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2015 Text 1 Paragraph 1 1、King Juan Carlos of Spain once insisted ?kings don`t abdicate, they die in their sleep.? But embarrassing scandals and the popularity of the republican left in the recent Euro-elections have forced him to eat his words and stand down. 西班牙国王胡安?卡洛斯曾说?国王不会退位,他们逝世于睡眠中?。但是最近几次欧洲大选中,丑闻盛行、共和党人大受欢迎迫使胡安?卡洛斯收回之前的言论,并被迫退位。 1.1 abdicate英/'?bd?ke?t/ 美/'?bd?ket/vt. 退位;放弃vi. 退位;放弃 1.2 scandal英/'sk?nd(?)l/ 美/'sk?ndl/n. 丑闻;流言蜚语;诽谤;公愤 2、So, does the Spanish crisis suggest that monarchy is seeing its last days? Does that mean the writing is on the wall for all European royals, with their magnificent uniforms and majestic lifestyle? 如此说来,西班牙的危机是否表明君主制已到穷途末路?是否意味着欧洲皇室以及他们锦衣玉食的生活走向末路已无可更改? 2.1 monarchy英 /'m?n?k?/ 美/'mɑn?ki/n. 君主政体;君主国;君主政治 2.2 the writing is on the wall某事将失败的不祥预兆 2.3 royal英/'r???l/ 美/'r???l/n. 王室;王室成员adj. 皇家的;盛大的;女王的;高贵的;第一流的 2.4 magnificent英/m?g'n?f?s(?)nt/ 美/m?g'n?f?snt/adj. 高尚的;壮丽的;华丽的;宏伟的 2.5 majestic英 /m?'d?est?k/ 美/m?'d??st?k/adj. 庄严的;宏伟的 Paragraph 2 1、The Spanish case provides arguments both for and against monarchy. 西班牙的事例既提供了支持君主制的论据,也提供了反对君主制的论据。 2、When public opinion is particularly polarised, as it was following the end of the Franco regime, monarchs can rise above ?mere? politics and ?embody? a spirit of national unity.这时公众意见呈现出两极分化,弗 2.1 particularly英/p?'t?kj?l?l?/ 美/p?'t?kj?l?l?/adv. 特别地,独特地;详细地,具体地;明确地,细致地 2.2 polarise 英/’p??l?ra?z/ 美/’p?ul?raiz/vt. 极化(等于polarize)polarize英/'p?ul?raiz/ 美/'pol?'ra?z/vt. (使)极化;(使)偏振;(使)两极分化vi. 极化;偏振;两极分化 2.3 regime英 /re?'?i?m/ 美/re'?im/n. 政权,政体;社会制度;管理体制 2.4 monarch英 /'m?n?k/ 美/'mɑn?k/n. 君主,帝王;最高统治者 Paragraph 3 1、It is this apparent transcendence of politics that explains monarchs` continuing popularity polarized. 正是这次明显的超越对君主作为国家元首继续流行做出了解释。 1.1 transcendence英/tr?n'send?ns/ 美/tr?n'send?ns/n. 超越;卓越;超然存在 2、And also, the Middle East excepted, Europe is the most monarch-infested region in the world, with 10 kingdoms (not counting Vatican City and Andorra). 正因如此,除中东外,欧洲是世界上君主制最盛行的地区,有10位国王(梵蒂冈和安道尔不算在内)。 2.1 infested adj. 为患的,大批滋生的(常与with搭配)v. 害虫、野兽大批出没于( infest的过去式和过去分词);遍布于 3、But unlike their absolutist counterparts in the Gulf and Asia, most royal families have survived because they allow voters to avoid the difficult search for a non-controversial but respected public figure. 但是,与海湾地区和亚洲的专制国家不同,欧洲皇室能够留存下来,是因为他们让选民免于苦心孤诣地寻找一个没有争议且受尊崇的公众人物。 3.1 absolutist英/'?bs?lu:tist/ 美/'?bs?lu:tist/n. 绝对论者;专制主义者 Paragraph 4 1、Even so, kings and queens undoubtedly have a downside. 即使如此,毋庸臵疑君主还是在衰落。 1.1 ownside英 /'da?nsa?d/ 美/'da?nsa?d/n. 负面,缺点;下降趋势;底侧adj. 底侧的 2、Symbolic of national unity as they claim to be, their very history—and sometimes the way they behave today – embodies outdated and indefensible privileges and inequalities. 即使他们声称自己是国家统一的象征,但他们的历史和今日的行为方式都代表着他们享有的特权和他们身上体现出的不公平已经过时,且站不住脚。


