当前位置:文档之家› 2012年职称英语考试理工类A级全真模拟试题






1 We consume a lot more than we are able to produce

A waste

B buy

C use

D sell

2 As a writer, he turned out three novels that year.

A refused

B read

C produced

D accepted

3 Winston Churchill gave a moving speech

A nervous

C stirring

B foolish

D fast

4 We tried to restrict our conversation to arguments relevant to the topic.

A put

B suit

C confine

D resort

5 It doesn't stand to mason that he would lie.

A seem logical

B look pleasant

C appear obvious

D sound important

6 The company recommended that a new gas station be built here.

A ordered

B insisted

C suggested

D demanded

7 A plastic wheel can be as tough as a metal one.

A useful

B tight

C weak

D strong

8 Of all the planets in this solar system, Mercury is nearest the Sun.

A most like

B closest to

C hotter than

D heavier than

9 If wool is put into hot water, it tends to shrink.

A disappear

B expand

C break

D contract

10 The train came to an abrupt stop, making us wonder where we were.

A an uncertain

B a slow

C an unexpected

D a smooth

11 Almost all economists agree that nations gain by trading with one another.

A work

B profit

C rely

D prove

12 The conference explored the possibility of closer trade links.

A denied

B investigated

C stressed

D created

13 The chemical is deadly to rats but safe to cattle.

A fatal

B hateful

C good

D useful

14 During his lifetime he was able to accumulate quite a fortune.

A control

B spend

C collect

D exchange

15 It's impolite to cut in when two persons are holding a conversation

A leave

B talk loudly

C standup

D interrupt



Plants in Desert

Only special plants can survive the terrible climate of a desert, for these are regions where the annual range of the soil temperature can be over 75℃. Furthermore, during the summer there are few clouds in the sky to protect plants from the sun's ray. Another problem is the fact that there are frequently strong winds which drive small, sharp particles of sand into the plants, tearing and damaging them. The most difficult problem for all forms of plant life, however, is the fact that the entire annual rainfall occurs during a few days or weeks in spring.

Grasses and flowers in desert survive from one year to the next by existing through the long, hot, dry season in the form of seeds. These seeds remain inactive unless the right amount of rain falls. If no rain falls, or if insufficient rain falls, they wait until the next year, or even still the next. Another factor that helps these plants to survive is the fact that their life cycles are short. By the

time that the water from the spring rains disappears —— just a few weeks after it falls —— such plants no longer need any.

The perennials have special features which enable them to survive as plants for several years. Thus, nearly all desert perennials have extensive root systems below ground and a small shoot system above ground. The large root network enables the plant to absorb as much water as possible in a short time. The small shoot system, on the other hand, considerably limits water loss by evaporation.

Another feature of many desert perennials is that after the rainy season they lose their leaves in preparation for the long, dry season, just as trees in wetter climates lose theirs in preparation for the winter. This reduces their water loss by evaporation during the dry season. Then, in next rainy season, they come fully alive once more, and grow new branches, leaves and flowers, just as the grasses and flowers in desert do.

16 Ordinary plants are unable to survive in the desert mainly because of the changeable weather.

A Right

B Wrong

C Not mentioned

17 Grasses and flowers in desert are able to survive because they stay in the form of seeds to wait for the right amount of water to come.

A Right

B Wrong

C Not mentioned

18 Grasses and flowers in the desert whose life cycles are short shows their ability to adapt to the quick disappearance of rainwater there after it falls in spring.

A Right

B Wrong

C Not mentioned

19 Winter is the toughest season for grasses and flowers to survive in desert

A Right

B Wrong

C Not mentioned

20 The shoot system of perennials can help the plants absorb less of the sun's ray.

A Right

B Wrong

C Not mentioned

21 The theme of the second last paragraph is why the perennials can survive as plants for several years.

A Right

B Wrong

C Not mentioned

22 Desert perennials lose their leaves after the rainy season just as trees lose theirs in wetter climates before winter arrives, but the reasons for this feature are different.

A Right

B Wrong

C Not mentioned



Local Newspapers in Britain

1. Britain has a large circulation (发行量)of the national newspapers. The Daily Mirror and The Daily Express both sell about 4 million copies each day. On average, every family will buy one newspaper in the morning, and take two or three on Sundays.

2. Local newspapers are just as popular as the national ones in Britain. Local papers have a weekly circulation of 13 million. Nearly every town and country area has its own paper, and almost every local paper is financially holding its own. Many local newspapers are earning good profits.

