这确是不折不扣的侮辱。 安玑走后,亚雷又找到苔丝,再次提出豢养她,这是出于占有的欲望还是内心对苔丝的爱恋呢?我们不得而知,但在苔丝已经窘迫得走投无路的时候,他是落井下石,也是拉了一把苔丝,给了苔丝一家一条生路。亚雷是精神上的虐待者,她是把苔丝推向深渊的直接凶手。 安玑,有着良好教育的正人君子,与苔丝深深相爱,他的爱的确比亚雷高尚的多,但是他的所做作为,对于苔丝的毁灭,却有着比亚雷更甚的推动作用。 作为一名女性读者,怎么能够忽略哈代对苔丝与安玑恋爱的浪漫描写呢?在涨了水的河道上,安玑一步一步慢慢把苔丝抱过河去的情景,让一代代的读者怦然心动,那种青涩与纯洁,是那样的自然和贴近生活。安玑对苔丝的爱,是君子之爱,他爱的是苔丝的内心,苔丝内心的纯洁和忧郁的结合,正是吸引安玑之处,这种内心的场域,是亚雷这样的浅薄之人所永远无法达到的,这样的区别,也正是苔丝深爱安玑却从不对亚雷施舍一点温柔的原因。然而,这个能触及最深刻


苔丝英文读后感 Updated by Jack on December 25,2020 at 10:00 am

《苔丝》英文读后感 She was seduced by a so-called gentleman—Alec, and from then on her life totally changed from this loss of innocence. People looked down on her and respected her no more. Actually she did nothing wrong because before she was seduced she knew nothing of men. She was just a girl when she first met that terrible man. She was forced by the gossips and the church to blame herself for this accident, so she thought she deserved nothing good. In order to get rid of the past she decided to go to a distant dairy farm but was still saying to herself that she was wrong. Maybe God didn’t agree with that, because the Lord gave her someone she loved with her whole heart and life—Angel Chare. Angel popped the question to her but she refused him without saying why. She said she loved him deeply and perhaps no one in the world could love him more than she did but she could not marry him for some unspoken reason. Angel wasn’t satisfied with this vague answer and did his best to win Tess. Somehow she agreed and they soon fixed the wedding day. Soon after their wedding Angel confessed the crime he committed to a woman long time ago and asked for Tess’s forgiveness. Tess was not at all angry and forgave Angel at once; in fact she was rather happy and excited for she also had things to confess. She sat and told everything to Angel, hoping he would forgive her as he was forgiven but she was wrong. She was not forgiven, not as she thought she was. The woman pays. Without Angel’s love, nothing meant anything to her. The result wasn’t important now. Tess was arrested for her murder of that so-called gentleman. Why


