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(1)昆明话中"大街小巷"的正确发音应该是() A da jie xiao xiang B da jie xiao han C da gai xiao hang D da gai xiao han

(2)昆明人见面打招呼时一般不会说话的是() A 你整喃样 B 你给吃得啦 C 你克哪点 D 出来玩改

(3)(3)昆明话中"hai zi"一词表示的意思是() A 海子 B 孩子 C 鞋子 D 写字

(4)昆明人经常挂在嘴边的"买买"所表示的意思是() A 表示强烈的购买欲望 B 表示强烈的惊讶 C表示强烈的愤怒 D 表示十分高兴

(5)昆明话中"改"一词一般用于下列那些句型() A 陈述句和疑问句 B 疑问句和感叹句 C 感叹句和祈使句 D祈使句和疑问句

(6)一位父亲抱着孩子在圆通山动物园,指着一个残疾的动物对孩子说:"买买,赶点看,特只有一个国!"这位父亲说的"国"指的是() A 上肢 B 翅膀 C 角 D 爪子

(7)对于比较傻的人,昆明人一般会这样骂他 a憨不咙咚 b憨包气喘 c憨包 d 憨咪日眼其中,最无贬义和最具贬义的分别是() A a 和c B b 和c C a 和d D b 和d

(8)昆明的学校放学以后,很多学生都会留在学校里"挝(zhua)一哈球",他们所进行的球类运动是() A 足球 B 篮球 C 排球 D 羽毛球

(9)昆明人发生口角之争,以武力相威胁时,男人一般会威胁说"你给是想我挺你两托才好过"此时他所说的动作是() A 用脚题对方两脚 B 用拳击打对方两拳 C 用肘击对方两下 D 用膝盖顶对方两下

(10)昆明人在以下哪一种情况下对别人说"嘎"一词() A 要求对方注意自己

B 要求对方理解自己

C 要求对方帮助自己

D 要求对方同意自己的要求









昆明呢菜该子不反中国别呢地方呢菜该子。以前昆明太落后啦,所以菜该子基本都是露天呢。在80年代以前,五华区首主要就是如安该、龙强该、小西门活威掩该几个地方,其他么还有些小汗汗首也有小呢该子。卖菜呢督是郊区呢农民,大清八早呢担挑的菜进城来卖,有些贩子也倒菜来卖。呢哈一到快要中午呢时候,买买,菜该子首都是人,喃来喃克,有时候么有些犯子在称上玩名堂,啄发现么还跟恩街嚷。还有踩啄脚呢,夺啄手呢,包包啄拎的呢,拿老昆明呢话讲就是A 。反正啊,呢哈呢菜该子我是最怕克啦。后来志几年改革开放,城市在发展,呢些菜该子好些也啄册的啦,后首****又从新规划,在小区首盖起新呢菜该子来,喔唷,现在志些菜该子是板扎啦,里首摊位是固定呢,卖菜呢活卖肉呢督分开的,还有像米线了,豌豆粉了呢些也有专门呢铺面。现在小区首呢菜该子督有玻璃钢呢顶,下雨天也不会啄夺啄。每个菜该子首还有猫守的,比以前好多的啦。现在我是最喜欢活媳妇克我皆楼底些呢菜该子转转啦。


(1)文章第一段中的"小汗汗"指的是() A 小的河流 B 小的楼房 C 小的路口 D 小的胡同

(2)文章第一段中A处应该填的词语是() A 鬼米日眼呢 B 脏巴拉施呢 C 乱麻麻呢 D 黑七吗古洞呢

(3)文章第二段中的"猫"指的是() A 工商管理人员 B 菜农 C 清洁工人 D 买菜的市民

(4)以下四项中符合文章内容的是() A 昆明在80年代主要有四个菜市场,向全昆明市民提供禽蛋肉菜。 B 昆明的菜市场在中午是最热闹的,熙熙攘攘。 C 不法商贩短斤少两的行为在被揭穿以后狼狈逃离市场。 D 导致作者不愿意去菜





