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跨文化交际综合测试一. 单选题(共35题,共70分)


1. What does “Australians have different perspectives to Chinese”mean?()(2分)

D. the pink hope


★考生得分:2 分评语:

3. In China, who will make the decisions for children?()(2分)

A. Mother

B. Father

C. Grandfather

D. Children


C. are mostly unaware of the meaning of given names

D. search for the origins of surnames


★考生得分:2 分评语:

6. What is a sinologist?()(2分)

A. a specialist in languages

B. a student of Chinese languages.

C. a specialist in Chinese studies

D. a Chinese language student


★考生得分:2 分评语:


C. youths – youngsters

D. autumn - fall


★考生得分:2 分评语:

9. An “utterance meaning” is______. ()(2分)

A. what a speaker says

B. what is heard by someone

C. what is meant by someone

D. how someone says something


★考生得分:2 分评语:


D. potentially inhibit cultural communication


★考生得分:2 分评语:

12. Pick out the pair of words that are examples of American English?()(2分)A. janitor, elevator

B. apartment, footpath

C. post, gas

D. nappies, trousers


★考生得分:2 分评语:

13. A Christian name is also called a________. ()(2分)



★考生得分:2 分评语:

15. _______is often regarded as the source of English proverbs. ()(2分)

A. Jefferson

B. Wordsworth

C. Shakespeare

D. Hemingway


★考生得分:2 分评语:

16. A “white lie” is________. ()(2分)


D. I've seen the orange light.


★考生得分:2 分评语:

18. English is a language particularly rich in synonyms and these synonyms differ from one another in the following ways except________. ()(2分)

A. regional variety

B. stylistic differences

C. emotional connotations of words

D. physical variety


20. What is an idiom?()(2分)

A. a phrase with a variety of meanings

B. a fixed phrase with its own meaning

C. a meaningless phrase

D. a phrase with limited meaning


★考生得分:2 分评语:

21. When will British people may sound cold and distant?()(2分)

A. when they really get bad weather

B. when they really are very upset

23. When two people coming from the same culture are communicating with each other, we can say this is a______. ()(2分)

A. multi-cultural communication

B. bi-cultural communication

C. mono-cultural communication

D. cultural communication


★考生得分:2 分评语:

24. Women are believed to speak and hear________. ()(2分)

A. a language of connection and intimacy

★考生得分:2 分评语:

26. All of the following is a necessary factor of communication except _______. ()(2分)

A. there is only one people

B. there must be some contact between communicators

C. there must be a language shared by communicators

D. an exchange of information has taken place


★考生得分:2 分评语:

27. One can assume from Margaret Thatcher’s family name that her ancestors________. ()(2分)


★考生得分:2 分评语:

29. The term “man in the street” means_______. ()(2分)

A. the man walking past

B. the person walking past

C. casual people

D. ordinary people


★考生得分:2 分评语:

30. A typical “Western” style meetings_________. ()(2


D. Outstanding


★考生得分:2 分评语:

32. The following explanations are about the four basic parts of the computer, which of the following is incorrect?()(2分)A. You feed information into the computer with an input unit, such as

a 答案board.

B. The processing unit performs a task and then shows you the result on an output unit, such as a mouse.

C. The memory unit stores information and instructions.

D. The processing unit performs a task and then shows you the result

” is a )(2

★考生得分:2 分评语:

34. English is said to be a language of______ in that many different words stand for the same thing. ()(2分)

A. empathy

B. sympathy

C. synonyms

D. antonyms


★考生得分:2 分评语:

35. At English dinners hosts often inquire the guests’ favors________. ()(2分)A. just before they serve a meal


★考生得分:1. 5 分评语:

2. Certain animals are often associated with certain qualities in English and Chinese cultures. Some animals have similar associations in both cultures: deer, for example, are regarded as dangerous and horrible. ()(1. 5分)

★考生得分:1. 5 分评语:

3. People from America and Britain speak different varieties of English, they usually find difficulty in understanding each other. ()(1. 5分)




countries. ()(1. 5分)


★考生得分:1. 5 分评语:

7. The Chinese are affectionate to their friends and relatives, but perhaps they show their affection in public less than other peoples. ()(1. 5分)

★考生得分:1. 5 分评语:

8. We express our emotions not only verbally but also through non-verbal channels, and one of the main non-verbal channels is facial expression. ()(1. 5分)

★考生得分:1. 5 分评语:

11. People are sensitive about their personal appearance. So even if something appears to you to be wrong, it's not polite to mention it unless you know the person very well. ()(1. 5分)


★考生得分:1. 5 分评语:

12. In face-to-face communication non-verbal signals are not important at all. ()(1. 5分)


★考生得分:1. 5 分评语:

13. After the westerners say 'no', they usually wait for the second

)(1. 5

(1. 5

★考生得分:1. 5 分评语:

16. “Snack” and “baggin” provide an example to show the difference in stylistic variety. ()(1. 5分)


★考生得分:1. 5 分评语:

17. A written message does not create an instance of communication

until the message receiver reads it. ()(1. 5分)


★考生得分:1. 5 分评语:

18. Nowadays, however, all people no longer pay much attention to the origin of their surnames, and they are much more aware of the meaning

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