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disadvantage,weakness,shortcoming 与fault 辨析

disadvantage,weakness,shortcoming 与fault 辨析
disadvantage,weakness,shortcoming 与fault 辨析

【辨析】disadvantage,weakness,shortcoming 与fault 易混词辨析例句

disadvantage “不利条件”“劣势”,指不

及别人的方面He asked us to list the disadvantages of living in a large city.


weakness 指性格等方面的“弱点”“缺

点”与“不足”It’s important to know your own strengths and weaknesses.


shortcoming 指性格、计划、系统等的“缺

点”“短处”,常用复数形式Everyone has his own shortcomings. 每个人都有自己的缺点。

fault 指因未尽责任或因某事的发


失”It was his fault that we were late. 我们迟到的责任在于他。


at a disadvantage 处于不利地位

to sb. disadvantage/ advantage 对某人不利/ 有利

put sb. at a disadvantage 使某人处于不利地位

take advantage of 利用

Their decision may be to your disadvantage. 他们的决定可能对你不利。

The great losses of the company put the manager at a disadvantage.


We took advantage of the fine weather today to play tennis.




①His years of experience at the job


②The news they brought (对我们不利).

③The teacher advised us (利用) our free time.

④(是不利因素) not to have a knowledge of computers.

⑤It’s clear that the agreement is (对我们有利).

⑥The book deals with (……的不利之处) group work.

⑦It’s clear that experience and age

(给了他优势) .


disadvantage, weakness, shortcoming, fault

①I think we’ve got to realize our own .

②It was not my that he was late.

③He had to do the work under great .

④To succeed, you must know your strengths and .

⑤In fact, all of us have our scars (伤疤) and .


一、选择题 1.I’d like to________the mall because it’s crowded and noisy. A.visit B.hang out C.walk D.go off 2.That path ________ directly to my house.You won't miss it. A.leads B.forms C.repairs D.controls 3.I don’t want to go. __________, I am too tired. A.However B.And C.Besides D.But 4.Some animals carry seeds from one place to another, ________ plants can spread to new places. A.so B.or C.but D.for 5.When I as well as my cousins __________ as a volunteer in Beijing, I saw the Water Cube twice. A.were treated B.treated C.was served D.served 6.He is wearing his sunglasses to himself from the strong sunlight. A.prevent B.stop C.keep D.protect 7.When you are________, you should listen to music to cheer you up. A.shy B.afraid C.strict D.down 8.Mr. Smith gave us some________on how to improve our speaking skills. A.advice B.news C.knowledge D.information 9.World Book Day takes place ________ April 23rd every year. A.at B.in C.on 10.More and more people have realized that clear waters and green mountains are as ________ as mountain of gold and silver. A.central B.harmful C.valuable D.careful 11.We loved the food so much, ________the fish dishes. A.special B.especial C.specially D.especially 12.—Oh, my God! I have ________ five pounds after the Spring Festival. —All of the girls want to lose weight, but easier said than done. A.given up B.put on C.got on D.grown up 13.—What do you think of the performance today? —Great! ________ but a musical genius could perform so successfully. A.All B.None C.Anybody D.Everybody 14.He ________ his homework________the morning of Sunday. A.doesn’t do; on B.doesn’t do; in C.doesn’t; on 15.Maria ________ speaks Chinese because she doesn’t know much Chinese. A.seldom B.always C.often D.usually 16.In 2018, trade between China and Hungary rose by 7.5 percent, and recently on Friday companies from China and Hungary________ several cooperation (合作) agreements under the


