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Martin Luther King, Jr. (January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968) was an American clergyman, activist, and

Martin Luther King, Jr. (January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968) was an American clergyman, activist, and prominent leader in the African American civil rights movement. His main legacy was to secure progress on civil rights in the United States, and he has become a human rights icon: King is recognized as a martyr by two Christian churches.[1] A Baptist minister, King became a civil rights activist early in his career. He led the 1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott and helped found the Southern Christian Leadership Conference in 1957, serving as its first president. King's efforts led to the 1963 March on Washington, where King delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech. There, he raised public consciousness of the civil rights movement and established himself as one of the greatest orators in U.S. history.

In 1964, King became the youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize for his work to end racial segregation and racial discrimination through civil disobedience and other non-violent means. By the time of his death in 1968, he had refocused his efforts on ending poverty and the Vietnam War, both from a religious perspective. King was assassinated on April 4, 1968, in Memphis, Tennessee. He was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1977 and Congressional Gold Medal in 2004; Martin Luther King, Jr. Day was established as a U.S. national holiday in 1986.

Populist tradition and Black populism

Harry C. Boyte, a self-proclaimed populist, field secretary of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and white civil rights activist describes an episode in his life that gives insight on some of King's influences:

My first encounter with deeper meanings of populism came when I was nineteen, working as a field secretary for the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) in St. Augustine, Florida in 1964. One day I was caught by five men and a woman who were members of the Ku Klux Klan. They accused me of being a "communist and a Yankee." I replied, "I'm no Yankee – my family has been in the South since before the Revolution. And I'm not a communist. I'm a populist. I believe that blacks and poor whites should join to do something about the big shots who keep us divided." For a few minutes we talked about what such a movement might look like. Then they let me go.

When he learned of the incident, Martin Luther King, head of SCLC, told me that he identified with the populist tradition and assigned me to organize poor whites.


Civil rights leader, theologian, and educator Howard Thurman was an early influence on King. A classmate of King's father at Morehouse College, Thurman mentored the young King and his friends. Thurman's missionary work had taken him abroad where he had met and conferred with Mahatma Gandhi. When he was a student at Boston University, King

often visited Thurman, who was the dean of Marsh Chapel. Walter Fluker, who has studied Thurman's writings, has stated, "I don't believe you'd get a Martin Luther King, Jr. without a Howard Thurman".

Gandhi and Rustin

Inspired by Gandhi's success with non-violent activism, King visited Gandhi's birthplace in India in 1959, with assistance from the Quaker group the American Friends Service Committee. The trip to India affected King in a profound way, deepening his understanding of non-violent resistance and his commitment to America's struggle for civil rights. In a radio address made during his final evening in India, King reflected, "Since being in India, I am more convinced than ever before that the method of nonviolent resistance is the most potent weapon available to oppressed people in their struggle for justice and human dignity. In a real sense, Mahatma Gandhi embodied in his life certain universal principles that are inherent in the moral structure of the universe, and these principles are as inescapable as the law of gravitation." African American civil rights activist Bayard Rustin, who had studied Gandhi's teachings, counseled King to dedicate himself to the principles of non-violence, served as King's main advisor and mentor throughout his early activism, and was the main organizer of the 1963 March on Washington.Rustin's open homosexuality, support of democratic socialism, and his former ties to the Communist Party USA caused many white and African-American leaders to demand King distance himself from Rustin.

Montgomery Bus Boycott, 1955

In March 1955, a fifteen-year-old school girl, Claudette Colvin, refused to give up her bus seat to a white man in compliance with the Jim Crow laws. King was on the committee from the Birmingham African-American community that looked into the case; Edgar Nixon and Clifford Durr decided to wait for a better case to pursue. On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give up her seat. The Montgomery Bus Boycott, urged and planned by Nixon and led by King, soon followed.The boycott lasted for 385 days, and the situation became so tense that King's house was bombed. King was arrested during this campaign, which ended with a United States District Court ruling in Browder v. Gayle that ended racial segregation on all Montgomery public buses.

March on Washington, 1963

King, representing SCLC, was among the leaders of the so-called "Big Six" civil rights organizations who were instrumental in the organization of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, which took place on August 28, 1963. The other leaders and organizations comprising the Big Six were: Roy Wilkins from the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; Whitney Young, National Urban League; A. Philip Randolph, Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters; John Lewis, SNCC; and James L. Farmer, Jr. of the Congress of Racial Equality. The primary logistical and strategic organizer was King's colleague Bayard Rustin. For King, this role was another which courted controversy, since he was one of the key figures who acceded to the wishes of President John F. Kennedy in changing the focus of the march. Kennedy initially opposed the march outright, because he was concerned it would negatively impact the drive for

passage of civil rights legislation, but the organizers were firm that the march would proceed.

The march originally was conceived as an event to dramatize the desperate condition of blacks in the southern United States and a very public opportunity to place organizers' concerns and grievances squarely before the seat of power in the nation's capital. Organizers intended to excoriate and then challenge the federal government for its failure to safeguard the civil rights and physical safety of civil rights workers and blacks, generally, in the South. However, the group acquiesced to presidential pressure and influence, and the event ultimately took on a far less strident tone. As a result, some civil rights activists felt it presented an inaccurate, sanitized pageant of racial harmony; Malcolm X called it the "Farce on Washington," and members of the Nation of Islam were not permitted to attend the march.

