当前位置:文档之家› 高二下牛津课文3翻译



1. Turkeys are often associated with Thanksgiving Day.

2. In Europe, the color white symbolizes purity, so brides are usually dressed in white.

3. The Titanic is thought of as the best film he has directed so far.

4. He went to work in Beijing and thus had the chance to visit the Palace Museum.

5. The Government declared that it would make every effort to stimulate economic growth.

6. How the Egyptians built the Pyramids remains unknown.

7. It is true that he has made great contributions to medical science.

8. It is important that one should stick to his moral values.

9. My final decision will depend on your attitude towards study.

10. The beauty of the West Lake reminded the girl of the scenery of her hometown.

11. After the man retired, he moved to the country, hoping to find some peace and quiet.

12. It will make a big difference whether you behave well at an interview.


高二下学期英语中译英练习 Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 期初摸底 1,只要你不轻言放弃,你成为宇航员的梦想终将实现。(as long as) 2,如果你在我们出发前,帮我们提前订好机票,我们将不胜感激。(appreciate) 3,经过了多次的尝试之后,他成功地发明了一种新式的电池。(attempt n.) 4,调查显示,一些家长担心他们的孩子可能在虚拟游戏中犯罪。(concerned) 5,这座以这位杰出的建筑师名字命名的大桥是历史上的一个重要标志。(name v.) 1, As long as you don’t give up, your dream of becoming / being an astronaut will come true / be realized. 2, We would appreciate it if you could book flight tickets in advance before our departure / we leave. 3, After (he made) many attempts, he succeeded in inventing a new type of battery. 4, Research shows that some parents are concerned that their children might commit crimes in the virtual games. 5, The bridge which was named after an outstanding architect is an important symbol in history. Unit 1 1,那个地区的水不适合饮用。(fit) 2,有氧运动是最有益的最美的运动方式之一。(form) 3,到大学里学习什么专业(major)应该由你来做决定。(up to) 4,学校设立了许多旨在提高学生们的学习兴趣的选修课(selective course)。(aim) 5,现在很多的家长太注重孩子的学习成绩,忽视了他们的心理健康。(emphasis) 1, The water in that area is not fit to drink. (=is not suitable for drinking) 2, Aerobic exercise is one of the most beneficial and one of the most beautiful forms of exercise. 3, It’s up to you to decide what to major in / what major to choose / take up in the university. 4, The school has set up a good many selective courses aiming / aimed at arousing the students’ interests in learning. 5, Nowadays, many parents lay too much emphasis on the children’s academic performance / school records, neglecting / and neglect their mental health. Unit 2 1,教师在课上经常安排学生陈述对时事问题的看法,以培养学生独立思考的能力。(arrange) 2,他几乎听不进别人的建议,总是我行我素。(Seldom) 3,令人吃惊的是呼吸这样污染的空气等于每天抽十支烟。(equivalent) 4,俗话说锻炼使我们的身体强壮,学习使我们的思维敏捷。(strengthen) 5,不可否认,乐于助人,有幽默感的人会给别人带来很多快乐。(It) 1, In order to develop the students’ ability to think independently, teachers often arrange for students to state their opinions / set out their views / perspectives on current issues in class. 2, Seldom does he follow others’ advice, and he always sticks to his own way. 3, It is surprising that breathing such polluted air is equivalent to smoking 10 cigarettes a day. 4, An old saying goes that / As the old saying goes, exercise strengthens our body while study / learning sharpens our mind. 5, It can’t be denied that whoever is ready to help others and has a sense of humor is sure to bring much fun / happiness to others.