1、《袋鼠(dài shǔ)与金子》三年级阅读和答案 一只老袋鼠带着它的孩子出远门,当它走累了,放下孩子休息(xiū xǐ)时,发现身边有一堆(duī)金子。老袋鼠看了金灿(càn)灿的金子,仍然(réng rán)把自己的孩子放在袋里。路边的小草对袋鼠说:“你不会用你的鼠袋装(zhuāng)上满(mǎn)满一袋金子?” “不,”袋鼠说,“我还是要我的孩子。在母亲的心中,失去了亲人,金子也一钱(qián)不值(zhí)。 1.用短文中的话写一写,为什么袋鼠不爱黄金只爱孩子呢? ___________________________________________________ 2.你能举出母亲爱你的一两件事例(lì)吗? ____________________________________________________ 2、《保护动物》三年级阅读和答案 野生动物与我们共同生活在地球上,是人类的好朋友。我国的野生动物资源极为丰富。据统计,兽类约有450多种、鸟类有1186种、爬行类320种、两栖类210种左右、鱼类2000多种。种类之多,数量之大,在世界上是数一数二的。 但是,近些年,野生动物的生存和繁衍受到了极大的威胁,其数量越来越少。其中的原因,有气候变化或自然灾害引起动物生活不适,有人类乱砍滥伐,破坏了动物的生存环境,还有人类乱捕乱杀野生动物。如果再不加以保护,这些珍贵动物就有在球上灭绝的危险。 1.读了这样的新闻,你有什么想法?你觉得怎么才能保护这些野生动物? 2.读下面的两则保护动物的公益广告,然后自己也写一写。 (1)保护动物就是保护我们的同类。 (2)地球上没有动物,那是一个没有活力的世界。

disadvantage of technology

The 20th century saw many great inventions,such as airplanes,motion pictures,television,telephone,computer,the Internet,to list just a few.Each of these inventions bears witness to the amazing advancements in technology in the past century.These inventions made our lives much easier and much more enjoyable. However,progress in technology is always a double edged sword.People invented pesticides to kill pests but pesticides can pollute the environment by entering the water supplies and harming birds that eat the dead insects.Cell phone has greatly facilitated communication yet it has been proved that it poses danger to users’health.What’s more,cell phones often go off during movies,concerts,classes,meetings,and libraries and create public nuisance.Automobiles have become an indispensable tool to the modern man but they consume great amounts of fuel,and create enormous environmental problems.Also,many people are killed in car accidents every year.Internet links tens of millions of people around the world but people are so addicted to the Internet today that they don ’t go out and do exercises. In a word,technology can be put to good use only when it’s used properly.People often find it hard to balance the convenience brought by modern technology and its potentially harmful effects. Many people believe that the biggest disadvantage of technology is that it may give rise to some unimaginative negative influences. I believe the average people should be educated about the potential harmness of technology and should always use it with a mind to promoting the teamwork spirit. Today, we can't imagine ourselves without technological advances such as cars, microwaves, cell phones, computers, and televisions. However, technology won't stop here, but develop further. As technology develops, there are not only advantages, but disadvantages from them. The disadvantages of upgraded technology are that people will loose their jobs to machines that will do the work for them. In addition, machines and robots are too complex for most people to use. As there are so many advantages from highly developed technology, there also is a great deal of disadvantages from them. One disadvantage is that as technology develops, robots and machines will take over many jobs and people will loose their jobs by contrast. As people loose their jobs, they will have hard time getting money which would make it hard for them to continue to meet living expenses. Moreover, as people use less money the economy would be difficult to control and especially if it is a country as large as the United States, the problem will influence the world greatly. Another disadvantage of highly developed technology is that machines and robots are complex. It is hard to activate all the machines you have unless you can multitask. Think about it, if most people have trouble on computers and almost all of us don't know the actual limit of computers' abilities, how will us, normal people, work with all the robots and machines? Moreover, just like computers, robots and machines will easily break and most time you won't know how to fix them and one will have to call someone to fix them. People will loose their temper over this and it will create a large expense to repair them. 电脑的缺点: There is no denying that a computer offers us convenience and benefits. In spite of its advantages, its disadvantages are also evident. First, more and more students lose themselves in computer games, which is not only waste of money but also waste of time. Second, there is much false information on the Internet, and sometimes it is very difficult to distinguish what is true and what is false. Some people even commit crimes through computers.