The march did, however, make specific demands: an end to racial segregation in public school; meaningful civil rights legislation, including a law prohibiting racial discrimination in employment; protection of civil rights workers from police brutality; a $2 minimum wage for all workers; and self-government for Washington, D.C., then governed by congressional committee. Despite tensions, the march was a resounding success. More than a quarter million people of diverse ethnicities attended the event, sprawling from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial onto the National Mall and around the reflecting pool. At the time, it was the largest gathering of protesters in Washington's history. King's "I Have a Dream" speech electrified the crowd. It is regarded, along with Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address and Franklin D. Roosevelt's Infamy Speech, as one of the finest speeches in the history of American oratory.


On March 29, 1968, King went to Memphis, Tennessee in support of the black sanitary public works employees, represented by AFSCME Local 1733, who had been on strike since March 12 for higher wages and better treatment. In one incident, black street repairmen received pay for two hours when they were sent home because of bad weather, but white employees were paid for the full day.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

At the White House Rose Garden on November 2, 1983, President Ronald Reagan signed a bill creating a federal holiday to honor King. Observed for the first time on January 20, 1986, it is called Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Following President George H. W. Bush's 1992 proclamation, the holiday is observed on the third Monday of January each year, near the time of King's birthday. On January 17, 2000, for the first time, Martin Luther King Jr. Day was officially observed in all fifty U.S. states.


每年1月的第三个星期一定为马丁路德金全国纪念日。另有美国著名历史学家阿瑟·施莱辛格(Arthur M.Schlesinger,Jr.,1917-2007)以该人物事迹出版了同名人物传记。


马丁·路德·金(Dr.Martin Luther King),将“非暴力”(nonviolence)和“直接行动”(direct action)作为社会变革方法的最为突出的倡导者之一。1929 年1月15日,马丁·路德·金在亚特兰大(Atlanta)出生。他是牧师亚当·丹尼尔·威廉姆斯(Rev. A.D. Williams)的外孙,威廉姆斯是埃比尼泽浸信会(Ebenezer Baptist Church)的牧师和全国有色人种协进会(NAACP)亚特兰大分会的发起人;他是老马丁·路德·金(Martin Luther King, Sr.)的儿子,老马丁·路德·金继承父亲威廉姆斯成了埃比尼泽的牧师。金的家族发源于非洲裔美国人的浸信会。在结束亚特兰大莫尔浩司学院(Morehouse College)的学业后,金又在宾夕法尼亚州(Pennsylvania)的克劳泽神学院(Crozer Theological Seminary)和波士顿(Boston University)大学就读,在学习中,他加深了对神学的认识并探究圣雄甘地(Mahatma Gandhi)在社会改革方面的非暴力策略。

1953年,金和柯瑞塔·斯科特(Coretta Scott)结婚。第二年,他在阿拉巴马州(Alabama)蒙哥马利(Montgomery)的德克斯特大街浸信会(Dexter Avenue Baptist Church)当了一名牧师。1955年,他获得了系统神学的博士学位。1955年12月5日,民权积极分子罗莎·帕克斯(Rosa Parks)拒绝遵从蒙哥马利公车上的种族隔离政策,在此之后,黑人居民发起了对公共汽车抵制运动(bus boycott)并选举金作他们新形式下蒙格马利权利促进协会(Montgomery Improvement Association)的领头人。公共汽车抵制运动在1956 年持续一年,金因其领导地位而名声大噪。1956 年12 月,美国最高法院宣布阿拉巴马州的种族隔离法律违反宪法,蒙哥马利市公车上的种族隔离规定也被废除。为了寻求蒙哥马利胜利后的进一步发展,金和其他的南部黑人领袖于1957 年建立了南方基督教领袖会议(Southern Christian Leadership Conference, SCLC)。1959年,金到印度游历并进一步发展了甘地的非暴力策略。那年年底,金辞去了德克斯特的职务并返回亚特兰大,和他的父亲共同成为一名埃比尼泽浸信会牧师。

1960 年,黑人大学生们揭起了入座抗议(sit-in protests)的浪潮,这促进了学生非暴力协调委员会(Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, SNCC)的形成。金支持学生运动,并对创建南方基督教领袖会议的青年分部表现出兴趣。学生激进分子很钦慕金,但他们不满于金自上而下的领导作风,进而决定取得自治。作为学生非暴力协调委员会的顾问,曾经担任过南方基督教领袖会议副主管的埃拉·贝克(Ella Baker )向其他民权组织代表阐明,学生非暴力协调委员会将仍是一个学生领导的组织。1961年“自由乘车运动”(Freedom Rides)中,金由于拒绝参加活动而受到批评,加剧了他同青年激进分子的紧张关系。南方基督教领袖会议和学生非暴力协调委员会之间的矛盾在1961年和1962年的奥尔巴尼运动(Albany Movement)中继续着。

1963 年春天,金和南方基督教领袖会议领导人在阿拉巴马州的伯明翰(Birmingham)领导了群众示威。此地以白人警方强烈反对种族融合而著称。徒手的黑人示威者与装备着警犬和消防水枪的警察之间的冲突,作为报纸头条新闻遍及世界各地。总统肯尼迪(President Kennedy)对伯明翰的抗议做出了回应,他向国会提出放宽民权立法的要求,这促成了1964 年民权法案(Civil Rights Act of 1964)的通过。稍后,在1963年8月28日,群众示威行动在“华盛顿工作与自由游行”(March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom)的运动过程中达到高潮,此次示威运动中有超过二十五万的抗议者聚集在华盛顿特区。在林肯纪念馆的台阶上,金发表了“我有一个梦想”(I Have a Dream)的著名演讲。

