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Lesson Three(介绍)

Lesson Three(介绍)
Lesson Three(介绍)

Lesson three (第三课) 编写:Licia



一:个人概况about oneself


Hello, may I have you name? 你好,你叫什么名字?

My name is Alexander; you can call me Alex for short. 我叫亚历山大,你可以简称我亚历克斯。May I be so bold as to ask how old you are? 我可以冒昧的问一下你的年龄吗?

I am twenty-two. 我22岁了。

You look younger than your age. Where are you from? 你看上去比实际年龄小,你来自哪里?

I am from Canada. 我来自加拿大。

Really? So am I. where is you hometown? 真的吗?我也是,你的家乡是哪?

I was born in a little town not far from Vancouver. 离温哥华不远的一个小镇。

I see. How many people are there in your family? 这样啊?你家里有多少成员?

There are four, including me. 包括我在内有4个人。

Do you have any brother or sister? 有兄弟姐妹吗?

I have a little sister. 我有一个妹妹。


My grandfather lived to be eighty. 我的祖父活到80岁。

Could you please spell your name for me? 告诉我你的名字怎么拼,好吗?

I was born in Beijing, but now I am an American citizen. 我生于北京,但现在我是个美国公民。You have a little bit of a Northern accent. 你说话时带一些北方口音。

He looks so familiar, but I can’t remember his name. 他看起来很面熟,不过我想不起来他的名字了。

I wouldn’t like to talk about my age. 我不想谈论我的年龄。

I’ve left my hometown for several years. 我离开家乡好几年了。

Would you please tell me your address? 能告诉我你的地址吗?

I have always been happy-go-lucky. 我通常是个乐天派。

I dreamed of buying a little cottage in the country. 我梦想着能在乡下买一栋小别墅。

Are your grandparents still alive? 你的祖父母还在世吗?

My grandpa passed away last year. 我的祖父去年去世了。

I am fortunate enough to have my mother as a friend. 我很幸运,有一个朋友一样的妈妈。

The man who is riding is my elder brother. 正在骑马的男人是我哥哥。

Tell me something about your wife. 谈谈你妻子吧。

She is a good wife and devoted mother. 她是个贤妻良母。

He seems a little homesick. 他看起来有点想家。


I haven’t English name.

I don’t have an English name.

I am 30 when this year passed.

I’ll be 30 later this year.

What’s your job?

Are you working at this moment?

I am the smallest child in my family.

I am the youngest child in my family.

I know his face.

I know him by sight.


First name: 名字

Family name : 姓氏

Nationality: 国籍

Province: 省

City: 城市

Village: 村庄

Capital: 首都

Hometown: 家乡

Grandfather: 祖父

Grandmother: 祖母

Uncle: 叔叔,伯父,舅父,姑父

Aunt: 婶母,伯母,舅母,姑母

Nephew: 侄子,外孙

Niece: 侄女,外孙女



Hello, Jack. What happened? You look very upset.

I am in good shape, but my job is not very good.

What’s bothering you?

I mad a mistake and then tried to cover it, but I failed, and my boss found it.

It’s a pain in the neck, why don’t you just own up and tell someone?

I was too scared that I would be fired. You know that I really like this job.

But you know, when you have made a mistake, it is important to tell someone so that it can be fixed.

I wished I had heard what you said earlier. I think I will do better next time.

You won’t do that again. You’re not a fool, and only fools make the same mistake twice.

As always you are the bright one with the good advice.

But remember, even the brightest person makes mistakes sometimes.

I got it.

And what will you do to correct your mistake?

I don’t know, I have no other choice.

Don’t just shake your head; you’ve got to do something.

I will do. I will give you my word.


Sorry to bother you.

What’s the rush?

I couldn’t agree more.

Let’s forgive and forget.

I hope it turns out all right.

How long will it take to have this TV fixed?

You face tells it all.

I hope this will teach you a lesson.

You’ve got to do something.

It’s a hard job, but I hope he can make it. Something’s come up.

Let’s get to the point.

Keep that in mind.

I’m behind in my work.

We’re in the same boat.

I’m fed up with my boss.