【阅读理解】三年级语文阅读理解精选及答案 1.五华山 春天的山是绿色的,那绿色淡淡的,许多树叶刚冒出芽来,还带着嫩嫩的黄色呢。夏天的山也是绿色的,那绿色浓浓的,一片片树叶,不管是大的还是小的,都像被绿油彩涂过,连雨点落上去,都给染绿了。 秋天的山不再是一种颜色了。下过一场秋霜,有的树林变成了金黄色,好像所有的阳光都集中到那儿去了;有的树林变成了杏黄色,远远望去,就像枝头挂满了熟透的杏和梨;有的树林变成了火红色,风一吹,树林跳起舞来,就像一簇簇火苗在跳跃;还有的树林变处紫红紫红,跟剧场里的紫绒幕布的颜色一样。只有松柏秋霜,针一样的叶子还是那么翠绿。 秋天的山一片金黄,一片火红,一片翠绿……人们给这五颜六色的山起了个好听的名字,叫“五花山”。……” 1、这篇短文共写了______、______、______三个季节时候的山,重点写了______季的山的景色。(4分) 2、秋天的山有______、______、______等颜色。(3分) 3、有~~~~~~~~~画出第四自然段中的比喻句。(3分) 参考答案: 1、春夏秋秋 2、金黄、杏黄、火红色 3、“下过一场秋霜……就像一簇簇火苗在跳跃”。 2. 阅读感知,回答问题。 夏天,树木长得葱葱茏茏,密密层层的枝叶把森林封得严严实实的,挡住了人们的视线,遮住了蓝蓝的天。早晨,雾从山谷里升起来,整个山林浸在乳白色的浓雾里。太阳出来了,千万缕向箭一样的金光,穿过树梢,照射在工人宿舍门前的草地上。草地上盛开着各种各样的野花,红的、黄的、白的、紫的、真象个美丽的大花坛。……” 1、这是一段写小兴安岭——————的景色。 2、这一段共有—————句话。先写—————,接着描绘————,然后描写———,最后写————。 3、这一段话有二个比喻句。一句把————比作————,另一句把————比作———。

boring 令人厌烦的

boring 令人厌烦的,乏味的,无聊的 tedious 乏味的,单调的,冗长的 flat 单调的,沉闷的 dull 乏味的,单调的 troublesome 令人烦恼的,讨厌的,麻烦的 tired 疲劳的,累的 bored 无聊的,无趣的,烦人的 exhausted 极其疲倦的 weary 疲劳的 bright 聪敏的,机灵的 apt 聪明的,反应敏捷的 intelligent 聪明的,有才智的 shrewd 机灵的,敏锐的,精明的(表示生意上的精明) ingenious (人,头脑)灵巧的 alert 警觉的,留神的 cute 聪明伶俐的,精明的 acute/cute acute 指的是视力,感觉的敏锐 dull 愚钝的,笨的 awkward 笨拙的,不灵巧的 absurd 荒谬的 ridiculous 可笑的,荒谬的 idiotic 白痴般的 blunt 率直的,直言不讳的 clumsy 笨拙的,粗陋的 happy 快乐的,幸福的 cheerful 欢乐的,高兴的 content 满意的,满足的 merry 欢乐的,愉快的,快乐的 pleasure 高兴,愉快,满足 enjoyment 享乐,快乐,乐趣 cheer 喝彩 applause 鼓掌,掌声 optimism 乐观,乐观主义 delight 快乐,高兴 kick 极大的乐趣 paradise 天堂,乐园 instant 立即的,即刻的 instantaneous 瞬间的,即刻的 immediate 立即的,即刻的 simultaneous 同时发生的,同时存在的,同步的punctual 严守时刻的,准时的,正点的 pick 挑选,选择 select 选择,挑选 single 选出,挑出 elect 选举,推举 vote 投票,选举 appoint 任命,委派 nominate 提名,任命 propose 提名,推荐 recommend 推荐,举荐 designate 指派,委任 delegate 委派(或选举)…为代表 install(l) 使就职,任命 ballot 使投票表决 dub 把…称为 choice 选择(权) option 选择 selection 选择,挑选 alternative 取舍,供选择的东西 favorite 特别喜爱的人(或物) inclination 爱好 preference 喜爱,偏爱,优先 observe 注意到,察觉到 perceive 认识到,意识到,理解 detect 察觉,发现 appreciate (充分)意识到,领会,体会 alert 使认识到,使意识到 awake 意识到,醒,觉醒 scent 察觉 ancient 古代的,古老的 primitive 原始的 preliminary 预备的,初步的 preliminary trial初审 primary 最初的,初级的 initial 开始的,最初的 original 起初的 former 在前的,以前的 previous 先,前 prior 在前的,优先的 beforehand 预先,事先 medieval 中世纪的,中古(时代)的preceding 在先的,在前的,前面的 senior 资格较老的,地位较高的 following 接着的,下述的 attendant 伴随的 subsequent 随后的,后来的 succeeding 以后的,随后的 consequent 作为结果(或后果)的,随之发生的 resultant 作为结果的,因而发生的therefore 因此,所以 consequently 所以,因此 then 那么,因而 thus 因此,从而 hence 因此,所以 accordingly 因此,所以,于是 thereby 因此,从而


