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香橙鸭胸沙律Duck breast salad

青椒肠拼盘green pepper and sausage made dish

菊花鱼块Deep fried fish in chrysanthemun shape

黑欧培拉black opera cake

法式煎烩牛肉卷french braise beef roll

闲趣饼干xianqu biscuit

进口牛腹肉Imported beef

苦瓜三文鱼腩balsam pear salmon

卡真炒鸡配蔬菜Cajun Chicken with vegetable

煎龙俐鱼柳配柠檬黄油汁Fried Sole with lemon butter sauce 黑麦面Rye noodles

肠仔沙律Sausage Salad

西芹金钩stir-fried celery and shrimp

蘑菇肠拼盘Mushroom Sausage Combination

尖椒牛柳Sauted Beef Shred with Hot Green Pepper

广东菜心Guangdong flowering cabbage

青椒炒肉丝shred Pork With Green pepper

法式培根土豆泥French Bacon Mashed potato

炸猪排配芒果沙拉Deep frying Pork Chop With Mango Salad

红酒烩牛肉Braised beef with red wine

茄汁意面配扒蔬菜spaghetti Bolonese With vegetable

新西兰羊排New Zealand Lamb Chop

青岛牛柳Tsingtao Tenderloin


孜然粉Cumin powder


面包培根卷Roll Bacon And Bread

脆炸土豆角Deep fried potato

肉肠炒饭Fried rice with Sausage

时蔬炒年糕Sauted Rice Cake with Vegetable

葡萄朗姆酒冰淇淋Grape Rum Ice Cream

牛奶太妃冰淇淋Milk Toffee Ice Cream

桑果雪芭冰淇淋Mulberry Sorbet Ice Cream

翡翠西兰花Stir frying Broccoli Vegetable

红烧鸭子Fried Duck In Soy Sauce

酱油蒸蛋Steamed Egg In Soy Sauce


笋干茭白Water oat with bamboo shoot

肉丝小炒Shredded Meat With Vegetable

日式烤南瓜Roast Oshinko Pumpkin

黑椒意粉Pasta with black pepper

肉酱意粉 Spaghetti Bolognese

咸肉蒸百叶Steamed omasum with salted pork 奶油烩双菇 Stewed mushrooms with cream

粤味广东菜Guangdong Flowering Cabage

原味披萨 Plain Pizza

火腿芝士卷 Rolled ham with cheese

翡翠西兰花 Stir-fiy nroccoli and green vegetables 咖喱三角豆 Chick peas with curry

香煎三文鱼 Pan-fried salmon

椰味玉米粒corn kernal with Coconut taste

芝士焗番茄 Cheese tomato

菠萝土司 pineapple toast

仔排 spareribs

芝士焗土豆 cheese potato

冷拌面Cold noodles

脆炸吐司:fried toast

香煎培根:Roasted barley flour beacon

绿豆粥:Congee with mungbean

红豆粥:Red bean porridge

鱼干:Dried fish

里昂那肠拼盘:lyoner sausage platter

橙味鸭胸:duck breast with orange

烟熏鳟鱼拼盘:Smoked trout Combination

鱼香肉丝:shredded pork with garlic sauce

尖椒牛柳:Sauted Beef Shred with Hot Green Pepper

红酒烩牛肉Braised beef with red wine

烤香草牛仔骨:roast veal bone with vanilla

南乳汁烧肉:cooked pork meat in taro curd

法式培根土豆泥:french bacon mashed potato

小花螺:litter snail

番茄鸡蛋色拉:tomato egg salad

菠菜色拉:spinach salad

西冷鱼籽:sirloin roe

粤味广东菜心:guangdong flowering cabbage

剁椒鱼头:Steamed fish head with diced hot red peppers 歌乐山辣子鸡:Spicy Chicken

意式烧鸡翅:Italian type fried chicken wings

猕猴桃:Kiwi fruit

时蔬炒年糕: Sauted Rice Cake with Vegetable

什锦炒饭:fried rice with mixed meat

奶油蘑菇意面 mushroom pasta with cream

德式土豆浓汤 Gerwman-style potato soup

香草烤鸡翅 roast chicken wings in vanilla

尼斯色拉 salad nicoise

酥鱼:Crisp fish

油淋青菜Green Vegetables with hot oil

家乡牛籽粒:Hometown Beef granules

意大利肠仔色拉:Italian sausage Salad

奶油芝士焗土豆:Baked potato with cream and cheese

菠萝火腿色拉:Pineapple sausage salad

芝士海鲜巨鲜蛋奶汁意面:Cheese Creamy Baked pasta with Cream Egg sauce

生炒仔鸭Stir-fry duck

葱油鱼块Boiled fish with scallions:葱油白鸡

伊丽莎白瓜Elizabeth muskmelon

红烧鸭子:fried duck in soy sause

黑椒牛柳:Black pepper beef

日式煎鸡腿 fried chicken legs in japanese

咖喱海鲜:seafood in curry sauce

红酒汁:Red Wine Sauce

黑椒汁Black pepper sauc

红酒汁Red Wine Sauce

金巴利汁Gran berry sauce

甜面酱 A sweet sauce made of fermented flour



千岛汁Thousand island dressing

法汁French dressing

油醋汁Oil vinegar

低脂酸奶汁Low fat youhurt dressing

泰式鸡酱Chicken spread

红酒醋汁Red wine pickle

美味鲜Soy (菜牌要四份)

米醋Rice vinegar




红腰豆Red Kidney Bean

小意粉Small spaghetti

烤火鸡roast turkey

糟鸡Chicken Pickled in Fermented Rice Wine Sauce

素香干Vegetarian Dried Bean Curd

素蛏子Yue Style Bean Products within Shredded

酱腌黄瓜Pickled Cucumbers

醉鱼干Liquor-soaked Dried Fish

极品海蜇Jellyfish in Soy Sauce

金桂糯米藕Steamed Lotus Root within Sticky Sweet Rice 捞汁辽参Braised Sea Cucumber

孔雀迎宾Deep Fried Potato Pan and Skin of Tofu

鲍汁水波龙虾Steamed Lobster in Abalone Sauce

鲜莲炒虾仁Fried Shrimp Meat with Lotus Nut

奶香玉米酪Fried Corn Pan with Milk

酱椒蒸银鳕鱼Steamed Codfish in Soy Sauce and Pepper Sauce 越味海参羹Sea Cucumber Soup in Y ue Style

