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as soon as、stopsome body from doing something、other、another等的用法很多学生就经常出错。



助他人的问题。同一个意思“帮助”,假如你就用一个动词“help”,岂不显得你词汇贫乏?假如你在作文中不断地变换方式,用help、give somebody a hand、give a hand to somebody、be in

need of等以表达“帮助”同一个意思,岂不更好呢?

像这样的例子很多,比如:大家都觉得很简单又很基础的“表示姓名的方式”就有My name is Jim.I’m Jim.I’m called/named Jim.I’m a boy called/named/with the name of Jim.等等。

表达年龄的方式有:She is 12.She is 12 years old.She is aged 12.She is a

girl of 12years old。She is a girl aged 12.等等。


























4 拼写:单词的拼写、大小写和标点符号,卷面的整洁。




1. 描写人物时,不能面面俱到,泛泛而写,要重点突出其鲜明特征,以表现与其他人物的不同之处。

2. 叙述与人物有关的事情时,要分清主次,前后照应,选取典型事例来刻画人物。

3. 描写人物时,一般在结尾处要对人物进行评价,抒发自己对人物的情感。



最新中考英语作文优秀范文7篇 中考英语作文范文一: 寄信 All large cities around the world have many post offices located throughout the city, and even the smallest village has at least one postal station. You may go to a post office to mail a letter. However, there are mail boxes located on every second or third corner in all cities and towns. Any letter or small package having sufficient postage may be dropped in any of these mail boxes. If a person wishes a letter to be delivered more quickly to the address, he may buy a special delivery stamp and delivery is made directly by the messenger instead of by the regular carrier. 中考英语作文范文二: 校园春色

Spring comes at last. Everything begins to grow. The trees turn green, and the flowers come out. On the playground, in the fields, on each side of the road, the young grass grows everywhere. Spring also arrives in our school. Come and see, behind our teaching building, there are some small pear trees covered with white flowers; on both sides of it, there are some other flowers smiling at you, Some are yellow, some are red. In our school garden, more flowers are there. All kinds of flowers of many colours can be seen. Look, there are some Kites flying in the sky. The spring wind is blowing. The sun is shining brightly. Some boys are playing games in the sun, Listen, a group of girls are singing "Where's spring?" It sounds like the singing of lark birds. All these make me think that spring is here, spring is there, and spring is just in our school. Fhe boys and the girls are all like flowers in spring.


英语口语话题作文 Talk about jobs (谈论工作) There are more and more jobs today. Most people have jobs? They go to work nearly every day. Some people are lucky. Either they have interesting jobs or they earn a lot of money. Most people are not so lucky. Either their jobs are not very interesting or they don't earn a lot of money. The most interesting jobs are often the most difficult. People spend a lot of time learning how to do them. For example, doctors study for at least six years after finishing school. Airline pilots study longer. Some young people have interesting and well-paid jobs?Many successful athletes are young .But most people work until they are 60 or 65 years old. Then they retire and have a lot of spare time. Some people never retire though? These people usually have interesting jobs. Writers, artists, musicians and actors usually work until they die. Their work is their life. Everyday study (日常学习) Now, Lm in Grade 9.1 will graduate soon. So I'm really busy these days. I have to go to school before 7 o'clock? And we have many subjects to study at school. For example Chinese, math, English, physics, chemistry and politics...at the Chinese class, the teacher read many nice articles for us to improve our Chinese? In the math class, the teacher tells us how to solve the problems? In the English class, the teacher ask us to talk about the topic to improve our spoken English .when we get tired, we will have a PE. class. We can relax ourselves at the RE class. These days, we are busy but happy. PAST EVENTS (HOLI DAYS, VACATIONS)【过去的事件(节假日,假期)]Everyone maybe had a great time about something or having a great tim e in places where we have been to . A good vacation made us happy and relaxed . Also it was good for our health. I had a comfortable vacatio n last summer. I went to the countryside that was not far from our city with a river .To be honest , T prefer to go to the countryside rather than go to s omewhere of interest. On the one hand the air was so fresh there and the people there were so friendly. On the other hand they were uncro wded 、quiet and I could swim, fish and so on. I really enjoyed it. Likes and Dislikes (喜欢与厌恶,好恶) Everyone has different likes and dislikes. For example ,a friend of mine likes playi ng basketball and dislikes playing football .But another friend of mine likes skating and playing computer games. I like music, extremely the pop music ,because it makes me excited energetic