Unit1 2d: Jane: 你好,鲍勃,你想加入什么俱乐部? Bob:我想加入运动俱乐部。 Jane:棒极了!你会玩什么运动? Bob:足球. Jane:这么说你可以加入足球俱乐部。 Bob:那么你呢?你非常善长讲故事.你可以加入讲故事俱乐部。 Jane:听起来不错。但我也喜欢画画。 Bob:那就加入两个俱乐部,讲故事俱乐部和美术俱乐部! Jane:好的,让我们现在去加入吧! Section B 2a: 1.你好,我是Peter,我喜欢打篮球。我会说英语,我也会踢足球。 2.你好,我是Ma Huan,我会打乒乓球和下国际象棋。我喜欢与人们交谈和做游戏。 3.我的名字是Alan。我在学校音乐俱乐部。我会弹吉他和钢琴。我也会唱歌和跳舞。 2b: (A)我们老人之家需要帮助。在七月份你有空吗?你善于与老人相处吗?你会与他们说话做游戏吗?他们会给你讲故事,你们可以交 朋友。它既有趣又好玩!请在今天拨打电话698-7729与我们联系。 (C)放学后你忙吗?不忙?你会说英语吗?是吗?那么,我们需要 你帮助说英语的学生做运动。这事轻松的,容易的!请来学生运动中心吧。拨打电话293-7742联系Mr.Brown. (B)你会弹钢琴或者拉小提琴吗?在周末你有时间吗?学校需要帮助教音乐。它不难!拨打电话555-3721联系https://www.doczj.com/doc/dc11889157.html,ler. Unit2 翻译课文 2d: Interviewer :Scott有一份有趣的工作。他在一家广播电台工作。Scott,你的广播节目在几点?Scott:从晚上十二点到早上六点。 Interviewer :你通常几点起床? Scott:晚上八点半。然后我九点吃早饭。 Interviewer :那是个有趣的早饭的时间。 Scott:是的。之后,我通常在十点二十左右锻炼。 Interviewer :你什么时候去上班? Scott:在十一点,所以我工作从不迟到。 2b:你好,我是Tony,我不喜欢早起床。在早上,我八 点起床。然后,我在八点三十去上学。我没有许多时间吃早 饭,因此,我通常吃的非常快。午饭我通常吃汉堡。放学后,我有时打半小时篮球。当我到家的时候,我总是先做作业。在晚上,我要么看电视,要么玩电脑游戏。在十点三十,我刷牙,然后上床睡觉。 Mary是我的妹妹。她通常在六点半起床。然后她总是洗淋浴,吃丰盛的早饭。然后,她在八点三十去上学。在十二点,她吃许多水果和蔬菜作为午饭。午饭后,她有时打排球。她总是在晚饭后吃冰激凌。她知道那对她不好,但冰激凌尝起来好极了!在晚上,她做家庭作业,通常还要游泳或者散步。在九点三十,她上床睡觉。


高二下牛津英语练习册答案 I.听力(共10题,每小题1.5分,满分15分 听录音,将所听到的内容填入题号为1-10的空格处。听录音前,你将有10秒钟 的阅题时间。录音播放两遍。 April 22 is Earth Day. Everyone on earth should care about and protect the earth! The earth has warmed by about (1 __________________________ over the past 100 years, but why and how? Well, scientists are not quite sure. Maybe the earth gets warmer and warmer (2 _________________. But many scientists say that people are doing many things which make the earth warmer. First, greenhouse effect is a very important reason for the change of the earth. People let out (3 ____________________ into the air eve ry year. It makes the earth warmer. Climate change is another important reason. Sometimes it becomes too hot and sometimes too cold. Sometimes there is too much rain and (4 ___________________ . The change of the climate makes the earth warmer. (5 ____________, the warmth of the earth changes the climate, too. When the earth becomes warmer, there may be more rain and a rise (6 _________________. It will affect the (7 ____________________, animals and people. On (8 _____________________, 100 people have to move to higher ground because the sea is rising. These people can no longer live (9 _______________________. Before that, two islands without people went underwater in 1999. Scientists say that the seas can rise by nearly one meter by 2100. People can affect the earth's air, land and water. As for us, we can do many things to protect the earth. For example, we can (10 __________________________. We can tell more people about protecting the earth.


