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Computing Essentials Answer(Chapter1-10) (1)

Computing Essentials Answer(Chapter1-10) (1)
Computing Essentials Answer(Chapter1-10) (1)

Computing Essentials Answers

1.Chapter One (2)

a)Key Terms (2)

b)Multiple Choice (3)

c)Matching (3)

2.Chapter Two (3)

a)Key Terms (3)

b)Multiple Choice (5)

c)Matching (5)

3.Chapter Three (5)

a)Key Terms (5)

b)Multiple Choice (7)

c)Matching (7)

4.Chapter Four (7)

a)Key Terms (7)

b)Multiple Choice (8)

c)Matching (9)

5.Chapter Five (9)

a)Key Terms (9)

b)Multiple Choice (10)

c)Matching (10)

6.Chapter Six (10)

a)Key Terms (10)

b)Multiple Choice (12)

c)Matching (12)

7.Chapter Seven (13)

a)Key Terms (13)

b)Multiple Choice (15)

c)Matching (15)

8.Chapter Eight (15)

a)Key Terms (15)

b)Multiple Choice (17)

c)Matching (17)

9.Chapter Nine (17)

a)Key Terms (17)

b)Multiple Choice (19)

c)Matching (19)

10.Chapter Ten (19)

a)Key Terms (19)

b)Multiple Choice (21)

c)Matching (21)

1.Chapter One

a)Key Terms

b)Multiple Choice


2.Chapter Two

a)Key Terms

b)Multiple Choice


3.Chapter Three

a)Key Terms

b)Multiple Choice


4.Chapter Four

a)Key Terms

b)Multiple Choice


5.Chapter Five

a)Key Terms

b)Multiple Choice


6.Chapter Six

a)Key Terms

b)Multiple Choice


7.Chapter Seven

a)Key Terms

b)Multiple Choice


8.Chapter Eight

a)Key Terms

b)Multiple Choice


9.Chapter Nine

a)Key Terms

b)Multiple Choice


10.Chapter Ten

a)Key Terms


单选 已知某固定资产投资项目计算期为8年,固定资产投资额为100万元,建设期资本化利息为10万元,预备费为25万元。包括建设期的回收期为6年,不包括建设期的回收期为4年。如果该固定资产采用直线法计提折旧,期满净残值为5万元,则下列说法正确的是( )。 A.没有建设期 B.固定资产原值是110万元 C.项目运营期是8年 D.年折旧额是21.67万元 【答案】D 【解析】固定资产原值=形成固定资产的费用+建设期资本化利息+预备费=100+10+25=135(万元),建设期=6-4=2(年),运营期=计算期-建设期=8-2=6(年),则年折旧额=(135-5)/6=21.67(万元)。 2.某项目投产第二年外购原材料、燃料和动力费为20万元,职工薪酬15万元,其他付现成本10万元,年折旧费25万元,无形资产摊销费5万元,利息3万元,所得税费用1万元,则该年不包括财务费用的总成本费用为()万元。 A.35 B.45 C.75 D.79 答案】C 【解析】不包括财务费用的总成本费用=经营成本+折旧与摊销=20+15+10+25+5=75(万元)。 3.下列计算式正确的是()。 A.国内设备购置费=设备购买成本×(1+增值税税率) B.进口设备购置费=以人民币标价的进口设备到岸价+进口关税 C.进口关税=以人民币标价的进口设备到岸价×进口关税税率 D.国内运杂费=以人民币标价的进口设备到岸价×运杂费率 【答案】C 【解析】国内设备购置费=设备购买成本×(1+运杂费率);进口设备购置费=以人民币标价的进口设备到岸价+进口从属费+国内运杂费,进口从属费=进口关税+外贸手续费+结汇银行财务费;国内运杂费=(以人民币标价的进口设备到岸价+进口关税)×运杂费率。 4.某项目投产第一年外购原材料、燃料和动力费为20万元,职工薪酬15万元,其他付现成本10万元,年折旧费25万元,无形资产摊销费5万元,利息3万元,所得税费用1万元,则该年经营成本为()万元。 A.35 B.45 C.75 D.79


