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in surprise

in surprise 意为“吃惊地,惊奇地”,是in + n. 短语,相当于副词。


1. I cry out in surprise. 我由于惊奇而叫了出来。

2. Tom looked at me in surprise. 汤姆惊讶地望着我。

【拓展】surprise 还可以构成以下短语:

to one’s surprise 出乎某人意料的是

take sb. by surprise 使某人吃惊;出乎某人意料


To my surprise, my grandma gave me a beautiful present on my birthday.

His frankness took the professor by surprise.

【归纳】in + n.构成的词组还有:

in peace 和平地,安静地in public 公开地

in silence 无声地in person 亲自in general 大体上【小试】从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

1. _____, the boy who didn’t spend much time on English passed the final exam.

A. By surprise

B. To my surprised

C. To my surprise

D. To me surprising

2. For much of the early part of the conversation, I just sat there _____.

A. in surprise

B. in public

C. in person

D. in silence

Key: 1. C 2. D

北师大版高中英语课文Unit 16 Stories

Unit 16 Stories Warm-up Tapescript 1 It was a dark and foggy night. We drove and drove. At midnight, just as we thought we were lost, we saw a light behind some trees. As we got nearer, we could see a house. It looked abandoned. We knocked on the heavy door. It opened slowly. A tall man dressed entirely in black stood there. ―Good evening,‖ he said in a slow, deep voice. ―I've been expecting you.‖ 2 We were travelling through deep space at the speed of light. Suddenly, the spaceship slowed down and immediately the system came into view – a bright star with twenty or more planets. One of these would be our new home, five light years from our own planet. 3 One of my earliest memories is of my father running along the beach with our dog, Tess. I must have been about three years old. I remember the dog jumping up on me and knocking me over into the water. 4 The man lay on the ground next to a white truck. There was no doubt. He was dead. I quickly looked in the pockets of his jacket – some money, a handkerchief and a theatre ticket with a Chicago phone number


Unit 1 Lifestyles Warm-up Tapescript 1 Football player: Being famous isn’t easy, you know. I travel a lot – I have matches in different countries. But my job is exciting, very exciting! I love the matches, the people cheering, know what I mean? 2 Student: My dad says these are the best days of my life –but I’m not so sure! You know, I’ve got lots of work to do and there’s not much time really. I also play football for the school team and we have to do training three nights a week. 3 Shepherd: I love the animals and I love nature. It’s peaceful, and there’s no one to tell me what to do. But it’s not so good when the weather’s bad! 4 Business manager: I’m very busy, and I don’t have time to see my husband and children. Mmmm and my life is very stressful, I suppose. I mean, I have to deal with lots of money. But I find it really exciting. 1 A Perfect Day? A Couch Potato Forty-three-year-old Brian Blakey from Birmingham is sitting on his sofa and telling me about his perfect day.


必修1 第一单元ANNE’S BEST FRIEND Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to, like your deepest feelings and thoughts? Or are you afraid that your friend would laugh at you, or would not understand what you are going through? Anne Frank wanted the first kind, so she made her diary her best friend. Anne lived in Amsterdam in the Netherlands during World War II. Her family was Jewish so they had to hide or they would be caught by the German Nazis. She and her family hide away for two years before they were discovered. During that time the only true friend was her diary. She said, “I don’t want to set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do, but I want this diary itself to be my friend, and I shall call my friend Kitty.” Now read how she felt after being in the hiding place since July 1942. Thursday 15, June, 1944 Dear kitty, I wonder if it’s because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long that I’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature. I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound. That’s changed since I came here. …For example, when it was so warm, I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven one evening in order to have a good look at


人教版高中英语选修十单词表 unit1 1. venture['vent??]n.(有风险的)商业、企业 2. web[web]n.(蜘蛛等的)网查看详细 3. Scottish['sk?ti?]adj.苏格兰的;苏格兰人的; 4. suffering['s?f?ri?]n.苦楚;受难 5. gall-bladder[ɡ?:l'bl?d?]n. 胆囊 6. strengthen['stre?θn]vt.加强;巩固 7. endurance[in'dju?r?ns]n.忍耐;持久;耐(性)

8. hut[h?t]n.小屋;棚屋 9. stove[st?uv]n.炉子 10. unbearable[,?n'bε?r?bl]n.无法忍受的;承受不住的 11. cosy['k?uzi]adj.舒适的;安逸的 12. block out[bl?k aut]封闭 13. breathless['breθlis]adj.喘不过气来的 14. rotten['r?tn]adj.腐烂的;变质的 15. blacken['bl?k?n]vt.使变黑 16. circumstance['s?:k?mst?ns]n.环境;详情;境况

