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英文材科基实验报告Quantitative Determination of Volume Fraction of Graphite in Ductile Iron

英文材科基实验报告Quantitative Determination of Volume Fraction of Graphite in Ductile Iron
英文材科基实验报告Quantitative Determination of Volume Fraction of Graphite in Ductile Iron

Quantitative Determination of Volume Fraction of

Graphite in Ductile Iron

(School of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China)

Abstract The relative amount of the graphite phase in a ductile iron sample can be quantitatively determined with both the manual point counting method and the automatic imagine analysis method. In the experiment, I analyzed the micro-structure of the ductile iron sample. I used two different methods to determine the volume fraction of graphite of the ductile iron sample with the serial number 1. One of the methods is the manual point counting method which takes advantages of reticle with an orthogonl grid placed in one of the eyepiece. The other is the automatic image analysis method which uses Image Tool to analysis a set of micro-graphs of the sample. The volume fraction of graphite was determined as 9.67%±0.52% and 9.67% ±0.23% from the manual method and the automatic method, respectively. Basing on the assumption that the ductile iron is absolutely binary all, the carbon content of the manual counting method and the automatic method is 2.84 % and 2.85% , separately. There exist some errors in both the manual method and automatic method.

Key Words: Graphite, Volume Fraction, Ductile iron, Quantitative microscopy, Stereology


The experiment we conducted mainly uses the principle of the materials stereology, especially the principle related to the photomicrography and quantitative microscopy. The stereology for materials science refers to the quantitative method and theory to obtain the three-dimensional information such as the volume fraction or the amount of one certain interface in unit volume by analyzing the two-dimensional section or the projection image. The quantitative metallography means the kind of metallographic technique that determine the micro-structure of materials quantitatively(estimate and measure the size of grain/ the content of each phase/the size, amount, shape and distribution of second the phase .etc) by the materials stereology and image analysis technique. The relationship of the two is that the stereology for materials science is the important foundation of the quantitative metallography.

The experiment is divided into two parts. One part is photographic recording of the etched structures and the other part is the stereoligical evaluation of micro-structures. In term of the photomicgraphy, we use the digital imagining metallographic microscope with digital camera to take micrograph of the given sample of ductile(nodular) iron and the sample with the hypo eutectic micro-structure. As for the stereological evaluation of micro-structure, we use both manual point counting method and the automatic image analysis method. Then we analysis and compare the result obtained from two methods.

2.Material and Methods

2.1The Sample for the Experiment

2.1.1 The grinding and the polishing of the sample

After cutting a small representative piece from the metal to be studied, we got the sample that is rough and scratched. But examining the sample in the microscope without prior preparation will not reveal informative image of the micro-structure because roughness and scratches at the surface will reflect the incident light randomly. As a result, we need to grind and polish the sample before examine and observe the sample in the microscope.

Grinding is done using rotating discs covered with silicon carbide paper and water or just using silicon carbide paper on a glass plate. What we should pay attention to is that the strength should be equally pressed on the sample in order to make sure the whole surface of the sample is equally grinded. What is further more, we need to keep rotating the sample with 90 degree regularly during the grinding until the scratches are on the same direction.

Polishing steps are similar to those of the grinding. In addition, we need to maintain the moist degree of the sample. Because the sample will become hotter then oxide if it is too dry or the pitting corrosion will formed if the sample is too wet.

2.1.2 The etching of the sample

The purpose of etching is two-fold. Firstly, grinding and polishing produce a highly deformed, thin layer on the surface which is removed

chemically during etching. Secondly, the etchant attacks the surface with preference for those sites with the highest energy, leading to surface relief. 2.2 Manual Point Counting Method

Point counting is one of the simplest operations of quantitative stereology. The term refers to test points(for example, the intersection of an orthogonal test grid) that are counted when they superimpose on some areal feature of interest in the micro-structure of a metallographic cross section. Such features may be individual phase, pores or inclusions present in the structure. The point counting technique allows determination of the volume fraction of such features in the specimen under study.

The ability to count systematically the occurrence of a feature within a given area on a plane surface and to translate that count into the volume fraction of that feature within the material under study is based on the following relation:

The number of pints P that fall on the feature F:

P P (point fraction) is

equal to: the volume fraction(V V ), which is the volume feature F divided by the total volume of the sample(


F V V ). That is:

The volume fraction of the second phase:V V =P P .

The point fraction:P P =∑Gr P /(n ×T P )

And the relative standard deviation:22[()/][()/]1/v v p p a V V P P P σσ==

The derivation of the above equation:

The systematic method of point counting can be divided into 3 parts. Firstly, place the polished and etched section on the stage and adjust the magnification so that the feature of interest is easily seen. Select a representative portion of the sample randomly. Secondly, count the points. If a reticle is available with an orthogonal grid, this is placed in one of the eyepieces. Counting is accomplished by recording the identity of the material over which each grid point lies, i.c. a count is made of all points on the grid that lie over the feature of interest. The point fraction of that features is its point count divided by the total number of test points on the


2.3Automatic Image Analysis Method

Automatic imagine analysis method is refers to the method analysis and obtain the data of the volume fraction automatically photomicroscope and Image Tool software.

The image analysis refers to the quantitative metallographic technique that infer the quantitative data such as geometrical information and optical density from the image, which associate the automatic image analysis with the theory of the materials stereology. The image processing means the technique which using the computer depose the image in order to meet the certain requirement. The difference between them is the image analysis can obtain the final result we want automatically.

