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任务型教学(task-based language teaching,TBLT)是20世纪80年代兴起的语言教学方法,到了90年代成为国际英语教育的主流。任务型教学是一种把语言应用的基本理念转化为具体实践的课堂教学方式,强调在做中学(learning by doing)。该理论立足于学生自身,把学生作为教学的主体,教师从学生学的角度设计出各种教学活动,充分发挥学生的认知能力,调动他们已有的目的语资源,激发他们的学习积极性,使学生在实践中认识并应用目的语。任务型教学以具体的任务为载体,以完成任务为动力,在英语学习过程中通过各种学习活动,使学生运用所学语言知识发展能力。


动方式、师生角色、教学环境等要素组成。Willis(1996)把任务型教学过程严格的分成任务前(pre-task)、任务轮(task cycle)和语言焦点(language focus)三个阶段,认为任务型学习活动强调的是学习语言中意义至上、使用至上的原则。Skehan(1998)对任务有如下论述:意义优先,任务完成为主,评估基于任务完成情况。他较为客观地提出了任务的五个主要特征:(1)意义是首要的;(2)有某个交际问题要解决;(3)与真实世界中类似活动有一定的关系;(4)完成任务是首要的考虑;(5)根据任务的结果评估任务的执行情况。













研究生英语听说教程(引进版)听力原文(下) Take on Listening:Listening and Speaking Strategies (book 2) Lesson 3(1) PART TWO MAIN DIALOGUE Exercise 1 Gary: Well, here we are in L.A. Where shall we go first? Let’s look at the map. Don: We’ve never been to the Grand Canyon in Arizona… Gary: Okay. Let’s go there. Don: I hear it’s the most beautiful place on earth. It’s over 300 miles long, and the Colorado River goes right through it. Gary: I wonder if we can go down into the canyon. Don: Sure. They have all sorts of trips and tours. We can even take a small plane ride into the canyon. Gary: That sounds great. Don: All right then, the first stop is the Grand Canyon. Let’s be sure to call and make reservations at the campground. I’m sure the Arizona Tourist Service will help us. How long should we stay? Gary: We want to do some hiking in the canyon and boating on the Colorado River. How does three days sound? Don: That sounds right. Where do we go from there? Gary: How about heading north? It starts to boil in the southwest in the summer. Don: Then let’s head up to Wyoming and camp a few days in the Yellowstone National Park. Gary: Great. We can crash for one night in Salt Lake City, Utah, on the way. Don: Salt Lake City, Utah? Gary: Yeah, I heard it’s an interesting city. And it’s on the way to Yellowstone. Don: Okay. So, we’ll go north through Salt Lake City up to Yellowstone. I’ve always dreamed of camping under the stars in Wyoming. And, of course, seeing Old Faithful in Yellowstone. Gary: Old Faithful? Is that the place where hot water shoots into the air every hour or so? Don: Uh-huh, Old Faithful geysers. It’s supposed to be really exciting to watch. Gary: What else is there to do?

研究生英语视听说Unit 6原文与答案

Unit 6 Traveling and Sightseeing Thinking Ahead Students are asked to discuss the following questions in groups. The reference answers for the questions are offered below: 1. Do you like traveling? Where have you been before? Yes, I do. I have been to quite a lot of places, Mountain Tai, the Great Wall, Korea and Singapore, among which, Singapore impresses me the most for its combination of both a prosperous society and city of natural beauty. Believe me: you can never forget this country once you take a deep breath of fresh air there. 2. How to make a reservation in the hotel? Firstly, you should make it clear when you want to check in, how long you are supposed to stay there. Then, you should tell what kind of room and how many rooms you want. The last but not the least is that, you must leave your name and maybe your contact number, which will surely help you a lot afterwards. 3. What should you pay attention to when at table abroad? mind your manners at table; pay attention to your words and gestures; handle your knives and forks correctly; never talk with your mouth full; never make sounds when you’re eating or drinking something. Part I Video Time In this part, students will have 2 tasks to accomplish. Task 1 In task 1,students will watch a video clip from The Beach and then do the exercises as required. Before watching, they are supposed to read the words, expressions and cultural notes related to the video. Transcript First Visit to Bangkok My name is Richard.


