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Abundant recreational activities are available for people to release their strain and stress, ranging from sports to online activities. There is going on a hot debate arguing whether they are good for the public or not, especially for college students.

As for such a question, different people hold different views. Some believe that recreation is helpful if we want to keep healthy physically and mentally. While there also sounds an opposite voice, which claims that activities also bring many problems. For example, some young people are easily addicted to the virtual world online, which affects their study seriously and may lead to worse consequences as well.

As for me, I hold a belief that recreational activities do more good than harm. They do give us a good chance, and efficiency too. As long as we can arrange the time reasonably, they will definitely provide more benefits for us.

PartⅡReading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)

1. A)

2. D)

3. B)

4. C)

5. A)

6. B)

7. C)

8.quite homogeneous but small

9. relationships with consumers

10. the appropriate media

Part ⅢListening Comprehension

Section A

11. M: Today’s a bad day for me. I fell off a step and twisted my ankles.

W: Don't worry. Usually ankle injuries heal quickly if you stop regular activities for a while.

Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?


12. W: May I see your ticket, please? I think you are sitting in my seat.

M: Oh, you’re right. My seat is in the balcony. I'm terribly sorry.

Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?


13. W: Did you hear Jay Smith died in his sleep last night?

M: Yes, it’s very sad. Please let everybody know that whoever wants to may attend the funeral.

Q: What are the speakers talking about?


14. M: Have you taken Professor Young’s exam before? I’m kind of nervous.

W: Yes. Just concentrate on the important ideas she’s talked about in the class, and ignore the details.

Q: How does the woman suggest the man prepare for Professor Young’s exam?


15. W: I’m so sorry, sir. And you’ll let me pay to have your jacket cleaned, won’t you?

M: That’s all right. It could happen to anyone. And I’m sure that coffee doesn’t leave lasting marks on clothing.

Q: What can we infer from the conversation?


16. W: Have you seen the movie “The D eparted”? The plot is so complicated that I really got lost.

M: Yeah. I felt the same. But after I saw it a second time, I could put all the pieces together.

Q: How did the two speakers find the movie?


17. M: I’m really surprised you got an A on the test. You didn’t seem to have done a lot of reading.

W: Now you know why I never miss a lecture.

Q: What contributes to the woman’s high score?


18. W: Have you heard about the new digital television system? It lets people get about five

hundred channels.

M: Yeah, but I doubt that will have anything different from what we watch now.

Q: What does the man mean?


Conversation One

W: Gosh, have you seen this, Richard?

M: See what?

W: In the paper,(19)says there’s a man going round pretending he is from the electricity board. He is been call ing at people’s homes, saying he’s come to check that all their appliances are safe. Then he gets around them to make him a cup of tea, and while they are out of the room, (19)he steals their money, handbag, whatever, and makes off with it.

M: But you know Jean, it’s partly their own fault. They should never let anyone like that in unless you are expecting them.

W: It’s all very well to say that, but someone comes to the door and says electricity or gas. And you automatically think they are ok. Especially if they flashed a card to you.

M: Does this man have an ID then?

W:(20)Yes, that’s just it. It seems he used to work for the electricity board at one time. According to the paper, (21)the police are warning people especially pensioners not to admit anyone unless

they have an appointment. It’s a bit sad. One old lady told them, (22)she’s just been to the post office to draw her pension, when he called, she said he must follow her home.(22)He stole the whole lot.

M: but, what does he look like. Surely they must have a description.

W: Oh, yes. They have. Let’s see, in his 30s, tall, bushy dark hair, slight northern accent. Sounds a bit like you actually.

19. What does the woman want the man to read in the newspaper?


20. How did the man mentioned in the newspaper try to win further trust from the victims?.


21. What is the warning from the police?


22. What does the woman speaker tell us about the old lady?


Conversation Two

M: Miss Jones, could you tell me more about your first job with hotel marketing concepts.

W: Yes, certainly. (23)I was a marketing consultant responsible for marketing ten UK hotels. They were all luxury hotels in the leisure sector, all of very high standard.

M: Which markets were you responsible for?

W: For Europe and Japan.

M: I see from your resume that you speak Japanese. Have you ever been to Japan?

