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人工智能高科技影响利弊 英语作文

人工智能高科技影响利弊 英语作文
人工智能高科技影响利弊 英语作文

Artificial Intelligence

The last decade has witnessed great change all over the world, especially about high-tech, artificial intelligence and so on. Artificial intelligence and technology has found its way into our daily life. Today, we give a topic about what and how they affect every aspect in life.


Undoubtedly, advanced technology has make contribution to our daily life.In some special work environment, AI can help human to get the job done, like dangerous work, high labor work etc. AI not only reduce the burden of work, but also they tend to be more efficient, save more time and labor costs. In additional, It is AI that bring our life unprecedented convenience, quick and comfort. Even separated by thousands of miles, we can still easily communicate through high-tech.


However, it is more like double-edged sword. it's likely to lead to certain

unemployment. People have to work in high pressure to seek the workplace to survive. So, AI speeds up the pace of life, bring great pressure to work. On the other hand, Artificial intelligence may lead to increase sense of distance between people and reduce the social interaction. Now, we prefer to communicate, express and kill time by hi-tech instead of hanging out with friends, or go outside with families. Beside that, personal information leak and frequent high-tech fraud, we seems more lack sense of security in this huge information age.



人工智能 ——关于人工智能的议论文 月日,举世瞩目的“人机大战”尘埃落定,人工智能“阿尔法狗围棋”(AlphaGo)以4:1的比分战胜人类围棋顶尖高手李世石九段,为世人留下一个不愿接受又不得不接受的事实。 面对“阿尔法狗围棋”(AlphaGo),有人不服,如中国的超级围棋新星柯洁九段,就公开向“阿尔法狗围棋”(AlphaGo)叫板:“你赢不了我!”有人叹息:人类智慧最后的尊严在一只“小狗”面前丢失。有人甚至悲观地认为,机器统治人类的时代即将来临。 其实,所谓人类尊严、所谓机器人的统治时代,只是我们一些人的臆想,“阿尔法狗围棋”(AlphaGo)的胜利,说到底就是一次技术革命的胜利,是人类对自身的一次超越。 正如西安交通大学副校长、国家重点基础研究计划(973)“基于视认知的非结构化信息处理基础理论与关键技术”首席科学家徐宗本说的:“任何人工智能技术的成功一定是当代最新技术综合运用的成功,片面说成谁战胜谁是不公平的,也是无意义的,说人类智慧的最后壁垒被攻破,这都是无稽之谈。” “阿尔法狗围棋”(AlphaGo)的胜利,背后的最大价值在于,它激励人们持续不断地探索过去人工智能领域一直看似难以实现的人类智能级别。从这一点上看,人工智能的胜利也有非凡的意义,甚至可以说具有划时代的意义。 是的,翻开人类历史,哪一次技术革命不带来人类社会翻天覆地的变化?蒸汽机的发明、使用,使人类从农业手工业时代进入了工业社会;电动机的诞生,使人类从工业社会跨入了现代化。而以原子能、电子计算机、空间技术和生物工程的发明与应用为主要标志的信息技术革命,更让人类从此进入了自动化、信息化时代。每一次技术革命,伴随的都是生产力的发展


人工智能对生活的影响英语作文 Nowadays, artificial intelligence, which is becoming more and more familiar with us with the development of science a nd technology, is infiltrating into our daily life gradually, and it brings great convenience and progress to our societ y. Although we don't have a great knowledge about the speci fic content of artificial intelligence, we enjoy the convenie nce and benefit that artificial intelligence brings to us. Artificial intelligence can be scripted as a new science and technology, which is used to simulate human intelligenc e. Namely, computers simulate the way of human's thinking an d intelligent behavior, such as Learning, Reasoning, Thinking, Planning, and so on. We can't deny the fact that artifici al intelligence is of great application nowadays. For example , a lot ofintelligent computer or household appliances come into our life, intelligent robots help us to finish some di fficult work that we can't do by ourselves, and intelligent control has improved our working greatly. We can say that artificial intelligence exists everywhere. As one of the three most cutting-edge technologies in tw enty-first Century, artificial intelligence has a very bright prospect. However, The biggest obstacle of it is that it is a subject, which is related to computer science. Psycholo gy. Philosophy and other knowledge. Therefore, what we should do is to study hard, widen our knowledge, and consolidate our professional knowledge. Only by this way can we do co ntribution to the development of artificial intelligence and

