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黛安娜瓜拉尼,Dumigan Collection-Diana Guarani;巴里奥斯,Barrios(古典吉他曲谱)

黛安娜瓜拉尼,Dumigan Collection-Diana Guarani;巴里奥斯,Barrios(古典吉他曲谱)
黛安娜瓜拉尼,Dumigan Collection-Diana Guarani;巴里奥斯,Barrios(古典吉他曲谱)


1.Please don't see me off.The journey I'm walking on alone is lonely and dangerous. 请不要为我送行。我即将独自踏上的旅途是孤独且布满荆棘的。 2.I will always keep my eyes wide open so that I can know everything in your heart. 我会一直睁大眼睛这样的话我就能读出你心底的一切了。

3.I love the way of rain drops falling on the leaves because that is the way you loved me . 我喜欢雨滴落在树叶上的方式因为你也曾经这样爱过我。

4.I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. Even if let me say this one thousand times,I will never get tired of it. 我想你我想你我想你呀即使让我说一千遍我也永远不会厌倦。

5.Look at the stars in the sky,that's all my wishes especiallly for you. 你看到夜空中的星星了么那都是专属于你我的祝福啊。 6.Yep.I'm wondering if you will give all yourself to me when I need you. 是的。我在想我需要你的时候你会不会把全部的你托付给我。


I don’t understand why fate brings two people who can’t stay together forever to each other. 我不明白,为什么命运要让两个不可能在一起的人相遇。 I’m proud of my heart. It’s been played, burned, and broken, but it still works. 我为自己的心感到骄傲。它曾受玩弄,曾经心焦,曾遭破碎,却依然鲜活跳动。 If you don’t understand my silence, you will never understand my words.—如果你不懂我的沉默,你也永远不会明白我说的话语。 When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.—当生活给你100个伤心的原因,你就还它1000个微笑的理由。 Learn to use the understanding of the vision to see and appreciate each other, in order to opinionated care to pipe each other.—学会用理解的,欣赏的眼光去看对方,而不是以自以为是的关心去管对方。 Whatever with the past has gone, the best is always yet to come.—无论过去发生过什么,你要相信,最好的尚未到来。 If we can only encounter each other rather than stay with each other, then I wish we had never encountered.—如果只是遇见,不能停留,不如不遇见。 There will be a tear that lets you grow in a twinkling.总会有一次流泪,让我们瞬间长大。 You are so lucky, because you can choose to love me or not, but myself only have to choose from loving you or loving you more.—你是幸运的,因为你可以选择爱我或不爱我,而我只能选择爱你还是更爱你。 Sometimes, you just have to pretend that you are happy just to stop everyone from asking you what the hell happened—有时候,你不得不假装很快乐,只是为了不让别人问“你怎么了?”Try to hold the right hand with your left hand, and gave yourself most simple warmth. We should learn to get it by ourselves instead of craving for warmth from others.试着用左手握住右手,给自己最简单的温暖,不再奢求别人的给予,开始学着自己给自己。 Among those people that appear in our life, some are to teach us, some to comfort us, some to share and some to love. 在我们生命中出现的人,一些给我们上课,一些让我们痊愈,有的用来分担分享,有的用来真爱。 等翻译:我喜欢你。是一句藏在心里很久的话。你可以不用回复我,但是,我却必须把它告诉你。 I’m proud of my heart. It’s been played, burned, and broken, but it still works. 我为自己的心感到骄傲。它曾受玩弄,曾经心焦,曾遭破碎,却依然鲜活跳动。 I don’t think that when people grow up.Conversely, I think it’s a selecting process, knowing what’s the most important and what’s the least. And then be a simple man.—人的心智成熟是一个逐渐剔除的过程,知道自己最重要的是什么,知道不重要的东西是什么。而后,做一个纯简的人。 Forget all the reason why it won’t work and believe the one reason why it will. ------ 忘掉所有那些“不可能”的借口,去坚持那一个“可能”。 Best way to not get your heart broken, is pretend you don’t have one.—不想伤心最好的办法就是假装自己没心没肺。 Memory is a wonderful thing if you don’t have to deal with the past。回忆本来是非常美好的,只要你能让过去的都过去 I‘d rather love someone I can‘t have than have someone I can‘t Love 。我宁愿爱上一个我不能拥有的人,也不想拥有一个我无法爱上的人。 There is still a long way to go. You may cry, but you have to keep on moving and never stop.前面