初三上英语期末作文 Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998

初三上期末英语作文范文 (一) 人的一生应以自信、自强、自立为重,请以“Believe myself, and I will win! ”为题,写一篇自己在学习或生活中遇到困难并战胜困难的文章。 要求:1.切合题意,内容完整; 2.表达清楚,书写规范; 3.词数不少于80个。 提示:1.你遇到了什么困难 2.你是如何克服困难的 3.你从中体会到什么 Believe myself, and I will win As an old saying goes, where there is a will, there is a way. There always are difficulties in our life and we have to face them. In fact, when I was a child, I always feel sad or nervous about the difficulties in my life .Then my parents told me that where there is a will, there is a way, they also told me that I should be confident. Now, I'm no longer a child and I begin to know t he real meaning of my parents’ words. To be confident means I should believe myself. If I do that, I will become a happy and brave person. Believe myself, there are hopes in my life. In the future, I won't be afraid of the difficulties in my life and I'm sure that nothing can beat me and I will win! Believe myself, and a beautiful future is waiting for me. (二) 假设你校即将开展“读好书,促成长”的活动,请你根据这次活动的主题,向全校同学发出倡议。请根据表格中所给信息,用英语写一篇倡议书。 读书的意义: 获取知识,增长见识,使人聪明,使人快乐,有助于学习,有助于成长 目前的状况: 听音乐,看电视,上网等占去了学生大部分的读书时间 发出倡议: 多读书,读好书 注意: 1. 词数80-100;倡议的开头和结尾已为你写好(不计入总词数)。 2. 倡议书须包括所有内容要点,但可适当发挥。行文连贯,表达流畅,书写美观。 参考词汇:gain knowledge, open one’s mind, take up (占去) My dear friends, Reading is very important in our life. We can gain knowledge by reading a lot of good books. It can not only open our minds but also make us cleverer and happier.


中考英语满分作文20篇 (一) 为了交流学习经验,提高学习效率,《中学生英语辅导报》举行了一次以How to be a good learner?为题的征文比赛活动,请写一篇80词左右的短文谈谈你的看法。 [优秀满分范文] How to be a good learner? As a good learner,we should have good habits and ways of learning。 We need to get ready for our lessons before class and always listen carefully in class。It’s good to study in groups and help each other。We should do more reading in our free time。If we have some problems,we’d better ask others for help。As a student,working hard is important,but don’t forget to do sports and keep healthy。 Ithink all these above will be helpful to us。

(二) 亲爱的同学,你的初中学习生活马上就要结束了,请你以“My English Study”为题,谈一下三年以来学习英语的心得体会。 要求:1。要点包括你在英语学习中所遇到的困难、解决的方法以及学习感悟;2。词数80左右。 [优秀满分范文] My English Study How time flies! My three-year middle school life will be over soon。Looking back,I have many memories of my English study。 When I entered the middle school,I had so many difficulties with my English。I was not able to understand the teacher in class,and I couldn’t master the words and phrases。For a time I wanted to give it up。Later,with the help of the teacher and my classmates,I listened to the teacher carefully in class,kept on reading English every day and spoke as much as possible。Step by step I made great progress in


中考高分英语作文指导 一、写作决窍 总体把握,要点齐全;人称时态,逻辑清楚; 关键词汇,动词第一;组词成句,结构完整; 组句成文,连词增色;此路不通,绕道迂回; 字迹工整,留好印象;从句适量,高分有望。 二、写作步骤 1.认真审题。审题包括要点、格式、词数以及此篇文章要传递给读者什么样的信息,告诫读者什么(即写作目的)。 2.确定文体和时态。确定文体后,根据不同文体的特点和要求进行组织材料;同时确定出该篇文章的总时态与时态的变化。 3.写完要点,但不随意发挥。 4.先草稿,后抄写。 三、作文案例 [2004年全国中学生英语能力竞赛初赛初三组] (14分) Choose one of your hobbies and write an article for the school magazine about it. Tell the magazine readers. ·What exactly your hobby is; ·When and how you became interested in this hobby; ·Why you e njoy your hobby; ·About your hopes and plans for the future. 写作要求: 1.根据所提供的内容,适当拓展想象空间,灵活地将提供的信息体现在文章中。 2.条理清楚,语句通顺,书写清晰、规范。

