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Quantum mechanics of lattice gas automata. I. One particle plane waves and potentials

a r X i v :q u a n t -p h /9611005v 1 5 N o v 1996July 1996

revised October 1996


QUANTUM MECHANICS OF LATTICE GAS AUTOMATA I.ONE PARTICLE PLANE WAVES AND POTENTIALS David A.Meyer Institute for Physical Sciences and Project in Geometry and Physics Department of Mathematics University of California/San Diego La Jolla,CA 92093-0112dmeyer@https://www.doczj.com/doc/df11384199.html, ABSTRACT

Classical lattice gas automata e?ectively simulate physical processes such as di?usion and ?uid ?ow (in certain parameter regimes)despite their simplicity at the microscale.Mo-tivated by current interest in quantum computation we recently de?ned quantum lattice gas automata;in this paper we initiate a project to analyze which physical processes these models can e?ectively simulate.Studying the single particle sector of a one dimensional quantum lattice gas we ?nd discrete analogues of plane waves and wave packets,and then investigate their behaviour in the presence of inhomogeneous potentials.

PACS numbers:03.65.-w,02.70.-c,11.55.Fv,89.80.+h.

KEY WORDS:quantum lattice gas;quantum cellular automaton;quantum computation.


The?rst quantum lattice gas automaton(QLGA)appeared as Feynman’s path integral for a relativistic particle in1+1dimensions[1];independently Riazanov constructed a2+1 dimensional QLGA as the path integral for the next higher dimensional Dirac equation[2]. In these formulations the quantum particle is conceptualized as evolving along spacetime trajectories,each of which is assigned a probability amplitude which is the product of a sequence of‘scattering’amplitudes describing the evolution of the particle during a single timestep.Thus these QLGA are discretizations of quantum mechanical processes.

Feynman’s path integral formulation of quantum mechanics reproduces the standard Schr¨o dinger formulation of wave functions obeying partial di?erential equations[1].These di?erential equations can be discretized directly,giving equations which Succi and Benzi naturally identify in the lattice gas paradigm as quantum lattice Boltzmann equations[3]. It is a familiar,although not often useful,observation that any numerical evolution of a discretized partial di?erential equation can be interpreted as the evolution of some cellular automaton(CA),if one allows the set of states to be R,or C,or Z N for some very large N.Taking this perspective,Bialynicki-Birula constructs a model for quantum evolution—a linear unitary CA[4]—which is essentially equivalent to,although derived independently of,Succi and Benzi’s equations.

The equivalence of a QLGA simulation and the evolution of a set of quantum lattice Boltzmann equations/unitary CA depends on the equivalence of the path integral and standard formulations of quantum mechanics in the continuum.Our recent work explaining the necessity of non-unitarity in earlier attempts of Gr¨o ssing,Zeilinger,et al.to construct homogeneous CA for quantum evolution[5]demonstrates this equivalence directly for the discrete models[6].We also note that,in contrast to simulation with deterministic or probabilistic LGA,simulation with a QLGA requires evolution along all possible spacetime trajectories.This may be achieved(slowly)by evolution of the quantum lattice Boltzmann equation on a classical computer or,at present hypothetically(but rapidly),by simulation on a quantum computer.

In fact,given the arguments that massive parallelism will optimize nanoscale quantum computer architecture[7],it is plausible that the?rst useful quantum computation[8]will implement a QLGA simulation of some quantum mechanical process.This provides two reasons to pursue the project described in this series of papers:we want to explore not only quantum mechanical phenomena which can be simulated e?ectively by QLGA,but also how well,as Feynman suggested[9],a quantum computer might simulate physics.In addition, we expect the quantum mechanics of LGA to have implications for discrete models of fundamental physics:we have already found remarkable consequences of unitarity in linear [6,10]and nonlinear[11]QCA.

We begin in the next section by recalling the model of[6]with which we will be working:the most general one dimensional homogeneous QLGA with a single particle of speed no more than1in lattice units.The local evolution rule for this model has two free

parameters:essentially the second measures the coupling between two copies of Feynman’s original QLGA in which the?rst measures the‘mass’of the particle.

This generalized QLGA is exactly solvable,just as is a single Feynman QLGA.In Section3we demonstrate this by?nding the discrete analogues of plane waves in,and the dispersion relation for,our QLGA.We also show the results of simulations of the former—on a deterministic computer.

We might imagine a one particle QLGA being simulated quantum mechanically by a ballistic electron in a solid state lattice[12]or as the‘low energy’sector of a line of dynamical quantum spins[9](‘low energy’meaning,e.g.,the con?gurations with one spin up and the rest down).In the former case[13],and certainly if our interest is in the QLGA as a discrete approximation to the Dirac equation[6],it is natural to investigate wave packets representing a semi-classical quantum particle.We do so in Section4.

In Section5we show how to introduce an inhomogeneous potential into the model. Concentrating on?nite square well potentials,we determine the dependence of the fre-quency/energy eigenvalues on the depth of the well and?nd that the eigenfunctions take the expected form.Finally,we utilize the results of Section4and show the results of simulations of a wave packet in a?nite square well.

We summarize our results in Section6and indicate the directions in which this re-search is continuing.

2.The one particle QLGA

A lattice gas automaton(LGA)should be envisioned as a collection of particles moving synchronously from vertex to vertex on a?xed graph(lattice)L:At the beginning of each timestep each particle is located at some vertex and is labelled with a‘velocity’indicating along which edge incident to that vertex it will move during the‘advection’half of the timestep.After moving along the designated edge to the next vertex,in the‘scattering’half of the timestep the particles at each vertex interact according to some rule which assigns new‘velocity’labels to each.For the purposes of this paper we will consider only one dimensional lattices L,isomorphic to the integer lattice Z or some periodic quotient thereof.In this case there are only two possible‘velocities’:left and right.We will further restrict our attention to LGA with only a single particle;for some preliminary work on QLGA with multiple particles,see[6,14,15].

A QLGA is a LGA for which the time evolution is unitary.To make this precise we must?rst identify the Hilbert space of the theory.For a one particle QLGA in one dimension an orthonormal basis for the Hilbert space H is given by|x,α (in the standard Dirac notation[16]),where x∈L denotes position andα∈{±1}denotes‘velocity’.At each time the state of the QLGA is described by a state vector in H:

Ψ(t)= x,αψα(t,x)|x,α ,(2.1)

where the amplitudesψα(t,x)∈C and the norm ofΨ(t),as measured by the inner product on H,is:

1= x,α

ψα(t,x)ψα(t,x)as the probability that the particle be in the state|x,α at time t[16,17].As usual,therefore,the basis state vectorsΨ=|x,α correspond to‘classical’states—with probability1there is a single particle at x with‘velocity’α—and a generic state vector(2.1)is a superposition of these ‘classical’states,each of which has integer values(one1,the rest0)for the number of particles at each lattice site.(In general,the basis vectors for the n particle subspace of the QLGA Hilbert space are exactly the possible states of a classical deterministic LGA with n particles[15].)

In order for the evolution to have the‘advection’interpretation described above,the basis vectors should evolve so that

x,α|U|y,β =0(2.3) only when x=y+β.This is equivalent to a condition on the amplitudes:

ψα(t+1,x)=fα ψ?1(t,x+1),ψ+1(t,x?1) ,

where taking fαto be independent of x means that the QLGA is homogeneous in space. As the notation suggests,it is convenient to combine the left and right moving amplitudes at x into a two component complex vectorψ(t,x):= ψ?1(t,x),ψ+1(t,x) so that a state vector is written

Ψ(t)= xψ(t,x)|x .