外研版精装修正版七年级下册全部课文翻译 1初一下册Module 1 Lost and found 2M1U1 Whose bag is this? 这是谁的书包? 李老师:欢迎大家回到学校!首先,来看看失物招领箱!里面有好多东西。这是谁的书包? 玲玲:哦,对不起!是我的。我的蜡笔也在里面吗? 李老师:这些蜡笔是你的吗? 玲玲:是的,是我的,还有这块橡皮也是。谢谢你。 李老师:这些磁带是谁的? 大明:是我的。 李老师:这里有一个紫色的钱包。 托尼:它是我的。看!这里有我的名字“托尼”!谢谢。 李老师:不客气!看这块不错的表,也是你的吗,大明? 大明:不,不是。我想它是贝蒂的。 玲玲:是的,是她的。 李老师:同学们,从现在开始,请大家注意保管好自己的物品。 大明:这里有一些漂亮的手套。他们是谁的? 李老师:让我看看……哦,他们是我的!谢谢你! 2 M1U2 他们是你的吗? 纽约市失物招领处 欢迎来到纽约市失物招领处。 人们在旅行时或者是匆忙之间经常会丢弃东西。 他们把东西落在飞机上、火车上、汽车上或出租车上。 那就是为什么机场和车站会设有失物招领处。 纽约市失物招领处非常大。每天会有上百人来到这里。 他们来找他们的电话机、照相机、手表、计算机和许多其他东西。 我们通常大约有两千部手机和一千部照相机。 此时此刻,在纽约市失物招领处还有一些不同寻常的东西。 那里大约有一百辆自行车和一艘大船。还有许多动物。 本周有三只狗,两只鸭子和一头猪!它们是谁的?它们是你的吗?我们不知道。 你正在寻找十五公斤重的香肠吗?它们也在这里! 3 Module 2 What can you do? 你会做什么? M2U1 I can play the piano. 我会弹钢琴。 大明:看,本学期的新社团公布在布告栏里了。我想参加音乐社团,因为我会弹钢琴。你呢,贝蒂?贝蒂:我喜欢烹饪,所以我能参加吃喝社团。你会做饭吗,大明? 大明:不,我不太会。嗯,我会做鸡蛋,不过仅此而已。玲玲呢?她能参加哪个社团? 贝蒂:我想她会参加舞蹈社团,因为她跳舞跳得很好。托尼,你呢?


第一单元 SectionA 图片您的笔友来自哪?她来自澳大利亚。您的笔友来自哪?她来自日本。 2d约翰的笔友来自哪? 她来自日本。她住在哪?她住在东京。 Grammar Focus您的笔友来自哪?她来自澳大利亚。约翰的笔友来自哪?她来自日本。她住在哪?她住在巴黎。3b这就是我的新笔友。她来自澳大利亚。她讲什么语言? 她讲英语。 4问题:悉尼在哪儿?答案:在澳大利亚!悉尼在哪儿? 在美国。不,在澳大利亚。 SectionB 2a 她叫什么名字?她来自哪?她有兄弟姐妹不?她最喜欢的学科就是什么?她讲英语不?她住在那? 2c那就是您的笔友不?就是的,她(她)就是。 3a亲爱的同学: 我的名字叫鲍勃。我住在加拿大的多伦多。我想交一个中国笔友。我为中国就是个很有趣的国家。我14岁,就是十一月出生的。我说英语,还能讲一点法语。我有一个哥哥叫保罗,还有一个妹妹萨拉。她们有英国与澳大利亚的笔友。我喜欢与朋友们一起瞧电影,做体育运动。在学校里最喜欢上体育课。它非常有意思。但就是我不喜欢数学。她太难了! 您能尽快给我回信不? 鲍勃 3b寻找笔友 我的名字叫汤姆?金,我十四岁了。来自澳大利亚。我讲英语。我有一个哥哥萨姆,还有一个妹妹莉萨。我在周末玩足球,她就是我最喜欢的运动。在学校里我喜欢音乐。她很有趣!我最喜欢的电影就是《漫长的周末》。您知道不?它就是一部动作片。 请写信告诉我有关您的情况。 Self check 1加拿大日本从……纽约东京英语法语居住笔友日语语言美国澳大利亚法国英国新加坡 Just for fun 您从哪里来?火星。我讲英语与火星语。 第二单元 SectionA 图片这儿附近有银行不?就是的,有。它在中心大街。 2a1、投币式公用电话在图书馆对面。 2、投币式公用电话紧挨着图书馆。 3、投币式公用电话在邮局与图书馆之间。 4、投币式公用电话在格林街上。 5、投币式公用电话在图书馆的前面。 6、投币式公用电话在图书馆后面。2b1、图书馆在饭店与超市之间。2、公园在银行对面。3、超市在第五大街上。4、投币式公用电话在邮局的旁边。5、饭店在邮局的前面。6、旅馆在图书馆的后面。 2c超市在哪儿?它紧挨着图书馆。 Grammar Focus 这儿有超市不?就是的,有。/不,没有。 银行在哪儿?在中心街上。 旅馆在哪儿?在银行对面。 公用电话在哪儿?紧挨着邮局。 图书馆在哪儿?在餐馆与超市之间。 3a保罗:劳驾。请问这附近有旅馆不?南希:有。径直往前走,然后向左转。沿着大桥街走,在右边。它在超市的旁边。保罗:非常感谢。南希:不用客气。 4它就是在第五大街不?就是的,它就是。它在图书馆旁边不?就是的,它就是。它就是饭店不?就是的,它就是。SectionB 1a一个干净的公园一家新旅馆一条安静的街道一家大型的超市一个脏乱的公园一家小型超市一家旧旅馆一条繁华的大街 1b您家附近有一个大超市不?就是的,有一个。 2c有一个大超市。不,有一个小超市。 3a 欢迎来到花园区 在第一大街向左转,来享受城市宁静的街道与小公园。步行穿过中心大道上的公园,公园的对面就是一家老式的旅馆、紧挨着旅馆的就是一座带有一个有趣的花园的小房子。这就就是您花园旅行的开始。 3b来参观大桥街 大桥街就是一个玩得开心的好地方。这就是一条非常繁忙的街道。您可以在公园弹吉她。它就在那儿。在饭店与邮局之间。如果您饿了,您可以在超市买一些吃的,它在邮局的对面。 4b我家在一条繁华的街道上。 Self check 1 邮局投币式公用电话在……前面超市旅馆银行街道公园干净的肮脏的新的旧的安静的繁忙的大的小的左边右边在……之间在……旁边在……后面餐馆 3 亲爱的朋友: 我知道您下个星期就会到达。让我来告诉您来我家路吧。从飞机场乘出租车,经过一个位于您右边的银行,然后沿长街继续走,穿过第六大街、第七大街与第八大街。当您瞧到一个大超市时,向左拐。然后沿着大桥街继续走,在新公园处左拐。沿着中心大街走,我家就在您的右边。 祝您旅途愉快。 您的, 迈克