3. Local newspapers have their special characteristics. They mainly satisfy interest in local events - births, weddings, deaths, council meetings, and sports. Editors often rely on a small staff of people who know the district well. Clubs and churches in the neighborhood regularly supply these papers with much local news. Local news does not get out of date as quickly as national news. If there is no room for it in this week's edition, a news item can be held over until the following week.

4. The editor of a local newspaper never forgets that the success of any newspaper depends on advertising. For this reason, he is keen to keep the good will of local businessmen. If the newspaper

sells well with carefully chosen news items to attract local readers, the businessmen will be grateful to the paper for the opportunity of keeping their products in the public eye.

5. Local newspapers seldom comment on problems of national importance, and editors rarely take sides on political questions. But they can often provide service to the community in expressing public feeling on local issues. A newspaper can sometimes persuade the council to take action to improve transport, provide better shopping facilities, and preserve local monuments and places of interest.

16 Paragraph 2.

17 Paragraph 3.

18 Paragraph 4.

19 Paragraph 5.

A Keeping Good' Relations with Local Businessmen

B Service Provided by Local Newspapers

C Large Circulation of the National Newspapers

D Special Features of Local Newspapers

E Power of Local Newspapers

F Popularity of Local Newspapers

20 British people have the habit of reading newspapers in the.

21 Many local newspapers in Britain are making.

22 Local newspapers are well received because they carry articles that please.

23 Local newspapers rarely give opinions on.

A a lot of money

B local people

C morning

D local people

E national issues

F local issues




Sony's Vision For The Future

As the television, communications and telecommunications industries emerge, compatibility (兼容性)becomes a big issue for consumers. I think we should maintain open and compatible standards and create features particular to Sony, in other words, the system should be open but the services could be distinctive —— like restaurants. The menus may be alike but the services are different.

Being president of Sony Corporation, I am often asked by this question: With digital cameras and digital camcorders (摄像机), what will be the future of digital imaging?

In 1997, optimists see non-traditi0nal cameras ~ digital cameras achieving sales of one million units in Japan. We are selling a new digital camera. Even though the price is quite high, it is selling well. And laser and ink-jet printers have improved greatly for printing colour pictures. But traditional pictures are still more popular than those from today's electronic cameras. Because of that, traditional cameras and digital cameras will co-exist for a long time.

If you want me to sum up Sony's vision for the next few years, all I can say is that there will be a big change. We can run our business at Sony based on today's technologies ~ which means the digitalisation of audio and video. But beyond 2000, there will be a big change and we should be prepared. This will be the network environment. So we are preparing for a big change in technologies and for a change in the way of thinking as well.

We celebrate our 50~ anniversary this year (1997), and this coincides (与……一致)with what I call the transistor cycle, which has also lasted fifty years. Since we started using transistors

in radios, the electronic industry has undergone a big evolution. But a new technology wave started with the invention of the microprocessor, about 14 or 15 years ago. My theory is that each business cycle lasts 50 years, with one cycle overlapping (重叠)another. The information age started 15 years ago with microprocessors and for another 10 years it will be in the takeoff stage. Like an airport, a 747 approaching the end of the runway is still gathering speed. So for information technology, for another five to seven years there will not be so much change, only increasing speed. But after that you fly. What that will mean, I cannot foresee. I'm just preparing for the takeoff stage while I'm president. The job of the next generation will be more important. I'm just in-between.

31 Why does the president of Sony Corporation mention restaurants in the first paragraph?

A To praise Japanese restaurants for offering good services.

B To explain that Japanese restaurants are distinctive.

C To explain what has just been said.

D To emphasize that restaurants are all alike.

32 What is the president's view on digital cameras and traditional ones?

A Digital cameras will be cheaper than traditional ones in the near future.

B Digital cameras and traditional cameras will co-exist for ever.

C The prices of digital cameras will go down very soon.

D Digital cameras will not take the place of traditional ones in the next few years.

33 What will take place in the next few years, according to the president?

A A big change in technologies and in the way of thinking.

B A change in digitalisation.

C A change in the way of manufacturing.

D A change in the business cycle.

34 How long does each business cycle last, according to the president?

A 10 years.

B 14 or15 years.

C 25 years.

D 50 years.

35 What does the president say he is doing?

A He is designing jobs for the next generation.

B He is preparing for the 'fly' stage.

C He is doing something for the takeoff stage.

D He is flying an aircraft.



There is an old saying in English: "Laughter is the best medicine". Until recently, few people took the saying very seriously. Now, however, doctors have begun to investigate laughter and the effects it has on the human body. They have found evidence that laughter really can improve people's health.