W: Yes, I have. I spent a month in Japan in 2006. I met all the key people in the tourist industry, the big tour operators, and the tourist organizations. (24)As I speak Japanese, I had a very big advantage.

M: Yes, of course. Have you had any contact with Japan, in your present job?

W: Yes, I’ve had a lot. Cruises have become very popular with the Japanese both for holidays and for business conferences. In fact, the market for all types of luxury holidays for the Japanese has increased a lot recently.

M: Really? I’m interested to hear more about that. But first tell me, have ever traveled on a luxury train, the Orienting Express for example.

W: No, I haven’t. But I’ve traveled on the Glacier Express to Switzerland, and I traveled across China by train about 8 years ago. (25)I love train travel. That’s why I am very interested in this job.

23. What did the woman do in her first job?


24. What gave the woman an advantage during her business trip in Japan?


25. Why is the woman applying for the new job?


Section B

Passage One

I think a lot about time and not just because it’s the name of the news organization I work for. Like most working people, I find time or the lack of it, are never ending frustration and an unwinable battle. My every day is(26)a race against the clock that I never ever seem to win. This is hardly a lonesome complaint, according to the families and work institutes, national study of the changing work force,(26)55% of the employees say t hey don’t have enough time for themselves, 63% don’t have enough time for their spouses or partners, and 67% don’t have enough time for their children. (27)It’s also not a new complaint. I bet our ancestors returned home from hunting wild animals and gathering nuts,(27)and complained about how little time they had to paint battle scenes on their cave walls. The difference is that the boss of the animal hunting and the head of nut gathering probably told them to “Shut up!” or “No survival for you!” Today’s w orkers are still demanding control over their time, the difference is: today’s bosses are listening. I’ve been reading a report issued today called When Work Works, produced jointly by 3 organizations. (28)They set out to find and award the employers who employ the most creative and most effective ways to give their workers flexibility. I found this report worth reading and suggest every boss should read it for ideas.

26. What is the speaker complaining about?


27. What does the speaker say about our ancestors?


28. Why does the speaker suggest all bosses read the report by the 3 organizations?


Passage Two

Loving a child is a circular business. The more you give, the more you get. The more you want to give, Penalapy Leach once said. What she said proves to be true of my blended family. I was born in 1931. As the youngest of six children, I learn to share my parents’ love. Raising 6 children during the difficult times of the (29)Great Depression took its toll on my parents’ relationship and resulted in their divorce when I was 18 years old. Daddy never had very close relationships with his children and drifted even farther away from us after the divorce. Several years later, a wonderful woman came into his life, and they were married. She had two sons. One of them is still at home. Under her influence we became a blended family and a good relationship developed between the two families. (30)She always treated us as if we were her own children. It was because of our other mother, daddy’s second wife, that he became closer to his own children. They shared over 25 years together before our father passed away. At the time of his death, the question came up of my mother, daddy’s first wife, attending his funeral. I will never forget the unconditional love shown by my stepmother, when I asked her if she would object to mother attending daddy’s funeral. Without giving it a second thought, she i mmediately replied, “O f course not, honey, she is the mother of my children.”

29. According to the speaker, what contributed to her parents’ divorce?


30. What brought the father closer to his children?


31. What message does the speaker want to convey in this talk?


Passage Three

In February last year, my wife lost her job. (32)Just as suddenly, the owner of the greenhouse where I worked as manager died of a heart attack. His family announced that they were going to close the business because no one in the family wanted to run it. Things looked pretty gloomy. My wife and I read the want-ads each day. (33)Then one morning, as I was hanging out “Going out of Business” sign at the greenhouse, the door opened and in walked a customer. She was an office manager whose company has just moved into the new office park on the edge of town. She was looking for part of plants to place in the reception areas and offices. “I don’t know anything about plants,” she said. “I’m sure in a few weeks they’ll all be dead.” Why was I helping her select her purchases? My mind was racing.(34)Perhaps as many as a dozen firms have recently opened offices in the new office park, and there were several hundred more acres with construction under way. That afternoon, I drove out to the office park. By six o'clock that evening I had signed contracts with seven companies to rent plants from me and pay me a fee to maintain them. Within a week, I had worked out an agreement to lease the greenhouse from the owner’s family. Business is now increasing rapidly.(35)And one day, we hope to be the proud owners of the greenhouse.