数据库应用基础教程答案 【篇一:access数据库应用基础教程(第三版)习题及答 案】 txt>程(第三版)习题集答案 第1章数据库系统概述 1. 什么是数据库?什么是数据库系统?答:数据库(database) 是存放数据的仓库,严格的讲,数据库是长期存储在计算机内,有组 织的,可共享的大量数据集合。 数据库系统(database systems),是由数据库及其管理软件组成的系统。它是为适应数据处理的需要而发展起来的一种较为理想的 数据处理的核心机构。它是一个实际可运行的存储、维护和应用系 统提供数据的软件系统,是存储介质、处理对象和管理系统的集合体。 2. 什么是数据库管理系统?它有哪些主要功能? 答:数据库管理系统(database management system)是一种操纵 和管理数据 库的大型软件,用于建立、使用和维护数据库,简称dbms。它对数据库进行统一的管理和控制,以保证数据库的安全性和完整性。 数据库管理系统的主要功能有:数据定义、数据操作、数据库的运 行管理、数据组织、数据库的保护、数据库的维护和通信。 3. 说出几种常用的数据模型。 答:层次模型、网状模型、关系模型。 4. 什么是关系模型? 答:关系模型是用二维表的形式表示实体和实体间联系的数据模型。 5. 简述数据库设计的步骤。 答:需求分析、概念结构设计、逻辑结构设计、物理结构设计、数 据库的建立和测试、数据库运行和维护。 第2章 sql 语言简介 1. 什么是sql语言?sql语言具有哪些特点和功能? 答:sql是一种数据库查询和程序设计语言,用于存取数据以及查询更新和管理关系 数据库系统。 sql的特点和功能有:查询,操作,定义和控制四个方面,sql语言 具有高度的非过程化,语言简洁,语义明显,语法结构简单,直观


《英语词汇学》模拟试卷 (一) I. Choose the best answer and then put the letter of your choice in the given brackets. (30%) 1. The minimal meaningful units in English are known as ______. A. roots B. morphs C. stems D. morphemes ( ) 2. The most important of all the features of the basic word stock is ______. A. stability . B. productivity C. polysemy . D. all national character ( ) 3. Old English vocabulary was essentially ______ with a number of borrowings from Latin and Scandinavian. A. Celtic . B. Hellenic C. Italic . D. Germanic . ( ) 4. In modern times, ______ is the most important way of vocabulary expansion. A. borrowing B. backformation C. creation D. semantic change ( ) 5. The words “motel”and “comsat”are called ______. A. blends B. compounds C. acronyms D. initialisms . ( ) 6. The word “teachers”contains three morphemes, but the word “shortenings”has ______ morphemes. A. two B. three C. four D. five ( ) 7. Reference is the relationship between language and the ______. A. concept B. world C. context . D. sense ( ) 8. Transfer as a mode of semantic change can be illustrated by the example: ______. A. dorm for “dormitory” B. fond for “affectionate” C. dish for “food” D. TV for “television”( ) 9. The word “mouth”in the phrase “the mouth of a river”is regarded as a ______ motivated word. A. morphologically B. etymologically C. onomatopoeically D. semantically


外贸英语函电课后习题参考答案 (For Reference Only) Chapter 1 Business Letter I. Answer the following questions. 1. How many principal parts is a business letter composed of? What are they? Generally speaking, there are seven principal parts of a standard business letter. They are the letter head; the date; inside name and address; saluation; the body of a letter(message); the complimentary close and signature. 2. What are the three main formats of a business letter used today? Which format do you like best? There are three main formats of a business letter in use at present: the conventional indented style; the modern block style and the modified block style. I like the modern block style, since it is simple and we can save much time. 3. What is P.S.? It is postscript, refers to one or more remarks the writer may add to the core or body of the letter,usually hand-written side by side with or below the signature and enclosure parts, where


6.某企业年初从银行贷款1200万元,并将从第2年开始,每年年末偿还250万元。已知银行按复利利率为6%计息,试求企业在哪一年才能还清这笔贷款?(精确到0.1) 7.总额为5000元的贷款,在复利利率为8%的情况下第一年还500元,第二年还1000元,第三年还1500元,第四年还2000元,问第五年还多少? 8.某企业获得一笔80万元的贷款,要求在4年内偿清,复利利率为10%。有4种偿还方式:1、每年年末偿还20万元本金,以及年初尚未归还本金的相应利息2、每年年末只偿还所欠利息,第4年末一次还清本金3、在第4年中每年年末等额偿还4、在第4年末一次还清本息试计算各种还款方式所付出的总金额。

8.公司打算购买下表所列两种新机器中的一种,具体数据如表中所示. 项目机器A 机器B 初始投资3400元6500元 服务寿命3年6年 残值100元500元 运行费用2000元/年1500元/年 假如公司的基准贴现率为12%,试协助公司进行选择。 9.某工程 9.某工程连续在三年中的每年年初分别投资1000万元、1500万元和2000万元。若资金全部来自银行贷款,复利利率为8%,从第3年末开始,分10年等额偿还,球每年应偿还银行多少万元?