Tests were carried out to study the effects of laughter on the body. People watched funny films, while doctors checked their heart rate, blood pressure, breathing and muscles. It was found that laughter has similar effects to physical exercise. It increases blood pressure, the heart rate and the rate of breathing; it also works several groups of muscles in the face, the stomach, and even the feet. If laughter exercises the body, it must be beneficial.

Other tests have shown that laughter appears to be capable of reducing the effect of pain on the body. In one experiment doctors produced pain in groups of students who listened to different radio programs. The group which tolerated the pain for the longest time was the group which

listened to a funny program. The reason why laughter can reduce pain seems to be that it helps to produce endorphins (内啡肽)in the brain. These are natural chemicals which diminish both stress and pain.

There is also some evidence to suggest that laughter helps the body's immune system, that is, the system which fights infection. In an experiment, one group of students watched a funny video while another group served as the control group - in other words, a group with which to compare the first group. Doctors checked the blood of the students in both groups and found that the people in the group that watched the video had an increase in the activity of their white blood cells, that is, the cells which fight infection.

As a result of these discoveries, some doctors and psychiatrists (精神病学)in the United States now hold laughter clinics, in which they try to improve their patients' condition by encouraging them to laugh. They have found that even if their patients do not really feel like laughing, making them smile is enough to produce beneficial effects similar to those caused by laughter.

36 We learn from the first paragraph that laughter

A is good for one's health.

B is related to some illness.

C has been investigated long since.

D has no effect on the body.

37 Doctors have found that laughter

A keeps down blood pressure.

B has similar effects to physical exercise.

C decreases the heart rate.

D increases stress.

38 Which of the following statements is NOT true of laughter, according to the passage?

A It reduces pain,

B It exercises the body.

C it improves the body's immune system.

D It can cure cancer.

39 In a laughter clinic, doctors

A laugh at their patients.

B encourage their patients to laugh.

C smile when they don't feel like laughing.

D never stop laughing.

40 The writer's attitude towards laughter is

A critical.

B doubtful.

C positive.

D negative.


Greenhouse Effect

A greenhouse is a building made of glass which is used for keeping plants warm when the outside temperature is low. In a similar way, there are several gases in the atmosphere which trap the heat generated by the sun and prevent it from escaping. These gases are known as "greenhouse gases", and the way in which they trap heat in the atmosphere is called the "greenhouse effect". This is not simply air pollution like photochemical smog (光化学烟雾), for example. Most of the main greenhouse gases occur naturally in small amounts in our atmosphere, and without them the earth would be thirty degrees colder and human life would not exist. In other words, the greenhouse effect is a natural process which is to some extent beneficial to us.

The problem is that in the last century and a half, we have been putting excessive amounts of these gases into the earth's atmosphere by burning large quantities of coal and oil and by cutting down forests. In 1850, there were 280 parts per million of carbon dioxide (二氧化碳)in the atmosphere. Now there are 360, and this figure is expected to rise to 460 by the year 2030. We now put 24 billion metric (公制的)tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere every year. We have also created a group of artificial greenhouse gases that are 20,000 times more effective than carbon dioxide in trapping heat in the atmosphere. These are the chlorofluorocarbon (氟氯碳)gases, which are used in refrigerators and air conditioning systems.

The rapid increase in greenhouse gases is making the world warmer. The world's temperature has already gone up by half a degree this century, and the sea level has risen by ten centimeters. If the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere doubles, there will probably be a rise in the earth's temperature of between 1~ and 4~. This may seem a small increase, but it would be enough to cause major changes in geography and agriculture. Large areas of the world would be flooded, and some regions would become dry and unable to produce crops. It is important, too, to consider that there maybe a delay of about thirty years in the greenhouse effect. This means that we are probably experiencing only now the effect of the gases put into the atmosphere up to the 1960s. Since then, our use of these gases has greatly increased.

41 According to the passage, a greenhouse is built to

A keep the plants warm.

B prevent air pollution.

C stop the greenhouse effect.

D produce useful gases.

42 Without the greenhouse gases, the earth would

A become warmer.

B be much colder.

C move more slowly.

D move quickly.

43 A major cause of the increase in the greenhouse gases is

A the burning of trees and crops.

B the building of many greenhouses.

C the burning of large quantities Of coal and oil.

D the flooding of large areas of the world.

44 According to the passage, chlorofluorocarbon gases differ from carbon dioxide in that

A they are more useful.

B they are much heavier.

C they are more efficient in making the' world colder.