We showed in[6]that the most general unitary evolution for a one dimensional QLGA with parity invariance*is unitarily equivalent to

ψ(t+1,x)= 0i sinθ

0cosθ ψ(t,x?1)+ cosθ0

i sinθ0 ψ(t,x+1),(2.4)

up to some overall phase which has no physical e?ect.Here the parameterθ∈R,or more precisely,tanθ,plays a role something like‘mass’:whenθ=0the particle travels only on the lightcone;as tanθincreases its probability for moving more slowly does also.

Notice that just as in deterministic LGA in one dimension,the particle has a Z2valued ‘Lagrangian’conserved quantity measuring the parity of its?ducial space coordinate.This ‘spurious’conserved quantity partitions the set of particles in a deterministic LGA into two

decoupled gases[18]and in the QLGA de?ned by(2.4)it partitions the set of amplitudes ψ(t,x)into two independent sets according to x+t(mod2).This motivates consideration of the most general,no less local model which breaks this symmetry,namely

ψ(t+1,x)=w?1ψ(t,x?1)+w0ψ(t,x)+w+1ψ(t,x+1),(2.5) where w i∈M2(C)are2×2complex matrices.In terms of the basis vectors|x,α ,now (2.3)holds when x=y+βor x=y,i.e.,the particle can have nonzero amplitude to maintain its position.The condition that the global evolution,i.e.,the matrix U,be unitary is expressed in terms of the w i by the equations:




together with their Hermitian conjugates[6].Imposing also the condition of parity(re-?ection)invariance on evolution of the form(2.5),we showed in[6]that the most general solution,up to unitary equivalence and an overall phase,is given by

w?1=cosρ 0i sinθ

0cosθ w+1=cosρ cosθ0 i sinθ0

w0=sinρ sinθ?i cosθ

?i cosθsinθ


Hereρ∈R is a coupling parameter breaking the‘spurious’symmetry.Whenρ=0,(2.5) reduces to(2.4),the QLGA which is unitarily equivalent to the models of Feynman[1], Succi and Benzi[3],and Bialynicki-Birula[4].As tanρincreases,the relative weight of w0 increases and the particle has greater probability of maintaining its position,i.e.,having zero velocity.This is the?rst indication of a symmetry betweenθandρwhich will become more explicit as we investigate the general QLGA of(2.5)and(2.7).

3.Plane waves

The local evolution rule(2.5)is linear so we expect the model to be exactly solvable.In [6]we solved theρ=0case by counting spacetime lattice paths in order to compute the propagator Kαβ(t,x;0,0):= x,α|U t|0,β https://www.doczj.com/doc/df11384199.html,ttice paths are more di?cult to count when the particle has nonzero amplitudes for maintaining its position during each timestep.Avoiding this di?culty leads us to a more physical approach—?nding the discrete analogue of plane waves in a QLGA.

Recall that the QLGA is homogeneous,i.e.,U commutes with the translation(shift) operator T de?ned by(Tψ)(x):=ψ(x+1).Suppose L=Z N.Then the eigenvalues of T are e ik for wave numbers k=2πn/N,n∈{0,...,N?1},and the corresponding eigenvectorsΨ(k)satisfy:

ψ(k)(x+1)=e ikψ(k)(x).(3.1)

Figure1.Evolution of the n=1right moving plane wave on a periodic lattice withθ=π/3 andρ=π/4.Figure2.Evolution of the n=2right moving plane wave on a periodic lattice withθ=π/3 andρ=π/4.

Since[U,T]=0and U is unitary,theΨ(k)are also eigenvectors for U with

UΨ(k)=e?iωkΨ(k),(3.2) for some frequenciesωk∈R.The eigenvectorsΨ(k)are the discrete analogues of plane waves since they evolve simply by phase multiplication.

Since the action of U is de?ned by(2.5),(3.1)and(3.2)imply that


=(e?ik w?1+w0+e ik w+1)ψ(k)(x)


(3.3) Thus the e?iωk are eigenvalues of D(k)∈M2(C),i.e.,solutions of

det(D(k)?e?iωk I)=0,(3.4) where I is the2×2identity https://www.doczj.com/doc/df11384199.html,ing the parametrization(2.7)of the w i,(3.4) reduces to the condition

cosω=cos k cosθcosρ+sinθsinρ.(3.5) For a given wave number k,(3.5)determines two frequencies±ωk in terms of the rule parametersθandρ.Call the corresponding eigenvectors of D(k)(normalized to have length1/N)ψ(k,±1)(0)∈C2,so that the corresponding plane waves are de?ned by(3.1) to be

Ψ(k,?):= xψ(k,?)(0)e ikx|x .(3.6)

Figures1and2show the evolution of?=+1(right moving)plane waves for n=1,2. The probabilityψ?(t,x)ψ(t,x)(whereψ?(t,x):=t

?π/2π/2k ?π/2π/2ω




ωπ?πFigure 3.The dispersion relation for θ=π/3

and ρ=π/4.π/12≤|ω|≤5π/12.Figure 4.The dispersion relation in the ‘mass-less’case θ=ρ=π/6.|ω|≤2π/3.

Notice that when the wave number k increases,so does the frequency ω—the time period is shorter in Figure 2than in Figure 1.Also the phase velocity ω/k decreases—the crest of the wave moves more slowly.In fact,(3.5)is the exact dispersion relation ,giving the frequency in terms of the wave number.Figure 3graphs the dispersion relation for the QLGA with the same rule parameters used in the simulations of Figures 1and 2.The graph has re?ection symmetry about both axes since (3.5)is invariant under both k →?k and ω→?ω.Each re?ection alone changes the direction of the plane wave.When k =0,ω=±(θ?ρ);when k =±π,ω=±(θ+ρ?π).These values exemplify another symmetry of the dispersion relation—invariance under θ←→ρ;this is a symmetry in the QLGA rule space which is not realizable by a local unitary transformation.Figure 4graphs the special case of equal rule parameters;here the dispersion relation passes through the origin.

By comparison with plane waves in continuum quantum mechanics [16,17],we know that ωand k should be interpreted as being proportional to energy and momentum ,respectively.Expanding the dispersion relation (3.5)around k =0and ω=0to second order,we ?nd ω2=k 2cos θcos ρ+2 1?cos(θ?ρ) .(3.7)For a relativistic particle in the continuum,

E 2=p 2c 2+m 2c 4.(3.8)

Comparing (3.7)and (3.8)suggests that the 1?cos(θ?ρ)=0case,i.e.,the θ=ρcase shown in Figure 4,corresponds to the particle being massless .

Not only do the plane wave parameters ωand k bear the interpretation of proportion-ality to the conserved quantities energy and momentum,but they also label a complete set of (nonlocal)conserved quantities for the QLGA.Since T is orthogonal its eigenvectors Ψ(k,?)are orthogonal for distinct wave numbers k .Furthermore,D (k )is unitary,so its

eigenvectorsψ(k,±1)(0)are orthogonal for each k and hence so are the plane wavesΨ(k,±1). Since we normalized the eigenvectors of D(k)to have length1/N,the plane waves(3.6) form an orthonormal basis for H which we denote by{|k,? }.Consider any state vector Ψ∈H:

Ψ= xψ(x)|x

= xψ(x) k,?|k,? k,?|x

= k,? x k,?|x ψ(x) |k,?