11.购买某设备初始投资为8000元,若其每年年净收益为1260元,设备报废后无残值,试问: (1)如果使用8年后报废,其IRR为多少? (2)如果希望IRR=10%,那么设备至少应该使用多少年才值得购买(精确到0.1)?



Access数据库应用基础教程(第三版)习题集答案 第1章数据库系统概述 1. 什么是数据库?什么是数据库系统?答:数据库(database)是存放数据的仓库,严格的讲,数据库是长期存储在计算机内,有组织的,可共享的大量数据集合。 数据库系统(database systems),是由数据库及其管理软件组成的系统。它是为适应数据处理的需要而发展起来的一种较为理想的数据处理的核心机构。它是一个实际可运行的存储、维护和应用系统提供数据的软件系统,是存储介质、处理对象和管理系统的集合体。 2. 什么是数据库管理系统?它有哪些主要功能? 答:数据库管理系统(database management system)是一种操纵和管理数据

库的大型软件,用于建立、使用和维护数据库,简称dbms。它对数据库进行统一的管理和控制,以保证数据库的安全性和完整性。数据库管理系统的主要功能有:数据定义、数据操作、数据库的运行管理、数据组织、数据库的保护、数据库的维护和通信。 3. 说出几种常用的数据模型。 答:层次模型、网状模型、关系模型。4. 什么是关系模型? 答:关系模型是用二维表的形式表示实体和实体间联系的数据模型。 5. 简述数据库设计的步骤。 答:需求分析、概念结构设计、逻辑结构设计、物理结构设计、数据库的建立和测试、数据库运行和维护。 第2章 SQL 语言简介 1. 什么是SQL语言?SQL语言具有哪些特点和功能? 答:SQL是一种数据库查询和程序设计语言,用于存取数据以及查询更新和管理关系

数据库系统。 SQL的特点和功能有:查询,操作,定义和控制四个方面,SQL语言具有高度的非过程化,语言简洁,语义明显,语法结构简单,直观易懂的特点。SQL语言即可以作为独立语言使用,用户可以在终端键盘上直接键入SQL命令对数据库进行操作,也可以作为嵌入式语言,嵌入到其他高级语言中。 2. SQL语言包含哪几个部分? 答:SQL语言包含4个部分:数据定义语言(DDL-Data Definition Language)、数据查询语言(DQL-Data Query Language)、数据操纵语言(DML-Data Manipulation Language)、数据控制语言(DCL-Data Control Language) 3. 在联接查询中,包含哪几类联接?答:联接可分为3类: (1)内部联接(典型的联接运算,使用类似于 = 或 <> 的比较运算符)。内部联接使用比较运算符根据每个表的通用列中的值匹配两个表中的行。内部联接包括同等


