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尊敬的各位评委,上午好(Good afternoon, everyone), It’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my lesson with you.The content of my lesson is (此处说出教材版本,第几册,课题). I’ll be ready to begin this lesson from five parts(一般分为这几部分). Analysis of the teaching material, the teaching methods, the studying methods, the teaching procedure,and Blackboard design。First, let me talk about the teaching material.(也就是说课中的说教材、说教法、说学法、说教学程序、说教学反思)

Part 1 Teaching Material:

This unit is about. By studying of this unit,we’ll Enable the students to know the serious attitude towards and develop the interest in ,At the same time ,Let the students learn how to give instructions. this lesson plays an important part in the English teaching in this unit.This is an important lesson in Book One. From this lesson, it starts asking the Ss to grasp contents of each passage.Therefore, this lesson is in the important position of the teaching material.If the Ss can learn it well, it will be helpful to make the Ss learn the rest of this unit.As we all know ,reading belongs to the input during the process of the language learning. The input has great effect on output , such as speaking and writing .

According to the new standard curriculum (新课程标准), after studying the teaching material and analyzing the rule of children’s growing of mind,I think the teaching aims are the followings:

1.Knowledge objects:(教学目标,可写的具体些)

(1)The Ss can hear,read, and use the main sentence patterns。

(2)The Ss can understand the content of the lesson.

(3)The Ss can use the patterns to express their thoughts in the proper situation.

2.Ability objects:

(1) To develop the Ss’abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

(2) To train the Ss ’ability of working in pairs.

(3) To Improve the student’s reading ability, especially their skimming and scanning ability.

3.Emotion or moral objects:

(1)By completing the task,the Ss increase their interest and set up self-confidence in;

(2)Teach the Ss what is “”, put the moral education in the language study. now,let’s come to the Important points and the Difficult points(教学重难点):。

Well, how to achieve the teaching objects better, how to stress the important points and break through the difficult points? As is known to us all,The modern teaching demands the teacher should improve the students’ ability.

A good teaching method requires that the teacher should have the leading effects.

According to the analysis of the teaching material and the students’learning background ,I will use the following methods .

Part 2 Teaching Methods:(这些方法对招考来说具有一般性,但也不绝对通用,如果抽到复习课,或是单词为主的课,则不适合用这些方法。若时间紧张可适当减少本小节的内容)。

In my opinion,the main instructional aims of learning English in the Middle School is to develop the students’ abilities of listening,speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of the English language. So in this lesson I’

ll mainly use “Communicative” Approach(交际教学法), “Whole language teaching” (整体语言教学法)and “Task-based” language teaching (任务教学法). That is to say, I’ll let the Ss to get a better understanding of the key structure of the dialogue. According to the modern social communication teaching theories(现代社会交际教学理论), I adopt the TSA method(情景教学) and TBLT method (语言任务教学)in my teaching, namely Total Situational Action and Task-based Language Teaching.The former is a “scene —activity”teaching method.It establishes a real scene and the interaction between the teacher and the Ss. The latter offers the Ss an opportunity to complete the tasks in which Ss use language to achieve a specific outcome. The activity reflects real life and learners focus on meaning, they are free to use any language they want.At the same time, I’

ll make use of the modern electricity teaching equipments and all kinds of teaching means, it can develop the Ss creativity in learning English. Part 3 Studying Methods: (学法很重要,充分考虑学生,能够引起评委的关注和好感。下面这些话通用)

Our students are almost from the countryside. They are lack of geography

knowledge and the cultural background of those foreign countries.As senior students ,they have a certain ability to read . And the beautiful places are most attractive and easily arouse students learning emotion.As for the learning methods, they are poor in cooperative learning skills.Some students are not active in the class ,and some students don’t like English.therefore, I ’ll have Ss study in a relaxed atmosphere. Ss understand the new knowledge in certain degree through the mental process of seeing, hearing, saying, observing, thinking etc. And make preparation for completing the new study task.After feeling and understanding the language points, let Ss get the knowledge actively by probe study and cooperative study. In a word,we’ll

1.Teach the Ss how to be successful language learners.

2.Let the Ss pass"Observation—Imitation—Practice "(观察—模仿—实践三步教学法) to study language.

3.Teach the Ss how to master dialogues and how to communicate with others. Part 4 Teaching Procedure:(这一步要紧密结合具体的教学内容进行设计,一般分为4——5步)

Step 1 Lead-in.(导入).

Purpose of my design is to get to know something about.

To have a better understanding about .

Step 2 Reading

1). Individual work

Skimming: Read the material fast to find out about.

2). Individual work

Scanning: Listen to the tape part by part to find out the topic for each one.