【阅读理解】三年级语文阅读理解精选及答案1.五华山 春天的山是绿色的,那绿色淡淡的,许多树叶刚冒出芽来,还带着嫩嫩的黄色呢。 夏天的山也是绿色的,那绿色浓浓的,一片片树叶,不管是大的还是小的,都像被绿油彩涂过,连雨点落上去,都给染绿了。 秋天的山不再是一种颜色了。下过一场秋霜,有的树林变成了金黄色,好像所有的阳光都集中到那儿去了;有的树林变成了杏黄色,远远望去,就像枝头挂满了熟透的杏和梨;有的树林变成了火红色,风一吹,树林跳起舞来,就像一簇簇火苗在跳跃;还有的树林变处紫红紫红,跟剧场里的紫绒幕布的颜色一样。只有松柏秋霜,针一样的叶子还是那么翠绿。 秋天的山一片金黄,一片火红,一片翠绿……人们给这五颜六色的山起了个好听的名字,叫“五花山”。……” 1、这篇短文共写了______、______、______三个季节时候的山,重点写了______季的山的景色。(4分) 2、秋天的山有______、______、______等颜色。(3分) 3、有~~~~~~~~~画出第四自然段中的比喻句。(3分) 参考答案: 1、春夏秋秋 2、金黄、杏黄、火红色 3、“下过一场秋霜……就像一簇簇火苗在跳跃”。 2. 阅读感知,回答问题。

夏天,树木长得葱葱茏茏,密密层层的枝叶把森林封得严严实实的,挡住了人们的视线,遮住了蓝蓝的天。早晨,雾从山谷里升起来,整个山林浸在乳白色的浓雾里。太阳出来了,千万缕向箭一样的金光,穿过树梢,照射在工人宿舍门前的草地上。草地上盛开着各种各样的野花,红的、黄的、白的、紫的、真象个美丽的大花坛。……” 1、这是一段写小兴安岭——————的景色。 2、这一段共有—————句话。先写—————,接着描绘————,然后描写———,最后写————。 3、这一段话有二个比喻句。一句把————比作————,另一句把————比作———。 参考答案: 1、夏天美丽 2、四树木茂盛早上的雾太阳草地上的花 3、阳光比作箭草地比作成大花坛 3. 三个和尚(shàng) 传说古时候,一个活泼伶俐(línglì)的小和尚来到山上的一座庙(miào)里。开始,他勤快地挑水,不但自己够喝,还往菩萨(pú sà)手中的净瓶里灌水,净瓶里的柳枝活了。不久,来了一个瘦和尚。他与小和尚为了喝水和挑水的问题发生了争执(zhí),谁也不愿意吃亏(kuī),于是,两人商量一起抬水。后来,又来了一个胖和尚。三个和尚都要喝水,但都不愿意多挑水。没过两天水缸露底了。净瓶里的柳枝也因没水而开始枯萎(wěi)了。 一天夜里,三个和尚都在打盹(dǔn)的时候,一根正在燃烧的蜡烛掉在香案上,小庙起火了。危机之中,三个和尚争先恐后地挑水救火,一场大火很快被扑灭了。 大火过后,三个和尚似乎明白了什么。从此,水缸里的水又满了,三个和尚高高兴兴地捧着大碗喝水,净瓶里的柳枝又恢(huī)复了生机。……”

advantage and disadvantage of offshoring离岸外包的优缺点

ADV ANTAGES & DISADV ANTAGES OF OFFSHORE IT OUTSOURCING Category: Following our recent white paper on Outsourcing, this blog series will discuss more about outsourcing of Information Technology. Previously the conflict was between doing the job in house or outsourcing. Nowadays, outsourcing has become such a hot trend that the conflict is between choosing onshore or offshore outsourcing. Offshoring is simply the exporting of business functions to another country. Currently the major players in offshoring are India followed by Philippines and China etc. Offshoring has been very popular mainly because of reduced cost and tax. Some of the advantages of offshoring are- Cost:Cutting cost and taxes is the main reason behind companies embracing offshoring. Companies can save on labour cost, employee supervision and management cost, office space and equipment cost and so on. Exploiting the Time Zone Advantage: Offshoring gives companies the advantage of exploiting the time zone by receiving round the clock