参考答案 2000年4月份高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试英语词汇学试题参考答案 Ⅰ.1.A 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.A 7.B 8.D 9.B 10.C 11.D 12.A 13.B 14.B 15.D Ⅱ.(10%) 16.transfer 17.OLD English 18.monolingual 19.semantically 20.extralinguistic/non-linguistic Ⅲ.21.D 22.F 23.A 24.J 25.B 26.C 27.I 28.E 29.G 30.H Ⅳ. 31.bound root 32.(head+tail)blinding 33.inflectional affix/morpheme 34.a+n 35.full conversion 36.suffix 37.reversativ 38.prefix of degree 39.prefix 40.number prefix Ⅴ.41.The process of forming new words by joining the initial letters of names of organizations or special noun phrases and technical terms. 42.Native words, also known as Anglo-Saxon words, are words brought to Britian in the 5th century by the Germanic tribes. 43.The process by which words rise from humble beginnings to positions of importance. 44.The distinctive stylistic features of words which make them appropriate for different context. 45.A dictionary written in one language, or a dictionary in which entries are defined in the same language. Ⅵ.46.There are four types of motivation: 1)Onomatopoeic motivation, e.g. cuckoo, squeak, quack, etc. 2)Morphological motivation, e.g. airmail, reading-lamp, etc. 3)Semantic motivation, e.g. the mouth of the river, the foot of the mountain, etc. 4)Etymological motivation, e.g. pen, laconic, etc. 47.Key points:borrowing; dialects and regional English; figurative and euphemistic use of words; coincidence with idiomatic expressions. 48.Key points:definition; explanation; example; synonymy; antonymy; hyponymy; relevant details and word structure. Ⅶ.49. 1)Each of the three words consists of three morphemes, recollection (re+collect+ion),nationalist(nation+al+ist),unearthly(un+earth+ly). 2)Of the nine morphemes, only "collect","nation" and "earth" are free morphemes as they can exist by themselves. 3)All the rest re-,-ion,-al,-ist,un- and -ly are bound as none of them can stand alone as words. 50. 1)the stitch in time ----- a stitch in time saves nine(3分) 2)proverbs are concise, forcible and thought-provoking(1分) 3)using an old saying is more persuasive(2分) 4)the short form saves time, more colloquial(2分) 5)indicates intimacy or close relationship(1分)


2012级(1)班 Chaper1 The Basic Concepts Of Words and Vocabulary I.Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement. 1. ______is the most important of all characteristics of the basic word stock. A.Productivity Stability C.Collocability D.All national character 2. Nonbasic vocabulary includes all of the following except_______ . A.slang B.Anglo-Saxon words C.argots D.neologisms 3. According to the origins of the words, English words can be classified into _______ . A.content words and functional words B.native words and borrowed words C.basic words and dialectal words D.loan words and dialectal words 4. Borrowings can be divided into________. A.liens, semantic loans, translationloans, denizens B.empty words, notional words, form words, content words C.blends, portmanteau words, acronyms, initializes D.derivatives, compounds, converted words and clipped words 5. Apart from the characteristics of basic vocabulary, native words have two other features, namely_________. A.Productivity and stability B.neutrality in style and high frequency in use C.collectability and polysemy D.formality and arbitrariness 6.The word beaver(meaning“girl”)is_______ . A.a dialectal word B.argot C.an archaism D.slang 7. AIDS as a nonbasic word is_______ . A.jargon B.an archaism C.aneologism D.slang 8.Form words include the following word classes except_______ . A.conjunctions B.auxiliaries C.prepositions D.adjectives 9. Vocabulary can refer to the following except_______ . A.the total number of the words in alanguage B.all the words used in a particular historical period C.all the words of a given dialect D.most words a person knows 10.Kimono is a loan word from_______ . A.German B.French C.Spanish D.Japanese 11. _______ form the mainstream of the basic word stock. A.Anglo-Saxon words B. Frenchwords C.Danish words https://www.doczj.com/doc/d515507365.html,tin words 12.Black humor is_______ . A.a translation loan B.a semantic loan C.a denizen D.an alien 13.Pronouns and numerals are semantically_______ and have limited_______ . A.polysemous;use and stability B.monosemous;collocability and stability C.polysemous;use and productivity D.monosemous;productivity andcollectability 14.Indigestion is_______ . A.jargon B.slang C.terminology D.an archaism


第五版外贸英语函电课后答案 外贸英语函电答案 外贸函电答案 Keys to the exercises Unit 2 3. (1) We are one of the leading importers dealing in electronic products in the area, and take this opportunity to approach you in the hope of establishing business relations. (2) We have been engaged in handling importing and exporting of machinery and equipment for many years, and our products have enjoyed great popularity in many countries. (3) We owe your name and address to the Commercial Counselor’s office of our Embassy in Beijing. (4) We are given to understand that you are a manufacturer of daily chemicals. One of our clients intends to buy cosmetics from your country. We will appreciate it highly if you can airmail the catalogue and the price list of your products available at present. (5) For our credit standing, please refer to the Bank of China, Shanghai Branch. Unit 3 2.