Para 1

Para 2

Para 3

Para 4

Para 5

Purpose of my design:Enable students to understand the given material better using different reading skills . To present Sample A by CAI (电脑辅助教学)is much easier for the Ss to learn and grasp the meanings. CAI can provide a real situation with its sound and picture and it makes the relationships between the Ss better. In this course, Ss can understand the main contents of this dialogue and get the key points by following the example.

Step 3 Practice

1). Class work

2). Individual work

Step4 Further understanding

Purpose of my design: “Task-based” teaching method is used here to develop the Ss’ ability of communication and also their ability of co-operation will be well trained. Tell the Ss we should be polite and take good care of our things. I think proper competition can arouse the Ss’interest in English learning. If the Ss can finish this task well, they will benefit

a lot in their spoken English. By this step, it achieved the teaching aim of understanding and talking the dialogue of this lesson.

Step 5 Post-reading

1). Pair work


2). Group work

let Ss read the passage carefully and answer the question: Discuss the following questions in groups:


Purpose of my design: Most Ss can take their parts in the activities, especially for the Ss who have trouble in English study. In the group activities, they can speak a little English. Without doubt, this will encourage them to speak English.In fact, it is a kind of demand of human being. Sue Homoulinski (苏霍穆林斯基)says:“In one’s mind, there is always a kind of deeply rooted demand, that is the hope to feel oneself a finder and explorer. In Ss’ spirits , such demand is specially strong.”(引用名言,提升说课的层次)This step also leads to the emotion objective of this lesson, that is to have moral education in this step.

Step6 Homework.

Summarize the whole lesson,and arrange the homework.

1.Do the exercises in the workbook.Check the mastering of knowledge of this lesson.

2.Ask Ss to interview their friends asking the price and size of their

clothing and make records of the information.

Purpose of my design: I think homework is so important that the Ss should speak English as much as they can in class or after class. It is necessary for the Ss to do some exercises after class to master the knowledge they learned. This content is an extension of the previous lesson, to meet the needs of increasing communicating demand of some Ss.

Part 5 Blackboard Design.

Anyway, the teaching of this lesson aims to develop not only the Ss' language technical abilities, but also the various intelligence by gathering teaching methods. Purpose of my design:

1、Make the students be free to talk about social behaviors

2、Understand the reading passage and can talk more about teamwork.

3、Improve the students’ reading and writing skills.

As teachers, to make our English classrooms shine with vitality, we are laid with heavy burden,and we still have long way to go. Deal with the language points. Ask the students to pick out the useful expression from the text, give them more examples, and do some exercises to practice the language points.

Above is the lecture notes of my lesson. Thank you very much!







2012年教师招聘考试面试说课经验总结 (1)说课要不要板书。 有老师说,说课不需要板书,我的理解是,没有硬性规定,要板书或不要板书,任其自然,该板书就要板书,关健在于板书是否有助于你的说课。 (2)说课材料的积累。 一是在理论上,说句实话,在写说课时时间非常紧,根本来不及你去“搜肠刮肚”地想那些“似曾相识”的理论知识,所以说,我们在平时应该对新的理念、新的方法进行收集、整理。二是加强经验积累。 (3)说课中的创新。 说课时我们不能拘泥于平常的套路。如:导入、新授、巩固、总结、作业等,教师导学生学,较为统一。但有一点要强调,你要得高分,或是要得到A,,那么你的说课一定要具备二条中的一条: 一是在说课中,你对教材处理独到,有新意,有创意,使评委眼前一亮。 二是新意、创意谈不上,但你素质全面,自信、自如,很圆满。 (4)功夫在平时 平时强化自我训练,这一点,我仅打个比方。就像我们一开始学习游泳,说得再多,不去下水游一游,不吃几口水,恐怕是很难学会的。

比如平时怎么备课,平时怎么处理教材。 (5)时间的把握 刚才我讲了,说课时间一般为15分钟左右,有的是15分,有的是20分,肯定会事先告知,老师不可赶时间,更不可拖时间,在现场说课中,有教师说课在赶场子,因为一定的时间要求的,所以只见讲者心急如焚“超速行驶”,说、说、说;听者云里雾里都跟不上趟。而我们有相当一部分老师在说课中准备不充分只用了三五分钟。 我们讲把握时间,是在说课的过程中有主有次,对重点、难点,教学设计过程要讲深,讲透,不可过分饱满,剩余出1—2分种左右。 不开口,没有人知道你想要什么;不去做,任何想法都只在脑海里游泳;不迈出脚步,永远找不到你前进的方向。其实你很强,只是懒惰帮了你倒忙。