七年级下册英语课文翻译 李老师:欢迎大家回到学校!首先,来看看失物招领箱!里面有好多东西。这是谁的书包?玲玲:哦,对不起!是我的。我的蜡笔也在里面吗? 李老师:这些蜡笔是你的吗? 玲玲:是的,是我的,还有这块橡皮也是。谢谢你 李老师:这些磁带是谁的? 大明:是我的。 李老师:这里有一个紫色的钱包。 托尼:它是我的。看!这里有我的名字“托尼”!谢谢。 李老师:不客气!看这块不错的表,也是你的吗,大明? 大明:不,不是。我想它是贝蒂的。 玲玲:是的,是她的。 李老师:同学们,从现在开始,请大家注意保管好自己的物品。 大明:这里有一些漂亮的手套。他们是谁的? 李老师:让我看看…… 哦,他们是我的!谢谢你! M1U2 《纽约市失物招领处》 欢迎来到纽约市失物招领处人们在旅行时或者是匆忙之间经常会丢弃东西。他们把东西 落在飞机上、火车上、汽车上或出租车上。那就是为什么机场和车站会设有失物招领处。纽约市失物招领处非常大。每天会有上百

人来到这里他们来找他们的电话机、照相机、手表、计算机和许多其他东西。我们通常大约有两千部手机和一千部照相机。 此时此刻,在纽约市失物招领处还有一些不同寻常的东西。那里大约有三百辆自行车和一艘大船,还有许多动物,本周有三只狗,两只鸭子和一头猪!它们是谁的?它们是你的吗? 我们不知道,你正在寻找十五公斤重的香肠吗?它们在这里! M2U1 大明:看,本学期的新社团公布在布告栏里了。我想参加音乐社团,因为我会弹钢琴。你 呢,贝蒂? 贝蒂:我喜欢烹饪,所以我能参加吃喝社团。你会做饭吗,大明? 大明:不,我不太会。嗯,我会做鸡蛋,不过仅次而已。玲玲呢?她能参加哪个社团?贝蒂:我想她会参加舞蹈社团,因为她跳舞跳得很好。托尼,你呢? 托尼:我想参加汉语社团。我的汉语说不好。 大明:别担心你的汉语。我们可以教你汉语!所以选个你最喜欢的社团吧! 托尼:那好吧。我打乒乓球,所以我选择乒乓球社团。那是我最喜欢的。 M2U2 现在是新学期的开始,我们正在选新一届的班委。 我想当班长。我和每个人,无论同学还是老师都相处得很融洽。