The computer doesn’t work.

You can count on us.

I will play it by ear.


Where is your address?

Would you please tell me your address?

I think I can’t help you.

I don’t think I can help you.

Would you like to join our party on Sunday night? Would you like to come to our party on Sunday night? What time is it now?

What time is it, please?


Full-time: 全部时间的,专任的

Part-time: 兼职的,部分时间的

White-collar: 白领阶层的

Blue-collar: 蓝领阶层的

Freelancer: 自由职业者

Income: 收入,所得

Earning: 赚取的钱,收入

Well-fare: 福利,社会保障

Routine: 例行公事

Negotiate: 谈判

Profit: 利润

小学一年级英语 LessonThree(三)

LessonThree(三)一年级英语教案 教学目标: 学习加法句型; 做看图说话(Look and say)1~3. 重难点 英语中加法的表达 7+4读作seven and four 加法句型的问答: How much is seven and four? It's eleven. How much (1)多少钱 (两种意义)(2) (总和)多少 教学过程: OralEnglish 余虹在商店买铅笔盒: A: Good afternoon. Can I help you ? B: Yes, I want a pencil-box. A: This one is very nice.

B: How much? A: Ten yuan. B: Too dear, I'm afraid. A: What about this one. It's only five yuan. B: Ok, I'll buy it. 复习数词 eleven~fifty 学习加法句型: 老师右手中拿2只铅笔,左手中拿3只铅笔,说two and three,让学生复述并说中文意思。然后老师说出问句: How much is two and three? 然后让学生答:(二加三是多少?) It's five. (是五。) Look and say: 1)拔算盘,练加法…… How much is seven and four? It's eleven eleven nine twenty. twelve seven nineteen. thirteen five eighteen. fourteen three seventeen fifteen one sixteen.

二年级英语:第三课 Lesson Three(教学方案)

( 英语教案 ) 学校:_________________________ 年级:_________________________ 教师:_________________________ 教案设计 / 精品文档 / 文字可改 二年级英语:第三课 Lesson Three(教学方案) Learning English is conducive to making friends, chatting or working together with foreigners, and learning English is very useful for traveling abroad.

二年级英语:第三课 Lesson Three(教学 方案) 一、教学内容 1.词汇(略)。 2.句型:1) Please don't call me Lily. 2) Who has a ruler? 3) You look the same. 3.语法:复习现在进行时。 二、教具 录音机、尺子等学习用具(某位同学保管)。 三、课堂教学设计 1.复习值日生报告。 2.教师板书 Lesson Three及 The third lesson,教学生thrid 这个词。然后在黑板上划几条线,均故意划斜,擦掉后,问大家: Who

has a ruler?让大家猜这句话的意思。启发有尺子的同学与老师产生以下对话: T: Who has a ruler? S1: I have one here/a ruler, Mr×(Ms×). T: May I borrow it, please? S1: Certainly. Here you are. T: Thank you. S1: You're welcome. 尺子肯定不够长度,教师借助手势,又问大家: T: Oh, it's a short ruler. Who has a long one? S2:(即事先拿着老师尺子的同学) I have one, Mr×(Ms×). Here you are. T: Thank you, ×××(故意将对方名字叫错)。教师启发这位同学用英语说出: S2: Please don't call me ×××. I'm×××.(手指刚才提到的那位同学)That's ×××!

Lesson Three (三)教学设计

Lesson Three (三)教学设计Lesson three (3) teaching design

Lesson Three (三)教学设计 前言:小泰温馨提醒,英语作为在许多国际组织或者会议上都是必需语言,几乎所有学校 选择英语作为其主要或唯一的外语必修课。英语教学涉及多种专业理论知识,包括语言学、第二语言习得、词汇学、句法学、文体学、语料库理论、认知心理学等内容。本教案根据 英语课程标准的要求和针对教学对象是小学生群体的特点,将教学诸要素有序安排,确定 合适的教学方案的设想和计划、并以启迪发展学生智力为根本目的。便于学习和使用,本 文下载后内容可随意修改调整及打印。 教学目标: 学习加法句型; 做看图说话(Look and say)1~3. 重难点 英语中加法的表达 7+4读作seven and four 加法句型的问答: How much is seven and four? It's eleven. How much (1)多少钱 (两种意义)(2)(总和)多少

