当前位置:文档之家› 专题三 介词和连词

专题三 介词和连词







1. 介词的概念



He lives near the school. 他居住在学校附近。

Our teacher was very angry with him. 我们的老师非常生他的气。


They have a good idea for solving this problem. 他们有一个解决这个问题的好方法。


I want nothing except to sleep. 除了睡觉,我什么也不想做。

2. 介词的种类




without inside outside into within

短语介词:即由短语构成的介词。例如:because of,according to,thanks to等。


表示地点的介词:at,behind,beside,around,near,on,by,in front of,across等。

表示时间的介词:about,at,after,before,by,during,in,over,past,since,until 等。




表示其他含义的介词:about (关于,大约), on (关于), without (没有), off (从……离开),

instead of (代替), with (和)等。

3. 介词短语的功能



She looks like an actress. 她看上去像演员。

What’s the book about? 这本书是讲什么的?


A cold kept him in bed for a week. 感冒使他卧床一周。

I found my mother on the bus. 我发现我妈妈在公交车上。


I will wait for you until tomorrow. 我等你到明天。

The teacher came into the classroom with a smile on her face.



A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。

4. 中考经常考查的几组介词的用法

1) 时间介词at/ in/ on:


I usually get up at six in the morning. 我通常在早上六点起床。

I wasn’t here at that time. 那时我没在这里。


at dinner time 在(吃)晚饭时at night 在夜间at weekends / the weekend 在周末


We can play football on Sunday. 我们可以在星期天踢足球。

They came to my house on a cold winter morning. 他们在一个寒冷的早晨来到了我家。


I was born in May. 我出生在五月。

They came here in 1998. 他们在1998年来这里的。

What are you going to do in the winter holiday? 寒假你打算做什么?


表示上午、下午或晚上的名词前一般用介词in,但是具体到某一天的上午、下午或晚上用介词on。in the morning 在上午on Monday morning 在星期一的上午


for 和since引导时间状语都有延续之意。for +时间段表示“(延续).......之久”。since +时间点表示从过去某时延续到现在的一段时间。

They have lived in China for ten years. 他们在北京住了十年了。

She has worked here since last year. 从去年起她就在这里工作。



He’ll be back in three hours. 他三小时后回来。

He came back after three hours.三小时后,他回来了。

He’ll be back after 3 o’clock. 他三点后会回来。

4) 方位介词at,in,on,to


We will have a picnic at the foot of mountain. 我们在山脚下举行野餐。


Shandong lies in the east of China. 山东省在中国的东部。(山东省在中国范围之内)表示在某一个范围之外的方位用介词to。

Japan lies to the east of China. 日本在中国的东部。(日本在中国范围之外)


Shandong lies on the north of Jiangsu. 山东省在江苏省的北部。(两省接壤)

5) 地点介词in/on / under/ above / over/ below


There is a book on the desk. 课桌上有一本书。(书在课桌表面上)


There are some dumplings in the bowl. 碗里有一些水饺。(水饺在碗里面)


There is a ball under the chair. 椅子下面有一个球。(球在椅子的下面)


From the plane, we could see the whole town below us.


表示一个物体在另一个物体的上方,并非由“垂直之上”的含义,用介词above, 其反义词为below。

His room is above ours. 他的房间在我们的上面。


His room is over ours. 他的房间就是我们头上的那间。

There is a big bridge over the river. 河上有一座大桥。(桥在河的上面)

6) 方位介词between,among


It’s a secret between you and I. 这是我和你之间的秘密。

There is a village among the trees.在树林里面有一个小村庄。

7) 表示工具、手段、材料的in,by,with


Can you answer my question in English?你能用英语回答我的问题吗?


Don’t write in pencil. Please write in ink. 不要用铅笔写,请用钢笔写。


My father often goes to work by bus. 我爸爸经常乘坐公共汽车去上班。

He made a living by selling newspapers. 他靠卖报为生。


We write with our hands. 我们用手写字。

I cut the cake with a knife. 我用刀子切开了蛋糕。

8) 方位介词across,through,past


They swam across the river. 他们游过了河。


The boys go through the forest quickly. 这些男孩子快速地穿过树林。


They drove past a big supermarket. 他们开车经过一家大超市。



All the students took part in the sports meeting except Tom.


We need three more boys besides Tom.




1) I usually play football with my friends in Sunday afternoon.


2) Guang Dong is in the south of Beijing.


3) I was born at July 1st, 1997.


4) —How do you go to work?—I often go to work by my father’s car.


5) We are asked to explain the work with English.

〔解析〕表示使用某种语言用介词in,从本句子的意思理解是用介词in 和English连用表示“使用英语解释”的意思。因此把with改成in。

6) They have learned a lot of subjects except English and Chinese.


7) It is very clever for your brother to do the work like this.

〔解析〕在句型It is+形容词+of/for +somebody +to do something中,用of还是用for 取决于形容词,如果形容词是描述人物性格特征,后面的人与形容词有主语和表语的关系,用介词of;如果形容词不是描述人物性格特征,后面的人与形容词没有主语和表语的关系,用介词for。所以把for改为of。再如:

It’s important for you to come on time.

8) At the end, we came to the top of the mountain.

〔解析〕此题考查介词的固定搭配。at the end of …表示在……末,此句中应该用in the end表示“最后”,所以应该把at改成in。



通过连词来考查对句子的整体理解是近几年高考的热点,如两个分句的逻辑关系、结合连词考查的状语从句、连词的具体意义等。经常考查的重点连词有and,but,or,while,however 及引导从句的连词if和whether;before和after等。


1. 连词的概念


1) 简单连词:


2) 关联连词:

如:both,and,not only…but also…

3) 短语连词:

如:as if,as long as,in order to,so that

2. 连词的用法

A. 并列连词

1) 表示平行或者对等关系,常用的有and,so,not only…but also…(不仅……而且……),


Not only does he love the teachers, but also the teachers love him.


2) 表示转折关系,常用的有but,yet(然而),while(然而)等。

I am poor,but I am very happy. 我很贫穷,但是我很愉快。

3) 表示选择关系,常用的有or,either…or…(或者……或者……),

not …but …(不是……而是……)等。:

You may go with us,or you may stay at home. 你或者和我们一起去,或者呆在家里。

4) 表示因果关系,常用的有:for (因为),so(因此)等,此时for不能放在句首。

He must sleep, for his room is dark. 他一定睡了,因为房间是暗的。

B. 从属连词

1) 引导时间状语从句,常用的有:before,after,when,while,until,since,as soon as 等。

I will come to tell you as soon as it comes out. 结果一出来我就来告诉你。

2) 引导原因状语从句,常用的有:because(因为),as(因为),since(既然)

Because it was too late, we took a taxi. 因为天晚了,我们打了一辆出租车。

3) 引导结果状语从句,常用的有:so…that(如此……以致于),such…that(如此……以致于),

so that(结果……)等。

She was so careless that she forgot to write her name on the paper.


