当前位置:文档之家› 英国高中留学个人陈述英文范文







I am an inflexible girl all along, if I make my decision, I will hold on it. In my high school, I decided to become an actuary, during the seven years period, I firmly hold on my decision and approach to my aim step by step.

When I got the name of actuary from the newspaper, I felt that I found my foreordination. From my childhood, I was infatuated with mathematics and was sensitive to the digital, so I felt that the accurate calculation could arose my enthusiasm on self challenge, besides I has strong insight on the market tendency, strong analysis ability on the problem and I am responsible for the enterprises, only the accurate calculation can help me exert my ability and my character. So I chose xx University as my early decision to learn the accurate calculation which is the best major in xx University.

In my undergraduate, besides of the courses, I often browsed SOA, CAS web and got information on the latest accurate calculation tendency and these new technology ways. Such as enterprise risk management and the new development of dynamical financial analysis, and I also wrote a paper under the guidance of xxx professor. Especially, when I prepared for the exam F& P, I strengthened my basic knowledge on the accurate calculation and I not only grasped all kinds of formulas and concepts on the mathematics but also grasped the essence of the accurate calculation and the balance of the cash. After, I took part in compiling the insurance actuary science written by professor xxx, my task was to tidied and sorted the knowledge , then wrote them with myself language which made me understand the accurate calculation knowledge better than before.

During the learning process, I got new realization from the accurate calculation, besides the knowledge, I need have management, communication ability and computer program ability, even though I must be familiar with the whole economy environment. So that I have learned S-plus, VBA, SQL and electron form financial management and economy, etc. and applied these theories to practices. Then in my junior

holiday, I entered into an investment consulting company to practice, I took charge of compiling the daily trade analysis conclusion according to the news, enterprises financial form to carrying on the city analysis helping the stock trade activities. Until now, I took par t in “College R&D outlay research statistics” presided by xx professor and pre- surveys, on the basis of these investigations, I also compiled the stage research reports. During this process, I did deal with the data and analyzed the data to exercise my ability on the computer applying and data digging.

I spent my three undergraduate lives in learning and practicing, but I still hope to continue my education in your esteemed university which has advanced theory and better conditions for my study. Even though the front road is filled with hardness, I will hold on until I realize my dream. Because I firmly believe that if I pay for my efforts, I will get a good result.


哈佛大学申请人递交的个人陈述 Fashion gives me the confidence to live my life to its full potential. This is because fashion helps describe you as a person, everyone has their own interpretation of fashion, and becoming a fashion buyer would not only be a dream job, it would be an exhilarating journey. I would love to travel the world and view amazing collections, or just to meet other people as passionate about the industry as I am. My favorite designers currently are Kim Jones, topman design and Paul Smith, who I admire deeply and all make spectacular menswear collections, I admire them because they are young fresh and are the future of men’s fashion. After some illness during my school years, I stayed on for a year in sixth form to complete more GCSE’s and now I am at college which I adore. I have learnt a lot about the fashion business at college such as finance and marketing, aswell at leadership styles. I was also taught about and how people use fashion as communication and stereotypes formed from how we dress. Through studying at college I gained more self motivation and independence which ill need at university. I have had over 2 years of work experience in retail fashion by


英国留学:写好个人陈述的十个建议 作为国外大学申请中重要的一环,个人陈述是非常重要的一环,是你去展现除了你的姓名与ID卡之外还有其他特殊之处的机会。在一篇文章内你必须要劝说大学相信你就是最佳人选,让大学想立刻给你寄一份offer。那么问题来了,优秀的PS到底怎么写呢?来看看英国留学写好个人陈述的十个建议吧! 1.关掉数字计数器写稿 当写论文的时候,你觉得最好是要边写边计数,因为论文要求是4,000字,所以觉得写到3,900就差不多了。但是在写到3,500后,你发现我的故事仅仅写了一半。关掉了计数器,最后写完故事发现一共是7,000字。所以就开始整理和压缩,但是这也要比字数不够加一些想法进去要简单,最终的PS字数是3,999。 2.不要着急 慢慢来,有点耐心。一篇好的个人陈述也不可能在几个小时内就写好。写PS花了一个月的时间才完成了最终版本,所以,去花一段时间还是很值得的。 3.找到最好的单词和短语 如果你用一些比较好的词汇,那会让你的文章看起来更优雅和更专业,例如你用“accomplish”而不是用“do”,用“presume”而不是“think”。这

