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Ⅰ. 新授(在这节课之前的晨读应让学生把第一单元的单词听两遍,并跟读,以后的类似课都这样做)

1. 根据英文释义选用下列单词填空(做此题前先把下列词的词义通

一遍,然后再引导做题) abrupt; abandon; abuse; abolish; abundant; acquaintance; adjustment; accuse; accuracy; accumulate

1) abandonto leave someone, especially someone you are responsible for; give up

2) abolishto officially end a law, system etc. especially one

that has existed for a long time

3) abruptsudden and unexpected; seeming rude and


4) abuseto deliberately use something for the wrong purpose

or for one’s own advantage

5) accuseto say that you believe someone is guilty of a crime

or of doing something bad

6) abundantsomething that exists or is available in large quantities so that there is more than enough

7) accuracythe ability to do something in an exact way without making a mistake

8) acquaintancesomeone you know, but who is not a close friend

9) accumulate to gradually get more and more money, possessions, knowledge etc. over a period of time

10) adjustment a small change made to a machine, system, or calculation; a change in the way that someone

behaves or thinks

2. 单项选择 1) the criminal had planned to escape from the prison, but his attempt proved to be an _________.


2) the system has been designed to give students quick and easy ________ to the digital resources of the library. (2009年高考浙江卷)

a. acquaintance n. 相识;了解;熟人

b. accuracy n.精确;准确(度)

c. access n.通路;接近;入口;使用权

d.acquisition n.获得,所获之物


3) after the earthquake, the first thing the local government did was to provide __________ for the homeless families. (2010年


a. occupation n.职业;工作;占用

b. accommodation n.住宿;留宿;住处

c. equipment 设备

d. acquisition n.获得,所获之物


4) this library takes pride in its rare book __________.

a. acquaintance n. 相识;了解;熟人

c. adaption b. adjustment n.调整;调节;修正

d. acquisition n.获得,所获之物 a. abortion(=failure) b. accident 事故 c. adventure 冒险 d. alarm 警报;惊(恐)慌

acquisition --- something that you have obtained by buying it

or being given it


5) after receiving the news, immediate _______ was taken by

the local government to stop the disease spreading.

a. activity 活动

b. adventure 冒险

c. action 行动take (an) action 采取行动

d. measure 措施(常用



6) many animals have _________ that help them escape from their enemies. the coats of some animals are coloured to adapt to its surroundings.

a. adaptations n.适应;改编

b. acquisitions n.获得,所获之物

c. adjustments n.调整;调节

d. additions 增加



7) the ________ of a large parking lot will increase the number of people that can shop in the supermarket.

a. admission 准入;接纳;入场费

b. addition 增加

c. adjustment

调整 d. adaptation 适应增加一个大的停车场后将增加到这个超市


8) coming to another country to study requires a big

_________ and it takes a while to fit in.

a. admission 准入;接纳;入场费

b. addition增加

c. adaptation 适应

d. adjustment调整


9) the train came to an _______ stop, making many passengers fall off their seats.

a. abnormal 反常的

b. absolute 绝对的

c. abrupt 突然的

d. absurd荒唐的;荒谬的火车突然刹车,使许多乘客从座位上跌倒。10) he is too proud, and considers himself perfect. he always believes what he does is ______ correct. 他太骄傲了,认为自己很完美。他总是以为他所做的一切都是绝对正确的。

a. absolutely 绝对地

b. abruptly 突然地(=suddenly)

c. abnormally 不正常

d. abundantly 充足地

11) the pictures by picasso are really __________. i can’t understand them without caption.

a. abrupt 突然的

b. abstract a.抽象的

c. concrete adj.具体的;实质性的

d. addictive 使人上瘾的


12) it is ________ that women should be paid less than men for doing the same kind of work.

a. allergic 过敏的

b. amateur a.业余的 n.业余爱好者

c. annual adj.年度的;每年的

d. absurd 荒唐的;荒谬的


it is rather absurd that the japanese government should attempt to buy the diaoyu island belonging to china. this move is bound to end up in abortion.日本政府竟然企图购买属于中国的钓鱼岛,这简直是荒谬透顶。这种行径必然以失败告终。

13) the schools here offer different after-class activities. for them social skills are more important than

_________ achievements.

a. adequate 足够的;适当的

b. active积极的;主动的;活跃的

c. abundant丰富的;充裕的

d. academic 学业的(concerned with studying from books, as opposed to practical work )


14) frank put the medicine in the top drawer to make sure it would not be ____ to the kids. (2009年高考江西卷)

a. accessible 可得到的;可使用的;易接近的,可进入的(easy to reach or get into )

b. relative 相当的

c. addicted 上瘾的

d. acceptable 可接受的be addicted to…对…有瘾;对…入迷弗兰克把药放在最上面的一个抽屉里,以确保孩子们够不着。

15) i have been convinced that the print media are usually more _________ and more reliable than television. (2010年高考浙江卷)

a. actual 实际的

b. adequate 足够的;适当的

d. acute敏锐的;尖锐的;剧烈的;急性的 c. accurate [`?kjurit] adj.精确的;准确的


16) it turned out that one of the children i thought a girl was

__________ a boy.

a. absurdly

b. actually实际上;真实地;竟然;居然

c. absolutely

d. abruptly


17) computer games are easily _______ to children, and many senior high students are also ______ to them.