3.词数60-80. [学生解答A] My hobby is read books①.When I was seven years old.I became interested in reading books.I like needing books because there are a lot of useful things in books.I can learn a lot of knowledge from books. Books also② can teach me how to be a good person.Books even can solve many problems for me.I will read more good books to improve myself. ①改为reading books,动词作表语时应该用动名词。 ②also的位置应放在can之后。 [点评]:档次9-11分。 ①要点不全,漏掉最后一个要点。 ②句子基本无误,能正确传递信息给读者但文章不流畅,句子与句子之间过渡不自然,给读者感觉在回答上述问题。 ③有少量错误。 [学生解答B] My hobby is reading.Reading books is very enjoyable.When I was young ,my mother used to tell me a story before.I went to bed every night.The stories were so interesting that I always felt they weren’t enough.So I began to read books by myself.Little by little I became interested in reading.I can learn much knowledge and many interesting things all over the world.When I read books,I can enjoy the beautiful sentences.At the same time I can improvemy writing.I want to be a writer in the future,so I must study hard and read more books so that my dream can come true. ①开门见山、点题。 ②真情流露,理由充分。 ③文中带圈的连词使用得恰当,使文章过渡自然、 ④巧妙使用句型以表决心。 [点评]:档次13-14分。


初三英语作文指导 写作被认为是必修的重要课题之一。它既是英语学习短期目标——考试所要求的内容之一;又是英语学习的长期目标——交流所必需的能力之一。毋庸置疑,英语写作是集基础知识,差不多能力和课外信息于一身的综合表达,同时,又要兼顾到写作者精湛的写作技巧。因而,没有扎实的英语语法知识;没有长期不懈的训练;没有科学的方法指导;没有广博的课本以外的知识和信息,写好一篇优秀的英语作文是专门困难的。 要明白,英语写作关于培养一个人的英语思维方式是至关重要的。在没有任何外界压力的情形下,学习者能够充分摸索句子结构;反复推敲所要表达的内容。通过长期的训练,就可达到量变到质变的目的。因此说,英语写作往往不在于写作本身,而是能够关心学习者复习,活用和创新所学的知识,更为重要的是,写作能力的培养能够直截了当阻碍学习者英语口语能力的形成。这是宽敞业界有识人士,专门是部分英语教师的共识。 大部分中国在校生,由于教材对作文的要求不十分强烈,教师的要求也不十分明确,作文的训练也就自然不十分充分,造成考试时的作文成绩不能尽人愿。而大部分的社会上的英语培训机构更是忽略了英语作文在英语学习中的重要意义,他们更加强调英语能力的外在表现,诸如,口语和听力等。而莱曼英语教学理念则专门重视英语写作,并为此专门撰写了莱曼英语写作系列教程,目的在于提高学生的语言创作力。 莱曼英语在多年的教学实践中总结出了一系列的有关英语写作的实战体会,并参阅了大量不同地区的英语试卷,专门是作文课题,认为下列英语作文的目标和要求是学生在写作文时首要要达到的: 1.首段引人: 尽自己最大的可能使得第一自然段引人入胜,做到“语不惊人誓不休”。要想做到这一点,就要求学生要大量地阅读课外书籍,包括中文和英文,做到知识面宽泛,观点灵活,写技精湛。 2.词组句型: 在英语作文中,词组和句型的运用可关心出现写作者的英语水平。这就要求学生要在基础知识方面进行系统的学习。现举例说明: prefer doing>enjoy doing>like doing 由此能够看出,不同类型和不同水平的词组句型可表现出写作者不同的观点及英语水平。 3.复合句: 在英语写作中,关于主从复合句的运用也是必不可少的。小学英语作文中能够没有主从复合句,但从初中开始,必须在写作中运用主从复合句(至少1——2个)。因为,只有主从复合句才能表达更为复杂的观点;只有主从复合句才能是阅卷者看出写作者真实的英语水平高度。 4.转联词: 所谓的转联词是指那些用于承上启下的副词,连词以及大量的介词词组等。英语作文中转联词的必要使用,能够使得句子与句子之间更加流畅,幸免了各个句子的分割独立,使得文章顺理成章,一气呵成。中国学生在学习中,把握了大量的此类单词和词组,但除了but,because,等,专门少主动使用,使得所写文章颇显干巴和唐突。 5.时态: 毋庸置疑,时态是英语基础知识的重要范畴之一,也是区别于汉语的重要特点之一。而英语作文又是对学生综合能力的考核。因而,在作文中,必须加入时态的准确运用,才能使自己的观点和所叙述的情节更加精准。因为中文中没有时态的概念,中国学生极易在英语时态方