The parenthesized expression is the amplitude of|k,? in the new basis:

(k):= x k,?|x ψ(x)


= x yψ(k,?)(0)e iky|y ?|x ψ(x)

= ψ(k,?)(0) ? xψ(x)e?ikx(3.9)

=: ψ(k,?)(0) ??ψ(k),

where?ψ(k)is the discrete Fourier transform ofψ(x).The plane waves|k,? evolve by phase multiplication so the probabilities

Figure5.Evolution of the k0=π/4wave packet(4.1)with width s=32for rule parameters

θ=π/3,ρ=π/4.The probability peak moves from x=31at t=0to x=54at t=49;thus

the group velocity is approximately23/49≈0.47.

for even s≤N,where the inverse binomial coe?cient outside the sum is the requisite

normalization factor.This wave packet is localized around x0,having support on the interval[x0?s/2,x0+s/2].Figure5shows the evolution for wave number k0=π/4and width s=32on the lattice Z64.The rule parameters are the same as those used in the

simulations shown in Figures1and2.In contrast to those graphs,the vertical axis in Figure5shows the probability that the particle is in the state|x .

This simulation shows that the k0=π/4wave packet moves with well de?ned group

velocity to the right.The result is just what we would expect by analogy with the contin-uum situation and can be analyzed in the same way,by transforming to the|k,? basis. Using(3.9)we compute the amplitudes in this basis:

(k)= ψ(k,?)(0) ? 2s s ?1 xψ(k0,+1)(0)e ik0x s x?x0+s/2 e?ikx


= ψ(k,?)(0) ?ψ(k0,+1)(0) 2s s ?1 x s x?x0+s/2 e i(k0?k)x

= ψ(k,?)(0) ?ψ(k0,+1)(0) 2s s ?1e i(k0?k)(x0?s/2)(1+e i(k0?k))s

= ψ(k,?)(0) ?ψ(k0,+1)(0) 2s s ?1e i(k0?k)x02s cos s k0?k

Figure6.Evolution of the k0=π/4wave packet(4.1)with width s=8for rule parameters

θ=π/3,ρ=π/4.This wave packet disperses more rapidly than the one shown in Figure5:

The peak probability at the end of the simulation is less than half of the initial peak probability;

left moving ripples carrying o?some of the probability are also visible.

The amplitudes(4.2)give probabilities peaked around k=k0,so this is also a wave packet in momentum space.As usual,the group velocity is the slope of the dispersion relation (3.5),i.e.,dω/d k|k

,which is 6/4≈0.49for the values used in the simulation of 0

Figure5;this is in good agreement with the measured value of approximately0.47.

The width of the peak in(4.2)depends inversely on s:as s decreases,i.e.,the width of the wave packet in position space decreases,the width of the momentum peak increases. The simulation in Figure6shows the evolution of a wave packet with width s=8.We note that while the group velocity is the same as in Figure5,there is substantially more dispersion,indicating a greater interval of contributing wave numbers.This is a general result,not depending on the speci?c form of our wave packet;the reciprocity relation for the discrete Fourier transform has consequences similar to those of the uncertainty relation for the continuous Fourier transform[19].

Figure7shows a simulation of a wave packet built from the plane wave with smallest nonzero wave number on the Z64lattice:k0=π/32.The horizontal tangent to the graph of the dispersion relation at k=0,as shown in Figure3,indicates that the group velocity of this wave packet will be small.Furthermore,even with width s=32the wave number interval includes the left going modes whose presence is visible in Figure7;the consequence is an interference pattern and no very well de?ned group velocity.

Figure7.Evolution of the k0=π/32wave packet(4.1)with width s=32;the rule parameters are stillθ=π/3,ρ=π/4.This wave packet disperses even more rapidly than the one shown in Figure6:left moving waves carry o?some of the probability and an interference pattern is created.

Figure8.Evolution of the k0=π/32wave packet(4.1)with width s=32for rule parameters θ=π/6=ρ.This wave packet disperses very little and has group velocity close to1in lattice units.

Finally,Figure 8shows the evolution of the same wave packet but for the rule pa-rameters θ=π/6=ρwhose dispersion relation is graphed in Figure 4.Here the group velocity is close to 1in lattice units,even for k 0as small as π/32;the particle is indeed ‘massless’.There is almost no dispersion in this simulation;the probability contained in left going modes is nonzero,but too small by several orders of magnitude to be visible in Figure 8.


The one particle QLGA described in Section 2is the most general homogeneous model for particle speeds no more than 1.To simulate physical systems (or to do useful computation),some inhomogeneity must be introduced.In each of the equations (2.6),which express the unitarity condition,all the w i correspond to the scattering/interaction at a single lattice point,as do all the w ?i .In the ?rst equation these are the same lattice point,while in the second and third they are di?erent.Thus if w i (x )=w i ,constants independent of x ,solve these equations,so do e ?iφ(x )w i .As observed already by Feynman [1]and Riazanov [2],such an x dependent phase realizes an inhomogeneous potential in the continuum limit of the discrete path sum for the Dirac equation.Here we investigate its e?ects on the quantum mechanics of our LGA,expecting them to be similar to those in the continuum limit.

For simplicity,we restrict our attention to a ?nite square well potential,i.e.,w i (x ):= e ?iφw i if N/4≤x <3N/4;w i otherwise,

where the w i are de?ned by (2.7).We begin by considering the e?ect of di?erent values for φ.?π/2π/2??π?π/2π/2πωπ?πFigure 9.The eigenvalues ωof U for a square well of depth φand width N/2on a lattice of size

N =8with θ=π/3and ρ=π/4.

Recall that the frequency (or energy)

eigenvalues ωare doubly degenerate ex-

cept for those with the largest and small-

est absolute value.(See Figure 3,where

each horizontal line intersecting the graph

of the dispersion relation does so at two

points except when tangent to the maxi-

mum or minimum of either branch of the

curve.)As with any perturbation to the

evolution,we expect the introduction of

an inhomogeneity in the potential to re-

solve the degenerate eigenvalues.Figure

9shows that this is indeed the case:as φ

increases away from 0the eigenvalues ωof

U increase and the degenerate ones split.The eigenvalues in Figure 9have been computed for only N =8;Figure 10shows






πωπ?πFigure 10.The eigenvalues ωof U for a square

well of depth φand width N/2on a lattice of size

N =32with θ=π/3and ρ=π/4.Figure 11.The eigenvalues ωof U for a square well of depth φand width N/2on a lattice of size N =32in the ‘massless’case θ=π/6=ρ.

the results for N =32.On the larger lattice it is clear what happens:the horizontal bands of frequency/energy eigenvalues correspond to the eigenvalues of the unperturbed,homogeneous system,while the diagonal bands of eigenvalues correspond to the same ones,but shifted by the depth φof the square well.The periodicity along the frequency axis shown in these graphs is a symptom of the ambiguity in the de?nition of energy due to discrete time evolution [20].The graphs in Figures 9and 10have been computed for the QLGA with parameter values θ=π/3,ρ=π/4,the dispersion relation for which is shown in Figure 3.Repeating the calculations for the ‘massless’case,with dispersion relation shown in Figure 4,gives the frequency/energy eigenvalue plot shown in Figure 11.The degenerate levels still split,but much less than before for the same φvalues,and the part of the band structure resulting from the nonzero minimum positive frequency in the massive dispersion relation vanishes.