上海牛津高二下课文 U1 What is beauty? Suffering to be beautiful Read the transcript below from a radio programme called Head to Head. Host: Good morning. Today’s topic is beauty. What is beauty? And, to what lengths can or should we go to make ourselves more beautiful? In the studio today are two beautiful women to help answer these questions! Sue Leslie, a former model who is now a successful businesswoman, and Elizabeth Cade, a writer and lecturer. Sue, perhaps we could start with you. Is beauty important? SL: Welt, first, thanks for the compliment, Mary. Now, I think that in today’s world, it is important to look your best. You should watch what you eat and keep yourself fit. And if that’s not enough, then cosmetic surgery can change people’s lives. Host: Eliz abeth, what’s your viewpoint? EC: I think it’s up to everyone to decide what is right for them, but I do feel that people should be happy with themselves, regardless of how they look.There is too much emphasis on appearance these days. Seldom do people think about the real dangers of this obsession with looks, both from eating disorders and from having cosmetic surgery. Also, many people feel unhappy because just don’t happen to fit society’s current ideas of what is beautiful. Host: Since you’re a histo rian, perhaps you could give us a brief historical perspective on this. EC: Well, there are lots of examples of societies in which people have done some horrendous things to try to make themselves look more beautiful. For instance, some European women used to have their bottom ribs removed so that they would have thin waists. Neck stretching was fashionable in some parts of South-East Asia. Ln Africa, there were tribes which stretched their ear lobes or lips. I think it is ridiculous that people-usually women-have been forced by society to endure such considerable pain and suffering.

七年级下册英语 课文翻译

七年级下册英语课文翻译 第一课你会弹吉他吗? Section A 2b 1. 莉萨想加入国际象棋俱乐部,但她不会下国际象棋。 2. 鲍勃想加入英语俱乐部。他喜欢说英语。 3. 玛丽喜欢音乐。她会唱歌和跳舞。鲍勃也喜欢音乐。他们想加入音乐俱乐部。 2d 简; 你好,鲍勃。你想加入什么俱乐部? 鲍勃:我想加入运动俱乐部。 简; 棒极了!你会玩什么运动? 鲍勃:足球。 简:这么说你可以加入足球俱乐部。 鲍勃:那么你呢?你非常擅长讲故事。你可以加入讲故事俱乐部。 简:听起来不错。但我也喜欢画画。 鲍勃:那就加入两个俱乐部,讲故事俱乐部和美术俱乐部。 简:好的,让我们现在去加入吧! 语法聚焦 Section B 2a 你好,我是彼得。我喜欢打篮球。我会说英语,我也会踢足球。 你好,我是马欢。我会打乒乓球和下国际象棋。我喜欢与人们交谈和做游戏。 我的名字是艾伦。我在学校音乐俱乐部。我会弹吉他和钢琴。我也会唱歌和跳舞。 2b 我们老人之家需要帮助。在七月份你有空吗?你会与他们说话。做游戏吗?他们会给你讲故事,你们可以交朋友。它既有趣又好玩!请在今天拨打电话689-7729 与我们联系! 放学后你忙吗?不忙?你会说英语吗?是吗?那么,我们需要你帮助说英语的学生做运动。这是轻松的,容易的?请来学生运动中心吧。拨打电话293-7742 联系布朗先生。 你会谈钢琴或拉小提琴吗?在周末你有时间吗?》学校需要帮助教音乐。它不难!请拨打电话555-3721 联系来勒太太。 第二课你几点去上学? 2d 采访者:斯科特有一份有趣的工作。他在一家广播电台工作。斯科特,你广播节目在几点? 斯科特:从晚上十二点到早上六点。 采访者:你通常几点起床? 斯科特:晚上八点半。然后我九点吃早饭。 采访者:那是个有趣的吃早饭的时间! 斯科特:是的。之后,我通常在十点二十左右锻炼。 采访者:你什么时候去上班/ 斯科特:在十一点,所以我工作从不迟到。 语法焦距