《德伯家的苔丝》读后感 前一段日子,读完了《苔丝》——流着眼泪读完的。 这是我第二次读这篇小说了,可从次数上来看虽是第二次,实质上只能说是第一次,或者说是一次多一点点。我第一次看这篇小说的时候才只是一个小学生,对文学作品的理解能力有限,而且读得也很粗略,那时,我对《苔丝》的唯一印象就是挺好看的,苔丝这个人物挺可怜的,除此以外便所剩无几了,根本没有把自己融入整个情节中去,根本没有对苔丝这个悲剧性的人物作过任何有意识的评价,根本没有想过苔丝一步一步走向毁灭是与其性格,与她所处的环境是如此密不可分。这一次阅读,我不敢说我已经看懂了,但我对整个情节有了比以往更深刻的了解。 《苔丝》的作者托马斯·哈代在这篇小说中体现出了他悲观的宿命论,主人公苔丝陷入悲惨境地,但她无论如何挣扎都无济于事,改变不了命运的安排与戏弄,最后走上绝路。但她走上绝路,绝不像某些低俗小说那样一味追求情节曲折而硬让主人公死去,而是有其一定的必然性。在故事的开端,当苔丝的父亲约翰·德比被告知自己这样一个贫穷小贩竟是古代德伯家族——一个十分高贵显要的家庭的后裔后,她的父母要她去有钱的德伯太太家攀亲戚,她天性纯朴,厌恶趋炎附势,不同意去,但后来,她由于担心喝得酩酊大醉的父亲半夜外出送蜂密进城会出现意外,才与弟弟一起替父亲跑一次腿,然而途中却出现了意外——她家唯一一匹赶车的马被轧死了,失去一匹马对他们这样一个贫困的家庭来说就是失去了用以维持生活的工具。在埋葬这匹衰老枯瘦的马时,几个孩子们都放声大哭,苔丝没有,“他脸色苍白,没有表情,似乎认为她自己是谋杀者”,书中是这样描写的。然后她带着一种负罪感――是她自己的疏忽大意才使家庭的生活出现了危机,和她对父母的孝顺,对弟弟妹妹们的关爱,以及她强烈的责任感——必须使家庭摆脱困境的责任感,去了德伯太太家攀亲戚,也导致了她被亚历克·德伯玷污,给她日后的生活蒙上了一层抹不去的阴影。她的孩子在死前,她坚持要让这个不清白的小小的肉欲的产物受洗礼,也是强烈的责任感趋使她这样做的。如此说来,苔丝性格中最不容忽视的一点便是她强烈的责任感了,正如苔丝坚决地要把与亚历克·德伯的那一段不快的往事告诉她所深爱,并且也深爱她的丈夫安吉尔一样,她原本可以完完全全地把这件事隐藏起来,说像她母亲教她的,然而,苔丝没有,她把这件事原原本本地告诉了安吉尔,书里这样写道:“她说得很轻,但很坚决。”苔丝把这件事告诉了安吉尔,而不愿意隐瞒事实,致使安吉尔承受不住打击而与她分居,也正是源于她那责任心,不是吗?现在看整篇文章中给我印象最深的一段吧,就是苔丝杀了亚历克后追上安吉尔的时候:“……克莱尔停住脚步,以询问的目光望着苔丝。‘安吉尔’,苔丝说,好像她一直等待着他们停步时克莱尔会这样看着她,‘你知道我为什么要追你吗?我要告诉你我把他杀了!’她这么说的时候脸上露出令人同情的惨淡微笑。”“令人同情的惨淡微笑”,你能想象一个人在杀了人后所露出的这种表情吗?如她自己所说的“我杀了他——也不知道是怎么把他杀死的。不过,安吉尔,为了你,也为了我自己,我非这么做不可。”显然,苔丝把杀死亚历克看成是她应尽的责任,是她必须完成的任务,为她自己,也为她丈夫。亚历克是笼罩在她心头的阴影,亚历克死了,她只觉得如释重负,只觉得自己是完成了任务,所以她急着要告诉她丈夫,这大概也就是她脸上会露出微笑,而不是杀过人后的慌乱、惊恐无措。因而在她生命的最后五天——与安吉尔在一起的五天——一生中最幸福的五天中过的生活是恬静的,她的心情也是平静的,她对待死亡的坦然也感染了逮捕她的人,“她站起身来,整了整衣服向前走去;那些人还一个也没有起步。‘我准备好了’,她平静地说。”我想,苔丝或许是带着幸福,甚至是带


Book Report of Tess of the D'Urbervilles About the author Thomas Hardy (1840---1928), is an English novelist who is famous for novels of character and Environment. When he was young, he derived a love of music from his father and a devotion to literature from his mother. He grew up in the Dorset shire, of which the environment there became the main backdrop of his writings. His writings often reflected the change after capitalism intruded the countries in England and the people?s hard life. The novel Tess of the D'Urbervilles was published in the year 1891, which was his most famous novel. The summary of the book It tells a story of a tragedy life of a pure girl .In the Victorian period, a rural clergyman in England tells D?Urbervilles, a simple farmer, that he was descended from the illustrious D…Urberville s family. The D?Urbervilles couple sent his daughter Tess to a family named D…Urberville s in order to improve their social status. Tess was asked to feed chickens there and Alec fell in love with Alec, who later raped her, so she left, pregnant. She went back home, gave birth to the baby, named Sorrow who died soon. Some time later, Tess began working as a milkmaid, and there she met her true love Angel Clare. They fell in love, but Angel does not learn of her previous relationship with Alec until their wedding night, and abandoned her. Deserted by her husband, Tess met Alec again, and poverty forced her to resume their relationship. Angel returned from travelling abroad, remorseful at his treatment of Tess, but found her with Alec. Tess murdered Alec in order to run away with Angel. They spent one night of happiness together, before she was arrested. My viewpoint towards this book After reading this book, what cause me to deeply think is that Tess?s tragedy is a result of lots of factors. First of all, Family background c aused Tess?s Tragedy Tess?s father was a poor countryside hawker, who is lazy and is addicted to drinking and Tess?s mother was a dairymaid, who was sloppy and simply-minded. They sent Tess there not only wanted Tess to have a better life, but as well hoped that they could get rid of their poverty and led a noble life. In order to showed off own so-called "aristocrat" status and satisfied mere vanity, Tess?s parents wanted to claim relative relationship or marriage to improve own status. Although Tess felt anticipated towards her parents? hypocr isy and looked down upon her noble origin, she still went there because she thought she was the family's oldest daughter who should take the family burden. She loved her little sisters and brothers so deeply that she cannot cruel enough to look they suffer hardships. Afterwards, in order to protect her family from forcing to leave the native place after her father died, Tess came back to Alec again with no choice, just for her family. The God gave Tess a woman of glory soul, which was called the daughter of nature, such as considerate, caring for her families, responsibility. However, she was ruined by her family background and the cruel reality. Secondly, Tess? personal characteristics were also the cause of her tragedy. Towards life, Tess is never surrendered. No matter life is difficult, she tried her best to