2018考研英语冲刺之长难句翻译赏析 所谓长难句,就是指句子中有着复杂的结构和一些生僻名词或者熟词僻意词汇,句子本身较长,结构复杂,理解有难度,试想,如果句子中的词汇不是很熟悉,一定会对理解造成一定的影响,考研英语一中会出现超纲词汇,考生不可避免的会“懵”出词汇含义,这就考察到翻译的技巧。下面为考生展现了一些晶灿的长难句翻译,希望考生从中领悟翻译精髓。 It is not obvious how the capacity to visualize s and to figure out numerical patterns suits one to answer questions that have eluded some of the best poets and philosophers. 【精彩译文】构思物体和找出数字模型的能力是如何让一个人去回答那些连最好的诗人和哲学家都回避的问题的,这点我们还不是很清楚。 Anyone who has toiled through SAT will testify that test-taking skill also matters,whether it’s knowing when to guess or what question to skip. 【精彩译文】任何一个参加过SAT考试的人都会证实考试的技巧也很重要,无论这种技巧是知道什么时候去猜还是知道什么问题应该跳过。 On another level ,many in the medical community acknowledge that the assisted-suicide debate has been fueled in part by the despair of patients for whom modern medicine has prolonged the physical agony of dying. 【精彩译文】在另一个层面上,很多医疗界的人事承认,关于医生帮助下的自杀的讨论部分是因为病人的绝望情绪,对病人来说,现代医学已经延长了死亡的身体痛苦。 The trend was naturally most obvious in those areas of science based especially on a mathematical or laboratory training , and can be illustrated in terms of the development of geology in the United Kingdom . 【精彩译文】很自然,这种趋势会在尤以数学或实验室训练为基础的自然科学领域中表现得最为明显,并且可以用英国的地质学发展作为例证来说明。 The findings add weight to the theory that large areas of the Amazon have recovered so well from past periods of agricultural use that the regrowth has been mistaken by generations of biologists for“birgin”forest. 【精彩译文】有理论认为亚马逊流域很大一部分从过去的农业耕作中如此完美地恢复了过来,以至于哪些重新生长的部分被好几代生物学家都错误地认为是原始森林。这些发现进一步地证明了这一理论。 An invisible border divides those arguing for computers in the classroom on the behalf of student’s career prospects and those arguing for computers in the classroom for broader reasons of radical education reform. 【精彩译文】一条五星的界限将支持计算机课堂的人分成两类:一类是从学生的职业前景出发考虑的,另一类人想得是像教育的彻底改革这样的一些更广泛的理由。 Instead , we are treated to fine hypocritical spectacles , which now more than


Within the span of a hundred years, in the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, a tide of emigration—one of the great folk wanderings of history—swept from Europe to America. 46) This movement, driven by powerful and diverse motivations, built a nation out of a wilderness and, by its nature, shaped the character and destiny of an uncharted continent. 47) The United States is the product of two principal forces—the immigration of European peoples with their varied ideas, customs, and national characteristics and the impact of a new country which modified these traits. Of necessity, colonial America was a projection of Europe. Across the Atlantic came successive groups of Englishmen, Frenchmen, Germans, Scots, Irishmen, Dutchmen, Swedes, and many others who attempted to transplant their habits and traditions to the new world. 48) But, the force of geographic conditions peculiar to America, the interplay of the varied national groups upon one another, and the sheer difficulty of maintaining old-world ways in a raw, new continent caused significant changes. These changes were gradual and at first scarcely visible. But the result was a new social pattern which, although it resembled European society in many ways, had a character that was distinctly American. 