当前位置:文档之家› 英语口语技能训练练习题





1. Do you have a hobby? Can you tell us something about it? What do you like to do in your spare time?

2. How do you usually spend your weekends?

3. What kind of books do like best and why?

4. What kind of music do you like best and why?

5. Do you like watching English TV programs and why?

6. Do you like traveling and why?

7. What kind of movies do you like best and why?


1. Do you think it is important for university students to do physical exercise regularly and why?

2. What is your favorite way of keeping fit and why?

3. Do you think going on a diet is (also) a good way to keeping fit?

4. What kind of physical exercise do you think is most suitable for elderly people and why?


1. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

2. What aspect of your study do you find most difficult?

3. What do you usually do during your vacations?

4. Can you say something about your classmates?

5. What’s your major? Why did you choose it?

6. Which course do you like most and why?

7. How do you support your study financially?

8. Can you say something about the entertainment available on your campus?


1. How do you usually keep in touch with your friends?

2. Which way of corresponding do you think will be most popular in the near future?

3. Do you think letters will eventually be replaced by email or fax? Please give your reasons.

4. What do you think is the most efficient way for people to keep in touch with each other and why do you think so?


1. How do you like university life? Which aspect of university life do you find most interesting (stimulating

/challenging /exciting /enjoyable)?

2. How are you getting along with your classmates?

3. You’ve already finished quite a number of courses in the university. Which course do you think is most interesting? Why?

4. How do you like the food in the dining halls?

5. What do you usually do on weekends?

6. Can you tell us something about the activities organized by the Student Union in your university?

7. Are you interested in participating in the work of the Student Union? Give your reasons.


1. Are you satisfied with your present accommodations? Give your reasons. What kind of accommodations would you like to have?

2. Today, more and more students are entering university. How do you think the problem of accommodation can be solved?

3. If you don’t like sharing a room with someone else, what can you do?

4. If you have problems getting along with your roommates, what could you do?


1. Do you like watching TV? Why or why not?

2. Which programs do you like best? Why?

3. What do you think of the English programs offered by CCTV?

4. How do you like the programs offered by your local TV station?

5. Do you like sports? What do you think of the sports programs on TV?

6. What do you think the TV serials? Name one or two that you like most.

7. Do you watch educational programs on TV? Name one or two. Why not?

8. Can you recommend some TV programs that you think are worth watching?

9. What’s your general impression of the TV programs offered by CCT V?


1. What job do you think is best for you after you graduate?

2. What’s your most important consideration when looking for a job?

3. Where would you like to work after you graduate, in a big city or a small town?

4. What factors influence you most in your choice of a job?

5. Some people would rather not work if they can’t find the ideal job. What’s your opinion of this?

6. Why does our government encourage young people to leave home and work in less developed areas?

7. Do you have any work experience? Would you tell us something about it? Why not?

8. How would you prepare for a job interview?

9. Do you think it is desirable to have a job in the same city where your parents live? Give your reasons, please.

10. Suppose you fail to find the job you have in mind, what would you do then?


1. How do you like campus life?

2. In what way is college life different from that in high school?

3. What do you think is the real challenge of studying at college?

4. Where do you like to study, in the dormitory, in the library or in the classroom? Give your reasons, please.

5. What do you think of your college library?

6. What kind of activities do you take part in during your free time?

7. What sort of entertainment are you most interested in?

8. Are you a sports enthusiast? What kind of sports do you like best?

9. Do you get along with your roommates?


1. What is your favorite course? Name one or two courses you enjoy most and give your reasons.

2. Which course or courses do you like the least? And why?

3. How many classes do you have in a week? Should the number of courses be cut down or increased?

4. What do you think of your English course?


1. What do you think was or is the happiest time for you at school, at primary school, at high school or now at university? Why?