$presenter[pri'zent2]n.推荐者;赠送者;(电视、广播的)主持人 $suffer['s3f2]v.(from)受痛苦,患病;受损失;遭受;忍受 $suffer for[]受损失,吃亏受罚 $suffer from[]患(病);受…之害 $head to head[]adv.交头接耳地 $former['f0:m2]a.在前的:前任 n.(两种事物中的)前者 $in former times[]从前 $compliment['k0mplim2nt]n.(pl.)问候;赞美之词 vt.赞美;向…致意 $give/present my compliments to[]请向…致意(问候) $make/pay a compliment to[]向…致意(问候) $cosmetic[k0z'metik]n.化妆品 a.化妆用的;装门面的;装饰性的 $surgery['s2:d72ri]n.外科,外科手术;手术室,诊所 $cosmetic surgery[]n.整容外科(手术) $emphasis['emf2sis]n. 强调,加强,重要,强语气 $speak with emphasis[]强调地说 $give emphasis to[]着重,强调 $anorexia[9n2'reksi2]n.厌食症 $current['k3r2nt]a.流行的;当今的;通用的n.水(气)流;电流 $current events[]时事 $current money[]通用的货币 $the current of events[]事情的进展 $the current of time[]时势,时代潮流 $a current of air[]空气流$historian[his't0:ri2n]n.an expert in history 历史学家 $perspective[p2:'spektiv]n.透视,透视画法;远景,展望;观点,看法$see things in perspective[]正确观察事物 $a perspective glass[]望远镜 $horrendous[h0'rend2s]a.可怕的,令人惊惧的 $in quotes[]在引号中 $rib[rib]n.肋骨,肋状物 $the rib of an umbrella[]伞骨 $waist[weist]n.腰(部);衣服的腰部 $strip to the waist[]打赤膊,光膀子 $tribe[traib]n.种族,部落;(植物,动物)族,类 $a tribe of graduate students[]一帮毕业生 $lobe[loub]n.耳垂,(肺,肝等的)叶 $skull[sk3l]n.头盖骨,颅骨 $a bald skull[]秃顶 $an empty skull[]头脑空空 $endure[in'dju2]vt.&vi.忍受,忍耐;持久,持续 $ridiculous[ri'dikjul2s]a.荒谬的,可笑的;荒唐的 $quaint[kweint]a.古雅的,离奇有趣的,奇怪的 $trend[trend]n.倾向,趋势 v.伸向,倾向 $set the trend[](在风尚、式样上)开个头,带个头


Unit 1 People around us Grammar : learn how to use the definite article the Writing: an article about a person you love My grandma My grandma was a short woman with grey hair、She was always cheerful、 She was a very good cook、 Her dishes were probably the best in the world、 I will never forget the taste, and the smell as well、 Grandma took care of my family、She was really kind and patient、 She died two years ago and I miss her very much、----Ben Alice Alice is my best friend、 She is a tall girl with glasses、 She often tells me jokes to make me laugh, but she never makes fun of others、 Alice is a smart girl、 She is good at Maths、 We often study and play tennis together、 I hope we will always remain friends、-----Joyce Mr Li


Tattooing is an ancient art. It has always been done in the same way-pricking holes through the skin and inserting colored substances and dyes. In 1948, a Russian archeologist opened a Siberian burial chamber from about 500 BC and found the frozen remains of a man and woman. Tattoos covered the man's arms, legs, and much of his trunk. The pictures were artistic and complex. Frozen art! In October of 1991, a 5000 year old frozen body was discovered near Italy. The corpse was very well preserved and had with it clothing, a bow and arrow, a bronze ax, and flint. But what was more amazing was that the body was tattooed with several crosses and straight lines. Tattooing instruments have been found at archaeological digs in Europe that place the time as early as 10,000 BC. These instruments were disks made of clay with sharp, bone needles placed in holes on the top. Figures were found with designs painted on them to resemble tattoos. Egyptian mummies dating about 1300 BC have been discovered with blue tattoos on the skin. The North American Indians used thorns to pierce the skin in designs and then rubbed charcoal into the holes, making a permanent tattoo. Not to mention, a painful one! In the 19th century, even the Prince of Wales had a Jerusalem cross tattooed on his arm. Later, both his sons had dragon tattoos applied. The earliest mention in the United States is in the 1800's, when sailors brought back the idea. Many sailors had tattoos of Christ or the cross inked on their backs to discourage the captain giving them back lashes for punishment. Tawhaiao Potatau Whero, a Maori chief, 19th century. The Japanese and the Burmese have since done the most elaborate tattooing in the world, sometimes covering their entire bodies with ink. Eventually, tattooing was used as a punishment in Japan and China and became illegal otherwise. It made a comeback, though, in