听写填空 一单元、P5 Outrageous shopping bills are a familiar 1. suffer that nightmare 2. genders 3. unaffordable 4. sufferers 5. more than 1 in 20 adults 6. expensive electronics 7. such a high number of compulsive shoppers in the general population 8. make finding a cure a priority 二单元、P20 Tree-lighting Ceremony 1. Location: Rockefeller Centre, New York 2. Time: right before the Christmas Season 3. Height of the tree: nearly 9 storeys 4. Audience: people from all around the country 5. Number of the lights on the tree: 30000 6. Size of the star topper: nearly 10 feet in diameter of the star topper: crystal 8. Source of the tree: a home in Connecticut 二单元、P29 Post-vacation depression includes 1. sleeplessness 2. loss of appetite 3. irregular heartbeat 4. feelings of despair 5. tiredness 6. stomachache 7. trouble breathing 9. nervousness 10. Space the month-long vacation out 11. blow it all at once 12. returning on a Monday 13. such blues are temporary 14. don’t make important decisions 15. a new period in life 16. personal growth 三单元、P34 Reporter: In Vail, Arizona, a new school 1. in this case involves 2. impact 3单元、available 4. resources 5. What’s the point 6. medium 7. reasoning 8. normal 9. from their perspective 10. opposed to just the one angle 四单元、P51 Beijing opera is largely seen as a dying art 1. devoted 2. computer animator 3. discipline 5. explanation in English 6. much-loved legend 7. supernatural 8. challenge 9. that’s within the rules of the opera. 10. wins good reviews from both Western and


英语视听说实用表达 1.提出建议 Do you mind How about? I suggest that: If i were you: It might be a good idea: Its a good idea 、it a useful Let me Let’s... Maybe we could ... Shall we... Why don’t ... You shouldn’t... You better/not ... 2.表达意见与看法 How/what ... 真。。。多么。。。 I agree。。。 I am sure /not sure 。。。 I bet 。。。 I guess 。。。 I have regretted。。。 I have no idea 。。。 I suppose ... I think ... I suspect ... I am afraid ... I am suppose to ... 我应该。。。 It seems to me that ... It’s a good thing that ... The thing i (don’t) like ... To tell you the truth ... What do you think of ... What i am trying to say is ... You look like/as ... 3.表达喜欢与否 Do you like 。。。 I am crazy about 。。。 I dislike /don’t like ... I enjoy ...


《研究生英语听说教程(基础级第二版)》Units 1-12练习答案 Unit One Part I Listening Practice Section A Listening for Gist Task 1 1. air hostess 2. teacher 3. dentist 4. shop assistant 5. tourist guide 6. salesman 7. Disc Jockey 8. traffic warden 9.waiter 10. taxi driver Task 2 1. airways, flight 2. homework 3. open up wide, fining chipped 4. larger size, fit, stock 5. building, designed 6. buys, products 7. record, radio 8. yellow line, no-parking 9. menu, chef 10. road, park Section B Plans for Weekend Task 3 1.Pat 2.Jill 3. Mary 4.Sam 5.Ted 6.Jane Section C Discussing Plans for the Weekend Task 4 1.B 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.B Section D Making Arrangements Task5 A.2 B.4 C.3 D.1 Task 6 1. bring: records meet: bus stop 2. bring: sandwiches, fishing rod and drinks meet: at the river 3. bring: white wine meet: at Pat’s house 4. bring: dessert-chocolate cake and drinks meet: in front of his house PartⅢListening Comprehension Test 1.D 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.C