32. What do we learn about the greenhouse?


33. What was the speaker doing when the customer walked in one morning?


34. What did the speaker think of when serving the office manager?


35. What was the speaker’s hope for the future?


Section C

36. labor

37. ingredients

38. vital

39. individuals

40. engage

41. figures

42. generating

43. Currently

44. will be making decisions in such areas as product development, quality control, and customer satisfaction.

45. to acquire new skills that will help you keep up with improved technologies and procedures.

46. Don't expect the companies will provide you with a clearly defined career path

Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)

Section A


48. H)[精解]空格位于系动词was之后,介词to之前,因此缺少形容词或者过去分词,

49. O)[精解]用于形容词之前,空格处应缺少副词。根据句意,表示“完全地”。

50. G)[精解]空格处缺少名词,与research并列,因此选择G)interviews采访。


52. J)[精解]空格位于形容词bad之后,需要名词,根据句意,这里表示“沮丧、糟糕的


53. B)[精解]空格位于名词bookings之前,缺乏形容词或者过去分词。bookings预约,根


54. N)[精解]空格处需要形容词,表示“令人害怕的,引起惊慌的”。

55. C)[精解]空格位于介词in之后,因此缺少名词。根据句意,表示“乘坐气球”。

56. A)[精解]空格位于情态动词can之后,名词wonders之前,缺少动词原形。根据句意,


Section B

Passage One

57. D)[精解]段首处设题。根据文章第一句话得知,全球变暖有可能成为21世纪的环境

危机,但是无论结果如何,我们都将无能为力。D)中very little will be done与原文we won’t do much about it意义一致。迅速锁定答案为D。

58. D)[精解]Al Gore称全球变暖是一个被忽视的真相。第二段第二句话but the real truth is

that we don’t know enough to relieve global warming(真相是我们了解的还不够,不足以缓解全球变暖。)与D)中的“在这一领域我们的知识还很少”是一致的。

59. A)[精解]根据题干中关键词double、2050定位到原文第三段最后一句话。With the modest

growth, energy use and greenhouse emission more than double by 2050. (按照一般的经济增长速度来计算,能源消耗和温室气体排放到2050年将翻番。)A)中的economic growth即原文中的growth.

60. B)[精解]允许缔约国惩罚非缔约国,但是它却不能减少的排放量,也未能采取足够强

硬的政策。B) 中few nations have adopted real tough measures 和本段最后一句中didn’t adopt enough policies 意义相符。

61. B)[精解]作者第一段提出问题:面对全球变暖,我们将无能为力。第二段中作者谈到

认识到这一问题并不代表找到解决方案,然后提出论点:and—without major technological breakthroughs—we can’t do much about it.(没有大的技术突破,我们仍将无能为力。)。第三段讲到全球变暖原因:人口增长和经济发展,并预测未来发展趋势。第四段认为政府行为收效甚微。第五和第六段重申论点:the only solution is new technology(解决问题的唯一办法就是新科技。)B)是对全文的高度概括与作者论点相同。

Passage Two

62. A)[精解]段首处设题。根据第二段,第一句话,我们得知有人会在未经允许的情况


我们的个人信息赤裸裸地暴露给陌生人,毫无遮掩。A)中的is easily accessed

without their knowledge 同义与原文中的watch you without your permission。

63. C)[精解]根据题干中关键词psychologist、friend定位到第三段第一、二句话。心理学

家认为与他人保持一定界限是有益的,虽然会向朋友、家人、爱人倾诉,但是有一些事情是有底线和界限的。C)中的distance同义与原文中的boundary,跟本段第二句话but few boundaries remain 意义一致。

64. B)[精解]第三段第三句话告诉我们:我们在使用高科技时所留下的点滴信息都会为陌

生人了解我们提供线索。例如谷歌搜索引擎就会泄漏我们的想法。因此进一步得出结论:我们正生活在一个连保守秘密都很困难的世界里。B)中的trace 同义于原文中的digital bread crumbs所暗示的意思。