金的声望随着1963 年成为时代周刊(Time magazine)的年度人物和1964 年获得诺贝尔和平奖(Nobel Peace Prize)而持续上升。然而,除了名气和赞美,运动内部领导层也出现了矛盾。马尔科姆·爱克斯(Malcolm X)的正当防卫和黑人民族主义理念引起了北方的共鸣,城市黑人的作用力超过了金为非暴力所作的号召。同时,金还要面对“黑力”运动(Black Power)发起人斯托克利·卡迈克尔(Stokely Carmichael)的公开批评。

不仅金的努力效果受到黑人领导层状况的干扰,而且他也遭受到来自国家行政领导人日渐增强的阻挠。1967年城市种族间暴力升级,美国联邦调查局(FBI)主管埃德加·胡佛(J. Edgar Hoover)则趁机加强了破坏金领导力的全面努力。加之金对美国介入越南战争的公开批评,使得他与林德·约翰逊(Lyndon Johnson)政府关系紧张。

1967年年底,金发起了意在对抗经济问题的穷人运动(Poor People's Campaign),这项活动并没有得到早期民权革新运动者的支持。其后一年,在支持孟菲斯(Memphis)清洁工人的罢工中,他发表了最后演讲“我已到达顶峰”(I've Been to the Mountaintop)。第二天,1968年4月4日,金被刺杀。


马丁·路德·金(英语:Martin Luther King, Jr.,1929年1月15日-1968年4月4日),美国民权运动领袖,因采用非暴力推动美国的民权进步而为世瞩目。1955年12月1日,一位名叫做罗沙·帕克斯的黑人妇女在公共汽车上拒绝给白人让座位,因而被蒙哥马利节警察当局的当地警员以违反公共汽车座位隔离条令为由逮捕了她。马丁·路德·金立即组织了蒙哥马利罢车运动(蒙哥马利市政改进协会),号召全市近5万名黑人对公共法与公司进行长达1年的抵制,迫使法院判决取消地方运输工具上的座位隔离。从此他成为民权运动的领袖人物。1958年他因流浪罪被逮捕。1963年金组织了争取黑人工作机会和自由权的华盛顿游行.1963年8月28日在林肯纪念堂前发表《我有一个梦想》的演说,并因此获得1964年诺贝尔和平奖。《我有一个梦想》被公认为美国演讲史上最优秀的演讲之一。[109]华盛顿大游行,特别是金的演讲使民权运动成为美国改革家的首要议题,也推动了1964年通过《民权法案》。1968年4月4日,他在旅馆的阳台被一名种族分子刺客开枪正中喉咙致死。 1986年1月,总统罗纳德·里根签署法令,规定每年一月份的第三个星期一为美国的马丁·路德·金全国纪念日以纪念这位伟人,并且订为法定假日。迄今为止美国只有三个以个人纪念日为法定假日的例子,分别为纪念发现美洲大陆的哥伦布的Columbus Day (十月第二个星期一),纪念乔治·华盛顿的Presidents' Day(二月第三个星期一),与此处所提到的马丁·路德·金纪念日。他以和平抗争维护了《独立宣言》和《联邦宪章》自由平等民主正义的基本价值观,为美国人民广泛推崇而享誉美国历史。 Step 1:warming up Practice tongue twister.(2mits) Do you remember a big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose?(你记得一只大黑虫子在一只大黑狗的大黑鼻子上咬了一口吗?) T: Nice to meet you. My name is xxx. You can call me Miss Wang. Let’s practice Tongue Twister. Practice and let me see who can speak English best. Step2:lead-in (3mits) Listen to Dr Martin Luther’s speech and intrduce him to students. T: now, I will introduce a great man to you . But before that, I want you to just listen to his voice and guess to tell me who he is.

最新高中英语人教新课标必修1 课件Unit5背景素材背景文字马丁·路德·金简介

马丁·路德·金简介 马丁·路德·金于1929年1月15日出生在佐治亚州亚特兰大市的一个黑人牧师家庭。年少的金从母亲那里学会了怎样去爱、同情及理解他人;从父亲那里学到的是果敢、坚强、率直和坦诚。幼小的心灵里早早地萌发了对种族歧视强烈憎恨的种子。15岁时,聪颖好学的金以优异成绩连跳两级,从高中毕业,进入摩尔豪斯学院学习,成为院长梅斯博士的高材生。在梅斯博士的教育下,金不畏强暴的思想被提高到了理论的高度。 当时美国正值战后经济发展的巅峰时期,强大的政治、军事力量使它坐上了“自由世界”盟主的交椅。然而,在美国国内,曾经在战争期间维护过民主事业的黑人却在经济和政治上受到歧视和压迫。面对丑恶、冷酷的现实,年仅17岁的金发现了自己真正的价值是“为上帝服务”,他矢志为社会平等与正义作一名牧师。1949年,他进入著名的克拉泽神学院学习两年,获得神学学士学位;尔后进入波士顿大学攻读宗教学和教理神学,获得神学博士学位。5年大学期间,他孜孜不倦地尽情遨游在人类知识的海洋中。他潜心研究过马克思的社会主义、列宁的共产主义、法国哲学家勒努维埃的人格主义、爱尔兰哲学家伯克利的道德理想主义。他阅读柏拉图、卢梭和托洛的著作,潜心钻研过尼采的“超人”哲学和甘地的“非暴力主义”。他并非简单地、机械地接受这些思想家的观念,而是把它们作为可以播种自己信念的沃土,逐步形成了自己独到的理论基础。 金认为,人人生而平等。不论男人女人、黑人白人、老人小孩和智者愚者,也不管人的爱好、资历和财产是否相同,都是人,是能够思维的人类大家庭中的一员,应该受到尊重。 金主张公正无私的爱、普遍的爱,爱一切人,甚至要爱敌人。“敌人不爱你,因为敌人不懂得什么是爱;我们爱敌人,是对一切人的救赎性的善良态度。” 信仰人的尊严和价值、基督教的普遍仁爱、甘地的不合作精神,构成了金的思想基础和行动准则。