D they are more effective in catching the heat from the sun.

45 A small increase in the earth's temperature may bring about

A a decline in agriculture.

B a drop of the sea level.

C the death of all animals.

D a delay in the greenhouse effect.


阅读下面的短文,文章中有5处空白,文章后面有6组文字,请根据文章的内容选择5组文字,将其分别放回文章原有位置,以恢复文章原貌。请将答案涂在答题卡相应的位置上。The Building of the Pyramids

The oldest stone buildings in the world are the pyramids. (46)There are over eighty of them scattered along the banks of the Nile, some of which are different in shape from the true pyramids. The most famous of these are the "Step" pyramid and the "Bent" pyramid.

Some of the pyramids still look much the same as they must have done when they were built thousands of years ago. Most of the damage suffered by the others has been at the hands of men who were looking for treasure or, more often, for stone to use in modern buildings.(47). These are good reasons why they can still be seen today, but perhaps the most important is that they were planned to last for ever. (48). However, there are no writings or pictures to show us how the Egyptians planned or built the pyramids themselves.(49)Nevertheless, by examining the actual pyramids and various tools Which have been found, archaeologists have formed a fairly clear picture of them.

One thing is certain: there must have been months of careful planning before they could begin to build.(50)You may think this would have been easy with miles and miles of empty desert around, but a pyramid could not be built just anywhere. Certain rules had to be followed, and certain problems had to be overcome.

A The dry climate of Egypt has helped to preserve the pyramids, and their very shape have made them less likely to fall into ruin.

B It is practically certain that plans were made for the building of the pyramids because the plans of other large works have fortunately been preserved.

C The first thing they had to do was to choose a suitable place.

D Consequently, we are only able to guess at the methods used.

E Many people were killed while building the pyramids.

F They have stood for nearly 5,000 years, and it seems likely that they will continue to stand for thousands of years yet.



Science and Truth

"FINAGLE" is not a word that most people associate with science. One reason is that the image of the scientist is of one who always collects data in an impartial(51)for truth. In any debate - over intelligence, schooling, energy - the(52)"science says" usually disarms opposition.

But scientists have long acknowledged the existence of a "finagle factor"~ a tendency by many scientists to give a helpful change to the data to (53)desired results. The latest of the finagle factor in action comes from Stephen Jay Gould, a Harvard biologist, (54)has examined the important 19th century work of Dr. Samuel George Morton. Morton was famous in his time (55)analysing the brain size of the skulls as a measure of intelligence. He concluded that whites had the(56)brains, that the brains of Indians and Blacks were smaller, and therefore, that whites constitute a superior race.

Gould went back to Morton's original data and concluded that the(57)were an example of the finagle at work. He found that Morton's "discovery" was made by leaving out embarrassing data, using incorrect procedures, making simple arithmetical(58)(always in his favour)and changing his criteria - again, always in favour of his argument. Morton has been thoroughly discredited by now and scientists do not believe that brain size reflects(59).

But Gould went on to say Morton's story is only an example of a common problem in(60)work. Some of the leading figures in science are believed to have(61)the finagle factor. Gould says that Isaac Newton fudged out to support at least three central statements that he could not prove. And so(62)Claudius Ptolemy, the Greek astronomer, whose master work, Almagest, summed up the case for a solar system that had the earth as its center. Recent studies indicate that Ptolemy(63)faked some key data or resorted heavily to the finagle factor.

All this is(64)because the finagle factor is still at work. For example, in the artificial sweetener controversy, for example, it is said that all the studies sponsored by the sugar industry

find that the artificial sweetener is unsafe, while all the studies sponsored by the diet food industry find nothing(65)with it.