The systematic method the automatic image analysis method can be divided into 2 parts. Firstly, shot ten photos of the sample surface with the photomicroscope. Secondly, use the Image Tool to transform the photos into gray-scale version and white-black version. Then the Image Tool will analysis the photo and provide us with the volume fraction automatically.

3.Results and Discussion

3.1V olume Fraction of Graphite: Determined Manually

The experimental data:

P=3624.5; n=402

From the data above we can calculate:

1)P P =∑Gr P /(n ×T P ) ∑Gr P =1394.5, n=402, T P =36


P P =1394.5/(402× 36)=9.64%.

2)αP =3624.5

Thus,V V V V /)(σ=1/1394=2.68%

)(P P σ=P V V P V V ?/)(σ=2.68%×

9.64%=0.26% And n-1=402-1=401>40, thus C=2 Hence,C )(P P σ=2×0.26%=0.52%

The final result: on the 95%confidence level, the volume fraction of graphite V V =9.64%±0.52%.

3.2 V olume Fraction of Graphite: Determined Using Automatic Image Analysis

The final result of the automatic image analysis:

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Image and results of volume fraction determination of graphite in ductile

iron, using Image Tool 2.0

(a)original image (b)gray image(c)binary image(d)Image Tool result table

The Image Tool show us the volume fraction V V =9.67% and the standard


)(V V σ=0.23 automatically. Thus the final result is the volume

fraction of graphite V V =9.67%±

0.23% in the automatic method.

3.3 Chemical Composition Estimation Based on V olume Fraction Data The basic functions and parameters are listed as below:




g cm g V V V C Fe C Fe V C V C V wt ==++=ρρρρρ

Hence, the chemical composition : 1)on the manual point counting method:

=%wt C 9.64%×

2.62/(9.64%×2.62+(1+9.64%)7.86)=2.84% 2)on the automatic image method: =%wt C 9.67%×


3.4 Comparison and Discussion

3.4.1 The comparison of the manual point counting method and the automatic method

From the above analysis and calculate we obtain that the volume fraction of graphite was determined as 9.64%±0.52% and 9.67% ±0.23% as well as the carbon content is 2.84% and 2.85% from the manual method and the automatic method, respectively. The result indicates that the difference between the two methods is small. As a result, we can say that

the graphite volume fraction of the sample is about 9.64% and the carbon content is about 2.84%.

It is obviously that there exist some difference between the two methods. The manual point counting method is more accurate because it is difficult for us to choose the most suitable and accurate threshold when using the Image Tool. As a result we may calculate the impurity as the graphite or miss some small graphite particles, which lead to the inaccuracy .

3.4.2 Error analysis

Even though the error is not obvious, the error analysis is necessary.

The reason that could demonstrate the error are list as follows:

1)On the manual point counting method

i.The surface of the sample is not clean enough and may lead me to count the impurities as the grapheme particles mistakenly.

ii. The brightness of the field of view isn’t be adjusted properly.

iii.The micro-structure of the sample is heterogeneous, which leads to the asymmetrical of the number when we counting.

iv. The amount of counting is not large enough to estimate the whole surface of the sample. And the points we count is on the 2-dimensional surface while the micro-structure is 3-dimensional, which result in the inner structure can’t be obtained.

v. During the point counting process, we need to count a great amount of points with our eyes, which may lead to the eyestrain so that we can’t count accurately.

2)On the automatic image method

i.The amount of photos we take is not large enough to estimate the

whole surface of the sample. And the photos we take is on the 2-dimensional surface while the micro-structure is 3-dimensional, which result in the inner structure can’t be obtained.

ii. It is difficult for us to choose the most suitable and accurate threshold when using the Image Tool. As a result we may calculate the impurity as the graphite or miss some small graphite particles, which lead to the inaccuracy


The manual point counting method illustrates that the volume fraction of the volume fraction of the graphite is =9.64%, the standard deviation is =0.52% . The final estimate result is: on the 95% confidence level, the volume fraction of graphite

V=9.64%±0.52%. The carbon content of the


sample is 2.84%.

As for the automatic image method, the volume fraction of the volume fraction of the graphite is =9.67% with the standard deviation 0.23% . The final estimate result is: on the 95% confidence level, the volume fraction of graphite

V=9.67%±0.23%. The carbon content of the sample is 2.85%.



This experiment was supervised by Professor Guoquan LIU, the sample and the instruments were provided by Professor Guoquan LIU.


[1] The Metallographic Examination of Archaeological Artifacts -

Laboratory Manual. MIT Summer Institute in Materials Science and Material Culture, June 2003