马丁·路德·金 有这样一个人,他是美国最著名的黑人;有这样一个人,发表了影响美国的演说《我有一个梦想》;有这样一个人,他提倡非暴力,成功废除种族歧视;有这样一个人,他为了美国的黑人献出了自己的生命…… 他,就是马丁?路德?金! 他的一生使我找不到合适的词来形容。他用一生去实现他的梦想,也可以说,是所有美国有色人种的梦想,所以说,他的一生是伟大的!而他最终成功的废除了种族歧视,所以说,他的一生是成功的!他的一生受到无数次的恐吓,曾十次被人以各种各样方式监禁,三次入狱,三次被行刺,最后一次行刺夺走了他的生命,所以说,他的一生是坎坷的! 他只因看见一个黑人妇女不愿给白人让座,而被判蹲监狱两年,他就决心投身于废除种族歧视的事业中,尽管,这可能会让他付出生命的代价。我觉得马丁路德金所带领的活动,正如一句我很喜欢的话:赢了,必然风光无限,而输了,很有可能付出极为惨痛的代价。他又何尝不知道这句话的道理呢?可他愿意为了美国的黑人,为了他们去抗争。而结果是成功的,尽管这给他带来了这么多的危险,但我相信,他一定是无怨无悔的,如果是我,为了那些无辜的黑人,我也甘愿,甘愿为他们献出生命,绝不退缩! 他发表的演说使我感到非常真实: “100年前,一位伟大的美国人—签署了《解放宣言》,今天我们就站在他的雕像前集会。这一庄严的宣言犹如灯塔的光芒,给千百万在那摧残生命的不义之火中受煎熬的黑奴带来希望。它之到来犹如欢乐的黎明,结束了束缚黑人的漫长黑夜。” “然而100年后的今天,我们必须正视黑人还没有得到的自由这一悲惨的事实。100年后的今天,黑人依然悲惨地蹒跚于种族隔离和种族歧视的枷锁之下。100年后,黑人依然生活在物质繁荣翰海的贫困孤岛上。100年后,黑人依然在美国社会中间向隅而泣,依然感到自己在国土家园中流离漂泊。” 对呀!一百年前,华盛顿签署了解放宣言,给那些备受摧残的黑人带来了希望,可一百年后,他们的希望还只是个希望!他们还没有得到自由!这公平吗?这的确不公平,同样是人,白人没有权利去歧视他们!要知道,他的这段话,道出了多少美国黑人的心声,他们渴望自由,渴望平等,渴望一个公平的对待,只是这一个小小的愿望,竟让他们等了那么多年!而马丁?路德?金实现了好几代有色人种心中的梦想!就凭这一点,他就是我最崇拜的黑人! 还有一点,也使我感到他的伟大,同样是那篇演说中的一段话: “但是,对于站在通向正义之宫艰险门槛上的人们,有一些话我必须要说。在我们争取合法地位的过程中,切不要错误行事导致犯罪。我们切不要吞饮仇恨辛酸的苦酒,来解除对于自由的饮渴。” “我们应该永远得体地、纪律严明地进行斗争。我们不能容许我们富有创造性的抗议沦为暴力行动。我们应该不断升华到用灵魂力量对付肉体力量的崇高境界。” “席卷黑人社会的新的奇迹般的战斗精神,不应导致我们对所有白人的不信任——因为许多白人兄弟已经认识到:他们的命运同我们的命运紧密相连,他们的自由同我们的自由休戚相关。他们今天来到这里参加集会就是明证。” 这可以看出,尽管他希望黑人可以得到自由,但他不希望这些黑人使用武力,

Martin Luther King介绍--英文作文

Martin Luther King, was an American priest, social activists and human rights activists and American people's rights movement leader, also is the 1964 Nobel peace prize. He wanted to achieve the basic rights in the form of non-violent. Martin Luther King has a famous speech "I have a dream" ,the speech make the movement reached the peak. The non-violent protest action as the main means for black civil rights struggle of the masses, have a huge influence around the world, it can make people see they can through legitimate mass movement for their rights , it also make people see the world will certainly to move towards the equality . It not only changed the fate of black americans, giving them a largely the equality, freedom and dignity, also deeply affect all American life and ideas. At the same time, the civil war wins civil rights for blacks. We have learned the article "I have a dream", after learning I think deep. I really like Martin Luther King, I admire him for his courage and wisdom. He let the black to have equal rights, with a correct way to maintain their own interests. At the same time, he has a strong belief, as he said, We must accept disappointment, because it is limited, but we must never lose hope, because it is infinite. On the other hand, I think everyone should be equal to, regardless of race, color, poor.We must truth that all men are created equal, and We should advocate justice and peace, and try our best to avoid unfair things happen.