人工智能AI的影响 英语作文

For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use The Impact of AI on Our Life In recent years, AI(artificial intelligence) is ubiquitous, maybe you didn't notice it at all, but recently, Google's AlphaGo defeated Lee Sedol, the World Go Champion.?It must cause your attention, meanwhile, the machine's sweeping victories have once again made AI a hot topic.?The impact of artificial intelligence on our life is mainly reflected in following aspects. First, the impact of AI on natural science.?In many subjects which need computers, AI has an important position, conversely, AI is helpful to the formation of our own intelligence. Second, the impact of AI on economy.?AI into various fields to generate huge benefit, but it also causes the question of employment.?As AI replaced the human in many ways, it leads to a huge change in a social framework. The last one is the impact of AI on society, AI provided a new model to our life, because many developers use AI to develop more interesting games, it makes our life colorful. AI is a double-edged sword, because some people expect AI to benefit mankind in more fields, and some others fear that AI will eventually get out of control.?But in my view, if we can use it very well, it will bring more conveniences to our life, not to lose control.?Not only so but also can develop technology.


Recently, Google’s AlphaGo have become the most famous artificial intelligence since it defeated Lee Sedol, the World Go Champion, 4 to 1 in a five-game match. Lee ,a world champion,cannot win a "robot",it seems like impossible,but in fact,facts speak louder than words. The machine’s sweeping victories have once again made AI a hot topic. Some people welcome the progress and the artificial intelligence is expected to benefit mankind in more fields;other people worry that artificial intelligence will eventually get out of control. Indeed, artificial intelligence can benefit mankind in many fields,such as treatment of diseases, industrial production and large data calculation.As for Google’s AlphaGo,it has achieved great progress and this progress could be revolutionary. At the same time,some people think we should not be carried away by convenience,we cannot ignore the risk of artificial intelligence.But actually,most of people come into contact with artificial intelligence in science fiction.Their panic root in survival contradiction of artificial intelligence and human in the movies or novels. There is no denying that their concerns is reasonable.But in my point of view,it is not a computer beats the human, but human defeated the human. First of all,the development of artificial intelligence will lead to unemployment in a large fields.This is the most direct consequences.Artificial intelligence can work more efficiently,and nobody


Nowadays,?artificial?intelligence,?which?is?becoming?more?and?more?familiar? with?us?with?the?development?of?science?and?technology,?is?infiltrating?into?o ur?daily?life?gradually,?and?it?brings?great?convenience?and?progress?to?our?so ciety.?Although?we?don't?have?a?great?knowledge?about?the?specific?content?of ?artificial?intelligence,?we?enjoy?the?convenience?and?benefit?that?artificial?inte lligence?brings?to?us.?We?can?say?that?artificial?intelligence?is?changing?the?w a y?o f?o u r?l i v i n g,?l e a r n i n g,?w o r k i n g?a n d?s o?o n.?? Artificial?intelligence?can?be?scripted?as?a?new?science?and?technology,?which ?is?used?to?simulate?human?intelligence.?Namely,?computers?simulate?the?way ?of?human's?thinking?and?intelligent?behavior,?such?as?Learning,?Reasoning,?T hinking,?Planning,?and?so?on.?We?can't?deny?the?fact?that?artificial?intelligence ?is?of?great?application?nowadays.?For?example,?a?lot?ofintelligent?computer?o r?household?appliances?come?into?our?life,?intelligent?robots?help?us?to?finish? some?difficult?work?that?we?can't?do?by?ourselves,?and?intelligent?control?has? improved?our?working?greatly.?We?can?say?that?artificial?intelligence?exists?ev erywhere.?? As?one?of?the?three?most?cutting-edge?technologies?in?twenty-first?Century,?art ificial?intelligence?has?a?very?bright?prospect.?However,?The?biggest?obstacle? of?it?is?that?it?is?a?subject,?which?is?related?to?computer?science.?Psychology.?