Now consider the eigenvectors of U ,namely the eigenfunctions for our discrete version of a ?nite square well.Since U is no longer translation invariant we do not have an equation like (3.3)to solve for the eigenfunctions analytically.Rather than developing a cross boundary matching method as is used in the continuum problem for a periodic square well potential [21],here we simply ?nd the eigenvectors of U numerically.Figure 12shows the eigenfunctions corresponding to the three smallest positive eigenvalues for the QLGA with θ=π/3and ρ=π/4.The depth of the square well is φ=π/24.We see exactly the lowest modes we would expect from our experience with such a potential in the continuum.As the energy of the eigenfunction increases there is greater probability that the particle is outside the well—in the region of higher potential.Figure 13shows an eigenfunction which is approximately a plane wave in both regions:it has larger wave number in the well than outside it.For analytic results on the closely related problem of a step potential,and some discussion of their consequences for the physical interpretation of QLGA,see [15].








) 0

Figure12.The three eigenfunctions of U with smallest positive eigenvalues:π/12<0.2622< 0.2634<0.2653,for a square well of depthπ/24 and width N/2on a lattice of size N=256with θ=π/3andρ=π/4.Figure13.An eigenfunction for a particle with eigenvalue0.3985<5π/12large enough not to be con?ned completely to the square well of the previous?gure.Outside the square well the wave number decreases and the probability increases.

Finally,suppose we prepare one of the semiclassical wave packets studied in Section 4in a?nite square https://www.doczj.com/doc/df11384199.html,ing the dispersion relation(3.5),we?nd that the k0=π/4, width s=32wave packet(4.1)of Figure5has peak frequencyω0=Cos?1 (1+√

Figure14.Evolution of the k0=π/4wave packet(4.1)with width s=32for rule parameters

θ=π/3,ρ=π/4in a square well of depthφ=π/6.There is very little re?ection as the wave

packet passes the right wall of the square well at x=3N/4=48.

whenρ=0.In this paper we have begun to investigate the quantum mechanics of the gen-eral two parameter rule.We?nd that even without going to a continuum limit the QLGA reproduces the quantum mechanical phenomena of plane waves and wave packets obeying a dispersion relation(3.5).Furthermore,the model straightforwardly accommodates the inclusion of inhomogeneous potentials.The eigenvectors of the evolution matrix give the quantum mechanical eigenfunctions for the lattice gas particle,and simulations exhibit the semi-classical evolution of a wave packet,in the presence of a square well potential.

Taking a QLGA seriously as a possible model for quantum computation by,for ex-ample,ballistic electrons in a lattice of solid state nanostructures,raises many additional questions,some of which will be addressed in subsequent papers in this series:Inhomo-geneity of the substrate can be incorporated in the model by varying the rule parameters while maintaining global unitarity.Finite,non-periodic,boundary conditions can be im-posed similarly[22].Higher dimensional[2,4,10,14]and multiparticle[6,14,17]models can also be constructed.Decoherence is the crucial problem for quantum computers[8],par-ticularly in the solid state[23].QLGA provide an extremely convenient arena in which to model this problem[24].Finally,the question of for which quantum computational tasks QLGA are best suited deserves serious investigation.

(?gure available from author)

Figure15.Evolution of the same wave packet with the same rule parameters as in Figure14, but now in a square well of depthφ=π/4.There is both re?ection and transmission as the wave packet scatters o?the right wall of the square well.

(?gure available from author)

Figure16.Evolution of the same wave packet with the same rule parameters as in Figures14 and15,but now in a square well of depthφ=π/3.This well is deep enough that the wave packet is almost entirely re?ected by the right wall of the square well.


It is a pleasure to thank Peter Doyle,Mike Freedman,Peter Monta and Richard Stong for discussions on various aspects of this project.I also bene?ted from conversations with Herbert Bernstein,Thomas Beth,P¨a ivi T¨o rm¨a and Harald Weinfurter at the4th Workshop on Quantum Computation sponsored by the ISI Foundation.


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自动搬运机器人 王泽栋1 曹嘉隆1 高召晗1 杨超2 (1.电子信息工程系学生,2.电子信息工程系教师) 【摘要】 本设计与实作是利用反射式红外线传感器所检测到我们所要跑的路线,我们以前后车头共4颗红外感应传感器TCRT5000来检测黑色路线,并利用Atmel 公司生产的8位单片机AT89S52单片机做决策分析。,将控制结果输出至直流电机让车体自行按预先设计好的路线行走。以AT89S52晶片控制自动搬运机器人的行径,藉由自动搬运的制作过程学习如何透过程式化控制流程、方法与策略、利用汇编语言控制电机停止及正反转,使自动搬运机器人能够沿轨道自行前进、后退以及转弯。目的是在于让车子达到最佳效能之后,参加比赛为最终目的。自动搬运机器人运行过程中会遇到直线、弯道、停止。该设计集检测,微控等技术为一体,运用了数电、模电和小系统设计技术。该设计具有一定的可移植性,能应用于一些高难度作业环境中。 【关键词】自动搬运;黑线检测;时间显示。 1.系统方案选择和论证 1.1 系统基本方案 根据要求,此设计主要分为控制部分和检测部分,还添加了一些电路作为系统的扩展功能,有电动车每一次往返的时间(记录显示装置需安装在机器人上)和总的行驶时间的显示。系统中控制部分包括控制器模块、显示模块及电动机驱动模块。信号检测部分包括黑线检测模块。系统方框图如图1.1.1 图1.1 系统方框图 1.2各模块方案的比较与论证 (1)控制器模块 根据设计要求,控制器主要用于信号的接收和辨认控制电机的正反转、小车的到达直角转弯处的转向、时间显示。 方案一:采用MCS-51系列单片机价格低、体积小、控制能力强。 方案二:采用与51系列单片机兼容的Atmel公司的AT89S52作为控制器件


2013年全国大学生电子设计竞赛 简易旋转倒立摆及控制装置(C题) 【本科组】 摘要: 通过对该测控系统结构和特点的分析,结合现代控制技术设计理念实现了以微控制器MC9S12XS128系列单片机为核心的旋转倒立摆控制系统。通过采集的角度值与平衡位置进行比较,使用PD算法,从而达到控制电机的目的。其工作过程为:角位移传感器WDS35D通过对摆杆摆动过程中的信号采集然后经过A/D 采样后反馈给主控制器。控制器根据角度传感器反馈信号进行PID数据处理,从而对电机的转动做出调整,进行可靠的闭环控制,使用按键调节P、D的值,同时由显示模块显示当前的P、D值。 关键字: 倒立摆、直流电机、MC9S12XS128单片机、角位移传感器WDS35D、PD算法

目录 一、设计任务与要求 (3) 1 设计任务 (3) 2 设计要求 (3) 二系统方案 (4) 1 系统结构 (4) 2 方案比较与选择 (4) (1)角度传感器方案比较与选择 (4) (2)驱动器方案比较与选择 (5) 三理论分析与计算 (5) 1 电机的选型 (5) 2 摆杆状态检测 (5) 3 驱动与控制算法 (5) 四电路与程序设计 (6) 1 电路设计 (6) (1)最小系统模块电路 (6) (2)5110显示模块电路设计 (7) (3)电机驱动模块电路设计 (8) (4)角位移传感器模块电路设计 (8) (5)电源稳压模块设计 (8) 2 程序结构与设计 (9) 五系统测试与误差分析 (10) 5.1 测试方案 (10) 5.2 测试使用仪器 (10) 5.3 测试结果与误差分析 (10) 6 结论 (11) 参考文献 (11) 附录1 程序清单(部分) (12) 附录2 主板电路图 (15) 附录3 主要元器件清单 (16)