马丁路德金 中英文背景介绍

On Monday, January 16, Americans will pay tribute to the legacy of slain civil rights leader Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. in the annual national holiday that celebrates his birthday (January 15). More than 50 years ago, King campaigned across the United States, leading non-violent marches and demonstrations for equal rights for African Americans. 1月15日是被刺身亡的美国黑人民权领袖马.路德.金的生日。而马丁.路德.金生日之后的星期一则是法定的马丁.路德.金纪念日 - 美国的一个全国性节日。50多年前,马丁.路德.金走遍美国各地,领导非洲裔美国人通过非暴力游行示威来争取平等权利,这场运动对美国产生了深远的影响。 Martin Luther King Jr.'s rise as a civil rights leader began in 1955 when he spearheaded the drive to desegregate public buses in Montgomery, Alabama. 1955年,马丁.路德.金在美国南部阿拉巴马州蒙哥马利市率先发起了一场争取废除公共汽车上种族歧视规定的运动。从那时起,马丁.路德.金逐步跃升为一位民权领袖。 By August 1963, Reverend King's push for equal rights had become a national movement. That month, more than 250,000 people took part in the March on Washington. Led by King, it was designed to pressure lawmakers to pass a civil rights bill that would end racial discrimination. Former civil rights activist Roger Wilkins was there on the day marchers gathered in front of the Lincoln Memorial. 1963年8月,马丁.路德.金推动平等权利的努力扩展成为一场全国范围的运动。当时,超过25万人参加了在首都华盛顿进行的游行。在马丁.路德.金的领导下,这场游行向国会议员施压,要求通过民权法案,结束种族歧视。前民权活动家罗杰.威尔金斯当时就在林肯纪念堂外聆听马丁.路德.金的讲话。 "It was a glorious warm summer day in which people were rejuvenated," Wilkins recalled. "There was just a good feeling of a country coming together. You really felt, I did for the first time in my life, the weight of America's conscience." 威尔金斯说:“那是一个温和而美好夏日,令人精神焕发,有一种全国团结一致的美好感觉。我第一次感到,美国人良心的重量。” "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." 马丁.路德.金说:“我有一个梦,有一天,我的四个孩子将生活在这样一个国家,这个国家不用肤色,而是按照品格来衡量我的孩子。”


民权的斗士:马丁?路德?金 生平履历 早年求学 马丁?路德?金,将“非暴力”和“直接行动”作为社会变革方法的最为突出的倡导者之一。1929年1月15日,马丁?路德?金出生在佐治亚州的亚特兰大市奥本街501号,一幢维多利亚式的小楼里。 15岁时聪颖好学以优异成绩进入摩尔豪斯学院攻读社会学,在结束亚特兰大莫尔浩司学院的学业后,获得文学学士学位。马丁?路德?金又在宾夕法尼亚州的克劳泽神学院和波士顿大学就读,1951年他又获得柯罗泽神学院学士学位,1955年他从波士顿大学获得神学博士学位。在学习中,马丁?路德?金加深了对神学的认识并探究圣雄甘地在社会改革方面的非暴力策略。 前期运动 1953年,马丁?路德?金和柯瑞塔?斯科特结婚。第二年,他在阿拉巴马州蒙哥马利的德克斯特大街浸信会当了一名牧师。1955年,他获得了系统神学的博士学位。 1955年12月5日,由于有一位黑人妇女不给白人让座,被判蹲监狱2年,所以民权积极分子罗莎?帕克斯拒绝遵从蒙哥马利公车上的种族隔离政策,在此之后,黑人居民发起了对公共汽车抵制运动并选举金作他们新形式下蒙格马利权利促进协会的领头人。公共汽车抵制运动在 1956 年持续一年,马丁?路德?金因其领导地位而名声大噪。 1956 年12 月,美国最高法院宣布阿拉巴马州的种族隔离法律违反宪法,蒙哥马利市公车上的种族隔离规定也被废除。 为了寻求蒙哥马利胜利后的进一步发展,马丁?路德?金和其他的南部黑人领袖于 1957 年建立了南方基督教领袖会议。1959年,马丁?路德?金到印度游历并进一步发展了甘地的非暴力策略。那年年底,马丁?路德?金辞去了德克斯特的职务并返回亚特兰大,和他的父亲共同成为一名埃比尼泽浸信会牧师。 1960年,黑人大学生们揭起了入座抗议的浪潮,这促进了学生非暴力协调委员会的形成。马丁?路德?金支持学生运动,并对创建南方基督教领袖会议的青年分部表现出兴趣。学生激进分子很钦慕他,但他们不满于马丁?路德?金自上而下的领导作风,进而决定取得自治。作为学生非暴力协调委员会的顾问,曾经担任过南方基督教领袖会议副主管的埃拉?贝克向其他民权组织代表阐明,学生非暴力协调委员会将仍是一个学生领导的组织。1961年“自由乘车运动”中,马丁?路德?金由于拒绝参加活动而受到批评,加剧了他同青年激进分子的紧张关系。南方基督教领袖会议和学生非暴力协调委员会之间的矛盾在1961年和1962年的奥尔巴尼运动中继续着。 人生高潮 时代周刊1963年度风云人物:马丁?路德?金 马丁?路德?金的声望随着1963 年成为时代周刊的年度人物和 1964 年获得诺贝尔和平奖 而持续上升。然而,除了名气和赞美,运动内部领导层也出现了矛盾。马尔科姆?爱克斯的正当防卫和黑人民族主义理念引起了北方的共鸣,城市黑人的作用力超过了金为非暴力所作的号召。同时,金还要面对“黑人权力”运动发起人斯托克利?卡迈克尔的公开批评。