17. blast[bl?st]n.一阵(风);一股(气流) 18. hoarse[h?:s]adj.嘶哑的 19. bless[bles]vt.祝福;保佑 20. selfish['selfi?]adj.自私的 21. hook[h?k]n.钩;吊钩vt.钩住;入迷 22. aboard[??b?:d]adv.&perp.在船(飞机) 23. seasickness['si:siknis]n. 晕船 24. anyhow['enihau]adv.无论如何 25. steward[stju?d]n.(轮船、飞机等)乘务员;膳


北京市高中英语各区教材版本及课程架构和进度一、教材版本 教材版本全称: 人教——人民教育出版社 教科——教育科学出版社 浙江——浙江科学技术出版社 北京——北京出版社 岳麓——岳麓书社出版社 北师——北京师范大学出版社 中图——中国地图出版社 人教A和人教B的区别:基本没区别,A版解立体几何用几何法,B版用向量法。 二、教学进度 北京主城区选用了北师大版和人教版的教材。人教版教材分为必修1-6册和选修7-8册;北师大版教材分为十一个模块,必修1-5,其余为选修模块;特别注意的是选用北师大版教材模块6虽然为选修,但大多数学校会把其作为必修教材学习,有的学校甚至为扩大学生的词汇量将模块7和模块8列入教学计划。 不论是选用北师大版教材还是人教版教材,一般个学校的教学进度为一学年4本教材,即一学期2本教材,具体如下; 高中一年级上学期学习人教必修1和必修2;北师大版模块1和模块2,下学期学习人教版必修3和必修4;北师大版模块3和模块4。 高中二年级上学期学习必修5和必修6;北师大版模块5和模块6,下学期学习人教版选修7-8;北师大版模块7和模块8.

高中三年级大部分学校进入总复习,而部分学校会将北师大版选修模块大体学习一遍,以扩大学生的词汇量。 注:有的学校在高二下学期后半学期就进入了一轮复习,将人教选修7-8和北师大版模块7-8的内容插入复习阶段贯穿讲解。 三、相关考试 1、各区的模块考试(难度:易),部分重点院校同时会自主命题考察。 2、各校的月考(难度:中等,重点校难度高) 3、高三春季会考(难度:易) 4、每年一月份各区会有综合性的期末考试(难度:易) 5、每年的4月份各区会有一模考试(难度:中等) 6、每年的5月份各区会有二模考试(难度:中等) 7、高考


选修8 Unit 1 大课文多样性的土地 加州 加州是美国第三大洲,但是人口最多。它也有不同的是最多元文化国家在美国,有吸引了来自世界各地的人们。的习俗和语言的移民活在新居。这个文化多样性并不令人惊讶当你知道他的历史加州。本土美国人 什么时候到的第一批人我们现在知道的加利福尼亚,没有人真的知道。然而,很可能在加利福尼亚居住美国印地安人是至少一万五千年前。科学家们认为这些定居者穿过白令海峡在北极到美国的一种方法中存在的陆地桥在史前时期。在16世纪,欧洲人到来之后,当地人中蒙受了重大损失。数千人的死亡或被迫成为奴隶。另外,许多人死于这种疾病所带来的欧洲人。然而,从一些这些可怕的时代,今天还有更多的美国人住在加州比任何其他国家。 西班牙 在18世纪,加州被西班牙。名西班牙士兵初到南美洲,在16世纪早期当他们攻打当地人,把他们的土地。两个世纪以后,西班牙人定居在大部分南美和沿西北海岸的我们现在所称的美国。第一个西班牙去加州,大多数都是虔诚的教徒。他们的部门是要教导天主教给当地人。1821年,墨西哥取得了他们的从西班牙独立。加州的一部分则成了墨西哥。1846年美国宣战墨西哥和战争结束后获美国、墨西哥不得不给加州