片皮烤鸭Roast Duck

越乡虾滑Shaoxing Style Shrimp

洋葱炒腊笋Fried Pickled Bamboo Shoot with Onion

金钱扣三蔬Braised Vegetables

雪菜包Steamed Bun with Pickles

芝士蛋糕Cheese Cakes

应时水果Fruits Of the Season

金丝枣糕Date Cake

椰奶小刀切Steamed Bun with Coconut Milk

腊肠卷Cured Meat Roll

杂粮包Minor Cereals Bun

腊粒花卷Spring Roll

鲜肉小笼包 Steamed Small Meat Dumpling in Basket

玉米窝窝头Steamed Corn Bread

奶黄包Steamed Creamy Custard Bun


烤菜Roast Vegetable

花椒鹅G oose with White pepper

蒸鱼鲞Steamed Salted Fish

家乡红烧肉Red-cooked Meat in Hometown Style

蒜茸苋菜Edible Amaranth with Mashed Garlic

蛤俐水波蛋Poached Eggs with Clam

白鲞烧黑鱼Braised Blackfish with Salted Fish

香芋包Steamed Bun with Yam

地瓜包Steamed Bun with Sweet Potato

燕麦花卷Spring Roll with Oat

燕麦包Bun with Oat

紫薯包Bun with Purple Sweet Potato

紫薯窝窝头Steamed Corn Bread with Purple Sweet Potato 荞麦窝窝头Steamed Corn Bread with Buckwheat

干菜包Bun within Dried Vegetable

玉米枣糕Date Cake with Corn

卤水鸡肝Marinated chicken liver

卤水鸭Marinated duck

卤水豆腐干Marinated dried beancurd

卤水百叶Marinated bean curd sheets

卤水兔腿Marinated rabbit leg

卤水牛肚Marinated tripe

卤水牛筋Marinated Cowhells

芋艿腐皮Stir-fried bean curd shin with taro

芋艿排骨Stir-fried ribs with taro

芋艿鸭子Stir-fried duck with taro

海带结Kelp knot

腐竹Dried beancurd stick

卤水鹌鹑Marinated quail

卤水鸡翅Marinated chicken wing

卤水鸡肫Marinated chicken gizzard

卤水鸭舌Marinated duck tongue

卤水鸭头Marinated duck head

卤水鸭爪Marinated chicken feet

卤水鸭脖Marinated duck neck

羊肉串Mutton kebab

牛肉串Beef kebab

里脊串Pork fillet kebab


海螺Sea snail

糖醋藕片Sweet and sour lotus root slices

日式茄子色拉Japanese-style eggplant salad 美味手剥笋Decious bamboo with shell

糟笋Braised bamboo in rice wine sauce

茄豆烩香肠Braised sausage with bean

法式焗鲈鱼Baked weever in French style

法式清炖羊肉Stewed mutton in French style

辣味椰香时蔬Fried spicy vegetable in Coconut suace

香煎鸡扒配香草茄汁Pan-fried Chicken Chop with vanilla suace 意大利蔬菜汤Minestrone Soup

意式橙味鸡腿Orange chicken leg in Itlian-style

咖喱羊肉Curry mutton

咖喱鸡肉Curry chicken

红酒烩牛膝Braise beef shank with red wine

提拉米苏Tiramisu 28元/只

芒果慕斯蛋糕Mango Mousse Cake 28元/只

酸奶慕斯蛋糕Yoghourt Mousse Cake 28元/只

歌剧院蛋糕Opera Cake 28元/只

黑布朗尼蛋糕Black Brownie cake 28元/只

抹茶慕斯蛋糕Green tea mousse cake 28元/只

咖啡芝士蛋糕Coffee Cheese Cake 28元/只

美式芝士蛋糕American Cheese Cake 28元/只

黑巧克力慕斯蛋糕Black Chocolata Mousse Cake 28元/只

白巧克力慕斯蛋糕White Chocolata Mousse Cake 28元/只

白布朗尼蛋糕White Brownie cake 28元/只

水果塔Fruit Tart 8元/只

核桃塔Nut Tart 18元/只

黄梅果塔Apricot fromage tart 18元/只

香蕉蛋糕Banana Cake 20元/只

胡萝卜蛋糕Carrot Cake 22元/只


6-Inch Chocolata Mousse Cake


6-Inch Fruit Fresh Cream Cake


10-Inch Chocolata Mousse Cake


10-Inch Fruit Fresh Cream Cake


6-Inch Mango mousse cake


10-Inch Mango mousse cake

QQ糖QQ sugar

羊角面Claw noodles


黄梅果派Apricots pie

哈密瓜冰淇淋Hami melon Ice Cream 奶油冰淇淋Ice Cream

水果串Fruit Skewers

白森林蛋糕White forest cake

黑森林蛋糕Black forest cake

意大利冻酪Itlian frozen cheese

香草冰淇淋Vanilla ice cream

泡椒凤爪Chicken Feet with Pickled Peppers

卤水鸡Marinated chicken

卤汁带鱼Marinated hairtail

卤汁黄鱼Marinated yellow croaker

凉拌莴笋Asparagus lettuce in sauce

虎皮凤爪Tiger-skin Chicken Feet

冰镇莴笋Ice Asparagus lettuce

芥末汁菠菜Spinach with Mustard Sauce

陈皮牛肉Tangerine Peel beef

话梅花生Peanut boiled with preserved plum

虎皮卤蛋tiger-skinned eggs.