写作课课型四色笔讲稿模板 红色字体为板书内容 蓝色字体为设计目的 黑色字体为口述内容 绿色字体为提示内容 写作课:Writing class : Healthy eating (健康饮食) ◆Teaching Objectives(教学目标): 一、知识技能目标: 1.认识并掌握有关食物及健康饮食习惯的单词、词组; 2.用英语表达哪些是健康食物,哪些是垃圾食物,以及为什么;解决句式问 题。 3.总结平衡膳食的定义,并且能提出一些健康建议。 二、情感态度目标:了解有关营养饮食的基本常识和培养健康的饮食习惯。 ◆教学重难点: 1.教学重点:如何区分健康食品以及垃圾食品并且会用英语表达;. 2.教学难点: 教会学生如何自如表达自己的意见和建议并且帮助学生总结出平衡膳食的 定义。 ◆教学方法: 1. Pair work and Group work (小组合作,交流式教学) 2. Discussion and cooperative learning (自主探究、合作探究) 3. Task-based approach (任务式教学) ◆教学步骤:

Part 1 导入(Warming up) 1.以一句话:“Everybody needs foods, so do I”及麦当劳、肯德基的相关饮食引入话题。(1 分钟) T: Good afternoon, boys and girls. Today we’ll talk about “Healthy eating(板书的内容)“. We have three meals everyday. Everybody needs foods, so do I. I want to know the following questions. The first question: Have you had l unch or breakfast in McDonald’s or KFC The second question: Do you like the food there The third question: Which one do you prefer” (The purpose of this part is to stimulate Ss’ interest and call their attention to the topic. ) Part 2 小组练习(Pair works)(3分钟) T: Now, two students in pairs to ask each other about the above three questions, and then I’ll ask some of you to practice the dialogue in front of all of us. Now, let’s begin. (下去转转) T: Ok. Now, which pair wants to act this dialogue in volunteer (Pause) Tom and Kate, please. Good! Sit down please. T: Any other pair (Pause) Well, Linda and Susan, please. (Pause,pretend to be listening)Good! Sit down please. Part 3 头脑风暴(Brain storming)3分钟 1、Now, I will divide the whole class into two parts, the students on the left will be Group One, and the students on the right will be Group Two. Let’s compete between the two groups. One student will be the leader to collect the names of the food. Let’s see which group will get more names of the food. Who will be the leader Ok! Tom and Kate. Ready Go! (Pause) Ok! Now, let’s show the two sheets. (展示两张纸,写点对应的内容就行,一会好念,提前备课时就写好)Group One win the game! Well done! (把学生分成两组竞赛,看哪组的同学收集的食物单词多,然后教师教导朗读(2-3分钟) Part 4 句型练习(Sentence structure practicing)(2分钟) Now, I’ll show some of the names of food on the black board, (读其中的一些食物名称)let’s discuss which are junk food and which are healthy food You can use the sentence structure” I think that (or the food name) is junk/healthy food because….” And you can talk about “What is the name of the food / What nutrition does it mainly contain” Four students in a group, and let’s begin. (Pause,Junk food VS Healthy food,板书完成后,此时可下去转转)


教师面试说课模板 所谓“说课”,是指讲课教师在一定场合说说某一堂课打算怎样上,以及为什么这样上,即对教学的设计和分析。其内容涉及教材内容的分析、教学目标的确定、教学过程的设计、教学方法的选择、教学效果的评价及其对以上诸项所作的分析。“说课”是一种课前行为,属于课前准备的一部分,这与课后的反思总结有所不同。 “说课具有两个明显的特点: (1) 重在交流:互相学习、共同提高。 (2) 重在分析:“说课”不仅要摆过程,还要说道理,要对教案作出分析,首先要分析大纲、教材,明确所讲内容的地位和作用、来龙去脉,然后对课堂教学的各个环节作出能说清道理的设计,这就要求教师在对课的分析上下一番功夫。 追问 是不是自问自答啊? 回答 不是,用语言把上课的内容、如何上以及为什么这样上的理由说出来! 各位评委老师,上午好,我是_____号考生。 说课: 今天我说课的题目是《____________》。首先我们来进行教材分析。 教材分析: 本节课出自______________出版社出版的初中《________》第__册第__章第__节。 1、本节课分____个部分内容,分别是:___________________ 2、本节课贯穿了______以后的整个教学,是学生进一步顺利、快捷操作____的基础,也是形成学生合理知识链的重要环节。(这条基本上通用) 3、本节课联系了________和_________,在以后学习______具有重要意义。 4、本节课是在学习______的基础上,进一步学习___________的关键。 (以上4条,灵活运用,不用全部说上就行。可以参考序言中的句子,主要是说学习本节课的意义。)接下来说一下本节课的教学目标。 教学目标 知识目标:1、 2、 (只要说出本节课要讲的知识点,也是重点难点就行) 能力目标; 1、通过讲练结合,培养学生处理____、解决问题的能力。