初三英语上册期末试卷及答案 初三英语上册期末试卷 听力理解(共30分) 一、听对话,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话你将听两遍。(共5分,每小题1分) 二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下面各题所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选择 最佳选项。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。(共15分,每小题1.5分) 请听一段对话,完成第6至第7小题。 6. Where is Betty going? A. To the park. B. To the zoo. C. To the museum. 7. How is the weather? A. It’s rainy. B. It’s snowy. C. It’s windy. 请听一段对话,完成第8至第9小题。 8. What does Peter’s grandma like? A. Art. B. Music. C. History. 9. What will Peter get for his grandma? A. A CD. B. A book. C. A mobile phone. 请听一段对话,完成第10至第11小题。 10. Why didn’t Amy go to school yesterday? A. Because she had a cold.

B. Because she hurt her arm. C. Because she went to West Hill. 11. When will the bus leave for the trip? A. At 7:00. B. At 7:30. C. At 8:00. 请听一段对话,完成第12至第13小题。 12. What does the man do? A. A doctor. B. A reporter. C. A sportsman. 13. What does the man think of talk shows? A. Interesting. B. Exciting. C. Boring. 请听一段独白,完成第14至第15小题。 14. What can we learn from the speech? A. We should do more work than we can. B. Interests may help us do volunteer work. C. The frist volunteer work must be perfect. 15. What is the speech mainly about? A. Reasons for being a volunteer. B. Purposes of being a volunteer. C. Suggestions for being a volunteer. 三、听对话,记录关键信息。本段对话你将听两遍。(共10分,每小题2分) 请根据所听到的对话内容和提示词语,将所缺的关键信息填写在答题卡的相应位置上。


第一篇: 【写作要求】 现在我们周围的环境污染越来越严重。作为一个中学生,我们应节约资源,保护环境,从我们身边的小事做起,做一个“低碳生活”的中学生。请以“My Low--carbon Life”为题,写一篇短文描述自己的“低碳生活”。 内容包括: 1.地球的污染越来越严重,我们能看到森林被砍伐、水污染和空气污染。 2.你是怎样从身边小事做起,做到“低碳生活”的。如:每天步行上学、离开教室及时关灯和电扇、充分利用纸张、节约用水等。 3.号召更多的人加入到“低碳生活”中来。 作文要求: 1.不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校真实的名称和学生的真实姓名。 2.语句连贯,词数80个左右。作文的题目已经给出,不计入总词数。 My Low--carbon Life The environmental pollution is worse and worse today. 【优秀满分范文】 My Low-carbon Life The environmental pollution is worse and worse today. Many trees are cut down, and water and air are polluted. As a student I try to have a low-carbon life to save energy and reduce pollution. Firstly, I often walk to school. It can reduce air pollution. Secondly, I always turn off the lights and fans when leaving the classroom. Thirdly, I always make full use of paper and other school things and never waste water. I wish more students to join me and make the earth more and more beautiful. 第二篇: 【写作要求】 每当朋友之间即将分手的时候,耳边常常会响起这首歌“朋友啊朋友!你可曾想起了我,如果你正享受幸福,请你忘记我……”。请你以Friends为题,写一篇90词左右的短文,可以围绕主题适当展开,阐述交友的重要性和好处。 【优秀满分范文】


中考英语作文范文30篇 中考英语作文范文30篇文章 Model Writings (以下30篇文章仅供同学对不同题材的参考)句型:下划线词组短语:黑体精美句子:方框 1. How to Make Friends if you stay alone all the time. make friends when you have similar interests. Look at people in the eyes when you talk to them. Don?t be afraid to show people what you are really good at. Talk about the things you like and do best. Be a good listener. Let a lot of people. Try to help your friends when they are in trouble because to choose from and have more chances to make friends. Television has been in our life for many years. happily from the plays on television. We?ll be bored all day if there is no television. Television programs are attractive. After a whole day?s hard work, we can sit before the television and drink a cup of tea. How wonderful it is!