样对一个留学生尤其困难,因为英语并不是母语,但是也有一些电子字典或者同义词软件可以起到很大作用。当然,你在选择词汇的时候也要留心,太多的华丽辞藻也可能让你的论文看起来有点夸张并且难懂。 4.专注于自己的优势 在文章中,你是要努力将自己推进一所大学,一个好的销售方案全部都是关于产品有多棒,个人陈述也应该是这样。 你应该写自己的经验,你的学识和你对未来的计划,而不是“我想学西班牙语,但是因为太难一周后就放弃了”或者“我并不怎么擅长数学,但是我很讨厌它这个应该可以理解。” 5.寻找最完美的开头 以一些有趣的,好玩的,特别的或者惊喜的事情开头总可以给你留下一个好的印象。但是也不要想着从你的脑袋里面挤出一下好玩的事,这样也是没用的。或许你会在写PS的某个瞬间突然想起一句最合适的开头,所以也不要过度想这个问题了。 6.你自己的声音和想法 你写第一稿之前不要去读别人写的PS,这会给你一个误导。你是一个独特的个体,去根据别人的想法和别人的模式写文章是毫无意义的。毕竟,这是一篇关于你自己的文章,而不是别人。


出国留学英文自我介绍范文精选 出国留学英文自我介绍范文精选1 Morning greetings, dear teacher. I come very happily to here for yours interview. My name is xx. I when 21 years old. I come from naturally, a small cities Guizhou Province. Undergraduate course period our country will complete in China Jiaotong University. Myself mainly in electrical engineering and automation. I very interesting computer, specially in programming. I am a difficult study student, particularly is interested in mine matter coming, I by enormous will. Prepares the graduate student in several day of me to take a test, I insisted that studies surpasses 10 hour daily. Is only as a result of this point, I may through the first test finally. My also person harbors the enormous ambition. When I am a young boy, I have a dream to become a scientist. I want to realize my dream, causes itself to become a qualified person. I love my big, my very long time does the research in this archive. However, I thought that further studies needs me to realize my dream urgently. This is must seize any opportunity, self-development, particularly in this competition intense modern world. I thought that the


英国本科留学申请个人陈述优秀范文 在申请英国留学过程中,申请文书必不可少,且扮演者至关重要的作用,那么申请文书怎么写呢?应该有哪些要注意的呢,和我一起来看看英国本科留学申请个人陈述优秀范文。 Personal Statement My strong interest in the field of materials has accompanied me since I was a little girl, but I have been able to begin fully developing it as a result of the subtle influence on me exerted by my parents. Both of my parents are engineers in their factory. They enjoy their work in design with cloth materials and are happy to see that I am interested in materials, especially polymers. As the rudimentary teachers of mine, my parents made every effort to cultivate me to become an engineer of the highest quality and set up an excellent model for me. Such a wonderful environment for my growth inspired me a lot and enhanced my interest in this field. Thus, I chose materials and engineering without hesitation as my major during my undergraduate study in Beijing University of