4) 引导条件状语从句,常用的有:if,unless(除非),as long as(只要)等。

We will come here if it is fine tomorrow. 如果明天天气好的话我们就来这里。

5) 引导让步状语从句,常用的有:though,although,even if(即使),however(无论怎样)等。

We were still working though it was very late. 尽管很晚了我们仍然在工作。

6) 引导比较状语从句,常用的有:as,than,so/ as…as,more than。

This book is more interesting than that one. 这本书比那本更有兴趣。

7) 引导地点状语从句,常用的有:where,wherever等。

Please stay where you are. 请呆在你现在的地方。

8) 引导名词性从句(如宾语从句),常用的有:that,if,whether,who,whom,what,which,


Can you tell me when they got there? 你能告诉我他们是什么时候到那里的吗?

I think that he’ll be back soon. 我认为他们不久就会回来。

3. 连词使用时的几个注意事项:

1)not only…but also…, neither…nor …, either …or…, not …but…接主语时,谓语动词按就近原则处理。

Not only you but also he has to leave. 不只是你,他也得离开。

Either you or I am wrong. 不是你错,就是我错。

Not money but workers are what we need. 我们需要的不是钱,而是工人。

2)祈使句,+and/ or +简单句,前面的祈使句表示条件,后面的简单句表示结果,or意思为“否则”。

Hurry up, and we’ll catch the bus. 快点,我们就能赶上车。

Hurry up, or we’ll be late. 快点,否则我们会晚的。


Though he is young, he can help his mother a lot.


It was too hot in the room, so he took off his coat.



1. Because he was ill, so my father didn’t come to my party.


2. Both you and he has to go there on foot.

〔解析〕表示并列关系的连词both…and连接主语时,谓语动词应该用复数,所以把has 改为have。

3. I am ill, and I still go to school.


4. —Which do you like better, tea and coffee? —I like tea better than coffee.

〔解析〕从问句的前半句Which do you like better可以判断后面用连词or表示选择关系。所以把and改为or。

5. My brother likes swimming better to studying.


6. We want to know as your father will come to our party tomorrow.

〔解析〕从句子的意思理解可以看出“We want to know”后面是宾语从句,而as不能引导宾语从句,应该用连词if/whether表示“是否”或when表示“什么时候”来引导的宾语从句。所以把as改为if/whether/when。




1. My aunt asks whether I like a woolen sweater _______ a cotton one.

A. but

B. or

C. and

D. not

2. Either Mary _______ Lucy told him to come to see us.

A. or

B. and

C. with

D. nor

3. I’m different from my twin sister. I love dancing, ____ she is interested in reading.

A. so

B. or

C. but

D. though

4. There’s no need to take a taxi _______ it’s not far from here.

A. since

B. while

C. though

D. until

5. _______ Li Ping _______ Wu Fang _______ League members.

A. Neither; nor; are

B. Either; nor; is

C. Both; and; are

D. Neither; or; is

6. You can _______ stay at home _______ go out to play.

A. either; or

B. so; that

C. neither; and

D. both; and

7. Mr. Smith teaches ______well ______ his lessons are not easily forgotten.

A. very; that

B. quite; but

C. so; as

D. so; that

8. You’ll be late ______ you get up early tomorrow morning.

A. if

B. unless

C. before

D. until

9. My sister, together with her classmates _______ interested in the new book.

A. are

B. were

C. is

D. have

10. _______ she _______ I know his telephone number, because it has been changed.

A. Both; and

B. Either; or

C. Not only; but also

D. Neither; nor

11. —What time do you usually go to bed?

—I usually go to bed _______ 11:00.

A. in

B. on

C. at

D. for

12. The weather is hot _______ summer in Beijing.

A. of

B. in

C. at

D. on

13. Li Ping was late _______ school yesterday.

A. for

B. to

C. with

D. of

14. Liu Ying runs fastest in our school. We are proud _______ her.

A. at

B. for

C. of

D. to

15. Which sport do you like better, football _______ basketball?

A. and

B. nor

C. or

D. but

16. We also have lessons ______ Saturday morning.

A. in

B. at

C. during

D. on

17. All the students have finished the homework ______ Zhang Hua, so he’s doing it now.

A. and

B. besides

C. or

D. except

18. Grandpa Li can talk with people _______ different languages.

A. by

B. from

C. in

D. with

19. They will have the final exam _______ three months.

A. after

B. in

C. for

D. at

20. I was born _______ a cool autumn morning.

A. in

B. at

C. to

D. on

21. While I was standing _____ the window, I saw several boys running ______ the street.


A. at, along

B. on, at

C. in, on

D. to, in

22.Qian Xuesen is known as China’s “father of space technology”and “king of rockets”. He died ______ October 31 at the age of 98. (2010山东临沂市)

A. in

B. on

C. at

D. of

23. The famous actor often plays _____ his chicken in the park. (2010上海市)

A. about

B. in

C. at

D. with

24.—We’ll have a hiking trip, but when shall we meet?

—Let’s make it ____ half past eight ____ the morning of June 21. (2010四川自贡市)

A. at, in

B. /, on

C. /, in

25. —How can I go to the supermarket, Paul?

—______ bike. It’s not far from here. (2010浙江温州市)

A. On

B. By

C. In

D. With

26. Money is important ,________it can’t buy everything. (2010 上海市)

A.for B.but C.or D.so

27. —What do you think of this skirt?

—It's beautiful and it fits us well,_______I like it very much. (2010.四川省内江市) A.since B.so C.but

28.—I don't think your uncle really like drama series.

—No,________he still watches the programe.(2010江苏省南京市)A.and B.so C.or D.but

29._______ they are twin brothers, they don't look like each other. (2010 江苏省宿迁市)

A. Though

B. Since

C. However

D. When

30.—Why do you like pandas?

—_______they are very cute. (2010·广西省梧州市)

A.If B.Because C.So D.Although


1. 如果你明天有空请到我家里来。

Please come to my home _________________ tomorrow.

2. 当我是个小孩子的时候就认识他的哥哥了。

I got to know her brother ________________ I was a boy.

3. 这个男孩看完电视后就去睡觉了。

____________, the boy went to bed.

4. 昨天晚上汤姆复习完功课才去看电影。

Yesterday Tom ____________ he went over his lessons.