Martin Luther King - I Have A Dream 演讲者简介:马丁路德金(Martin Luther King, Jr.,1929年1月15日—1968年4月4日),著名的美国民权运动领袖,1964年度诺贝尔和平奖获得者,有金牧师之称。 1929年1月29日马丁路德金出生于佐治亚洲的亚特兰大,他的父亲是一个教会牧师。1948年马丁路德金获得莫尔豪斯大学学士学位,1951年他又获得柯罗泽神学院学士学位,1955年他从波士顿大学获得神学博士学位。 1954年马丁路德金成为亚拉巴马州蒙哥马利的德克斯特大街浸信会教堂(Dexter Avenue Baptist Church)的一位牧师。1955年12月1日,一位名叫做罗沙帕克斯的黑人妇女在公共汽车上拒绝给白人让座位,因而被当地警员逮捕。马丁路德金立即组织了蒙哥马利罢车运动,从此他成为民权运动的领袖人物。1958年他因流浪罪被逮捕。 1963年金组织了争取黑人工作机会和自由权的华盛顿游行。1964年,他被授予诺贝尔和平奖。1968年4月4日,他在旅馆的阳台被一名刺客开枪正中喉咙致死。 1986年1月,总统罗纳德里根签署法令,规定每年一月份的第三个星期一为美国的马丁路德金日以纪念这位伟人,并且订为法定假日。迄今为止美国只有三个以个人纪念日为法定假日的例子,分别为亚伯拉罕林肯日、乔治华盛顿日与此处所提到的马丁路德金纪念日。其中,而马丁路德金是唯一一位非美国总统而又享有此殊荣的人。他最有影响力且最为人知的一场演讲是1963年8月28日的《我有一个梦想》,迫使美国国会在1964年通过《民权法案》宣布种族隔离和种族歧视政策为非法政策。 背景:在20世纪60年代,美国人逐渐认识到,南北战争所致力解放黑奴运动,并没有产生使美国黑人成为完全平等公民的预效果。19世纪后期,美国黑人的公民权利受到州和地方歧视黑人的法规和惯例层层约束和限制。在日常生活中,美国黑人常常被隔离开来,不能与白人同在一个学校上学,乘坐同一公共交通工具,同在一个地方居住。黑人不能充分参与美国社会生活,甚至在一百年后仍然和奴隶一样被剥夺各种权利,他们生活水准的提高与国家的发展并非完全相称。因此美国黑人的平等问题成为一个严重的社会问题。


马丁路德金演讲稿【三篇】 马丁·路德·金为黑人谋求平等,发动了美国的民权运动,功绩卓著,闻名于世。金在成为民权运动积极分子之前,是黑人社区必有的浸礼会的牧师。民权运动是美国黑人教会的产物,《我有一个梦想》记叙金的次民权演说,揭示了民权运动与黑人教会的关系。下面是搜集整理的马丁路德金演讲稿【三篇】,希望对你有帮助。 马丁路德金演讲稿【一】 1968年,马丁·路德·金在支持孟菲斯清洁工人的罢工中发表了“我已到达顶峰”的演讲。4月4日下午,马丁·路德·金正和他的助手们在位于田纳西州孟菲斯市的洛兰停车场旅馆的二层阳台上商议该如何支持孟菲斯环卫工人争取权益。就在这个时候,租用了旅馆对面的贝西太太的出租公寓的詹姆斯·厄尔·雷用步枪刺杀了。之后,马丁·路德·金被立即送往圣约瑟医院,但是没有改变他身亡的事实。 那个时候,还不知道刺杀马丁·路德·金的就是詹姆斯·厄尔·雷。美国政府发动了历史上规模最大的刺客大搜捕:田纳西州州长布福德-埃灵顿命令4000名国民警卫队员进入该城维持治安和对居民实行宵禁。 根据线人提供的线索知道了暗杀马丁·路德·金的是一位白人男子,在马丁·路德·金遇刺的时候正住在洛兰停车

场旅馆的对面公寓,并且,该男子在行刺之后驾驶的是一辆最新型的野马牌汽车,而现场发现的枪支正是高效步枪。 美国警察在美国境内进行了两个月的天罗地网般的搜捕都没有找到罪犯。一直到6月8日,英国警察希苏机场进行安检的时候才抓捕了一名刚在伦敦打劫过银行的美国人,美国警察才赶紧到希苏机场进行认人,才发现是通缉在逃的詹姆斯·厄尔·雷。 在田纳西州签署了不处死刑的保证之后,詹姆斯·厄尔·雷被押解回国。在审判的过程中,詹姆斯·厄尔·雷岁自己刺杀马丁·路德·金的行为供认不讳,被法院判处99年的监禁。 马丁路德金演讲稿【二】 马丁路德金,美国最为著名的黑人;他是成功废除了种族歧视的人;他是美国民权运动的领袖。在他的一生当中,受到过无数次的恐吓。他被人以各种各样的方式监禁了十次,入狱了三次,被行刺了三次。而在这第三次的行刺当中,他失去了生命。 1955年,在美国的一辆公共汽车上,一位黑人妇女因为不愿将位子让给白人而被判入狱两年,于是,他开始投身于废除种族歧视的视野当中。他发起了抵制公车运动,建立了南方基督教领袖会议,进行了一场大规模的游行示威运动。 1963年,马丁·路德·金觐见了肯尼迪总统。他要求通