部编人教版三年级上册语文课外阅读练习题-精选含答案1.课外阅读。 筷子 ①说起中国的筷子,话可就长了。 ②据史料记载,最早的筷子出现在距今三千多年的新石器时代。到了商代,筷子称为“箸”(zhù),大约过了上百年后改为“筷”。从读音和字形上可以看出,筷子最原始的作用是帮助进食。 ③使用筷子不只是能吃饭那么简单,还有很多好处呢!通过实验发现,用筷子时要牵动手指、手腕、手臂,甚至肩膀等30多个关节和50多处肌肉。由此可见,用筷子吃饭()进食方便,()可以锻炼手指的协调性,增强脑力,十分有益身心健康,真是一举多得啊! ④中国的筷子原料各异、做工精细。杭州天竺筷,是由佛教名山天竺山的细白竹做成。花纹清晰、浓淡相映,令人爱不释手的福州漆筷选用上等毛竹或优质楠木做原料,以国内特产的生漆打底、附面。漆筷头上印有寓意吉祥的鸟兽花草和各地名胜图案。[ A ] 陕西省商洛地区生产的商洛冬青木烙花筷,是陕西省一项著名特产。它利用当地生长在悬崖峭壁上的多年生“崖冬青木”为原料。制作时,烙花艺人用300~500℃的电热钢火笔,在细细的筷子上绘出明快雅致的花纹。[ B ] ⑤中国筷子深受世界各国人民的喜爱。[ C ]现在,在国外凡吃中餐者,几乎都用筷子。大家以学习使用筷子为乐趣。许多来中国旅游观光的外国客人总愿带回几双中国筷子作为纪念。小小的筷子传承了中华民族的悠久文化,传递了浓浓的友谊之情。 (1)短文是从哪几方面介绍“筷子”的? ________ (2)选择正确的关联词语填入第③自然段的括号中。 (3)短文中标出了[A][B][C]三个位置,如果把下面这句话放在文中,最合适的位置是()。 “1972年2月,美国总统尼克松访华,总理在人民大会堂举行国宴使用的商洛冬青木烙花筷,就被一位加拿大记者带回了自己的国家。” (4)第③自然段中划横线的语句能不能删去?结合短文内容写出理由。 ________ 【答案】(1)围绕“①筷子历史悠久;②使用好处很多;③原料各异做工精细;④深受世界各国人民喜爱”这四方面回答。 (2)不但……而且…… (3)C (4)不能删去。运用列数字的说明方法,准确具体地写出使用筷子的好处。 【解析】【分析】(1)考查对课文内容的理解能力。解答时要带着问题读课文整体感知文章内容,再用简洁的语言概括出来即可。(2)考查关联词的运用。解答时要先理解分句前后表示的是何种关系,再根据句子的意思来选择恰当的关联词语填写。此题分句前后是递进关系。故选“不但……而且……”。 (3)此题主要考查了语句衔接,结合上下文进行分析判断,并且结合所给三处内容进行分析即可。

boring 和bored的区别

不能片面说人做主语用ed,物做主语ing ing形式是修饰引起这种感觉的人或物;ed形式是描写人或物的感受。(当然物一般是动物) 翻译的话 ing形式的词译为“令人……的”;ed形式译为“……的” boring是令人感到厌烦的;bored是厌烦的。 a boring person 能够指一个了无情趣的人,让人觉得无趣的人 a bored person 则是说这个人自己感到很无趣 1.bore 1)vt.使厌烦;挖 e.g. I'm bored with this job. 这件工作厌烦了。 The oldier bore the sharp pain in the wound with great courage. 这士兵以巨大的勇气忍受着伤口的剧烈疼痛。 2)n.令人讨厌的人(或事) e.g. It's a bore having to go out again. 外出真是讨厌。 boredom n.厌倦,无趣 e.g. in infinite boredom 极其无趣 boring n. 钻(孔) adj. 令人厌烦的(事或物) e.g. The play was boring. 这部短剧很一点意思都没有。 bored adj. 无聊的, 无趣的, 烦人的 e.g. Jack is so bored. 杰克是个没有趣的人。 2.surprising 是针对事或物感到惊奇。 surprised 则是针对人。 3.pleasant adj. 愉快的, 快乐的, 舒适的, 合意的可爱的, 举止文雅的, 活泼的滑稽的, 有趣的 (天气)晴朗的, 美好的容易相处的, 友爱的 e.g. a pleasant voice 悦耳的声音 a pleasant companion 可爱的伴侣 a pleasant time 愉快地度过时光 pleasing adj. 舒适的, 使人愉快的; 满意的; 惹人喜欢的, 可爱的 e.g. a pleasing look 使人愉快的神情 a very well mannered and pleasing young man 彬彬有礼而令人喜爱的年轻人