教学过程: Oral English 余虹在商店买铅笔盒: A: Good afternoon. Can I help you ? B: Yes, I want a pencil-box. A: This one is very nice. B: How much? A: Ten yuan. B: Too dear, I'm afraid. A: What about this one. It's only five yuan. B: Ok, I'll buy it. 复习数词 eleven~fifty 学习加法句型: 老师右手中拿2只铅笔,左手中拿3只铅笔,说two and three,让学生复述并说中文意思。然后老师说出问句:How much is two and three?

新概念英语Lesson three 知识点总结

新概念英语知识点总结 Lesson Three: 1.send:v. (→sent→sent) ~ sb sth = ~ sth to sb 寄,送,派遣~ a letter寄信,~ a postcard寄明信片 send for a taxi找车,send for a doctor请医生来,send for sb to repair the TV 请人来修电视 2.post:⑴n. ①柱子,桩,标杆 gate~s门柱,a lamp-~路灯柱,a sign~路标②职位 He was appointed to the ~ of general manager.他被任命为总经理。③(US: mail)信件包裹等There was lots of ~this morning;邮政邮递send sth by ~邮寄某物;the Post Office邮局,postbox邮筒邮箱,postcard 明信片,postcode邮编,postman邮递员,postmark邮戳,postage邮费邮资,poster海报,大幅画 ⑵v. 投寄(信件等),邮寄 Could you ~ this letter for me? 3.card:n. ⑴薄纸板,卡片a Christmas ~圣诞卡,name~名片,postcard明信片⑵纸牌 play ~s 玩牌 4.spoil:v. (→spoilt或spoiled) ⑴毁坏,破坏 The bad weather spoilt the holidays. ⑵娇惯,宠坏,溺爱 The little girl is terribly spoilt. 小女孩被惯坏了。 5.public:adj. 公共的,公众的 a ~ place公共场所,a ~ park/library/school // 反义词→private adj.私人的 in public(副词词组)公开地 appear in public for the 1st time 第一次公开露面 6.lend:v. (→lent→lent)借出,借给~ sb sth 或~ sth to sb;borrow:v. 借入,借来~ sth from sb 7.decide:v.做决定,下决心(~ to do) He decided not to go alone. 他决定不单独去。 decision:n.决定 make a ~ to do sth 下决心做某事 = make up one’s mind to do sth 8.whole:adj. 整体的,全部的 three ~ days三整天,the ~ country = all the country 整个国家 n. 整体,全体 as a ~整体,普遍说来;on the ~总的说来;whole-hearted adj.全心全意的~ support 9.single:adj. ①单一的,单个的 a ~ card →反义词 double 双的 ②独身的,未婚的~ men and women 未婚男女→反义词 married 已婚的 ③一人用的 a ~ bed/room 单人床/房间→反义词 a double bed/room 双人床/房间 ④单程的 a ~ ticket 单程票→反义词 a return/round ticket 往返票 10.课文词句:spoil my holidays破坏我的假日,visit museums 参观博物馆,sit in public gardens 坐在公共 花园里,a friendly waiter 一个友好的服务员,teach me a few words of Italian 教我几句意大 利语,read a few lines 读了几行,My holidays passed quickly.我的假期过得很快,send cards to my friends 寄明信片给我的朋友们,make a big decision 做了一个重大决定,spend the whole day in my room 在我的房间里度过了一整天。 11.课后词句:hit the post 撞到柱子上,run across the road 跑过马路,be afraid of the dog 害怕狗,get out of the car 下车,shout at me 朝我喊,be angry with me 对我生气,pass the salt to me 把盐 递给我,buy a tie for me 给我买了一条领带,make a cake for me为我做了一个蛋糕,hand the prize to me把奖品交给我,The shop assistant found some curtain material for me. 店员为我找了 一些窗帘料,do sb a big favour帮某人一个大忙,promise a reward to the finder 承诺报酬给 拾到者,teach English to us 教我们英语,offer me a cigarette 提供给我一支烟,order some soup for you 为你点了一些汤,owe him a lot of money欠他很多钱,in a friendly way 用一种友好的 方式,all day 一整天, on the last day 在最后一天,make a wish 许愿