冰镇西芹Ice celery

冰镇鲜莲Ice lotus seed

干菜鸭Dried vegetable duck

德式黄瓜沙拉Cucumber salad in Germen-style

泰式鸡肉米饭沙拉Thai-style Chicken and rice salad

菲律宾沙拉Philippine salad

肠仔芝士沙拉Sausage chees Salad

印度沙拉配咖喱花生汁Indian salad with curry and peanut sauce

西柚土豆丝沙拉Grapefruit and shredded potatoes salad

马来桑巴木鱼沙拉Malay samba Squid salad

鸡肉葡萄干沙拉Chicken and raisin salad

泡菜粉丝沙拉Pickle and Silk noodles salad

椰菜花沙拉Cauliflower Salad

泰式青木瓜沙拉Green papaya salad in Thai-style

玉米金枪鱼沙拉Corn kernels and tuna salad

烟熏鸡胸沙拉Smoked Chicken Breast salad

什锦蘑菇色拉Mixed mushrooms salad

生芒果沙拉Mango Salad

炒洋葱沙拉Fired onion salad

虾仁目鱼意面沙拉Mixed Pasta salad with shrimp meat and Squid 南瓜沙拉Pumpkin salad

鸡蛋莴笋沙拉Stir Egg and Asparagus lettuce salad

马来桑巴牛肉沙拉Malay samba beef salad

芝麻椰菜丝沙拉Sesame and Sauerkraut salad

吞拿鱼蟹肉沙拉Tuna fish and crab meat salad

滋补炖盅Nutritious soup in cup

清蒸黄鱼Steamed Yellow Croaker

虾米冬瓜Stir-fry white gourd with shrimp

冬瓜仔排汤White gourd and Spareribs soup

凉瓜仔排汤Bittergourd and Spareribs soup

红烧猪手Braised Trotter in Red Sauce

双味猪手Two taste of Braised Trotter

肉饼蒸蛋Steamed egg with meat pie

意大利蔬菜汤Italian vegetable soup

红酒烩牛肉Braised beef with red wine

香煎鸡扒配香草茄汁Pan-fried Chicken Chop with vanilla suuace 法式清炖羊肉French Stewed mutton

法式焗鲈鱼French Baked Sea Bass

印尼炒饭Fry rice

海鲜茄汁意面Spaghetti with Bolonese and seafood

意式鸡翅Broiler Wing

香烤猪排配蘑菇汁Pan-fried pork chop with mushroom suace

香橙鸡腿Orange chicken legs

咖喱羊肉Curried mutton slices

咖喱时蔬Curry vegetable

小鱼辣椒面条Spicy noodles with little fish

鸡茸粟米汤Minced chicken and corn pottage

培根土豆泥Baconic mashed potato

金钩莴笋Asparagus Lettuce

口水鸡Steamed Chicken with Chili Sauce

蜜汁红枣Red dates in honey

熏鸡Smoked chicken

冰镇木莲豆腐Iced Manglietia bean curd 泡芙Puff

水果冻杯Fruit Jelly


奶油培根意面Carbonara Of Pasta

卤水鸡肝Marinated chicken liver

卤水鸭Marinated duck

卤水豆腐干Marinated dried beancurd

卤水百叶Marinated bean curd sheets

卤水兔腿Marinated rabbit leg

卤水牛肚Marinated tripe

卤水牛筋Marinated Cowhells

芋艿腐皮Stir-fried bean curd shin with taro 芋艿排骨Stir-fried ribs with taro

芋艿鸭子Stir-fried duck with taro

海带结Kelp knot

腐竹Dried beancurd stick

卤水鹌鹑Marinated quail

卤水鸡翅Marinated chicken wing

卤水鸡肫Marinated chicken gizzard

卤水鸭舌Marinated duck tongue

卤水鸭头Marinated duck head

卤水鸭爪Marinated chicken feet

卤水鸭脖Marinated duck neck

羊肉串Mutton kebab

牛肉串Beef kebab

里脊串Pork fillet kebab


海螺Sea snail

糖醋藕片Sweet and sour lotus root slices

日式茄子色拉Japanese-style eggplant salad

美味手剥笋Decious bamboo with shell

糟笋Braised bamboo in rice wine sauce

茄豆烩香肠Braised sausage with bean

法式焗鲈鱼Baked weever in French style

法式清炖羊肉Stewed mutton in French style

辣味椰香时蔬Fried spicy vegetable in Coconut suace

香煎鸡扒配香草茄汁Pan-fried Chicken Chop with vanilla suace 意大利蔬菜汤Minestrone Soup

意式橙味鸡腿Orange chicken leg in Itlian-style

咖喱羊肉Curry mutton

咖喱鸡肉Curry chicken

红酒烩牛膝Braise beef shank with red wine

栗子慕斯Chestnut Mousse

榛子慕斯Hazelnut Mousse

拿破仑蛋糕Napoleon cakes

竹蛏Razor Shell


竹筒鸡Braised chicken in bamboo tube

竹筒肉Braised pork in bamboo tube

花螺Cold Sea Whelks with Dressing

箭鱼Archer Fish


虾潺鱼Bean curd fish


石斑小海鲜Grouper Seafood

啤酒鸭Stewed Duck in Beer

什锦小炒Assorted Side dish

香烤猪肋排Roasted Pork Rib with Teriyaki Sauce

铁板鱿鱼Sizzling Sleeve-fish Steak



海鲜芝士焗饭Baked Rice with seafood and cheese

意式鸡肉卷Italian-Style Chicken Wraps

奶油培根焗生蚝Baked scallop with cream and cheese 香辣玉兔Fried Rabbit meat With Chilli


茴香豆Beans Flavored With Aniseed

烤羊腿Roast leg of lamb


骨肉相连Bones and flesh hold together.

牛肉串Beef kebab

羊肉串Mutton kebab

烤鳗鱼Roasted Eel

鸡柳串Chicken Fillet kebab

墨鱼串Inkfish kebab

竹筒肉饭Braised pork in bamboo tube

笋香包Dried bamboo shoot bun

洋葱培根炒土豆Fried Potato with onion and bacon 云丝Cloud streaks







樱桃番茄Cherry Tomato


红腰豆Red Kidney Bean

青瓜Green Cucumber


紫椰菜Red Cabbage

鹌鹑蛋Quail Egg

法汁French Dressing

凯撒汁Cesar Dressing

意大利油醋汁Italian Dressing

千岛汁Thousand Island Dressing

低脂酸奶汁Low Fat Youhurt Dressing

日式麻油汁Japanese Sesame Dressing

什锦冷肉拼盘Cold Cut

烟熏海鲜拼盘Smoken Seafood in Dish

西班牙香肠土豆沙拉Spain Sausage and potato salad 泰式芒果海鲜沙拉Thai mango seafood salad


云丝腐皮Cloud Streaks

糟鸡Chicken Pickled in Fermented Rice Wine Sauce 卤水牛肉Marinated Beef

洋葱培根炒时蔬Fried Onion Baconic in Vegetables 马来咖喱羊肉Curry Mutton

红酒炖牛肉Stew Beef with Red Wine

爵士土豆饼Potato Cake

牛肉串Beef Kebab

羊肉串Mutton Kebab

骨肉相连Bones and Flesh Hold Together.

