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英文童话故事:The Golden Crab

英文童话故事:The Golden Crab
英文童话故事:The Golden Crab

英文童话故事:The Golden Crab

Once upon a time there was a fisherman who had a wife and three children. Every morning he used to go out fishing, and whatever fish he caught he sold to the King. One day, among

the other fishes, he caught a golden crab. When he came home he put all the fishes together into a great dish, but he kept the Crab separate because it shone so beautifully, and placed it upon a high shelf in the cupboard. Now while the old woman, his wife, was cleaning the fish, and had tucked up her gown

so that her feet were visible, she suddenly heard a voice, which said:

'Let down, let down thy petticoat That lets thy feet be seen.'

She turned round in surprise, and then she saw the little creature, the Golden Crab.

'What! You can speak, can you, you ridiculous crab?' she said, for she was not quite pleased at the Crab's remarks. Then she took him up and placed him on a dish.

When her husband came home and they sat down to dinner, they presently heard the Crab's little voice saying, 'Give me some too.' They were all very much surprised, but they gave him something to eat. When the old man came to take away the plate which had contained the Crab's dinner, he found it full of gold, and as the same thing happened every day he soon became very fond of the Crab.

One day the Crab said to the fisherman's wife, 'Go to the King and tell him I wish to marry his younger daughter.'

The old woman went accordingly, and laid the matter before the King, who laughed a little at the notion of his daughter marrying a crab, but did not decline the proposal altogether, because he was a prudent monarch, and knew that the Crab was likely to be a prince in disguise. He said, therefore, to the fisherman's wife, 'Go, old woman, and tell the Crab I will give him my daughter if by to-morrow morning he can build a wall in front of my castle much higher than my tower, upon which all the flowers of the world must grow and bloom.'

The fisherman's wife went home and gave this message.

Then the Crab gave her a golden rod, and said, 'Go and strike with this rod three times upon the ground on the place which the King showed you, and to-morrow morning the wall

will be there.'

The old woman did so and went away again.

The next morning, when the King awoke, what do you think he saw? The wall stood there before his eyes, exactly as he had bespoken it!

Then the old woman went back to the King and said to him, 'Your Majesty's orders have been fulfilled.'

'That is all very well,' said the King, 'but I cannot give away my daughter until there stands in front of my palace a garden in which there are three fountains, of which the first must play gold, the second diamonds, and the third brilliants.'

So the old woman had to strike again three times upon the ground with the rod, and the next morning the garden was there. Th

e King now gave his consent, and the wedding was fixed

for the very next day.

Then the Crab said to the old fisherman, 'Now take this rod; go and knock with it on a certain mountain; then a black man will come out and ask you what you wish for. Answer him thus: ''Your master, the King, has sent me to tell you that you must send him his golden garment that is like the sun.'' Make him give you, besides, the queenly robes of gold and precious stones which are like the flowery meadows, and bring them both to me. And bring me also the golden cushion.'

Ein Mohr.

The old man went and did his errand. When he had brought the precious robes, the Crab put on the golden garment and then crept upon the golden cushion, and in this way the fisherman carried him to the castle, where the Crab presented the other garment to his bride. Now the ceremony took place, and when the married pair were alone together the Crab made himself known to his young wife, and told her how he was the son of the greatest king in the world, and how he was enchanted, so that he became a crab by day and was a man only at night; and he could also change himself into an eagle as often as he wished. No sooner had he said this than he shook himself, and immediately became a handsome youth, but the next morning he was forced to creep back again into his crab-shell. And the same thing happened every day. But the Princess's affection for the Crab, and the polite attention


英语童话故事精选 篇一:英语童话故事 Hen and the Little Girl 母鸡和小女孩 In a country home, a mother hen and her cute chicks were living happily. A little girl came to visit the country home, but was very bored. One night, the girl went into the chicken house. As soon as she went in, there was disorder. Here and there cries of the chickens could be heard. The father, who was inside, woke up. ”What’s going on? Why are you bothering the chickens?”“Because I’m bored.”“You have to sleep now, go inside.” The girl went into the chicken house, again, the next day. There was a racket again, as the chickens were frightened. The moon in the night sky was worried. This time, the little girl’s father will not be , the sleeping father woke up. “Why are the chickens crying? By chance”The father was angry and came out to the yard. ”What’s wrong with you? Is it okay to bother animals that can’t talk? You need to be punished.” When the little girl saw her father’s angry face, she began to cry. ”It is true that I bothered the chickens, but I was bored