【篇一】怎么用地道英语口语夸赞别人 赞美能力 如果遇到能力很强,你很想学习的陌生人。赞美是和ta拉近距离的第一步。 如何用英语赞美能力比较地道呢? 正式表达: #01 If you don't mind my saying, you are a(n) excellent / outstanding / superb + (noun phrase) 如果你不介意我说的话,你是一个优秀的/杰出的/卓越的+(名词短语) Mr. Smith, if you don't mind my saying, you are an excellent public speaker. 史密斯先生,如果你不介意我说的话,你是个出色的演说家。 #02 I must say you really know how to + (verb) 我必须说你真的精通做+(动词) I must say you really know how to paint. 我必须说你真的精通怎么画画。 #03 I admire your ability to + (verb) 我钦佩你的+能力(动词) I admire your ability to think on your feet. 我很钦佩你脚踏实地的思考能力。 #04

You are a fine + (noun phrase) 你是一个很棒的+(名词短语) #05 What a(n) excellent / outstanding / superb / + (noun phrase) you are! 你真是一个出色/棒/赞的+(名词短语)! 非正式表达: #01 You're great at (verb + ing) 你在...方面很棒(动词ing形式) Wow! You're great at skiing! 哇!你真的很擅长滑雪! #02 Wow, I wish I could (verb) as well as you! 你很擅长(动词+ing) Wow! You're great at skiing! 哇!你真的很擅长滑雪! #03 You're an amazing / awesome / incredible + (noun phrase) 你是一个了不起的/超赞的/不可思议的+(名词短语) You're an awesome student. 你是一个出色的学生。 #04


1.I love three things in this world. Sun, moon and you. Sun for morning, moon for night , and you forever.予独爱世间三物。昼之日,夜之月,汝之永恒。 2.Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction. 生活教会我们,爱并不在于长久地凝视,而在于眺望远方同一方向的希望。 3.Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain.生活不是等待暴风雨过境,而是学会在雨中跳出最美的舞姿。 4.You know my loneliness is only kept for you, my sweet songs are only sung for you.你可知我百年的孤寂只为你一人守侯,千夜的恋歌只为你一人而唱。 5.If living on the earth is a mission from the lord…living with you is the award of the lord…如果活着,是上帝赋予我最大的使命,那么活者有你,将会是上帝赋予我使命的恩赐…… 6.Do you understand the feeling of missing someone? It is just like that you will spend a long hard time to turn the ice-cold water you have drunk into tears.你知道思念一个人的滋味吗,就像喝了一大杯冰水,然后用很长很长的时间流成热泪。 7.In such a soft and warm season, please accept my sincere blessing and deep concern for you.在这充满温馨的季节里,给你我真挚的祝福及深深的思念。 8.For our ever-lasting friendship, send sincere blessings and warm greetings to my friends whom I miss so much.一份不渝的友谊,执着千万个祝福,给我想念的朋友,温馨的问候。 9.It is graceful grief and sweet sadness to think of you, but in my heart, there is a kind of soft warmth that can’t be expressed with any choice of words.想你,是一种美丽的忧伤的甜蜜的惆怅,心里面,却是一种用任何语言也无法表达的温馨。 10.You and I remains the same in different time, at different places,among different people; time is changing, space is changing and everything is changing except my miss to you!不同的时间,不同的地点,不同的人群,相同的只有你和我;时间在变,空间在变,不变的只有对你无限的思念! 11.Coffee is lonely without cups just as I am lonely without you.没有杯子……咖啡是寂寞的……没有你……我是孤独的…… 12.My heart beats for you every day. I am inspired by you every minute, and I worry about you every second. It is wonderful to have you in my life.每一天都为你心跳,每一刻都被你感动,每一秒都为你担心。有你的感觉真好。 13.No matter the ending is perfect or not, you cannot disappear from my world.我的世界不允许你的消失,不管结局是否完美. 14.Love is a carefully designed lie.爱情是一个精心设计的谎言. 15.Promises are often like the butterfly, which disappear after beautiful hover.承诺常常很像蝴蝶,美丽的飞盘旋然后不见 16.Fading is true while flowering is past凋谢是真实的,盛开只是一种过去 17.Why I have never catched the happiness? Whenever I want you ,I will be accompanyed by the memory of...为什么幸福总是擦肩而过,偶尔想你的时候….就让….回忆来陪我. 18.Love ,promised between the fingers.Finger rift,twisted in the love爱情…在指缝间承诺指缝….在爱情下交缠. 19.If you weeped for the missing sunset,you would miss all the shining stars如果你为着错过夕阳而哭泣,那么你就要错群星了 20.To feel the flame of dreaming and to feel the moment of dancing,when all the romance is far away,the eternity is always there.感受梦的火焰,感觉飞舞瞬间,当一切浪漫遥远,永恒依然