鸡米花Popcorn Chicken

春卷Spring Roll


茄汁菊花鱼Deep fried fish in chrysanthemun shape 茶菇红烧肉Agrocybe Cylindracea

咸肉蒸娃娃菜Braised Baby cabbage with Salt meat

时令蔬菜Seasonal Fresh Vegetable

竹筒肉Braised Pork in Bamboo Tube

奶油南瓜汤Cream and Pumpkin Soup

筒骨萝卜汤Cylinder bone turnip soup

红枣银耳汤Red Dates and Tremella Soup

欧培拉蛋糕Opera Cake

草莓慕斯蛋糕Strawberry Charlotte Cake

芒果慕斯蛋糕Mango Mousse Cake

意大利冻乳酪Italian Frozen Cheese

核桃塔Walnut Tarts

白巧克力布朗尼Chocolata Brownies

美式芝士蛋糕American Cheese Cake


西餐菜单中英文对照表大全 菠菜汤Spinach Soup烩牛肉Beef Goulash炒土豆Fried Potato 酸辣汤Hot &Sour Soup咖喱海鲜汤Seafood Curry Soup香煎茄子Pan Fried Eggplant 俄式烩牛肉Stronganoff Beef Goulash维也纳香肠Wienner Sauages 黑椒牛排Beef Steak with Black Pepper Suuce 墨西哥鸡肉饼Mexican Quesadillas 炸鸡腿Deep Fried Chicken wings 酿焰猪排Stuffed Pork Chop 金枪鱼意大利面Spaghetti with Tuna 墨西哥牛肉丸子汤Mexican Beef Ball Soup蔬菜炒饭Fried Rice with Vegetable 螺旋面Fussili Pasta 西兰花Broccoli香草西红柿汤Tomato Basil Soup 西红柿角Tomato wages米兰式西兰花Fried Broccoli奶油南瓜汤Pumpkin Cream Soup 蓝芝士菠菜汤Spinach Soup with Blue Cheese 米兰式猪排Pork Milannaise 煎土豆Roasted Potato 蘑菇鸡排Pan Fried Chicken with Mushroom香酪猪排Pork Cordon bleu香酪鸡排Chicken Corden Bleu 洋葱圈Onion Rings 奶油烩猪柳Pork Ragout 培根牛肉串Bacon and Beef Skewer 印尼炒饭Nasi Goreng 黑椒牛柳粒Sauted Beef Tenderloin with Black Pepper 奶油烩鸡Chicken Ragoat 扬州炒饭Fried Rice of Yangzhou Style 红烧牛腩Beef Stew 地中海茄子汤Mediterranean Eggplant Soup 蘑菇猪排Pan Fried Pork Steak with Mushroom with Mushroom 香辣猪肉丝Sauted Pork Slice of Sichuan Style 地中海青椒汤Mediterranean Bell Pepper Soup 奶油西兰花汤Broccoli Cream Soup 土豆泥Mashed Potato 蜜汁胡萝卜Fried Carrot


西餐菜名英语词汇 西式自助餐 Western buffet 西式冷餐 Western buffet 冷餐 buffet 1.冷菜 cold dish 1)沙拉 salad 沙拉 salad 色拉 salad 火腿沙拉 ham salad 鸡沙拉 chicken salad 鸡脯沙拉 chicken-breast salad 鸡丝沙拉shredded chicken salad 鸡蛋沙拉 egg salad 鱼片沙拉 fish salad 虾仁沙拉 shrimp salad 大虾沙拉 prawn salad 蟹肉沙拉 crab salad 素沙拉 vegetable salad 蔬菜沙拉 vegetable salad 鲜蔬菜沙拉 fresh vegetable salad 黄瓜沙拉 cucumber salad 鲜黄瓜沙拉fresh cucumber salad 奶油黄瓜沙拉cucumber salad with cream 西红柿黄瓜沙拉cucumber salad with tomato 西红柿沙拉 tomato salad 甜菜沙拉 beetroot salad 红菜头沙拉 beetroot salad 沙拉油salad dressing; mayonnaise 沙拉酱salad dressing; mayonnaise 2)肉 meat 冷杂拌肉cold mixed meat 冷什锦肉cold mixed meat 冷肉拼香肠cold meat and sausage 冷火腿蔬菜cold ham with vegetables 什锦肉冻mixed meat jelly 肝泥mashed liver; live paste 牛肝泥mashed ox liver; ox liver paste 牛脑泥mashed ox brain; ox brain paste 冷烤牛肉cold roast beef 冷烤里脊cold roast fillet


西餐菜谱(中英文) 烹调方式 Cooking Method fried... 煎... deep fried... 炸(干炸)... quick-fried/stir-fried...(爆)炒... braised... 炖(烧)... stewed... 闷(炖、煨)... steamed...蒸... smoked... 熏... roast... 烤... grilled... 烤... crisp... 香酥... spicy... 麻辣... caramelized... 拔丝... toffee...拔丝... dices... ...丁 mashed... ...馅、泥 ...in brown sauce 红烧... ...in soy sauce 酱汁... ...in hot sauce 干烧... ...in tomato sauce 茄汁... ...in black bean sauce 豆瓣... ...in rice wine 糟溜... ...with fish flavor 鱼 香... ...with sweet and sour flavor 糖醋... ...in soup 氽... ...shreds ...丝 ...slices ...片 ...cubes ...块 调味品 Condiments table salt 食盐 sugar 白糖 cheese 奶酪/干酪 vinegar 醋 butter 黄油 pepper 胡椒 soy sauce 酱油 cream 奶油 curry 咖哩mustard 芥茉 tomato sauce 蕃茄酱 honey 蜂蜜 gravy 肉汁 jam 果酱 cube sugar 方糖 ginger 姜 garlic 大蒜 shallot 大葱 mayonnaise 蛋黄酱 sweet soybean paste 甜面酱 汤类 Soup clear soup/thin soup/consomme 清汤 pottage/thick soup 浓汤 broth 肉汤 beef soup 牛肉汤 tomato soup 西红柿汤 cabbage soup 洋白菜汤 vegetable soup 菜汤 chicken soup 鸡汤creamed chicken soup 奶油鸡汤 fish and tomato soup 红鱼汤 creamed ham soup 奶油火腿汤 beef balls soup 牛肉丸子汤 creamed prawn soup 奶油虾汤beef and vegetable soup 牛肉蔬菜汤 creamed spinach soup 奶油菠菜汤 hot and sour soup 酸辣汤 minced chicken and corn pottage 鸡茸粟米汤 curry chicken soup 咖哩鸡汤 主食 Staple food 中餐主食Chinese Food rice gruel/porridge 大米粥 millet gruel 小米粥 steamed bun/steamed bread 馒头 steamed twisted roll 花卷 meat pie 馅饼 pancake 煎饼 meatbun/steamed bread with stuffings 包子 dumpling 饺子 wonton/dumpling soup 馄饨 noodles 面条sichuan style noodles with peppery sauce 担担面 fried noodles 炒面stretched noodles 拉面 noodles with soup 汤面 noodles with soybean paste 炸酱面 beef noodles 牛肉面 spring roll/egg roll 春卷 rice noodles 米线sweet dumpling 元宵 egg fried rice 蛋炒饭 deep-fried dough sticks 油条