65. D)[精解]根据倒数第二段第一句得知,people say one thing and do another,即言行不


66. D)[精解]段末处设题。作者把隐私同健康作比较,当拥有时,不曾注意到它,一旦失

去才知其珍贵。D)中cherish同wish you’d have done more 意义一致。

Part V Cloze

67. A)[精解] 信息词aim与at和to都可构成固定搭配,但是at后跟doing或直接加n.;


68. D)[精解]根据上下文,意思是各个大学对于科研的重视程度在学校和学校之间是不同

的。此处vary 译为“不同”,可以构成vary from…to …意为“因…而异”。

69. C)[精解]介词搭配题。在本句中,根据and这一并列连词可以看出,其后的内容为根

据学校现有资源的不同而决定了科研的不同,那么and前的并列部分,也是在讲学校自身的原因,因此可以得出people一词后面的介词短语作定语,故而想到in control

(主管,控制),此处people in control 意为“学校的主管人员”也就是管理者们。

70. B) [精解] 动词用法辨析题。根据句意,一些小规模学校或是新建学校不拥有可以开展大


71. D) [精解] 形容词辨义题。根据该句中信息词smaller, newer, larger可以看出规模较小的

学校无法开展大型学校承担的大型科研活动,vast意为“大型的,巨大的”符合题意。72.A) [精解] 连词用法题。根据句型结构分析,此处缺少并列连词,表示转折意味,因而but正确。

73.B)[精解] 形容词辨义题。be essential to 为固定搭配,意为“对…至关重要,必不可少”。



74. C)[精解] 固定搭配题。根据句意,搞科研的目的是让教师和学生能够及时了解前沿信

息,信息词keep,in,with和touch构成固定搭配keep in touch with,意为与…保


75.A)[精解] 动词辨义题。根据上下文,学生上大学的目的主要是为了获取知识,acquire “获得(技能,知识等)”与knowledge 搭配符合句意。

76.B)[精解] 形似词辨义题。根据句意学生为所选择的职业而储备知识。profession意为“职业”

77. D)[精解] 形容词辨义题。此处讲到了大学培养人才的目的,当然不仅仅局限在知识的



78. A)[精解] 介词辨析题。with意为“具备,具有”,介词短语作定语。

79.C)[精解] 动词辨义题。根据上文,学校的教育目标是多元的,因此学校鼓励学生去广泛结交兴趣多样的人才。encourage 意为“鼓励,鼓舞”,其固定用法为encourage sb.

to do sth.。

80.C)[精解] 名词辨义题。根据上文的提示,此处指与兴趣广泛的人结交,interest“兴趣,爱好”符合题意。

81.C)[精解] 动词辨义题。enforce意为“增强,强化”,此处指增强学生对不同学科的理解。82.D)[精解]介词辨义题。此处作者意在表明中学生和大学生在学习知识的深度方面可以根据自身兴趣的需求或要求而不同。upon有“关于,针对”之意。

83.D)[精解] 固定搭配题。for one’s own sake也可以说成for the sake of sb.,意为“为了…


84.B)[精解] 固定搭配题。make sacrifice to do 意为“为…作出牺牲”,此处指学生为了自己的兴趣爱好作出牺牲。

85.A)[精解] 名词辨义题。根据上文暗示,学生选择的学科与知识也就是此处要表达的“知识、领域”之意,field正合题意。

86.C)[精解] 此处缺少对contribution“贡献”一词的限定,meaningful意为“有意义的”,文章最后指出,作为学习者为了兴趣与爱好学习知识,从而对人类知识而作出的贡


Part VI Translation

87. can be applied to the development of the new technology

[考点]①apply一词的用法。apply… to…表示“应用于;适用于”;apply for表示“申请”。


88.must be wrong

[考点]must be 推测意义句型的考查。

89.no matter what the job is/ whatever the job is

[考点]①no matter what 或whatever引导的让步状语从句;②从句中的语序问题。90.Compared with the place where I was brought up