大学英语四级模拟题四 Part One Reading Comprehension (2’×10 = 20’) Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. Passage One Air pollution can spread from city to city. It even spreads from one country to another. Some northern European countries have had “black snow”from pollutants that have traveled through the air from other countries and have fallen with the snow. So air pollution is really a global problem. Air pollution can kill babies, older people, and those who have respiratory(呼吸的)diseases. As found in cities, air pollution increases the risks of certain lung diseases. Air pollution can cause both airplane and car accidents because it cuts down visibility (能见度). There are other possible health dangers from air pollution that we don’t know much about. For example, scientists are trying to find out whether chemicals that reach us from the air may cause changes in our cells. These changes might cause babies to be born with serious birth defects. Scientists are trying to learn how all the many chemicals are apt(易于的)to take into our bodies from air, water, food, and even medicines act together to affect our health and the way our bodies work. That is another reason why it is so important to begin to control pollution now instead of waiting until we learn all the answers. Air pollution costs us a lot of money. It corrodes(腐蚀)our buildings. It damages farm crops and forests. It has a destructive effect on our works of art. The cost of all this damage to our government is great. It would be much more worthwhile, both for us and for the government, to spend our tax dollars on air pollution control. 1. Air pollution may lead to airplane accidents because . A. it may cause pilots to be ill B. engines may fail from the air-borne dirt C. visibility is reduced D. it brings a lot of black snow 2. Scientists are trying to find a link between pollution and . A. intelligence levels B. birth problems C. man’s behavior D. the nervous system 3. Scientists have not yet determined . A. all of the effects of pollution on the human body B. how pollution can be controlled successfully C. when the atmosphere first became polluted D. how some snow becomes black 4. The author suggests that before air pollution becomes more serious, . A. factories will be forced to stop operating B. buildings should be protected C. the earth will begin to grow colder D. more money should be spent to solve the problem 5. We can conclude that . A. civilization may be ruined if pollution is not controlled B. pollution is more serious in Europe than it is in America C. most people do not know that pollution is a serious problem D. we should learn all the answers before we begin to control pollution Passage Two Stiletto heels could be banned from the workplace because of health and safety reasons, according to British Trade Union bosses. The Trade Union Congress, predominantly male, has proposed a motion arguing that high heels are disrespectful to women while they also contribute to long term injuries. They propose instead that women wear “sensible shoes”with an inch heel limit in an attempt to avoid future foot and back pain as well as injuries. The motion is due to be debated at next month’s conference. The motion states: “Congress believes high heels may look glamorous on the Hollywood catwalks but are completely in appropriate for the day-to-day working environment. Feet bear the burden of daily life, and for many workers prolonged standing, badly fitted footwear, and in particular high heels can be a hazard. Around two million days a year are lost through sickness as a result of lower limb disorders. Wearing high heels can cause long-term foot problems and also serious foot, knee and back pain and damaged joints. Many employers in the retail sector force women workers to wear high heels as part of their dress code. More must be done to raise awareness of this problem so that women workers and their feet are protected.” Nadline Dorries, the Tory Member of Parliament, however criticized the motion and said the extra height heels give women can help them when in the workplace. “I’m 5ft 3in and need every inch of my Christian Louboutin heels to look my male colleagues in the eye,”she said. “If high heels were banned in Westminster, no one would be able to find me. The Trade Union leaders need to get real, stop using obvious sexist tactics by discussing women’s