Unit One Part I Listening Practice Section A Listening for Gist Task 1 1.air hostess 2.teacher 3.dentist 4.shop assistant 5.tourist guide 6.salesman 7.Disc Jockey 8.traffic warden 9.waiter 10.taxi driver Task 2 1.airways, flight 2.homework 3.open up wide, filling, chipped https://www.doczj.com/doc/d813918568.html,rger size, fit, stock 5.building, designed 6.buys, products 7.record, radio 8.yellow line, no-parking 9.menu, chef 10.road, park Section B Plans for Weekend Task 3 1.Pat 2.Jill 3.Mary 4.Sam 5.Ted 6.Jane Section C Discussing Plans for the Weekend Task 4 1.B 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.B Section D Making Arrangements

Task 5 A.2 B.4 C.3 D.1 Task 6 1.bring: records meet: bus stop 2.bring: sandwiches, fishing rod and drinks meet: at the river 3.bring: white wine meet: at Pat’s house 4.bring: dessert-chocolate cake and drinks meet: in front of his house Part III Listening Comprehension Test 1-10: DCABD/CBACC Unit Two Part I Listening Practice Section A Guessing about the Situation and Speaker Task 1 1.Football Match https://www.doczj.com/doc/d813918568.html,w Court 3.Church 4.Quiz Show 5.Airport 6.Weather Forecast 7.Car Showroom 8.Driving Lesson 9.School 10.Tour (of London) Task 2 1.Football Commentator 2.Judge/Magistrate 3.Vicar/Priest/Minister 4.T.V. Presenter 5.Announcer 6.Forecaster 7.Car Salesman 8.Driving Instructor 9.Head Master/Principal 10.Tour Guide


研究生英语教程(河海大学出版第五版)课文翻译 河海大学研究生英语教程(第五版)课文翻译,仅供参考。祝好运! Unit 1 Ghosts for Tea “十便士看一次海湾风光,”那个带着一架望远镜的老头说道:“多么晴朗美丽的早晨。请来看看那古老的灯塔和1935年失事的大轮船残骸吧。” 要十便士简直是敲诈勒索,可是海湾的景色确实壮丽。 峭壁向远方伸展,海风激起的阵阵波浪泛着白花,冲上海滩。海面上几艘游艇张着乳白色的风帆优雅地避开浪头蜿蜓前进。山崖下面,一群海鸥相互叫唤着,在海面上盘旋飞翔。离岸一英里处,在海浪贪婪地吮舔着的岩岸上,那座古老的灯塔矗立在一座石头平台上。说实话,我毫不吝惜那几个钱。当我把望远镜转朝灯塔时,站在我身旁的那个老头拍了拍我的手腕。 “您听过在那座灯塔里发生的一起骇人听闻的惨案吗?”他压低了嗓音对我说。 “我想这个地方看起来非常富有戏剧性,有关它的传说一定不少,”我说。 “这可不是传说,”那老头郑重其事地说。“我父亲认识那起惨案的两个当事人。一切都发生在50年前的今天。让我说给您听听吧。” 他的声音似乎变得更低沉、更富有戏剧性了。 “整整一个礼拜,风暴困住了那座灯塔,”他开始说。“咆啸的大海波涛汹涌,海浪拍打着岩石,轰然作响。岸上的人们十分担心在那儿工作的两个人。 他们俩是多年的挚友,但在两三个礼拜前,他们在乡村酒店里玩牌时吵了一架。马丁指责布莱克打牌时耍赖,布莱克则发誓要对侮辱他人格的不实之辞进行报复。多亏一位他们俩都尊敬的人好言相劝,他们才互相道了歉,并似乎很快地结束了他们之间的不快。不过各自心里还有些怨恨。因此,人们担心长时间与世隔绝所造成的极度紧张和恶劣的天气会使他们俩神经过敏,尽管两人的朋友们不消说还根本没意识到后果会有多么严重。” “离今50年前的那个晚上,灯塔上没有出现灯光,直到凌晨两点钟左右才有一束灯光突然发出警告信号。 “第二天早上,灯光依然可见。风暴已经平息了,人们派出一条救生船前去查看情况。等待人们的却是一个不忍目睹的场面——马丁和布莱克的起居室一片骇人景象,桌子翻倒在地,一副牌散得到处都是,地板上溅满了血迹。营救人员爬上旋梯来到灯塔间,在那儿发现了马丁的尸体蜷缩在仍然亮着的灯旁。他是被戳死的。两天后,布莱克的尸体被潮水冲了上来,他身上划破多处,浑身青肿,伤得不轻。 “我们只是在那时才猜测到究竟发生了什么事。这场大惨剧只是由于他们俩再次争吵而引起的。他们准是因为与世隔绝而心烦意孔,于是开始玩牌。马丁又怀疑布莱克耍赖,指责这位原先的朋友不老实。接着一场格斗发生了,布莱克一把操起刀子,在一阵狂怒之下向他的伙伴刺去,马丁受了致命伤而倒下。布莱克被自己的行为惊呆了。他受不了这里的孤独寂寞以及风浪的拍击声,于是狂奔到栏杆边纵身投向下面的岩石。接着大海吞噬了他。 “但当时马丁还活着。过了几小时,也就是在天色暗下来以后,他苏醒过来,想起了自己点灯的职责。于是,可怜的马丁忍着剧痛,慢慢地爬上旋梯,一步一步地爬到灯前。用最后剩下的一口气,他点亮了灯塔,然后倒下。 “数年后,据说那座灯塔闹鬼了。就因为这些传说,当地迷信的居民中没有人愿意接替做灯塔管理员。如今人们都说,每年到出事的那一天,尤其是当海上风急浪高的时候,人们