book report of《tess of the d’urbervilles》 about the author: thomas hardy (1840—1928), is an english novelist who is famous for novels of character and environment. when he was young, he derived a love of music from his father and devotion to literature from his mother. he grew up in dorset shire, of which the environment there became the main backdrop of his writings. his writing often reflected the change after capitalism intruded the countries in england and the people’s hard life. the novel《tess of the d’urbervilles》was published in the year of 1891,which was his most famous novel. the brief introduction of content: of happiness together, before she was arrested. in the end, angel promised tess to live with her sister. my thought towards this book: after reading this book, i feel so sad because of its unhappy ending. how beautiful tess was! why a beautiful girl can’t get a good result. is it her beautiful appearance’ s wrong? is her parents’ wrong? of course, it’s not her fault. it’s the society, the desire, and the discrimination to women. after raped her, alec became a clergymen, but tess’s life became horrible. she was looked down by others, and she can’t live like a normal girl. everyone thought she wasn’t pure, and was dirty. but she had no choice. that wasn’t what she wanted. she was a sufferer, not a criminal. why didn’t angel forgive her? he had done a bad thing with other woman too. tess loved him so deeply, but he didn’t value her. if he can forgive her at the beginning, maybe tess won’t die, and they can live in a happy tune. i think, these caused by the society. if the society didn’t discriminate the women, others won’t think tess wasn’t pure. and, of course, angel won’t abandon her. maybe, nowadays, more and more people think women are equal to men, but as women, we still need to be strong, and maintain our own interests.篇二:《德伯家的苔丝》 读书报告 《德伯家的苔丝》读书报告 班级汉语言081班姓名赵彤学号200850515133 书名:《德 伯家的苔丝》 出版社:外语教学与研究出版社、牛津大学出版社 作者:托马斯·哈代(1840—1928)是英国最伟大的小说家和诗人之一。他一生共创作 了 15部长篇小说(出版十四部、4个短篇小说集、8卷诗、2部诗剧,是世界文学中最重要 的经典作家之一。他的大部分作品,包括这部《德伯家的苔丝》,都是以他的故乡——英国南 海岸的多尔赛特为背景的。 背景:《德伯家的苔丝》这部小说是哈代进入晚期小说创作的标志。小说反映的时代背景 是 传统的威塞克斯农村社会已大体上被资产阶级社会所占领,社会秩序发生了根本性的变 化,农民为了生存不得不去寻找一条同过去完全不同的生活道路,于是哈代将创作的重心放 在了浓郁的人道主义色彩,在主题上更加广泛和深刻,表现了维多利亚时代资产阶级的伦理