[2] .E.E.Underwood, Quantitative Stereology, Addison-Wesley,1970

[3] .https://www.doczj.com/doc/df14307025.html,/wiki/stereology

[4]ASTM E562-02 Standard Test Method for Determining V olume

Fraction by Systematic Manual Point Count


四川大学实验报告 实验一:普通光学金相显微镜的构造及使用 一、实验目的: (1)了解普通光学显微镜的构造,各主要部件及元件的效用。 (2)掌握正确的使用操作规程及维护方法。 (3)掌握一般金相显微样品的制备过程和基本方法。 (4)熟悉碳钢平衡组织的显微形貌特征及识别方法。 二、实验原理: (1)金相显微镜的主要结构与介绍: 显微镜的基本放大作用由焦距很短的物镜和焦距较大的目镜来完成的,物体位于物镜的前焦点外但很靠近焦点位置,物体经过物镜形成倒立的放大实像,这个像位于目镜的物方焦距内但很靠近焦点位置,作为目镜的物体,目镜将物镜放大的实像再放大成虚像,位于观察者的明视距离(距人眼250mm)处,供眼睛观察。 为了减少球面像差、色像差和像域弯曲等像差,金相显微镜的物镜和目镜都是由透镜组构成的复杂光学系统。显微镜的成像质量在很大程度上取决于物镜的质量,因此物镜的构造尤为复杂,根据对各种像差的校正程度不同,物镜可分为消色差物镜、复消色差物镜和平视场物镜等三大类。近年来,由于采用计算机技术,物镜的设计和制造都有了很大改进。 实际上,一方面,金相显微镜所观察的显微组织,往往几何尺寸很小,小至可与光波波长相比较,此时不能再近似地把光线看成直线传播,而要考虑衍射的影响。另一方面,显微镜中的光线总是部分相干的,因此显微镜的成像过程是个比较复杂的衍射相干过程。此外,由于衍射等因素的影响,显微镜的分辨能力和放大能力都受到一定限制,目前金相显微镜可观察的最小尺寸一般是0.2μm左右,有效放大倍数最大为1500~1600倍。 金相显微镜总的放大倍数为物镜与目镜放大倍数的乘积。放大倍数用符号“Х”表示,例如物镜放大倍数为20Х,目镜放大倍数为10Х,则显微镜的放大倍数为


Econometrics report Class number: No number: Eglish name: Chinese name:

Contents Background and Data Analysis 2-5 and model T-test 6-8 F-test 8-10 Summary,and,suggestion 11

BACKGROUND ●The report below is about the food sales , I instance the resident population (10 000 ) , per capita income the first year , meat sales , egg sales , the fish sales . ●In order to build mathematical models to understand the relationship of each variable and its food sales , and I take statistics of Tianjin from 1994 to 2007 the demand for food Among Y X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 1 98.4500 153.2000 560.2000 6.5300 1.2300 1.8900 2 100.7000 190.0000 603.1100 9.1200 1.3000 2.0300 3 102.8000 240.3000 668.0500 8.1000 1.8000 2.7100 4 133.9500 301.1200 715.4700 10.1000 2.0900 3.0000 5 140.1300 361.0000 724.2700 10.9300 2.3900 3.2900 6 143.1100 420.0000 736.1300 11.8500 3.9000 5.2400 7 146.1500 491.7760 748.9100 12.2800 5.1300 6.8300 8 144.6000 501.0000 760.3200 13.5000 5.4700 8.3600 9 146.9400 529.2000 774.9200 15.2900 6.0900 10.0700 10 158.5500 552.7200 785.3000 18.1000 7.9700 12.5700 11 169.6800 771.7600 795.5000 19.6100 10.1800 15.1200 12 162.1400 811.8000 804.8000 17.2200 11.7900 18.2500 13 170.0900 988.4300 814.9400 18.6000 11.5400 20.5900 14 178.6900 1094.6500 828.7300 23.5300 11.6800 23.3700


determination of heavy metals in soil by atomic absorption spectrometry(aas) name: xufei group: the 3rd group date: sep. 20th 2012 part 1 the introduction 1.1the purposes (1)learn how to operate the atomic absorption spectrometry; (2)learn how to do the pretreatment of soil samples; (3)get familiar with the application of atomic absorption spectrometry. 1.2the principles atomic absorption spectrometry (aas) is a technique for measuring quantities of chemical elements present in environmental samples by measuring the absorbed radiation by the chemical element of interest. this is done by reading the spectra produced when the sample is excited by radiation. the atoms absorb ultraviolet or visible light and make transitions to higher energy levels . the concentration is calculated based on the beer-lambert law. absorbance is directly proportional to the concentration of the analyte absorbed for the existing set of conditions. the concentration is usually determined from a calibration curve, obtained using standards of known concentration. calibration curve method: prepare standard solutions of at least three different concentrations, measure the absorbance of these standard solutions, and prepare a calibration curve from the values obtained. then measure the absorbance of the test solution adjusted in concentration to a measurable range, and determine the concentration of the element from the calibration curve. part 2 the materials and apparatus part 3 the procedure 3.1 operating procedure for aas (2) instal l required hollow cathode lamp. select ?°t?± before turning to the power and hollow cathode lamp. then select appropriate la mp current and preheat for 30min. (3) make sure electrical meter to point to zero and then turn on high-voltage power. (4) select appropriate slit width. (5) rotate monochromator and select required wavelength. if the power meter is too high or low, adjust negative high voltage until the meter reads full scale. (6) adjust light point and wavelength so that the meter represents the maximum value. (8) inject distilled water into the flame and continue to preheat the burner. inject distilled water into the flame after each sample. (9) select ?°e?±, inject blank solution into the flame and adjust the meter to zero. (10) optimize analysis conditions and measure standard solution and samples. (12) select ?°t?± before turning off high voltage power, decrease lamp current and then turn off the lamp. at the same time, all buttons should be on original positions. (13) check the equipment before leaving the laboratory. 3.2 determination of soil samples


《材料科学基础》实验指导书 (试用) 院系: 班级: 姓名: 学号: 大连理工大学 年月日

实验目录 实验一金相显微镜的使用及金相试样制备方法(2学时)实验二金属材料的硬度(2学时)实验三 Sn-Pb二元平衡相图测试(2学时)实验四金相定量分析方法(2学时)实验五 Fe-C合金平衡组织观察(2学时)实验六材料弹性及塑性变形测定(2学时)实验七碳钢试样的制备及测试综合性实验(4学时)实验八金属塑性变形及回复再结晶设计性实验(6学时)实验九金属凝固组织及缺陷的观察(2学时)