研究生英语听说教程(引进版)听力原文 T ake on Listening:Listening and Speaking Strategies Lesson 2 Denise: Excuse me, miss, how much does it cost to ride BART? Stranger: Well, that depends on your destination. From here to Glen Park it’s only a dollar ten, but if you go as far as Fremont, it costs a lot more. Tom: We’re going to Berkeley. Do you know what the fare is? Stranger: There are two stations in Berkeley. Which one are you interested in? Denise: Oh, gee, I’m not sure. We’re from out of town. We’re visiting my sister. She told me her house is just a stone’s throw from the UC Berkeley campus. Which station is that? Stranger: The downtown Berkeley station is really close to the university. I’m sure that’s the one you want. Denise: Tom, are you going to remember this, or should I be jotting this down? Tom: What is there to write down, Denise? The woman is giving us very simple directions. So, how much is the fare to downtown Berkeley? Stranger: Let’s go take a look at the map over there. Y ou see, the map shows you how much it costs to go from one station to another. Ah, there it is: two dollars and sixty-five cents. Tom: Two sixty-five? That’s highway robbery for such a short distance! Denise: Y ou think that’s expensive? Tom from our house to Amherst it costs twice as much as that. Tom: Y eah, but that’s an hour ride. Y ou really get your money’s worth. Stranger: Y eah…Uh…Well, did your sister explain which train to take? Tom: Berkeley. WE take the Berkeley train to Berkeley, right? Stranger: Well, no actually. That’s just one stop on the Richmond line. Here, let me show you on this map. Here we are a t Powell Street in San Francisco, and it’s basically a straight shot on the Richnond line to the downtown Berkeley station. Denise: Yes, my sister said we wouldn’t have to change t rains. Stranger: Uh-oh, what time is it? Denise: It’s 8:15. Stranger: Y ou can’t go directly to Berkeley from San Francisco after 8:04. Tom: Uh-oh. Is there another train we can catch? Stranger: Don’t worry. Y ou can take the Pittsburg line. Look here, take the Pittsburg line to the 12th Street Station in Oakland, and then transfer to the Richmond train. The Richmond train will stop in Berkeley. Get off at the downtown station. From there you can walk to your sister’s house. Denise: We want to be there by 9 o’clock. If we have to transfer, we might be late. Do you think we’ll make it in time? Stranger: It doesn’t take that long. Let’s see; there’s a train from here at 8:18. It arrives at the 12th Street Oakland station at 8:34. Y ou can get a Richmond train rig ht away at 8:34, and you’ll arrive in Berkeley at 8:46. Tom: Let’s see if I’ve go t this right: We take the 8:18 Pittsburg train and arrive in Oakland at 8:34. Then we take the 8:34 Richmond train to Berkeley. That should be a snap. Stranger: Y eah, you’ll have no trouble. Tom: Thank you very much for your help, Miss. Y ou’re a very kind young lady. Denise: And so pretty and smart, too! Tell me dear, I notice you’re not wearing a ring. Stranger: Well, no, uh…