关于人工智能的文章 A.I是什么?暂且卖个关子。 先讲个故事给你们听: 从前,哦不,应该是在未来,一个全面科技化的未来,有一个小男孩。 他叫大卫,11岁,体重27公斤,身高1米37,头发棕色。 他的爱是真实的,但存在是虚假的。 那是因为他只是一个机器男孩,一个会“爱”的机器人,是一个失去孩子的父母的慰藉,这爱的程序一旦启动了就不会停止,任凭 时间流逝,任凭世代变迁…… 索非亚夫妇的孩子患了绝症,他被冷冻起来直到科技足够发达救他。所以他们自愿参与了大卫的实验计划,人们也需要通过他们证 实他是否真的可以爱人。 当索非亚,这个美丽却被而儿子的病折磨的痛苦不堪的母亲,亲手启动了大卫的程序时,他缓缓地睁开眼睛,如同出生的婴孩一般,似乎一切都那么陌生,却又那么清楚地明白这面前的一切:是了, 这就是我以后要爱一生一世的人了。当大卫轻轻地张开双臂,拥住 索非亚,一句:“妈妈,我爱你。”着实让索非亚感动了。 索非亚看着他,照顾着他,似乎找到了儿子的影子;却又疏远他,惧怕他。她觉得他的爱只是程序,她想爱,又怕爱。大卫却享受着 这每一分每一秒,对他而言,母亲就是这个世界的全部了。我们是 人类,有着选择的权力,也有权决定爱不爱爱我们的东西。或许有 点残忍,但这是个道德问题,在创世纪的時候,神不也创造亚当来 爱他吗? 但后来世界就变了,索非亚的儿子奇迹般的痊愈了,抉择的时刻就到了,索非亚最终决定放弃大卫,却又不想让他被销毁,在他们

唯一一次的野餐中,把他留在了荒野。因为内心深处,抛开一切压力,或许,她爱他…… 大卫固执地认为这是因为他不是一个真的男孩,于是踏上了寻找蓝仙女的路途。记得小木偶皮诺曹吗?就是蓝仙女让他变成小男孩的。他不知道那是一个童话,心中只有一个信念。越过千山万水,终于 在海底找到几百年前被人遗弃的蓝仙女的雕塑,他在潜水艇里望着她,一遍一遍的说着自己的愿望,直到时间一点一滴的流逝,不知 不觉,大海被冰雪覆盖,几千几万年就这样过去了…… 最后,高速发达的机器人完成了他的愿望,他们可以让他的妈妈复活,但是只有一天,有一天她可以全心全意爱他,足够了。在度 过了这珍贵的一天后,他躺在不会醒来妈妈身边沉沉睡去,希望永 远不要再醒来…… 这个故事的名字就叫做A.I(artificialintelligence),人工智能。虽然说这只是个科幻故事,但故事的主旨却不容忽视:我们人 类不断的进步,不断的向前走,是否走的太快了.在科技的进步中我 们是否忽略了某些事物,我們不断的求新,求快,求进步,求超越.到头 來反而忘了人性,信任忘了......爱!!有如故事中,凝真电子的老板, 为了抚慰自己的丧子之痛以及在未來的高科技事业中爭得一片天,创 造了了一個,会[爱]的机器人-----大卫.他踏過千里土壤走過千年時 空为的,只是一份爱.而它只是個在人类眼中有如草芥的______机器人,这种进步,真的,是我们要的吗? 但是换个角度,我们也该庆幸自己是人类,因为到后来出现的高速发达的机器人,强调,他羡慕人类拥有灵魂以及对百万种生存意义。我觉得这和一句俗谚:“人为万物之灵”,有异曲同工之处。 除了这是一种人类沙文主义作祟外,试想:若是高等机器人高等智慧,何必去羡慕,他们口中的“原始”人类?而就因为机器人永远不 可能有灵魂,不可能懂得爱,所以才有“羡慕”一词出现。 所以,请人们在科技飞速发展的时候,不要忽略身边的一切,或者可能失去的东西只能靠机器来填补。从人工智慧看起,记住,科 技无论再怎么发达,创造它们的始终是人类,一切科技,一切可能,以人为本,以爱为本。