Calculate for a moment what could be done with even a part of those hours. Five thousand hours, I am told, are what a typical college undergraduate spends working on a bachelor's degree. In 10,000 hours you could have learned enough to become an astronomer or engineer. You could have learned several languages fluently. If it appealed to you, you could be reading Homer in the original Greek or Dostoyevsky in Russian. If it didn't, you could have walked around the world and written a book about it. The trouble with television is that it discourages concentration. Almost anything interesting and rewarding in life requires some constructive, consistently applied effort. The dullest, the least gifted of us can achieve things that seem miraculous to those who never concentrate on anything. But Television encourages us to apply no effort. It sells us instant gratification(满意). It diverts us only to divert, to make the time pass without pain. Television's variety becomes a narcotic(麻醉的), nor a stimulus. Its serial, kaleidoscopic (万花筒般的)exposures force us to follow its lead. The viewer is on a perpetual guided tour: 30 minutes at the museum, 30 at the cathedral, 30 for a drink, then back on the bus to the next attraction—except on television., typically, the spans allotted arc on the order of minutes or seconds, and the chosen delights are more often car crashes and people killing one another. In short, a lot of television usurps(篡夺;侵占) one of the most precious of all human gifts, the ability to focus your attention yourself, rather than just passively surrender it. Capturing your attention—and holding it—is the prime motive of most television programming and enhances its role as a profitable advertising vehicle. Programmers live in constant fear of losing anyone's attention—anyone's. The surest way to avoid doing so is to keep everything brief, not to strain the attention of anyone but instead to provide constant stimulation through variety, novelty, action and movement. Quite


2016 年12 月大学英语四级考试真题及 答案 【篇一:2016 年12 月大学英语四级翻译作文题目及答 案】 翻译一: 在中国文化中,红色通常象征着好运、长寿和幸福。在春节和其他喜庆场合,红色到处可见。人们把现金作为礼物送给家人或亲密朋 友时,通常放在红信封里。红色在中国流行的另一个原因是人们把 它与中国革命和共产党相联系。然而,红色并不总是代表好运与快 乐。因为从前死者的名字常用红色书写,用红墨水写中国人名被看 成是一种冒犯行为。 as a symbol of good luck, longevity and happiness in chinese culture, the color of red can be seen everywhere during springfestive and other festive/ joyous occasions. cash is usually put in red envelopes as gifts for relatives and close/intimate friends. also, red is much-welcomed / fashionable in china because of its association with chinese revolutions and the communist party. however, red does not always represent / equal to good luck and joy. red was previously used to write the names of the deceased so it is seen as an offence to write chinese people ’s names in red ink. 翻译二 随着中国的改革开放,如今很多年轻人都喜欢举行西式婚礼。新娘 在婚礼上穿着白色婚纱,因为白色被认为是纯洁的象征。然而,在 中国传统文化中,白色经常是葬礼上使用的颜色。因此务必记住, 白花一定不要用作祝人康复的礼物,尤其不要送给老年人或危重病 人。同样,礼金也不能装在白色信封里,而要装在红色信封里。 with the reform and opening-up of china, a great many young people nowadays prefer to hold western-style wedding: the bride wears white wedding gown because the color is considered to symbolize purity/is considered as the symbol of purity. however, in tradition chinese culture, white is often used on funerals. so, do bear in mind that white flowers should never be used as a gift to celebrate someone ’s recovery, especially not for the aged or those who are seriously ill.


2017年12月大学英语四级考试真题及答案(第一套)Part I Writing (25 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short easy on how to best handle the relationship between doctors and patients. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Part II Listening Comprehension (25 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard. 1. A) Her friend Erika. C) Her grandfather. B) Her little brother. D) Her grandmother. 2. A) By taking pictures for passers-by. C) By selling lemonade and pictures. B) By working part time at a hospital. D) By asking for help on social media. Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard. 3. A) Finding cheaper ways of highway construction. B) Generating electric power for passing vehicles. C) Providing clean energy to five million people. D) Testing the efficiency of the new solar panel. 4. A) They can stand the wear and tear of natural elements. B) They can be laid right on top of existing highways. C) They are only about half an inch thick. D) They are made from cheap materials. Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard. 5. A) Endless fighting in the region. C) Inadequate funding for research. B) The hazards from the desert. D) The lack of clues about the species. 6. A) To observe the wildlife in the two national parks. B) To identify the reasons for the lions’ disappearance. C) To study the habitat of lions in Sudan and Ethiopia.


