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Ultrarelativistic positronium production in collisions of high energy electrons and laser p

a r X i v :h e p -p h /9811511v 2 2 D e c 1998ULTRARELATIVISTIC POSITRONIUM PRODUCTION



Martynenko A.P.

Samara State University,Samara,Russia

Saleev V.A.Samara State University and Samara Municipal Nayanova University,Samara,Russia Abstract We consider the production of ultrarelativistic parapositronium and orthopositro-nium atoms in collisions of high energy electrons (E e >0.5TeV)and laser photons.Our results demonstrate the opportunity of intensive positronium beam formation with Lorentz–factor γ~106using laser beam conversion on high energy electrons at the future e +e ?Linear Accelerators.Introduction Formation of ultrarelativistic positronium beams is of immediate interest as a test of main principles of quantum electrodynamics (QED)[1]and theory of relativistic bound states [2].In particular,the formation of ultrarelativistic parapositronium (1S 0–state)and P-wave positronium beams with very large Lorentz–factors γgives a chance to measure with high accuracy their decay widths.It is needed because of theoretical predictions at present time are more precise than experimental data [3].At very large Lorentz–factor γ~106the

positritronium formation length is about several sm for ground states (n =1,3S 1or 1S 0)

[4]and it is realty to check directly the exponential law for the e +e ?bound state formation in vacuum and matter.

At present time it is discussed di?erent approach for obtaining relativistic positronium beams.First of all,this is positronium production in π0–meson decays at Proton Accelera-tors,which have been tested experimentally some years ago [5].

Relativistic positronium beams may be formed in high energy photon [6]or electron [7]interaction with matter.Recently it was predicted positronium production rate in collisions of heavy ions [8].

Here we consider the formation of ultrarelativistic positronium beams (γ?106)via laser photon conversion on high energy electrons.This method may be realized at future Linear e +e ?Accelerators at the energy range E e ≈1TeV.The idea of our calculation is the same one which has been discussed previously [9]in the case of realizing of γe –and γγ–collisions on the basis of Linear e +e ?Collider.The

high density laser beam(approximately1020photons per impulse with the energyω=1 eV)backscatteres on high energy electron beam of Linear Accelerator and converts into high energy photon beam with probability equal to unity.At the laser power about10J and frequency of laser impulse divisible to Linear Collider frequency(f~10÷100s?1)it will be so many laser photons that almost high energy electron transfers energy to laser photon.

It is obviously that at conditions discussed above,the ratio(1):

K=σ(γ+e→P s+e)

m3α3/8πis the nonrelativistic positronium ground state wave function at the origin,m is the electron mass.

In the lowest order inα=e2/4πpositronium production in the processγ+e→P s+e is described by the Feynman diagrams in Fig1.The nonzero contribution comes from dia-grams1-6for parapositronium production and from diagrams1-4,7,8for orthopositronium production:


((q1?k)2?m2)(p/2?q2)2(4) M2=e3ˉU(q2)γμ?P?ε(k)(?p/2??k+m)γμU(q1)/

((p/2?k)2?m2)(q2+p/2)2(5) M3=e3ˉU(q2)?ε(k)(?q2??k+m)γμ?PγμU(q1)/



((p/2?k)2?m2)(q1?p/2)2(7) M5=e3ˉU(q2)γμU(q1)Tr[?P?ε(k)(??k+?p/2+m)γμ]/

(q1?q2)2((p/2?k)2?m2)(8) M6=e3ˉU(q2)γμU(q1)Tr[?Pγμ(??p/2+?k+m)?ε(k)]/

(q1?q2)2((p/2?k)2?m2)(9) M7=e3ˉU(q2)γμ(?q1+?k+m)?ε(k)U(q1)Tr[γμ?P]/

p2((q1+k)2?m2)(10) M8=e3ˉU(q2)?ε(k)(??p+?q1+m)U(q1)Tr[γμ?P]/

p2((p?q1)2?m2)(11) Let us de?ne the Mandelstam variables for the processγ+e→P s+e in the case of E e?m?ω~1eV:

s=(q1+k)2?m2+4ωE e,(12)

t=(k?p)2?4m2?2E eω(1+cosθ),(13)

u=(q1?p)2?5m2?2E e E(1?cosθ),(14) where k=(ω,0,0,?ω)is laser photon four–momentum,q1=(E e,0,0,E e)is the initial elec-tron four–momentum,q2is the scattered electron four–momentum,p=(E,0,E sinθ,E cosθ) is positronium the four–momentum,E is the energy of positronium,E e is the energy of initial electron,θis scattering angle of positronium,