Present a written argument or case to an educated reader with no specialist knowledge of the following topic. In 2016, Google’s AlphaGo defeated Lee Sedol, the World Go Champion, 4 to 1 in a five-game match. The machine’s sweeping victories have once again made AI(artificial intelligence)a hot topic. Some people fear that AI will eventually get out of control. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the opinion?Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. A lphaGo’s great triumph over Lee Sedol once again draw s persons’ attention to artificial intelligence. And some people assert that AI will pose a threat to human existence if human lose control of it. In my opinion, it will be a long time before artificial intelligence has consciousness itself, not to mention defying human. But in the more distant future, we have reasons to believe that AI will have no distinction from human and disobey human’s orders. Artificial intelligence, in essence, is simulation of human ways of thinking. And its development deals with interdisciplinary of computer


Nowadays, artificial intelligence, which is becoming more and more fami liar with us with the development of science and technology, is infiltratin g into our daily life gradually, and it brings great convenience and progres s to our society. Although we don't have a great knowledge about the spec ific content of artificial intelligence, we enjoy the convenience and benefi t that artificial intelligence brings to us. We can say that artificial intellige nce is changing the way of our living, learning, working and so on. Artificial intelligence can be scripted as a new science and technology, w hich is used to simulate human intelligence. Namely, computers simulate the way of human's thinking and intelligent behavior, such as Learning, R easoning, Thinking, Planning, and so on. We can't deny the fact that artifi cial intelligence is of great application nowadays. For example, a lot ofint elligent computer or household appliances come into our life, intelligent r obots help us to finish some difficult work that we can't do by ourselves, and intelligent control has improved our working greatly. We can say that artificial intelligence exists everywhere. As one of the three most cutting-edge technologies in twenty-first Centur y, artificial intelligence has a very bright prospect. However, The biggest obstacle of it is that it is a subject, which is related to computer science. P


高中关于人工智能的作文三篇 高中关于人工智能的作文篇一 “在风语镇上,每个孩子出生前,父母都会定制一个与他相像的机器人,陪他一同长大。但到十八岁时,机器人便会被收回。因为孩子们已经长大,他们要独自面临各种挑战。”她一本正经地将妈妈告诉她的转述给我。我听得入了迷。虽然我生活在风语镇,却 是第一次听到这个说法。 我去年已是十八岁了,但我与他们是不同的,我没有过自己的机器人,那种孩童心中微动的渴望与被孤立感萌生。我乘着悬浮机回家想知道答案,妈妈一笑置之。爸爸则从废乱的机器零件中探出头:“你还记得去年你感浸了外侵病毒么?唔……肯定是不记得了,你丧 失了此之前与小木,就是你的机器人的有关记忆。可能是那个病毒比较特殊。咦?那个机 动旋钮呢?真是的……” 我从他的自言自语式的回答汇总还是得到了一些信息,我不再追究,那些记忆真的离我很是遥远。 每天我最爱的事情,是坐在绿榕树下听他们讲自己的机器人。他们也乐于分享那段美好的时期,在他们中间,我是个头最矮小的,连绿榕树最低的枝桠也都不到,虽然作为这里的树,没有人敢去挑战他。 十月十日,父母会步行出去一整天,这是智能时代少有的事情。我按不下心中的好奇,偷偷跟出去。在这一天的尽头,掩藏着最忧伤的秘密。 我看到了父母停在一块墓碑前,周围荒凉凄落。这显然是未开发的区域。我清晰地看到墓碑上的遗照是我,那个每天出现在反光屏上的人。脑中突然一阵刺痛,犹如陨石与大气层摩擦而出现闪耀的光芒,我承受不住这么多的信息涌出,昏了过去。 我再次醒来,得知了一切,我只是个十五岁小女孩而已,一年前,中央区突降陨石层,这是侦测星都未发现的事。小木为了救我而变成一堆零件,而父母为了怕我伤心,而将与小木有关记忆都抹去,并改变了我的年龄。 我平静得连自己都很惊讶。人与机器人的相处已不是问题,作为人类的衍生品,通性不会改变。 文明作为一场五千年的狂奔,飞速的进步推动着更快的进步。无数的奇迹催生着更大的奇迹。但最终的力量掌握在时间手中,留下记忆比创造世界更为艰难。我相信爱才是世间之永恒,才是人与机器人和谐相处的最终端。