Good morning, dear judges. It’s my great honor to be here to present my lesson. .I’m number ____,Today I’ll talk about the senior English for China student’s book1B unit _____,my content is made up of 8 parts: Analysis of the teaching material, Analysis of the students material ,Teaching aims and important, difficult points ,Teaching aids ,Teaching methods ,Teaching procedure ,and conclusion . Well firstly, I’ll talk about part 1, analysis of the teaching material. This lesson is mainly about ______. The topic is related to our life, so it’s easy to arouse students’ interest. As we all know, interest is the best teacher for students. Then, I will talk about part 2, analysis of the students. They have learned English for some years, so they can understand some words and simple sentences. They’re active, interested in new things, so I’ll design some interesting actives to attract their attention. Next, I’ll talk about teaching aims. There’re knowledge aims, ability aims and emotional aims. Knowledge aims are to enable students to master new words, phrases _____and the sentences pattern , such as _____. Ability aims are to improve students’ speaking and listen ing ability, they can use words and phrases to talk about something in our life. Emotional aims are to develop the spirit of cooperation by pair work


英语教师招聘面试常见问题 这是一篇由网络搜集整理的关于英语教师招聘面试常见问题的文档,希望对你能有帮助。 1. Describe yourself as a person (write about your family background, what you like/dislike,what kind of friends you have and where you met them, what you like to do in your spare time, what type of teaching experience you are involved in currently etc. 2. What is your biggest concern in relation to your coming to America and how do you see yourself overcoming it? 3. Describe the way you think you will be spending your free time. Please refer to your free time after work, during your days off, etc. 4. What would you do if you have a problem/concern? 5. If you are having a problem at your host school, how would you address this situation to your supervisor? 6. Please let me know about your education background . 7. Please introduce your working experience . 8. How do you deal with the relationship with your students’ parents ? 9. How can you be an effective teacher in your class ? 10. Could you describe a class which you think was very successful? 11. If there are some students not following your class , how would you deal with this situation ?


小学体育教师招聘面试《原地运球》说课稿 教师招聘考试是一个角逐的过程,是能力与能力、细节与细节之间的较量,因此考生在备考期间一定要考虑到各个方面的细节,争取全面攻克。同时,广西中公教育密切关注2018广西教师招聘考试相关信息,为各位考生提供有用的考试备考资料。 现代教学论认为,在教学过程中,学生是学习的主体,教师是学习的组织者,引导 者,教学的一切活动都必须以强调学生的主动性,积极性为出发点;根据这一教学理念,结 合本节课的内容特点和学生的年龄特征,本节课我将从教材分析,学情分析,教学目标等 几个方面加以说明: 一、指导思想 本课以“健康第一”为指导思想,在新课标的运动技能目标引导下对教学内容进行灵 活的处理,以学生的运动兴趣为出发点,关注学生个体发展,并引导学生自主探究学习、 独立思考,以学生发展为中心,注重学生学习能力的培养。本节课让学生在练习中带着问 题主动去思考,激发学生学习兴趣,提高学生的学习能力。 二、教材分析 小篮球教学活动对于培养小学生的学习兴趣,发展体能,提高对球体的感知能力以及 与球体的距离感、空间感、速度感等能力,培养果敢、机敏、顽强等心理品质,提高抗挫 折意识和调节情绪的能力以及团队协作等集体主义精神具有重要价值,为后续学习篮球其 他内容奠定重要基础。 三、学情分析

水平二的学生其注意的集中性和稳定性较差,在观察时往往也只注意事物较突出的特征,缺乏顺序性。独立意识也开始增强,已经不满足于单纯地听老师的话,希望能够自主思考的空间。其神经系统发展较快,兴奋和抑制的机能有所增强,控制和调节自己行为的能力提高较明显,对运动技术的学习开始提高细节要求 四、教学目标 【知识与技能】 学生能够说出原地运球的方法,并且能够控制球的落点 【过程与方法】 通过练习、比赛的方式,能够提高力量上下肢的协调。 【情感态度与价值观】 能够在游戏比赛中增强团队凝聚力,学会克服困难的品质。 五、教学重难点 【重点】 手指与球的接触部位,按拍时随球与迎球动作 【难点】 手腕、手指按拍篮球的动作协调 六、教学方法 教法:讲解示范法、纠正错误法、观察评价法、游戏法 学法:探究法、观察法,分组练习法