初三英语作文指导 2012-10-28 写作被认为是必修的重要课题之一。它既是英语学习短期目标――考试所要求的内容之一;又是英语学习的长期目标――交流所必需的能力之一。毋庸置疑,英语写作是集基础知识,基本能力和课外信息于一身的综合体现,同时,又要兼顾到写作者高超的写作技巧。因而,没有扎实的英语语法知识;没有长期不懈的训练;没有科学的方法指导;没有广博的课本以外的知识和信息,写好一篇优秀的英语是非常困难的。 要知道,英语写作对于培养一个人的英语思维方式是至关重要的。在没有任何外界压力的情况下,学习者可以充分思考句子结构;反复推敲所要表达的内容。经过长期的训练,就可达到量变到质变的目的。所以说,英语写作往往不在于写作本身,而是可以帮助学习者复习,活用和创新所学的知识,更为重要的`是,写作能力的培养可以直接影响学习者英语口语能力的形成。这是广大业界有识人士,特别是部分英语教师的共识。 大部分中国在校生,由于教材对作文的要求不十分强烈,教师的要求也不十分明确,作文的训练也就自然不十分充分,造成考试时的作文成绩不能尽人愿。而大部分的社会上的英语培训机构更是忽略了英语作文在英语学习中的重要意义,他们更加强调英语能力的外在表现,诸如,口语和听力等。而莱曼英语教学理念则非常重视英语写作,并为此专门撰写了莱曼英语写作系列教程,目的在于提高学生的语言创作力。 莱曼英语在多年的教学实践中总结出了一系列的有关英语写作的实战经验,并参阅了大量不同地区的英语试卷,特别是作文课题,认为下列英语作文的目标和要求是学生在写作文时首要要达到的: 1.首段引人: 尽自己最大的可能使得第一自然段引人入胜,做到“语不惊人誓不休”。要想做到这一点,就要求学生要大量地阅读课外书籍,包括中文和英文,做到知识面宽泛,观点灵活,写技高超。 2.词组句型: 在英语作文中,词组和句型的运用可帮助呈现写作者的英语水平。这就要求学生要在基础知识方面进行系统的学习。现举例说明: prefer doing>enjoy doing>like doing 由此可以看出,不同类型和不同水平的词组句型可表现出写作者不同的观点及英语水平。 3.复合句:


Passage 1 假如你刚从英国回来,你的英语老师要求你在课上谈谈中英两国学生的一些差异,请根据 参考词汇:清理clean up;零花钱pocket money Hello, everyone! I’m glad to be here to talk about some differences between the English students and the Chinese students. In England, students usually take the school bus or ride bikes to school. After school, they often clean up the garden and look after the pets. What’s more, they have to make pocket money by working in their free time. However, in China, students often go to school in their parents’cars. They spend most of their time on study after school and hardly do chores at home. Also, parents provide the pocket money for their children. Different countries have different cultures. I think we should study hard, but we should practice living skills at the same time. Passage 2 Hello, everyone! I’m important for us students to find some time to exercise. So we should exercise in our free time. However, I found that now many students seem to study all day. They think taking exercise is a waste of time. And some students think they have so much homework to do every day that they have no time to exercise. But in my opinion, taking exercise is a good way to relax and keep fit. And a healthy body can help us study better. And we can always find time to take exercise if we want to do. So let’s go out to exercise together. Passage 3 随着网络技术的不断发展,人们传递情感的方式也在不断变化。假如你叫王强,上周你就“使用纸质卡片还是电子卡片?”在班级展开了一项调查。请你给China Daily报社写一封信,介绍此次调查的结果并发表你的观点。


初三英语上册期末考试知识点汇总 动词不定式 一。定义: 动词不定式是非谓语动词的一种,它没有人称和数的变化,在句子中不能独立作谓语,但它仍保持动词的特点,既可以有自己的宾语和状语。同时动词不定式又具有名词、形容词、副词的特征,在句中可以作主语、表语、宾语、宾语补足语、定语和状语。 二。动词不定式的构成:to+动词原形 三。动词不定式作宾语 后面能接不定式作宾语的动词有:agree,ask,choose,decide,forget, hope, learn, want, wish, would like等。 We hope to get there before dark. 我们希望天黑以前到那儿。 The girl decided to do it herself. 那个姑娘决定自己做那件事。 动词不定式作宾语的注意事项(2点) 1. 有些动词既可跟不定式作宾语,也可跟动名词作宾语,但含义不同:remember to do 记住要做某事 remember doing 记得曾经做过某事 forget to do忘记要做某事 forget doing 忘记曾经做过某事 stop to do 停下来去做某事 stop doing 停止做某事