5. 天气热得我睡不着觉。

It’s _______ hot _________ I can’t go to sleep.

6. 桂林比杭州漂亮多了。

Guilin is ________ beautiful _________ Hangzhou.

7. 他参军前在这里学习英语。

He studied English here _________ he joined the army.

8. 自从你离开这里后发生了巨大变化。

Great changes have taken place ________.

9. 在大厅内的前面有两排鲜花。

There are two rows of flowers ___________ the hall.

10. 不仅我儿子而且我女儿都喜欢这个CD播放机。

________ my son _________ my daughter ________ the CD player.


Television has now come to nearly every family. It has 1 a very important part in 2 life. School children in the U.S. watch TV about twenty-five hours a 3.

Some parents feel the television is good 4their children because it helps them learn about their country and the world. 5the help of some programmes of education, children do 6school.

7parents do not let their children 8TV too much. They say the TV programmes are not good and children 9bad things from them.

Men have invented many things which have brought much convenience (方便). Television is one of them. If it 10carefully planned, watching TV can be good for children.

( )1. A. become B. becomes C. became D. becoming

( )2. A. people B. people’s C. peoples D. peoples’

( )3. A. day B. month C. year D. week

( )4. A. at B. of C. for D. to

( )5. A. With B. Under C. By D. Below

( )6. A. well in B. good in C. better in D. best in

( )7. A. Other B. The other C. Another D. Others

( )8. A. to watch B. watch C. watching D. watched

( )9. A. study B. learn C. listen D. see

( )10. A. / B .will be C. was D. is


Have you ever been to the “Hometown of Grape in China”? Look at the picture. How wonderful these grapes are! Many people like traveling there. It is Turfan in Xinjiang, a western province in China. There are many different kinds of grapes in Turfan. The most famous grapes are those ones which don’t have seeds. Its color is golden and its skin is very thin. It is very sweet and you can put many grapes into your mouth because you don’t need to think about the seeds.

When you are walking in the street, you will see a lot of grape trees on both sides of the road or street. Above your head, there are grapes here and there. Anytime you can put up your hands and take the grapes anywhere when they are well.

There are a lot of sights in Turfan, such as Gaochang Ancient City, ShuGong Tower, Fire Mountains, Grape Ditch and so on. A lot of tourists come there and enjoy the grapes and sights every year. Another point is its weather. It is very hot in Turfan. It is called “Stove in the Plateau”. The average temperature is 30 above zero in summer. The highest temperature once had appeared extremely 49. 6℃. The highest temperature on the ground reaches 76. 6℃. If you put an egg into the sand, after a while you can eat it. There is little rain in Turfan. The climate is specially dry. This is Turfan’s another climate characteristic. There is little opportunity to have snow in winter. Because of this kind of climate, the grapes are very sweet there.

( ) 1. The most famous grapes in Turfan are those ones which don’t have _______.

A. seeds

B. skins

C. sugar taste

D. sweet taste

( ) 2. Many people can put a lot of grapes into the mouth because they are no seeds and their skins are ________.

A. too thin

B. too thick

C. yellow

D. golden

( ) 3. What’s the meaning of the underlined phrase “climate characteristic”?

A. average temperature

B. interesting place

C. special thing about weather

D. sweet fruit

( ) 4. Turfan is called “Stove in the Plateau”because the weather is very _____ there.

A. warm

B. hot

C. cool

D. cold

( ) 5. The grapes in Turfan are very sweet because the climate is not only hot but also _____.

A. cold

B. dry

C. wet

D. warm





2. A。从句子的意思和结构理解是用连词or和either连用构成关联连词either…or…表示选择。所以选


3. C。从句子的意思看出双胞胎的爱好有明显的对比,所以是用连词but表示转折。所以选择C。

4. A。句子的意思是:既然离这里不远就没有必要乘出租车了。since“既然”;


5. C。从句子后面的名词是可数名词的复数形式可以判断前面的主语是并列,表示两者都是要用both A

and B结构,后面谓语动词用are,名词用复数形式。所以选择C。其它搭配neither…nor…和


6. A。从句子后面提供的两者情况可以判断是表示选择关系,不能同时做两个动作,只能选择一个,

所以用either A or B来表示选择其中之一的意思。所以选择A。

7. D。句子的意思是:Smith先生的课教得好,结果他的课不容易忘记。所以选择A,表示“如此的


8. B。从句子意思“如果明天你不早起,你就会迟到”可以看出,空后是条件状语从句,而且是否定的


9. C。本题是考查句子的主语后面有介词短语together with…时,谓语要和主语保持一致的用法。

本句子的真正主语是前面的my sister,谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式。所以选择C。

10. D。从后面的句子“because it has been changed.”可以判断前面的句子是表示否定的意思,表


11. C。表示在几点钟用介词at。所以选择C。

12. B。表示在某一个月、某一年等较长的一段时间时用介词in。所以选择B。

13. A。固定搭配的短语be late for表示“迟到”的意思。所以选择A。

14. C。固定搭配的短语be proud of表示“为……骄傲、自豪”的意思。所以选C。

15. C。从句子的意思理解是用连词or表示选择关系,所以选择C。

16. D。表示在早上、上午、下午和晚上用介词in,但是在某一个具体的某一


17. D。本题是考查介词except的用法,表示“除了之外”用except,表示不包括在内。besides表示

“除了之外还有”,指包括在内。从下文看出,Zhang Hua没有完成作业,不包括在前面所说之


18. C。表示用某种语言用介词in。所以选择C。

19. B。介词in和表示一段时间的状语连用表示在……之后,常与一般将来时连用,所以选择B。

20. D。本题是考查介词的用法,表示在早上、上午、下午和晚上用介词in,但是在某一个具体的某一


21. A。本题考查at表示地点的用法,用在小地方,指附近,at the window 意为“在桌子旁边”。

along 指“沿着”,running along the street (正沿街跑)