人教版小学英语教师招聘考试面试说课稿 集团文件版本号:(M928-T898-M248-WU2669-I2896-DQ586-M1988)

小学英语说课稿《U n i t3R e a d a n d w r i t e》我说课的内容是小学PEP英语四年级下册Unit 3第三课时Read and write .我主要从说教材、教法、学法、教学过程、板书设计、说评价五个方面展开我的说课。 一:说教材 第一小点.教学内容和地位 本课时是本单元中的第三课时,是功能型、交际型的综合训练课,是学生在上节课的基础上继续深入学习red、 yellow 、green 、blue、white五个颜色单词及句型I s this your T-shirt N o, it isn’t的运用和书写。 第二小点.教学目标 我把本课时的教学目标设计如下: 语言知识目标: 1)五个颜色单词red yellow green blue white 的掌握和运用。2)能对所属衣物进行提问及回答Is this your T-shirt No , it isn’t . 3)能在图文和场景下进行简单的交流和表演。 4)正确在四线三格中书写单词和句子。 情感态度目标 通过本课的学习使学生达到初步运用英语进行交际的能力,培养学生的合作精神和良好的书写习惯。 第三小点.教学重、难点

我把本课的教学重、难点设置为 1)颜色单词及句型在交际中的运用 2)五个单词及句子在四线三格中的正确书写。 第四小点:教学准备 在这一节课中我准备了服装、奖励学生的苹果、进行书写比赛的英语书写纸、工作证、卡片。 二:说教法、学法 在教学活动中,我通过各种生动、形象、有趣的手段激发儿童的兴趣,在这一课时中我采用了实物直观法、情景法、多媒体辅助法和小组活动学习法,勤表扬,多鼓励,使学生掌握语言点,在以下的教学过程的各环节中我将会谈到这些教法、学法的运用和操作。 三:说教学过程 我把教学过程分为四部分来完成。即是热身--授课--操练--总结。 第一环节复习引入激发兴趣 在热身环节中我选择播放Let’s do 部分的录音,学生站起来边跟唱边做动作,比如put on your T-shirt hang up your skirt take off your jacket wash your shirt。学生在唱一唱,动一动中活跃了课堂气氛,增强了英语课堂的趣味性,同时又复习了服装名称T-shirt jacket skirt。 在学生复习了服装名称以后,引导学生把颜色单词与服装联系起来,比如:我拿起讲台上准备好的yellow dress ,问学生:What is this 学生会回答: It’s a dress, What colour is it


英语教师招聘面试题目 I will try my best to use all the teaching methodologies I learned at school to reach each child. Stories, poems, riddles, jokes, songs are all good for little kids. I will have them practice English as a whole class, group work, pair work or independent work. ,m Whatever works out for the children I will do it. There is never one way to success. How have you handled a situation where a student is consistently late to your class Your answer should highlight your ability to deal immediately with a potential issue in a calm and controlled manner. Include details about questioning the student to find out the underlying cause of the problem, explaining the negative impact of his/her behavior to the student and coming to an agreed commitment to appropriate behavior in the future. "The purpose of discipline is to facilitate learning and foster better relationships and respect between the students. It is also intended to help students become more self- directed, self-disciplined and accountable for their behavior. I have found that students respond poorly to forceful discipline but well to discipline that is helpful. My philosophy is to provide clear limits and rules that are communicated to the students so that they have a clear understanding of what is expected of them. The rules are discussed and agreed upon to encourage accountability from the students........." How do you build rapport with your class Teacher interview questions and answers about establishing rapport should include an understanding of the role of rapport in contributing to effective teaching. Demonstrate what behaviors you use to develop rapport such as sense of humor, Document number:NOCG-YUNOO-BUYTT-UU986-1986UT showing interest in the students, availability, encouragement and relating lessons in


2019年小学语文教师招聘面试说课稿 下面这篇2019小学语文教师招聘面试说课稿是由查字典语文网小编给大家编辑发布的,小编衷心希望能够帮助到大家,也祝大家面试顺利。 各位评委: 我要说的是人教版语文六年级第十二册的《卖火柴的小女孩》。这是一篇童话故事,通过一个卖火柴的小女孩大年夜冻死在街头的叙述,揭露了资本主义社会的罪恶,表达了作者对劳动人民悲惨遭遇的同情。本文是进行语言文字训练和情感教育的好材料,是落实重点训练项目--理解含义深刻的句子的重点课文。课文可以分三课时教学。 我要说的是第一课时的教学,分教材理解、教学目标和教学程序三部分。 先说说我对所教这部分教材的理解,我主要教的是课文的第一大段“卖火柴”,这一段内容比较散,共有四个自然段,先讲小女孩怎么会赤着脚走路;接着讲她已经在街上走了一整天;再讲她闻到街上飘着烤鹅的香味;最后讲她不敢回家。根据课程标准要求、教材特点和学生实际,我确定了以下四大教学目标: 1.学会3个生字和1个多音字,理解部分词语的意思。 2.能根据标题给课文分段。 3.能读懂第一段中含义深刻的句子,体会其所表达的思想感