go on to do 继续做另一件事 go on doing 继续做原来在做的事 I remember seeing you somewhere before. 我记得以前在哪儿见过你。 Please remember to turn off the light when you leave. 离开时请记得关好灯。 2. 不定式作宾语时,如带有宾语补足语,则要把不定式放到后面,用it 作形式宾语,构成“主语+动词+it+宾补(形容词、名词)+不定式”结构。 如:He found it very difficult to get to sleep. 他发现很难入睡。 四。动词不定式作宾语补足语 1. 后面能接to不定式作宾语补足语的动词有:ask,order,teach,tell, want, wish, help等。 The teacher told us to do Exercise 1. 老师要我们做练习一。 I want both of you to go. 我要你们俩去。 We helped her (to) repair her bike. 我们帮助她修理自行车。 2. 使役动词let, have, make及感官动词see, watch, notice, hear,feel等要以不带to的不定式作宾补。 Let‘s have a rest. 我们休息一会吧。


中考英语满分作文精选大汇总 你于"五一"前夕 ----4 月 28 日上午九点钟,与全班同学一起到学校附近的公园参加一次公益劳动( voluntary labour ),全班分成了三组。你在第三组。请你用日记的形式写一篇短文。 劳动任务安排 参考词汇: litter 果皮纸屑等废弃物 注意: 1. 短文必须写出提示及表格所列出的全部内容。 2. 词数 100 左右。 3. 日记的格式已为你写好。 参考范文: April 28th Saturday Fine It was Saturday, just before May Day. My classmates and I went to the park nearby, we didn't go there for amusement but took part in voluntary l abor. We got there at 9:00. We were divided into three groups and then bega n working. The students in Group One planted trees and watered flowers. The task for Group Two was collecting the litter left about by tourists and cleani ng the benches. The group I was in got to the Children's Playground and wipe d all the equipment clean. We worked very hard. At 11:00, when all the wo rk was finished up, all my classmates met again. Although everyone was in a sweat, yet we felt happy because we had done good job. 以"My Chinese Teacher"为标题写一篇字数为80-100之间的英语短文。提示内容如下: 1、孙老师今年36岁,中等身材。 2、她关心。热爱学生,工作认真负责。 3、她语文课讲得生动。有趣。 參考范文: My Chinese Teacher Of all the subjects, I like Chinese best because I have a good Chinese te acher. Though she has been teaching us for only three years, I respect and l ove her very much. My Chinese teacher is thirty-six years old and she is neither tall nor sho rt.

2020年中考英语 作文专题训练及范文(10篇)

中考作文专题训练及范文(10篇) 1. 你的学校正在开展“诚信教育”,英语俱乐部为配合这次活动将举行一次演讲比赛。请根据下表所提示的要点,写一篇演讲稿。 要求:1)短文应包括表格中的所有内容,可适当发挥; 2)词数90左右,不包含已给出句子的词数; 3)演讲稿中不得出现你的真实姓名和校名。 参考词汇:cheat in the exam; fall behind (落后) Hello, everyone! It’s a great honor to give me a speech here. That’s all. Thank you for listening!

2. 假设你是李杰,正通过 e-mail 和美国友好姐妹校的朋友 Tom 交流校纪班规,请你用英语向他介绍下面的“班级公约”。 要求: 1、内容完整,书写清楚, 表达通顺,书写规范; 2、请勿逐字翻译,词数90左右, 不包含已给出的句子的词数。 参考词汇:school uniform; be active in thinking Dear Tom, I’d like to in troduce my class rules made by us all. First, we should It’s our duty to follow all the rules above. What about yours? Please write soon. Yours,

Li Jie 3. 为了进一步增强中学生的安全意识,提高自我保护能力,某校开展了以“安全”为主题的英语演讲比赛。请你根据以下要点提示写一篇演讲稿。 注意:1)内容必须包括所给的全部要点,可适当发挥; 2)表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯,书写规范; 3)词数80左右。文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。 参考词汇:be careful, on line, danger, call...for, go bad How to keep safe? As teenagers we should always keep safety in mind. But how can we keep safe? Here are some of my suggestions. First, ____________________________________________________________________ ____________ 4. 2018年12月20日,福州市被评为“全国文明城市”(National Civilized City)。你学校的English Club正在举办以“文明福州,持续文明”为主题的征文活动,请你根据以下的内容提示及要求写一篇应征稿。

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