人工智能对生活的帮助英文 人工智能的出现到底对人类生活有多大的帮助呢?下面是为你整理的人工智能对生活的帮助英文,供大家阅览! Nowadays, artificial intelligence, which is becoming more and more familiar with us with the development of science and technology, is infiltrating into our daily life gradually, and it brings great convenience and progress to our society. Although we don't have a great knowledge about the specific content of artificial intelligence, we enjoy the convenience and benefit that artificial intelligence brings to us. We can say that artificial intelligence is changing the way of our living, learning, working and so on. Artificial intelligence can be scripted as a new science and technology, which is used to simulate human intelligence. Namely, computers simulate the way of human's thinking and intelligent behavior, such as Learning, Reasoning, Thinking, Planning, and so on. We can't deny the fact that artificial intelligence is of great application nowadays. For example, a lot ofintelligent computer or household appliances come into our life, intelligent robots help us to finish some


As a branch of computer science, artificial intelligence has gradually entered our life with the progress of science and technology, and has become the hottest topic at present. Just like AlphaGo, as the first artificial intelligence program to defeat the world champion of weiqi, it has caused unprecedented discussion. Just as a famous saying, "every coin has two sides", artificial intelligence is no exception. One view is that advanced technology can liberate humans, for example, some robots can replace people to do dangerous jobs and ensure people's safety. Another view is that this has led to unemployment to some extent. At the same time, they worry that some criminals use artificial intelligence crime. Or wait until artificial intelligence is highly mature and even replace humans. The above two views are reasonable, but not comprehensive. Human superiority is the subjective initiative, the expectation and imagination of the future, rather than the cognitive and learning ability. Artificial intelligence may be better in some way than human beings, but it can't completely replace it. I think we should respect artificial intelligence, and better promote the rapid development of society. 人工智能作为计算机科学的一个分支,随着科学技术的进步而逐渐进入我们的生活,并成为当前最热门的话题。就像alphago,作为第一个人工智能程序战胜围棋世界冠军,这引起了前所未有的讨论。 正如一句名言所说,“每一枚硬币都有两面”,人工智能也不例外。一种观点认为先进技术可以解放人类,例如,一些机器人可以代替人们做危险的工作,确保人们的安全。另一种观点认为,这在某种程度上导致了失业。同时,他们担心一些罪犯使用人工智能犯罪。或者等到人工智能高度成熟,甚至取代人类。 以上两种观点是合理的,但不是全面的。人的优越性是人对未来的主观能动性、对未来的期待和想象,而不是认知和学习能力。人工智能在某些方面可能比人类更好,但它不能完全取代人工智能。我认为我们应该尊重人工智能,更好地促进社会的快速发展。 1 / 1