51 A search B learning C teaching D dialogue

52 A clause B slang C idiom D phrase

53 A convey B acquire C modify D prove

54 A whose B she C he D who

55 A in B about C for D on

56 A more large B largest C large D larger

57 A results B experiments C publications D suggestions

58 A mistakes B misunderstanding C calculation D problems

59 A creativity B ability C intelligence D ingenuity

60 A inventive B mental C scientific D manual

61 A used B rejected C misused D sought

62 A was B had C could D did

63 A either B both C neither D never

64 A necessary B important C available D changeable

65 A helpful B serious C happy D wrong


01. C02. C03. C04. C05. A

06. C07. D08. B09. D10. C

11. B12. B13. A14. C15. D

16. B17. A18. A19. C20. B

21. A22. B23. F24. D25. A

26. B27. C28. A29. D30. E

31. C32. D33. A34. D35. C

36. A37. B38. D39. B40. C

41. A42. B43. C44. D45. A

46. F47. A48. B49. D50. C

51. A52. D53. B54. D55. C

56. D57. A58. C59. C60. C

61. A62. D63. A64. B65. D


2012年度全国职称英语等级考试 理工类(A级)全真模拟试题二 第1部分:词汇选项(第1-15题,每题1分,共15分) 下面每个句子中均有1个词或短语画有底横线,请为每处画线部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项 1. He was unable to give a credible explanation for his behavior. A. workable B. convincing C. practical D. reliable 2. Smoking is banned in the building. A. listed B. forbidden C. handled D. investigated 3. I want a job with good prospects for promotion. A. advancement B. replacement C. retirement D. advertisement 4. The report was compiled from a survey of 5000 households. A. printed B. attached C. written D. sent 5. The patient showed a marked improvement in her condition after changing medication. A. great B. clear C. quick D. regular 6. Actors dressed in authentic costumes re-enact the battle. A. faithful B. royal C. genuine D. sincere 7. People who travel by rail still read an immense amount. A. immediate B. enormous C. equal D. moderate 8. He demolished my argument in minutes. A. disapproved B. disputed C. accepted D. supported 9. Polluted water sources are a hazard to wildlife. A. evidence B. danger C. case D. picture 10. Ashley gazed at him, her thoughts in turmoil. A. failure B. doubt C. confusion D. relief 11. It was an article in the local newspaper which finally spurred him into action .


职称英语考试综合B试题真题完整版 文档编制序号:[KK8UY-LL9IO69-TTO6M3-MTOL89-FTT688]

2016年职称英语综合B真题 第一部分:词汇选项(第1~15题,每题1分,共15分) 下面每个句子中均有1个词或短语画有底横线,请为每处画线部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。 1. All houses within 100 meters of the seas are (at risk) of flooding. A. out of control B. between equals C. in particular D. in danger 2. The idea was quite (brillian)t. A. positive B. clever C. key D. original 3. Stock market price (tumbled) after rumor of a rise in interest rate. A. regulated B. fell C. increased D. maintained

4. We are worried about this (fluid) situation full with uncertainty. A. stable B. suitable C. adaptable D. changeable 5. The (revelation) of his past led to his resignation. A. imagination B. confirmation C. disclosure D. recall 6. Jensen is a dangerous man, and can be very (brutal). A. careless B. strong C. cruel D. hard 7. The coastal has area has very (mild) winter, but the central plains remain extremely cold. A. warm B. severe C. hard D.dry


2012年职称英语考试试卷 综合类B级 第一部分:词汇选项(第1~15题,每题1分,共15分) 下面每个句子均有1个词或短语划有底横线,请为每处划线部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。 1.I wanted to ask her out but was scared that she might refuse. A. afraid B. anxious C. sure D. sad 2.Marsha confessed that she knew nothing of computer. A. reported B. admitted C. hoped D. answered 3.My doctor said I should vary my diet more. A. prepare B. cook C. change D. choose 4.I got a note from Moira urginq me to get in touch. A. instructing B. pushing C. notifying D. inviting 5.A number of theories have been proposed to explain the situation. A. tested B. suggested C. used D. announced 6.The sea turtle's natural habitat has been considerably reduced. A. suddenly B. greatly C. generally D. slightly 7.The test produced disappointing results. A. indirect B. similar C. positive D. unsatisfactory 8.At 80, Peck was still vigorous and living in Paris. A. happy B. energetic C. alone D. busy 9. A young man is being hailed a hero tonight after rescuing two children. A. reported B. proved C. caught D. praised 10.He asserted that nuclear power was a safe and non-polluting energy source. A. maintained B. recommended C. considered D. acknowledged 11.It is possible to approach the problem in a different way. A. handle B. raise C. pose D. experience 12.Eventually, she got a job and moved to London. A. Certainly B. Finally C. Luckily D. Naturally 13.For some obscure reason, the simple game is becoming very popular. A. obvious B. Major C. unclear D. minor 14.The decision to invade provoked storms of protest. A. ignored B. organized C. caused D. received 15.Forester stared at his car, trembling with rage. A. turning B. jumping C. shouting D. shaking 第二部分:阅读判断(第16 - 22题,每题1分,共7分) 下面的短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断:如果该