environmental slogan 英文环保标语

Environmental Slogans 英文环保标语 One tree can make a million matches. One match can destroy a million trees. A drop of water is worth more than a sack of gold to a thirsty man Hug a tree, they have less issues than people Save water, it will save you later! Cu t a Tree, Cut a Tree and there’ll be no more left to see. Less pollution is the best solution Don’t let the water run in the sink, our life’s on the brink! Modern technology owes ecology an apology. Cool kids help a warm planet Let’s go green to get our gl obe clean Trees don’t grow on money either Get into the Green Scene Put a stop to the drop It’s the only Earth we got Want to hug a tree with me? When you refuse to reuse it’s our Earth you abuse Join the race to make the world a better place Give a Hoot, Don’t Pollute Water, water everywhere but not a drop to drink Don’t waste it, just taste it! When you conserve water, you conserve life! Save water! Save Life! Pollution isn’t cool, so don’t be a fool!


I missed you but I missing you. I missing you but I missed you .I see you but I seeing you . I seeing you but I see you.------明明已经错过你,但我却还在想念你。当我想念你的时候,但我 不能再拥有你。明明已经别离,却又再次相遇。当我们再次相遇时,却不得不说再见 ?
Some disappointment is inevitable, but most of the disappointed, because of you overestimate themselves. 有些失望是不可避免的,但大部分的失望,都是因为你高估了自己。 ?
Can I don't have a boyfriend, and don't have money, but I can't do without you 我可以没有男朋 友,没有钱,可是我不能没有你 ?
Sometimes I wish I could just fast forward time just to see if in the end it’s all worth it.---有时 候,我真希望我能快进时间,这样我就能看看,最终的结果是不是值得。 ?
I love you not for who you are, but for who I am before you. 我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是我在 你面前可以是谁。 ?
Guys use the word “friendship” to start a relationship. Girls use the word “friendship” to end it.男 人喜欢用“友情”开始一段爱情,女人喜欢用“友情”终结一段爱情。 ?
If one really cares for you,he is able to squeeze time for you.No excuses,no lies,no undeliverable promises. 如果一个人真的足够在乎你,那么他总能挤出时间来陪你,没有借口、谎言,没


1、Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times. 即使在最黑暗的日子里,也能寻到幸福。 2、Hand and catch you fell out of the tears, but not cut the fund us you伸手,接住你眼角垂落的泪滴,却截不住你眼底的悲伤! 3、Follow your heart, but be quiet for a while first. Learn to trust your heart. 跟着感觉走,静静地。学着去相信自己的内心。 4、First I need your hand ,then forever can begin——我需要牵着你的手,才能告诉你什么是永远 5、Fallen into the trap,for you are too greedy,it's not because of others' cunning.会上当,不是因为别人太狡猾,而是因为自己太贪. 6、Fake friends never betray in front of you. They always do it behind you. 假朋友从不会当面背叛你,都是背后。 7、Fading is true while flowering is past凋谢是真实的,盛开只是一种过去 8、Every time you come to mind, I realize I'm smiling. 每次想到你,我就发现自己是微笑着的。

9、Everything happens for a reason 这个世界,没有偶然。 10、Everyone has problems. Some are just better at hiding them than others. 每个人都有自己的难处,只不过有的人不容易被发觉罢了。 12、I can put the past you're so natural, I think I really feel. 我可以把过往的你说得如此自然,我想我真的释怀了。 13、Be nice to people on the way up, because you'll need them on your way down.向上爬时,对遇到的人好点,因为掉下来时,你还会遇到他们。 14、Be happy. It’s one way of being wise. 做个快乐的人。那是英明智慧的一条路径。 15、As long as it is a comedy, I’d rather cry during the process. 只要是个喜剧结局,过程你让我怎么哭都行。 16、Always listen to your heart because even though it's on your left side, it's always right.总是听从内心的声音。因为即便它长在你的左边,它却总是对的。