关于人工智能的作文:人工智能改变生活人工智能改变生活 朱琦枫 早晨,我的“小伙伴”已经定时开启自动清扫模式。自从家里有了 “扫地机器人”,它就尽职完美地分担了我的家务工作,让我有了更多看书和玩乐的时间。 自从有了“小天才手表”,我可以利用它来打电话,让妈妈随时知道我在干什么,不让妈妈为我操心。妈妈也能够放心让我出去玩耍一个人回家;我还可以用来当闹钟,每天早早地把我叫醒,陪伴我学习成长。 人工智能改变生活,现在交通高峰时汽车拥堵严重,“无人机快递”的出现,就完美地利用了空中空间,它通过利用无线电遥控设备和自备的程序控制装置操纵的无人驾驶低空飞行器运载包裹,方便快捷自动送达目的地。优点主要在于解决偏远地区的配送问题,提高配送效率,同时减少人力成本,目前顺丰快递已在小范围运行使用。 “助行外骨骼机器人”的诞生,能帮助截瘫患者实现坐、站、行走、上下楼梯等基本功能,也被称为“可穿戴机器人”。机器人通过19个不同的传感器,11个分布式CPU模块,能够“感知”患者在步行中的变化,“思考”患者的意图。如果患者走动的重心、步态偏差比较大,机器人会采取自动关停、报警等安全措施。人类如果不能正常行走,不管是在心理或生理上,都是一种折磨。如果能够帮助不能

行走的人从此站立起来,那是多少人极其渴望的事情啊! 随着改革开放40年,我国对外经济、贸易和旅游的各项发展,“晓译机器人”实现了三十三种语言同声翻译,各个国家的名胜古迹、动物世界、电影台词、美食内容都可以标准翻译。更有过目不忘和人正常交流等本领,是以后商务活动、出国旅游必备用品。 我希望未来能发明“盲人助行机器人”,让盲人能在黑暗中生活走路便利顺畅。盲人可以通过大脑接收立体视觉、3D建模、实时导航定位等信息,让盲人拥有精准地获取周围信息、感知周围环境的能力。让“盲人助行机器人”能成为盲人的“双眼”,让他们真正获得安全感。 我更希望在未来能发明各种“搜救机器人”,代替人类到地震区、火灾区、深山峭壁、深海和污染地区进行搜救工作,减少人类的伤亡,更增加营救的几率和效率。 人工智能在未来生活中是不可缺少的,将进入千家万户,给人类创造更加奇迹的智能化世界。

AI 人工智能 artificial intelligence 英语作文

How Will AI Affect Our Life? After AlphaGo won the game, a variety of conspiracies in vogue: 70% manufacturing workers will be laid off; 90% doctors, programmers and editors who become unemployed; the examination of CET-6 become meaningless, learning a foreign language is useless, movable simultaneous interpretation will be better. Conspiracy theories in vogue, because it can meet some of psychological needs of human being, a certain kind of alert. But man's charm, is always on the make up imaginary enemies from my mobilization, reminding us. These robots don't have free will, imagination and experience and they also execute logic programs for the time being. "Imagination is more important than knowledge", Einstein said. Robots cannot invent laws of energy conversion, even when an Apple fell on the head, it will not develop the law of universal gravitation? The other is experience (know-how), those tips that cannot be patented. When I visited the Porsche factory, the most surprising is the workshop of master craftsman and their know-how is the precious resource of this luxury brands. Imagination and experience are the last treasure of human being. Buffett says: "as long as I know where I die, I will not go to that place. "This backward thinking tells you, as long as it is a mission by simple physical labor or calculation procedure, you don't need to worry about that.


2020高考英语作文预测热点+范文——5G和人工智能 01 5G技术与人工智能 假定你是李华,你所在的山西国际学校要征集一封英文感谢信,以致意奋战在抗击新型冠状病毒肺炎第一线的医护人员,请你根据下列要点写一封信用于投稿。 【题目要求】 人工智能与5G时代已悄然来临,随着科技越来越与人类生活相结合,随处可见的人工智能,让生活越来越便利的同时也带来许多的困惑,按要求完成一篇作文。内容包括: 1. 描述或畅想未来人工智能的发展状况 2. 分析这种现象产生的原因 3. 陈述利弊以及表明个人态度 【优秀范文】 As we all know , the time of 5G technology is coming , it is called the fourth industrial revolution , future of computer science lies in the artificial intelligence,it is the research and artificial simulation of human thought and eventually be able to ma ke a human like to think the same machine , for human services and to help people solve problems. After all, people thought it was unique, there are feelings, there are a variety of character, this will be very difficult to achieve in the machine.In fact, to do the same as the human thinking machine, the only one of the artificial intelligence, is by no means all. Through the study of artificial intelligence, it can resolve all kinds of scientific problems, promote the development of other science will have a great impact on all people's lives .