英国留学个人陈述写作建议 如果你要,在留学申请文书上肯定是要花功夫的,那么个人陈述应该要怎么写呢,大家对于这个有什么建议呢,和我一起来看看英国留学个人陈述写作建议。 “如果你对错综复杂的犯罪心理感兴趣,完全可以写进申请法律专业的个人陈述里,”伯明翰城市大学招生官及法学讲师帕梅拉·托马斯(Pamela Thomas)表示,“但学生们经常过于着重犯罪心理学,而忽视了法学。所以在你开始写作之前,一定要确认主要的专业内容。” 另一种会惹恼赫尔大学法学院招生官马蒂娜·麦克林恩博士(Dr Martina McClean)的写作风格是热情有余而证据不足,毕竟空口无凭,要想真正展示心意,写作就应该在个人经历及其影响的基础上展开。 无论你是对民法、刑法,还是国际法感兴趣,你都应该马上能引起招生官的兴趣,说服他们你合适这个专业。《卫报》招生专家夏洛特·西格(Charlotte Seager)就收集了多位英国名校招生官的建议,告诉学生们一份好的陈述里应该包含什么,而哪些错误是要一定避免的。 应该做的: 陈述开篇要让人印象深刻: 开篇的关键应该是“为什么选择这个专业?”以及“这个专业如何吸引了你?”——伯明翰城市大学招生官及法学讲师帕梅拉·托马斯一定要在开篇就抓住读者的注意力。 招生官们在寻找积极、投入、勤思好学的年轻人。叙述一段影响了你的经历,在其中你遇到了哪些问题,又如何找到了答案。——赫尔大学法学院招生官马蒂娜·麦克林恩博士 保持好奇心: 寻找机会更多了解专业知识,并在陈述中表现出来。

你可以参加更多专业实践活动,谈谈从中学到了什么。很多机会都是向公众开放的。——东英格兰大学资深讲师德布拉·伊芙斯(Deborah Ives) 另一种表达兴趣的方式是在日常生活中的专业知识运用。 你可以讲述一个当地超市如何应对投诉的故事,这可能激励了你为保护消费者权益而学习法律,以修正那些富有争议的体制。——赫尔大学法学院招生官马蒂娜·麦克林恩博士 展示自己的勤奋: 如果你提到了自己的课外活动,比如体育运动或负责社团,你就应该表现出你能为一件并不简单的事情坚持不懈。——牛津大学副教授及招生协调人伊莫根·古尔德(Imogen Goold) 叙述自己的志愿活动和实习经历能够让人觉得你积极主动。这些职位并不一定专业性很强,但可以尝试把它们和专业联系起来。——赫尔大学法学院招生官马蒂娜·麦克林恩博士 个人陈述要诚实: 我们想通过陈述知道你是怎样的人,而非你想成为怎样的人。——牛津大学副教授及招生协调人伊莫根·古尔德 我们希望大家不要让学校或家长代笔,只想听到学生自己的声音。对于17岁的孩子来说,个人陈述有一定的难度,所以那些看似“杰出”的作品将会被我们重点“关注”。——东英格兰大学资深讲师德布拉·伊芙斯 不能做的: 不要过度聚焦具体议题: 有些内容只是专业的很小一部分,但过度聚焦却是最常见的错误之一。学生最好能够广泛地讨论各个议题,我们希望学生知识面广,并且将其和生活联系起来。——东英格兰大学资深讲师德布拉·伊芙斯


出国留学自我介绍和计划书 出国留学自我介绍和计划书 第一篇: 留学计划书和自我介绍1 留学计划书 我叫徐悠然。从很早就开始对韩国的各个方面产生了浓厚的兴趣,并且我的家里人以前都在韩国,让我更加真实的了解了韩国这个让人充满幻想的国家,目前中韩两国交流越来越频繁,去韩国留学这个想法,我一直就没有忘记过。 忠北大学好像是韩国十大重点大学之一。学园的环境,体验课让我很感兴趣,我的朋友有两个在忠北大学。听她们的描述,使我迫不及待,在这样的大学里学习是我盼望已久的,所以我申请去忠北大学学习,希望忠北的校长老师们能给我一个机会,我会珍惜这难能可贵的学习机会,在宝贵的学习时间里,努力提高自己,尽快适应新的环境,刻苦地学习知识,到韩国留学后,我尽一切积极融入到学校,新同学里,积极的面对未来的学习和生活。我的家人以前在韩国工作,所以支持我到韩国留学,我要努力学习,半工半读供自己上学,减少家里的负担。 申请人: 徐悠然 自我介绍 我叫徐悠然,女,1993年4月24日出生