【篇一】表示赞美常用的英语口语用法 1. It's cool! 很好,很棒! 只要是好事, 你都可以说cool! 例如: -I am going to college this year. -Cool! -I just bought a brand new car. -Cool! 此外,如果别人问你做了某件事了没, 你说做了, 别人就会说cool,例如: -Did you make one copy for me? -Yes. -Cool. -Did you go to watch the football game yesterday? -Yes. -Cool! 总之,cool 这个词是无所不在的, 听到什么好事,,就说cool准没错。 2. It is neat! 太酷了! 我们可以这样说,neat是cool的比较级,比cool还再cool一点的就是neat,例如别人说他学钢琴学了十年,像这种事你光用cool形容是不够的,不如就说neat! 人家说,"I've been to Europe several times." 听到这种几乎不可能发生在一般人身上的事, 你也可以说neat! 另外,neat 和cool也有“新奇”的意思,常和stuff这个字连用, 表示一些很新奇又很棒的事物。例如你为了吸引别人的注意就可以说, "Check out those neat stuff!" (看看这些很棒的东西。) 或"I've just bought some cool stuff." (我刚买了一些很棒的东西。) 3. It is righteous! 酷毙了! 这是cool的级了,如果一件事让你无法用neat形容,那就只好用这个词了,有人说他刚环游世界一周回来,你就可以跟他说,"It's righteous!" 4. It's good. 很好。 Good和cool很像,都是听到什么好事时就可以脱口而出,"It's good!" 例如:-I just got an A from that course. -It's good.


英语课前小热身 Warm-up : 1、One two three four one two three four ,clap your hands (1 2 3 4,拍拍手) two two three four,stomp your feet(2 2 3 4 ,跺跺脚) three two three four,nod your head,(3 2 3 4 ,点点头) four two three four,hands on knees.(4 2 3 4 ,小手放到膝盖上) 2、Le t’s count one two ,tie your shoe (伸出手指数数,作系鞋带状) Three four ,touch the floor(伸出手指,蹲下摸地面) Five six ,stir and mix (伸出另一只手数数,作搅拌状) Nine ten ,count again (双手反过来再数一遍) One two three four five six seven eight nine ten (一只手指,一只手指的再数一遍) 3、Clap stomp snap bump clap clap clap (拍拍手) Stomp stomp stomp (跺跺脚) Snap snap snap (打响指) Bump bump bump (打击膝盖)

4、Shake your body(1) shake your shoulders,shua shua shua (上下抖动肩膀) Shake your hands ,clap clap clap (甩甩手,拍三下) Shake your hip ,pia pia pia (扭扭屁股,打三下) Shake your feet ,dong dong dong (抖抖脚,跺三下) 5.Shake your body(2) Shake shake up (胳膊和手全部向上摇摆) Shake shake down (胳膊和手全部向下摇摆) Shake shake shake shake (摇一摇,摇一摇) Let’s turn around (转一圈) Shake shake up (胳膊和手全部向上摇摆) Shake shake down (胳膊和手全部向下摇摆) Shake shake shake shake (摇一摇,摇一摇) Let’s si ng a song (做出唱歌的样子) 6、Finger play one finger ,one finger ,turn turn turn ,turn to a toothbrush ,shua shua shua (两只手各出示一只手指,变成一个牙刷的样子,在嘴边上下刷动) Two finger, two finger ,turn turn turn ,turn to a rabbit ,jump jump jump (两只手各出示两只手指,转一下,变成一个兔子的样子,上下跳)Three finger ,three finger,turn turn turn ,turn to a fork ,cha cha cha (两只手各出示三只手指,转一下,变成一个叉子的样子,上下叉动)