四单元 Section A 图片不要在走廊里奔跑。对不起,克拉克女士。 1a 学校制度上课不要迟到,你一定要准时。不要在走廊里奔跑。不要在教室里吃东西。你必须在餐厅里吃。不要在课堂上听音乐。不要打架。 1c规章制度是什么噢,我们上课不能迟到。我们必须准时。 2a在教室或走廊里听音乐在教室里听音乐在外面听音乐在教室里吃东西在餐厅里吃东西在外面吃东西戴帽子打架 2c 辛迪,我们能听音乐吗我们不能在走廊里听音乐,但我们可以在外面听。 2d嗨,我的名字叫约翰。这是我在学校的第一天。嗨,约翰,我是艾丽斯。这是一所极好的学校,但是有许多规则。真的吗规则当中的一些是什么嗯,不要上课迟到。这是非常重要的。好吧,所以我们必须准时。我们可以带音乐播放器到学校吗不,我们不可以。并且我们总是不得不穿校服。我明白了。噢,并且我们也不得不在图书馆里保持安静。 ~ Grammar Focus 不要在走廊里跑。不要打架。规则是什么我们必须按时上课。我们可以在教室里吃东西吗不,我们不可以,但可以在餐厅吃饭。我们可以在课堂上戴帽子吗是的,我们可以。/不,我们不可以。他不得不在学校穿校服吗是的,他是。/不他不是。你们不得不做什么我们不得不在图书馆里安静。 3a 不要谈话 3b 安静她不得不在图书馆保持安静吗(她/不得不/在图书馆)是的,她不得不。 3c在我梦想中的学校,我们不必每天来学校。我们……1.我们可以在课堂上吃东西。2.我们不必每天来学校。 Section B 1b外出上学期间的晚上看望朋友做他的家庭作业练习弹吉他清洗餐具看电视帮助他的妈妈做早饭打扫他的房间 1c 在上学期间的晚上每周六在晚饭前在晚上在上学的日子里晚饭后放学后每天早上/上午 1d戴夫在上学期间的晚上可以外出吗不,他不可以。 ' 2b 亲爱的万事通博士, 有太多的规则!在早晨6:00,我妈妈说:“现在起床并整理你的床铺!”早饭后,我妈妈总是说:“不要把脏盘子留在厨房里!”洗完盘子后,我因为不能迟到而跑向学校。在学校,我们有更多的规则—不要吵闹,不要在课堂上吃东西…… 我的爸爸说放学后我不能打篮球因为我必须做家庭作业。我仅仅在周末能玩。晚饭后,我也不能放松。我在看电视之前必须先读书。但是十点前我上床睡觉。规则、规则、规则!太可怕了!我能做什么,万事通博士 莫莉·布朗纽约亲爱的莫莉, 我知道你感觉怎样。人们总是告诉我们,“不要这样做!”或“你不能那样做!”但是,考虑一下这件事,莫莉。你可以做许多事情。你可以在周末打篮球。你可以在读书后看电视。父母和学校有时是严格的,但是记住,他们制定规则是为了帮助我们。我们不得不遵守它们。 好运!万事通博士3a亲爱的万事通博士, $ 你可以帮助我吗我不快乐,因为在家里有太多的规则。每天早上,我不得不/必须六点钟起床。在学校,我不得不/必须穿校服,并且我不得不/必须留短发。放学后,我不能和我的朋友一起玩或者看电视,因为我不得不/必须做作业。在周末,我也不能放松,因为我不得不/必须学弹钢琴。我从未过得快乐。我能做什么 赵培Self check 1我是老鼠蒂米。我必须在每天早上6:30起床。然后我得去厨房为爷爷觅食。我去厨房从不迟到因为我得在猫起床前到那儿。我的爷爷总是告诉我不能吵闹。我听他的话,因为我不想要猫抓住我!我的爷爷对我要求严格,但我认为遵守规则是最好的! 2上课不要迟到。我们上课不能迟到。