读完,他给我的第一感觉就是他是一个英雄,一个民族英雄。二次世界大战后,他就开始为黑人民权运动而战斗一生。他曾组织了美国历史上最大规模的民权运动。不幸的是在1968年,金被人开枪谋杀。 马丁·路德·金拥有不屈的精神,即使坐牢、拷打和贿赂,都不能让他停止奋斗,不能终止黑人要求平等权利的运动。因为他的努力,他获得了诺贝尔和平奖。他被称为信使,他向所有为和平而奋斗的人传递着一个号召...他已向西方世界证明,不用武力也可以发起一场斗争。 同时马丁·路德·金极具演说才能,口才出众,言辞精湛,是语言大师,极具影响力,拥有极强的表达能力,真实且不会引起误解。他最有影响力且最为人知的演讲是《我有一个梦想》,导致美国国会在1964年通过《民权法案》宣布种族隔离和歧视政策为非法政策。 他的主张非常正直,他曾说“这场运动不是要以让白人困窘或者使白人变为奴隶为代价来解放黑人,它寻求的不是针对任何一方的胜利”。从这可以看出,黑人运动是一场正义之战,不是为了给世界增添混乱。 最让我痛恨的是一个邪恶的人想让这位领袖永远保持沉默,开枪结束了他的生命。,虽然他的生命结束了,但是他的梦想以及为正义、和平而战的斗争却留存了下来。 After reading, he gave me the first impression is that he is a hero, a national hero. After the two World War, he started for the black civil rights movement fighting for a life. He has organized American the largest in the history of the civil rights movement. In 1968, king was shot and murdered. Martin Luther King is a man of indomitable spirit, even in jail, torture and bribery,it don't let him stop fighting and cannot terminate blacks demanded equal rights movement. Because of his hard work, he got Nobel peace prize. He was known as the messenger, his struggle for peace to all who pass a call... He proved to the western world that no force can also launched a struggle. Martin luther king was an eloquent speaker , and is a master of language, he has a strong ability to express the true and not misleading.He is the most influential and the well known speech "I have a dream",it is leading to American Congress in 1964 passed the "bill of rights" declared racial segregation and discrimination policy for illegal policy. His idea is very upright, he said "this movement not to let the white embarrassment or make white into the cost of the liberation of black slaves, it seeks not against any party victory". From this we can see that, the black movement is the just war, not to add confusion to the world. The most let I hate is an evil person wants the leader forever silent,and ended his life. , although the end of his life, but his dream and struggle for justice,peace has survived.


马丁路德金与曼德拉式的人物 作者:余杰二十世纪有两位对人类历史的走向产生巨大影响的黑人政治家和基督徒:马丁·路德·金和曼德拉。图图大主教说过:“曼德拉是上帝给南非的礼物,也是南非给世界的礼物。”同样的说法也可以套用到马丁·路德·金身上:“马丁·路德·金是上帝给美国的礼物,也是美国给世界的礼物。”这两个人都行过死荫的幽谷,都经受过牢狱之灾和暴力对待,都承受过无数人的敌视与诽谤;这两个人也有过软弱与失败,他们的身上存在着所有平凡人都有的缺陷与罪性;然而,他们靠着基督信仰,靠着上帝的恩典,最终不仅成就了一段伟大的人生,还如同带领犹太人出埃及的摩西一样,带领黑人同胞因真理得自由,让上帝所创造之人的荣耀得以呈现与彰显。不是圣人,而是罪人很多人将马丁·路德·金和曼德拉看作毫无瑕疵的圣人。这样的看法是错误的。如圣经所说,这个世界上一个义人也没有,马丁·路德·金和曼德拉自然也不例外。马丁·路德·金生长在一个牧师家庭,婴孩时候便接受了洗礼,但在青年时代,他经历了一段严重的精神危机。他一度放弃基督信仰而迷恋尼采的超人哲学:“对爱的信心受到尼采哲学的动摇。尼采对权力的荣耀是他从对普通人的蔑视中发展而来。他攻击了整个希伯来-基督教的道德体系,包括敬虔、谦卑的美德,对未来美好世



个人收集整理仅供参考学习 Family background Martin Luther King was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia, a black priest's family. His father was a priest, and his mother was a teacher. At a very young age, he learned how to love, understand and sympathize with others from his mother and what is bold, strong, straightforward, and candid from his father. The seeds of racial hatred initiated in his little heart early . At the age of 15,King skipped two levels for his intelligence .After graduating from high school, he entered the Moore House school, and became Dean Mace, doctoral student. Under the education of Doctor Mace, King's defy brutal suppression of thoughts were raised to a height of. Educational background At the age of 15, intelligent, studious King entered the Moore House, college degree in sociology magna cum laude and later received a BA degree (Bachelor's degree in 1948 University of Moore House, Martin Luther King). In 1951, he received degree in Ke Luoze Seminary. In 1955, he received a doctor of theology degree from Boston University.

马丁路德金 英文介绍

The Life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. By Mr. Buckman’s Second Grade Trombly School Grosse Pointe, Michigan Click on the pictures at the bottom to move from fact to fact. Click on the “Slide Show” button in the lower right corner to begin.