Lesson Three To the zoo 教材分析:本课由歌谣、歌曲、故事、活动、游戏5个部分组成。歌谣的目的主要是为了帮助学生熟悉动物园里动物的名称;歌曲是一首情景对话歌,对话 发生在去动物园的路上,目的是通过歌曲和学生熟知的情景,学习询问 去哪里,动物园是大还是小,以及如何回答;故事是讲述大家向Hello 描述动物园的情况;活动是让学生通过观察动物不同的家;游戏的目的 是利用搭乘汽车的情景练习。本课要求语言输入zoo, animal, tiger, lion, hippo, deer, sheep和Able to give explanation of a place or things.以及教育学生关爱动物。教学重点是Able to give explanation of a place or things;教学难点是能较好的完成A task的任务。教学 方法有讲授法、练习法、表演法等。 教时:2课时 备课时间:2013年9 月16 日 第一课时总课时累计:第5 课时 课题:Lesson Three To the zoo 课型: 新授课 教学内容:A rhyme, A song 教学目标:知识目标:学习歌谣《The zoo》和歌曲《Is the zoo big or small》。 能力目标:通过学习歌谣让学生熟悉动物园里的动物名称。 教育目标:教育学生要珍惜各种动物。 教学重点:使学生掌握歌谣《The zoo》。 教学难点:让学生能在轻松的语境中掌握歌谣。 教学方法:讲授法、练习法、表演法。 教具:挂图、录音机、动物图片、动物头饰。

教学过程: 1Warm—up 1、听歌曲《Is the zoo big or small》。 2、展示动物图片。 2Presentation A rhyme 3、这首歌谣的目的主要是为了帮助学生熟悉动物园里动物的名 4、称。 5、先让学生看课文插图, 6、分别学会或复 7、习“tiger”、“lion”、 “hippo”、“bear”、“monkey”、“rabbit”、“deer”、“sheep”等动物的名8、 称。 9、引导学生看图找出动物们在干什么,10、学习“sheep”、“play”等词。动 词“live”不11、容易用动作表示,12、教师可以引用“The zoo is the animals’ house. The animals live in the zoo.”引出“live”的意思。 13、在朗读或播放歌谣录音的时候,14、提醒学生边听边用手打拍子, 15、掌握歌谣的韵律。 16、在播放一两次录音后,17、可以让学生一句一句地朗读,18、或做 连贯朗读。 19、熟读后,20、可让全班学生分组朗读。另外还可以让学生分别选一个 动物的名21、称代表自己,22、并做一个动作,23、如:“play”、 “sleep”、“eat”、“sing”、“count”、“jump”、“swim”、“fly”、“run”等。 24、本歌谣押 U: 韵和 i: 韵,25、教师要指26、导学生读好“zoo”、 “too”和“sleep”、“sheep”等词。 A song 6这是一首情景对话歌,对话发生在去动物园的路上,目的是通过歌曲和学生熟知的情景,学习询问去哪里,动物园是大还是小,以及如何回答。 7将歌曲情景分步展示出来,让学生边看边演唱,学生学会唱这首歌后,教师可以设置其他类似的情景引导学生变换一些歌词再唱。 8小结:

Lesson Three Detective on the Trail综合英语一下册课文,练习语法讲解

Lesson Three Detective on the Trail (跟踪犯罪分子的侦探) J. Jefferson Farjeon Learning Guide 维护社会治安,人人有责。一个机智而且有正义感的伦敦报童,发现报上几则蹊跷的私人启事似乎与几起盗窃案有某种联系,遂向警方报告。报童在一则广告所暗示的地点与时间,潜伏起来,凭借自己的机智和勇敢协助警方捕获了已作案多次的盗窃团伙首领——正是那几则神秘启事的发送人。 一、词汇 1.trail n. 拖过的痕迹;足迹;(动物的)臭迹 2.on the trail of sb./sth. 追踪 e.g. 3. The police are on the trail of the criminal. 警方正循线追辑犯人. 3.robbery n. 抢劫 rob rob sb. of sth. 4.killing n. 谋杀案 5.mean (meant, meant) v. 打算,意欲 mean to do 打算,意欲做某事 mean doing 意思是,意味着 6.wrongdoer n. 违法的人,罪犯;做坏事的人 7.quarrel n. 争吵,吵架 8.upset(upset, upset) v. 使心烦意乱,使苦恼