49) The first shiploads of immigrants bound for the territory which is now the United States crossed the Atlantic more than a hundred years after the 15th- and 16th-century explorations of North America. In the meantime, thriving Spanish colonies had been established in Mexico, the West Indies, and South America. These travelers to North America came in small, unmercifully overcrowded craft. During their six- to twelve-week voyage, they subsisted on barely enough food allotted to them. Many of the ship were lost in storms, many passengers died of disease, and infants rarely survived the journey. Sometimes storms blew the vessels far off their course, and often calm brought unbearably long delay. “To the anxious travelers the sight of the American shore brou ght almost inexpressible relief.” said one recorder of events, “The air at twelve leagues’ distance smelt as sweet as a new-blown garden.” The colonists’ first glimpse of the new land was a sight of dense woods. 50) The virgin forest with its richness and variety of trees was a veritable real treasure-house which extended from Maine all the way down to Georgia. Here was abundant fuel and lumber. Here was the raw material of houses and furniture, ships and potash, dyes and naval stores. 思路: 1.大致介绍文章主要内容 2. 逐段介绍每段的主要内容→分析句子结构→指出翻译时需要注意的点→试译→整理译文→总结翻译技巧和需掌握的单词


2018年考研英语一真题及答案 的更新!2018考研英语翻译真题解析:19考生应关注3个语法点翻译部分较去 2017-12-24 的更新!2018考研英语翻译真题解析:19考生应关注3个语法点翻译部分较去 2017-12-24 的更新!2018考研英语翻译真题解析:19考生应关注3个语法点翻译部分较去 2017-12-24 的更新!2018考研英语翻译真题解析:19考生应关注3个语法点翻译部分较去 2017-12-24

的更新!2018考研英语翻译真题解析:19考生应关注3个语法点翻译部分较去 2017-12-24 译文】莎士比亚出生之时,欧洲宗教戏剧正在消逝,在古典悲剧和戏剧的推动下,很多新的戏剧形式应运而生。 (47) no boy who went to a grammar school could be ignorant that the drama was a form of literature which gave glory to Greece and Rome and might yet bring honor to England. 【题目考点】定语从句;宾语从句;并列结构 【句子结构】主句主干:no boy…could be ignorant that…。who引导的定语从句修饰boy,that引导为形容词ignorant的宾语从句,which引导的定语从句修饰a form of literature,gave…and might bring honor…为先行词a form of literature的并列谓语结构。 【重点词汇】grammar school 文法学校ignorant忽视literature文学glory 荣耀 【参考译文】任何文法学校的学生都知道戏剧是一种文学形式,它曾给希腊和罗马带来荣耀,也许同样会给英格兰带来殊荣。


2015考研英语二翻译真题解析 英语二的翻译一直应该是考生应该得分的题目,今年的题目总体来说与去年相当,甚至略微简单,文章来自心理学网站https://www.doczj.com/doc/dd13463068.html,。节选标题为“The Well-Travelled Road Effect: Why Familiar Routes Fly By”的一篇文章,经过命题人改编,共156个词,有8句话,符合英语二翻译模式与难度。所以文章长度基本保持不变,内容涉及领域为心理学,共三段,长短句相间,短句较多,涉及知识点有表语从句、宾语从句、原因状语从句、时间状语从句。但是都较为简单。考生只要在考前进行过一定数量的段落练习。相信翻译是考生争取拿分的题目。 继去年一篇积极心理学的文章后,今年又出了一篇心理方面的文章,但是专业程度不强,所以对学生来说还是很容易接受的。 首先文章中阐释的一种心理现象是“well-travelled road effect”是考生们不熟悉的一个词语,但是通过全文阅读会发现,这是人们生活中一种常见的现象,所以考生可以自己进行总结,而且这个中心词中没有出现生词,所以对于考生来说还是比较简单的。 其它稍微可能有难度的词语为commute:通勤;perceive:察觉;well-travelled road effect: 熟悉路线效应;underestimate:低估;route:道路;allocate:分配,掌握了这些词汇,应该就没有大问题了。 下面来分析其中稍微有难度的句子。 Whichever it is, you know every twist and turn like the back of your hand. 【解析】首先“twist and turn”的意思是迂回曲折,具体到路上表示的就是指道路的拐弯、曲折。其次“know sth like the back of your hand”的英文释义为: to have very good and detailed knowledge of something,即对某件事情非常了解、了如指掌。 【翻译】不管是哪一条路,你对每一个拐每一个弯都了如指掌,非常熟悉。 文中包括一个以上从句的句子有The consequence is that you perceive that the trip has taken less time than it actually has.这是由一个表语从句和宾语从句组成的复合句,但是都可以直接按顺序翻译,所以不涉及翻译技巧。 其他句子较简单,在此不做详解,下附全文翻译: 设想一下,你正开车行驶在一条非常熟悉的路线上。可能是你每天上下班、去城里、或是回家的路。不管是哪一条路,你对每一个拐每一个弯都了如指掌,非常熟悉。在这样的路途中,我们容易在开车的时候心不在焉,对途中的景色也几乎是全然不顾。如此一来,你会觉得路上所花的时间比实际要少。 这就是“熟悉路线效应”:人们往往会低估行驶在熟悉的路上所花费的时间。 这一效应由我们分配精力的方式引起。当行驶在熟悉的路上时,由于我们不用太过集中精力,时间似乎飞逝而过。 随后,我们回想行车过程时,由于我们没有过多关注,所以对行车的印象也很模糊。因