a. addicted; addictive

b. addictive; addictive

c. addicted; addicted

d. addictive使人上瘾的addicted 有(上)瘾的

be addicted to (doing) sth.沉溺于(做)某事; 对某事有瘾be addictive to sb. 使人上瘾的


18) successful people always make ___________ preparations for any potential setbacks.

a. adequate 足够的;充分的

b. urgent紧迫的;急需的

c. abrupt

d. final 最后的;最终的成功的人总是为潜在的挫折做好了充分准备。

19) when he was only 10 meters away from the finishing line, the african runner suddenly _________, passing by the other runners.

a. attempted 试图

b. approached 接近

c. accelerated 加速

d. accessed 读取


20) the search was __________ when night came, even though the child had not been found.

a. abolished 废除

b. abandoned 放弃;中止;抛弃

c. achieved 取得

d. acknowledged承认;公认(为);答(致)谢


21) it was lincoln who ___________ slavery in the united states and set slaves free.

a. abandoned

b. adjusted 调整

c. abolished

d. advocated 提倡


22) she was seated at her desk, with her eyes fixed on the book, __________ in its plot.

a. adopted 采用

b. adjusted

c. accepted 接受

d. absorbed 吸收 be absorbed in sth. 全神贯注于某事她坐在桌旁, 双眼盯着书,被


23) there are instructions on the bottle to prevent the medicine from being __________.

a. abused

b. adjusted

c. absorbed

d. adopted 采用


24) your passport application form should be ___ by two

recent photographs when you go to the passport office.

a. accomplished vt.达到;完成;实现

b. accompanied陪伴;陪同;


c. accessed 读取

d. addressed 演讲


25) the best method to ___________ this goal is to unite as many people as possible and form a powerful team.

a. accept 接受

b. accelerate加速

c. accomplish 达到;完成;实

现d. abandon



26) they __________ a certain amount of working experience through volunteer work.

a. attempted 试图

b. accumulated 积累

c. accelerated 加速

d. accomplished 通过志愿者工作,他们积累了一定的工作经验。

27) lucy has __________ all of the goals she set for herself in high school and is ready for new challenges at university. (2007年高考天津卷)

a. acquired获得;取得;学到;习得

b. finished 完成

c. concluded 得出结论;结束

d. achieved .达到;取得;完成;做到


28) the young couple wrote to mr. green to _________ his warm reception during their visit to his farm.

a. acknowledge承认;公认(为);答(致)谢

b. accuse 指控;指责

c. consult 咨询;请教

d. assume假定;设想;假设;承担

acknowledge --- to publicly announce that you are grateful for the help that someone has given you


29) only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly will ____ the skill to do difficult things easily.

a. demand 要求;需要

b. acquire 获得;取得;学到;习得

c. accomplish 达到;完成;实现

d. achieve达到;取得;完成;做到

acquire --- to gain knowledge or learn a skill


30) little children should go to school to learn something. __, they should learn how to behave well in social life.

a. after all 毕竟

b. at all 全然;真地

c. above all 重要的是

d. in all 总计


Ⅱ. 本课要点回顾(在临下课5分前将所板书的要点进行回顾)Ⅲ. 预习作业布置



Ⅰ. 检查作业:抽查专练的第二和第四大题(可以让学生到黑板上把答案写出)

1. 根据汉语意思写出下列英语短语及词组

1) 首要的是 above all2) 不在;缺席be absent from3) 专心于;全神贯注于be absorbed in

4) 指责某人做某事 accuse sb. of (doing) sth. 5) 偶然;无意中by accident

6) 把…考虑进去take…into account / take account of 7) 陪同某人去(某地) accompany sb. to

8) 对…有瘾;对…入迷 be addicted to9) 积极参加某事take an active part in sth.

10) 采取行动做某事take action to do sth.

2. 完成句子

1) 这个工作做得不是很好,但他问心无愧,因为他尽了全力。

the work wasn’t done well, but he had a clear conscience, because he did it to the best of his ability. have a clear conscience问心无愧have a guilty conscience问心有愧to the best of one’s ability 竭尽全力


she is punctual and never absent from work without valid reason, but she isn’t present today, which is rather abnormal.


the train was about to pull out when the man came running along and climbed aboard.


she is honest and never speaks ill of anyone in his or her absence.


the clever boy seems to be able to absorb whatever he is taught.

6)当今的学生应该充分利用他们的时间使自己具备丰富的知识, 以便能容易地适应将来竞争激烈的社会。 students nowadays should make full use of their time to equip themselves with abundant knowledge so that they can easily adapt to the competitive society in the future.


his strong local accent added difficulty to our understanding of him.