9.personal adj. &n. 个人的,人性的,私人的;(报纸、杂志的)私人信息启事 10.initial n. (姓名的)首字母 11.haunt n. (想法等)困扰(某人) 12.solve v. 解答(谜等);解决(问题、困难等) solution n (to) 13.unsolved. adj. 未解决的 14.headline n. (报纸等的)标题 15.burglary n. 入户行窃;入户盗窃罪 16.file n. (文件、资料等的)档案,卷宗 17.back number n. 过期的报纸或杂志 18.motion v. 以姿势示意 motion sb. to do sth. 示意某人做某事 19.intently adv. 专心地,聚精会神地 20.breathless adj. (因兴奋、期待等)屏住呼吸的;喘息的 21.excitement n. 激动,兴奋 22.advertiser n. 登广告的人 23.ad abbr. (advertisement的缩写)广告 24.alike adj. 相同,一样,相似 25.very adj. (用以加强语气)正是 26.inspector n. (英)(警察)巡官 27.urge v. 催促,力劝 28.run v. (语句等)写着 29.spot n. 地点,场所;污点,污垢 on the spot 当场,在现场 30.point v. 用(手)指向 https://www.doczj.com/doc/d411470192.html,ne n. 小巷,胡同 32.row n. 狭小的路,街道 33.note v. 记下;注意

高一英语:Lesson Three Living abroad教学设计

新修订高中阶段原创精品配套教材Lesson Three Living abroad 教材定制 / 提高课堂效率 /内容可修改 Lesson Three Living abroad 教师:风老师 风顺第二中学 编订:FoonShion教育

Lesson Three Living abroad lesson three living abroad language points 1.arrival n.到达,到来 on arrival at / in some place一到达某地 on his arrival at classroom,the teacher came and the bell rang.他刚刚到教室,老师便进来了,铃声也响了。 on/ upon arrival in beijing, i'll telephone you.一到北京,我就给你打电话。 however, on his arrival in paris he was recognized as a noble and thrown into poison.然而,他一到巴黎就被认出是个贵族而被投入监狱。 注意:arrival为动作名词,不可用作动词。例如:不能说he arrived this morning. he left here after our arrival.我们到达之后他离去了。 please fill in the arrival card.请填写这张来客登记表。 we were greatly surprised at her arrival.对她的到来,我们感到吃惊。


北师版必修二Unit5 Rhyme Lesson three Experiment in Folk 同步练习(有答案) 一.根据汉语提示及首字母提示写出单词 1.l'd like to ___________________ (辞职)my prese nt job because it's too hard for me. 2. A famous ______________________ (钢琴家)will perform in our city theatre tomorrow eve ning. 3.His sister is such a ________________________ (美人)that many young men want to marry her. 4.He still has n't realized his own ____________________________(天才)in pain ti ng. 5.Your new ______________________ (发型)is not allowed in school. 6.Mr Smith has s _________________________ all of his moustache and looks more han dsome. 7.The three years that he had spe nt on the ship t _____________________ h im greatly. 8.Pla nts get their supplies of food from the ground through their r _________________ 9.The bus in ess card is your i ______________________ , you must have one at all times. 10.We can't judge a person only by his or her a ___________________ . 二?完成句子 11.医生告诉他由于他的身体状况不佳,他必须戒烟。 The doctor told him that he had to ______________________________ ____________ due to his bad health con diti on.