实验一金相显微镜的使用及金相试样制备方法 一、实验目的 1)了解光学显微镜的原理及构造,熟悉其零件的作用。 2)学会正确操作和使用金相显微镜。 3)掌握金相试样的制备过程和基本方法。 二、实验设备与材料 实验设备:x-1型台式光学显微镜,磨样机、抛光机、砂轮机 实验材料:碳钢标准样品 三、实验内容 1.通过本次实验使学生了解光学显微镜并熟悉光学显微镜的构造和使用方法; 2.要求每个学生会实际操作光学显微镜,观察金相样品并测定其放大倍数。 3.演示并初步认识金相试样的制备过程及方法 四、实验报告撰写 撰写实验报告格式要求: 一、实验名称 二、实验目的 三、实验内容 包括:1. 光学显微镜的构造及其零部件的作用 2. 使用光学显微镜观察标准样品的收获 3. 概述金相试样制备过程及方法 四、个人体会与建议

实验二金属材料的硬度 一.实验目的 1.了解布氏、洛氏、维氏硬度的测试原理。 2.初步掌握各种硬度计的操作方法和使用注意事项。 二.实验设备和样品 1.布氏、洛氏、维氏硬度计 2.铁碳合金试样 三.实验内容和步骤 1.通过老师讲解,熟悉布氏和洛氏硬度计的原理、构造及正确的操作方法。 2.演示测定维氏硬度值,演示测定布氏和洛氏硬度值, 注:每个样品测量压痕数,由指导老师根据学生人数确定,保证每位学生可以操作硬度计1-2次。因为实验条件限制,所以不需要严格按照多次测量取平均值的要求进行实验。 四.实验报告内容 1.简述实验目的和步骤。 2.简要叙述布氏、洛氏、维氏硬度计的测量原理和特点。 3.写出测量步骤,附上实验结果。 4.总结各种硬度计的使用注意事项和使用体会。


《数据库原理》实验报告 实验六、视图和图表的定义及使用实验 姓名胡艺敏学号38 系别 女 数计学院 班 级 11计科师 范 主讲教师江凤莲指导教师江凤莲实验日期2013 4-27 专 业 计算机 课程名称数据库原理同组实验者 一、实验目的 使学生掌握利用SQL Server企业管理器的视图创建向导和图表创建向导建立视图表和关系图(图表),加深对视图和图表概念的理解,了解视图和图表的作用。 二、实验要求 1)调出创建视图向导,在图书-读者库中按下列T-SQL描述创建读者视图。 CREATE VIEW 读者_VIEW AS SELECT 图书.*,借阅.* FROM 图书,借阅,读者 WHERE 图书.书号=借阅.书号AND借阅.读者编号=读者.编号; 2)调出向导,按T-SQL描述创建借阅_计算机图书视图。 CREATE VIEW 借阅_计算机图书 AS SELECT 图书.*,借阅.* FROM 图书,借阅 WHERE 图书.书号=借阅.书号AND图书.类别=‘计算机’ 3)调出创建图表向导,完成在图书_读者数据库中建立图书_借阅图表的操作。要求该图表包括图书和借阅两个表,通过“图书.书号=借阅.书号”外码与被参照表之间的关联。 4)查看以上视图和图表的属性,并修改到正确为止。 三、实验类型:验证、设计、综合 四、实验环境

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 五、实验内容: (1)实验代码(可加附页): (1)基本操作实验 1)查看图书-读者库结构信息,根据给定的T-SQL语句确定视图结构信息,如表10所示。 表10 视图结构信息 序号视图名 数据库 名 相关表名列定义元组定义 1 读者_VIEW 图书-读 者 图书,借阅, 读者 图书.*, 借阅.* 图书.书号=借阅.书号 AND 借阅.读者编号=读者. 编号 2 借阅_计算 机图书 图书-读 者 图书,借阅 图书.*, 借阅.* 图书.书号=借阅.书号 AND图书.类别='计算机' 2)查看图书-读者库结构信息,根据题目要求确定图表结构信息,如表11所示。 表11 图表结构信息 图表名数据库名主表名参照表 名 关联定义 读者_VIEW 图书-读 者 借阅图书图书.书号=借阅.书号 (2)实验结果(可加附页):

外贸英语函电实验报告 信用证的申请

实验报告 实验名称外贸英语函电系别经济与管理系年级专业 学生姓名 学号 指导老师 2012年11月15日

实验项目FULL IN APPLICATION FOR L/C Array实验地点:老图书馆机房_实验日期:2012年11月12日 一、实验目的 掌握涉及付款方面的专业词汇的表达,了解信用证的内容及对信用证进行正确的审核;能够独立的书写付款和结帐方面的函电,通过真实单证处理,掌握审单要点后能正确处理信用证业务,填写各种进出口业务议付单据。 二、实验内容 (1)了解信用证的内容及对信用证进行正确的审核,根据教学软件中提供的不同的案例内容,掌握审单要点后能正确处理信用证业务,填写各种进出口业务议付单据。 (2)根据合同及国际贸易惯例,根据资料1和资料3设计申请和审核信用证的方案与步骤,填写上述资料2信用证申请书;修改资料4信用证与合同不相符的地方。 三、实验仪器设备 (1)CPU2.0G,内存512M以上配置的计算机,安装有windows XP 操作系统(2)进出口单证系统、进出口场景英语软件 四、实验步骤 1.实验指导老师(即任课教师)介绍外贸单证教学系统的基本组成和操作步骤,在每节课的实验项目项目开始前,先由实验指导老师介绍本次课程的基本组成和操作步骤,然后在老师的指导与控制下,了解信用证的内容及对信用证进行正确的审核,了解与信用证与合同的关系,掌握审单要点后能正确处理信用证业务,填写各种进出口业务议付单据。 2.首先对外贸结汇单证进行填写及审核、对国际贸易真实单证进行识读;独立进行实验方案设计,完成实验方案设计报告;用英语设计单证处理系统,按自己拟定的信用证的申请和修改步骤及方案对信用证进行申请和修改。 3.先提交实验课程的实验任务的电子版,以邮件形式发给指导老师。再按照 指导老师的要求打印成纸版,作为实验报告的一部分提交给实验指导老师。