儿童学英语,中英双语童话故事大全 越来越多家长意识到让孩子阅读英语书籍的重要性,但不要犯“只管买,不管读”的错误,瑞思英语为您推荐几本老少皆宜的童话故事书,陪孩子一起读本童话吧! 经典Top6之一:《查理和巧克力工厂》 《Charlie and the Chocolate Factory》,英国作家Roald Dahl创作于1964年的一部童话书,讲述了小男孩查理·毕奇在古怪的巧克力制造商威利·旺卡的工厂里的冒险旅程。这本书曾两次被改编为电影:1971年的《欢乐糖果屋》,以及2005年的《查理和巧克力工厂》。在2005年的版本中由著名影星约翰尼·德普扮演威利·旺卡。 经典Top6之二:《哈利·波特》 《Harry Potter》,英国作家J. K.罗琳创作的系列奇幻小说,讲述了霍格沃茨魔法学校的学生,年轻巫师哈利·波特的冒险和成长历程,以及他打败邪恶的黑魔王伏地魔的故事。该系列所有版本的总销售量超过4亿本,已经被翻译成67种语言。该系列七部小说都已经被改编成电影,最后一部将于今年7月15日上映。 经典Top6之三:《彼得·潘》 《Peter Pan》,苏格兰作家J. M.巴利创作的童话。永不长大的彼得·潘住在名为“乌有乡”的小岛上,统帅着一群走失的男孩,和美人鱼、印第安人、精灵以及海盗生活在一起,时不时还去拜访一下外面世界里普通的孩子们。彼得·潘的故事曾多次被改编及续写,最著名的改编版本当属迪斯尼于1953年出品的动画电影《彼得·潘》。 经典Top6之四:《狮子·女巫·魔衣橱》 《The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe》,英国作家C.S.刘易斯创作的奇幻故事,《纳尼亚传奇》系列的第一部,也是最著名的一部小说。故事发生在二战时期的英国,讲述了四兄妹彼得、苏珊、爱德蒙和露西通过魔衣橱进入奇幻世界纳尼亚之后的冒险故事,以及他们如何打败白女巫,拯救了纳尼亚。该书曾被《时代周刊》评选为1923到2005一百部最佳英文小说之一。 经典Top6之五:《黄金罗盘》 《The Golden Compass》,英国小说家菲力普·普曼的《暗物质三部曲》的第一部。故事发生在与我们的宇宙平行的另一个世界中,讲述了莱拉·贝拉克一路向北,寻找她失踪的朋友和被囚禁的叔叔的故事。“黄金罗盘”其实是该书北美版的标题,却不知为何比英国版标题《北方之光》更为人熟知。 经典Top6之六:《彼得兔》 《The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe》,英国作家贝阿特丽丝·波特创作的系列童话。童话中的兔子都是拟人化的:彼得兔穿着夹克衫和鞋子,和他的家族一起住在有着人类厨房和人类家具的兔子洞里。彼得兔的原型是作者孩提时代养过的一只小兔子。该系列童话被翻译成了35种语言,在世界各地的销量超过1.51亿本。