小学三年级语文阅读练习题及答案 1. 五花山 春天的山是绿色的,那绿色淡淡的,许多树叶刚冒出芽来,还带着嫩嫩的黄色呢。 夏天的山也是绿色的,那绿色浓浓的,一片片树叶,不管是大的还是小的,都像被绿油彩涂过,连雨点落上去,都给染绿了。 秋天的山不再是一种颜色了。下过一场秋霜,有的树林变成了金黄色,好像所有的阳光都集中到那儿去了;有的树林变成了杏黄色,远远望去,就像枝头挂满了熟透的杏和梨;有的树林变成了火红色,风一吹,树林跳起舞来,就像一簇簇火苗在跳跃;还有的树林变处紫红紫红,跟剧场里的紫绒幕布的颜色一样。只有松柏秋霜,针一样的叶子还是那么翠绿。 秋天的山一片金黄,一片火红,一片翠绿……人们给这五颜六色的山起了个好听的名字,叫“五花山”。……” 1、这篇短文共写了______、______、______三个季节时候的山,重点写了______季的山的景色。(4分) 2、秋天的山有______、______、______等颜色。(3分) 3、画出第四自然段中的比喻句。(3分) 2. 夏季的小兴安岭 夏天的小兴安岭,树木长得葱葱茏茏,密密层层的枝叶把森林封得严严实实的,挡住了人们的视线,遮住了蓝蓝的天。早晨,雾从山谷里升起来,整个山林浸在乳白色的浓雾里。太阳出来了,千万缕向箭一样的金光,穿过树梢,照射在工人宿舍门前的草地上。草地上盛开着各种各样的野花,红的、黄的、白的、紫的、真象个美丽的大花坛。……” 1、这是一段写小兴安岭——————的景色。 2、这一段共有—————句话。先写—————,接着描绘————,然后描写———,最后写—————。 3、这一段话有二个比喻句。一句把————比作————,另一句把————比作———。

Internet Education Advantage And Disadvantage

Internet Education Advantage And Disadvantage The advent of internet made the world very smaller. Anyone from anywhere can make business deals with people far from their place, without having to travel such a long distance. Wherever the dear ones or friends are, they can always be closer to you giving you the regular updates. This is all possible only through the Internet. Thanks to the great advancement of technology, one can now feel the world a lot closer. However this technology was not something that developed overnight. It developed through a slow process and reached this stage. Initially internet was created to enable communication through a central mainframe. The communications was limited to specific network stations. Then the internet operations turned in connecting multiple networks. Then came a number of private internet service providers. This expanded the scope of internet widely. Today people send emails, talk to others, send images, videos and also gather information through internet. The use of internet is being increasing rapidly everyday and life seems to be difficult without it. This makes it necessary to have internet education in schools. However there are disadvantages of it too. Here are a few


三年级语文(上)阅读理解一 甜藤儿 六月里挺热的一天,我和小伙伴龙狗子上山采桃金娘。太阳火辣辣的,我们很快就觉得口渴了,吃了一些桃金娘,还是很渴。龙狗子便提议去喝水。我们便向一眼山泉走去。 正走着,龙狗子一弯腰,随手从草丛中揪下一棵带叶子的小藤儿来,对我说:“喏,甜藤儿,嚼一点儿!” 我有点怀疑地说这能吃吗 “我还能害你?”龙狗子提高了嗓门说,接着就从藤叶上摘下几片叶子,放进嘴里。 我也只好也学着他的样子,摘了几片叶子放进嘴里,嚼了起来。刚嚼了几口,我就感觉那些叶子特别苦。 “呸!呸!真苦!”我赶快把叶子吐了出来。 龙狗子见了,什么也没说,只是抿嘴笑。 吐掉了叶,我吸了一口气。顿时觉得嘴里甜丝丝的。 到喝泉水的时候,嘴里的甜味就更明显了,每喝一口水都觉得是清甜清甜的。 真甜我抹抹嘴高兴地说 龙狗子看了我一眼,眉毛笑得弯弯的。 长大以后,我才知道,常有这种情况:一开始你觉得苦的东西、苦的事情,到头来,它往往是甜的! 1.在文中“”里填上合适的标点符号。 2.作者一开始觉得甜藤儿滋味是,后来吸气的时候嘴里是。 3.作者长大后知道了什么?用“”在文中画出相关的语句。 4.说说你是怎么理解“一开始你觉得苦的东西、苦的事情,到头来,它往往是甜的!”这句话的。 ___________________________ ___________________________ 校园秋色 秋天来了,秋风吹蓝了天空,吹黄了大地,也把我们的校园吹得五彩缤纷。 校园门口的花坛里, 菊花开得正艳。有的黄灿灿的,随风起伏,像金色的麦浪;有的红彤彤的,花瓣盘曲翻卷,像一簇簇跳动的火焰;有的红中透粉,花瓣高低错落,像一顶顶颤动的鸡冠。 操场上几株枫树脱去了夏衣,换上了秋装。远远望去,树冠像着了火,红彤彤的一片。 办公楼前,白杨树的叶子不知什么时候开始发黄了,金色的树叶跳着舞,打着旋儿,慢悠悠地从树上飘来。 校园的秋天,正播种着五彩缤纷的希望! 1.照样子写词语。 (1)红彤彤(ABB式)