海关常用对话实用英语 超赞

表格必须是以英语大写字母来填写。 1,姓:大写字母拼音名:大写字母拼音 2,出生日期:阿拉伯数字填写,顺序为日,月,年 3,同行家庭成员人数:除您之外的人数。一家三口,则这里填2。4,美国地址(旅馆名称/目的地):需要填写详细的住址,精确到城市和州。 不要只写酒店名字,如洛杉矶入境这样就是不被允许的,必须填写详细的地址,城市及州也务必搞清楚再填写,地址一栏比较重要。5,护照签发国家:这里填写的是您自己的护照签发国家,一般为CHINA 6,护照号码 7,居住国家:这里指您居住的国家,一般为CHINA 8,此次旅行抵达美国前到的国家:这里指的是您是否直达美国,如不是是否有去过其他国家,如没有这里可以空白 9,航班编号:指的是您来美国坐飞机的航班号 10,此次旅行的目的是公务:如是旅游,则标记为NO 11,我们携带有,A水果,植物,食品,昆虫 B肉类,动物,动物/野生动物制品 C细菌携带物,细菌培养物,蜗牛 D土壤或曾经到过农场,牧场,草场 此处请如实回答,一般标记为NO 12,我们曾近距离接触(触摸或搬运)家畜 此处请如实回答,一般标记为NO 13,我们携带的货币或金额票据超过10000美金或等值外币 如一个家庭携带超过10000美金则需要申报,走红色申报通道14,我们携有商业货物(销售品,用于吸引订单的样本或不被视作个人物品的货物)此处请如实回答,一般标记为NO 15,居民——此处是居住在美国的居民填写,无需标记 16访客——将留在美国境内的所有物品(包括商业货物)总值为美元此处指的是如您有物品赠送给美国的亲友,则表明总价值,超过100美元以上会被加税3% 17签名及日期:此处请签您的中文姓名(与护照签字一致),日期则为当天抵达的美国日期 2 边防面试:下飞机,到达入境大厅,排队等待办理入境手续。在排队的时候请准备好以下文件: 1,护照(含有效签证) 2,往返电子客票行程单 3,英文行程单(上面标注具体入住的酒店) 4,酒店确认单 美国公民(US Citizens)绿卡持有者(Permanent Residents) 一般的外国访客则必须通过访客通道(Visitors)。 海关工作人员在检查护照、签证等证件、询问基本情况并核验指纹之后,会决定是否允许访客入境。部分访客可能会被带离大厅,接受单独的问询。如准许入境,工作人员会在旅客护照上加盖入境章。通过入境大厅之后,旅客前往传送带(Baggage Claim)领取托运行李。离开机场之前,海关会回收物品申报表,并对行李进行检查May I have a Chinese translator?我能要一名中文翻译吗? 准备一份英文的来美情况说明也是一个不错的选择。说明需要包含全部旅客基本信息(姓名、护照号吗)、来美目的、停留时间、旅行行程等信息。 ★与海关对话的原则:简短、简洁 ●赴美目的What is the purpose of your visit What brought you to the US? /您为何来美国? 回答:Sightseeing. /观光 I am here for a vacation.我来这里度假的 ●停留时间How long will you be staying in the US? 回答:I will be here for 6 days./我会停留6天。 ●美国地址 Where will you be staying? 你会住在哪里? 回答:I will be staying at the Sheraton Hotel at Las Vegas ●旅行行程Do you plan to travel during your stay? Where do you plan to visit in the US?/去美国的哪些地方? I will visit Los Angeles and Las Vegas.洛杉矶和拉斯维加斯。 ●持有现金How much cash do you have with you? How much currency/ cash are you carrying?身上带了多少现金 I have 400 US dollors.我带了400美元。 ●回程机票Do you have your return tickets with you? Can you show me your return tickets?/麻烦您出示回程机票。Yes (向工作人员出示电子或纸质的机票预订文件即可。) 可以出示回程机票:This is my return ticket. ●行李物品 Do you have any food/meat with you? 您有没有携带食物/肉类? What do you have in your bag/ suitcase/luggage? 您的包/箱子/行李中有什么物品? No, I don't have any meat product./我没有携带任何肉类制品。May I see your passport, please?请出示你的护照。Answer: Here is my passport and the declaration form. 答:这是我的护照和申报单。 Where are you from? I am from China. What is your final destination?你此行的最后目的地是哪里? I am going to ***(地名). 7:Do you come alone or with any companions? 问:你自己一个人来旅行吗?有沒有其他人和你一起?Answer: I am travelling with my family. 8:What is your occupation?你从事什么行业?I am a 9:Do you have any relatives living here in this country?我:你在本国有亲戚吗?Answer: No. Question 11:Do you have anything to declare? 问:你有任何东西需要申报吗? Answer:I have nothing to declare. / I need to declare…答:我没有东西需要申报。/我需要申报… 如果海关官员认为你的回答没有问题,会让你留下指纹和拍照。请听从指令: Right four fingers (右手四指) Right thumb (右手大拇指) Left four fingers (左手四指) Left thumb (左手大拇指) Look at the camera (看镜头照相)这些都完成之后,官员会在你的护照上盖章,然后将资料还给你,你表示感谢之后就可以去取行李了。注意:保存好申报单,一会儿还会用到。