22. B。on 表示时间,指具体的某一天或某一天的某一时段。

23. D。play with是固定搭配,意为“玩弄”

24. B。用在某一具体时刻点前用介词at,用在某一天的某一时段用介词on。这里“Let’s make it

half past eight”是惯用句式,不用at。

25. B。by bike 固定搭配,意为“骑自行车”,但不能作谓语,只作方式状语。

26. B。由于后句与前句是转折关系,所以用but。句意为“尽管钱很重要,但它不能购买一切”。

27. B。表示因果关系,用so引导,意为“所以”。

28. D。句意是“尽管不喜欢,他还仍旧看”。用but表示转折关系。

29. A。though引导让步状语从句,意为“尽管”,句意是“尽管他们是双胞胎兄弟,但是他们看起来


30. B。表示因果关系,because引导的句子,用来回答why引导的问句。


1. if you are free。


2. when。


3. After he watched TV。

本题是考查连词的用法,用after引导的时间状语从句表示“在看电视后”,另外在从句中一般用代词,所以不用the boy。

4. didn’t go to see the film until。


5. so…that。


6. much more…than。

本题是考查表示比较的状语从句的引导词,beautiful的比较级用more beautiful,表示比较的状语从句用连词than。

7. before。


8. since you left here。


9. In the front of。

本题是考查介词的用法。in the front of表示“在……前部(事物的内部)”。

10. Not…but…likes。

本题是考查连词的用法,not only…but also意思是:不仅……而且….,连接主语时,谓语动词就近一致,所以like要用单数第三人称形式。


1.A。本空主要考查谓语结构中的动词形式。因为句中空格前有助动词has, 所以该句为现在完成时,


2.B。本空主要考查名词所有格。“人们的”为people’s, 故选B。



4.C。本空主要考查固定词组。与be good 构成词组表示“对……有益处”,只能用介词for,故选C。

5.A。本空主要考查固定词组。“在……的帮助下”是with the help of, 故选A。



7.A。主要考查other; the other; others; the others; another的用法辩析。首先去掉不合题意的

C、D项。the other表示“别的、其它的”,有一定的范围,不合题意,应排除,故选A。

8.B。主要考查非谓语动词。根据句型let sb. do sth. let只能用省去to的动词不定式作其宾语补足







1. A。细节理解题。从短文的句子“The most famous grapes are those ones which don’t have


2. A。细节判断题。从短文的句子“Its color is golden and its skin is very thin.”可以判断人


3. C。语义推断题。从短文的句子“There is little rain in Turfan. The climate is specially


4. B。细节判断题。从短文的句子It is very hot in Turfan. It is called “Stove in the


5. B。细节分析题。从短文的句子“The climate is specially dry, this is Turfan’s another

climate characteristic (气候特点). There is little opportunity to have snow in

winter. Because of this kind of climate, the grapes are very sweet there.”的细节可



常用连词和介词 常用连词 as 1.一边.一边2.当...时3.因为as soon as 一…就… as(so) long as 只要 as(so) far as 据…所知as...as 像...一样 as-- 尽管 accordingly 因此所以although, though 虽然尽管After 在...之后 A as well as B 不但A而且B before 在...之前 besides 而且 because 因为,放在主句后。both A and B 既是A又是B but 但是,而是,的确…但consequently 因此所以either A or B 不是A是B even if 即使 even though 即使 else 否则 for fear that 以防万一

furthermore 而且 however 然而 hence 因此所以 however 不论 if 如果是否 in addition 而且 in order that 为了 in case 以防假使,如果 in that 因为既然 lest 以防万一 moreover 而且 not...until--直到...才 no sooner--than-- 一…就… not so(as)...as 不像... now that 既然 no matter(what, when, where, how) 无论(什么.何时,何地……) nor 也不 neither A nor B 既不是A也不是B not only A but also B 不但A而且B nevertheless 然而 once 一旦; 一度


介词 in 2012,in October, in spring,in the morning,in the afternoon,in the evening 2、有了表示日期的词以后,就要改用on (on总是与日子有关,具体到某一天,人命关on天) on the 1st of October, On the 20th of October,on Monday,on Monday morning 3、在午间,在夜间,在开始,在末尾时要用at at noon,at night,at the beginning,at the end,at the weekend,at Christmas(on Christmas Day,on Christmas Eve) 4、at + 时刻表示钟点。At 9 o’clock 5、注意in time及时和on time 准时的区别 二、表示地理位置的in, on, to in+方位词,表示在某范围内。如中国在亚洲的东部。 on+方位词,表示与其接界。如Shandong lies on the north of Jiangsu。山东位于江苏之北。 to+方位词,指在某环境范围之外。如Taiwan lies to the east of Fujian。台湾在福建之东。 三、表示地点的at,in,on 1、at 常指小地方,及具体的地点连用。at the gate在门口,at the table在桌旁,at Dalian Statium在大连体育馆 in 一般指大地方,及泛指的地点连用。in Beijing在北京in the sky在天空in American、in a university 四、表示空间:on 和beneath,above和below,over和under的区别 above在…(偏)上方,表示两者不接触,与below(在…下面)相对。 on在…上,表示两者接触,与beneath(在…下)相对。 over 在…正上方,表示两者垂直,但是不接触,也可指“笼罩、覆盖在上面”与under(在…正下方)相对。 五、.behind表示“在……的后面”,其反义词组“in front of”表示“在……的前面”,注意与in the front of 的区别。 We must keep our hands behind our backs.我们必须一直把手放在背后。 I was walking down the street when a friend stood in front of me.当一个朋友站在我面前时,我正沿着街道散步。 There is a blackboard in the front of the classroom.。教室的前面是黑板. at/in the front of 表示“在……里面的前部”, at the back of表示“在……里面的后部”, in the middle of 表示“在……的中部”。 Xiao Ming sits at/in the front of the classroom.小明坐在教室前面。


常见介词及用法 (一)表示时间的介词 1.英语里最常见的时间介词有:at, in, on, before, after和from。 2.at , in和on这三个词都表示时间。 ?at主要指具体的钟点:at half past eight 在八点半 ?in一般指某一段时间:in January 在一月份 ?on指具体在某一天:on Monday 在星期一 3.before和after表示时间的先后顺序。 ?before表示“在……之前”。 You should wash your hands before eating. 吃饭前你应该洗手。 ?after表示“在……之后”。 They often play basketball after dinner. 他们放学后经常打篮球。 4.from作时间介词含有“从……开始”的意思,常和to连用,组成“from…to…” 的结构,表示“从……到……”的意思。 We go to school from Monday to Friday. 我们从周一到周五上学。 (二)表示方位的介词,也就是表示位置和地点的介词。 1.小学阶段常见的方位介词有:on, in, at, under, over, above, below, about, around, between等。 2.on, over和above 这三个词都有“在……上面”的意思,但它们所表示的方位还是有些不同。 ?on表示两个物体的表面相互接触。如: There is a book on the desk. 桌上有一本书。 The boy is sleeping on the desk. 那个孩子睡在地上。 ?over表示“在……的正上方”,两个物体表面没有接触。如: There is a light bulb over my head. 在我头顶上有一个灯泡。 ?above表示两个物体中一个在另一个的上方,如: The plane is flying above the clouds. 飞机上云层上飞行。 There are four lights above our head. 在我们头上有四盏灯。 3.under和below都有“在……的下面”的意思,但它们有区别: ?under表示“在……的正下方”,其反义词是over。 There is a ball under the chair. 椅子下面有一个球。 They are sitting under a big tree. 他们正坐在一棵大树下面。 ?below表示“在……”的下面,不强调是否在正下方。 Their house is below mine. 他们家的房子在我家的下面。 4.in表示位置“在……里面”,也可以用来表示在一个很大的空间内。 The children are playing in the room. 孩子们正在房间里玩。 All my books are in my bag. 我所有的书都在我的书包里。 5.at表示“在……旁边”。 The teacher is standing at the desk. 老师正在桌边。 I will wait for you at the station. 我会在车站等你。