凉菜cold dish 冷盘cold dish 凉拼盘assorted cold foods; hors d'oeuvres; assorted appetizers 什锦小吃assorted cold foods; hors d'oeuvres; assorted appetizers 叉烧肉roast pork fillet 白肉plain boiled pork 酱猪肉braised pork with soy sauce; spiced pork 酱肘子braised pork shoulder with soy sauce; spiced pork shoulder 酱猪肘braised pork leg with soy sauce; spiced pork leg 盐水肝boiled liver with salt; salted liver 酱肚braised pork tripe with soy sauce 红油肚丝boiled shredded tripes with chilli/chili oil 凉拌肚丝shredded tripes with soy sauce 拌肚丝shredded tripes with soy sauce 凉拌腰片boiled liver with salt; salted liver 炝腰花泡菜boiled kidney with pickled vegetables 酱牛肉braised beef with soy sauce; spiced beef 红油牛筋boiled beef tendons with chilli/chili oil 盐水羊肉boiled mutton with salt; salted mutton 凉拌鸡丝shredded chicken with soy sauce 白油鸡steamed chicken 白露鸡plain boiled chicken with mustard


西餐菜单中英文对照 西餐(Western Food) 头盘及沙拉类 1 腌熏三文鱼 Smoked Salmon 2 腌三文鱼 Marinated Salmon with Lemon and Capers 3 凯撒沙拉 Caesar Salad 4 鲜蘑鸡肝批 Chicken Liver Terrine with Morels 5 奶酪瓤蟹盖 Baked Stuffed Crab Shell 6 鲜果海鲜沙拉 Seafood Salad with Fresh Fruit 7 厨师沙拉 Chef's Salad 8 金枪鱼沙拉 Tuna Fish Salad 9 尼斯沙拉 Salad Nicoise 汤类

奶油蘑菇汤 Cream of Mushroom Soup 11 奶油胡萝卜汤 Cream of Carrot Soup 12 奶油芦笋汤 Cream of Asparagus Soup 13 番茄浓汤 Traditional Tomato Soup 14 海鲜周打汤 Seafood Chowder 15 法式洋葱汤 French Onion Soup 16 牛肉清汤 Beef Consomme 17 匈牙利浓汤 Hungarian Beef Goulash 18 香浓牛尾汤 Oxtail Soup 19 意大利蔬菜汤 Minestrone Soup 20 蔬菜干豆汤 Hearty Lentil Soup

牛油梨冻汤 Chilled Avocado Soup 22 西班牙番茄冻汤 Gazpacho 禽类 23 红酒鹅肝 Braised Goose Liver in Red Wine 24 奶酪火腿鸡排 Chicken Cordon Bleu 25 烧瓤春鸡卷 Grilled Stuffed Chicken Rolls 26 红酒烩鸡 Braised Chicken with Red Wine 27 烤鸡胸酿奶酪蘑菇馅 Baked Chicken Breast Stuffed with Mushrooms and Cheese 28 炸培根鸡肉卷 Deep-Fried Chicken and Bacon Rolls 29 水波鸡胸配意式香醋汁 Poached Chicken Breast with Balsamico Sauce 30 烤火鸡配红浆果少司 Roast Turkey with Cranberry Sauce 31 烤瓤火鸡


西餐菜谱 1 烹调方式Cooking Method fried... 煎... deep fried... 炸(干炸)... quick-fried/stir-fried...(爆)炒... braised... 炖(烧)... stewed... 闷(炖、煨)... steamed...蒸... smoked... 熏... roast... 烤... grilled... 烤... crisp... 香酥... spicy... 麻辣... caramelized... 拔丝... toffee...拔丝... dices... ...丁mashed... ...馅、泥...in brown sauce 红烧... ...in soy sauce 酱汁... ...in hot sauce 干烧... ...in tomato sauce 茄汁... ...in black bean sauce 豆瓣... ...in rice wine 糟溜... ...with fish flavor 鱼香... ...with sweet and sour flavor 糖醋... ...in soup 氽... ...shreds ...丝 ...slices ...片...cubes ...块 2 调味品Condiments table salt 食盐sugar 白糖cheese 奶酪/干酪vinegar 醋butter 黄油pepper 胡椒soy sauce 酱油cream 奶油curry 咖哩mustard 芥茉tomato sauce 蕃茄酱honey 蜂蜜gravy 肉汁jam 果酱cube sugar 方糖ginger 姜garlic 大蒜shallot 大葱mayonnaise 蛋黄酱sweet soybean paste 甜面酱 3 汤类Soup clear soup/thin soup/consomme 清汤pottage/thick soup 浓汤broth 肉汤beef soup 牛肉汤tomato soup 西红柿汤cabbage soup 洋白菜汤vegetable soup 菜汤chicken soup 鸡汤creamed chicken soup 奶油鸡汤fish and tomato soup 红鱼汤creamed ham soup 奶油火腿汤beef balls soup 牛肉丸子汤creamed prawn soup 奶油虾汤beef and vegetable soup 牛肉蔬菜汤creamed spinach soup 奶油菠菜汤hot and sour soup 酸辣汤minced chicken and corn pottage 鸡茸粟米汤curry chicken soup 咖哩鸡汤 4 主食Staple food 中餐主食Chinese Food rice gruel/porridge 大米粥millet gruel 小米粥steamed bun/steamed bread 馒头steamed twisted roll 花卷meat pie 馅饼pancake 煎饼meatbun/steamed bread with stuffings 包子dumpling 饺子wonton/dumpling soup 馄饨noodles 面条sichuan style noodles with peppery sauce 担担面fried noodles 炒面stretched noodles 拉面noodles with soup 汤面noodles with soybean paste 炸酱面beef noodles 牛肉面spring roll/egg roll 春卷rice noodles 米线sweet dumpling 元宵egg fried rice 蛋炒饭deep-fried dough sticks 油条soybean milk 豆浆muffin 松糕/饼cruller 油饼 西餐主食Western Food bread 面包toast 烤面包/土司rye bread 黑麦面包bun 小圆面包hamburger 汉堡包bacon


中西餐菜名中英文对照 凉菜cold dish 冷盘cold dish 拼盘assorted cold foods; hors d'oeuvres; assorted appetizers 凉拼盘assorted cold foods; hors d'oeuvres; assorted appetizers 冷拼盘assorted cold foods; hors d'oeuvres; assorted appetizers 什锦小吃assorted cold foods; hors d'oeuvres; assorted appetizers 叉烧肉roast pork fillet 白肉plain boiled pork 酱肉braised pork with soy sauce; spiced pork 酱猪肉braised pork with soy sauce; spiced pork 酱肘子braised pork shoulder with soy sauce; spiced pork shoulder

酱猪肘braised pork leg with soy sauce; spiced pork leg 盐水肝boiled liver with salt; salted liver 咸水肝boiled liver with salt; salted liver 酱肚braised pork tripe with soy sauce 红油肚丝boiled shredded tripes with chilli/chili oil 凉拌肚丝shredded tripes with soy sauce 拌肚丝shredded tripes with soy sauce 凉拌腰片boiled liver with salt; salted liver 拌腰片boiled liver with salt; salted liver 炝腰花泡菜boiled kidney with pickled vegetables 酱牛肉braised beef with soy sauce; spiced beef


