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[摘要] 改革开放带了的不仅仅是科技的发展和经济的进步,而且还带来了一些新型的病毒,例如HIV病毒,乙肝病毒等,特别是HIV病毒,即艾滋病患者携带的病毒,到现在为止,依然没有办法治愈艾滋病,沾染了HIV就相当于宣告了死亡,HIV的传播途径中,有一



[关键词] 血液;核酸检测;重要性

[中图分类号] R450 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1672-5654(2016)03(a)-0107-03

Discussion on the Importance of Nucleic Acid Detection in Blood

SHI Ling-ling

Henan Province Jiaozuo City Blood Donation Office,Jiaozuo,Henan Province, 454000 China

[Abstract] With the policy of reform and opening to the outside world is not only the progress of science and technology and the development of economy, but also bring some new virus, like HIV, hepatitis B virus, especially HIV, the AIDS patients carrying the virus, up to now, still do not have the means to cure AIDS, was infected with the HIV is a declaration of death, the routes of HIV transmission, is a blood borne, and the annual because of exposure to blood from AIDS is no longer a few, so the blood were accounting detection is very important. The importance of nucleic acid detection in order to analyze the blood, our hospital to 2015 half a year without nucleic acid detection and the second half of the accounting built were compared, and the result:nucleic acid detection of unpaid blood donors, not only reduces the risk of blood transfusion, and reduces the waste of liquid blood. Below introduces my bloody research and the obtained results,followed by the introduction of the general method of nucleic acid blood tests, finally introduces the advantages of nucleic acid detection.

[Key words] Blood; Nucleic acid detection; Importance

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