1999年进入小学校门就读于哈尔滨市中山路小学校。我在这里学习了5年,毕业于201X年。 201X年升入文府中学,读完了4年初中,于201X年毕业。201X 年进入哈尔滨市现代服务中等技术学校,于201X年毕业。 在高中3年生活当中,我帮助老师,团结同学,积极参加学校组织的活动。上学期间,和大家的相处,让我知道了什么是友情,什么叫做舍不得,我知道天下没有不散的宴席,我们毕业了还是会分开的。我出生在一个还算不错家庭。在两三岁的的时候父母便离开了我去了韩国,有奶奶带我长大。后来知道了一些韩国明星,韩剧,好看的风景,好听的语言,所以一直向往着可以去韩国,并且随着中韩交流日益发展,许多带有韩国文化及风格的事物进入中国,可以更多的了解韩国文化。并且从201X开始学习跆拳道,这个是我说了好几年,家长才让学习的,我很喜欢这项运动。我计划在韩国学习期间刻苦学习,深入了解韩国文化,学习韩语,早日进入韩国大学学习知识。愿我学业完成后,可以为中韩事业的交流做出自己的贡献。 希望忠北大学给我一个学习更多知识的机会,入学以后一定努力学习。 申请人: 徐悠然 第二篇: 出国留学自我介绍和学习计划 self-introdution stud plan basi information


I have always had an interest in science-based subjects, especially those relating to biology. Whilst undertaking my A-level Biology course, the module energy and ecosystems was of particular interest to me. My interest in the natural world, and study of science encouraged me to further my understanding in this area by applying to study environmental biology at degree level. I wish to take this course to enable me to develop scientific skills that will provide me with a greater understanding of the environm ent and factors that affect it. I am also studying Chemistry and Maths at A-level. The practical element of my chemistry course involves an understanding of procedures and precautions necessary throughout all science-based experiments; I feel that this understanding will improve my ability in practical elements of the course. After studying A-level maths, I feel being able to interpret numerical data at a high level will also enable me to develop my understanding of any numerical information that features i n the course I am keen on sports and outdoor pursuits. I have enjoyed a range of activities from countryside walks to kayaking and abseiling. Because of this I feel I would particularly enjoy the fieldwork the course offers. I have been able to combine this interest in sport with a part time job as a leisure attendant at local sport centres. As part of this post I was asked to lead a youth sports and activities group which aims to promote sport among young people in my area. This activity has also allowed me to introduce other young people to activities that I have enjoyed. This role has also helped me to develop skills that would help me while I am at university. The sports group involves arranging individual sessions as well as trips out This has improved my organisational skills, which has reflected my ability to combine part-time work with college effectively. Working as part of a team and serving members of the public has also improved my social skills, making me more confident when working with others I wish to study at university, not only for the knowledge that I will gain from the course, but also for the experience of university life has to offer. During my two years at college I have participated in various activities. For example, I represented the college at an open day, volunteered as a collage council representative for my form group, participated in a blood donation scheme and was also involved in the shoebox appeal. These activities meant that I have to be confident, approachable and polite. I feel these are characteristics that will enable me to get involved with student life at university My ambition is to participate in conservation work abroad, before gaining experience in a career based in this area. I feel the experience outlined above and the knowledge I will gain from the course will enable me to achieve this ambition.