到美国。然而,仍有强烈的西班牙影响国家。这就是为什么今天超过40的加州人说西班牙语作为第一或第二语言。 俄罗斯人 在19世纪初,俄罗斯的猎人,这些原本,开始去阿拉斯加定居在加州。在那里的今天是大约2.5万美籍俄裔住在旧金山市区和郊区。 黄金生产商 1848年1月24日,美墨战争后不久,有人在加州发现了黄金。快速致富的梦想吸引了来自世界各地的人们。最近的,因此第一个到达,是来自美国人民和来自美国。然后从欧洲和亚洲的冒险者随之而来。事实上,一些达到了他们的梦想成为富足。一些死亡或回到家,但是大多数住在加利福尼亚使自己的生活不顾大的困难。他们就住在新城镇或在农场工作。在加州成为31日当选美国的联邦州在1850年,已经是一个多元文化的社会。 晚来者 尽管中国移民开始到在淘金热期间,他们的建筑……(文件丢失)从西方的铁路网络到东海岸带来了更大的编号到加州十九世纪六十年代。今天,美藉华人住在加州的所有部分,尽管大部分选择呆在“唐人街”的洛杉矶和旧金山。 意大利人等其他移民,主要渔民还酿酒师,到达了加州在十九世纪。在1911年移民建立了镇来自丹麦的自己,今天仍然继续他们的丹麦文化。到了二十世纪二十年代电影产业被确立在美国加利福尼亚州的好莱坞。因此本行业的繁荣——吸引了欧洲人包括许多犹太民族主


必修二Unit 4 Lesson 1Tomorrow’ s World明天的世界 The Future of Cyberspace网络空间的未来 Peter Taylor finds out how computers and the Internet are going to affect our lives. 彼得泰勒发现了计算机和因特网会怎样影响我们的生活。 In last thirty years, the Internet has grown rapidly. In 1983, there were only 200 computers connected to the Internet; now there are around 50 million and this growth is clearly going to continue. 在过去的三十年中,互联网的迅速发展。1983,仅有200 台计算机连接到Internet;现在有左右,这一增长显然是要继续下去。 Some expert are pessimistic about the future. One worry is crime in cyberspace. Even now, young hackers can get into the computers of banks and governments. In the future, terrorists may “ attack ” the world ’ s computers, cause chaos, and make planes and trains crash. 一些专家对未来感到悲观。一个担心是网络犯罪。即使是现在,年轻的黑客可以进入银行和政府的电脑。在未来,恐怖分子可能会“攻击”全世界的计算机,造成混乱,使飞机和火车事故。 However, many people are optimistic about the future of the Internet. Already, users can buy books, find out about holidays offers, books tickets, and get all sorts of information from the Internet.


人教版《英语选修10》(普通高中课程标准实验教科书)单元词汇、音标、词义。Unit 1 venture/'vent??/n.(有风险的)商业、企业vi.vt.冒险;敢于去web/web/n.(蜘蛛)网 Scottish adj.苏格兰(人)的;苏格兰英语的 suffering/'s?f?ri?/n.苦楚;受难 gall-bladder n.胆囊 strengthen/'stre?θ?n/vt.加强;巩固 Perce Blackborow珀斯.布莱克鲍罗 Sir Ernest Shackleton欧内斯特.沙克尔顿爵士 endurance/in'dju?r?ns/n.忍耐;持久;耐(性) hut/h?t/n.小屋;棚屋 stove/st?uv/n.炉子 unbearable/?n'b??r?bl/adj.无法忍受的;承受不住的 cosy/'kouzi/adj.舒适的,安逸的 block out封闭 breathless/'breθlis/adj.喘不过气来的 rotten/'r?tn/adj.腐烂的;变质的 blacken/'bl?k?n/vt.使变黑 circumstance/'s?:k?mst?ns/n.环境;详情;境况 blast/blɑ:st/n.一阵(风);一股(气流) hoarse/h?:s/adj.嘶哑的 bless/bles/vt.祝福;保佑 selfish/'selfi?/adj.自私的 Tom Orde-Lees汤姆.奥德.利兹 hook/huk/n.钩;吊钩vt.钩住;迷上 aboard/?'b?:d/adv.在船(飞机、车等)上;上船(飞机、车等) seasickness n.晕船 anyhow/'enihau/adv.无论如何 steward/stju?d/n.乘务员;膳务员 crush/kr??/vt.碾碎;粉碎;(使)变形 mourn/m?:n/vi.哀悼;忧伤 urgent/'?:d??nt/adj.急迫的;紧急的 bedding/'bedi?/n.被褥;草垫 Hussey赫西 banjo/'b?nd??u/n.班卓琴;五弦琴 vital/'vaitl/adj.生死攸关的;重要的