经典童话故事豌豆公主(双语版) There was once a Prince who wished to marry a Princess;but then she must be a real Princess. He travelled all over the world in hopes of finding such a lady;but there was always something wrong. Princesses he found in plenty; but whether they were real Princesses it was impossible for him to decide, for now one thing, now another, seemed to him not quite right about the ladies. At last he returned to his palace quite cast down,because he wished so much to have a real Princess for his wife. 从前有一位王子,他想找一位公主结婚,但她必须是一位真正的公主。他走遍了全世界,想要寻到这样的一位公主。可是无论他到什么地方,他总是碰到一些障碍。公主倒有的是,不过他没有办法断定她们究竟是不是真正的公主。她们总是有些地方不大对头。结果,他只好回家来,心中很不快活,因为他是那么渴望着得到一位真正的公主。 One evening a fearful tempest arose, it thundered and lightened, and the rain poured down from the sky in torrents: besides, it was as dark as pitch. All at once there was heard a violent knocking at the door, and the old King,he Prince's father, went out himself to open it. 有一天晚上,忽然起了一阵可怕的暴风雨。天空在掣电,在打雷,在下着大雨。这真有点使人害怕!” 这时,有人在敲门,老国王就走过去开门。 It was a Princess who was standing outside the door. What with the rain and the wind,she was in a sad condition: the water trickled down from her hair, and her clothes clung to her body. She said she was a real Princess. 站在城外的是一位公主。可是,天哪!经过了风吹雨打之后,她的样子是多么难看啊!水沿着她的头发和衣服向下面流,流进鞋尖,又从脚跟流出来。她说她是一个真正的公主。 "Ah! we shall soon see that!" thought the old Queen-mother; however, she said not a word of what she was going to do; but went quietly into the bedroom, took all the bed-clothes off the bed, and put three little peas on the bedstead. She then laid twenty mattresses one upon another over the three peas, and put twenty feather beds over the mattresses. Upon this bed the Princess was to pass the night. “是的,这点我们马上就可以考查出来。”老皇后心里想,可是她什么也没说。她走进卧房,把所有的被褥都搬开,在床榻上放了一粒豌豆。于是她取出二十床垫子,把它们压在豌豆上。随后,她又在这些垫子上放了二十床鸭绒被。这位公主夜里就睡在这些东西上面。 The next morning she was asked how she had slept. "Oh, very badly indeed!" she replied. "I have scarcely closed my eyes the whole night through. I do not know what was in my bed, but I had something hard under me, and am all over black and blue. It has hurt me so much!" 早晨大家问她昨晚睡得怎样。“啊,不舒服极了!”公主说,“我差不多整夜没合上眼!天晓得我床上有件什么东西?我睡到一块很硬的东西上面,弄得我全身发青发紫,这真怕人!”Now it was plain that the lady must be a real Princess, since she had been able to feel the three little peas through the twenty mattresses and twenty feather beds. None but a real Princess could have had such a delicate sense of feeling. 现在大家就看出来了。她是一位真正的公主,因为压在这二十床垫子和二十床鸭绒被下面的一粒豌豆,她居然还能感觉得出来。除了真正的公主以外,任何人都不会有这么嫩的皮肤的。The Prince accordingly made her his wife;being now convinced that he had found a real Princess. The three peas were however put into the cabinet of curiosities, where they are still to be seen, provided they are not lost. 因此那位王子就选她为妻子了,因为现在他知道他得到了一位真正的公主。这粒豌豆因此也就被送进了博物馆,如果没有人把它拿走的话,人们现在还可以在那儿看到它呢。


短篇童话故事英文版带中文 聪明的兔子 The wolf and the fox want to eat the rabbit, but it wasn't easy to catch him. One day the wolf says to the fox, "You go home and lie1 in bed. I'll tell the rabbit that you are dead2. When he comes to look at you, you can jump up and catch him." That's a good idea," says the fox. The fox goes home at once. The wolf goes to the rabbit's house and knocked3 at the door. "Who is it?" asks the rabbit. "It's the wolf. I come to tell you that the fox is dead." Then the wolf goes away. The rabbit goes to the fox's house. He looked in through the window and sees the foxlying4 in bed with his eyes closed5. He thinks, "Is the fox really dead or is hepretending6 to be dead? If he's not dead, he'll catch me when I go near him." so hesaid7, "The wolf says that the fox is dead. But he doesn't look like a dead fox. The mouth of a dead fox is always open." When the fox hears this, he thinks, "I'll show him that I'm dead." So he opened his mouth. The rabbit knows that the fox isn't dead, and he rans away quickly. 狼和狐狸想要吃掉兔子但是这只兔子太难抓到了。 一天狼对狐狸说“你回家假装躺在床上。我去告诉兔子你已经死了。当他来看你的时候你就可以跳起来抓住他了。”“真是个好主意”狐狸说。 于是他立刻回到家。狼去兔子的房前敲了敲门“是谁啊”兔子问道。“狼我是来告诉你狐狸已经死了。”说完狼就走开了。 兔子去狐狸家看情况。他通过狐狸家的窗户看到闭着眼睛的狐狸躺在床上。他想狐狸是真的死了还是在假装呢如果他没有死那么我走近他就会被他抓住。于是他说“狼说狐狸死了。但是他看起来并不像死掉了呀。死去的狐狸通常都是张着嘴的。”狐狸听到这些话就想我得证明自己是真的死了。于是他张开了嘴巴。 这时兔子知道狐狸并没有死他就以最快的速度跑开啦。 猫和老鼠