2ωE e+2m2


|M|2as follows:


s?m2 2m2+(s+m2)(s?3m2)


2Results of calculations

First of all,to note that minimal value of invariant s in the processγ+e→P s+e is s min=9m2≈2.35MeV2and corresponding threshold electron energy is equal to

E e,min=s min?m2



At the energy of laser photonsω=1eV we obtain from(18)E e,min=522GeV.On the other hand,at E e=1TeV(the energy range of future Linear Colliders)s is equal to4.2 MeV2.Figure2shows the calculated total cross sections for orthopositronium(curve1)and parapositronium(curve2)production as a function of s atω=1eV.The orthopositronium cross section has a maximum at s=3.2MeV2(or E e=735GeV),where one hasσ(γ+e→3S1+e)≈237pb andσ(γ+e→1S0+e)≈325pb.

The orthopositronium production cross section decreases at large s opposite to para-positronium production cross section which increases logarithmically.This behavior comes from diagrams4and5in Fig1.At the electron energy E e=1TeV andω=1eV(s≈4.2 MeV2)we have found thatσ(γ+e→3S1+e)≈218pb andσ(γ+e→1S0+e)≈494pb.

The above mentioned values of cross sections correspond to production of positronia in ground states with n=1.The summation over n enhances the obtained results by a factor ofζ(3)= ∞n=11/n3?1.202.

Table2shows the values of ratio K(1)at di?erent s.In such a manner,at E e=1TeV and at number of electrons per impulse n=2·1011(the project of e+e?Linear Collider VLEPP) it will be produced~1200parapositronium and~500orthopositronium per impulse.At the accelerator frequency f=100s?1it gives1.2·105and0.5·105positronium atoms per second.This result exceeds the number of positronium atoms which may be obtained in the recombination process e++e?→P s+γat e+e?Storage Rings[11]at the same parameters of accelerators.The rough estimation on P–wave positronium production rate in the process γ+e→P s+γis approximately10?4from the number of S–wave positronium production rate,i.e.~100atoms per second.It seems,that so large P–wave positronium production rate will enough for precise test of their decay widths.

The positronium spectra d N/d y(y,s)normalized to unity at s=3.2MeV2are shown in Fig.1.The positronium atoms are produced in the kinematic range0.375≤y≤0.869with the average values≈0.54for parapositroniums and≈0.63for orthopositroniums and they have ultrarelativistic Lorenz–factors0.27·106≤γ≤0.64·106.

In conclusion we note that,the obtained via laser photon conversion on high energy electrons,ultrarelativistic positronium beam will be pure,from the point of view of hadronic background.It follows from the trivial kinematic fact that threshold energy of pairπ–meson production is E min≈2·104TeV atω≈1eV.

We are grateful to E.A.Kuraev,L.L.Nemenov,I.N.Meshkov,V.G.Serbo,R.N.Faustov and I.B.Khriplovich for useful discussion of positronium atom physics.This work was done under the?nancial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Researches(Grants 98-02-16185and98-15-96040)and Programme”Universyties of Russia”(Grant2759).


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K=σ(γ+e→P s+e)/σ(γ+e→γ+e)





Figure captions

1.Diagrams used for the processγ+e→P s+e.

2.Cross section for the processσ(γ+e→P s+e)as a function of s at laser photon energy

ω=1eV.Here P s is the orthopositronium(curve1)and parapositronium(curve2).

3.The positronium spectra d N/d y normalized to unity in the processγ+e→P s+e,

where y=E/E e.Curve1is the orthopositronium spectrum,curve2is the para-positronium spectrum.

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