2016职称英语考试真题及答案 第1部分:词汇选项(第1~15题,每题l分,共15分) 下面每个句子中均有1个词或者短语有下划线,请为每处下划线部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。 1、Have you talked to her?lately? https://www.doczj.com/doc/d99807547.html,stly B.finally C.shortly D.recently 2、 About?one quarter of?the workers in the country are employed in factories. A.third B.fourth C.tenth D.fifteenth 3、 The dentist has decided to?extract?her bad tooth. A.take out B.repair C.push in D.dig 4、 We shall keep the money in a?secure?place. A.clean

B.secret C.distant D.safe 5、 This table is strongand?durable. A.long-lasting B.extensive C.far reaching D.eternal 6、 He endured agonies before he finally?expired. A.fired B.resigned C.died D.retreated 7、 There are only five minutes left, but the?outcome?of the match is still in doubt. A.result B.judgement C.estimation D.event 8、 The great changes of the city?astonished?every visitor to that city A.attacked


阅读理解 Passage 1 Have you ever seen a moon…… 1. To what do we compare….D. A11 of these 2. The main purpose…..A. inform 3.The author knew….. A. mysterious 4.The moon looks bigger if…B. it is near the horizon 5.The autumn moon….D. helps farmers see as they harvest their crops Passage 2 Strange thing happens to time……. 1. The best title….. B. How Time Changes Around the World 2. The difference in…..C one hour 3. From this selection…...C. is divided into five time zones 4.The international date……C. the point where a new day begins 5. If you cross……A. ahead one hour in each new time zone Passage 3 Holidays in the United States……1. The govemment of the United……C. 3-day 2. Workers in the United……D. Tuesday to Friday 3.Which statement is NOT…..D. All the workers have a half-month vacation 4. The reason why……A. no one can be found to take his place 5. Which of the following…….D. Something About the holidays and Vacation in the U.S Passage 4 Sarah Winchester was a very……… 1. What did Sarah keep……C. Making it bigger 2. The story says…. A. 7 floors 3. Who did the work….C. Carpenters and plumbers and other workers 4. How long did…..B. For38 years 5. Sarah?s house was…..C. when she died Passage 5 The diner is only…… 1.What?s the main….A. The attraction of diners to different people 2. The purpose of….C. give a summary of the whole passage 3. Why do truck……C. It’s a haven against loneliness 4. Diners attract….B. many different kinds of people 5. Diners are…..D. fascinating Passage 6 In the past two years…….. 1.The word ……embrace”……A. make use of 2.It can be concluded……D. bicycle sales will continue to rise 3.The bicycle is……A. enjoying a strong revival 4.The reader can….C. concerned with the quality of their lives 5.In the sentence……A. a rapid increase in sale Passage 7 Doctors have known for……. 1.Doctors have long….C. one may lose his hearing when he hears a terribly loud noise 2.This passage suggests…..B. will be damaged even if he has heard a loud noise for only little more than one second 3.According to this….C. makes hearing damage from loud noise worse https://www.doczj.com/doc/d99807547.html,lions of Americans…..D. take too much aspirin 5.The purpose of…..D. whether aspirin would increase the temporary hearing damage from loud noises Passage 8 Just two months ago…… 1. Ana realizes that……B. she must do well on the exam 2. Ana has been…..A. seven years 3. Ana experiences difficulty…..C. the professor’s lectures 4. Ana tells the…..B. her family 5. The best main…..C. Ana comes through with flying colors Passage 9 Any mistake made in…… 1. A postage stamp?s….C. a mistake is made in the printing 2. In 1847 most…..A. not yet using postage stamps 3. In 1847, the mistake…..C. wording 4. $16800 is the…..B. the Twopenny Blue 5. The valuable stamps….D. British printers Passage 10 In the English educational…….. 1. The purpose of …D. describe three tests that the English educational system is based on 2. The exam for the….A. fifleen 3. We may conclude…..A. the exam that is taken at age eighteen is narrower than the other two exams 4.The passage suggests….B. schooling is very closely controlled in England 5. As used in the…..A. to take the risk Passage 11 For centuries, in the countries 1. What can we know….B. It is hard to tame them. 2.Thailand was once…B. white elephant was a national symbol until the 1920s 3.Why is the Thai….A. Because the elephants are no longer useful to their owners. 4.Which of the…..D. Today the elephant population is estimated at 5150. 5. The passage is…..C. a research report Passage 12 The communications explosion…… 1. By saying that….C. display the influence of communications on life 2. The author most….B. amazing 3. Which of the…..C. The low-orbit satellites would replace towers and poles functionally. 4.According to the….A. talk and see each other no matter where we are 5.The phrase “each one”….B. each car Passage 13 Many private institutions…… 1. According to the…. D. their characteristics 2. The author used…..A. get into difficulties 3. We can reasonably….B. private schools 4. Which of the….D. Private schools are more profitable than public schools 5. Which of the…..C. National awareness and support. Passage 14 Japan is getting tough about….. 1. According to the….C. the consumers 2. Which of the following….B. It retains its original strength through reprocessing. 3. According to the…..B. a kind of plastics with different integration in each layer 4. In the passage….C. 21-inch TV with magnesium case isn’t very popular so far 5. The author writes….A. inform Passage 15 A friend of mine…… 1. The author thought….C. 1ike his friend, he also thought life was unfair 2. Surrendering to the…..D. make as know it’s our duty to perfect things 3. The second paragraph….A. it’s nice to accept the injustice of life 4. In the last paragraph…..B. 1ife isn’t and won’t be fair 5. From the passage…..A. positive