Lesson Three 教学目标 : 1.听录音,学习本单元词语。 2.能将文字与图片联系在一起。 3.能根据文字信息找出相应的图片。 4.能根据听到的信息选出正确的答案。 5.能正确书写大小字母。 教学内容 : 1 、词语学习:,ice-cream , water , tea 。 2 、复习词汇: milk ,egg,biscuit ,cake,bread ,chocolate ,cola ,banana,pear ,apple , jam, pie 等。 3、语言点复习: A)What do you like? B)What does he like? 4、字母书写的笔画顺序及格式。 5、儿歌和歌曲复习。 教学重点、难点: 1. 1ike 的单数第三人称形式及用法复习。 2.单词与图画之间的意义联系。 3.学习书写字母 Jj 、 K k 、 Ll 、 Mm。 教学用具: 1.本单元词汇图片。 2.录音机、磁带。: 教学过程 一: warm up 1: Let’s sing <> 2: Duty Activity: Teacher : Class begins. Pupil on duty:Stand up,please. Teacher : Good morning , class! The class:Good morning,Miss Jin! Pupil on duty:Sit down,please. 二: Preview 1.儿歌复习检查。 A)个别朗读; B)分组朗读; C)背诵比赛; D)挑战赛,比一比看谁说得又快又好。 E)一气背诵从 A~ M的字母儿歌: 奖励优胜者。 2.字母复习检查。


英语-LessonThree(五) 教学目标:1.语音:2.自测(Test Yourself)重难点:1.元音字母组合ee/ea [i:]辅音字母Kk[k]Gg [g]区别长短音[i:] [i]教学过程:Oral English How much is your pen / ruler / jacket?It's…yuan.dollars. (美元) pounds.(英镑)Act out the text.语音Revision字母组合:ai / ay [ei] al [o:] ee [i:]单个元音字母:Ee [i:] [e]辅音字母:Pp[p] Bb[b] Tt [t] Dd[d]读以下单词:day wait ball walk bee meet he she bed egg学习以下语音:see seep seek keep beef feet sea seat seam beat tea meat特殊词:breakfast Kk[k] 词首:词中,词尾都读此音。Kate kid kill bike lake dock Gg[g] 词音,词尾读此音Gate gift gill big lag dog 区分:seat / this seat / please sit on this seat.Practice: Read the following:Sit →site →seat.Bid →bite →beat. Test Yourself答案:C it's thirteen. B that fish is eight yuan.答案:seat sail ship sea Look and write:A: How much is that pencil-box?B: Ten yuan.A: Too dear.B: What about this 1 ————来源网络整理,仅供供参考