三年级课外阅读训练(三) 【阅读训练】 (一)齐白石临摹学生的画 那年,齐白石在当时的北平艺术专科学校当老师,指导学生们画画。有一次,他的学生谢时尼在课堂上画了一幅《梅鸡图》。图画上一枝梅花艳丽俊秀,梅花下的公鸡画得非常生动别致,特别是公鸡那弯弯的尾巴显得十分活泼可爱。 齐白石瞧着这幅画,欣赏了很长时间,然后,笑着对谢时尼说:“你画的这画太有味道了,能借我回去临摹一张吗?”谢时尼听了齐白石的话,起初还以为老师在跟他开玩笑。可是,他一看到老师那副认真恳切的神情,知道老师没有跟他开玩笑,就把《梅鸡图》交给了齐白石。 一周后,齐白石又来上课了。他讲完课后,便拿出自己临摹出来的画对谢时尼说:“你看我临摹得好不好?” 谢时尼被老师这种虚心认真的精神感动了。过了多年以后,每当谢时尼想起这件事时,都感到老师这种虚心认真的学习精神值得他学一辈子。 你需要理解并回答的问题是: 1.文中“临摹”一词中的“临”是什么意思?() A 面对,面临 B 靠近,挨近 C 到来,来临 D 照着,根据 2.齐白石长时间欣赏《梅鸡图》的原因是:() A 梅花艳丽俊秀。 B 公鸡画得生动别致。 C 想临摹《梅鸡图》。 D 《梅鸡图》太有味道。 3.“这画太有味道了。”中的“味道”是什么意思?() A 酸甜苦辣等味 B 香、臭等味 C 画的意境 D 意思 4、为什么起初谢时尼以为老师在跟他开玩笑?() A 齐白石是大画家,怎么可能临摹学生的画。 B 齐白石说话时的神情不够严肃。 C 齐白石经常跟学生开玩笑。 D 谢时尼觉得自己的画不够好。 5.在文中用“”画出具体描写《梅鸡图》的语句。 (二) 我的外公