试卷一 I. Vocabulary Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. 1. It is possible to predict how much energy and water a building will consume, how much _______ will be needed. A. matter B. things C. material D. substance 2. They found that the positive thinkers sold 37 percent more insurance than did the_______ thinkers. A. negative B. positive C. active D. passive 3. In labs around the world, bad bugs are undergoing the ultimate rehabilitation, being _______ from life-threatening viruses and bacteria into lifesaving therapeutic agents. A. translated B. transported C. transformed D. transmitted 4. The fresh air is sometimes humid from the _______rainfall of this area. A. numerous B. abundant C. plenty D. substantive 5. We know that many animals _______ the deep seas at pressures of 15,000 pounds per square inch. A. live on B. live in C. live through D. live up to 6. Speakers and writers of the Germanic languages _______for a great deal of the world's output in everything from economics to literature to military to science and technology. A. account B. allow C. apply D. arrange 7. _______of the great state of Illinois, let me express my deepest gratitude for the privilege of addressing this convention. A. On account B. In honor C. In place D. On behalf 8. The companies that are finding ways to hang on to their older workers _______ from an intangible commodity: wisdom. A. obtain B. earn C. develop D. benefit 9. I raced to_______ Jill. A. keep on B. keep up with C. come up with D. come up to 10. Managers need to monitor inflation trends so they can make good _______. A. decisive B. decisions C. decide D. decided 11. Fluency can be _______ defined as "being able to communicate ideas without having to stop and think too much about what one is saying." A. simple B. simply C. similar D. simplify 12. The number of vehicles has been steadily increasing. _______, more than 100 cities in the United States still have levels of carbon monoxide that exceed legally established limits. A. Continuously B. Consequently C. Constantly D. Consistently 13. A(An) _______ is better than the text and may make the point clear. A. interpretation B. representation C. illustration D. draw 14. Some of the world's best mountain _______ is available within the 500-kilometer long chain of the Southern Alps. A. scene B. scenery C. scarce D. scare 15. After a through research, the police __ most of the missing jewels. A. retreated B. refreshed C. recovered D. reminded 16. A gold-rated building is estimated to have reduced its environmental impact by 50% compared with a(an) __ conventional building. A. equivalent B. alike C. uniform D. likely 17. When pessimists __ in their first attempt, they usually say, "I can't do this." A. feel B. fail C. defeat D. lost 18. Six years __ before she got another note from Teddy. A. went into B. went around C. went by D. went on 19. The company owns a large number of _______ stores. A. export B. bargain C. retail D. trade 20. The cost of self-education has fallen with the multitude of sources of knowledge and information _______ on CD-ROMs and the Internet. A. preferable B. ready C. available D. considerable II. Grammatical Structure Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. 21. Put things back _______ you found them.


2002年全国职称英语考试理工类(A级)考试试题及参考答案 第1部分:词汇选项 (第1~15题,每题1分,共15分) 下面共有15个句子,每个句子中均有1个词或短语画有底横线,请从每个句子后面所给的4个选项中选择1个与画线部分意义最相近的词或短语。答案一律涂在答题卡相应的位置上。 1 The price of vegetables f1uctuates according to the weather. A jumps B rises C falls D changes 2 Did you do that to irritate her? A tease B attract C annoy D protect 3 Mary looked pale and weary. A ill B tired C worried D peaceful 4 The water in this part of the river has been contaminated by sewage(污水). A polluted B downgraded C mixed D blackened 5 Her treatment of the subject is exhaustive. A very boring B very thorough C very interesting D very touching 6 Alice is a fascinating girl. A a beautiful B a pretty C an attractive D a pleasant