英语童话故事 英语童话故事(一): AnoldcockandafoxItisevening。Anoldcockissittinginatree。Afoxestothetreeandlooksupatthecock。"Hello,mrcock,Ihavegoodnewsforyou,"saysthefox。"oh"saysthecock,"whatgoodnewsforme?""Alltheanimalsarefriendsnow。"saysthefox。"Fine!"saysthecock。"I'mverygladtoknowthat。"Thenhelooksup、 "Look!Adogiaingthisway。""what?Adog?"saysthefox。"well。。。。well,Imustgonow。Goodbye,mrcock!""wait,mrFox,Don'tyoulikedogs?"Don'tyoulikeplayingwiththedog?Dogsareourfriendsnow。""But,。。。buttheymaynotknowthenewsyet。"Thenherunsaway。"Isee,Isee,"saysthecock。Hesmilesandgoestosleep 翻译:一只老公鸡和一只狐狸是夜。一只老公鸡呆在树上。一只狐狸走向大树要拜访公鸡。"你好,公鸡先生,我有一个关于你的好消息。"狐狸说。"噢,"公鸡说,"是什么关于我的好消息?""所有动物此刻都是朋友了。"狐狸说。"好,"公鸡说,"我听到那十分高兴!"然后他看到了。 "看,一只狗正在往这边来。""什么?一只狗?"狐狸问。"好的好的,此刻我该走了,再见,公鸡先生!""等等,狐狸先生,你难道不喜欢狗吗?难道你不喜欢和狗玩么?狗此刻是我们的朋友。""但是,但是它们此刻可能还不明白。"然后他跑走了。"我明白了,我明白了,"公鸡说。他微笑着然后去睡觉了。 英语童话故事(二): Longagoinasmall,farawayvillage,therewasaplaceknownastheHouseof1000mirrors。Asmall,happylittledoglearnedofthisplaceanddecidedtovisit。whenhearrived,hehouncedhappilyupthestairstothedoorwayofthehouse。Helookedthroughthedoorwaywithhisearsliftedhighandhistailwaggingasfastasitcould。Tohisgreatsurprise,hefoundhimselfstaringat1000otherhappylittledogswiththeirtailswaggingjustasfastashis。Hesmiledagreatsmile,andwasansweredwith1000greatsmilesjustaswarmandfirendly。AshelefttheHouse,hethoughttohimself,"Thisisawonderfulplace。Iwillebackandvisititoften。" Inthissamevillage,anotherlittledog,whowasnotquiteashappyasthefirstone,decidedtovisitthehouse。Heslowlyclimbedthestairsandhunghisheadlowashelookedintothedoor。whenhesawthe1000unfriendlylookingdogsstaringbackathim,hegrowledatthemandwashorrifiedtosee1000littledogsgrowlingbackathim。Asheleft,hethoughttohimself,"Thatisahorribleplace,andIwillnevergobackthereagain。" Allthefacesintheworldaremirrors。whatkindofreflectionsdoyouseeinthefacesofthepeopleyoumeet? 很久以前的一个很远的小村庄里,有一个以"千镜屋"而著名的地方。一个乐观的小狗听说了这个地方并决定去参观。当来到这个地方,他蹦蹦跳欢恰快的上了台阶,来到房门口,他高高竖起耳朵,欢快地摇着尾巴,从门口往里张望,他惊奇地看到有1000只欢乐的小狗像他一样快的摇尾巴。他灿烂地微笑着,回报他的是1000张热情,友好的灿烂笑脸。离开时他心想:"这是一个精彩的地主,我必须要经常来参观。" 在这个村里还有另一只想参观"千镜屋"的小狗,他不及第一只小狗乐观,他慢吞吞地爬上台阶,然后耷拉着脑袋往屋子里看。一看到有1000只小狗不友好地盯着他,他便开始冲他们狂吠,镜中的1000只小狗也冲着他狂吠,把他给吓坏了,他在离开时心想:"这是一个


三年级英文童话故事:白雪公主 Once there was a Queen. She was sitting at the window. There was snow outside in the garden-snow on the hill and in the lane, snow on the hunts and on the trees: all things were white with snow. The Queen was making a coat for a little child. She said, "I want my child to be white as this cloth, white as the snow. And I shall call her Snow-white." Some days after that the Queen had a child. The child was white as snow. The Queen called her Snow-white. But the Queen was very ill, and after some days she died. Snow-white lived, and was a very happy and beautiful child. One year after that, the King married another Queen. The new Queen was very beautiful; but she was not a good woman. A wizard had given this Queen a glass. The glass could speak. It was on the wall in the Queen's room. Every day the queen looked in the glass to see how beautiful she was. As she looked in the glass, she asked: "Tell me, glass upon the wall, who is most beautiful of all?" And the glass spoke and said: "The Queen is most beautiful of all." Year went by. Snow-white grew up and became a little girl. every day the Queen looked in the glass and said, "Tell me, glass upon the wall, who is most beautiful of all?" And the glass said, "Snow-white is most beautiful of all."