91.Not until he finished his mission

[考点]①not until置于句首引起的倒装句型;②mission表示“使命”。


2013年12月大学英语四级听力真题 PartⅡListening Comprehension(30 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. 1. A) The woman is now working in a kindergarten. B) The man will soon start a business of his own. C) The man would like to be a high school teacher. D) The woman is going to major in child education. 2. A) The furniture has to be rearranged. B) The sound equipment has to be set up. C) The conference room has to be cleaned. D) The video machine has to be checked. 3. A) She is exhausted. B) She is near-sighted. C) She cannot finish work in time. D) She cannot go straight home. 4. A) The woman is too particular about food. B) He would rather have a meal an hour later. C) The woman should order her food quickly. D) He usually prefers ice-cream to sandwiches. 5. A) He is not a good mechanic. B) He doesn't keep his promises. C) He spends his spare time doing repairs. D) He is always ready to offer help to others. 6. A) Sam has a big family to support. B) Sam is not interested in traveling. C) The pay offered by the travel agency is too low. D) The work hours in the travel agency arc too long 7. A) International trade.


2016 年12 月大学英语四级考试真题及 答案 【篇一:2016 年12 月大学英语四级翻译作文题目及答 案】 翻译一: 在中国文化中,红色通常象征着好运、长寿和幸福。在春节和其他喜庆场合,红色到处可见。人们把现金作为礼物送给家人或亲密朋 友时,通常放在红信封里。红色在中国流行的另一个原因是人们把 它与中国革命和共产党相联系。然而,红色并不总是代表好运与快 乐。因为从前死者的名字常用红色书写,用红墨水写中国人名被看 成是一种冒犯行为。 as a symbol of good luck, longevity and happiness in chinese culture, the color of red can be seen everywhere during springfestive and other festive/ joyous occasions. cash is usually put in red envelopes as gifts for relatives and close/intimate friends. also, red is much-welcomed / fashionable in china because of its association with chinese revolutions and the communist party. however, red does not always represent / equal to good luck and joy. red was previously used to write the names of the deceased so it is seen as an offence to write chinese people ’s names in red ink. 翻译二 随着中国的改革开放,如今很多年轻人都喜欢举行西式婚礼。新娘 在婚礼上穿着白色婚纱,因为白色被认为是纯洁的象征。然而,在 中国传统文化中,白色经常是葬礼上使用的颜色。因此务必记住, 白花一定不要用作祝人康复的礼物,尤其不要送给老年人或危重病 人。同样,礼金也不能装在白色信封里,而要装在红色信封里。 with the reform and opening-up of china, a great many young people nowadays prefer to hold western-style wedding: the bride wears white wedding gown because the color is considered to symbolize purity/is considered as the symbol of purity. however, in tradition chinese culture, white is often used on funerals. so, do bear in mind that white flowers should never be used as a gift to celebrate someone ’s recovery, especially not for the aged or those who are seriously ill.


2017年12月大学英语四级考试真题及答案(第一套)Part I Writing (25 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short easy on how to best handle the relationship between doctors and patients. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Part II Listening Comprehension (25 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard. 1. A) Her friend Erika. C) Her grandfather. B) Her little brother. D) Her grandmother. 2. A) By taking pictures for passers-by. C) By selling lemonade and pictures. B) By working part time at a hospital. D) By asking for help on social media. Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard. 3. A) Finding cheaper ways of highway construction. B) Generating electric power for passing vehicles. C) Providing clean energy to five million people. D) Testing the efficiency of the new solar panel. 4. A) They can stand the wear and tear of natural elements. B) They can be laid right on top of existing highways. C) They are only about half an inch thick. D) They are made from cheap materials. Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard. 5. A) Endless fighting in the region. C) Inadequate funding for research. B) The hazards from the desert. D) The lack of clues about the species. 6. A) To observe the wildlife in the two national parks. B) To identify the reasons for the lions’ disappearance. C) To study the habitat of lions in Sudan and Ethiopia.