牛津大学商科留学个人陈述范例 留学个人陈述是申请英国留学文书中的重要组成部分,在硬件条件相当的申请人相互竞争时,提供一份令人印象深刻、能表现申请人个人特质的留学个人陈述无疑能为申请加分。下面是由“出国汇”(百度一下)的指导下学员制作的一份成功申请到英国牛津大学商科的留学个人陈述,大家一起来看看作者的写作有何值得借鉴的地方吧! Since a very young age - where all my friends were aspiring to become firemen, astronauts and rockstars - I have always dreamed of wearing a suit to work. I don…t know what it was, but I guess I just identified all these men as being the real players in the world - driving fast cars and hitting it off with beautiful women. These guys - the lawyers, entrepreneurs and accountants - were all sipping champagne and living the high life. Of course, you don?t have to wear a suit to be making money (look at Steve Jobs, for example), it…s not all fun and games, and you have to be damn good at what you do, but my ambitions have remained the same. This is what I want to be, but money is no longer the sole object, in my opinion. This has stemmed from my upbringing, where every morning CNN is put on the TV, stock portfolios lie in messy stacks around the house and political conversation runs rife at the dinner table. Every day I would hear my father talking about his business ventures and garnered a great interest. To me, the business world seemed entirely different to our regular one: it was a grandiose battlefield of thousands of opposing teams –a vicious free for all where the only objective was to win. Language like “slaughtering the competition” was frequently used, and I instantly knew that this game was more intense than any sport, more exciting tha n any video game and more fulfilling than any hobby. I once even tried my hand at business of my own –selling gumballs at school –which, to my surprise, was rather successful, if short-lived (regulated into the ground). By the time I was beginning my IGCSE year I was absolutely itching to take a Business & Management course. I felt a lot of it come naturally to me, remembering all the terms and advice I had heard from my father. All along it was extremely satisfying to know that whilst I would hardly use anyth ing I had learnt in math’s (unless I need to know the exact angle that my ladder is at), no matter what profession I would take, I could apply this. I took part in stock competitions, both in and outside of school, in an attempt to better my understanding of the seemingly confusing concept of stock exchange. One of the most interesting aspects of business for me is international markets, which then extends into economics. I have often been told that one of my most valuable qualities is that I am tri-cultural, coming from an extremely interesting background. I have lived in Spain my entire life, with an American mother and English father, who is a chartered accountant and previously owned a successful record label; he


---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------ 出国自我介绍信 对于想要出国深造的同学来说,一封优秀的自我介绍信是十分重要的!下面是小编为大家整理的出国自我介绍信,希望对大家有帮助。 出国自我介绍信篇一 进出口公司: 我叫徐,大学国际贸易系xx级本科毕业生,中共党员。 四年大学苦读,我在德智体各方面都取得了较全面的发展,学习成绩一直在年级前三名,综合积分专业排名第一。xxxx通过浙江省计算机二级等级考试,xxxx年通过全国大学英语六级等级考试,具有良好的英语写作与会话能力。连续四年获得省优秀三好学生称号。 大学四年来,我先后担任国际贸易95(1)班班长、系学生会主席、校《学生通讯》主编,承办校园十大青年歌手、月光书会等多项校园活动,业余时间我特别注重计算机能力培养,选修、自学了各类计算机课程。能熟练运用C++语言、FORTRAN语言、VEP50数据库语言、WINDOWS98等操作。 xxxx年暑假实习期间,参与公司对俄罗斯畜产品贸易谈判工作,获得实习单位的好评。 贵公司从事国际贸易,正是我向往的工作单位,如果能到贵公司工作,我相信我的工作能力一定不会让你们失望,我一定会珍惜这一难 1 / 10

得的机会,努力作出自己的贡献。 xxx xx年x月x日 出国自我介绍信篇二 尊敬的xx: 您好! 我叫XXX,男,,XXX年7月毕业于XXXX旅游管理专业。 我喜欢旅游,大学我选择了旅游管理专业,开始系统学习旅游管理知识,课程涉及XX国家的旅游文化,当时XX国家独特的文化内涵给了我很大的感触,我想自己毕业后如果能到XX国家进一步学习,对开阔视野提升知识面一定会有很大的帮助,但是要去XX国家,语言是首先要解决的问题,毕业后,我选择到烟台昂立外语学院学习XX 国家语,经过一段时间的学习,我发现国内学校教的大都为书面化的东西,只有到XX国家才能领悟到精确的本土文化,我跟父母说了我的想法,父母表示大力支持,,并且他们已经为我提供了足够的留学资金。正好有朋友给我推荐了白石大学,这所大学可以先学习基础语言后学习专业,我觉得挺不错,为了我的梦想,我会在学校努力学习语言,语言合格后,继续留在本校读研,相信本校的专业一定会让我学有所成的。学成回国后,我准备开个主题旅游策划公司,实践自己所学知识。我对所学的这个专业充满激情和动力,当然,我更热爱我的祖国和爸爸妈妈,相信通过我的努力,我会更好的回报祖国的培养和爸妈的养育之恩。