西餐Western-style food; Western-style cuisine; Western-style dish 西式自助餐Western buffet 西式冷餐Western buffet 冷餐buffet 1.冷菜cold dish 1)沙拉salad 沙拉salad 色拉salad 火腿沙拉ham salad 鸡沙拉chicken salad 鸡脯沙拉chicken-breast salad 鸡丝沙拉shredded chicken salad 鸡蛋沙拉egg salad 鱼片沙拉fish salad 虾仁沙拉shrimp salad 大虾沙拉prawn salad 蟹肉沙拉crab salad 素沙拉vegetable salad 蔬菜沙拉vegetable salad 鲜蔬菜沙拉fresh vegetable salad 黄瓜沙拉cucumber salad 鲜黄瓜沙拉fresh cucumber salad 奶油黄瓜沙拉cucumber salad with cream 西红柿黄瓜沙拉cucumber salad with tomato 西红柿沙拉tomato salad 甜菜沙拉beetroot salad 红菜头沙拉beetroot salad 沙拉油salad dressing; mayonnaise 沙拉酱salad dressing; mayonnaise 2)肉meat 冷杂拌肉cold mixed meat 冷什锦肉cold mixed meat 冷肉拼香肠cold meat and sausage 冷火腿蔬菜cold ham with vegetables 什锦肉冻mixed meat jelly 肝泥mashed liver; live paste 牛肝泥mashed ox liver; ox liver paste 牛脑泥mashed ox brain; ox brain paste 冷烤牛肉cold roast beef 冷烤里脊cold roast fillet 冷烤羔羊腿cold roast lamb leg 冷烤猪肉cold roast pork 冷烩茶肠cold stewed sausage 冷茶肠cold sausage 奶酪cheese 3)鱼fish 红烩鱼片stewed fish slices with brown sauce 茄汁烩鱼片stewed fish slices with tomato sauce 鸡蛋鲱鱼泥子minced herring with eggs 鸡蛋托鲱鱼herring on eggs 熏鲱鱼smoked herring 熏鲤鱼smoked carp 沙丁油鱼sardines 鱼肉冻fish jelly 酿馅鱼stuffed fish 红鱼子酱red caviar 黑鱼子酱black caviar 大虾泥minced prawns 蟹肉泥minced crab meat 4)家禽poultry


中餐和西餐菜名大全凉菜cold dish 冷盘cold dish 拼盘assorted cold foods; hors d'oeuvres; assorted appetizers 凉拼盘assorted cold foods; hors d'oeuvres; assorted appetizers 冷拼盘assorted cold foods; hors d'oeuvres; assorted appetizers 什锦小吃assorted cold foods; hors d'oeuvres; assorted appetizers 叉烧肉roast pork fillet 白肉plain boiled pork 酱肉braised pork with soy sauce; spiced pork 酱猪肉braised pork with soy sauce; spiced pork 酱肘子braised pork shoulder with soy sauce; spiced pork shoulder 酱猪肘braised pork leg with soy sauce; spiced pork leg 盐水肝boiled liver with salt; salted liver 咸水肝boiled liver with salt; salted liver 酱肚braised pork tripe with soy sauce 红油肚丝boiled shredded tripes with chilli/chili oil 凉拌肚丝shredded tripes with soy sauce 拌肚丝shredded tripes with soy sauce 凉拌腰片boiled liver with salt; salted liver 拌腰片boiled liver with salt; salted liver 炝腰花泡菜boiled kidney with pickled vegetables


西餐菜单中英文对照 菠菜汤 Spinach Soup 烩牛肉Beef Goulash 炒土豆 Fried Potato 酸辣汤Hot &Sour Soup 咖喱海鲜汤Seafood Curry Soup 香煎茄子P a n F r i e d E g g p l a n t 俄式烩牛肉S t r o n g a n o f f B e e f G o u l a s h 维也纳香肠Wienner Sauages 黑椒牛排B e e f S t e a k w i t h B l a c k P e p p e r S u u c e 墨西哥鸡肉饼Mexican Quesadillas 炸鸡腿D e e p F r i e d C h i c k e n w i n g s 酿焰猪排Stuffed Pork Chop 金枪鱼意大利面S p a g h e t t i w i t h T u n a 墨西哥牛肉丸子汤Mexican Beef Ball Soup 蔬菜炒饭F r i e d R i c e w i t h V e g e t a b l e 螺旋面Fussili Pasta 西兰花B r o c c o l i 香草西红柿汤Tomato Basil Soup 西红柿角Tomato wages 米兰式西兰花F r i e d B r o c c o l i 奶油南瓜汤Pumpkin Cream Soup 蓝芝士菠菜汤Spinach Soup with Blue Cheese

米兰式猪排Pork Milannaise 煎土豆Roasted Potato 蘑菇鸡排Pan Fried Chicken with Mushroom 香酪猪排P o r k C o r d o n b l e u 香酪鸡排Chicken Corden Bleu 洋葱圈Onion Rings 奶油烩猪柳P o r k R a g o u t 培根牛肉串Bacon and Beef Skewer 印尼炒饭Nasi Goreng 黑椒牛柳粒Sauted Beef Tenderloin with Black Pepper 奶油烩鸡Chicken Ragoat 扬州炒饭F r i e d R i c e o f Y a n g z h o u S t y l e 红烧牛腩Beef Stew 地中海茄子汤M e d i t e r r a n e a n E g g p l a n t S o u p 蘑菇猪排P a n F r i e d P o r k S t e a k w i t h M u s h r o o m 香辣猪肉丝S a u t e d P o r k S l i c e o f S ic h u a n S t yl e 地中海青椒汤Mediterranean Bell Pepper Soup 奶油西兰花汤Broccoli Cream Soup 土豆泥Mashed Potato 蜜汁胡萝卜F r i e d C a r r o t 煎乳牛排J a g e r S c h n i t z e l 炸猪排Pork Schnitzel 肉面包Meat Loaf 扒蔬菜G r i l l e d V e g e t a b l e