《苔丝》读后感 《苔丝》只要讲了这么一个故事:在英国维多利亚时代,一个被误认为武士后裔的贫苦农民家的姑娘苔丝,被邀请去贵族德伯家当佣人,帮他们管理鸡舍,后德伯家不学无术的少爷亚雷将苔丝诱奸。苔丝不能忍受,返回了家,去一个农场当挤牛奶的工人,在农场里苔丝与教士儿子安琪儿相爱。在安琪儿与苔丝结婚的前一天晚上,苔丝把失身于安亚雷的事告诉了安琪儿,安琪儿不能忍受,出国去了西班牙。苔丝从农场颓丧地回了家,没有得到安琪儿的一点消息,在这期间,亚雷不断想办法来帮助苔丝,亚雷骗苔丝安琪儿再也不回来了。过了八年,安琪儿原谅了苔丝,他回来找苔丝,而而苔丝已经和亚雷同居,两人生活在一起了。苔丝终于鼓足勇气,拿枪杀死了亚雷,跟着安琪儿走,而等待苔丝不久的,是阴森森的监狱。 《苔丝》里的环境是那么的优美,哈代描写的农场,教堂,农村的舞场……像一幅幅秀丽明净的画面,带着浓郁的田园风光,风俗味也极浓,逼真生动,让人感觉像在19世纪末的英国乡间旅游了一遭。 苔丝是一个纯洁美丽,善良能干,淳朴端庄的农家姑娘,故事要从苔丝不小心导致家里的那匹马死亡开始。马的死亡使原本贫穷的家里雪上加霜,而被认为是武士世家认识本家,成了悲剧发生的契机。苔丝被父母命令去亚雷家当佣人,而苔丝当时,心里极不愿意,而苔丝当时没有表示出反抗,也许是因为当时家里情况所迫,苔丝顾家,而苔丝甚至连一句不愿意去的话也没对她父母说,可见苔丝当时的思想是不成熟,反抗性极低的,是任意听从安排的。 苔丝到了亚雷家,本想在这里好好工作,好好管理鸡舍,也为家里解决一些负担,而被不学无术的贵族少爷亚雷看上。亚雷是个吃喝嫖宿无恶不作的坏人。 在一次出游,在浓雾迷漫的树林里,亚雷终于如愿所偿,他诱奸了苔丝。这是罪恶开始的根源,苔丝受到严重打击,怀着辛酸,失落颓丧地回了家。 苔丝终于又找到一份工作,在一个农场当挤牛奶工人。在这优美秀丽的田园里,苔丝勤劳热情的工作和生活,更重要的是,在这里,她遇上自己的真爱。安琪儿是个教士的儿子,他英俊潇洒,精明能干,精通音乐,是管理农场的一把手,深得大家的信赖和赞赏。在相似的人格魅力和精神追求下,在无忧无虑的的田园生活里,两人开始甜蜜的热恋。经过一段时间,终于,安琪儿向苔丝求婚。苔丝心里既兴奋又有些失落,她不知该不该把自己失身于亚雷德的事告诉安琪儿。徘徊啊徘徊,她尝试写信告诉安琪儿这件事,而安琪儿没有注意到那封信。在结婚的前一天晚上,苔丝终于把这件事告诉了安琪儿,而安琪儿不能接受。他失望又彷徨,梦游,矛盾又痛苦。最后安琪儿选择离开,他出国去了西班牙。 如果说亚雷使苔丝失身给她带来身心上的沉重打击,那么,安琪儿的离开不仅是悲剧的再次上演,是残酷的撕开苔丝刚刚治愈好的伤口。苔丝忍受着这么大的打击,再次返回了家里。而正在这时候,苔丝家里的房屋被政府收回,他们一家原本很贫困,现在又变得无家可归。在这最困难的时候,亚雷出现了。亚雷不断地去找苔丝,帮助她,要苔丝一家暂住他家的房子,苔丝拒绝了。后亚雷一直暗中注视着苔丝,偷跟着苔丝到他们租房的地方。亚雷是否转变了呢?亚雷是否变好了呢?我想是的,一个不学无术,整日吃喝嫖


Tess of the D’Urbervilles Poor Tess, she was survived because of love, and was also destroyed because of love. Tess was a very beautiful girl. Her beauty and elegance was prominent under her white appearance and clear soul. Yes! I wanted to say that she was so white and pure, and this white could not be profaned by dirt; she was very white, brilliant and amazing, and this white could change this world into happiness; she was pretty white, delicate and charming, and this white could even make flowers feel shy! To my surprise, I really liked the repeated played music in this film. The music was so wonderful, and could let us feel a deep touch of sadness. Although the plots of the story was romantic, I still smelt the sorrow, which controlled by fate. The plots and the pictures were seamlessly matched up, the audio and video with the fate of the duet, also painted Tess a fatalistic color. Generally speaking , the main melody, the background music and the blending melody were interspersed in this story, and run with a touch of sadness, loneliness, continuous weak and helplessness, indicated that the dark fate. The novel told a pure, loyal, intelligent, strikingly attractive girl; Tess was seduced by a so-called gentleman----Alec. Unfortunately, her ideals could not prevent her from sliding further and further into misfortune after she became pregnant. Forced by the gossips and the church’s blame, Tess thought she deserved nothing good. In order to get rid of the past, she decided to go to a distant diary farm but still thought she was of guilty. Maybe God didn’t approve of this, because the Lord gave her someone she loved with her whole heart----Angel Chare. They loved each other deeply. Somehow,

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