英国留学申请之个人陈述写作最全教程 一、英国留学个人陈述(PS)的主旨 个人陈述PS在英国留学申请中之所以重要是因为很多英国大学无需面试申请人,所以他们唯一认识你的地方就是网上申请表格。大部分表格涵盖了你的个人信息,包括大学感兴趣的你的学术/语言成绩、推荐信以及PS(留学个人陈述)。 PS(留学个人陈述)是这些材料当中唯一一个由你来控制的,所以这个是你给大学招生办留下一个良好印象的机会,这个印象是用分数无法反映出来的。尤其是当你申请的学校竞争特别激烈,所有的申请者都有很好的成绩的时候,PS就是唯一一种能凸显你的与众不同的材料,所以同志们,一定要尽可能地把PS做到尽善尽美。 大学招生办和课程老师在看你的PS的时候,他们通常会问以下两个问题: 1、我们是否想要这个学生来学习这门课程? 2、我们是否想要这个学生来我们的学校学习? 这两个问题可以分解为以下几个小问题来解答: 1)这个学生是否适合他/她所申请的课程? 2)这个学生是否具备他/她所申请的课程需要的素质? 3)这个学生是否有足够的毅力、勤奋的品格以及不会轻易辍学? 4)这个学生是否会全力以赴地达到这门课程所要求的各项能力? 5)这个学生是否能在高压底下工作? 6)这个学生是否能很快得调整好自己融入到大学的新环境? 7)他们的交际能力如何? 8)他们是否热爱这个课程并且做了仔细的研究 9)他们对课程是否有真正的兴趣并且渴望去做更深入的学习? 这些问题就是需要你在PS当中去表述和解答,只不过你不能只是说YES和NO,你需要有足够的事实依据去证明你的说法,让你的观点言之有物。不过,招生办的老师们毕竟也是平凡人,他们有可能需要阅读成百上千的PS,所以即便你觉得已经对上述问题回答的很好了你还有可能被不幸地拒绝。 还有其他的一些技巧可以让你的PS脱颖而出给老师们留下深刻印象,但要记住老师们也都因人而异他们对于申请者的期望也都不完全相同,怎么把握当中玄机就看童鞋们自己拿捏了。 二、标注自己的亮点 现在你还不需要开始思考文章框架和行文结构,你只需要思考一些关于你的成长经历并做


出国留学个人陈述范文 导读:本文出国留学个人陈述范文,仅供参考,如果能帮助到您,欢迎点评和分享。 对于各位留学党来说,留学申请文书的准备是必不可少的,那么其中个人陈述究竟怎么写比较吸引招生官的注意呢?接下来,请随一起来学习一篇出国留学个人陈述范文,看看有哪些值得借鉴的地方吧。 I am the applicant Wang Ming. From September 2002 to July 2006, I studied the specialty of Financial Management at Beijing University of Chemical Technology. Through undergraduate studies, I contacted such disciplines as accounting, international finance, securities investment and so on; however, keenly conscious that my current acquisition is far from enough for me to meet the needs of the fast developing economy, I am eager to pursue further studies. Through various channels, I know about your world-renowned program, and I am now applying for MA Finance and Investment offered by University of Nottingham. At university, I gained a full understanding of accounting and finance. In specialized studies, I obtained excellent academic records. Paying attention to the balancing development of financial and managerial disciplines, I