情。这既是本课时的教学重点,又是教学难点。 4.初步感受资本主义社会劳动人民的悲惨生活,激发热爱社会主义祖国的思想感情。 围绕以上目标,我设计了以下教学程序,同时把教法和学法渗透在教学程序的各个层面之中。 第一步,导言揭题。 上课开始,我以充满感情的话语导入新课,把学生引入特定的情境,同时也自然地交代了课文所写内容发生的时代背景,诱发学生情感,激发学习情趣,达到“课伊始趣已生”的效果。 第二步,检查预习并给课文分段。 这一课生字共3个,还有1个多音字,我有针对性地安排练习,重点正音“梗”和“喷”,理解“蹒跚”的含义。再通过默读课文,安排练习,写出大意,浓缩为小标题,降低分段的难度。 第三步,学习第一段。 第一环节,整体感知,了解大意。 安排问题:小女孩留给你什么样的印象?文中哪一句话最能概括这一印象?找出中心句“可怜的小女孩”,抓住这一统摄全段的句子,展开第一段的教学,能高效省时。 第二环节,部分入手,精读理解。 找描写小女孩可怜的词句,抓住四句描写冷的句子,先重点


教师招聘面试技巧之英语教师面试题一 Here are good answers to some of the tougher questions asked in job interviews. If you can smoothly supply answers like these during the interview, you need to make a good impression. 1. What is important to you in a job? Mention specific rewards other than a paycheck for example, challenge, the feeling of accomplishment, and knowing that you have made a contribution. 2. Why do you want to work for this organization? Cite its reputation, the opportunities it offers, and the working conditions. Stress that you want to work for this organization, not just any organization. 3. Why should we employ you? Point to your academic preparation, job skills, and enthusiasm of working for the firm. Mention your performance in school or previous employment as evidence of your ability to learn and to become productive quickly. If the job involves management responsibilities, refer to past activities as proof of your ability to get along with others and to work as part of a team. 4. If we hire you, how long will you stay with us? Answer by saying along these lines: "As long as my position here allows me to learn and to advance at a pace with my abilities." 5. Can we offer you a career path? Reply: "I believe you could, once I know the normal progression within the organization. Can you tell me?" The answer may be revealing. 6. What are your greatest strengths? Give a response like one of the following: "I can see what needs to be done and do it", "I''m wiling to make decisions", "I work well with others," "I can organize my time efficiently." 7. What are you greatest weakness? Identify one or two, such as the following:" I tend to drive myself toohard", " I expect others to perform beyond their capacities", " I like to see a job done quickly, and I''m critical if it isn''t." Note these weaknesses could also be regarded as desirable qualities. The trick with this question is to describe a weakness so that it could also be considered a virtue. 8. What didn''t you like of previous jobs you''ve held? Discuss the things you didn''t like, but avoid making slighting reference to any of your former employers. 8. What didn''t you like of previous jobs you''ve held?


说课的三大形式及其如何说好课 一、说课的三形式 目前,说课活动有了新的发展,形式更加多样。一般形式可以分为备课以后、上课以后和评课以后的说课,是教师个体更深内涵更高层次的备课,在专家评议后进一步作修改,成为集体备课的结晶。 1.备课以后的说课 备课以后的说课,是目前组织教研活动和教学基本功竞赛中说课的主要形式。教师在充分备课的基础上,把自己怎样进行备课,备课时进行的教学设计、教学安排设想以及估计学生的达标程度和盘托出,供专家们评说。内容包括: (1)说教材 重点说明本课题内容在整个教材体系或本单元教材中的地位和作用;教材编排的意图和特点;本课题涉及主要知识点及其与前后联系;与教学内容有关的附件(如图片、资料等)处理要点;确定课题重点难点及理由。执教者本人进行教材处理的打算以及进行修改、增减的理由和依据。 (2)说学情 说明任教学生的基础,包括学生的学习态度、学习兴趣、多数学生的学习习惯甚至学习方法,由此说明对重点难点知识决定采取的教学起点。 (3)说目标 根据教学目标分类,明确说出各知识点的不同层次的具体要求。课堂教学中所有举例说明,都必须体现目标的知识点、情感教育点、能力训练点。 (4)说构思 说清教学过程设计的总体框架和设想,说出教学过程的整体结构、教学内容的详略安排和教学板块的时间分配。说出主要环节的教学设计,重点如何突破,难点如何化简。 (5)说学法 根据教学的重点难点,分析学生学习过程中可能遇到的障碍及其原因,怎样针对这些障碍加强对学生的指导。指出重点突破口,难点理解点。指导学生掌握基本知识和基本规律,掌握基本的解题、应用以及使用课本的能力等。 (6)说教法 说明课堂教学的具体策略,采取何种教学方法。在战术上介绍导入新课、难点突破设计、课堂提问设计、例题设计、课后小结和作业设计的目的、内容。说明不同层次学生如何实行分层教学,每节课每个学生都能达到相应目标。