实验项目名称:System analysis实验学时: 4 同组学生姓名:实验地点: 实验日期:实验成绩: 批改教师:批改时间: 一、实验目的和要求 To complete the SRS document and system Architectural analysis. 二、实验仪器和设备 硬件:PC 软件:Office 2010 Astah 三、实验过程 Library Management System(LMS) --Software Requirement Analysis 1. Introduction 1.1 The preparation of purpose The preparation of this requirement is to develop ways of LMS software research using large database foundation and application method. At the same time, it is also the foundation of project planning, preliminary design and detailed design, is the maintenance personnel perform internal maintenance, update, acceptance and test basis. Provided the development basis for software developers, since the directivity function in the process of software development. The main readers for software designers, programmers, and teacher. 1.2Scope of project The project name is " Library Management System". The main functions of the


实验报告 实验课程:材料科学基础 学生姓名: 学号: 专业班级: 年月日

实验一浇注和凝固条件对铸锭组织的影响 一、实验目的 1. 研究金属注定的正常组织。 2. 讨论浇注和凝固条件对铸锭组织的影响。 3. 初步掌握宏观分析方法。 二、实验内容说明 金属铸锭(件)的组织一般分为三个区域:最外层的细等轴晶区,中间的柱状晶区和心部的粗等轴晶区。最外层的细等轴晶区由于厚度太薄,对铸锭(件)的性能影响不大;铸锭中间柱状晶区和心部的粗等轴晶区在生产上有较重要的意义,因此认为地控制和改变这两个区域的相对厚度,使之有利于实际产品,有很大意义。 铸锭的组织(晶区的数目、相对厚度、晶粒形状的大小等)除与金属材料的性质有关外,还受浇注和凝固条件的影响。因此当给定某种金属材料时,可借变更铸锭的浇注凝固条件来改变三晶区的大小和晶粒的粗细,从而获得不同的性能。 本实验是通过对不同的锭模材料、模壁厚度、模壁温度、浇注温度及用变质处理和振动等方法浇注成的铝锭的宏观组织的观察,对铸锭的组织形成和影响因素进行初步的探讨,并对金属研究中经常要采用的宏观分析方法进行一次初步的实践。 本实验用以观察的铸锭样品浇注和凝固条件如后表: 三、实验步骤 1. 教师介绍金属宏观分析方法,讲解各样品浇注和凝固条件。 2. 学员轮流观察各种样品,结合已知的浇注和凝固条件分析各样品宏观组织的形成过程。 3. 描述所观察到的各样品的宏观组织。 四、实验报告要求 1. 叙述浇注正常组织的形成过程。 2. 逐一描绘各试样的宏观组织图,分析浇注和凝固条件对铸锭(件)组织的影响。 五、思考题 1. 简述宏观组织的特点及分析方法。



实验通知单 课题 第一单元微小世界 1.放大镜 实验名称 放大镜的构造、作用、用途 实验班级 六年级 实验类别 B 实验组数 10 实验时间 任课教师 实验 准备 分组实验器材:放大镜(最好每个学生都能有一个放大镜,如果只能提供给学生一种放大镜,尽量放大倍数大一点)科学书或报纸上的照片、计算机或电视机屏幕。柱形、球形的透明器皿、塑料薄膜、铁丝、普通玻璃片、平面镜片、水。 教师演示:不同放大倍数的放大镜、图片或课件(如放大镜镜片的结构等)。 规范操作要点 1.正确用放大镜观察物体。 2.比较用肉眼观察和用放大镜观察的不同。 备注 放大镜的作用——放大物体的像(可能学生会说“把物体放大”,提醒学生物体并未变大) 放大镜的用途——我们用放大镜观察校园里的生物、实验中在老师指导下观察花、昆虫等。它是视力不佳者的助视器,还适用于电子产品检验、线路板检验、集邮者欣赏鉴定邮票、

珠宝商鉴定珠宝、公安人员用它观察指纹毛发纤维等、农技人员用它观察花蕊进行人工授粉等、制作微型工艺品的工匠工作时使用… 实验通知单 课题 2.放大镜下的昆虫世界 实验名称 实验班级 六年级 实验类别 B 实验组数 10 实验时间 任课教师 实验 准备 分组实验器材:昆虫或昆虫器官标本、放大镜 教师演示器材:有关昆虫形态构造和生活习性的多媒体课件或图片资料 规范操作要点 提供给学生各种昆虫的标本或昆虫肢体的标本。(因这个寒假的冻灾,估计开学时不会有太多的昆虫,可以利用仪器室原有的标本和蚊蝇蟑螂等常见昆虫及其肢体为观察对象。估计肉眼观察学生的兴趣不会太浓,而且因观察对象小,肉眼的发现可能不会很多。可能的