1、1994年 Directions: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2. According to the new school of scientists, technology is an overlooked force in expanding the horizons of scientific knowledge. (71) Science moves forward, they say, not so much through the insights of great men of genius as because of more ordinary things like improved techniques and tools. (72) "In short" , a leader of the new school contends, "the scientific revolution, as we call it, was largely the improvement and invention and use of a series of instruments that expanded the reach of science in innumerable directions. " (73)Over the years, tools and technology themselves as a source of fundamental innovation have largely been ignored by historians and philosophers of science. The modern school that hails technology algues that such masters as Galileo, Newton, Maxwell, Einstein, and inventors such as Edison attached great importance to, and derived great benefit from, craft information and technological devices of different kinds that were usable in scientific experiments. The centerpiece of the argument of a technology-yes , genius-no advocate was an analysis of Galileo' s role at the start of the scientific revolution. The wisdom of the day was derived from Ptolemy, an astronomer of the second century, whose elaborate system of the sky put Earth at the center of all heavenly motions. (74)Galileo' s greatest glory was that in 1609 he was the first person to turn the newly invented telescope on the heavens to prove that the planets revolve around the sun rather than around the Earth. But the real hero of the story, according to the new school of scientists, was the long evolution in the improvement of machinery for making eyeglasses . Federal policy is necessarily involved in the technology vs. genius dispute. (75)Whether the Government should increase the financing of pure science at the expense of technology or vice versa (反之) often depends on the issue of which is seen as the driving force. 精美译文 新学派的科学家认为,技术是扩大科学知识的范围中被忽视的力量。(71)他们说,科学的发展与其说源于天才伟人的真知灼识,不如说源于改进了的技术和工具等等更为普通的东西。(72)新学派的一位领袖人物坚持说:“简言之,我们所称谓的科学革命,主要是指一系列器具的改进、发明和使用,这些改进、发明和使用使科学发展的范围无所不及。 (73)工具和技术本身作为根本性创新的源泉多年来在很大程度上被科学史学家和科学思想家们忽视了。为技术而欢呼的现代学派争辩说,像伽利略、牛顿、麦克斯威尔、爱因斯坦这样的科学大师和像爱迪生这样的发明家十分重视科学实验中能使用的各种不同的工艺信息和技术装置并从中受益匪浅。 鼓吹技术第一、天才第二的论据的核心是分析了科学革命初期伽利略的作用。那时的聪明才智取自第二世纪的天文学家托勒密;了精心创立的太空体系把地球置于所有天体运动的中心。(74)伽利略的最光辉的业绩在于他在1609年第一个把新发明的望远镜对准天空,