U1 Free Falling 1.What is the main subject introduced in paragraph one? It is the description of the effect of saying farewell to his parents, friends and folks on the author. 2.How is the story organized? The story is chronologically organized (following the time sequence in which the event unfolded itself). 3.How did Weckerly feel before the day of his departure? He felt eager and excited to wait for the day to come. 4.How did his mood change when the day had really come? At the very beginning he became sentimental about saying good-bye to many people around him. Facing the reality of becoming independent, he began to feel afraid and uncertain . 5.What do you think about the ending of the story? It is very impressive. Weckerly ends the story with a metaphor which catches the essence of the particular moment accurately. He compares himself to a rookie skydiver preparing for his first plunge, which leads to possible outcomes: sheer excitement or eventual death. The last sentence "He closes his eyes, takes a deep breath, and jumps" symbolizes the fact that from that day on the author jumps into the future of being independent no matter how long and complicated the road to it is. U6 The myth of the paperless office 1. What are the disadvantages of paper according to the author? Paper takes up precious space, can be in only one place at a time, is extremely hard to index or search through, and lacks all the interactivity and linking ability of hypertext. 2. What are the major categories of files in an office? In the office, files can be mainly classified into hot files, documents to be acted on immediately; warm files, still active but of less urgency and cold files, docements that don’t need immediate attention. 3. Why is it unpleasant to read something on a computer screen? Because there are such annoyances as the relatively fuzzy type, glare, the need to scroll


Take on Listening:Listening and Speaking Strategies Lesson 2 Denise: Excuse me, miss, how much does it cost to ride BART Stranger: Well, that depends on your destination. From here to Glen Park it’s only a dollar ten, but if you go as far as Fremont, it costs a lot more. Tom: We’re going to Berkeley. Do you know what the fare is Stranger: There are two stations in Berkeley. Which one are you interested in Denise: Oh, gee, I’m not sure. We’re from out of town. We’re visiting my sister. She told me her house is just a stone’s throw from the UC Berkeley campus. Which station is that Stranger: The downtown Berkeley station is really close to the university. I’m sure that’s the one you want. Denise: Tom, are you going to remember this, or should I be jotting this down Tom: What is there to write down, Denise The woman is giving us very simple directions. So, how much is the fare to downtown Berkeley Stranger: Let’s go take a look at the map over there. You see, the map shows you how much it costs to go from one station to another. Ah, there it is: two dollars and sixty-five cents. Tom: Two sixty-five That’s highway robbery for such a short distance! Denise: You think that’s expensive Tom from our house to Amherst it costs twice as much as that. Tom: Yeah, but that’s an hour ride. You really get your money’s worth. Stranger: Yeah…Uh…Well, did your sister explain which train to take Tom: Berkeley. WE take the Berkeley train to Berkeley, right Stranger: Well, no actually. That’s just one stop on the Richmond line. Here, let me show you on this map. Here we are a t Powell Street in San Francisco, and it’s basically a straight shot on the Richnond line to the downtown Berkeley station. Denise: Yes, my sister said we wouldn’t have to change trains. Stranger: Uh-oh, what time is it Denise: It’s 8:15. Stranger: You can’t go directly to Berkeley from San Francisco after 8:04. Tom: Uh-oh. Is there another train we can catch Stranger: Don’t worry. You can take the Pittsburg line. Look here, take the Pittsburg line to the 12th Street Station in Oakland, and then transfer to the Richmond train. The Richmond train will stop in Berkeley. Get off at the downtown station. From there you can walk to your sister’s house. Denise: We want to be there by 9 o’clock. If we have to transfer, w e might be late. Do you think we’ll make it in time Stranger: It doesn’t take that long. Let’s see; there’s a train from here at 8:18. It arrives at the 12th Street Oakland station at 8:34. You can get a Richmond train right away at 8:34, and you’ll arrive in Berkeley at 8:46. Tom: Let’s see if I’ve go t this right: We take the 8:18 Pittsburg train and arrive in Oakland at 8:34. Then we take the 8:34 Richmond train to Berkeley. That should be a snap.