大学物理实验报告 Ferroelectric Control of Spin Polarization Controlling the spin degree of freedom by purely electrical means is currently an important challenge in spintronics (1, 2). Approaches based on spin-transfer torque (3) have proven very successful in controlling the direction of magnetization in a ferromagnetic layer, but they require the injection of high current densities. An ideal solution would rely on the application of an electric field across an insulator, as in existing nanoelectronics. Early experiments have demonstrated the volatile modulation of spin-based properties with a gate voltage applied through a dielectric. Notable examples include the gate control of the spin-orbit interaction in III-V quantum wells (4), the Curie temperature T C(5), or the magnetic anisotropy (6) in magnetic semiconductors with carrier-mediated exchange interactions; for example, (Ga,Mn)As or (In,Mn)As. Electric field–induced modifications of magnetic anisotropy at room temperature have also been reported recently in ultrathin Fe-based layers (7, 8). A nonvolatile extension of this approach involves replacing the gate dielectric by a ferroelectric and taking advantage of the hysteretic response of its order parameter (polarization) with an electric field. When combined with (Ga,Mn)As channels, for instance, a remanent control of T C over a few kelvin was achieved through


材料科学基础实验课程教学大纲(实验课程类) 课程名称:材料科学基础实验 英文名称:Material Science Foundation Experiments 课程编号:1200303 面向专业:材料类各专业(金属材料、土木工程材料、电子信息材料、先进材料及成形) 学时学分:3周3学分 本大纲主撰人:王仕勤、庞超明(Tel:52090661,E—mail: wsqwyd@https://www.doczj.com/doc/df14307025.html,) 一、课程作用和具体目标 本实验课程面向全院材料类各专业(包括金属材料、土木工程材料、电子信息材料、先进材料及成形)学生开设,着重加强与“材料科学基础”课程相关的基本知识、基本理论、基本方法的学习和训练,它是“材料科学基础”课程中的重要环节。通过实验使学生进一步掌握材料晶体学基础理论;掌握相图的基本构成和应用;了解晶体缺陷对形变行为的作用;初步掌握材料实验的主要方法和操作技术,并能对测试结果进行综合评定。从而初步掌握材料研究的基本手段与方法,包括宏观分析方法与微观分析方法。使学生在实验技能和动手能力方面得到系统的训练,以培养从事科研活动严谨的工作作风,培养学生理论联系实际、分析问题和解决问题的能力,提高学生的科研动手能力,为后续课程教学和实验教学打下坚实的基础。

三、教学管理模式与注意事项 1、学生必须完成全部“必做实验”。在此基础上,可根据自己的兴趣爱好、能力强弱和 时间多少,进行“选做实验”。 2、学生在实验前必须认真预习实验指导书等相关内容。教师在实验前作必要的讲解和辅 导。 3、学生应严格遵守实验室规章制度和安全规范,确保安全。 四、设备及器材配置 1、制样设备:砂轮机、切割机、镶嵌机、水磨机、抛光机、电解抛光仪等。 2、加热、温控及加工设备:热处理炉、坩埚电炉、烘箱、温度控制仪、离心机、小型轧 机、大型轧机等。 3、分析测试设备:拉伸机、抗折试验机、抗压试验机、硬度计、体视显微镜、金相显微 镜、荧光显微镜、反光显微镜、偏光显微镜、混凝土气孔分析显微镜。放大机、数码相机、计算机、打印机、分析天平、酸碱滴定管、U型管界面移动电泳仪、离心分离机、李氏瓶、稠度仪、试模、勃氏比表面仪、套筛、沥青延度仪、沥青软化点仪、不透水仪、沥青针入度计、直流稳压电源、水泥水化热测定仪等。 4、各种耗材若干 五、考核与成绩评定 1、采用实验出勤情况、实验报告完成情况以及笔试考试情况综合考核。 2、成绩评定采用优秀、良好、中等、及格、不及格五档评定。(相应于百分制为:大于 等于90、80~89、70~79、60~69、小于60)。出勤情况占10%,实验报告占40%,笔试成绩占50%。 六、教材与参考资料 1、王仕勤、庞超明等材料科学基础实验. 南京:东南大学讲义,2006.6 2、秦鸿根编建筑材料试验指导书. 南京:东南大学讲义,2003.10 3、伍洪标主编无机非金属材料试验. 化学工业出版社,2002.6 4、硅酸盐物理化学实验指导书,南京:东南大学讲义


Preparation of n -bromobutane 一、Purpose 1、Study the principle and method of preparing n-butyl bromide from n-butyl alcohol by treatment with sodium bromide and concentrated sulfuric acid 2、Learn the technique of reflux with a gas trap apparatus and washing. 二、Principle n-Butyl bromide can be easily prepared by allowing n-butyl alcohto react with sodium bromide and concentrated sulfuric acid. Main reactions : NaBr + H 2SO4 → HBr + NaHSO4 24 H SO 322232222CH CH CH CH OH HBr CH CH CH CH Br H O +???→+ Secondary reactions : 24H SO 32223222CH CH CH CH OH CH CH CH=CH H O ???→+; ()24H SO 32223222222CH CH CH CH OH CH CH CH CH O H O ???→+ 24222H SO HBr Br SO H O +??→++ 三、Materials n-butyl alcohol :4mL Sodium bromide :5g Concentrated sulfuric acid :2.5mL/6mL Anhydrous calcium chloride:0.5g 10% aqueous sodium hydroxide:5mL 四、Primary reagent And Product physical constants