2. In your view, what makes a happier life, wealth or health?

3. What in your life do you feel most proud of?

4. What is the greatest challenge you’ve met since you entered university?

5. Among the people you know, who do you admire most? Tell us why?

6. As a university student, what contributions can you make to society?


1. Some people don’t like making friends. Do you think they would be happy without friends? Why?

2. Do you believe in “life-long” friendships? Why / Why not?

3. Do you think that people of different age groups, for example, teenagers or adults, might have different reasons for making friends?

4. If you had the chance to travel around the country, who would you prefer to travel with, your parents or your friends? Why?

5. What would you prefer, having many friends or just a few close friends? Please explain briefly.


1. Can you tell us something about the after-class activities at your college (university)?

2. What kind of after-class activities are you interested in?

3. Do you often take part in after-class activities? (If yes) What are they? (If not) Why not?

4. Is it difficult for you to pay your tuition and fees at college (university)? (If yes) How do you overcome the difficulty?

5. What do you think of students taking a part-time job while in school?

6. What entertainment does your college (university) offer during the weekend?


1. Are there many students in your class who have part-time jobs? (If yes) What kind of jobs do they do? (If no) Why not?

2. What is your first consideration in choosing a part-time job?

3. In what way dose your college encourage students to have part-time jobs?

4. Does your family encourage you to get a part-time job?

5. What do you think colleges (university) should do to help students finance their education?


1. How do you usually spend your holiday/

2. How did you spend the Spring Festival/May Day?

3. What do you think is the best way to spend your holidays? And why?

4. How did you spend the Spring Festival when you were a child?

5. How do you prefer to spend your holidays, with your parents or with your friends? Why?

6. Do you think we have too many f=holidays> Why do you think so?


1. What do you think of students who sleep away the whole day in their dormitories during holydays?

2, Do you think that frequent holidays will make people lazy/ Why/Why not?

3. What do you think of our government’s decision to lengthen certain holidays?

4. Do you think wee-long holydays will increase pressure on transportation? Why/Why not?

5. Do you think long holidays will encourage spending? Why/Why not?


1. How do you like campus life? (Why do you think so?)

2. What do you think is the most attractive aspect of campus life?

3. Do you find it easy to get along with your classmates? (Why or why not)

4. Can you say something about the living conditions on campus?

5. Do you find life on campus convenient? Please give your reasons.

6. What should the university do to make campus life more colorful?

7. What do you think of your teachers and professors? (Please give your reasons)


1. Can you say something about your own hobby or hobbies?

2. What’s the most popular hobby of your classmates?

3. Some people spend a lot of money on hobbies. Do you think it worthwhile?

4. Do you think having a hobby will affect your studies? Please give your reasons.

5. Some students spend a lot of time surfing the net. Do you think it’s a problem?


1. What changes will the wide use of the Internet in China bring about?

2. What, in your opinion, is the biggest change that has taken place in China today?

3. Please tell us something about the changes in higher education in recent years.


1. Where do you usually get the latest news? From newspapers, the radio, TV or the Internet?

2. What newspapers are available on campus?

3. How often do you watch TV? What programs do you like best? (Please give your reasons)

4. Do you have access to the Internet on campus? Which sites do you often visit and why?

5. How dose the mass media affect our lives?

6. What would life be like without the mass media?


1. Which newspaper do college students like most? And why?

2. Which kind of mass media do you think is most influent, TV, newspaper, the radio or the Internet? (Please give your reasons)

3. Do you think newspapers will be replaced by the Internet in the future? Why or why not?

4. Do you think it is necessary to read newspapers when you can get the news on TV?


1. Which do you think is more important for university students, practical skills or theoretical knowledge? Give your reasons.