1.为什么要选择教师这个行业? 我之所以选择就是这个行业,首先这是我从小到大的梦想。我特别崇敬老师。我上中学的时候曾经遇到一位非常优秀的老师,她的人格力量在短短的一年里影响了我的人生理想。因此,我考大学时义无反顾的选择了师范专业。立志做一名优秀的人民教师。其次,我个人很喜欢和孩子们相处。喜欢校园的工作环境和氛围。 2.你认为一个优秀的教师应该具备哪些素质? 首先要爱岗敬业,热爱和关心学生,其次要有扎实的专业水平和教学能力,另外还要拥有开朗的个性,,良好的道德品质。因为自己也是从学生时代过来的,从学生的角度来说,学生喜欢能够尊重学生,理解信任学生,民主公正,学识渊博,有耐心,真诚值得信赖的老师。而不喜欢偏心,不平等对待学生,照本宣科、心胸狭窄,辱骂体罚学生的老师。 3.你怎么理解为人师表? 所谓“为人师表”,在我看来,至少要具备两个方面:即“学为人师,行为世范”。 教师不仅要教书,更要育人,以自己模范的品行来教育和影响学生,成为学生的典范。教师把学生造就成一种什么人,自己就首先应当是这种人,成为学生的榜样;必须先受教育,躬行自明。在学生的心目中,教师是智慧的代表,是高尚人格的化身。教师的言行就是道德的标准。同时,青少年学生又具有“向师性”强、可塑性大的特点,他们往往把教师的一言一行、一举一动都化作自己学习的内容,仿效的榜样。因此, 教师从思想到作风,从言行到举止,处处都应带头做得最好,成为“学生之范”。 4.你同意“没有不合格的学生,只有不合格的教师”这句话吗? 本句话源于教育家陈鹤琴老先生的名言“没有教不好的学生,只有不会教的老师” 我不完全赞同。这句话说的太过绝对,造成不合格学生的原因有很多,每位学生自身条件和生活环境都是完全不同的,因此出现不合格的学生老师不能完全负责。但是老师对待资质不高和成绩不好绝对不能视而不见听而不闻,任其自生自灭,对待此类学生,老师应该积极努力帮助学生找到落后的原因,平时多关心,多辅导,尽快帮助学生把成绩赶上来。 5.你的座右铭是什么? 我的座右铭是,只有辛勤的付出和努力,才会有秋天的收获。 6.谈谈你自己的个性特征,是否外向,内向,是否有幽默感 我想,每个人的性格都是双向的,有外向的一面,也有内向的一面,要看所处的环境,所面对的人。 我本人是比较文静的,尤其在师长面前,比较内向。而在同学和朋友面前,则很开朗活泼。我自认为,还算是是一个比较幽默的人。 如果当了老师,我希望自己幽默中不失严肃,严肃中有幽默。与学生做朋友,但也会保持一定的距离,师是师,友是友。 1..怎样当好班主任?