介词 常用介词: in 2012,in October, in spring, in the morning, in the afternoon,in the evening 2、有了表示日期的词以后,就要改用on (on总是与日子有关,具体到某一天,人命关on天) on the 1st of October, On the 20th of October,on Monday,on Monday morning 3、在午间,在夜间,在开始,在末尾时要用at at noon,at night,at the beginning,at the end,at the weekend,at Christmas(on Christmas Day,on Christmas Eve) 4、at + 时刻表示钟点。At 9 o’clock 5、注意in time及时和 on time 准时的区别 …to…表示一段时间,从何时到何时。 二、表示地理位置的in, on, to in+方位词,表示在某范围内。如中国在亚洲的东部。 on+方位词,表示与其接界。如Shandong lies on the north of Jiangsu。山东位于江苏之北。 to+方位词,指在某环境范围之外。如Taiwan lies to the east of Fujian。台湾在福建之东。 三、表示地点的at,in,on 1、at 常指小地方,及具体的地点连用。at the gate在门口,at the table在桌旁,at Dalian Statium在大连体育馆 in 一般指大地方,及泛指的地点连用。in Beijing在北京in the sky在天空in American、in a university 四、表示空间:on 和beneath,above和below,over和under的区别 above在…(偏)上方,表示两者不接触,与below(在…下面)相对。 on在…上,表示两者接触,与beneath(在…下)相对。 over 在…正上方,表示两者垂直,但是不接触,也可指“笼罩、覆盖在上面”与under(在…正下方)相对。 五、.behind表示“在……的后面”,其反义词组“in front of”表示“在……的前面”,注意与in the front of 的区别。 We must keep our hands behind our backs.我们必须一直把手放在背后。 I was walking down the street when a friend stood in front of me.当一个朋友站在我面前时,我正沿着街道散步。 There is a blackboard in the front of the classroom.。教室的前面是黑板.


介词和连词的用法 (一)表示时间的介词 1.英语里最常见的时间介词有:at, in, on, before, after和from。 2.at , in和on这三个词都表示时间。 ?at主要指具体的钟点:at half past eight 在八点半 ?in一般指某一段时间:in January 在一月份 ?on指具体在某一天:on Monday 在星期一 3.before和after表示时间的先后顺序。 ?before表示“在……之前”。 You should wash your hands before eating. 吃饭前你应该洗手。 ?after表示“在……之后”。 They often play basketball after dinner. 他们放学后经常打篮球。 4.from作时间介词含有“从……开始”的意思,常和to连用,组成“from…to…”的结构, 表示“从……到……”的意思。 We go to school from Monday to Friday. 我们从周一到周五上学。 (二)表示方位的介词,也就是表示位置和地点的介词。 1.小学阶段常见的方位介词有:on, in, at, under, over, above, below, about, around, between等。 2.on, over和above 这三个词都有“在……上面”的意思,但它们所表示的方位还是有些不同。 ?on表示两个物体的表面相互接触。如: There is a book on the desk. 桌上有一本书。 The boy is sleeping on the desk. 那个孩子睡在地上。 ?over表示“在……的正上方”,两个物体表面没有接触。如: There is a light bulb over my head. 在我头顶上有一个灯泡。 ?above表示两个物体中一个在另一个的上方,如: The plane is flying above the clouds. 飞机上云层上飞行。 There are four lights above our head. 在我们头上有四盏灯。 3.under和below都有“在……的下面”的意思,但它们有区别:


十年高考【2000-2010】英语分类汇编----连词和介词短语 〖10福建〗The girl had hardly rung the bell the door was opened suddenly, and her friend rushed out to greet her. A. before B. until C. as D. since 〖答案〗A 〖考点〗考连词的使用 〖解析〗根据“rung the bell”和“the door was opened “的发生先后, 可以得出答案。句子的含义是:女孩还没来得及按门铃, 门就突然打开了。她的朋友们一拥而上去欢迎她。 〖10上海〗our manage objects to Tom’s joining the club, we shall accept him as a member. A. Until B. Unless C. If D. After 〖答案〗B 〖考点〗本题考查连词 〖解析〗此句意思是“除非我们经理反对tom加入俱乐部, 不然我们都应接受他成为其中一员。” 〖10安徽〗The engineers are so busy that they have zero time for outdoor sports activities, ________they have the interest. A. wherever B. whenever C. even if D. as if 〖答案〗C 〖考点〗本题考查状语从句连词辨析。 〖解析〗句意为“工程师们非常繁忙, 即使(even if)有户外体育活动的兴趣也没有时间去做。” 〖10安徽〗Just use this room for the time being, and we’ll offer you a larger one _______it becomes available A. as soon as B. unless C. as far as D. until 〖答案〗A 〖考点〗本题考查状语从句连词辨析。 〖解析〗句意为“仅暂时使用此房间, 它一(as soon as)可以正常使用, 我们就提供你一个大点的。” 〖10江西〗— Our holiday cost a lot of money. —Did it? Well, that doesn’t matter______ you enjoyed yourselves. A as long as B unless C as soon as D though 〖答案〗A 〖考点〗考查连词和具有连词作用的词组 〖解析〗as long as只要unless 除非否则as soon as 一就though虽然, 后一句为只要你玩的开心, 花多少钱就不重要。 〖10江西〗Nowadays some hospitals refer to patients ______ name, not case number. A of B as C by D with 〖答案〗C 〖考点〗考查介词 〖解析〗方式方法可以用by也可以用with, by+ n(方式), with+修饰词+ n(工具). 〖10全国Ⅰ〗Mary made coffee ________ her guests were finishing their meal . A. so that B. although C. while D. as if 〖答案〗C 〖考点〗此题考查连词的用法。 〖解析〗句意:Mary做咖啡当她的客人们将要结束用餐的时候。根据选项此题考查连词的用法。so that译为“以便”表示目的, although译为“尽管, 虽然”, as if译为“好像”, while译为“当….的时候”, 因此while符合句意, 选择C。〖10全国Ⅰ〗The little boy won’t go to sleep ______ his mother tells him a story. A. or B. unless C. but D. whether 〖答案〗B 〖考点〗此题考查连词的用法。 〖解析〗句意:这个小男孩儿不会睡觉除非他的妈妈给他讲故事。根据选项此题考查连词的用法。or译为“或者”表示选择, unless译为“除非”表示条件, but译为“但是”表示转折, whether译为“是否”, 根据句意选择B。 〖10辽宁〗The old man asked Lucy to move to another chair ______ he wanted to sit next to his wife.