7 Her mood can be gauged by her reaction to the most trivial of incidents. A displayed B shown C proved D assessed 8 The old lady let her flat to an English couple. A offered B rented C provided D sold 9 She stood there,crying and trembling with fear. A shaking B staggering C struggling D murmuring 10 They strolled around the lake for an hour or so. A ran B rolled C walked D raced 11 The conclusion can be deduced from the premises. A argued B derived C permitted D come 12 I can no longer tolerate his actions. A putupwith B accept C take D suffer from 13 Our plan is to allocate one member of staff to handle appointments. A ask B persuade C assign D order 14 She has been the subject of massive media coverage. A extensive B negative


2015年职称英语理工类C级考试真题及答案第一部分:词汇选项 1. The weather last summer was awful. A. bad B. fair C. dry D. hot 参考答案:A 2. The law carries a penalty of up to three years in prison. A. message B. guilt C. obligation D. punishment 参考答案:D 3. My piano playing has improved significantly since I had a new teacher. A. definitely B. generally C. certainly D. greatly 参考答案:D 4. There is a need for radical changes in education.

A. revolutionary B. long-term C. short-term D. systematic 参考答案:A 5. It frustrates me that I‘m not able to put any of my ideas into practice. A. discourages B. shows C. surprises D. frightens 参考答案:A 6. I realized to my horror that I had forgotten the present. A. limit B. fear C. power D. fool 参考答案:B 7. He tried to assemble his thoughts. A. gather B. clear C. share D. spare


职称英语等级考试试题-综合A6 第三篇Play Play is the principal business of childhood, and in recent years research has shown the great importance of play in the development of a human being. From earliest infancy, every child needs opportunity and the right materials for play, and the main tools of play are toys. Their main function is to suggest, encourage and assist play. To succeed in this they must be good toys, which children will play with often, and will come back to again and again. Therefore it is important to choose suitable toys for different stages of a child’s development. In recent years research on infant development has shown that the standard a child is likely to reach, within the range of his inherited abilities, is largely determined in the first three years of his life. So a baby’s ability to profit from the right play materials should not be underestimated. A baby who is encouraged and stimulated, talked to and shown things and played with, has the best chance of growing up successfully. In the next stage, from three to five years old, curiosity knows no bounds. Every type of suitable toy should be made available to the child, for trying out, experimenting and learning, for discovering his own particular ability. Bricks and jigsaws(七巧板)and construction toys; painting, scribbling(涂鸦) and making things; sand and water play; toys for imaginative and pretending play; the first social games for learning to play and get on with others. Bt the third stage of play development-from five to seven or eight years-the child is at school. But for a few more years play is still the best way of learning, at home or at school. It is easier to see which type of toys the chills most enjoys.


2012年职称英语综合A考题答案解析(试卷代码13) 第一部分词汇选项: 1. weary – tired 2. induce – attract 3. crisp – fresh 4. exotic – unusual 5. alleviate – ease 6. update – modernize 7. utterly – completely 8. profile – description 9. discriminate – distinguish 10. asylum– protection 11. layout– arrangement 12. peep– look 13. raninto – hit 14. hollow – empty 15.evoked – refreshed 第二部分阅读判断In sports, Red is the winning color 16. BothHill and Barton wanted to find out if color affects the outcomes of sportsmatches. 答案为A(right). 相关句:They (Hill and Barton) …reachedthe conclusion by studying the outcomesof boxing… The outcomes 回应上文中提到的“theteam dressed in red is more likely to win” 17. Hilland Barton are both interested in primates(灵长目). 答案为A(right). 相关句:Hill and Barton got the ideafor the study from a mutual in`terest in primates. 18. Malemandrills use yellow coloration toattract a mate. 答案为B(wrong). 相关句:Redcoloration gives males an advantage when it comes to mating. 19. Redis not an advantage for Zebra finches(斑胸草雀). 答案为B(wrong). 相关句:Scientists put red plasticrings on the legs of male Zebra females, whichincreased the bird’s success in finding a mate. 20. Thered plastic rings were left on the finches permanently. 答案为C(notmentioned). 21. Hilland Barton believe athletes in red are more likelyto win. 答案为A(right). 相关句:Across a range of sports, wefind that wearing red is consistently associated with a higher probability of winning. 22. Many athletes oppose the new regulations on sportuniforms. 答案为C(not mentioned) 相关句:the disco very of red’sadvantage might lead to new regulations on sports uniforms.第三部分How technology pushes down price 23.E technologyhelps reduce food prices 24. C bigger supermarketsoffer lower prices

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