Martin Luther King, Jr. was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. He liked to play baseball, basketball and football. He liked to sing in his father’s church.

Martin’s dad was a minister. His mom was a teacher. His brother was named Daniel. His sister was named Christina. He liked to read when he was little. He liked to play.

Young Martin played in his backyard with his friends. One day he was told that two of his friends would no longer play with him because they were white and he was black. He saw signs that said “white only,” so he could not go to a lot of different places. He felt very sad. Martin wanted to know just why white and black people couldn’t just come together and be friends.


Martin Luther King, Jr. (January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968) was an American clergyman, activist, and Martin Luther King, Jr. (January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968) was an American clergyman, activist, and prominent leader in the African American civil rights movement. His main legacy was to secure progress on civil rights in the United States, and he has become a human rights icon: King is recognized as a martyr by two Christian churches.[1] A Baptist minister, King became a civil rights activist early in his career. He led the 1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott and helped found the Southern Christian Leadership Conference in 1957, serving as its first president. King's efforts led to the 1963 March on Washington, where King delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech. There, he raised public consciousness of the civil rights movement and established himself as one of the greatest orators in U.S. history. In 1964, King became the youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize for his work to end racial segregation and racial discrimination through civil disobedience and other non-violent means. By the time of his death in 1968, he had refocused his efforts on ending poverty and the Vietnam War, both from a religious perspective. King was assassinated on April 4, 1968, in Memphis, Tennessee. He was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1977 and Congressional Gold Medal in 2004; Martin Luther King, Jr. Day was established as a U.S. national holiday in 1986. Populist tradition and Black populism Harry C. Boyte, a self-proclaimed populist, field secretary of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and white civil rights activist describes an episode in his life that gives insight on some of King's influences: My first encounter with deeper meanings of populism came when I was nineteen, working as a field secretary for the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) in St. Augustine, Florida in 1964. One day I was caught by five men and a woman who were members of the Ku Klux Klan. They accused me of being a "communist and a Yankee." I replied, "I'm no Yankee – my family has been in the South since before the Revolution. And I'm not a communist. I'm a populist. I believe that blacks and poor whites should join to do something about the big shots who keep us divided." For a few minutes we talked about what such a movement might look like. Then they let me go. When he learned of the incident, Martin Luther King, head of SCLC, told me that he identified with the populist tradition and assigned me to organize poor whites. Thurman Civil rights leader, theologian, and educator Howard Thurman was an early influence on King. A classmate of King's father at Morehouse College, Thurman mentored the young King and his friends. Thurman's missionary work had taken him abroad where he had met and conferred with Mahatma Gandhi. When he was a student at Boston University, King


关于马丁路德金 ?1929年1月15日出生在佐治亚州亚特兰大市的一个黑人牧师家庭 ?1948年马丁·路德·金获得莫尔豪斯大学学士学位 ?1949年,他进入著名的克拉泽神学院学习两年,获得神学学士学位 ?1954年马丁·路德·金成为亚拉巴马州蒙哥马利市的德克斯特大街浸信会教堂(Dexter Avenue Baptist Church)的一位牧师 ?1955年他从波士顿大学获得神学博士学位,组织了蒙哥马利罢车运动(蒙哥马利市 政改进协会) ?1957年金被推举为“南部基督教领袖联合会”主席 ?1958年他因流浪罪被逮捕 ?1963年金组织了争取黑人工作机会和自由权的华盛顿游行 ?1964年获得诺贝尔和平奖 ?1968年4月4日,他在旅馆的阳台被一名种族分子刺客开枪正中喉咙致死。 Youth Jan. 15th 1929, he was born in Atlanta. He studied at the three universities. 在结束亚特兰大莫尔浩司学院的学业后,马丁·路德·金又在宾夕法尼亚州的克劳泽神学院和波士顿大学就读,在学习中,马丁·路德·金加深了对神学的认识并探究圣雄甘地在社会改革方面的非暴力策略。 ?Development and growth ?In April 1963, the SCLC began a campaign against racial segregation and economic injustice in Birmingham, Alabama. The campaign used nonviolent but intentionally confrontational tactics, developed in part by Rev. ?1963 年4月12日,马丁·路德·金和南方基督教领袖会议领导人在阿拉巴马州的伯明翰领导了大规模群众示威游行 ?More than a quarter of a million people of diverse ethnicities attended the event, sprawling from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial onto the National Mall and around the reflecting pool. At the time, it was the largest gathering of protesters in Washington, D.C.'s history. King's "I Have a Dream" speech electrified the crowd. ?稍后,在1963年8月28日,群众示威行动在“华盛顿工作与自由游行”的运动过程中达到高潮,此次示威运动中有超过二十五万的抗议者聚集在华盛顿特区。在林肯纪念馆的台阶上,马丁·路德·金发表了“我有一个梦想”的著名演讲。 ?Pinnacle of life ?Martin Luther King's reputation continued to rise as he became an annual Characters of Times and won the Nobel peace prize. ?马丁·路德·金的声望随着1963 年成为时代周刊的年度人物和1964 年获得诺贝尔和平奖而持续上升。(然而,除了名气和赞美,运动内部领导层也出现了矛盾。 马尔科姆·爱克斯的正当防卫和黑人民族主义理念引起了北方的共鸣,城市黑人的作用力超过了金为非暴力所作的号召。同时,金还要面对“黑人权力”运动发起人斯托克利·卡迈克尔的公开批评.)

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