生物专业英语(蒋悟生 第二版)课文翻译lesson three

Lesson Three(2学时)Cellular Reproduction: Mitosis and Meiosis 教学目的:使学生掌握细胞的有丝分裂和无丝分裂的作用机理,有丝分裂和无丝分裂之间的区别和相同点。相关英语词汇以及主要用法。教学重点:有丝分裂和无丝分裂中相关的概念和功能,及相关英语词汇的掌握教学难点:专业英语词汇的记忆讲授方法:以学生翻译为主,老师讲解相关专业知识辅助学生理解授课时间:4月12日教学内容: The Nucleus and ChromosomesThe cell nucleus is the main repository of genetic information. Within the nucleus are the chromosomes tightly coiled strands of DNA and clusters of associated proteins. Long stretches of the continuous DNA molecule wind around these clusters of proteins, or histones, forming beadlike complexes known as nucleosomes. More coiling and supercoiling produces a dense chromosome structure. Each long strand of DNA combines with histones and nonhistone proteins to make up the substance chromatin.细胞核是贮藏遗传信息的主要场所。DNA盘绕成螺旋线以及相关的成簇蛋白质。DNA螺旋线缠绕成簇的组蛋白形成珠链状的核小体。这些螺旋和超螺旋形成致密的染色体组结构。每个长链DNA与组蛋白和非组蛋白一起构成染色质物质。 A pictorial display of an organism's chromosomes in the coiled, condensed state is known as a karyotype. Karyotype reveal that in most cells all but sex chromosomes are present as two copies, referred to as homologous pairs. Non-sex chromosomes are called autosomes. Organisms whose cells contain two sets of parental chromosomes are called diploid; those with cells containing a single set of parental chromosomes are called haploid. 染色体致密的超螺旋状态我们称染色体组。除了性染色体外,大多数细胞的染色体组成对出现,称同源染色体对。非性染色体称常染色体。生物细胞含有两套父母本染色体的称二倍体;含有单套染色体的称单倍体。 The Cell CycleThe cell cycle is a regular sequence in which the cell grows, prepares for division, and divides to form two daughter cells, each of which then repeats the cycle. Such cycling in effect makes single-celled organisms immortal. Many cells in multicellular organisms, including animal muscle and nerve cells, either slow the cycle or break out of it altogether.在细胞生长过程中,细胞循环遵循特定程序,分裂准备,分裂成2个子细胞,子细胞再循环。此循环使得单细胞永生。多细胞生物中的许多细胞,包括动物肌肉和神经细胞,要么降低循环速度,要么同时分裂。 The normal cell cycle consists of four phases. The first three include G1, the period of normal metabolism; S phase, during which normal synthesis of biological molecules continues, DNA is replicated, and histones are synthesized; and G2, a brief period of metabolism and additional growth. Together the G1, S, and G2 phases are called interphase. The fourth phase of the cell cycle is M phase, the period of mitosis, during which the replicated chromosomes condense and move and the cell divides. It is believed that properties of the cell cytoplasm control the cell cycle, along with external stimulators and inhibitors such as chalones. 正常细胞循环由4个时期组成。头三期包括G1,正常新陈代谢;S期,正常新陈代谢同时,DNA 复制,组蛋白合成;G2 期,短期的新陈代谢和少许生长。G1, S, 和G2称分裂间期。最后是M期,有丝分裂期,复制的染色体组浓缩,移动并细胞分裂。据称是染色质控制了细胞循环,伴随外部激活因子和抑制因子如抑素。 Mitosis: Partitioning the Hereditary MaterialBiologists divide the mitotic cycle into four phases. At the beginning of prophase the chromosomes each consist of two highly condensed chromatids attached to each other at a centromere. As prophase ends and metaphase begins, the condensed chromosomes become associated with the spindle. Eventually the chromosomes become

第三课 Lesson Three

第三课Lesson Three 一、教学内容 1.词汇(略)。 2.句型:1)Pleasedon'tcallmeLily.2)Whohasaruler?3)Youlookthesame. 3.语法:复习现在进行时。 二、教具 录音机、尺子等学习用具(某位同学保管)。 三、课堂教学设计 1.复习值日生报告。 2.教师板书LessonThree及Thethirdlesson,教学生thrid这个词。然后在黑板上划几条线,均故意划斜,擦掉后,问大家:Whohasaruler?让大家猜这句话的意思。启发有尺子的同学与老师产生以下对话: T:Whohasaruler? S1:Ihaveonehere/aruler,Mr×(Ms×). T:MayIborrowit,please? S1:Certainly.Hereyouare. T:Thankyou. S1:You'rewelcome. 尺子肯定不够长度,教师借助手势,又问大家: T:Oh,it'sashortruler.Whohasalongone? S2:(即事先拿着老师尺子的同学)Ihaveone,Mr×(Ms×).Hereyouare.

T:Thankyou,×××(故意将对方名字叫错)。教师启发这位同学用英语说出: S2:Pleasedon'tcallme×××.I'm×××.(手指刚才提到的那位同学)That's×××! T:Sorry. 3.准备放课文第1段录音。板书听前提问(Pre-listeningquestions):1)Whatwouldtheteacherliketoborrow?2)(用汉语)为什么吴老师把人搞错? 放录音一至两遍,指导学生回答这两个问题。教师解释Pleasedon'tcallme…和Youlookthesame.这两句(见难点讲解1、2)。再放录音,学生打开书跟读三遍。 4.教师将全班分为三大组,分别扮演课文中Teacher,LiLet和Lucy的角色。教师在前面使用尺子等学习用具,指挥全班模仿课文将对话表演下来。如果困难较大,可再跟读两至三遍课文,并要求学生跟读课文时,尽量不看书。指挥学生表演对话,具体做法参考第二课教学步骤4。如时间允许,可让学生交换角色。 5.教师指导学生就课文第2部分插图提问,并予以正确应答。可先请若干同学进行口头回答,然后要求学生笔答。 6.复习现在进行时的构成及用法。 7.布置作业 1)听录音,朗读课文;2)抄写生词,书面回答课文第2部分的提问;3)完成练习册习题。