全国高等教育自学考试 英语词汇学试题 课程代码:00832 Ⅰ.Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that best completes the statement and put the letter in the bracket.(30%)1.According to semanticists, a word is a unit of ______.() A.meaning B.Sound C.combination of sounds D.Group 2.The pronunciation has changed ______ spelling over the years.() A.more slowly than B.As quickly as C.more rapidly than D.Not so quickly as 3.Words may fall into the basic word stock and nonbasic vocabulary by ______.()A.use frequency B.notion C.origin D.sound 4.Rapid growth of science and technology breeds such new words as the following EXCEPT______.() A.green revolution B.fast food C.moon walk D.space shuttle 5.Semantic change means an old form which takes on a new ______ to meet the new need. ()A.form B.meaning C.look D.pronunciation 6.Reviving archaic words also contribute to the growth of English vocabulary. For instance, in American English “fall” means ______ in British English.() A.four B.fell C.for D.autumn 7.The plural morpheme “-s” is realized by /s/after the following sounds EXCEPT ______. ()A./t/ B./g/ C./p/ D./k/ 英语词汇学试卷第 1 页共9 页


C9 Test-2 below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that I. Each of the statements would best complete the statement. 1. The fixity of idioms depends on A. idiomaticity B. structure C. grammaticality D. style

2. Idioms are generally felt to be A. formal B. informal C. casual D. intimate 3. In the idiom “ move heaven and earth ” , is used. A. simile B. metonymy C. personification D. juxtaposition 4. A large proportion of idioms were first created by . A. linguists B. poets C. working people D. ruling class 5. Forms and functions of idioms are . A. different B. identical C. not necessarily identical D. not identical at all 6. Slang expressions are often peculiar to and varieties. A. stylistic, affective B. social, regional C. professional, cultural D. cultural, social 7. The semantic unity of idioms is also reflected in the relationship between the literal meaning of each word and the meaning of the idiom. A. illogical B. lexical C. grammatical D. logical 8. Idioms nominal in nature function as . A. adverbs B. modifiers C. nouns D. adjectives 9. In “Fire and water are good servants, but bad masters ”, figure of speech is . A. simile B. personification


Unit 2 1.C D B B B B D C B B 2.(1) regards, say (2) specialized, with (3) with, by (4) If, interesting, enquiry (5)available (6)popularity (7) finances,to (8) compliance 3. (1) 我公司是该地区电子产品的主要进口商之一,我们借此机会与贵方接洽,希望与贵方建立贸易关系。 We are one of the leading importers dealing in electronic products in the area, and take this opport unity to approach you in the hope of establishing business relations. (2) 我公司经营机械设备的进出口业务已多年,我们的产品在许多国家享有盛誉。 We have been engaged in handling importing and exporting of machinery and equipment for many years, and our products have enjoyed great popularity in many countries. (3) 承我国驻北京大使馆商务参赞处介绍,得知你公司的姓名、地址。 We owe your name and address to the Commercial Counselor’s office of our Embassy in Beijing. (4) 我们了解到你们是日用化学品制造商。我们有一客户想要购买贵国化妆品,如能立即航寄目前所能供之货的目录及价格表,我们将不胜感激。 We are given to understand that you are a manufacturer of daily chemicals. One of our clients inte nds to buy cosmetics from your country. We will appreciate it highly if you can airmail the catalog ue and the price list of your products available at present. (5) 有关我们的资信情况,请向中国银行上海分行查询。 For our credit standing, please refer to the Bank of China, Shanghai Branch. Unit 3 1.B B B B A D D C B A 2. 1. 请报你方最优惠的上海到岸价,包括我方3%佣金。 Pease quote us your best price CIF Shanghai, inclusive of our 3% commission. 2. 如果你方价格有竞争力的话,我们打算订购30万码棉布。 Should your price be found competitive, we intend to place with you an order for 300,000 yards of Cotton Cloth. 3. 我方有一家客户对贵国琴岛海尔电冰箱感兴趣,请电开400台伦敦到岸价4月船期的报盘。 One of our customers is now interested in the Qingdao Haier Refrigerator made in your country. P lease offer CIF London for 400 sets to be delivered in April. 4. 为了方便你方了解我方的产品,我们立即航寄样品数量分。 To enable you to have a better understanding of our products, we are sending you by air 5 copies o f our catalogue and 2 sample books. 5. 为答复你方4月28日询价,随函寄去我方最新价目单以供参考。 In reply to your enquiry dated April 28, we are now sending you our latest price list for your refere nce. 3.Dear Sirs, We learn from a friend in Shenzhen that you are exporting light industrial products, especially elec tric appliances. There is a steady demand here for the above-mentioned commodities of high qualit y at moderate prices. Will you please send us a copy of your catalogue, with details of your prices and terms of payment . We should find it most helpful if you could also supply samples of these goods. Yours faithfully, 4. Dear Sirs, RE: Haier Refrigerator We are in the market for refrigerators. Please send us your latest catalogue and details of your spec ifications, informing us of your price CIF Guangzhou, please also state your earliest possible deliv ery date, your terms of payment, and discount for regular purchase. If your prices prove reasonabl e and satisfactory, we shall soon place a large order with you. Yours faithfully, 5. Dear Sirs,