英国电影专业个人陈述范文 英国留学是一件很不错的事情,那么个人陈述应该怎么写呢,有一些什么注意事项,很多同学可能都会想,如果有一篇范文就好了,所以我整理了一些资料,一起来看看英国电影专业个人陈述范文。 英国研究生院电影专业申请个人陈述(PS)范文: A crowded and cluttered living room in a low-income townhouse. Stansfield bends over to see Leon lying in his own pool of imaginary blood that soaks into the already stained carpet. Leon uses his last ounce of strength to lift his clenched fist up to Stansfield. He opens to reveal a grenade pin, ?¢a???“For Mathilda?¢a???|?¢a????? At maybe thirteen years old, this might have very well been my directorial debut. I had just watched The Professional earlier that week and was telling my cousins about it. Describing the whole movie I arrived at the climax and decided that I really wanted for them to capture how the ending played out. So I set them up, fed them their lines and fetched a few props, or in our case whatever


留学面试英语自我介绍范文(精选5篇) 当来到一个陌生环境中,我们通常会被要求作自我介绍,自我介绍有助于自我宣传、自我展示。现在你是否对自我介绍一筹莫展呢?以下是小编为大家收集的留学面试英语自我介绍范文,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 留学面试英语自我介绍1 Dear Sir: Good morning/afternoon everyone! It is my honor to be here and I really appreciate you offer me the chance of interview .Now I will introduce myself first .My name is……from Xiangfan in Hubei province. Im an honest, responsible, and warm-hearted person. I can adapt different environments quickly .Second I like this kind of field very much and I take it as my career .Till now I have one year experience in this field. As a 21 years man, Id like to experience more to enrich myself and then it can help me to laid good foundation for my future career .There is no use doing what we love ,we must love we do just like the field. At the same time, I am really proud of myself applying for this job. I hope you can give me a chance and I will try my best to do it better. Finally , I hope your hotel can become the best one among hotel industry。 Thanks for your time. 留学面试英语自我介绍2 Good morning , ladies and gentlemen It is my great honor to have this opportunity to introduce myself. and I hope I could make a good performance today, eventually become a member of your school. Now let me introduce myself please. Im a graduate student from **** UNIVERSITY . My name is *** ,**years old. , born in **. GuangDong province . My major is English, and I will graduate this June. In the past 3 years,I spent most of my time on English studying and practise. I have a good command of both spoken and written English and past CET-4 with a ease. Skilled in use of Office 20XX, excel. My graduate school training combined with my cadet teacher should qualify me for this particular job.


英国留学申请之英语专业个人陈述(PS)范文 English Personal Statement I have a few strong passions in life; Indie music, Chelsea FC and literature. Since there are no university courses for the former two my decision concerning what to study at university is a simple one. ' The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones mad to live' was once said by Jack Kerouac in his work On The Road; the opportunity to experience living while studying amongst some of the finest literary minds in the country is overwhelmingly exciting for me. Ifeel that for too long I have been confined to my suburban prison where my talent for English Literature is being wasted amongst the desolate, uninspiring confines of Mid Bedfordshire. Moreover, sidestepping the risk of sounding arrogant, I have been told I possess a flair for the subject and my grades would certainly suggest so. The subjects I took for my AS levels were English Literature, History, Government and Politics and Communication Studies. For my A levels I decided to stop taking Communication Studies as I deemed it was best to focus on three subjects. Nevertheless, I believe that all three of these subjects have contributed more understanding to my knowledge of English Literature. History,for example, has aided my ability to pick out key points within text and also contextualise any written work I may be asked to study. Government and Politics has taught me many political philosophies that are evident in literary works, for example in Year 12 we studied the play Translations which is littered with Nationalist and Imperialist viewpoints. Communications Studies revealed to me a whole new dictionary of ideologies I wasn't previously aware of. Another benefit of taking these subjects is that they are all examined by both coursework and timed exams. This means that through hours of practice and familiarisation I have refined my exam techniques.

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