介词 常用介词: 1、表示某年、某月、某季节,在早上晚上用in in 2012,in October, in spring,in the morning,in the afternoon,in the evening 2、有了表示日期的词以后,就要改用on (on总是与日子有关,具体到某一天,人命关on天) on the 1st of October, On the 20th of October,on Monday,on Monday morning 3、在午间,在夜间,在开始,在末尾时要用at at noon,at night,at the beginning,at the end,at the weekend,at Christmas(on Christmas Day,on Christmas Eve) 4、at + 时刻表示钟点。At 9 o’clock 5、注意in time及时和on time 准时的区别 6.from…to… 二、表示地理位置的in, on, to in+方位词,表示在某范围内。如 on+方位词,表示与其接界。如Shandong lies on the north of Jiangsu。山东位于江苏之北。 to+方位词,指在某环境范围之外。如Taiwan lies to the east of Fujian。台湾在福建之东。 三、表示地点的at,in,on 1、at 常指小地方,及具体的地点连用。at the gate在门口,at the table在桌旁,at Dalian Statium在大连体育馆 in 一般指大地方,及泛指的地点连用。in Beijing在北京in the sky在天空in American、in a university 四、表示空间:on 和beneath,above和below,over和under的区别 above在…(偏)上方,表示两者不接触,与below(在…下面)相对。 on在…上,表示两者接触,与beneath(在…下)相对。 over 在…正上方,表示两者垂直,但是不接触,也可指“笼罩、覆盖在上面”与under(在…正下方)相对。 五、.behind表示“在……的后面”,其反义词组“in front of”表示“在……的前面”,注意与in the front of 的区别。 We must keep our hands behind our backs.我们必须一直把手放在背后。 I was walking down the street when a friend stood in front of me.当一个朋友站在我面前时,我正沿着街道散步。There is a blackboard in the front of the classroom.。教室的前面是黑板. at/in the front of 表示“在……里面的前部”, at the back of表示“在……里面的后部”, in the middle of 表示“在……的中部”。 Xiao Ming sits at/in the front of the classroom.小明坐在教室前面。 The twin sisters sits at the back of the classroom.那对双胞胎姐妹坐在教室后面。


英语词类分十种:名词、形容词、代词、数词、冠词、动词、副词、介词、连词、感叹词。 介词(prep.):表示它后面的名词或代词与其他句子成分的关系。如in, on, from, above, behind. 连词(conj.):用来连接词、短语或句子。如and, but, before . 7、介词: 7.1、介词的主要用法: 介词是一种虚词,不能独立使用。介词之后一般有名词或代词(宾格)或相当于名词的其他词类、短语或从句作它的宾语,即构成介词短语。有些介词是由两个以上的词构成的短语介词,如: out of(从…中出来), because of(因为), away from(距离…), on top of(在…顶上), ever since(自从…), next to(在…隔壁), according to(根据…), in front of(在…前方)等。 7.2、介词的分类表:(见下表) 地点(位臵、范围)介词:above在…前, about在…附近, across在…对面, after在…后面, against倚着..., along在…近旁, among在…中间, around在…周围, round在….周围, at在…处, before在...前, behind在...后, below低于..., beside在...旁边, between在...之间, by在...旁, down在...下面, from来自..., in在...里面, inside在...里面, near靠近..., of在...之中, on在...上面, out of在...之外, outside在....外面, over在....上方, under在...下方, up在...上面, on top of在...顶部, in front of在...前, close to靠近..., in the middle of在...的中间, at the end of在...的末端,等等。 方向(目标趋向)介词:across横越..., against对抗..., along沿着..., around绕着..., round环绕..., at朝着..., behind向…后面, etween…and…从…到...,by路过/通过..., down向…下, for向..., from从/离..., in进入..., into进入..., inside到...里面, near 接近..., off脱离/除..., on向...上, out of向...外, outside向....外, over跨过..., past经过/超过..., through穿过..., to向/朝..., towards 朝着..., on to到...上面, onto到...上面, up向...上, away from远离... 时间介词:about大约..., after在…以后, at在… (时刻), before在…以前, by到…为止, during在…期间, for有…(之久), from从…(时)起, in在(上/下午);在(多久)以后, on在(某日), past过了…(时), since自从…(至今), through 贯穿…(期间), till直到…时, until直到…时, to到(下一时刻), ever since从那时起至今,at the beginning of在...开始时,at the end of在...末, in the middle of在...当中,at the time of在...时 方式介词:as作为/当作..., by用/由/乘坐/被..., in用…(语言), like与…一样, on骑(车)/徒(步),通过(收音机/电视机), over通过(收音机), through通过..., with用(材料),用(手/脚/耳/眼), without没有… 涉及介词: about关于..., except除了…, besides除了…还... for对于/就…而言, in在…(方面), of…的,有关..., on关于/有关..., to对…而言, towards针对..., with就…而言 目的介词: for为了..., from防止…, to为了… 原因介词: for因为..., with由于…, because of因为... 比较介词: as与…一样,like象…一样,than比...,to与…相比, unlike与…不同 伴随/状态介词: against和…一起(比赛),at在(上班/休息/上学/家,etc.),in穿着…(衣服/颜色),into变成...,on在(值日), with与…一起,有/带着/长着..., without没有/无/不与…一起 7.3、介词短语的句法作用: 介词短语相当于一个形容词或副词,可用作状语、定语和表语。如: The man came .(状)(那个人走下楼来) The woman is from the countryside.(定)(头上戴花的妇女来自乡下) The teacher is now with the pupils.(表)(老师现在和学生在一起) 7.4、介词短语在句子中的位臵: 介词短语做状语时,如果表示时间/地点,可以放在句首或句尾,如果表示方向/方式/伴随/涉及/原因/目的/比较,一般放在句尾;介词短语作表语时放在连系动词之后;介词短语作定语时,只能放在被修饰的名词之后。如: He wanted to find a good job in Shanghai the next year.(状语)(他想来年在上海找份好工作) They searched the room for the thief.(他们在房间里搜索小偷) The letters are for you.(表语)(信是给你的) Have you seen a cat with a black head and four white legs?(定语)(你看见一只黑头白腿的猫了吗?) 7.5、重要注释: ⑴this / that / these / those / last / next / a / every / each等词构成的时间短语,前面不用任何介词。如: Every year travellers from abroad come to visit Pingyao.(每年都有国外的游客来游览平窑镇)