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一. 光和色的关系 1. PS是图像合成软件,是对已有的素材的再创造。画图和创作不是PS的本职工作。(阿随补充:当然了,PS也是可以从无到有的进行创作的,发展到现在来说,画图和创作两方面,PS也是可以完成很棒的作品了。) 2. 开PS软件之前,要准确理解颜色、分辨率、图层三个问题。 3. 红绿蓝是光的三原色;红黄蓝是颜色色料的三原色(印刷领域则细化成青品红(黑))。形式美感和易识别是设计第一位的,套意义、代表一个寓意的东西是其次的。 4. 色彩模式共有四种,每一种都对应一种媒介,分别为: ●lab模式(理论上推算出来的对应大自然的色彩模式) ●hsb模式(基于人眼识别的体系) ●RGB模式(对应的媒介是光色,发光物体的颜色识别系统。) ●CMYK模式(对应的是印刷工艺)。 5. 加色模式:色相的色值相加最后得到白色;减色模式:色相的最大值相加得到黑色。

6. lab色彩模式,一个亮度通道和两个颜色通道,是理论上推测出来的一个颜 色模式。理论上对应的媒介是大自然。 7. hsb色彩模式,颜色三属性: ●色相(色彩名称、色彩相貌,即赤橙黄绿青蓝紫等,英文缩写为h,它的单 位是度,色相环来表示) ●饱和度(色彩纯度,英文缩写s,按百分比计量,跟白有关) ●明度(英文缩写b,按百分比计量,明度跟黑有关)。 注意:黑色和白色是没有色相的,不具备颜色形象。 8. RGB色彩模式,每一个颜色有256个级别,共包含16 777 216种颜色。因 为本模式最大值rgb(255,255,255)得到的是白色,即rgb三个色值到了白色,所以称之为加色模式;当rgb(0,0,0)则为黑色。 三个rgb的色值相等的时候,是没有色相的,是个灰值,越靠近数量越低,是 深灰;越靠近数量越高,是浅灰。 9. CMYK色彩模式,色的三原色,也叫印刷的三原色(即油墨的三原色)青品(又称品红色、洋红色)黄。按油墨的浓淡成分来区分色的级别,0-100%,英文缩写CMY。白色值:cmy(0,0,0);黑色值(100,100,100),色相最大值 得到黑色,所以称之为减色模式。因为技术的原因,100值得三色配比得到的 黑色效果很不好,所以单独生产了一种黑色油墨,所以印刷的色彩模式是cmyk (k即是黑色)。 10. CMYK与RGB的关系:光的三原色RGB,两两运用加色模式(绿+蓝=青,


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一、项目创建 1.1 系统内项目分类及编码规则 1.1.1项目分类 1.2 项目的创建 目前XXX主要有以下几种类型的项目:评审类(客户)项目、工程类(客户)项目、科研类(客户)项目、技术服务类(客户)项目、其他客户项目、科技项目、信息项目、管理咨询项目、教育培训项目、股权投资项目。所有项目均可以通过“手工新增”和“EXCEL模板导入”两种方式进行创建。“手工新增”主要用于单个项目的创建,“EXCEL模板导入”主要用于项目批量创建。 1.2.1手工新增创建项目 (1)在sap首界面事物代码栏输入事物代码ZPS44003,点击或者回车,进入项目创建界面: (2)在项目创建界面,选择“手工新增”创建项目(系统默认为手工创建):



2015 年全国大学生电子设计竞赛 全国一等奖作品 设计报告部分错误未修正,软 件部分未添加 竞赛选题:数字频率计(F 题)

摘要 本设计选用FPGA 作为数据处理与系统控制的核心,制作了一款超高精度的数字频率计,其优点在于采用了自动增益控制电路(AGC)和等精度测量法,全部电路使用PCB 制版,进一步减小误差。 AGC 电路可将不同频率、不同幅度的待测信号,放大至基本相同的幅度,且高于后级滞回比较器的窗口电压,有效解决了待测信号输入电压变化大、频率范围广的问题。频率等参数的测量采用闸门时间为1s 的等精度测量法。闸门时间与待测信号同步,避免了对被测信号计数所产生±1 个字的误差,有效提高了系统精度。 经过实测,本设计达到了赛题基本部分和发挥部分的全部指标,并在部分指标上远超赛题发挥部分要求。 关键词:FPGA 自动增益控制等精度测量法


1. 系统方案 1.1. 方案比较与选择 宽带通道放大器 方案一:OPA690 固定增益直接放大。由于待测信号频率范围广,电压范围大,所以选用宽带运算放大器OPA690,5V 双电源供电,对所有待测信号进行较大倍数的固定增益。对于输入的正弦波信号,经过OPA690 的固定增益,小信号得到放大,大信号削顶失真,所以均可达到后级滞回比较器电路的窗口电压。 方案二:基于VCA810 的自动增益控制(AGC)。AGC 电路实时调整高带宽压控运算放大器VCA810 的增益控制电压,通过负反馈使得放大后的信号幅度基本保持恒定。 尽管方案一中的OPA690 是高速放大器,但是单级增益仅能满足本题基本部分的要求,而在放大高频段的小信号时,增益带宽积的限制使得该方案无法达到发挥部分在频率和幅度上的要求。 方案二中采用VCA810 与OPA690 级联放大,并通过外围负反馈电路实现自动增益控制。该方案不仅能够实现稳定可调的输出电压,而且可以解决高频小信号单级放大时的带宽问题。因此,采用基于VCA810 的自动增益控制方案。 正弦波整形电路 方案一:采用分立器件搭建整形电路。由于分立器件电路存在着结构复杂、设计难度大等诸多缺点,因此不采用该方案。 方案二:采用集成比较器运放。常用的电压比较器运放LM339 的响应时间为1300ns,远远无法达到发挥部分100MHz 的频率要求。因此,采用响应时间为4.5ns 的高速比较器运放TLV3501。 主控电路 方案一:采用诸如MSP430、STM32 等传统单片机作为主控芯片。单片机在现实中与FPGA 连接,建立并口通信,完成命令与数据的传输。 方案二:在FPGA 内部利用逻辑单元搭建片内单片机Avalon,在片内将单片机和测量参数的数字电路系统连接,不连接外部接线。 在硬件电路上,用FPGA 片内单片机,除了输入和输出显示等少数电路外,其它大部分电路都可以集成在一片FPGA 芯片中,大大降低了电路的复杂程度、减小了体积、电路工作也更加可靠和稳定,速度也大为提高。且在数据传输上方便、简单,因此主控电路的选择采用方案二。


OnXDC软件快速入门手册X0116011 版本:1.0 编制:________________ 校对:________________ 审核:________________ 批准:________________ 上海新华控制技术(集团)有限公司 2010年9月

OnXDC软件快速入门手册X0116011 版本:1.0 上海新华控制技术(集团)有限公司 2010年9月

目录 第一章、从新建工程开始 (3) 1.1新建工程 (3) 1.2激活工程 (3) 第二章、全局点目录组态 (4) 2.1运行系统配置 (4) 2.2点目录编辑 (4) 第三章、站点IP设置 (4) 第四章、运行XDCNET (5) 第五章、XCU组态 (6) 5.1用户登录 (6) 5.2进入XCU组态 (6) 5.3进行离线组态 (6) 5.4在线组态修改(通过虚拟XCU) (8) 第六章、图形组态 (11) 6.1进入图形组态界面 (11) 6.2手操器示例 (11) 6.3图形组态过程 (11) 6.4保存文件 (17) 6.5弹出手操器 (18) 6.6添加趋势图 (19) 6.7添加报警区 (20) 6.8保存总控图 (21) 第七章、图形显示 (21)