《人工智能利与弊》高中作文800字5篇 在现在这样一个科技发展突飞猛进的社会,我们身边的电子产品逐渐变得人工智能化,它们正变得像人类大脑一样灵活、聪明。这里给大家分享一些《人工智能利与弊》的作文,希望对大家有所帮助。 人工智能利与弊1 据报道,对于机器人的崛起,专家们曾发出警告,“机器取代人类劳动力可能致使人口冗余”,他们担心“这种超能技术的发展已经超越了人类的驾驭能力,”如今,一些人表示担忧,如果人工智能继续进化,我们会失去赖以为生的工作、丧失存在感,甚至会被“终结者”们赶尽杀绝。但事实上,这些恐惧与两个世纪以前人们对机械化和蒸汽机发展的讨论如出一辙,那时,人们针对机器威胁展开一场名为“机器问题”的讨论。而现在,一场关于人工智能利弊的辩论正在悄然兴起。 诞生初期,人工智能技术(AI)也经历过大起大落,但在过去几年的发展黄金期,AI技术突飞猛进,这都得益于“深度学习”技术开启的新篇章。深度学习旨在模拟人脑结构建立大规模(或者“深度”)神经网络,在充沛的数据支持下,神经网络可以通过训练来处理各种各样的事情。 其实所谓深度学习技术已经默默为我们服务多年了,谷歌搜索、Facebook 的自动图片标记功能、苹果的siri语音助手、亚马逊推送的购物清单,甚至特斯拉的自动驾驶汽车都是深度学习的产物。但是这种快速的发展也引发了人们对于安全和失业问题的担忧。霍金、马斯克等科技大佬都公开发声,担心人工智能会失去控制,上演科幻小说中人机大战的情节,其他人则害怕认知工作的自动化

会将会导致大面积的失业。两个世纪以后的今天,曾经的“机器问题”卷土重来,我们需要找出可行的解决方案。 “机器问题”和解决方案 启示人们最为担忧的是人工智能技术会破开牢笼,变得邪-恶而不可控。早在工业革命浪潮席卷全球时,人机矛盾已经出现,现在的矛盾不过是披上了人工智能的新外衣,人类的焦虑依旧,《科学怪人》及此后类似的文学作品都是这种担忧的映射。然而,尽管人工智能技术已成为一门显学,但是它们只能完成特定的任务。想在智商上战胜人类,AI还差得远呢。此外,AI是否真能超越人类还未可知。名为安德鲁的AI研究人员表示,对人工智能的恐惧无异于在火星殖民还未实现时就担心人口膨胀的问题。在“机器问题”上,人们更加关注人工智能对人类就业和生活方式的影响。 失业恐惧由来已久。“科技性失业”的恐慌在20世纪60年代(公司开始安装计算机和使用机器人)和80年代(个人电脑开始上市)都曾弥漫开来,似乎大规模的自动化办公马上就要到来,让人类下岗。 但事实上,每一次恐慌之后,科技进步为社会创造的就业岗位远多于它杀死的过时职位,我们需要更多人从事全新的工作。举例来说,ATM机替代了一些银行柜员,为银行设立分行节约了成本,让雇员进入了机器不能做的销售和客服领域。同样地,电子商务的出现增加了零售商的生存空间。而在办公中引进电脑则不是为了取代员工的位置,员工习得新技能后,会成为电脑的辅助。尽管此前曾有报道称,未来10年或20年间,美国47%的岗位将面临自动化,但是我们的研究显示,这一数值恐怕连10%都不到。 尽管短期内一些工作消失的弊端会被全新职位出现的长期影响完全抵消且

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