2019高二下牛津英语练习册答案参考 高二下牛津英语练习册答案 I.听力 (共10题,每小题1.5分,满分15分) 听录音,将所听到的内容填入题号为1-10的空格处。听录音前,你将 有10秒钟的阅题时间。录音播放两遍。 April 22 is Earth Day. Everyone on earth should care about and protect the earth! The earth has warmed by about (1) __________________________ over the past 100 years, but why and how? Well, scientists are not quite sure. Maybe the earth gets warmer and warmer (2) _________________. But many scientists say that people are doing many things which make the earth warmer. First, greenhouse effect is a very important reason for the change of the earth. People let out (3) ____________________ into the air eve ry year. It makes the earth warmer. Climate change is another important reason. Sometimes it becomes too hot and sometimes too cold. Sometimes there is too much rain and (4) ___________________ . The change of the climate makes the earth warmer. (5) ____________, the warmth of the earth changes the climate, too. When the earth becomes warmer, there may be more rain and a rise (6) _________________. It will affect the (7) ____________________, animals and people. On (8) _____________________, 100 people have to move to higher ground because the sea is rising. These people can no longer live (9 ) _______________________. Before that, two islands


Unit1 TextA Winston chnrchiee-His other life温斯顿?丘吉尔――他的另一种生活 Mary ?soames玛丽索姆斯 1.My father, Winston Churchill, began his love affair with painting in his 40s, amid disastrous circumstances. As First Lord of the Admiralty i in 1915, he had been deeply involved in a campaign in the Dardanelles that could have shortened the course of a bloody world war. But when the mission failed, with great loss of life, Churchill paid the price, both publicly and privately: He was removed from the Admiralty and lost his position of political influence..我的父亲温斯顿?丘吉尔是在40几岁开始迷恋上绘画的,当时他正身处逆境。1915年,作为海军大臣,他深深地卷入了达达尼尔海峡的一场战役。原本那次战役是能够缩短一场血腥的世界大战的,但它却失败了,人员伤亡惨重,为此丘吉尔作为公务员和个人都付出了代价:他被免去了海军部的职务,失去了显赫的政治地位。 2. Overwhelmed by the disaster —“I thought he would die of grief,,,said his wife, Clementine he retired with his family to Hoe Farm, a country retreat in Surrey. There, as Churchill later recalled, “The muse of painting came to my rescue!”“我本以为他会因忧伤而死的。”他的妻子克莱门泰因说。被这一不幸压垮的他同家人一起退隐到萨里郡的一个乡间居处---耘锄农场。在那儿,正如丘吉尔日后所回忆的,“绘画女神拯救了我!” 3. One day when he was wandering in the garden, he chanced upon his sister-in-law sketching with watercolours. He watched her for a few minutes, then borrowed her brush and tried his hand — and the muse w_d her magic. From that day forward, Winston was in love with painting. 一天他正在花园里漫步,正巧碰上他的弟妹在用水彩画素描。他观看了她几分钟,然后借过她的画笔,试了一下身手----于是缪斯女神施展了她的魔法。自那天以后,温斯顿便爱上了绘画。 4.Delighted with anything that distracted Winston from the dark thoughts that overwhelmed him, Clementine rushed off to buy whatever paints and materials she could find. Watercolours, oil paints, paper, canvas 一Hoe Farm was soon filled with everything a painter could want or need. 任何能让沉浸在忧思中的温斯顿分心的事情都让克莱门泰因高兴。于是,她赶紧去买来她所能找到的各种颜料和画具。水彩颜料、油画颜料、纸张、帆布画布---很快耘锄农场里便堆满了一个绘画者可能想要或需要的各样东西。 5.Painting in oils turned out to be Winston’s great love —but the first steps were strangely difficult. He contemplated the blank whiteness of his first canvas with unaccustomed nervousness. He later recalled. 画油画最终成了温斯顿的一大爱好---但是最初几步却出奇地艰难。他凝视着他的第一块空白画布,异乎寻常地紧张。 6.“Very hesitantly I selected a tube of blue paint,and with infinite precaution made a mark about as big as a bean on the snow-white field. At that moment heard the sound of a motorcar in the drive and threw down my brush in a panic. I was even more alarmed when I saw who stepped from the car: the wife of Sir John Lavery, the celebrated painter who lived nearby. 他日后回忆道:“我迟疑不决地选了一管蓝色颜料,然后小心翼翼地在雪白的底子上的画上蚕豆般大小的一笔。就在这时,我听到车道上传来一辆汽车的声音,于是惊恐地丢下我的画笔。当我看清是谁从汽车里走出来时,更是惊慌失措。来者正是住在附近的著名画家约翰?莱佛利爵士的妻子。 7.“‘Painting!,she declared. 'What fun. But what are you waiting for?Let me have the brush —the big one.,She plunged into the paints and before 丨knew it, she had swept several fierce strokes and slashes of blue on the absolutely terrified canvas. Anyone could see it could not hit

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