2. Today university students have to pay tuition and fees. Do you think this is reasonable? Why?

3. What’s your major? Why did you choose it?

4. Apart from your major, what other subjects do you think are very important for you? Please explain briefly.

5. Would you like to be a teacher after you graduate? Give your reasons.


1. Could you say something about the way your English class is conducted? How do you like it?

2. How did you learn to speak English?

3. What are you going to do to further improve your English?

4. What’s your idea of a good English teacher?

5. In some universities, multimedia is used in teaching English. What do you think of this form of teaching?


1. Which course do you think has benefited you most at university?

2. Would you like to go to work or continue your studies after graduation? (Please give your reasons)

3. Have you ever thought of studying abroad? (Please give your reasons)

4. Do you think a university education is essential to finding a good job? (Why?)

5. Is it important to develop higher education? (Why?)


1. Do you think it’s good for young children to study abroad? (Why?)

2. Do you think it’s essential to study abroad in order to get a good job? (Why/why not)

3. Now some universities are inviting foreign teachers to teach. Do y ou think it’s a good idea? (Why?)

4. Why do you think more and more graduates from universities abroad are coming back to China?


1. Are you satisfied with the environment you are living in?

2. Has your university done anything to protect the campus environment? (If yes, what has it done? /if not, why not?)

3. Why is environmental protection important?

4. Is environmental pollution a local or global problem?

5. Which do you think is more important, environmental protection or economic development? (Please explain.)


1. Is there such a thing as the generation gap? (Please elaborate.)

2. Do young people usually see things the same way as the elderly? Give an example.

3. Would you like to live together with your parents after you graduate? (Why/why not?)

4. Do young people like to chat with elderly people? (Why/why not?)

5. Who do you prefer, young teachers or elderly professors? Why?

6. Do you think elderly people are always conservative? Please explain.


1. Do you think it’s necessary to narrow the gener ation gap? (Why/why not?)

2. Is there anything young people can learn from the elderly? (Why/why not?)

3. Is there anything the elderly people can learn from young people? (Why/why not?)

4. If you sometimes differ with your parents on certain things, how would you deal with the situation?


1. Do you think information technology is important? (Why/why not?)

2. What role do you think new technology can play in education?

3. Should university students know about the latest advances in science and technology? (Why?)

4. Is knowing a foreign language important for scientists and engineers? (Please give your reasons.)


1. What rules and regulations are there in your university? Name one or two.

2. Do you think rules and regulations in the university are stricter than those in high school? (In what way?)

3. Which is more important to good conduct, regulations or self-discipline?

4. What do you think of the rules and regulations in your university?

5. Have any of your classmates ever broken university regulations?(Please give an example.)


1. Are all the rules and regulation in your university reasonable?(Give one or two examples.)

2. If any of your classmates did not observe the university rules and regulations, what would you do?

3. As adults, should university students be responsible for their own behavior? Why?

4. Do you think the Students’ Union should be involved in establishing university rules and regulations? (Please explain.)


1. People say the climate is becoming warmer. Do you agree? (Why do you think so?)

2. What do you think we can do to prevent the climate from becoming worse?

3. Is the climate an important consideration when you look for a place to live and work?

4. Do changes in weather affect human emotions?


英语口语技能训练练习题 1 1. Do you have a hobby? Can you tell us something about it? What do you like to do in your spare time? 2. How do you usually spend your weekends? 3. What kind of books do like best and why? 4. What kind of music do you like best and why? 5. Do you like watching English TV programs and why? 6. Do you like traveling and why? 7. What kind of movies do you like best and why? 2 1. Do you think it is important for university students to do physical exercise regularly and why? 2. What is your favorite way of keeping fit and why? 3. Do you think going on a diet is (also) a good way to keeping fit? 4. What kind of physical exercise do you think is most suitable for elderly people and why? 3 1. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? 2. What aspect of your study do you find most difficult? 3. What do you usually do during your vacations? 4. Can you say something about your classmates? 5. What’s your major? Why did you choose it? 6. Which course do you like most and why? 7. How do you support your study financially? 8. Can you say something about the entertainment available on your campus? 4 1. How do you usually keep in touch with your friends? 2. Which way of corresponding do you think will be most popular in the near future? 3. Do you think letters will eventually be replaced by email or fax? Please give your reasons. 4. What do you think is the most efficient way for people to keep in touch with each other and why do you think so? 5 1. How do you like university life? Which aspect of university life do you find most interesting (stimulating /challenging /exciting /enjoyable)? 2. How are you getting along with your classmates? 3. You’ve already finished quite a number of courses in the university. Which course do you think is most interesting? Why? 4. How do you like the food in the dining halls? 5. What do you usually do on weekends?