洛基英语,中国在线英语教育领导品牌 Model Test 1 Part One Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said - Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C)and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a line through the centre. Example: You will hear: You will read: A) At the office. B) In the waiting room. C) At the airport. D) In a restaurant. From the conversation we know that the two were talking about some work they had to finish in the evening. This is most likely to have taken place at the office. Therefore, A) At the office is the best answer. You should choose [A] on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line through the centre. 1. A) She is not interested in the article. B) She has given the man much trouble. C) She would like to have a copy of the article. D) She doesn't want to take the trouble to read the article. 2. A) He saw the big tower he visited on TV~ B) He has visited the TV tower twice. C) He has visited the TV tower once. D) He will visit the TV tower in June. 3. A) The woman has trouble getting along with the professor. B) The woman regrets having taken up much of the professor's time. C) The woman knows the professor has been busy. D) The woman knows the professor has run into trouble. 4. A) He doesn't enjoy business trips as much as he used to. B) He doesn't think he is capable of doing the job. C) He thinks the pay is too low to support his family, D) He wants to spend more time with his family. 5. A) The man thought the essay was easy. B) They both had a hard time writing the essay. C) The woman thought the essay was easy. D) Neither of them has finished the assignment yet. 6. A) In the park. B) Between two buildings C) In his apartment. D) Under a huge tree. 7. A) It's awfully dull. B) It's really exciting.



大学英语四级考试模拟试题 Model Test Five Part ⅠListening Comprehension Directions: This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. Choose the correct answer---A, B, C or D, and then, mark your answer by writing the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Section A (C) 11. A) He will only be available in the afternoon. B) It’s not his office hour. C) He doesn’t have time. D) He is too tired after class. (A) 12. A) The woman insists on going out. B) The woman doesn’t like watching TV. C) The man promised her a gift on her birthday. D) The man is too tired to go out. (B) 13. A) There are too many courses offered to


2014年6月大学英语四级考试真题及答案(完整版) Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: You should write atleast 120 words but no more than 180 words. Supposea foreign friend of yours is coming to visit your hometown, what is the mostinteresting place you would like to take him/her to see and why? Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes) Section A Questions 36 to 45 are based onthe following passage. Global warming is a trend towardwarmer conditions around the world. Part of the warming is natural; we haveexperienced a 20,000 -year -long warming as the last ice age ended and the ice 36 away.However, we have already reached temperatures that are in 37 withother minimum-ice periods, so continued warming is likely not natural. We are 38 toa predicted worldwide increase in temperatures 39 between 1℃and 6℃over the next 100 years. The warming will be more 40 in some areas, less in others, and some placesmay even cool


历年来英语四级考试格式 考试答题的顺序 1.作文分数106.5分 2.快速阅读71分 3.听力部分248.5分 4.是一篇篇章词汇理解和两篇传统的阅读理解,177.5分 5.是完形填空(极大可能考这个)71分 6.翻译,汉译英并且需译部分只是一般的短句翻译。35.5分 CET-4考试内容 一、试卷构成和成绩报道 就所测试的语言能力而言,试点阶段的四级考试由以下四个部分构成:1)听力理解;2)阅读理解;3)完型填空或改错;4)写作和翻译。 听力理解部分分值比例为35%;其中听力对话15%,听力短文20%。听力对话部分包括短对话和长对话的听力理解;听力短文部分包括选择题型的短文理解和复合式听写。 阅读理解部分分值比例为35%;其中仔细阅读部分(Reading in Depth)25%,快速阅读部分(Skimming and Scanning)10%。仔细阅读部分分为:a)选择题型的篇章阅读理解;b)篇章层次的词汇理解(Banked Cloze)或短句问答(Short Answer Questions)。快速阅读理解部分测试的是浏览阅读和查读能力。 完型填空或改错部分分值比例为10%。完型填空部分采用多项选择题型,改错部分的要求是辨认错误并改正。