选修8 Unit 1 A land of diversity-Reading CALIFORNIA California is the third largest state in the USA but has the largest population. It also has the distinction of being the most multicultural state in the USA, having attracted people from all over the world. The customs and languages of the immigrants live on in their new home. This diversity of culture is not surprising when you know the history of California. NATIVE AMERCANS Exactly when the first people arrived in what we now know as California, no one really knows. However, it is likely that Native Americans were living in California at least fifteen thousand years ago. Scientists believe that these settlers crossed the Bering Strait in the Arctic to America by means of a land bridge which existed in prehistoric times. In the 16th century, after the arrival of the Europeans, t he native people suffered greatly. Thousands were killed or forced into slavery. In addition, many died from the diseases b rought by the Europeans. However, some survived these terrible times, and today there are more Native Americans living in California than in any other state. THE SPANISH In the 18th century California was ruled by Spain. Spanish soldiers first arrived in South America in the early 16th century, when they fought against the native people and took their land. Two centuries later, the Spanish had settled in most parts of South America and along the northwest coast of what we now call the United States. Of the first Spanish to go to California, the majority were religious men, whose ministry was to teach the Catholic religion to the natives. In 1821, the people of Mexico gained their independence from Spain. California then became part of Mexico. In 1846 the United States declared war on Mexico, and after the war won by the USA, Mexico had to give California to the USA. However, there is still a strong Spanish influence in the state. That is why today over 40 of Californians speak Spanish as a first or second language. RUSSIANS In the early 1800s, Russian hunters, who had originally gone to Alaska, began settling in California. Today there are about 25,000 Russian-Americans living in and around San Francisco. GOLD MINERS In 1848, not long after the American-Mexican war, gold was discovered in California. The dream of becoming rich quickly attracted people from all over the world. The nearest, and therefore the first to arrive, were South Americans and people from the United States. Then adventurers from Europe and Asia soon followed. In fact, few achieved their dream of becoming rich. Some died or returned home, but most remained in California to make a life for themselves despite great hardship. They settled in the new towns or on farms. By the time California elected to become the thirty-first federal state of the USA in 1850, it was already a multicultural society.


模块3 U7 L1 1 The Spirit of Explorers Viking Voyages to America The Vikings were the first Europeans to reach America. They achieved this long before Columbus ever set sail. The Vikings were a group of people whose ancestors came from Scandinavia. They controlled the seas and coasts of Northern Europe between the 8th and 10th centuries AD. By around 900 AD, there were many places in Northern Europe where the Vikings chose to live. In 982 AD, when a man called Eric the Red decided to set sail further west, there were as many as 10,000 Vikings living in Iceland. According to the old stories of Iceland and Norway, Eric the Red was forced to leave Iceland because he had committed a murder, for which he got into trouble. Eric reached Greenland and discovered that people could live in the place where he landed. He returned to Iceland and told people there about Greenland. He persuaded some people to go back with him to Greenland. Eric set sail once again, this time with 25 ships, of which only 14 made it to Greenland. Not long after Eric the Red had landed in Greenland, a man called Biarni set sail from Iceland in search of Eric's party. Biarni was hoping to join his father who was with Eric, but he was blown off course and found himself in an unknown land, from where he eventually reached Greenland. In the year 1002, when Eric the Red's son Leif was planning a trip further west, Biarni was the man with whom Leif discussed his plans. Leif followed Biarni's directions and sailed to what is believed to be the coast of present-day Canada. He then sailed further south to an island which is now known as Newfoundland. We know about Eric the Red and Leif's deeds through stories which were written down centuries later in Norway and Iceland. They are the first records we have of Europeans sailing to the Americas. U7 L3 3 The Sea World UNDER WATER WORLD The Best place to See Sea Creatures Polar World We have polar bears and a real iceberg too! You can only see a small part of it above the water. It's three times as big underwater. Watch the acrobatic seals at feeding time. Meet our less energetic but more friendly penguins. You'll love them! Ocean Floor See some of the most beautiful coral and the most unusual fish in the world. Watch some fish “flying” through the water. They are less colourful than some other fish but they move beautifully. Sea Theatre See our intelligent dolphins. There are fantastic shows every two hours. Discovery Pool Especially for younger children. They can touch crabs and other smaller creatures. They can be educated about daily life on the beach in this exciting area. Virtual Reality Voyage Our most up-to-date attraction. Come with us on a “virtual reality” trip to the ocean floor and see some of the strangest fish in the world.