2020小学英语语音专项练习题 (一)发音不同: 一、找出划线部分读音与众不同的单词。(10分) ( ) 1、 A、 big B、 six C、 nice D、 miss ( ) 2、 A、 work B、 wall C、 whose D、 watch ( ) 3、 A、 sorry B、 brother C、 some D、 does

( ) 4、 A、 yesterday B、 family C、 day D、 Monday ( ) 5、 A、 hear B、 pear C、 ear D、 near ( ) 6、 A、 map B、 stamp C、 face D、 cat ( ) 7、 A、 three B、 those

C、 their D、 these ( ) 8、 A、 food B、 foot C、 book D、 good ( ) 9、 A、 not B、 no C、 ink D、 ant ( ) 10、 A、 names B、 apples C、 faces D、 balls 二、找出画线部分读音不同的单词,并把标号填入题前括号内。(5分)

( ) 1、 A、 banana B、 cap C、 glass D、 father ( ) 2、 A、 happy B、 any C、 hurry D、 yellow ( ) 3、 A、 much B、 bus C、 mug D、 ruler ( ) 4、 A、 seat B、 see

C、 the D、 evening ( ) 5、 A、 pen B、 great C、 desk D、 leg 三、找出划线部分读音与众不同的单词。(10分) ( ) 1、 A、 big B、 six C、 nice D、 miss( ) 2、 A、 work B、 wall C、 whose D、 watch ( ) 3、 A、 sorry


学业水平考试英语口语话题表达练习题 1. Do you like sports? Why or why not? 范文: Yes,I like sports very much. First, I think playing sports is fun. I think playing sports is a good way to relax myself. Second, it gives people the opportunity to make new friends. I have made some new friends when I play sports.Third, sports help me keep healthy. It is good for my health. 2. Do you like English? Why or why not? Yes, I do. I like English very much. F irst it’s very useful, and it’s a very important subject. I want to travel around the world. It will be fun to make friends with people from other countries. Second, our English teacher is very funny. She is very kind and friendly. We all love her. She always makes the English classes enjoyable. 3. What’s your favorite food? Why d o you like it/them? My favorite food is the dumplings that my mother makes.First, it is a way that my mother shows her love to me .Although my mother is busy, she makes dumplings at least once a week. Every time I eat the dumplings that my mother makes ,I feel very excited and lucky. Second, the dumplings are very delicious.Third , dumplings are Chinese traditional food. We usually eat them in Spring Festival. 4. Do you think teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes? Why or why not? I think teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. First, teenagers want to look smart and energetic.But their uniforms are not very beautiful. And wearing their own clothes makes them original. It makes them feel confident. Second, children are not small children. They should learn to make decisions by themselves. If they choose their own clothes, they will feel more comfortable. 5. Do you like playing computer games? Why or why not? T o tell the truth, I don’t like playing computer games. First, it is boring. Playing computer games can take us too much time and we have no time to study or play sports. We can get nothing