我的外公,60出头,已是满头银发了,还挺着一个啤酒肚,一副学者的气魄。他十分勤劳,不仅对工作很负责,而且还对我很好。 每天一早,外公便到建筑社上班去了。他是一个工程师,整天都坐在办公室里搞设计。要是附近哪家要造房子了,他们肯定会找到我外公。难怪大家都称外公为土专家呢。 外公不仅在工作上非常认真,而且对我也很好。如果我有什么问题请教他,他肯定尽量帮我解决。 那次,市教育局、市科协等四个部门联合举办了一界“恩施市中小学科技大赛”。我准备做模型沙发。做的纸沙发长、宽、高分别是50、50、80厘米才合适,而且不能用胶布,因为用胶布是很丑的。学校的老师们绞尽脑汁也想不出个好法子来。放学后,我来到外婆家对外公说了这件事,外公答应我一定想办法。 傍晚,外公让我和爸爸妈妈一起到他家讨论做这个沙发。我们来到外婆家,外公说:“这个沙发我已经有些眉目了。坐垫用一张纸,靠背用一张纸两个扶手各一张,共四张纸。”我说:“外公,坐垫下面应该放一个‘井’字架,这样才牢靠。”爸爸也发表了自己的意见。就这样,我们一直讨论到9点多才回家。 第二天,我把讨论的结果告诉了老师。老师又作了修改。之后,我们做了一个大模型,这个模型做得非常棒! 后来,我们参加比赛,获得了一等奖。这里面,外公也有一份功劳哩。 我的外公学识渊博,又是设计专家,他真是我的好榜样啊! 1.这篇短文共有个自然段。 2.短文是围绕哪句话来写的?请用“”画出这句话。(2) 3.短文先总的写了外公接着写 最后写。 4.文章表达作者对外公怎样的感情? (三)贝多芬的故事 在乡下一家简陋的旅店里,躺着一位客人.他正在欣赏着楼上优美的琴声.琴声一会儿低沉,一会儿高亢.低的时候像珠子在盘子里滚动,高的时候像雷鸣震撼大地. “这是谁弹的呢?”旅客想.忽然,”啪”的一声,一滴水滴在他的脸上,他睁开眼睛往天花板上望去,又滴下一滴水,正好滴进他的眼里,他跳了起来,防开喉咙喊道:”来人呀!来人呀!””什么事,先生?”服务员慌慌张张地跑进来.”楼上是谁?怎么往地上倒水?”旅客生气地问. 服务员看着漏下的水,答道:“上面住的是当代德国大音乐家贝多芬!”“哦!贝多芬!难怪弹得这么好!”旅客一听这

advantage disadvantage (雅思考官Simon最新九分范文)

题目是Differences between countries become less evident each year. Nowadays, all over the world people share the same fashions, advertising, brands, eating habits and TV chan-nels. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages of this? 不同国家的社会文化的全球同化现象的利弊。有何应对措施? 范文 It is undoubtedly the case that the world today has become a global village. One of the effects of this is that increasingly people in all corners of the world are exposed to similar services and prod-ucts and adopt similar habits. My view is that this is largely a beneficial process and in this essay I will explain why. The first point to make is that there are some downsides to this process of cultural globalisation, but these are relatively minor. The most significant of these disadvantages is that it can weaken national culture and traditions. For example, if people watch films and television programmes pro-duced in the United States, sometimes they adopt aspects of the lifestyle of the American charac-ters they see on television. Typically, however, this only affects minor details such as clothing and does not seriously threaten national identity. When we turn to the other side of the argument, there are two major points to make in favour of this process. The first of these is that the more we share habits, products and services, the better we understand each other and this reduces prejudice against other nations. The other point relates to modernity. It is a sign of progress in a society that people no longer are restricted to brands and advertisements from their own society but are able to access more international goods. If, for ex-ample, there were unable to drink Coca Cola or wear Nike, then that would mean their society was not part of the international community. In conclusion, I understand the point of view of people who worry about cultural globalisation be-cause it is a threat to national traditions. However, this is outweighed by its positive impact on in-ternational understanding and the fact that it represents progress within a society. 题目是Unemployment is one of the most serious problems facing developed nations today. What are the advantages and/or disadvantages of reducing the working week to thirty five hours?失业是发达国家的一大难题。由此采取减少一周工时做法,有何利弊? 9分范文: It is unquestionable that rising unemployment is one of the most pressing issues in the industrial world. One solution that has been put forward is to cut the working week to a maximum of 35 hours. However, in my view this solution is rather controversial and other solutions need to be found. It is fairly easy to understand the reasons why this proposal has been made. The reasoning is that if workers are not allowed to work for more than 35 hours weekly, then employers will be forced to engage more staff. There would be at least two advantages to this. Not only would unemployment be reduced, but the working conditions of employees on very long shifts would also be significantly improved. For example, a factory employing 300 manual workers doing 10 hours a day might em-ploy 450 workers. There is also, however, a strong argument not to implement this proposal. This argument is based on economic competitiveness. If a company was forced to employ more workers to produce the same amount of goods, then its wage bill would rise and its products might become more expen-sive and less competitive compared to companies with longer working weeks. In this case, it is possible that the company either might become insolvent or it would have to make some employ-ees redundant. As a result, the intended benefit to the personnel would not happen. In summary, we can see that this is clearly a complex issue as there are significant advantages and disadvantages to the proposal. My own personal view is that it would be better not to introduce the shortened working week because it works only in theory and not in practice.

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