2015年考研英语一翻译真题解析 一、来源:今年的文章来源于An outline of American history(1954)(《美国历史纲要(1954年英文版)》),是其中一章The Colonial Period(殖民时期)的节选。这个符合历年来翻译的考查规律,往往都是从书籍中节选段落进行翻译,内容相对于阅读而言,相对于2014年“贝多芬”而言,有些难懂。 二、难度:5句话共151词,相当平稳。其中48题最长,35词;50题最简单,24词。可以说,不同基础的同学都可以从中找到自己熟悉的部分,不至于在这个题上一分未得。 三、句型特点:今年的5句话中,有2句(46,48)是简单句,另外3句(47,49,50)是复合句。其中的复合句无一例外都考查的是定语从句的翻译,并没有涉及到其他从句类型。简单句中考查最多的也是后置定语的翻译。所以,中公考研考前为大家预测的难点中,定语的翻译是绝对考点和重点。 四、逐题详解: 46) This movement, driven by powerful and diverse motivations, built a nation out of a wilderness and, by its nature, shaped the character and destiny of an uncharted continent. 重点词组:out of a wilderness(摆脱荒凉),by its nature(就其本质而言,从本质来说),uncharted(未知的;图上未标明的)。 结构分析:整个句子是一个简单句,由and并列谓语动词built和shaped。driven by powerful and diverse motivations是后置定语,修饰movement;out of a wilderness是后置定语,修饰nation;of an uncharted continent是后置定语,修饰character and destiny。 参考译文:这项运动,由多种强大的动机驱动,建立了一个摆脱荒凉的国家,并且从本质上来讲,塑造了一块不为人熟悉的大陆的性格和命运。 47) The United States is the product of two principal forces—the immigration of European peoples with their varied ideas, customs, and national characteristics and the impact of a new country which modified these traits. 重点词组:product(产物),principal(主要的;首要的),peoples(民族),impact(影响) 结构分析:句子的主干是The United States is the product of two principal forces,破折号解释说明forces。of European peoples with their varied ideas, customs, and national characteristics是后置定语,修饰immigration;of a new country which modified these traits是后置定语,修饰impact,其中包含一个定语从句which modified these traits,修饰country。 参考译文:美国是两股主要力量的产物——带有不同思想、风俗习惯和国家特征的欧洲民族的移民,和修改这些特征的新兴国家的影响。 48) But the force of geographic conditions peculiar to America, the interplay of the carried national groups upon one another, and the sheer difficulty of maintaining old-world ways in a raw, new continent caused significant changes. 重点词组:peculiar(特有的,独特的),interplay(互相影响),sheer(独特的) 结构分析:整个句子是简单句,主语由三个名词短语用and并列承担,谓宾部分比较短小caused significant changes。主语1中,of geographic conditions peculiar to America是后置


2015考研英语翻译题精选(六) 男人很危险 1、Being a man has always been dangerous. There are about 105 males born for every 100 females, but this ratio drops to near balance at the age of maturity, and among 70-year-olds there are twice as many women as men. But the great universal of male mortality is being changed. Now, boy babies survive almost as well as girls do. This means that, for the first time, there will be an excess of boys in those crucial years when they are searching for a mate. More important, another chance for natural selection has been removed. Fifty years ago, the chance of a baby (particularly a boy baby) surviving depended on its weight. A kilogram too light or too heavy meant almost certain death. Today it makes almost no difference. Since much of the variation is due to genes, one more agent of evolution has gone. 做男人总是充满危险,出生时男女比例大约是105:100,但到了成熟期,这一比例几乎持平,而在70岁的老人中女性是男性的两倍,但是男性死亡率普遍偏高这种情况正在改变,现在男婴存活率几乎同女婴一样高。这就意味着男孩到了寻找伴侣的关键年龄将首次出现男孩过剩现象。更重要的是,又一次自然选择的机会不复存在了。50年前,婴儿(尤其是男婴)存活的机会取决于体重,过轻或过重几乎意味着必死无疑。今日体重几乎不起什么作用,因为大部分差异是由基因引起的,又一个进化的因素消失了。 