第一章、从新建工程开始 1.1新建工程 XDC800软件系统安装后会在操作系统的【开始】—>【程序】菜单中创建OnXDC 快捷方式,点击其中的【SysConfig】快捷方式运行系统配置软件,然后点击工具栏上的【工程管理器】按钮,打开工程管理器,点击工具栏上的【新建工程】按钮,弹出新建工程对话框,首先选择工程的存放路径,然后输入工程名称,如“XX电厂”,点击【确定】按钮,系统会在该工程路径下新建四个文件夹,分别是Gra、Res、Report、HisData,其中分别存放图形文件、图形资源文件、报表文件、历史数据文件。 1.2激活工程 在【工程管理器】的工程列表中找到刚刚创建的工程,选中后点击工具栏上的【激活工程】按钮,即可将该工程设为当前活动工程。


郑州轻工业学院 电子技术课程设计 题目: 2015年电赛测评试题 姓名:王苗龙 专业班级:电信13-01 学号: 541301030134 院(系):电子信息工程学院 指导教师:曹卫锋谢泽会 完成时间: 2015年10月 29日

郑州轻工业学院 课程设计任务书 题目 2015年电子设计大赛综合测评试题 专业电信工程13-1 学号 541301030134 姓名王苗龙 主要内容、基本要求、主要参考资料等: 主要内容 1.阅读相关科技文献。 2.学习电子制图软件的使用。 3.学会整理和总结设计文档报告。 4.学习如何查找器件手册及相关参数。 技术要求 1、使用555时基电路产生频率20kHz-50kHz连续可调,输出电压幅度为1V的方波Ⅰ; 2、使用数字电路74LS74,产生频率5kHz-10kHz连续可调,输出电压幅度为1V的方波Ⅱ; 3、使用数字电路74LS74,产生频率5kHz-10kHz连续可调,输出电压幅度峰峰值为3V的三角波; 4、产生输出频率为20kHz-30kHz连续可调,输出电压幅度峰峰值为3V的正弦波Ⅰ; 5、产生输出频率为250kHz,输出电压幅度峰峰值为8V的正弦波Ⅱ;方波、三角波和正弦波的波形应无明显失真(使用示波器测量时)。频率误差不大于5%;通带内输出电压幅度峰峰值误差不大于5%。 主要参考资料 1.何小艇,电子系统设计,浙江大学出版社,2010年8月 2.姚福安,电子电路设计与实践,山东科学技术出版社,2001年10月 3.王澄非,电路与数字逻辑设计实践,东南大学出版社,1999年10月 4.李银华,电子线路设计指导,北京航空航天大学出版社,2005年6月 5.康华光,电子技术基础,高教出版社,2006年1月 完成期限: 2015年10月30日 指导教师签章: 专业负责人签章: 2015 年 10月26日


2015 年全国大学生电子设计竞赛 全国一等奖作品
设计报告 部分错误未修正,软 件部分未添加
竞赛选题:数字频率计(F 题)
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本设计选用 FPGA 作为数据处理与系统控制的核心,制作了一款超高精度 的数字频率计,其优点在于采用了自动增益控制电路(AGC)和等精度测量法, 全部电路使用 PCB 制版,进一步减小误差。
AGC 电路可将不同频率、不同幅度的待测信号,放大至基本相同的幅度, 且高于后级滞回比较器的窗口电压,有效解决了待测信号输入电压变化大、频率 范围广的问题。频率等参数的测量采用闸门时间为 1s 的等精度测量法。闸门时 间与待测信号同步,避免了对被测信号计数所产生±1 个字的误差,有效提高了 系统精度。
经过实测,本设计达到了赛题基本部分和发挥部分的全部指标,并在部分指 标上远超赛题发挥部分要求。
关键词:FPGA 自动增益控制 等精度测量法
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摘 要....................................................................................................................1 目录........................................................................................................................ 2 1. 系统方案...................................................................................................3
1.1. 方案比较与选择................................................................................3 1.1.1. 宽带通道放大器.........................................................................3 1.1.2. 正弦波整形电路.........................................................................3 1.1.3. 主控电路.....................................................................................3 1.1.4. 参数测量方案.............................................................................4
1.2. 方案描述............................................................................................4 2. 电路设计...................................................................................................4
2.1. 宽带通道放大器分析........................................................................4 2.2. 正弦波整形电路................................................................................5 3. 软件设计...................................................................................................6 4. 测试方案与测试结果...............................................................................6 4.1. 测试仪器............................................................................................6 4.2. 测试方案及数据................................................................................7
4.2.1. 频率测试.....................................................................................7 4.2.2. 时间间隔测量.............................................................................7 4.2.3. 占空比测量.................................................................................8 4.3. 测试结论............................................................................................9 参考文献................................................................................................................ 9
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Paramics快速入门手册 本手册旨在提高广大用户的基础应用能力,为广大用户入门提供参考,手册涵盖了软件的安装与运行、仿真路网状态的查看、数据报告的查看和三维仿真方面的基础操作等内容。 用户可以以本手册作为学习Paramics软件的辅助手册,结合软件其他的技术操作手册(软件自带的manual)进行Paramics软件的基础学习。 用户在使用本手册的过程中如有疑问,请跟我们技术支持部门联系,发邮件至Paramics-China@https://www.doczj.com/doc/df11384199.html,, 或登陆我们的网站https://www.doczj.com/doc/df11384199.html,,九州联宇将给您提供完善的技术支持服务。

第一章 安装、运行软件 (3) 1.1安装软件 (3) 1.2运行软件 (3) 第二章 使用Paramics软件 (4) 2.1、二维模式下 (4) 2.2、三维模式下 (4) 2.3、观察点控制 (4) 2.4、地图窗口 (6) 2.5、仿真控制操作 (6) 第三章 仿真分析 (7) 3.1、OD显示 (7) 3.2、热点显示 (8) 3.3、车辆动态信息显示 (9) 3.4、车辆追踪 (11) 3.5、公共交通信息显示 (12) 第四章数据报告 (13) 第五章演示 (14) 5.1、设置图层 (14) 5.2、图层叠加 (14) 5.3、PMX模型 (15) 5.4、环境影响因素 (16) 5.5、飞越播放 (17) 第六章制作仿真视频 (18) 结语 (19)

第一章 安装、运行软件 1.1安装软件 用户在安装Paramics V6安装之前,必须确认安装了.NET Framework 3.0以上的版本。确认安装之后按照以下步骤操作: 1、插入安装光盘,以下两部分是必不可少的,点击Paramics V6 setup,运行软件 2、按照屏幕出现的安装指南进行操作 3、安装结束后要重启计算机 1.2运行软件 用户在启动Paramics之前,确保USB软件狗的红灯闪亮 用户可以通过一下操作打开Paramics路网 点击开始菜单,打开Paramics建模器(Modeller); 在软件中点击File ――Open,打开存放路网文件的文件夹; 选中Demo1,点击OK即可载入演示网络。