国外经典童话故事 【三篇】 有一天,公鸡很早就起床了,他来到的小河边散步。突然,他发现前面有一个亮闪闪的东西。是什么呢?他很奇怪,于是赶紧走上前去。 “哇”好幽美的宝石。 原来是一颗大大的宝石,公鸡不禁大喊起来。 公鸡心想,这么大的一颗宝石,肯定能卖很多钱。我把宝石卖了我就能换来好多的食物了,我还能够建一座幽美的鸡房子。多好啊!公鸡越想越高兴,说做就做,我现在就去把宝石卖了。 说完,公鸡朝珠宝店走去。公鸡走啊走,突然前方一条大河拦住了去路,他急得团团转。这可怎么是好,我如何才能过去这条大河呢?这时,白鹅从大河经过。看着花公鸡焦灼的样子,走上去说:“公鸡,你是不是要过河啊?你骑在我背上,我渡你过河去。”公鸡听了高兴极了。他叼着宝石,骑在白鹅背上,白鹅奋力划水,向对岸游去。白鹅游到了河中央,花公鸡说:“我的运气真好,捡到了一颗很值钱的宝石。” 白鹅说:“是啊,你一定能卖很多钱!” 公鸡说:“等我卖掉了宝石,就去买很多很多谷子,还要造一幢幽美的大房子。”想着想着,他“咯咯咯”笑出了声。 白鹅把公鸡渡到了对岸,公鸡急急忙忙赶路,直奔珠宝店。 终于到了珠宝店。他对宝石店的金丝猴老板说:“老板,我捡到一颗大宝石,请你协助评个价卖掉。” 金丝猴对公鸡说:“好啊,请把宝石拿出来看看吧!”金丝猴这么一说,花公鸡一下傻了眼,因为他发现他的宝石不见了。 他自言自语地说:“我的宝石一直在嘴里叼着的,怎么就不见了呢?”

小朋友们,你们知道公鸡的宝石上哪里去了吗?赶紧动脑筋想想吧! 【粉色羽毛的愿望】 以前,有个天使姐姐,她身上长满了很多的羽毛,每根羽毛都是那么的美丽幽美。特别是头上的那根粉色羽毛,显得格外的美艳。 这天,粉色羽毛要从天使姐姐身上脱落了,脱落后就要到人间寻找自己的生活了。粉色羽毛很是不舍,但也没办法,不过粉色羽毛想到人间后能够继续做羽毛,于是就问天使姐姐:“我到了人间,还能做幽美的粉色羽毛吗?” 天使姐姐说:“你想做什么都能够,我会满足你的愿望,只要你觉得过得喜悦!” 粉色羽毛来到草坪上,看到孩子们都在玩气球。那五颜六色的气球,在孩子们的欢呼声中,翩翩起舞。这时,粉色羽毛想,如果我变成了一个大大的粉色气球岂不是比做羽毛更幽美?于是粉色羽毛对天使姐姐说:“多幽美的气球啊!天使姐姐,我也变成一个大大的粉色气球吧!” 天使姐姐答应了羽毛的请求,就把粉色羽毛变成了一个粉色气球。 粉色气球一会儿在这个孩子的手中,一会儿又到了那个孩子的手中。“啊!做气球多喜悦啊!” 突然,“嘭”的一声,粉色的气球爆炸了! 气球的碎片,很快就合成了一片粉色的羽毛。粉色羽毛对自己说:“没想到,幽美的气球,也不能让我感到真正的喜悦!” 粉色羽毛来到一个精品店里,它看到了货架上摆满了好多美丽的物品:有亮晶晶的发卡、小巧玲珑的花瓶、还有坐在摇篮里的蹦蹦兔……最让粉色羽毛喜欢的,是躺在水晶盘子里的五彩溜溜球!有好多孩子都在那儿等着买呢!粉色羽毛对天使姐姐说:“多幽美的溜溜球啊!姐姐,我也变成一个幽美的溜溜球儿吧!” 天使姐姐答应了羽毛的请求,就把羽毛变成了一个幽美的溜溜球。 粉色羽毛变成溜溜球后,被一个可爱的男孩买走了。