西餐菜谱的中英对照 一:分类菜谱: 色拉: salad nicoise 尼斯式色拉 gelatin salad 胶状色拉 sunshine salad 胡萝卜色拉 waldorf salad 沃尔多夫色拉 vegetable combination salad 蔬菜大会色拉mixed salad 什锦色拉 home-made vegetable salad 家常蔬菜色拉fruit salad 水果色拉 vegetable salad 蔬菜色拉 chicken laesar salad 卤鸡色拉 tossed salad 油拌色拉 肉类如下: rump steak 牛腿排 T-bone steak T形骨牛排 roast sirloin beef 烤牛外俏 green fillet 青春里脊 fillet steak, country style 乡村里脊扒 beef steak curried 咖喱牛排 plain fried calf ribs 清煎小牛排 fried calf ribs 炸小牛排 roast veal 烤小牛肉 ham steak 火腿扒 sauté pork chop 嫩煎猪排 roast lamb 烤羔羊肉 lamb couscous 羊肉库司 charcoal grilled minced lamb 串烤羊肉饼roast saddle of mutton 烤羊里脊 grilled mutton chop 铁扒羊排 salami 意大利香肠 bologna sausage 大红肠 game pie 野味排 pastrami 五香烟熏牛肉 ham and sausage 火腿香肠 bear's paw 熊掌 breast of deer 鹿脯


中国菜英文名 Chinese dish in English 中餐Chinese Food 1.凉菜类 1、白菜心拌蜇头Marinated Jellyfish and Chinese Cabbage in Vinaigrette 2、白灵菇扣鸭掌Mushrooms with Duck Feet 3、拌豆腐丝Shredded Tofu with Sauce 4、白切鸡Boiled Chicken with Sauce 5、拌双耳Tossed Black and White Fungus 6、冰梅凉瓜Bitter Melon in Plum Sauce 7、冰镇芥兰Chinese Broccoli with Wasabi 8、朝鲜辣白菜Korean Cabbage in Chili Sauce 9、朝鲜泡菜Kimchi 10、陈皮兔肉Rabbit Meat with Tangerine Flavor 11、川北凉粉Clear Noodles in Chili Sauce 12、刺身凉瓜Bitter Melon with Wasabi 13、豆豉多春鱼Shisamo in Black Bean Sauce 14、夫妻肺片Pork Lungs in Chili Sauce 15、干拌牛舌Ox Tongue in Chili Sauce 16、干拌顺风Pig Ear in Chili Sauce 17、怪味牛腱Spiced Beef Shank 18、红心鸭卷Sliced Duck Rolls with Egg Y olk 19、姜汁皮蛋Preserved Eggs in Ginger Sauce 20、酱香猪蹄Pig Feet Seasoned with Soy Sauce 21、酱肘花Sliced Pork in Soy Sauce 22、金豆芥兰Chinese Broccoli with Soy Beans 23、韭黄螺片Sliced Sea Whelks with Hotbed Chives 24、老北京豆酱Traditional Beijing Bean Paste 25、老醋泡花生Peanuts Pickled in Aged Vinegar 26、凉拌金针菇Golden Mushrooms and Mixed V egetables 27、凉拌西芹云耳Celery with White Fungus 28、卤水大肠Marinated Pork Intestines 29、卤水豆腐Marinated Tofu 30、卤水鹅头Marinated Goose Heads 31、卤水鹅翼Marinated Goose Wings 32、卤水鹅掌Marinated Goose Feet 33、卤水鹅胗Marinated Goose Gizzard 34、卤水鸡蛋Marinated Eggs 35、卤水金钱肚Marinated Pork Tripe 36、卤水牛腱Marinated Beef Shank

西 餐 菜名 中英对照

西餐(Western Food) 头盘及沙拉类Appetizers, Starters and Salads 1997. 腌熏三文鱼Smoked Salmon 1998. 凯撒沙拉Caesar Salad 1999. 鲜蘑鸡肝Chicken Liver Terrine with Morel 2000. 奶酪瓤蟹盖Baked Crab Shells Stuffed with Cheese 2001. 鲜果海鲜沙拉Seafood Salad with Fresh Fruits 2002. 厨师沙拉Chef's Salad 2003. 金枪鱼沙拉Tuna Salad 2004. 尼斯沙拉Salad Nicoise 汤类Soups 2005. 奶油蘑菇汤Cream of Mushroom Soup 2006. 奶油胡萝卜汤Cream of Carrot Soup 2007. 奶油芦笋汤Cream of Asparagus Soup 2008. 墨西哥辣味牛肉汤Mexican Chili Beef Soup 2009. 番茄浓汤Tomato Bisque Soup 2010. 海鲜周打汤Seafood Chowder 2011. 法式洋葱汤French Onion Soup 2012. 牛肉清汤Beef Consommé 2013. 匈牙利浓汤Hungarian Goulash 2014. 香浓牛尾汤Oxtail Soup 2015. 意大利蔬菜汤Minestrone Soup 2016. 蔬菜干豆汤Hearty Lentil Soup 2017. 牛油梨冻汤Chilled Avocado Soup 2018. 西班牙番茄冻汤Gazpacho 禽蛋类Poultry and Eggs 2019. 红酒鹅肝Braised Goose Live in Red Wine 2020. 奶酪火腿鸡排Chicken Cordon Bleu 2021. 烧瓤春鸡卷Grilled Stuffed Chicken Rolls 2022. 红酒烩鸡Braised Chicken with Red Wine 2023. 烤鸡胸酿奶酪蘑菇馅Baked Chicken Breast Stuffed with Mushroom and Cheese 2024. 炸培根鸡肉卷Deep-Fried Chicken and Bacon Rolls 2025. 水波鸡胸配意式香醋汁Poached Chicken Breast with Balsamic Sauce 2026. 烤火鸡配红浆果沙司Roast Turkey with Cranberry Sauce 2027. 烤瓤火鸡Roast Stuffed Turkey 2028. 烧烤鸡腿BBQ Chicken Leg 2029. 烤柠檬鸡腿配炸薯条Roasted Lemon Marinade Chicken Leg with French Fries 2030. 扒鸡胸Char-Grilled Chicken Breast 2031. 咖喱鸡Curry Chicken 2032. 秘制鸭胸配黑菌炒土豆Pan-Fried Duck Breast with Sautéed Potatoes and Truffles


冷菜类Cold Dishes 热菜Hot Dishes 猪肉类Pork 牛肉类Beef 禽蛋类Poultry and Eggs 羊肉Lamb 其他肉类Other Meat 蕈类Mushrooms 海鲜类Seafood 蔬菜类Vegetables 豆腐类Tofu 燕窝类Bird's Nest Soup 煲类Casserole 汤羹类Soups 主食、小吃Rice, Noodles and Local Snacks 中国酒Chinese Alcoholic Drinks 黄酒类Yellow Wine 白酒类Liquor 啤酒Beer 葡萄酒Wine 洋酒Imported Wines 开胃酒Aperitif 白兰地Brandy 威士忌Whiskey 金酒Gin 朗姆酒Rum 伏特加Vodka 龙舌兰Tequila 利口酒Liqueurs 清酒Sake 啤酒Beer 鸡尾酒Cocktails and Mixed-drinks 餐酒Table Wine 饮料Non-Alcoholic Beverages 矿泉水Spring Water 咖啡Coffee 茶Tea 茶饮料Tea Drinks 果蔬汁Juice 碳酸饮料Sodas 混合饮料Mixed Drinks 其他饮料Other Drinks 冰品Ice