电子设计制作大赛报告设计课题:交通灯设计 专业班级:通信0913班 学生:文峰 巍巍 河昌 设计时间:2011.5.20~2011.6.5 电子设计制作竞赛报告

设计课题:交通灯设计 专业班级:通信0913班 学生:文峰巍巍河昌 设计时间:2011.5.20~2011.6.5 一、设计任务及实现要求: 1、使用LED灯模拟交通灯的工作过程,红、黄、绿三种颜色的LED灯分别模拟交 通灯的红灯、黄灯、绿灯。 2、实现如下要求的从状态一到状态四的循环,并通过数码管来显示倒计时的时间。 状态一:黄、绿灯熄灭,红灯亮5s,然后进入状态二; 状态二:红、绿灯熄灭,黄灯闪烁5s,然后进入状态三; 状态三:红、黄灯熄灭,绿灯亮5s,然后进入状态四; 状态四:红、绿灯熄灭,黄灯闪烁5s,然后回到状态一。 3、每个状态数码管都要显示倒计时的时间。 4、扩展:不同延时时间 二、设计原理(设计原理图,原理分析): 1、总原理图 2、PCB图:

3、原理分析: 采用74194的左移位功能,共输出4种状态,分别是0001;0010;0100; 1000;其中的0010与1000两状态实现黄灯亮,0001实现红灯亮,0100实现绿灯 亮;通过门电路反馈实现74194移位的功能。555芯片的作用是提供一个时钟给 74192,利用74192的功能实现减计数,与数码管相连,预置初始值为5,实现倒 计时5秒的功能。再利用借位端的跳变给74194一个时钟,即5秒实现一跳变, 以达到要求亮灯的时长。对于黄灯的闪烁,只要加门电路,实现每隔1s闪烁一次。 同时外加一个门电路和开关控制74192,实现拓展时间的要求。 三、各部分电路的功能: 1、555定时电路: 555电路工作原理:如图接线, R1用0.1k的电阻, R2用7.5k的电阻,C用100uf的电容,3脚为输出 端。产生的振荡周期T=0.7(R1+2R2)C。即T≈0.7* (0.1K+2*7.5K)*100u≈1.1s。将振荡周期从三端 输出,作为时钟。


九洲港协同办公自动化系统 用 户 使 用 手 册 集团电脑部 本公司办公自动化系统(以下简称OA系统)内容包括协同办公、文件传递、知识文档管理、

公共信息平台、个人日程计划等,主要实现本部网络办公,无纸化办公,加强信息共享和交流,规范管理流程,提高内部的办公效率。OA系统的目标就是要建立一套完整的工作监控管理机制,最终解决部门自身与部门之间协同工作的效率问题,从而系统地推进管理工作朝着制度化、准化和规范化的方向发展。 一、第一次登录到系统,我该做什么? 1、安装office控件 2、最重要的事就是“修改密码”!初始密码一般为“123456”(确切的请咨询系统管理员),修改后这个界面就属于您自己的私人办公桌面了! 点击辅助安 装程序 安装 office 控件

密码修改在这儿! 一定要记住你的 新密码! 3、设置A6单点登陆信息 点击配置系 统 点击设置参 数 勾选A6 办公系 统

输入A6用户和 密码后确定 二、如何开始协同工作? “协同工作”是系统中最核心的功能,这个功能会用了,日常办公80%的工作都可以用它来完成。那我们现在就开始“发个协同”吧! 1、发起协同 第一步新建事项 第五步发送 第二步定标题

第三步定流程 式 第四步写正文 方法:自定义流程图例:

第一步新建流程 式 第三步确认选中第二步选人员 在自定义流程时,人员下方我 们看到如下两个个词,是什么 意思呢? 第四步确认完成 、 提示(并发、串发的概念) 并发:采用并发发送的协同或文电,接收者可以同时收到 串发:采用串发发送的协同或文电,接收者将按照流程的顺序接收 下面我们以图表的方式来说明两者的概念: 并发的流程图为:


2014年江苏省大学生电子设计竞赛实验报告 无线电能传输装置(F题) 2014年8月15日 摘要:本设计基于磁耦合式谐振荡电路来进行无线电能传输,点亮LED灯。由于输入和输出都是直流电 的形式,因此本系统将分为以下四个部分:第一部分为驱动电路(DC-AC),为使直流分量转化成交流电并通过耦合线圈将电能传输给负载,采用LC谐振的方式让回路中电容和电感构成一个二阶LC谐振电路,驱动MOS管形成交流电。第二部分为发射电路(AC-AC),应用电磁感应原理,在二次线圈中产生感应电流并输给接受电路。第三部分为电能转换电路(AC-DC),输出的感应交流电经整流桥桥式整流后流入升压电路。第四部分为升压电路(DC-DC),对整流之后的直流进行升压,防止整流后的电压无法驱动LED。本设计分模块搭建并对各个部分电路进行原理分析。在调试时,采用分模块调试,根据调试结果修改参数,最终形成一个完整的稳定系统。 关键词: 磁耦合式谐振荡电路LC振荡电路桥式整流DC-DC升压 [Abstract] The design is based on magnetic resonance oscillation circuit coupled to the wireless power transmission, lit LED lights. Since the input and output are in the form of direct current, so the system will be divided into the following four parts: The first part of the drive circuit (DC-AC), is converted into alternating current so that the DC component and the power transmission through the coupling coil to the load, using LC resonant circuit in a manner so that the capacitance and inductance form a second order LC resonant circuit, the AC drive MOS tube formation. The second part is the transmitter circuit (AC-AC), application of the principle of electromagnetic induction,


S A P使用技巧及基本操作培训完整操作手册 集团标准化工作小组 #Q8QGGQT-GX8G08Q8-GNQGJ8-MHHGN#

目录 致力为兄弟们提供SAP各系统各版本安装包免装虚拟机和专业培训辅导 系统涵盖:SAP R3/ECC6 SR2/SR3/EHP4/EHP5, BO/BW/BI/CRM/SRM/SCM/APO/SLM 模块涵盖:MM SD PP FI CO ABAP BASIS QM WM SRM SCM CRM BI BW BO PS HR PM PLM http http

SAP最近行情非常好,我们陆续在下个月有3个项目要开展,顾问缺口有20多个,一般兄弟从我这里拿了SAP系统和视频项目资料学了2个月后,基本我们都很容易把他们卖到我们项目里。以前一个兄弟,我把给客户安装的SAP IDES给他学,他说有点后悔,为什么这么晚才遇到我,他说他做了7年的用友ERP,发展都到瓶顶了,一直找不到新的发展空间和平台.....~~他装好我给的SAP后,开始摸索学习,学了6个月后,我给他安排了一个职位,辅导他面试,他很容易就谋到了SAP FICO顾问的职位,薪资比做了7年UFSOFT还要高1倍多...所以我在这里开始向大家推荐,目的也就是为了帮助大家进入这个行业.....为那些想寻找更大发展空间的兄弟们提供新的机遇的筹码。 包括: 1,SAP各个版本的安装或虚拟机,任选符合您的电脑配置的系统版本 2,SAP各模块专业PA视频,任选您自己主功的模块 3,送联想,某家电,某化工,某食品等多个项目文档 4,送SAP各模块综合培训资料,视频。各模块电子书(影印的或电子版本的) 5,长期在线辅导你学习SAP各模块,并提供远程协助,永久 6,推荐就业 我自己是做SAP外部顾问的,做过联想,XX家电,XX相机,XX化工,XX食品等。致力为SAP兄弟们提供最全面的服务,要自学或晋升SAP各模块的兄弟们,可以好好发挥你们的自学天赋,巩固学习SAP各模块了。学习过程中,可以加入我的Q群学习讨论,