篇一:唯美英语励志句子 1、you never know how strong you really are until being strong is the only choice you have。 不到没有退路之时,你永远不会知道自己有多强大。 2、you cannot change what you refuse to confront。 你不去面对又怎么能去改变呢。 3、no matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isnt trying。 无论你犯了多少错,或者你进步得有多慢,你都走在了那些不曾尝试的人的前面。 4、life isnt about waiting for the storm to pass, its about learning to dance in the rain。 生活不是等待暴风雨过去,而是要学会在雨中跳舞。 5、letting go doesnt mean that youre a quitter. it doesnt mean that you lost. it just means that you realize in that moment thats its time to let go and move on。 放手不代表放弃,不代表你输了。那只代表你知道在那一刻你该放手了,然后继续生活。 6、if you are passionate about something, pursue it, no matter what anyone else thinks. thats how dreams are achieved。 如果你想要什么,那就勇敢地去追求,不要管别人是怎么想的,因为这就是实现梦想的方式。 7、give up worrying about what others think of you. what they think isnt important. what is important is how you feel about yourself。 不要为别人怎么看你而烦恼。别人的看法并不重要,重要的是你怎么看待你自己。 8、life is short and you deserve to be happy。 生命苦短,你应该过得开心些。 9、for something,we cant understand when we are young but by the time we understand,we are no longer young. 有些事情,当我们年轻的时候无法懂得,当我们懂得的时候已不再年轻。


~~不是我吹,这些歌真的太有感觉了,你一定能在里面找到你想要的感觉的~!^_^ 在我看来,无论是什么,感觉是最重要的,有感觉的东西才能够永远留在我们的心里,即使有一天感觉淡了,但至少当你很久以后再次听到那旋律,你仍然会想起那时的你,想起那时的感觉,想起那个让你记住它的"感觉"~^_^ 如果喜欢的话,那就大家一起分享吧~^_^ 为了方便大家选择自己喜欢的不同类型的英文歌~我做了以下分类: 比较安静,轻柔,抒情的: i think of you----很有磁性的女人的声音~! breath again----我以前每次听这歌都会哭!!~歌词写得超赞~! till the end----适合男生对女生唱的~歌词很不错~!如果对方能听懂的话(不过歌词很容易懂的~). a song for mama----一首写给妈妈的歌,其实这歌蛮有节奏的~歌词写的太好了~! when i think of you----这是我迷失已久的"跳房子"的歌,终于被我找到了.它给人一种颓废的青春的感觉~

whenever you remember----对朋友说的~ moon song----norahjones的空灵的声音~~ don't know why----norahjones在2003年获格莱美奖的歌~很适合在浪漫的气氛~~ sorry----很好听,不用多说. queen of my heart----不用说应该也知道~它是怎样一首歌~ when you believe----一首经典的老歌了~ because of you----也是很经典的,很多人应该都听过的~ sorry away----很有感觉~ i still believe----也是经典到不能再经典的了~ anytime----很好听~ without you----经典的~

唯 美 英 语

唯美英语 1.Do not regret if u never appreciate. Do not hate if u never try to understand. Do not judge until u experience it urself. 如果你从不珍惜,就不要后悔;如果你从不试着去理解,就不要憎恨;如果你没有亲自经历过,就不要妄加评论。 2.Everything you want comes after you stop looking for it. 当你不再寻觅,你想要的也就来了。 3.When you finally let go of the past, something better comes along . 当你最终放开了过去,更好的事就会来临。 4.Real aloneness is not one`s loneliness,but the loss of oneself in the endless noise. 真正的孤独不是一个人寂寞,而是在无尽的喧哗中丧失了自我。 5.It is not easy to meet each other in such a big world. 世界这么大,能遇见,不容易 6. Making a million friends is not a miracle. The miracle is to make a friend who will stand by you when millions are against you. 交许许多多的朋友不是什么奇迹。真正的奇迹是当所有人都弃你而去的时候,还有一个朋友坚定的站在你一边。 7. Remember the 3 C's in Life: Choices, Chances, Changes. You must make a Choice to take a Chance or your life will never Change. 生活中要记住三个词:选择,机会和改变。你必须做出选择,抓住机会,否则你的生活只会一成不变。 8.Memories can make you smile, but it can very well make you cry hard. 回忆,有时令你嘴角上扬,有时也能让你潸然泪下。 9.Sometimes people have to cry out all their tears, to make room for a heart full of smiles. 有时候我们不得不流完所有的眼泪,才能腾出地方给一颗充满微笑的心。 10. My world is so silent that I can hear the sound of my own heart beats.

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