汤类Soups 禽蛋类Poultry and Eggs 牛肉类Beef 猪肉类Pork 羊肉类Lamb 鱼和海鲜类Fish and Seafood 面、粉及配菜类Noodles, Pasta and Side Dishes 面包类Bread and Pastries 甜品及其他西点Cakes,Cookies and Other Desserts 中餐Chinese Food 冷菜类Cold Dishes 白菜心拌蜇头:Marinated Jellyfish and Chinese Cabbage in Vinaigrette 白灵菇扣鸭掌:Mushrooms with Duck Feet 《中文菜单英文译法》 拌豆腐丝:Shredded Tofu with Sauce 白切鸡:Boiled Chicken with Sauce 拌双耳:Tossed Black and White Fungus 冰梅凉瓜:Bitter Melon in Plum Sauce 冰镇芥兰:Chinese Broccoli with Wasabi 朝鲜辣白菜:Korean Cabbage in Chili Sauce 朝鲜泡菜:Kimchi 陈皮兔肉:Rabbit Meat with Tangerine Flavor 川北凉粉:Clear Noodles in Chili Sauce 刺身凉瓜:Bitter Melon with Wasabi 豆豉多春鱼:Shisamo in Black Bean Sauce 夫妻肺片:Pork Lungs in Chili Sauce 干拌牛舌:Ox Tongue in Chili Sauce 干拌顺风:Pig Ear in Chili Sauce 怪味牛腱:Spiced Beef Shank 红心鸭卷:Sliced Duck Rolls with Egg Yolk 姜汁皮蛋:Preserved Eggs in Ginger Sauce 酱香猪蹄:Pig Feet Seasoned with Soy Sauce 酱肘花:Sliced Pork in Soy Sauce 金豆芥兰:Chinese Broccoli with Soy Beans 韭黄螺片:Sliced Sea Whelks with Hotbed Chives 老北京豆酱:Traditional Beijing Bean Paste 老醋泡花生:Peanuts Pickled in Aged Vinegar 凉拌金针菇:Golden Mushrooms and Mixed Vegetables 凉拌西芹云耳:Celery with White Fungus 卤水大肠:Marinated Pork Intestines 卤水豆腐:Marinated Tofu 卤水鹅头:Marinated Goose Heads


柔软时光 便 捷 菜 单 Menu 我在柔软时光等你…… I am waiting for you at the hourglass

头盘Appetizers 【西餐第一道菜——头盘,也称开胃品。有冷、热头盘之分,风味独特,味道以咸或酸为主,数量较少,用料考究,品质较高。】 博古斯海皇塔配鹅肝油松露酱1998元/份Bocuse Wine & Fois Gras 戛纳顶级鱼子酱海鲜拼盘1288元/份Cannes Caviar & Seafood Platter 顶级牛柳配油浸法国5A级鹅肝988元/份French-style Upstage Beef& Fois Gras 法式松露鹅肝酱佐青苹果乳酪及鱼子酱268元/份French style Foie Gras with Green apple cheese and caviar 顶级鱼子酱及生煎冰岛带子配北极风味228元/份奶油菜花泥及鲜芦笋 Pan-fried Scallops with Arctic Flavor Spinach and Cauliflower Spread 挪威烟熏三文鱼佐奶油蘑菇及香草烩蛋 168元/份Norwegian Smoked Salmon with Braised Mushroom and Sauted Vanilla cream 卜艮第香草汁焗蜗牛128元/份Bourgogne Vanilla Baked Snails

汤Soup 【西餐第二道菜——汤,有清汤、浓汤、特浓汤之分,主要起润肠润胃作用。】 北欧海鲜浓汤118元/份Nordic Seafood Soup 德式都兰豆啤酒浓汤78元/份German-style Bean& Beer Soup 地中海奶油松茸汤配野生黑松露68元/份Mediterranean Cream Matsutake with Wild Truffle 古拉式传统牛肉浓汤配黑麦面包58元/份Traditional Rich Beef Soup with Rye Bread 法国栗茸南瓜汤佐新鲜罗勒及鹅肝油48元/份French Chestnut Pumpkin Soup with Fresh Basil Oil 爱丽克斯巴伐利亚土豆汤伴法兰克福肠38元/份Bavarian Potato Soup with Frankfurt Sausages


西餐菜单(Western-style food menu) 一、头盘及沙拉类: 1、鲜果海鲜沙拉(Seafood Salad with Fresh Fruit) 2、蔬菜水果沙拉(Salad Nicoise) 3、培根金针卷 二、汤类 1、奶油蘑菇汤(Cream of Mushroom Soup) 2、番茄浓汤(Traditional Tomato Soup ) 3、西兰花蘑菇浓汤(Broccoli and mushroom soup) 三、肉类(正餐): 炸培根鸡肉卷 Deep-Fried Chicken and Bacon Rolls 烤柠檬鸡腿配炸薯条 Roasted Lemon Marinade Chicken Leg with French Fries 红烩牛肉 Stewed Beef 西冷牛排配红酒少司 Roast Beef Sirloin Steak with Red Wine Sauce T骨牛扒 T-Bone Steak 蜜制烤鸡翅 Roast Beef 青椒汁牛柳 Beef Tenderloin Steak with Green Peppercorn Sauce 烩牛舌 Braised Ox-Tongue 羊肉串 Lamb Kebabs 黄金大虾 Grille king Prawns 蒜茸大虾 Grilled King Prawns with Garlic Herb Butter 海鲜通心粉 Macaroni with Seafood 海鲜比萨 Seafood Pizza 肉酱意大利粉 Spaghetti Bolognaise 金枪鱼三文治 Tuna Fish Sandwich 烤牛肉三文治 Roasted Beef Sandwich 健康三文治 Healthy Sandwich 土豆泥 Mashed Potatoes 四、甜品 英式水果蛋糕 English Fruit Cake 绿茶奶酪蛋糕 Green Tea Cheese Cake 意大利提拉米苏 Italian Tiramisu 巧克力榛子蛋糕 Chocolate Hazelnut Cake 白巧克力奶油布丁 White Chocolate Brulee 芒果布丁 Mango Pudding 五、饼干及其它 手指饼 Lady Finger 巧克力曲奇 Chocolate Cookies 杨氏`葡式蛋塔 巧克力冰淇淋 Chocolate Ice Cream 绿茶冰淇淋 Green Tea Ice Cream 哈根达斯冰淇淋 冰糖莲子银耳羹 Candied Lotus Seed & White Fungus Soup 巧克力奶昔 Chocolate Milk Shake

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