招教 面试 技巧类 教师公开招聘考试面试之说课的临场应变 娄喜 原创

教师网(https://www.doczj.com/doc/db8474602.html, ) 最全最专业的教师考试网 乘华图翅膀 圆教师梦想 1 教师公开招聘考试面试之说课的临场应变 娄喜 一堂好的说课,除了需要考生在具备扎实的专业知识基础之上进行精心准备,还需要有相应的临场应变技巧,懂得巧妙地掩盖自己的过失,并能恰到好处地掌握时间。那么,在说课的过程中,考生可以运用哪些技巧来帮助自己表现得更好呢?华图老师为你总结了一些在说课的过程中常见的错误以及应对的策略。 一、说错知识点 说错知识点是考生最容易犯的一个错误,尤其是对一些较为复杂的知识点,如数理化当中的解题步骤等,考生在紧张的状态下稍不留神就会说错。有的考生在发现自己出错之后,马上就脱口而出“哎呀,说错了”,还有的考生会伴随一些小动作,如扮鬼脸、捂嘴巴、皱眉头、挠头等,甚至有的考生在发现自己说错了之后就一脸愕然地站在台上,没有办法再继续下去。这些大多是人在紧张状态下的自然表现,但是在面试当中考生应尽量避免这样的行为。因为这就等于很明显地告诉考官“我很紧张,我出错了”、“我出错了,我不知道该怎么办”。本书在前面专题中分析考官心理的时候提到过,考官都是爱才惜才的,会包容考生在面试时的一些瑕疵和小错误。人在正常说话的时候都有可能会犯错误或出现口误,更何况是在高度紧张的面试状态下呢?因此,考生要摆正心态,不要对自己过于苛求。如果说错了知识点不要慌张,可以很自然的重复一遍进行纠正。如果是在说课过程中出现的一些口误,并不影响到知识的讲解,考生也可以顺其自然,不必要重复纠正。 二、板书时间长 一般情况下,除了体育、美术等特殊学科之外,考生在说课的时候都会要有板书。有的考生在板书的时候由于知识点比较长,造成写板书的时间很长,这样一来,不仅花费了大量的时间还造成了较长时间的“冷场”。提醒考生注意:在板书的时候考生要遵循一个原则:尽量缩短背台时间,也即缩短背对考官的时间。那么对于比较长的知识点如何处理呢?考生可以采取图表式和提纲式的方法,截取关键的字或词,而不用把每一句每一个字都写下来。 三、紧张忘词 为了预防说课中途的卡壳忘词,考生首先要熟记说课稿,其次要有自信心,坚信自己一定能发挥好。当然,在高度紧张的情况下,考生难免会出现忘词的现象。说课中一旦出现“卡


英语教师招聘全英文万能说课稿 ●Good morning, my dear judges. I am number_______. I’m glad to interpret my teaching design here. ●My teaching content today is Part of Unit of PEP Primary English, Book . (Recycle_) This unit is mainly about Now, I will explain the lesson from the following aspects. 1.教学内容 (Contents) Firstly, let’s focus on the analysis of teaching content. The lesson is a new one of Unit . It includes parts: , ____ and . In section 1, it mainly deals with these key words, . And, in section 2, it deals with the patterns: 2.教学对象(talk about the students) Secondly, it is about the students. Our students are in Grade . They are active and curious, interested in new things. After learning English for years, they have some basic English background knowledge, so the teacher should attach importance to the communication with them, providing them the chances of using language. They have learnt English for years, and have already known


教师招聘面试心得集锦 教师招聘面试成功与否,归根结底还是取决于一个人是否具备成为优秀教师的综合素质。教师公开招聘考试面试测查的重点是应试者的授课水平和能力,包括考查应试者是否具备教师的基本素质以及应试者的形象、气质是否符合教师的基本要求。虽然各种教师招聘面试的类型风格有所不同,但考查的内容都大体一致。下面我们把历届应试者和个别考官在经历教师招聘面试后总结的一些体会与心得呈现给大家。 一、教师招聘面试评委心得 在教师公开招聘面试过程中最大的一点感受就是教师的能力有高低,原有的每一份努力与准备在面试过程中都会发挥它应有的能量。通过参加本次招聘面试,我总结出以下启示: 启示之一:必须有谦虚的品格。其实,能够来参加面试的应试者,绝大多数都很优秀,所以自信心都很强,都有一种唯我独尊、舍我其谁的自信心。如果能摆正心态、认真准备、谦虚面试,那么实力加上良好的表现,录取的可能性就会大增。在面试的时候,由于心理学上的第一印象效应,个别的应试者可能已经遭到淘汰了。你可能是很优秀的,你也可能是很有希望被录取的,但如果给人一种目空一切、谁都不在你眼里的独大心态,那你前面的努力可能都已经白费了。因为作为学校领导,肯定要从学校持续发展的角度出发来考虑教师选配的,谁都不愿意招一个想在学校里面特立独行、另立山头的“害群之马”。谦虚是应试者在想进入所要去的单位之前就必须抱有的心态,并需要其在面试时用行动表示出来。 启示之二:必须有细致的作风。面试前必须细读招聘简章和招聘方案,把要求和需要准备的材料及复印件准备好。在本次招聘过程中,有个别应试者由于提供的材料不全,又没及时补足材料,所以没有通过第一关的审核。等到录取名单公布后他才后悔地告诉我们,其实还有材料没来得及在规定时间内上交,而错过了面试的机会。所以,细致地准备、精心地参与、认真地对待每一个小的步骤,是获得成功不可或缺的一步。

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