材工《材料科学基础》实验指导书湖北工业大学材料科学与工程学院 2013.3

实验1 淬冷法研究相平衡 目的意义 在实际生产过程中,材料的烧成温度范围、升降温制度,材料的热处理等工艺参数的确定经常要用到专业相图。相图的制作是一项十分严谨且非常耗时的工作。淬冷法是静态条件下研究系统状态图(相图)最常用且最准确的方法之一。掌握该方法对材料工艺过程的管理及新材料的开发非常有用。 本实验的目的: 1.从热力学角度建立系统状态(物系中相的数目,相的组成及相的含量)和热力学条件(温度,压力,时间等)以及动力学条件(冷却速率等)之间的关系。 2.掌握静态法研究相平衡的实验方法之一──淬冷法研究相平衡的实验方法及其优缺点。 3.掌握浸油试片的制作方法及显微镜的使用,验证Na2O —SiO2系统相图。 基本原理 从热力学角度来看,任何物系都有其稳定存在的热力学条件,当外界条件发生变化时,物系的状态也随之发生变化。这种变化能否发生以及能否达到对应条件下的平衡结构状态,取决于物系的结构调整速率和加热或冷却速率以及保温时间的长短。 淬冷法的主要原理是将选定的不同组成的试样长时间地在一系列预定的温度下加热保温,使它们达到对应温度下的平衡结构状态,然后迅速冷却试样,由于相变来不及进行,冷却后的试样保持了高温下的平衡结构状态。用显微镜或X-射线物相分析,就可以确定物系相的数目、组成及含量随淬冷温度而改变的关系。将测试结果记入相图中相应点的位置,就可绘制出相图。 由于绝大多数硅酸盐熔融物粘度高,结晶慢,系统很难达到平衡。采用动态方法误差较大,因此,常采用淬冷法来研究高粘度系统的相平衡。 淬冷法是用同一组成的试样在不同温度下进行试验。样品的均匀性对试验结果的准确性影响较大。将试样装入铂金装料斗中,在淬火炉内保持恒定的温度,当达到平衡后把试样以尽可能快的速度投入低温液体中(水浴,油浴或汞浴),以保持高温时的平衡结构状态,再在室温下用显微镜进行观察。若淬冷样品中全为各向同性的玻璃相,则可以断定物系原来所处的温度(T1)在液相线以上。若在温度(T2)时,淬冷样品中既有玻璃相又有晶相,则液相线温度就处于T1和T2之间。若淬冷样品全为晶相,则物系原来所处的温度(T3)在固相线以下。改变温度与组成,就可以准确地作出相图。 淬冷法测定相变温度的准确度相当高,但必须经过一系列的试验,先由温度间隔范围较宽作起,然后逐渐缩小温度间隔,从而得到精确的结果。除了同一组成的物质在不同温度下的试验外,还要以不同组成的物质在不同温度下反复进行试验,因此,测试工作量相当大。实验器材 1.相平衡测试仪 实验设备包括高温炉、温度控制器、铂装料斗及其熔断装置等,如图1-1所示。 熔断装置为把铂装料斗挂在一细铜丝上,铜丝接在连着电插头的个两铁钩之间,欲淬冷时,将电插头接触电源,使发生短路的铜丝熔断,样品掉入水浴中淬冷。 2.偏光显微镜一套,如图1-2所示。


金属及合金凝固组织的观察和分析 张文 北京科技大学材料学院 铸锭组织分为三个区,最外层是细晶区,金属液体浇入铸模后,与温度较低模壁接触的液体会产生强烈的过冷,产生大量的晶核,并向液相内生长。如果浇铸温度较低,铸锭尺寸不很大,整个液体会很快全部冷却到熔点一下,因此各处都能形核,造成全部等轴细晶粒的组织。但在一般情况下,只有那些仍然靠近模壁的晶粒长成而形成细晶区。柱状晶区,金属浇铸后,模壁被金属加热温度不断升高,由于结晶时潜热的释放吗,使模壁处的温度梯度降低。细晶区前沿不易形核,随着液相温度逐渐降低,已生成的晶体向液体内生长。等轴晶区,在凝固过程中,开始凝固的等轴激冷晶游离以及枝晶熔断而产生大量游离自由细晶体,它们随溶液对流漂移移到铸锭中心部分。如果中心部分溶液有过冷,则这些游离细晶体作为籽晶最终长成中心的等轴晶区。匀晶凝固过程是晶体材料从高温液相冷却下来的凝固转变产物包括多相混合物晶体和单相固溶体两种,其中由液相结晶出单相固溶体的过程称为匀晶转变。共晶凝固过程是从液相同时结晶处两个固相。一般把成分在共晶成分左边并有共晶反应的合金称亚共晶合金,而在右边的称过共晶合金,合金成分偏离共晶成分但冷却时仍发生共晶反应的合金,在冷却过程中先结晶出固溶体晶体,然后在生成共晶。包晶凝固过程是有些合金当凝固到一定温度时,已结晶出来的一定成分的固相与剩余液相发生反应生成另一种固相的恒温转变过程。 1 实验材料及方法 1.1实验材料 光学显微镜 表格 1 铝锭成分表 Table 1 Aluminum composition 铝锭浇铸条件 样品号模壁材料模壁厚度/mm模子温度/℃浇铸温度/℃1砂10室温680 2钢10500680 3钢10室温780 4钢10室温680 Table 2 Alloy composition 样品成分样品成分 1-a25%Ni+75%Cu铸造3-a80%Sn + 20%Sb 1-b25%Ni+75%Cu 退火3-b35%Sn + 65%Sb 2-a70%Pb + 30%Sn4-a51%Bi + 32%Pb + 17%Sn 2-b38.1%Pb + 61.9%Sn4-b58%Bi + 16%Pb + 26%Sn 2-c20%Pb + 80%Sn4-c65%Bi + 10%Pb + 25%Sn 1.2实验方法