教学过程 一、课堂导入 教师课前给学生几组词语,让学生对所给词语进行连词成句,以此来导入今天学习的介词和连词的考点。以此形式来激活学生的思维,使他们尽快进入学习状态,很自然的在听取学生讨论结果中我们进入了本课内容。如此学生画龙,教师点睛,共同协作,便顺利达到了教学目的。

二、复习预习 教师引导学生复习上节课所学知识点,(以提问、回顾的形式进行),针对上节课的作业进行讲评、订正、答疑。结合上节课老师布置的预习内容,明确课前预习的任务和目标,在预习的过程中:一是摘抄新旧短语和表达法。旧的短语和表达法一段时间不用,很快就会生疏,每一次复现都是一次有效的复习;二是摘抄典型句型,这样可以不断丰富我们的语言材料和语言知识;三要注意把预习过程中遇到的难点记录下来,以便听课的时候有针对性;四是预习笔记可以同课堂笔记合一,使课堂笔记成为预习笔记的补充和延伸。 三、知识讲解 知识点1:介词的分类与语法功能 1.【考查点】:介词是虚词,不能单独作句子成分,必须与名词、代词(或相当于名词的其他词类、短语或从句等)构成介词短语,在句中充当一个成分。 介词分为: 简单介词,如at、in、f or等;合成介词,如within、inside、onto、througout等; 短语介词,如according to、out of、because of、by means of、in spite of、instead of等。 双重介词,如from behind / above / under、until after等。 分词介词,如considering、including、judging(from / by) 等。


连词及介词短语 1. Stand over there you’ll be able to see it better. A.or B.while C.but D.and 2. It was a pity that the great writer died his works unfinished. A.for B.with C.from D.of 3. you call me to say you’re not coming, I’ll see you at the theatre. A.Though B.Whether C.Until D.Unless 4. No one helped me. I did it all _____ myself. A. for B. by C from D to 5. We hadn’t planned to meet.We met chance. A.of B.in C.for D.by 6. It was some time we realized the truth. A.when B.until C.since D.before 7. My friend Martin was very sick with a strange fever;, he could neither eat nor sleep. A.as a result B.after all C.any way D.otherwise 8. Your uncle seems to be a good driver;, I wouldn’t dare to travel in his car. A.even so B.even though C.therefore D.so 9. That was really a splendid evening.It’s years I enjoyed myself so much. A.when B.that C.before D.since 10. —Somebody wants you on the telephone. —no one knows I’m here. A.For B.And C.But D.So 11. You must keep on working in the evening, you are sure you can finish the task in time. A.as B.if C.when D.unless 12. John became a football coach in Sealion Middle School the beginning of March. A.on B.for C.with D.at 13. he has limited technical knowledge, the old worker has a lot of experience. A.Since B.Unless C.As D.Although 14. Please remind me he said he was going.I may be in time to see him off. A.where B.when C.how D.what 15. We thought there were 35 students in the dining hall, , in fact, there were 40. A.while B.whether C.what D.which 16. He found it increasingly difficult to read, his eyesight was beginning to fail. A.and B.for C.but D.or 17. The cost of living in Glasgow is among the lowest in Britain, the quality of life is probably one of the highest. A.since B.when C.as D.while 18. He was about halfway through his meal a familiar voice came to his ears. A.why B.where C.when D.while 19. We won’t keep winning games we keep playing well. A.because B.unless C.when D.while 20. I had just stepped out of the bathroom and was busy drying myself with a towel I heard the steps. A.while B.when C.since D.after 21. With his work completed, the businessman stepped back to his seat, feeling pleased


文言虚词“以”、“与”作介词和连词的区别 高考文言文选择题中的虚词题,即“意义和用法”异同题,学生比较容易出问题,尤其是特定语境下的“以”“与”,作介词还是连词,是学习中的难点。 首先,“以”这里讨论意义为“因为”的“以”。。 看下面句中的词语: 1、且以一璧之故逆强秦之欢,不可。 2、以其无礼于晋且贰于楚也。 3、则思无以怒而滥刑。 根据句意,三句中的“以”都表动作、行为发生的原因,均可译为“因为” “由于”,即两词“意义”相同。但,“一璧之故”中心词“故”,是名词性短语,所以从句法上来说,“以一璧之故”构成介宾短语,共同修饰句中动词“逆”,这里的“以”用作介词。 “其无礼于晋且贰于楚”则是主谓结构,“其无礼于晋且贰于楚”,介词后只能带名词或代词,不能带主谓短语,而且“晋侯秦伯围郑”已经构成单句形式,所以这里只能是连词,连接前后两个分句,相当于关联词语“因为”。所以两句话中的“以”意义相同而用法不同。“怒”是动词,前面是不用介词的,所以这里的“以”也是连词。 总之,区分表原因的“以”是介词还是连词,关键看它后面是代词、名词、名词性短语还是其他短语或分句。 再看几个句子: 4、不赂者以赂者丧。 5、赵王岂以一璧之故欺秦邪? 6、余是以记之,盖叹郦元之简,而笑李渤之陋也。 7、不以物喜,不以己悲。 8、古人之观于天地……往往有得,以其求思之深而无不在也。 9、诸侯以公子贤,多客,不敢加兵谋魏十余年。 以上几句中“赂者”“一璧之故”“物”都是名词或名词性短语, “是”“己”都是代词,与“以”一起构成介宾短语,分别修饰 “丧”“欺”“喜”“记”“悲”,这几处的“以”均用作介词;“其求思之深而无不在”“公子贤,(公子)多客”,都是主谓短语,均构成分句,所以这两句中的“以”用作连词。 其次,“与”,这里讨论意义为“和、同”的“与”。 看下面句中加点词语: 1、彼与彼年相若也,道相似也。 2、吾与之共知越国之政。 3、举天下之豪杰,莫能与之争。 4、与其妾讪其良人。 根据句意,几个“与”都翻译成“和”“同”,但用法却不同。“彼与彼”紧相连接,不能拆分,代词并列,可以互换位置,在句中共同作主语,这里的“与”用作连词。“吾与之”却不能前后互换,因为从上下文看,是说“吾”要采取的做法,而不是大家;且前后可以拆分,在“与之”前加“必”,成为“吾必与之共知越国之政”,所以句中“与之”构成介宾短语,作“知”的谓语,“与”用