2010年12月大学英语四级听力真题的试题与答案, Section A 短对话(11~18) 11. M: Oh my god! The heat is simply unbearable here. I wish we’ve gone to the beach instead. W: Well, with the museums and restaurants in Washington I’ll be happy here no matter what the temperature. Q:What does the woman mean? 12. M: How’s the new job going? W: Well, I’m learning a lot of new things, but I wish the director would give me some feedback. Q:What does the woman want to know? 13. M: Can you help me work out a physical training program John? W: Sure, but whatever you do be careful not to overdo it. Last time I had two weeks’ worth of weight-lifting in three days and I hurt myself. Q: What does the man suggest the woman do? 14. M: I have an elderly mother and I’m worried about her going on a pl ane. Is there any risk? W: Not if her heart is all right. If she has a heart condition, I’d recommend against it. Q: What does the man want to know about his mother? 15. M: Why didn’t you stop when we first signaled you at the crossroads? W: Sorry, I was just a bit absent-minded. Anyway, do I have to pay a fine? Q: what do we learn from the conversation? 16. M: I’m no expert, but that noise in your refrigerator doesn’t sound right. Maybe you should have it fixed. W: You’re right. And I suppose I’ve put it off long enough. Q: What will the woman probably do? 17. M: I did extremely well on the sale of my downtown apartment. Now, I have enough money to buy that piece of land I’ve had my eye on and build a house on it. W: Congratulations!Does that mean you’ll be moving soon? Q: What do we learn about the man from the conversation?


大学英语四级考试真题及答案(绝对完整) Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minute to write a short essay on the topic of students selecting their lectures. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given bellow: 1. 越来越多的博物馆免费对外开放的目的是什么? 2. 也会带来一些问题 3. 你的看法? Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes)Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C) and D). For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage. How Do You See Diversity? As a manager, Tiffany is responsible for interviewing applicants for some of the positions with her company .During one interview, she noticed that the candidate never made direct eye contact. She was puzzled and somewhat disappointed because she liked the individual otherwise. He had a perfect resume and gave good responses to her questions, but the fact that he never looked her in the eye said “untrustworthy,” so she decided to offer the job to her second choice. “It wasn’t until I attended a diversity workshop that I realized the person we passed over was the perfect person,” Tiffany confesses. What she hadn’t known at the time of the interview was that the candidate’s “different” behavior was simply a cultural misunderstanding . He was an Asian-American raised in a household where respect for those in authority was shown by averting(避开) your eyes. “I was just thrown off by the lack of ye contact; not realizing it was cultural,” Tiffany says. “I missed out ,but will not miss that opportunity again.” Many of us have had similar encounters with behaviors we perceive as different. As the world becomes smaller and our workplaces more diverse, it is becoming essential to expand our under-standing of others and to reexamine some of our false assumptions . Hire Advantage At a time when hiring qualified people is becoming more difficult ,employers who can eliminate invalid biases(偏爱) from the process have a distinct advantage .My company, Mindsets LLC ,helps organizations and individuals see their own blind spots . A real estate recruiter we worked with illustrates the positive difference such training can make .


精品文档 2014年6月大学英语四级考试真题及答案(完整版) 来源:文都教育 Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the following topic. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Suppose a foreign friend of yours is coming to visit your hometown, what is the most interesting place you would like to take him/her to see and why? 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。 Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。 1. A) See a doctor about her strained shoulder. B) Use a ladder to help her reach the tea. C) Replace the cupboard with a new one. D) Place the tea on a lower shelf next time. 2. A) At Mary Johnson's. C) In an exhibition hall. B) At a painter's studio. D) Outside an art gallery. 3. A) The teacher evaluated lacks teaching experience. B) She does not quite agree with what the man said. C) The man had better talk with the students himself. D) New students usually cannot offer a fair evaluation. 4. A) He helped Doris build up the furniture. B) Doris helped him arrange the furniture.


2016年6月大学英语四级真题(第1套) Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to express your thanks to your parents or any family members upon making memorable achievement. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Part Ⅱ Listening Comprehension (25 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard. 1. A)The International Labor Organization's key objective. B)The basic social protection for the most vulnerable. C)Rising unemployment worldwide. D)Global economic recovery. 2. A)Many countries have not taken measures to create enough jobs. B)Few countries know how to address the current economic crisis. C)Few countries have realized the seriousness of the