全国2014年4月高等教育自学考试 英语词汇学试题 课程代码:00832 本试卷满分100分,考试时间150分钟. 考生答题注意事项: 1.本卷所有试题必须在答题卡上作答。答在试卷上无效。试卷空白处和背面均可作草稿纸。 2.第一部分为选择题。必须对应试卷上的题号使用28铅笔将“答题卡”的相应代码涂黑。 3.第二部分为非选择题。必须注明大、小题号,使用0.5毫米黑色字迹签字笔作答。 4.合理安排答题空间。超出答题区域无效。 第一部分选择题 I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that best completes the statement and blacken the corresponding letter A,B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET.(30%) 1.“Woman”becomes “Frau”in German, “femme”in French and “fùnǔ”in Chinese. This example shows that in different languages the same concept can be represented by different ______. A. sounds B.forms C. unities D.meanings 2.The following words of the basic word stock denote the most common things and phenomena of the world around us EXCEPT ______. A. fire B.hot C. photoscanning D.sister 3.Aliens are borrowed words which have retained their original pronunciation and spelling. Which of the following words comes from Chinese? A. Bazaar. B.Kowtow. C. Rajah. D.Blitzkrieg. 4.The Indo-European language family is made up of the languages of the following EXCEPT ______. A. Europe B.the Far East C. India D.the Near East 5. Which of the following is NOT one of the main sources of new words in the present-day English vocabulary? A. The rapid development of modern science and technology. B.Social, economic and political changes. C. The invasion of foreign countries. D.The influence of other cultures and languages. 6. Modern English vocabulary develops through the following channels EXCEPT ______. A. creation B.borrowing


第五章项目投资综合决策习题 一、单项选择题 1.某企业计划投资10万元建一生产线,预计投资后每年可获净利1.5万元,年折旧率为10%,则投资回收期为( )年. (A)4.5? (B)5 (C)4? (D)6 2.在资本限量情况下,最佳投资方案必然是()。 (A)净现值合计最高的投资组合 (B)获利指数大于1的投资组合 (C)内部收益率合计最高的投资组合 (D)净现值之和大于零的投资组合 3.在下列指标中属于贴现的指标是()。 (A)投资回收期 (B)投资利润 (C)平均收现期? (D)内部收益率 4.现值指数小于1时意味着()。 (A)投资的报酬率大于预定的贴现率 (B)投资的报酬率小于预定的贴现率 (C)投资的报酬率等于预定的贴现率 (D)现金流入量的贴现值大于现金流出量的贴现值 5.下列关于净现值的表述中,不正确的是() (A)净现值是项目计算期内各年现金净流量现值的代数和 (B)净现值大于0,项目可行,净现值小于0,项目不可行 (C)净现值的计算可以考虑投资的风险性 (D)净现值反映投资的效率 6.某投资方案的年营业收入为100000元,年总成本为60000元,年折旧额10000元,所得税率为33%,该方案的每年营业现金流量为()元。 (A)26800 (B)36800 (C)16800 (D)43200 7.投资回收期的计算公式为()。 (A)投资回收期=原始投资额/现金流入量 (B)投资回收期=原始投资额/现金流出量 (C)投资回收期=原始投资额/净现金流量 (D)投资回收期=净现金流量/原始投资额 8.当新建项目的建设期不为0时,建设期内各年的净现金流量()。 (A)小于0或等于0 (B)大于0 (C)小于0

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