英语口语的实训报告 Final approval draft on November 22, 2020

外国语学院 口语技能训练实习报告专业商务英语 学号 姓名刘洁 指导教师张海波、何霞 英语系制 2014年6月

为时一周的英语口语实训已经结束了,真是受益匪浅。通过这一周的实训,我极大的提高了自己的英语口语能力,学到了许多英语知识。本实训旨在使学生更加重视英语口语训练并掌握口语表达的有效技巧,使学生进一步强化英语口语能力以适应职业的需要,从而培养较强的英语口语实际交际能力。通过给我们看地道的美语发音来纠正读音和组织辩论赛,力图克服学生开口难的畏惧心理,最终为学生提高英语的应用能力、增强英语口头沟通能力,从而建立起语言学习能力。 本次英语口语实训主要包括两个部分。第一部分:基础语音训练。第二部分:口语技能训练。第三部分:考核。通过这三个部分的训练,培养学生用英语朗读各种题材书面材料的能力,培养学生在没有文字凭借的情况下用英语表达自己的观点的能力,清楚而逻辑的论证自己的观点的能力。实训要求学生认真参与、刻苦训练,在准备阶段能运用各种工具解决所遇到的问题,必要时能进行成功地团结合作,在检查中能自如发挥,独立完成所要求的任务。 第一部分:基础语音训练 基础语音训练是从基础的音标开始练习的。老师首先给我们看了视频学习了基础音标的读法,通过重新学习语音音标,让我对音标有了新的认识,发现了我以前在读音标时存在许多错误。对于口语中常出现的惯例性的特定读法,也给与我们及时的改正。让我们的英语口语更流畅,更标准。在学习了基本音标的基础上,有根据这些音标列举出常见的单词、短语、例句,让我们能更好的消化这一读音,让我们的发音更标准。 通过音标的学习让我认识到准确的学习音标为我的英语口语发音打下了良好的基础,成为我学习英语的优势。通过英语音标记单词是快速记背单词的最有效的一种方法。如果熟练掌握了英语音标发音的规律,就能很好的背下单词。通过基础语音训练让我确信它确实带给我很大的改变,可以培养我的语感。 第二部分:口语技能训练。 口语技能训练首先是进行分组辩论。把全年级分成四个大组,每个大组又根据人数分成5五个小组。先是通过组内小组与小组之间的辩论选出表现比较出色的四个辩手参加总决赛。这是我第一次参加辩论赛,从开始选题到最


一、 小学语音专项练习 五、判断下列各组单词划线部分发音是否相同,相同的打“√”,不相同的打“×”。 ( ) 1. A. why B. what C. white D. who ( ) 2. A. river B. farmer C. teacher D. doctor ( ) 3. A. skirt B. shirt C. girl D. nurse ( ) 4. A. thin B. thank C. that D. math ( ) 5. A. wash B. make C. lake D. away ( ) 6. A. how B. now C. mouth D. town ( ) 7. A. beef B. tea C. peach D. meat ( ) 8. A. cook B. foot C. look D. book ( ) 9. A. box B. dog C. clock D. over ( ) 10. A. potato B. tomato C. tofu D. yellow 二、选择与例子相同发音的单词,把编号填写在题前括号 ( ) 1. how A. brown B. yellow C. window ( ) 2. who A. why B.whose C. white ( ) 3. what A.where B. whole C.whom ( ) 4. this A. math B.thank C.clothes ( ) 5. that A. math B. water C. path ( ) 6. lake A.wash B. table C.can ( ) 7. like A. fish B. active C.kind ( ) 8. fresh A. behind B. chess C.closet ( ) 9. over A.closet B. close https://www.doczj.com/doc/dc12202959.html,puter ( )10.water A away B.watch C trash 三、找出发音不同的一项。 ( ) 1. A. why B. what C. white D. who ( ) 2. A. river B. farmer C. doctor D. short ( ) 3. A. skirt B.dinner C. girl D. nurse ( ) 4. A. thin B. thank C. that D. math ( ) 5. A. wash B. make C. lake D. day ( ) 6. A. how B. now C.window D. town ( ) 7. A. beef B. tea C. peach D. road ( ) 8. A. cook B. foot C. look D. book ( ) 9. A. box B. dog C. clock D. over 找出发音不同的一项 ( )1. A. work B. wall C. whose D. what ( )2. A. yesterday B. family C. day D. Monday ( )3. A. hear B. pear C. ear D. near ( )4. A. three B. those C. their D. these ( )5. A. food B. foot C. book D. good ()6. A. tea B. meat C. weather D. Beach ()1. A. apple B. class C. back D. dance