俄罗斯童话故事Still more Russian picture tales V ALERY CARRICK Translated BY NEIVILL FORBES 1.The Fox and the hare 2.The Kids and the Wolf 3.The Sparrow and the blade of Grass 4.The Little Grey Goat 5.The Fox and the Crane 6.The Peasant and the Hare 7.The Fox, the Cock and the Crane 8.Ting-a-ling bome! 9.The Fox and the Lobster 10.T he Camel and the Ram 11.T he Quarrelsome goat 12.T he Hare and the Peasant 13.T he Fox and the Peasant 14.T he Wolf that went Fishing 15.O ld Acquantance is soon forgot 16.T he Fox and the Woodcock The Fox and the Hare

Meanwhile the crane was pecking away with his beak as hard as he could, and ate up all the fish-soup. Then he said: “well,an d I?ve enough this time! And I hope you have too, cousin? If you did n?t eat much, you must come again another time, but you mustn?t blame me today, I couldn?t boil or bake anything else!” And so ever since then they have not been such good friends as they were. THE PEASANT AND THE HARE One day a peasant was walking along through the fields when he saw a hare, and he said to himself;“I?llcrawl up to him and catch him! Then I?ll sell him and buy a little pig. Then the little pig will grow into a big pig, and will have lots of other little pigs. Then I shall sell the little pigs and buy a cow. Then the cow will have calves. Then I shall sell the calves and shall build myself a new hut, and shall marry a wife to look after it! Won?t that be nice!” And he made such a noise, that the hare took fright and ran off into the forest as hard as it could go. To ask, I know?s considered rude, But I wouldn?t say no to a bit of food!


英文童话故事 Snow-white Ⅰ ①Once there was a Queen. She was sitting at the window. There was snow outside in the garden--snow on the hill and in the lane, snow on the huts and on the trees: all things were white with snow. ②She had some cloth in her hand and a needle. The cloth in her hand was as white as the snow. ③The Queen was making a coat for a little child. She said, "I want my child to be white as this cloth, white as the snow. And I shall call her Snow-white." ④Some days after that the Queen had a child. The child was white as snow. The Queen called her Snow-white. ⑤But the Queen was very ill, and after some days she died. Snow-white lived, and was a very happy and beautiful child. ⑥One year after that, the King married another Queen. The new Queen was very beautiful; but she was not a good woman. ⑦A wizard had given this Queen a glass. The glass could speak. It was on the wall in the Queen's room. Every day the Queen looked in the glass to see how beautiful she was. As she looked in the glass, she asked: ⑧" Tell me, glass upon the wall, Who is most beautiful of all" ⑨And the glass spoke and said: "The Queen is most beautiful of all." ⑩Years went by. Snow-white grew up and became a little girl. Every day the Queen looked in the glass and said, "Tell me, glass upon the wall, Who is most beautiful of all" ⑾And every day the glass spoke and said, "The Queen is most beautiful of all." ⑿Years went by, and Snow-white grew up and became a woman. Every year she became more and more beautiful. ⒀Then one day, when Snow-white was a woman, the Queen looked in the glass and said, "Tell me, glass upon the wall, Who is most beautiful of all" 白雪公主 (一) ①从前,有一个王后,她坐在窗户旁。窗外的花园里积满了雪,山上是雪,小路上是雪,树上有雪,屋顶上也积着雪,万物一片白茫茫。 ②她手中拿着些布和一枚针,她手中的布就象雪一样洁白。 ③王后正在为一个小孩做一件袄子,她说:我要让我的孩子象这布一样白,象雪一样白,我要叫她“白雪公主”。 ④过了几天之后,王后生了个小孩,这个孩子白得象雪一样,王后给她取名为“白雪公主”。 ⑤但是,王后患了重病,几天以后她去世了。白雪公主活着,是一个十分幸福和美丽的孩子。 ⑥王后去世一年以后,国王又娶了一位王后。新王后十分漂亮,但是,她不是一个好女人。 ⑦一个巫师给了新王后一面镜子,这面镜子会说话,它被挂在王后的房间墙上,每天王后照着镜子,欣赏自己多么漂亮。当她照着镜子的时候,她说: ⑧“告诉我,墙上的魔镜,谁是世界上最美丽的人” ⑨于是魔镜开口说道:“王后是世界上最漂亮的。”