英语常用介词和连词 介词 about 关于,对于,在附近,在…周围,在…范围;above 在…以上(标准),超过,过于; across 越过,交叉,横穿,在…(对面) 那边; after 在…之后(时间),在…后面; against 相反,反对,逆着,靠着; along 顺着,沿着,带着; alongside 和…并肩,与…并排,在…旁边; among 在…之中(三者以上); around 围绕,四处,在…周围,在…范围内; as 当作,作为,以…身份; at 在…方面,在…地点,在…时刻(短时间),对准;because of 由于,因为; before 在…之前(时间),先于; behind 在…之后(物体),落后于,不如; below 在…下面(标准),到…下面; beneath 在…之下(on的反义词),低于,劣于; beside 在…旁边,和…比较; besides 除…之外,在…之外; between 在…之间(两者),介乎…之间,连接…;beyond 在…那一边,超过,迟于,晚于; but (用于nothing, nobody, who, all等词之后)除…之外;by 在附近,在旁边,经,依据,按照,通过,用;despite 尽管,不管,不论; down 在…下方,往…下方,尽头,沿着; during 在…期间,在…的时候; except 除了…之外,除非,若不是,但是; for 为了,因为,至于,对于,适合于(一段时间)

from 从…开始,始于,今后,来自,由于; in 在之内(敞开状态),从事于,在…期间(较长时间);inside 在…之内(封闭状态),在…内部(时间),少于;into 到…里,进入到…之内,深入…之中; in spite of 尽管,不管,不论; like 象,如同; near 在…近旁,近似于; of …的,由…制成的,关于,对于,属于; off 从…离开,从…掉下,脱离; on 在…之上,依附于,在…时候,(特定的时间); opposite 在…对面; out of 从…出来,出于,…中间有…; outside 在…之外,向…之外; over 越过,在…正上方; past 过去(时间),超过,晚于,从…经过; regarding 关于,对于,就…而论; round 在周围,环绕,在…一带,在…附近; since 自从,自…以来,从…至今,既然,因为; through 穿过,通过,从头至尾,经由,凭借; throughout 遍及,贯穿,从头至尾; till 直到…为止,直到…(才),在…以前; to 向,往,给…,直到…为止,在…之前; toward 向,对于,为了,接近,将近; under 在…正下方,在…之内,低于,未满; until 到…为止,在…以前; up 向上,在上,沿; upon 在…之上,在…后立即; with 与…一起,和…,带着…,偕同,一致; within 在…之内(时间),在…范围,不越出; without 在…外面,没有,如果没有,要没有;


介词和连词 一、考点聚焦 1、介词的分类与语法功能 (1)介词是虚词,不能单独作句子成分,必须与名词、代词(或相当于名词的其他词类、短语或从句等)构成介词短语,在句中充当一个成分。介词分为:简单介词,如at、in、for等;合成介词,如within、inside、onto、througout等;短语介词,如according to、out of、because of、by means of、in spite of、instead of等。双重介词,如from behind / above / under、until after等。分词介词,如considering、including、judging(from / by) 等。 常见的介词宾语:名词、代词、动名词、从句、不定式等。如: ①It is going to rain this afternoon according to the weather forecast. ②He quarrelled with her yesterday. ③He succeeded in passing the final exam. ④I’m still thinking of how I can fulfil the task ahead of time. ⑤The professor will give us a talk on how to study English well. (2)介词短语在句中可作表语、定语、状语和宾补等。如: ①This machine is in good condition.(表语) ②Where is the key to my bike?(定语) ③Nothing in the world could live without air or water.(状语) ④She always thinks herself above others.(宾补) 2、介词搭配 (1)“动词+介词”搭配:注意特定搭配与同一介词与多个动词搭配意义不同的情况。 ①rob sb. of sth. / clear the road of snow(“夺去、除去”意 义的动词与of 连用) ②supply us with food / fill the glass with wine(“供给”意义的动词与with连用) ③make a desk of wood / make bread from flour / make the material into a coat(“制作、制造”意义与of、from、into连用) ④介词 + the + 部位与动词的关系(=动词 + sb.’s + 部位,可换


高中英语语法练习介词和连词(5) 1.The doctor will be free _______. A. 10 minutes later B. after 10 minutes C. in 10 minutes D. 10 minutes after 2.Did you have trouble ______the post office ? A. to have found B. with finding C. to find D. in finding 3.We offered him our congratulations ______ his passing the college entrance exams. A. at B. on C. for D. of 4.If you keep on , you ’ll succeed _______. A. in time B. at one time C. at the same time D. on time 5. —How long has this bookshop been in business? —______1982. A. After B. In C. Form D. Since 5.The train leaves at 6:00 pm. So I have to be at the station ______5:40 pm. at the latest. A. until B. after C. by D. around 7.Your performance in the driving test didn’t reach the required standard; _______, you failed. A. in the end B. after all C. in other words D. at the same time 8.I don’t think I’ll need any money but I’ll bring some _______. A. at last B. in case C. once again D. in time 9.______production up by 60%, the company has had another excellent year. A. As B. For C. With D. Through 10.Faced ______serious flooding , the victims got aid from all parts of the country. A. with B. by C. to D. about 11.It took them long to be accustomed ______the local food and customs. A. to B. of C. in D. for https://www.doczj.com/doc/d213309530.html,e and see me ______two or three _______. A. for…days B. after…days C. in…days’ time D. during…day time 13.For miles around me there was nothing but a desert , without a single plant or tree ______. A. in sight B. on earth C. at a distance D. in place 14.I wanted two seats ______Madame Curie for Friday night , so I rang the cinema to see if I could book two tickets. A. of B. about C. to D. for 15.______ most students, she was always well prepared and never came to class late. A. Like B. As C. For D. To 16.Washington , a state in the US, was named _____one of the greatest American presidents. A. in honor of B. instead of C. in favor of D. by means of 17.The number of the employees has grown from 1,000 to 1,200 . This means it has risen ______20 percent . A. by B. at C. to D. with 18.The suit fitted him well ______the color was a little brighter. A. expect for B. except that C. except when D. besides 19.—You seem to show interest in cooking . —What ? ______, I’m getting tired of it . A. On the contrary B. To the contrary C. On the other hand D. To the other hand 20.The lady is not in the mood ______going on a sightseeing trip. A. of B. for C. in D. to 21.Beijing is an ancient capital ________ a history of 3000 years. A. on B. of C. for D. with 22.We need fifteen more people ______our team to do the job.

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