英语口语交际能力测试题及其评分标准 1.My family I have a happy family. There are five people in my family.They are my father,my mother,my sisters and I. My father and mother are both farmers.They also likes watching TV.They are very busy and tired everyday. I hope they always young and healthy.My sisters study in No.3 middle school. And I study in Xi’an middle school. We all like studying English and math. Because they are interesting. I love them very much. 2.My friend I have many friends.I like friends who are like me.XXX is my best friend. In some ways, we are different, she is taller and more outgoing than me,I’m more athletic than her, she is better at English than me, I think I’m smarter than her. In some ways, we are the same,we both like sports. However, she often beats me in table tennis,we like to go to the concert on weekends. Our favorite subjects are physics and chemistry. 3.My favorite pop star There are a lot of pop stars.I like Zhang Jie best. He sings songs very beautifully. I often watch him on TV. I remember listening many his songs,”I’m your”is one of the most beautiful song in his songs,he has made many songs.I listen to his songs.they can make me not be tired. I like his every song. 4.I love my mother My mother is a farmer. She is thirty-three years old. She likes to wear blue clothes. Her favorite food is vegetables. She likes to go shopping with me. I like her very much,because my mother is not only my mother, but also is my good friend.This is my mother. I love my mother. 5.My friend and I I have a best friend.her name is XXX, XXX is the same age as me.she’s really nice,and we get on well. She is really outgoing.But I am a bit quite.So she usually makes me laugh,and she can tell jokes to me when we don’t have homework. My English is too bad.But she is good at English.So she always helps me study English. Zhang Hui is very popular in our school. People thinks Zhang Hui is cute,and fall in love with her. Zhang Hui is my friend.But she is my sister in my heart. So, I love her. 6.An unforgetful thing It was Monday. I never forgot it. Because we were having lesson in the classroom that day. Suddenly. The wind blew strongly. The weather changed a lot. I noticed a storm coming,what should I do?How should I get home? The rain was heavy.I felt a little nervous.At that moment, my mother was coming. She took an umbrella. I felt excited when I saw my mother, So I will never forget that day. I love my mother very much. 7.Talk about your weekend Everyone has different weekend, now I will tell you my weekend. In the morning I help my mother clean the room and do my homework. In the afternoon, I Play games with my friends and do some shopping with my mother. After supper. I often watch TV or play computer games then go to bed early. 8.What did you do last Sunday The weekend was coming, I was very happy. Because I had a good time.In the morning, I got up later. After breakfast.I read English and did homework, then I listened some general music. In the afternoon I did some washing and helped mother do some shopping. In the evening, I Watched TV with my family and went to bed early. 9.My favorite sports Most people like sports, and I like football very much. After class I often play it with my classmates. Sometimes we talk about it with my friends. Sometimes I watch it on TV. It makes us very happy.So, all my classmates know my favorite sport is football. 10. As a child,you should help parents do housework, what can you do?As a child we should help our parents to do some house work. Such as we


语音练习 找出划线部分读音与众不同的单词。 ()1. A. big B. six C. nice D. miss ()2. A. work B. wall C. whose D. watch ()3. A. sorry B. brother C. some D. does ()4. A.yesterday B. family C. day D. Monday ()5. A. hear B. pear C. ear D. near ()6. A. map B. stamp C. face D. cat ()7. A. three B. those C. their D. these ()8. A. food B. foot C. book D. good ()9. A. not B. no C. ink D. ant ()10.A. names B. apples C. faces D. balls 找出划线部分读音与众不同的单词。 ( ) 1. A. banana B. cap C. glass D. father ( ) 2. A. happy B. any C. hurry D. yellow ( ) 3. A. much B. bus C. mug D. ruler ( ) 4. A. seat B. see C. the D. evening ( ) 5. A. pen B. great C. desk D. leg ()6. A. her B. worker C. doctor D. sister ()7. A. near B. pear C. year D. dear ()8. A. food B. cook C. room D. school ()9. A. many B. get C. any D. hat ()10. A. seat B. read C. sweater D. mean