实验六 实验报告

云南大学软件学院 实验报告 课程:数据库原理与实用技术实验任课教师:包崇明 姓名:匿名学号:2013…….专业:软件工程成绩: 实验6 数据库完整性 实验6-1 完整性约束 1、在学生表上面创建下列CHECK约束 【注】:因为学生表已经存在,所以这里使用添加check约束的方法实现: (1)创建入学日期约束“Enter_University_date_rule”,假定该学校于1923年4月30日创建。要求:入学日期必须大于等于学校创建日期,并且小于等于当前日期 测试语句: 结果(添加的check约束起作用了),如图: (2)创建学生年龄约束“Age_rule”。要求:学生年龄必须在15~30岁之间 测试语句 结果(添加”Age_rule”成功,并且年龄为’2015/4/27’没有违反”Enter_University_date_rule” 约束,进一步说明了(1)中的check约束添加成功,如图:

【注】:考虑到时间关系,下面的部分解答中将会省略测试约束的步骤。 (3)创建学生性别约束“Sex_rule”。要求:性别只能为“男”或“女” (4)创建学生成绩约束“Score_rule”。要求:学生成绩只能在0~100之间 (5)用图形方法查看学生成绩约束“Score_rule”,截图为: 2、删除约束Enter_University_date_rule 测试语句: 结果:(更新成功)

3、创建声明式默认约束:在创建表的过程中创建默认约束 (1)创建表“default_example”,表中包含字段pid、name、sex、age。要求设定sex的默认值为“男”、age的默认值为18。 创建default_example表语句: 采用SQL语句进行插入元祖: 执行结果为:(默认值起作用了!!) (2)插入一条编号为100 的记录,执行结果为: (3)修改默认值 一般先删除老的默认约束,再新建一个默认约束方法如下: 删除约束:alter TABLE default_example drop 约束名 新建默认约束:alter TABLE default_example add constraint df_age default(20) for age ①删除老的默认约束:


未知显微组织样品的鉴定 在实际科研中,科研工作者经常会遇到一些已知样品成分但未知各成分含量的情况。根据体视学原理结合在显微镜下的金相组织可以利用人工计点法测量第二相的体积分数,利用相图和求得各相密度,最后利用相图中的杠杆定理求得先析出相的质量分数和合金的具体成分;也可以利用自动图像分析法结合 image tool处理数据。 1 实验材料及方法 1.1实验材料 Pb-Sb合金1块 金相显微镜,数码照相设备,PG-1A金相抛光机 1500#砂纸,2.5μm抛光膏,4%硝酸酒精,无水酒精,玻璃皿,竹夹子,脱脂棉,滤纸 1.2实验方法 1)使用1500#砂纸打磨样品至其表面光滑且划痕方向一致[1] 2)将抛光膏均匀涂抹于样品表面,在抛光机上抛光至样品表面光滑且无划痕 3)用清水将样品表面冲洗干净,本次实验浸蚀剂为4%硝酸酒精。将浸蚀液和纯酒精各倒入一个玻璃 器皿中,用竹夹子夹脱脂棉、蘸浸蚀液在样品表面擦试,当光亮镜面呈浅灰白色,立即用水冲洗,并用酒精擦洗后经吸水纸吸干。操作过程要迅速利落,以防带水样品表面在空气中氧化。严禁用手摸其表面,以免皮肤受到伤害 4)显微组织的观察与记录。制备好的样品用显微镜在100~1000倍不同放大倍数下观察组织并拍照 记录 5)将样品放在金相显微镜载物台上,利用网格规则点阵以计点法测量样品中先析出相落在测量对象 上的点数,记录数据,测量不同的视野,重复测量至点数大于400。 1.3自动图像分析法 利用image tool 处理数据计算体积分数 1)双击桌面上的Image Tool图标启动程序; 2)单击“Open”按钮调入需要分析的图像文件; 3)单击“Manual”按钮将灰度图转变为黑白二值图; 4)在跳出来的“Threshold”窗口设定门槛值,将右侧门槛调节到图象中所需区域被盖上; 5)选择“Analysis”菜单对图像进行各种分析,分析所得的数据显示在“Result”窗口中; 2 实验结果


实验六视图的定义及使用实验实验报告实验任务 (一)建立视图(运行并观察结果) 1.建立信息系学生的视图IS_student。 CREATE VIEW IS_Student AS SELECT Sno,Sname,Sage FROM Student WHERE Sdept='IS' 2.建立信息系选修了1号课程的学生的视图IS_S1。CREATE VIEW IS_S1(Sno,Sname,Grade) AS SELECT,Sname,Grade FROM Student,SC WHERE Sdept='IS'AND =AND ='1';

3.建立信息系选修了1号课程且成绩在90分以上的学生的视图IS_S2。CREATE VIEW IS_S2 AS SELECT Sno,Sname,Grade FROM IS_S1 WHERE Grade>=90 4.建立一个反映学生出生年份的视图BT_S。 CREATE VIEW BT_S(Sno,Sname,Sbirth) AS SELECT Sno,Sname,2004-Sage FROM Student

5.将学生的学号及他的平均成绩定义为一个视图S_G。CREATE VIEW S_G(Sno,Gavg) AS SELECT Sno,AVG(Grade) FROM SC GROUP BY Sno 6.将课程的课号及选修人数定义为一个视图C_XIU。CREATE VIEW C_XIU(Cno,Scount)

AS SELECT Cno,COUNT(*) FROM SC GROUP BY Cno (二)查询视图(运行并观察结果) 1.在信息系学生的视图中找出年龄小于20岁的学生。SELECT Sno,Sage FROM IS_Student WHERE Sage<20 2.查询信息系选修了1号课程的学生。 SELECT,Sname FROM IS_Student,SC WHERE=AND ='1'

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