精心整理全国电子设计大赛训练项目 设计报告 题目数控通用直流电源 摘要 一、 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 二、 2.1系统总框图 (7) 2.2硬件设计 (7) 2.2.1开关稳压电源模块 (7) 2.2.2单片机控制模块 (8) 2.2.3正、负输出可调稳压电源模块 (9) 2.2.4按键模块 (10) 2.3软件设计 (10) 2.3.1主程序流程 (11) 2.3.2过流保护程序流程 (11) 三、测试、结果及分析 (12)

3.1基本功能 (12) 3.2发挥功能部分 (15) 四、总结 (15) 五、参考文献 (15) 附录一、完整的系统原理图 (16) 附录二、完整的系统PCB图 (17) 0.12V, 一、 设计并制作一个直流可调稳压电源。 二、设计要求 1.基本要求 ①用变压器输出的两组17.5V交流绕组,设计三组稳压电源,其中两组3V-15V可调,另一组固定输出+5V; ②各组输出电流最大:750mA; ③各组效率大于75%,在500mA输出条件下测量,应在DC/DC输入端预留电流测量端; ④为实现程序控制,预留MCU控制接口。 2.发挥部分 ①设置过流保护,保护定值为1.2A; ②用自动扫描代替人工按键,实现输出电压变化;

③扩展输出电压种类(比如三角波、梯形波等); ④可实现双电源同步调节或分别调节。 一、方案论证与比较 通过对题目的任务、要求进行分析,我们将整个设计划分成两个部分:稳压电源部分和数控部分。 1.1稳压电源部分方案比较 方案一:三端稳压电源 根据设计要求,可以采用三端稳压器来实现输出系统所需的三种直流电压:固定+5V和两组可调输出。其中,用7805实现固定5V的输出,LM317实现可调输出(控制输出电压为1.2~37V)。 电路原理图如下: 图1固定5V输出 7805是我们最常用到的稳压芯片了,它的使用方便,用很简单的电路即可以输入一个直流稳压电源,它的输出电压为5v。 图2LM317可调电源模块 在综合考虑LM317的输出电压范围1.25~37V和其最小稳定工作电流不大于5mA的条件下保证R1≤0.83KΩ,R2≤23.74KΩ,就能保证LM317稳压块在空载时能够稳定工作。输出电压:V O =1.25(1+R2/R1),在LM317输出范围为1.25~37V的条件下,R2/R1范围为:0~28.6。 优点:线性电源工作稳定,输出纹波小,且不需做过多调整,使用较为方便,工作安全可靠,适合制作通用型、标称输出的稳压电源。缺点:线性稳压电路的内部功耗大,效率低,散热问题较难解决。 方案二:晶体管串联式直流稳压电路 晶体管串联式直流稳压电路。电路框图如图3所示,该电路中,输出电压UO经取样电路取样后得到取样电压,取样电压与基准电压进行比较得到误差电压,该误差电压对调整管的工作状态进行调整,从而使输出电压发生变化,该变化与由于供电电压UI发生变化引起的输出电压的变化正好相反,从而保证输出电压UO为恒定值(稳压值)。 图3晶体管串联式直流稳压电路方框图 方案三:开关电源 根据设计要求,可选用开关电源来完成设计。LM2596为电路设计核心。 调整管 取样 误差放大 基准电压 辅助电源 UI UO


参加全国大学生电子设计大赛的苦与乐 我是工学院机电系测控031的陈现敏,今年9月7日—10日参加了全国电子设计大赛,获得北京市三等奖,实现了我院学生在全国电子设计大赛获奖零的突破。对非电子专业的学生参加这样的电子比赛,并且我还是大二的,能取得这样的成绩,实属不易。我很高兴能跟大家分享一 下其中的苦与乐。 参加比赛的确需要很大的付出,因为前期的准备非常重要。我大一时就开始关注这个比赛,大二就开始接触电子,与电院的同学张建合作制作一些小电器,如声音放大器,PC遥控器,利用假期的时间训练编程能力,并与本班的同学贾永刚合作,参加学校的计算机应用大赛,取得一些参赛的经验,尤其是怎么跟同学合作,一起解决问题。今年暑假进入训练阶段,共有两个多月,这期间非常辛苦,当其它同学在家玩得非常轻松快乐时,我们还上10天的理论课,要求快速了解数子电子,单片机,VHDL,Mutisim,Protel,并进行为期15天的实战训练。特别是比赛时的四天三夜,平均一天睡不到两个小时,吃住都在实验室,比赛完后整整休息了两天,精

力才恢复。 一分耕耘,一分收获。从这次比赛中的确学到了很多东西,综合能力,科学素养,得到了很大 的提高。 第一、初步具备了实践开发能力。更深刻体会理论如何地联系实际,怎么用理论指导实践。无论工院还是电院,都有这种普遍的现象。学完了电子技术,单片机,连简单的放大器,单片机温度控制器都不会做,这是实践的脱节。比如说学C语言,都有开这门课,但学完后,没有几个同学能编出实用的、规范的,1000行以上的程序。微软招收技术员的时候,有这样一个条件,要有2万行的C语言编程经验,因为只有足够的编程实践才有强的实践开发能力。为参加这次比赛,我把模拟电子这本教材又看了几遍,更加深刻理解书中的内容。制作了频率计,F/V和V/F转换后,熟悉了一个电子系统的制作流程。比如说V/F的制作,老师布置了这个任务,并限定3天3夜内上交作品。V/F转换以前一点也不知道,我马上到中国期刊网下载相关资料,有30多页,通过数据,弄懂原理,到中关村买器件,之后进行仿真,综合各电路的优点,组装成自己的一个电路,最后调试,焊接制板。现在我学会了单片机,对一个任务,一般能通过努力把它解决。比如说前几周制作一个能跟踪轨迹的智慧小车,上网找数据,汇集,通过单片机实现了这功能。并以此去找周惠兴教授,周教授看了我的作品,很乐意地接受我作为他的助手, 至今已完成几个老师布置的任务。 第二、极大提高自学能力与解决问题的能力电院院长杨仁刚说:“参加电子设计大赛,对同学们来说是一次彻底的素质培养,能极大的锻炼同学们解决实际问题的能力。”培训选拔期间,老师逼着干,若做不出来,那只有被淘汰,开始报名时有100多人最后只选出18人,可见竞争多激烈。对每一个老师布置的问题,都非常认真地去完成。而老师布置的问题以前往往没有接触过的,或是教材里较难的老师不讲的内容。只能自学,自己搜集资料解决问题。培训及比赛期间,我打印下来查阅的数据足足有4厘米厚。这能力的提高使我受益匪浅。单片机是我下学期的课程,但我只用两周的时间,在创新实验室,通过单片机开发板很快学会了使用单片机。一次连续工作16个小时,一直到凌晨4点终于把利用BS18D20温度传感器制作的温度报警器做 了出来,周围同学都很惊讶。 第三、提高了团队意识比赛三个人为一组,我们团结协作,分工明确,互相促进而发展,比赛时我基础较好,设计基本电路,另一同学焊接调试技术过硬,还有一个知识面广,知道如何选用好的器件,如何写好报告书,总揽全局,没有同学的配合,根本不可能圆满地完成任务。其中取得的经验,使我更加出色的担任电子协会竞赛部部长,在电子协会里创造了相互学习的

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