英语口语加试朗读语段练习题 Passage 1 How I learned to learn English Last year my English class was difficult. First of all, it wasn’t easy for me to understand the teacher when she talked. To begin with, she spoke too quickly, and I couldn’t understand every word. Later on, I realized that it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand every word. I was also afraid to speak in class, because I thought my classmates might laugh at me. I couldn’t always make complete sentences, either. Then I started to watch English-language TV. It helped a lot. I think that doing lots of listening practice is one of the secrets of becoming a good language learner. Another thing that I found very difficult was English grammar. So I decided to take lots of grammar notes in every class. Then I started to write my own original sentences using the grammar I was learning. It’s amazing how much this helped. Now I am enjoying learning English and I got an A this term. My teacher is very impressed. Passage 2 My biggest problem My biggest problem i s that I’m too busy. When I was young, I used to have so much time, but these days I get up early and stay in school all day. Then I go right home and eat dinner. Before I started high school, I used to spend a lot time playing games with my friends, but I just don’t have the time anymore. In the evening, I used to watch TV or chat with my grandmother, but now I have to study. I love music, and my father used to take me to concerts. These days, I hardly ever have time for concerts. I do my homework and go to bed. I really miss the old days. Passage3 Last week everyone was trying to cheer up Jimmy, the bike boy. But this week, Jimmy is happy again. On Monday, he told a radio interview that he had run out of money to buy old bikes. He also put up some signs asking for old bikes and called up all his friends and told them about the problem. He even handed out advertisements at a local supermarket. Then he told the teachers at school about his problem and they set up a call-in center for parents. The strategies that he came up with worked out fine. He now has sixteen bikes to fix up and give away to children who don’t have bikes. Passage 4 Restaurant science



华为面试题算什么,这个背会了外企随便进 我为各位整理出英文面试最常见的五大问题,而且提醒各位一些回答的技巧,希望大家能针对这些问题多演练,当成练习英文面试的重点。 问题一:Could you please describe your self?(能否请你形容一下自己?) 这个问题,一来是想要了解你是什么样的人,二来是想看看你是否知道如何重点式地自我简介。在回答时,要针对应征工作的性质来凸显自己的特色,能够多用形容词,而且引用过去的工作经验,可是不必提及公司组织的名称,再者,你还能够谈谈未来的生涯规画;但如果你是个社会新鲜人,就能够谈谈在校时的丰功伟业。比喻说,今天你打算去应征行销的职务,你就能够说︰I am dedicative and motivated. I w orked on several major investment & promotion projects with positive result s and I have more rich experiences in the government. I am now working a s a general director assistant and admi nistration office director for communic

ating and coordinating in an logistics c ompany. (我有创意、又积极。曾负责数项大型的行销项目,皆有成效。我现在希望在一家深具规模的公司内,担任有挑战性的行销职务。)问题二:Why do you think we should e mploy you?(你认为我们为何要雇用你?)雇主问此问题,希望你试图证明自己是最佳人选,而且测试你是否熟悉应征职务的工作内容。回答时,要迎合该公司对该职务的期望,不过切记别给人狂妄自大的印象。假设你今天要应征机械工程的工作,你就能够说︰I think I a m suitable for the position,not only be cause I have a masters degree, but al so because I have worked in this field for more than 3 years. I believe that my experience can be put to use in fu rther developing your business. (我很适合该职位,不只因为我有机械工程学的硕士学位,更因为我在该产业已经有五年多的工作经验,我相信,我的经验能够派上用场,进一步推动贵公司的事业。)