2、There is another way to commit evolutionary suicide: stay alive, but have fewer children. Few people are as fertile as in the past. Except in some religious communities, very few women has 15 children. Nowadays the number of births, like the age of death, has become average. Most of us have roughly the same number of offspring. Again, differences between people and the opportunity for natural selection to take advantage of it have diminished. India shows what is happening. The country offers wealth for a few in the great cities and poverty for the remaining tribal peoples. The grand mediocrity of today — everyone being the same in survival and number of offspring — means that natural selection has lost 80% of its power in upper-middle-class India compared to the tribes. 进化自杀还有另一种方法:存活,但少生孩子。现在没有几个人像过去那样具有旺盛的生育力。除了在一些宗教社区之外,没有几名妇女有15个孩子。当今婴儿出生的数量同死亡年龄一样已趋于平均化,我们多数人的子女数量大致相同。人与人之间的差异和利用差异进行自然选择的机会再一次减少。印度可以说明正在发生的一切。这个国家给大城市里的少数人提供财富,而给其余的各部落民族以贫困。今天这种极其显著的平均化——每个人的生存机会和子女数量都相同——意味着与部落相比较,自然选择在印度中、上层已经失去了80%的效力。 3、For us, this means that evolution is over; the biological Utopia has arrived. Strangely, it has involved little physical change. No other species fills so many places in nature. But in the past 100,000 years —even the past 100 years —our lives have been transformed but our bodies have not. We did not evolve, because machines and society did it for us. Darwin had a phrase to describe those ignorant of evolution: they "look at an organic being as a savage looks at a ship, as


2018考研英语:翻译如何达到大纲标准 考研英语翻译常以长难句为主,不仅词汇量大,而且语法结构复杂,难度不小。 而对于做好翻译题的标准,2018考研英语大纲给出了明确要求:准确、完整、通顺。 如何实现这三个标准?以一个句子为例,推荐常见的四步法: 【例句】A few years ago, in one of the most fascinating and disturbing experiments in behavioral psychology, Stanley Milgram of Yale University tested 40 subjects from all walks of life for their willingness to obey instructions given by a“leader”in a situation in which the subjects might feel a personal distaste for the actions they were called upon to perform. Step1:找主干 翻译的前提是读懂句子,第一步就是分析语法结构,找准句子主干。哪怕结构再复杂的句子,都有且只有一个主干,认准谓语动词,主干就很好找。这句话的主干就是:Stanley Milgram of Yale University tested 40 subjects from all walks of life. Step2:分析句子结构 找准主干之后,剩下的就都是修饰成分。把这些修饰成分和修饰的对象都找出来,一一对应,整理清楚,句子的语法结构也就明了了。 在此句中,A few years ago, in one of the most fascinating and disturbing experiments in behavioral psychology为状语,修饰主干;for their willingness to obey instructions given by a“leader”in a situation也是状语,修饰主干;in which the subjects might feel a personal distaste for the actions为状语中的定语从句,修饰”situation”;(that)they were called upon to perform是定语从句中的定语从句,修饰”actions”。 Step3:先译分句 因为句子结构复杂,包含多层意思,很难直接完整地译出来,且中、英表达方式不同,语序难以对应,所以需要先把修饰部分单独逐个翻译,译成几个分句。 先翻第一个状语,它不影响主干表达:A few years ago, in one of the most fascinating and disturbing experiments in behavioral psychology译为“几年前,在一次行为心理学中最吸引人但又最让人不安的实验中”。 再译主干部分:Stanley Milgram of Yale University tested 40 subjects from all walks of life,译为“来自耶鲁大学的Stanley Milgram测试了来自各行各业的40个实验对象”。 按顺序往下译,第二个状语部分:for their willingness to obey instructions given by a“leader”in a situation,其中为了表达更顺畅,可以把“their willingness”名词转换为动词,译为“测试出在某一个情形中,他们愿意遵守由一个领导者发出的指令。” 最后译定语从句:in which the subjects might feel a personal distaste for the actions they were called upon to perform,译为“在这一情形中,实验对象可能会对被要求实施的行为产生个人的厌恶感”。 Step4:将分句连成整句,使通顺

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