Lesson Three(介绍)

Lesson three (第三课) 编写:Licia Introductions (介绍) 一:个人概况about oneself 对话范例:Dialog Hello, may I have you name? 你好,你叫什么名字? My name is Alexander; you can call me Alex for short. 我叫亚历山大,你可以简称我亚历克斯。May I be so bold as to ask how old you are? 我可以冒昧的问一下你的年龄吗? I am twenty-two. 我22岁了。 You look younger than your age. Where are you from? 你看上去比实际年龄小,你来自哪里? I am from Canada. 我来自加拿大。 Really? So am I. where is you hometown? 真的吗?我也是,你的家乡是哪? I was born in a little town not far from Vancouver. 离温哥华不远的一个小镇。 I see. How many people are there in your family? 这样啊?你家里有多少成员? There are four, including me. 包括我在内有4个人。 Do you have any brother or sister? 有兄弟姐妹吗? I have a little sister. 我有一个妹妹。 老外习惯这样说: My grandfather lived to be eighty. 我的祖父活到80岁。 Could you please spell your name for me? 告诉我你的名字怎么拼,好吗? I was born in Beijing, but now I am an American citizen. 我生于北京,但现在我是个美国公民。You have a little bit of a Northern accent. 你说话时带一些北方口音。 He looks so familiar, but I can’t remember his name. 他看起来很面熟,不过我想不起来他的名字了。 I wouldn’t like to talk about my age. 我不想谈论我的年龄。 I’ve left my hometown for several years. 我离开家乡好几年了。 Would you please tell me your address? 能告诉我你的地址吗? I have always been happy-go-lucky. 我通常是个乐天派。 I dreamed of buying a little cottage in the country. 我梦想着能在乡下买一栋小别墅。 Are your grandparents still alive? 你的祖父母还在世吗? My grandpa passed away last year. 我的祖父去年去世了。 I am fortunate enough to have my mother as a friend. 我很幸运,有一个朋友一样的妈妈。 The man who is riding is my elder brother. 正在骑马的男人是我哥哥。 Tell me something about your wife. 谈谈你妻子吧。 She is a good wife and devoted mother. 她是个贤妻良母。 He seems a little homesick. 他看起来有点想家。


二年级英语下册Unit1IsitapearLessonthree(220)教案北师 大版 Teaching Aims: 1、Understand the dialogue what’s mean. 2、The students like to learn English. 1、The students can be ask and answer the dialogue. Teaching Emphasis: 1、H ow can use “What’s this?” in the dialogue. And ans wer it. 2、Emphasis sentence: Is it a……? Yes,it is./ No,it isn’t. Teaching Difficulty: The children can know and read the words. Teaching step: 一、Greetings. 二、Presentation. Step 1 Talk together. 1、Direct the students’ attention to the top of the page.Say: Now we can read what we said. 2、Read the words in the speech bubbles aloud, pointing to the words as you do so. Have the students repeat the words after you. Step 2 Listen and number. 1、Have the Ss open the books at page 6 . Draw their attention to the bottom half of the page. 2、T: We are going to listen to the tape. You touch the correct characters when you hear them say “Hello.” 3、Play the tape and have the children touch the correct pictures. 4、Play the tape two sentences at a time. Stop after each pair. 5、Repeat the procedure for the other pictures. Step 3 Sounds and letters 1、Draw the Ss’ attention to the top of the page. 2、Play the tape for baby and ball. Ask : Do these words have the sound /b/ 3、Play the tape again and have the Ss say the sound. 4、Repeat the procedure for others. Step 4 Listen and write. 1、Display the page and have the Ss turn to the matching page in their own books. 2、Have Ss point to the words. Play the tape for peach, draw the Ss attention to the word under the picture. 3、Repeat the procedure for the other words. Have the Ss write the letter in the

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