欧美(外国)经典童话故事【三篇】 导读:本文欧美(外国)经典童话故事【三篇】,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 【侏儒妖】 从前,有个磨坊主,他的女儿长得美丽无比,而且聪明伶俐,为人精明,因而她父亲总是不厌其烦地吹嘘她,把她吹得天花乱坠。 有一天,磨坊主应召进宫,他对国王吹牛说,他女儿能把稻草纺成金子。 谁知国王是个见钱眼开的人,一听磨坊主的话,马上就吩咐召见姑娘。姑娘进宫之后,国王把她领到一间装满了稻草的屋子,然后给她一架纺车,吩咐她道:“明天天亮之前,你必须把稻草全给我纺成金子,不然的话,就处死你。” 尽管姑娘一再说明她根本没有这种本领,可是国王听也不听,把门一锁,扬长而去,屋子里就剩下了她一个人。 姑娘坐在屋角里,面对自己的厄运,愁肠百结,于是就放声大哭起来。正在这时,屋门突然打开了,一瘸一拐地走进来一个小矮子,样子滑稽可笑,他对姑娘说:“晚上好,姑娘。干嘛哭得这样伤心呢?” “唉,”姑娘回答说,“我必须把这么多的稻草全都纺成金子,可我哪儿会这个呀!” “要是我替你纺,”小矬子说,“你拿什么酬谢我呢?” “把我漂亮的项链送给你。”姑娘回答道。

小矮矮相信姑娘说的话,于是就坐到了纺车前。纺车不停地转啊转,发出欢快的声音。不大一会儿,活儿就干完了,满屋稻草全都纺成了金子。 国王进屋一看,真是又惊又喜,可他的心却变得更加贪婪。他把磨坊主的女儿关进另一间有更多稻草的屋子,吩咐她再把这间屋子里的稻草纺成金子。可怜的姑娘不知如何是好,坐在那里又哭了起来。谁知正在这时,小矮子打开屋门问道:“要是我帮你纺,你拿什么酬谢我呢?” “把这枚钻石戒指送给你。”姑娘回答说。 于是,她的这个矮小的朋友接过了戒指,然后走到纺车前,纺了起来。他不停地纺啊纺,天亮之前,终于把屋里的稻草全都纺成了金子。 国王一见这么多闪闪发光的金子,满心欢喜,可他仍然不满足,就把磨坊主的女儿带到了另一间更大的屋子,并且对她说:“要是你今晚把这里的稻草全都纺成金子,我就娶你做王后。” 国王走了,剩下姑娘一个人的时候,小矮子又来了,问姑娘说:“要是我第三次还替你纺金子,你拿什么酬谢我呢?” “我再也没什么可送给你啦。”她回答说。 “那么,你得答应我,”小矮子接着说道,“等你做了王后,把你生的第一个孩子送给我。” “那可万万不行。”姑娘心里想,可是她现在已走投无路,就答应了他的要求。小矮子又一次把稻草全都纺成了金子。


英语版本童话:渔夫和金鱼的故事 俗话说“善有善报”、“傻人有傻福”,这不,这个辛苦了一辈子却依然贫苦的渔夫终于等到了天上掉下的馅饼,你猜到了吗?今天我们要讲的就是:渔夫和金鱼的故事。 像所有的童话故事一样,开头的话一定是:A long long time ago/Once upon a time很久很久以前……是不是把你的思路引向了遥远虚幻的世界了呢?呵呵,没关系,既然事情都过去那么久了,何必去追究它是真是假呢?跟着感觉走就好啦! Are you ready? Here we go! 「英汉对照」 A long long time ago , an old fisherman lived with his wife by the sea. They lived in a broken boat. One day he caught a beautiful fish and was surprised to (对……感到惊奇)hear it speaking. “Please let me go, Old Fisherman,” said the fish. “If you let me go, I'll give you anythi ng that you want.”He took the fish back into the water, for(后面的部分表示原因)he was a kind-hearted man. 很久很久以前,一个老渔夫和他的妻子住在海边的破船里。一天,他捉到了一条漂亮的鱼,然而令他惊奇的是这条鱼居然会讲话!“求你放我走吧,渔夫伯伯。”这条鱼说。“如果你放了我,我会给你任何你想要的东西。”他的心肠太好了,就把那条鱼放回了水中。 「串讲」 对于一个像渔夫这样的人,我们可以用这个词kind-hearted, adj.来形容他,意思是:having or showing a kind nature 仁慈的,好心的。 你身边有没有这样的朋友或同事呢?那么,在适当的时候,不妨告诉他:You're really a kind-he arted person. 表明你对他的欣赏哦。(And I bet you will get a big smile in return.)下面这句话就表达了我对这位好莱坞明星的欣赏:Around Hollywood, Ron Howard is known a s a talented director and a genuinely kind-hearted guy. 在好莱坞,Ron Howard 是公认的天才导演和待人诚恳的好人。(Did u think as the same as me?) 可惜,善良不能当饭吃,困难的时候还是忍不住要手心朝上啊!接下来让我们一起来看下一段的故事: 「英汉对照」 Before the fish swam away, the old man said to it, “I'd love to have a new house that