8) 往土壤里面添加这种化肥可以加速庄稼的生长得到了人们的广泛认可。

it is widely accepted that that adding this kind of fertilizer to the soil would accelerate the growth of crops.


i met her in the street by accident, yet she had an accident days later.


he is accused of stealing the computer, because he was the only one who had access to it.

11) 大家都认为狗的嗅觉敏锐。

it is universally acknowledged that dogs have an acute sense of smell.

12) 我已和我的笔友通信联系了三年了,我来这里是专门和他相识的。correspond with 与…通信



















本课讲的是人教版高中英语第二册(下)unit 18 four great inventions 的语言点。我提前布置了任务,要求学生预习并在字典



i begin to show some pictures made with powerpoint in a computer .

i asked the students one by one to say what they saw in the pictures. in picture1, the students only saw a sign means “stop?? therefore some of them couldn?t make connection of this one with a phrase “ be aware of”. they would say some sentences like this:” when you walk across the street, you must pay attention to traffic lights or here is not allowed to smoke or others. at

this time i began to ask the students what the sign said and when we saw this sign , what should

be aware of. following that , all the students said that they would be aware of safety. then i asked my students to make sentences with the phrase be aware of as much as possible. picture 2,3,4,5,6,7 are very easy . when they saw them , they would quickly remember what words they were. once for a while i interestingly asked them what made the size of a computer reduced from desktops to laptops to palmtops and if they pretended to be specialists of a computer whether they allow for their creativity. after that the students discussed for a while ,then one reported the result. picture8 tends to make the st udents remind the word “experiment” or ” laboratory” instead of “ trial but they knew trial and error could lead to success and the truth of success is trial and error. picture9 is about a “pilot “and picture10 is “heel” while picture11 ,12 and 13 need hard guess. because in these pictures they couldn?t see “ petrol “ “ connection” and “ background”, teacher must lead in. for example i asked my students the following questions : what does picture 11 describe? is it a gas station? what does the driver do ? w hat do americans say “汽油”?when you see picture 12, what do you feel ? what association do you make? ( we often connect this china knot with good luck ) and in picture13, can you see the black color? what function is it used as? in this way, the students had a quick overview of some important new words in unit 18. secondly, i quickly show these pictures to the students. then let them repeat these new words. in class i found it interesting for

students to learn new words and with this method students? motivation can be aroused. what?s more ,it?s easy for them to remember new words. when i finished this task , i began to check the students? preparations.

in latter half class, the students play leading roles in class.

they voluntarily come to the blackboard to teach the others the key words and phrases that they think are very important in

unit 18 . although it is impossible for them to find the key

points accurately , in practice they know how to learn new vocabulary. what ?s more, the students are very active in involving in class.



























教学内容:词义meanings、用法usage、词汇信息basic information、词汇记忆策略strategies.


teaching aims:

1. knowledge aim: the students will be able to know the meaning and usage of the

following words:…

2. ability aim: the students will be able to use these words correctly in writingand


3. emotional aim: the students will be more confident …

teaching key and difficult points:

master the words, especially…

teaching aid: cai

teaching procedures:

1. step 1: lead-in

show some pictures to students and ask some questions: ... 2. step 2: task-reading


read the words twice.

3. step 3: presentation and comprehension

4. step 4: practice

5. step 5: consolidation

6. unit 6 lesson 1


good adj.book n.

t: hello, boys and girls, how are you today? i’m fine too, thank you! before the class, let’s enjoy some pictures. what do you see in the first picture?

t: a man. right! what is he doing? yes, he is ….

t: in our daily life, … is ve ry common, today, we will learn how to describe… in english. please open the book and turn to page 51. read the text after me and select the words you think important.

t: everyone well done. who could share words with us? peter, please.

t: …(假装帮助读了一个单词,并且边读边板书)great. …(重复一

遍单词). anything to add? ok, lily please.

t: … (板书). well down.

t: now, read after me. (没个词读两遍)

t: 解释词语。

(方法:make sentences; show picture; act it out练习:读两遍;造句

用语:can you guess its meaning? can you use this word to make a sentence for us? what this picture shows is the …)

t: have you all understood the meaning and usage of these words? great! let’s do some practice to consolidate the knowledge. please open your book and turn to page

51. i will give you five minutes to do the exercise one, fill in the blank. ok, go ahead. t: who can tell us which words should be used in the first blank? ok, susan please. t: …, great!(指黑板上相应的词)

t: the second blank? peter, please.

t: right! … pay attention to the number of the noun. it should

be plural here. aslan, you next.

t: well down. ... the last one. any volunteer?good, bob.

bial clause suggests that it happened in the past, so the … should be in simple past tense. of you to share your story. ok, let’s start!

us too?cbreak …(读一遍单词)

t: good job! please write these words down in four times and then recite them. we you!

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