一、选择题 1.Choose one of the letters with different pronunciation. A.cake B.face C. apple D.late 2.His father bought him a new / t??/ for his birthday. A.tool B.tail C.tall D.toy 3.I put my keys in my_____/b?g/. A.big B.box C.bag D.boy 4.We should stress(重读) ______ syllable when we read the word “potato”.A.the first B.the second C.the third D.the last 5.下列各组字母中全部是元音字母的是 ____。 A.a, e, o, r B.a, i, u, e C.o, u, e, n 6.—How often do you do sports? —I do sports /twa?s/a day. A.twice B.twins C.tooth D.try 7.Which stress is different from other three words? A.expensive B.beautiful C.potato D.tomorrow 8.You’ll _____________ /feil/ in the final exam if you don’t work harder. A.feel B.fell C.fail D.fill 9.以下字母有相同元音因素的是 A.A, H B.L, O C.E, Q D.I, X 10.下列四个选项中划线部分读音全部相同 ....的是__________。 A.head bread eat B.look afternoon good C.thank there three D.here idea ear 11.Which underlined letter pronounces differently from the others? A.northern B.abroad C.block D.before 12.Which sound goes with the word "burn"? A./b?n/ B./br?n/ C./br?:n/ D./b?: n/ 13.Which pair of the words with the underlined letters has the same sound? A.heat deal B.glove postman C.Germany national 14.How many syllables(音节) does the word “lovely” have? A.One. B.Two. C.Three. D.Four. 15.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others? A.Scientists found that dinosaurs all died of disease. B.Disneyland was created by Walt Disney. C.Believe me, we come in peace. D.How is the man dealing with trouble? 16.Which word of the following has a different stress from the others? A.X-ray B.Upset. C.Rapid


英语口语加试练习题 (一)I. 朗读短文。(3分) 朗读下面的短文,要求语音、语调、意群正确,情感、语速适宜。 Jack was ten years old and he was a very lazy boy. He didn’t like doing any work. He had to go to school, of course, but he didn’t study hard there and tried to do little work. His father and mother were both doctors and they hoped that their son would become one, too, when he grew up. But one day Jack said to his mother, “When I finish school, I want to be a dustman (清洁工).” “A dustman? ” his mother asked. She was very surprised. “That is n ot a good job. Why do you want to become a dustman?” “ Because I would only have to work one day a week.” Jack answered at once. “Only one day a week?” his mother said. “What do you mean? And how do you know?” “Well, ” Jack answered, “I know th at the dustmen come to work on Thursday every week, because I only see them on that day.” II. 提取信息。(2分) 根据上面短文内容回答问题。(所答问题意思正确即可得分) Question1. How old was Jack? (Ten years old.) Question 2. Did he like doing any work ? (No, he didn’t.) III. 口语表达。(5分) 根据所给话题口头描述。要求:语音、语调正确,表达意思正确。(五句话满分) What will you do if you don’t feel well? Will you go to see the doctor or do something else? Please say something about it.


(一)发音不同: 一、找出划线部分读音与众不同的单词。(10分) ( )1. A. big B. six C. nice D. miss ( )2. A. work B. wall C. whose D. watch ( )3. A. sorry B. brother C. some D. does ( )4. A. yesterday B. family C. day D. Monday ( )5. A. hear B. pear C. ear D. near ( )6. A. map B. stamp C. face D. cat ( )7. A. three B. those C. their D. these ( )8. A. food B. foot C. book D. good ( )9. A. not B. no C. ink D. ant ( ). names B. apples C. faces D. balls 二、找出画线部分读音不同的单词,并把标号填入题前括号内。(5分) ( ) 1. A. banana B. cap C. glass D. father ( ) 2. A. happy B. any C. hurry D. yellow ( ) 3. A. much B. bus C. mug D. ruler ( ) 4. A. seat B. see C. the D. evening ( ) 5. A. pen B. great C. desk D. leg 三、找出划线部分读音与众不同的单词。(10分) ( )1. A. big B. six C. nice D. miss ( )2. A. work B. wall C. whose D. watch ( )3. A. sorry B. brother C. some D. does

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