大学英语四级考试真题及答案 Part ⅠWriting (30 minutes) 注意:此部分试题在答题卡1上。 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of Creating a Green Campus. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below: 1. 建设绿色校园很重要 2. 绿色校园不仅指绿色的环境…… 3. 为了建设绿色校园,我们应该…… Creating a Green Campus Part ⅡReading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). For question 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage. Colleges taking another look at value of merit-based aid Good grades and high tests scores still matter—a lot—to many colleges as they award financial aid. But with low-income students projected to make up an ever-larger share of the college-bound population in coming years, some schools are re-examining whether that aid, typically known as “merit aid”, is the most effective use of precious institutional dollars. George Washington University in Washington, D.C., for example, said last week that it would cut the value of its average merit scholarships by about one-third and reduce the number of recipients(接受者), pouring the savings, about $2.5 million, into need-based aid. Allegheny College in Meadville, Pa., made a similar decision three years ago. Now, Hamilton College in Clinton, N.Y., says it will phase out merit scholarships altogether. No current merit-aid recipients will lose their scholarships, but need-based aid alone will be awarded beginning with students entering in fall 2008. Not all colleges offer merit aid; generally, the more selective a school, the less likely it is to do so. Harvard and Princeton, for example, offer generous need-based packages, but many families who don’t meet need eligibility(资格)have been willing to pay whatever they must for a big-name school. For small regional colleges that struggle just to fill seats, merit aid can be an important revenue-builder because many recipients still pay enough tuition dollars over and above the scholarship amount to keep the institution running. But for rankings-conscious schools in between, merit aid has served primarily as a tool to recruit top students and to improve their academic profits. “They’re trying to buy students,”says Skidmore College economist Sandy Baum. Studies show merit aid also tends to benefit disproportionately students who could afford to enroll without it. “As we look to the future, we see a more pressing need to invest in need-based aid,”says Monica Inzer, dean of admission and financial aid at Hamilton, which has offered merit scholarships for 10 years. During that time, it rose in US News & World Repor t’s ranking of the best liberal arts colleges, from 25 to 17. Merit aid, which benefited about 75 students a year, or about 4% of its student body, at a cost of about $ 1 million a year, “served us well,”Inzer says, but “to be


Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the importance of writing ability and how to develop it. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Part II Listening Comprehension (25 minutes) Section A Directions:In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard. 1. A) Annoyed. B) Scared. C) Confused. D) Offended. 2. A) It crawled over the woman's hands. B) It wound up on the steering wheel. C) It was killed by the police on the spot. D) It was covered with large scales. Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard. 3. A) A study of the fast-food service. B) Fast food customer satisfaction. C) McDonald's new business strategies. D) Competition in the fast-food industry. 4. A) Customers' higher demands. B) The inefficiency of employees. C) Increased variety of products. D) The rising number of customers. Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard. 5. A) International treaties regarding space travel programs. B) Legal issues involved in commercial space exploration. C) . government's approval of private space missions. D) Competition among public and private space companies. 6. A) Deliver scientific equipment to the moon. B) Approve a new mission to travel into outer space. C) Work with federal agencies on space programs. D) Launch a manned spacecraft to Mars. 7. A) It is significant. B) It is promising.



2017年6月大学英语四级真题及答案 (第一套) Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section A Directions:In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and questions will be spoken only once. After you hear questions, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。 Questions 1 to 2 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 1.A) The man in the car was absent-minded. B) The test driver made a wrong judgment. C) The self-driving system was faulty. D) The car was moving at a fast speed. 2. A) They have done better than conventional cars. B) They have caused several severe crashes. C) They have posed a threat to other drivers. D) They have generally done quite well. Questions 3 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 3. A) He works at a national park. B) He is a queen been specialist. C) He removed the beyond from the boot. D) He drove the bees away from his car. 4. A) They were looking after the queen B) They were making a lot of noise C) They were looking for a new box to live in 第2页共 18 页


大学英语四级考试真题 试卷及答案 文档编制序号:[KK8UY-LL9IO69-TTO6M3-MTOL89-FTT688]

2016年6月大学英语四级考试真题试卷(一)及答案 Part Ⅰ Writing ? ?? (30minutes)(请于正式开考后半小时内完成该部分,之后将进行听力考试) Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to express your thanks to one of your friends who helped you most when you were in difficulty. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Part Ⅱ Listening Comprehension (25minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news reports and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard. 1.A) How college students can improve their sleep habits. B) Why sufficient sleep is important for college students. C) Why college students are more likely to have stress problems.

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