高中英语学习材料 ***鼎尚图文理制作*** 第九周交通通讯与旅游 周一 1. A 解析:词义推测题。根据下句文字信息The nearest town, Garissa, is hundreds of kilometers away from these villages. 可知。 2. B 解析:推理判断题。A、C、D属于错误推断, 肯尼亚北部道路条件恶劣, 骆驼是较有效的运输图书的工具。 3. C 解析:与传统图书馆不同的地方在于驼背上的流动图书馆用骆驼把书带给人们。B、D 为错误陈述, A是与传统图书馆的相同之处。 周二 1. D 解析:推理判断题。根据全文内容, 尤其是文章最后一句The museum is a good way to learn about the interesting life of him. 2. C 解析:推理判断题。根据第二句He also loved words and writing. B根据这一段的第一句可知为错误判断。D的叙述没有错误, 但对于此段的写作目的而言角度太小。 3. C 解析:细节认定题。根据第四段中Porter was accused of financial wrongdoing at the bank and lost his job. Fearing a trial, he fled the country. 可知。 4. A 解析:排列顺序题。根据文章中时间顺序可知。 5. B 解析:推理判断题。A、D可以根据文章的最后一段排除。根据第一段欧·亨利出生时间和Beginning in 1893, he lived here. 以及第二段信息可知C为错误推理。 周三 1. D 解析:信件可以被欣赏, 被读, 被“重新读”。前三项都与本句内容不符。 2. C 解析:根据前一个分句中的内容可知几乎不费力气就可以用信件保持“友谊”。 3. A 解析:上文叙述的是信件的益处, 本段则用作者与哥哥重归于好的例子进行证明, 由此可知是“例证”。 4. C 解析:本段中间部分提到两人之间存在误解, 由此可知两个人在几年前相处得不好。get along相处融洽。 5. B 解析:根据本句后半部分中的内容可知两个人在小的时候关系非常密切, 只是随着年龄


人教版高中英语选修8 课文及翻译 选修8 Unit 1 A land of diversity-Reading CALIFORNIA California is the third largest state in the USA but has the largest population. It also has the distinction of being the most multicultural state in the USA, having attracted people from all over the world. The customs and languages of the immigrants live on in their new home. This diversity of culture is not surprising when you know the history of California. NATIVE AMERCANS Exactly when the first people arrived in what we now know as California, no one really knows. However, it is likely that Native Americans were living in California at least fifteen thousand years ago. Scientists believe that these settlers crossed the Bering Strait in the Arctic to America by means of a land bridge which existed in prehistoric times. In the 16th century, after the arrival of the Europeans, the native people suffered greatly. Thousands were killed or forced into slavery. In addition, many died from the diseases brought by the Europeans. However, some survived these terrible times, and today there are more Native Americans living in California than in any other state. THE SPANISH In the 18th century California was ruled by Spain. Spanish soldiers first arrived in South America in the early 16th century, when they fought against the native people and took their land. Two centuries later, the Spanish had settled in most parts of South America and along the northwest coast of what we now call the United States. Of the first Spanish to go to California, the majority were religious men, whose ministry was to teach the Catholic religion to the natives. In 1821, the people of Mexico gained their independence from Spain. California then became part of Mexico. In 1846 the United States declared war on Mexico, and after the war won by the USA, Mexico had to give California to the USA. However, there is still a strong Spanish influence in the state. That is why today over 40 of Californians speak Spanish as a first or second language. RUSSIANS In the early 1800s, Russian hunters, who had originally gone to Alaska, began settling in California. Today there are about 25,000 Russian-Americans living in and around San Francisco. GOLD MINERS In 1848, not long after the American-Mexican war, gold was discovered in California. The dream of becoming rich quickly attracted people from all over the world. The nearest, and therefore the first to arrive, were South Americans and people from the United States. Then adventurers from Europe and Asia soon followed. In fact, few achieved their dream of becoming rich. Some died or returned home, but most remained in California to make a life for themselves despite great hardship. They settled in the new towns or on farms. By the time California elected to become the