写作和翻译部分分值比例为20%;其中写作部分(Writing)15%,翻译部分(Translation)5%。写作的体裁包括议论文、说明文、应用文等;翻译部分测试的是句子、短语或常用表达层次上的中译英能力。 具体比例搭配如下: 作文15%(有14分、12分、8分、6分、2分和0分四个档次,用时30分钟) 快速阅读10%(7个判断题每个1%,3个填空题也是1%,单词拼写错误不给分,用时15分钟) 听力35%(短对话8个,每个1%,长对话8个,每个1%,短文10个,每个1%,填词7个,每个0.5%,3个句子分别为2%,2%,2.5%。用时35分钟) 篇章阅读20%+词汇阅读5%(传统阅读10个,一个2%,选词阅读10%,一个0.5%。用时25分钟) 完型填空10%(20个小题,一题0.5%。用时15分钟) 翻译5%(一题1%。用时5分钟) 快速阅读的答题方式不一定 写作:30分钟, 107分(15%) 快速阅读 15分钟,70分(10%)


Part I Writing Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Styles of Living. You should write at least 120 words following the ou tline given below: 1. 有些人愿意和父母居住在一起 2. 有些人想自己独立居住 3. 我的看法 Styles of Living PartⅡReading Comprehension (Skimming and canning) Directions:In this part, you will have l 5 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1~7, choose the best answer from the your choices marked A), B), C) and D). For questions 8~10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage? Fixing a World That Fosters Obesity Environment forstering obesity Why are Americans getting fatter and fatter? The simple explanation is thatwe eat too much junk food and spend too much time in front of screens--be they television, phone or computer-to burn off all those empty calories. One handy prescription for healthier, lives is behavior modification. If people only ate more fresh produce. If only children exercised more. Unfortunately, behavior changes won’t work on their own without huge societal shifts, health experts say, because eating too much and exercising too little are merely symptoms of a muchlarger disease. The real problem is a landscape littered with inexpensive fast—food meals;much advertisingfor fatty, sugary products; inner cities that lack supermarkets; and unhealthy, high—stress workplaces. In other words, it’s the environment. “Everyone knows that you shouldn’t eat junk food and you should exercise,” says Kelly D. Brownell, the director of the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity at Yale. “But the environment makes it so difficult that fewer people can do these things, and then you have a public health catastrophe.” Dr. Brown ell, who has a doctorate in psychology, is among a number of leading researchers who are proposing large-scale changes to food pricing, advertising and availability, all in the hope of creating an environmentfavorable to healthier diet and exercise choices. To that end, health researchers are grappling with how to fix systems that are the root causes of obesity, says Dee W. Edington, the director of the Health Management Research Center at the University of Michigan. “If you take a changed person and put them in the same environment, they are going to go back to the old behaviors,” says Dr. Edington, who has a doctorate in physical education. “If you change the culture and the environment first, then you can go back into a healthy environment and, when you get change, it sticks.” Indeed, despite individual efforts by. some states:to tax soda pop, promote farm stands, require healthier school lunches or order calorie information in chain restaurants, obesity rates in the United States are growing. An estimated 72.5 million adults in the United States are obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and


大学英语四级考试模拟试卷及参考答案(第 一套) Part II Reading Comprehension (35 minutes) Directions: There are 4 reading passages in this part. Each passage is foll owed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are fou r choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and ma rk the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Passage One Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage. There is a difference between science and technology. Science is a method o f answering theoretical questions; technology is a method of solving practical problems. Science has to do with discovering the facts and relationships betwee n observable phenomena in nature and with establishing theories that serve to o rganize these facts and relationships; technology has to do with tools, techniq ues, and procedures for implementing the finding of science. Another distinction between science and technology has to do with the progr ess in each. Progress in science excludes the human factor. Scientists, who seek to comp rehend the universe and know the truth within the highest degree of accuracy an d certainty, cannot pay attention to their own or other people's likes or disli kes or to popular ideas about the fitness of things. What scientists discover m ay shock or anger people-as did Darwin's theory of evolution. But even an unple asant truth is more than likely to be useful; besides, we have the choice of re fusing to believe it! But hardly so with technology; we do not have the choice

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