经典童话故事欣赏:The Ugly Ducking (丑小鸭) A mother duck sits on many eggs. 一只鸭妈妈在孵很多蛋. Crank! Crank! The last egg hatches. 劈啪!劈啪! 最后一个蛋孵出小鸭子来了. Peep! Peep! The duking is big and ugly. 唧!唧!这是一只又大又丑的小鸭子. The duckings swim. 小鸭子们去游泳. But they don't play with the Ugly Ducking. 但他们不和丑小鸭玩. The Ugly Ducking runs to a farm. 丑小鸭跑到一个农场. Can i play with you 我能和你们玩吗 He says to the farm animals. 他对农场的动物们说: No, you can't. 不,不能 We don't like you. 我们不喜欢你. The Ugly Ducking runs to a house. 丑小鸭跑到一个房子 Can i play with you 我能和你玩吗

He says to a dog. 他对狗说 No, you can't. 不,不能 I don't like you. 我不喜欢你 Winter is here. 冬天到了 It's very cold. 天气很冷 Oh, poor ducking! 噢!可怜的鸭子 Soon winter is past. 冬天很快过去了 It is spring. 春天来了 The Ugly Ducking runs to a pand. 丑小鸭跑到一个池塘边 He sees beautiful swans. 他看到了美丽的天鹅 He want to fly like them. 他想像他们那样飞 He runs and runs. 他跑,他跑起来了. Oh, yes!


篇一:英语童话故事 以自我介绍开始电话交谈:“hello,this is peter jones. 如果你在接电话的时候对方没有表明他是谁,你可以说:“may i ask whos calling,please?” asking for someone / making a request 如果你打电话给特定的某个人的话,那么你得用礼貌的问句来表达意图,例如“may i speak to rachel smith, please?”当你只知道分机号码却不知道人名的时候你可以说:“could i have extension number 635?”但如果打电话是有特定的目的,那最好是这么说:“im calling to make a reservation.” holding and transferring “please hold”是电话语言中表示“等一下”。当你需要transferred(转接)到另一部分机,你常会听到:“connecting your call…”或者“please hold,ill transfer you.”。如果你是在繁忙时段拨打某公司电话的话,你可能会听到简短的一句话,“hello,please hold!”在接线员将你转到另一条线之前。 leaving a message 当你打电话的对象不在或不能接听电话时,准备好留言。你可以使用voicemail(电子录音系统)或一部answering machine(在磁带上录音的一种机器)。如果你正和接线员讲话的话,他们会问:“would you like to leave a message?”或者你可以说,“may i leave a message?如果想要对方回电话的话,千万别忘了留你的电话号码。这被称作call back number. asking the speaker to slow down 如果你不确定你能听懂所有的英语对话,一定要坦诚。直接告诉对方:“my english isnt very strong,could you please speak slowly?”大部分的人会赞许你的诚实并很高兴这么做。 write it down 如果你觉得用英语打电话还有点紧张的话,把要讲的事先写下来将很有帮 您拨打的电话正在通话中,请稍后再拨。 the line is busy now, please dial it later。 您拨打的电话是空号,请查证后再拨。 the number you dial does not exist, please check it and dial again. 您拨打的电话已关机,请稍后再拨。 the number you dial is power-off now,please dial it later。 情况 (一) 打电话的人找的是你自己 打电话来的人 你 (接电话的人) is daisy there? (daisy 在吗?) speaking. 我就是。 this is she. 我就是。 (注: 男的用 this is he.) youre speaking/talking to her. 你正在跟她说话。(注: 男的用youre speaking/talking to him.) this is daisy. 我就是 daisy。 thats me. 我就是。 情况 (二) 打电话的人要找的人不在 打电话来的人 你 (接电话的人) may i speak to mr. gates? (请问 gates 先生在吗?) hes not here right now. 他现在

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