研究生英语系列教材听说教程(上)1-6单元答案总结 主编李萌涛-

研究生英语听说教程上 主编李萌涛1-6单元答案总结 听写填空 第1单元、page5,A: 1.suffer that nightmare 2.genders 3.unaffordable 4.sufferers 5.more than 1 in 20 adults 6.expensive electronics 7.such a high number of compulsive shoppers in the general population 8.make finding a cure a priority 第2单元、page20,A: 1.Location: Rockefeller Centre, New York 2.Time: right before the Christmas Season 3.Height of the tree: nearly 9 stores 4.Audience: people from all around the country 5.Number of the lights on the tree: 3000 6.Size of the star topper: nearly 10 feet in diameter 7.Material of the star topper: crystal 8.Source of the tree: a home in Connecticut 第2单元、page29,A: post-vacation depression includes 1. sleeplessness2. loss of appetite 3. irregular heartbeat 4.feelings of despair 5. tiredness 6. stomachache 7. trouble breathing 8.anxiety 9.nervousness10.space the month-long vacation out,11.blow it all at once12.returning on a Monday 13.such blues are temporary 14.don^t make important decisions15.a new period in life 16.personal growth 第3单元、page34,A:Reporter: In Vail, Arizona, a new school 1.in this case involves 2.impact 3. available 4. resources 5. What's the point 6. medium 7. reasoning 8. normal 9. from their perspective 10. opposed to just the one angle


研究生英语听说教程 答案

Unit One Part I Listening Practice Section A Listening for Gist Task 1 1.air hostess 2.teacher 3.dentist 4.shop assistant 5.tourist guide 6.salesman 7.Disc Jockey 8.traffic warden 9.waiter 10.taxi driver Task 2 1.airways, flight 2.homework 3.open up wide, filling, chipped https://www.doczj.com/doc/d813918568.html,rger size, fit, stock 5.building, designed 6.buys, products 7.record, radio 8.yellow line, no-parking 9.menu, chef 10.road, park Section B Plans for Weekend Task 3 1.Pat 2.Jill 3.Mary 4.Sam 5.Ted 6.Jane Section C Discussing Plans for the Weekend Task 4 1.B 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.B Section D Making Arrangements Task 5 A.2 B.4 C.3 D.1 Task 6 1.bring: records meet: bus stop 2.bring: sandwiches, fishing rod and drinks meet: at the river 3.bring: white wine meet: at Pat’s house 4.bring: dessert-chocolate cake and drinks meet: in front of his house Part III Listening Comprehension Test 1-10: DCABD/CBACC Unit Two Part I Listening Practice Section A Guessing about the Situation and Speaker Task 1 1.Football Match https://www.doczj.com/doc/d813918568.html,w Court 3.Church 4.Quiz Show 5.Airport 6.Weather Forecast 7.Car Showroom 8.Driving Lesson 9.School 10.Tour (of London) Task 2 1.Football Commentator 2.Judge/Magistrate 3.Vicar/Priest/Minister 4.T.V. Presenter 5.Announcer 6.Forecaster 7.Car Salesman 8.Driving Instructor 9.Head Master/Principal 10.Tour Guide

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