人教版选修10课文译文 一次成功的失败经历 如果起初不成功,就要一次又一次地尝试。——W·C·菲尔兹 1914 年 8 月,珀斯·布莱克鲍罗参加了欧内斯特·沙克尔顿爵士的“持久号”轮船南极探险。沙克尔顿是他那个时代最负盛名的探险家,加入他的探险活动被认为是一种巨大的荣耀。现在请看读帕斯所讲故事的第一部分。 1916 年 8 月 29 日慢慢地,我把头探出睡袋,向四周看了看。一切都是灰色的:小屋里面看上去是灰色的,晨曦看上去是灰色的,燃油炉上噗噗作响的罐子也是灰色的。同往常一样,气味中混合着汗液、海豹油脂和脏内衣的味道,几乎让人难以忍受。我尝试着想一些快乐的事情:温暖和干爽的衣服、舒适的卧室、阳光灿烂的日子、妈妈的脸庞,以及返家后得到的庆贺,因为我是试图横穿南极大陆的一次失败探险活动的成员之一,这种事以前还没有人做过。正想到这儿,一条黑毛毯掉下来把我盖住,几乎把美好时光的记忆封闭住了。 一想到由于冻伤变黑而必须截去的腐烂的脚趾头,我就感到喘不过气来。我们的境况让人绝望,谁也不清楚会不会活着回去。也许好些年后,我们的尸体会被其他探险队所辨认并搜集起来。 正当我快要变得自我怜惜起来时,我们营棚的门开了,一股冷空气穿过营棚。“把门关上!”我用一种自己都快辨认不出来的沙哑的嗓音嚷嚷道。“坚持下去,珀斯。不要变成另一个汤姆。”一个声音在应答。“我们又逮住了一只企鹅,今晚有企鹅汤喝了!”保佑弗兰克一吓尔德,他可是我们的头儿欧内斯特·沙克尔顿之外最好的人啦。我怎么能像汤姆·奥德·利兹那样自私自利和脾气暴躁呢!我挣扎着下床,新的一天开始了。 当初宣布探险活动时,我才 20 岁,老梦想着要去冒险。所以在 1914 年 7 月的一个早晨,我是怀着无比激动的心情读以下这则广告的: 为危险之旅招募人手:工资低廉、寒冷无比、数月不见天日、无法确保安全返回。如果成功,荣耀和报酬将会接踵而至。欧内斯特·沙克尔顿爵士。 同伟大的欧内斯特·沙克尔顿爵士去南极探险——我被深深地迷住了!我是探险的门外汉,但我年轻,身体健康而且精力充沛。我偷偷地上了“持久号”轮船,藏在一个小橱里。直到轮船已开始航行了,我才被人发现,而且晕船晕得很厉害。不管怎么说,沙克尔顿似乎对我傻乎乎的行为感兴趣,并且接受了这种局面。他让我当一名伙计,协助做 28 个人一天三顿的饭菜。 1915 年 1 月 18 日,正当我们接近南极时,“持久号”被海上的浮冰(有的坚固无比,有的破裂成若干巨大的冰块浮在水上)卡住了。周围的冰都冻结了,我们千真万确地被困住了!轮船在我们的眼前慢慢地被挤坏。我相信沙克尔顿肯定会对这次探险意想不到的结局而痛心,但他并没有把时间浪费在遗憾和悔恨中。他镇静地把大家召集在一起,然后紧急宣布我们必须在船沉下去之前,只抢出基本给养,尤其是小船、食物、炊具、蜡烛、卧具和衣服。为了显示自己的决心,沙克尔顿把一些金币和他的金表扔到冰上。然而,让我感到惊讶的是,他竟鼓励赫西带上班卓琴。他把班卓琴描述成让我们保持精神振奋的关键。 他的顽强精神赢得了我们对他的完全信赖。他对我们也总是坦诚相待(就像广告中那样),他从不灰心丧气,从不放弃,甚至当轮船沉下去时也是如此。1916 年 4 月 9 日,我们搬到了大象岛上现在的宿营地。不久沙克尔顿给我们这里的生活列出了规矩:取消级别和社会地位上的差异,每个人都得忙起来;公平分配食物和卧具;关心每一个人。这种团队精神鼓舞了船员们的士气,并挽救了我们的生命。 我们在大象岛上一安顿好,沙克尔顿就马上向大家解释了他的营救计划:22 人留在这里,他挑选其他五个人去南乔治亚求援。由于谁也不知道我们身处何地,所以不能指望任何外部救援。我永远也不会忘记眼看着小船从哗哗作响的波浪中消失在波涛汹涌的大洋里的情景。留在大象岛上的人发誓要按他所主张的那样做:在他返回来救我们之前要保持乐观、恢复健康。

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