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SUSY Moose Runs and Hops An extra dimension from a broken deformed CFT

SUSY Moose Runs and Hops An extra dimension from a broken deformed CFT
SUSY Moose Runs and Hops An extra dimension from a broken deformed CFT

a r X i v :h e p -t h /0607031v 2 19 J u l 2006SUSY Moose Runs and Hops:

An extra dimension from a broken deformed CFT

Joshua Erlich and Jong Anly Tan 1

1Department of Physics,College of William and Mary,Williamsburg,Virginia 23187-8795

We ?nd a class of four dimensional deformed conformal ?eld theories which appear

extra dimensional when their gauge symmetries are spontaneously broken.The theories are supersymmetric moose models which ?ow to interacting conformal ?xed points at low energies,deformed by https://www.doczj.com/doc/d68741409.html,ing a-maximization we give strong nonperturbative evidence that the hopping terms in the resulting latticized action are relevant deformations of the ?xed point theories.These theories have an intricate structure of RG ?ows between conformal ?xed points.Our results suggest that at the stable ?xed points each of the bulk gauge couplings and superpotential hopping terms is turned on,in favor of the extra dimensional interpretation of the theory.However,we argue that the higher dimensional gauge coupling is generically small compared to the size of the extra dimension.In the presence of a brane the topology of the extra dimension is determined dynamically and depends on the numbers of colors and bulk and brane ?avors,which suggests phenomenological applications.The RG ?ows between ?xed points in these theories provide a class of tests of Cardy’s conjectured a-theorem.


The possibility of extra spatial dimensions beyond the three which we commonly observe has provided a provocative paradigm for model building in particle physics and gravity in recent years [1,2,3].However,due to the non-renormalizability of higher-dimensional gauge theories they are necessarily low energy e?ective theories.An ultraviolet completion of higher-dimensional theories was provided by the deconstruction approach [4,5].In a de-constructed extra dimension,the extra dimension appears as a lattice of (3+1)-dimensional gauge theories connected to one another through link ?elds transforming in the bifundamen-tal representation of the gauge groups at neighboring lattice sites.For non-supersymmetric

gauge theories the UV completion may be provided by an asymptotically free gauge the-ory in which fermions condense to provide the link?elds as nonlinear sigma-model?elds. Alternatively,the link?elds can arise from fundamental scalar?elds which obtain vacuum expectation values leaving an e?ective theory which appears higher dimensional below some scale.However,scalar?elds su?er the usual problem that their expectation values are nat-urally of order the cuto?scale,and supersymmetry(SUSY)is therefore favored to restore naturalness in this linear sigma model approach.

In this paper we study a class of deconstructed?ve-dimensional(5D)supersymmetric gauge theories.The latticized higher-dimensional theories contain hopping terms in the Lagrangian which are the latticized kinetic terms containing derivatives in the extra dimen-sions.The scalar link?elds obtain vacuum expectation values(VEVs)which break the product gauge symmetry partly or completely.The spectrum of gauge bosons mimics the Kaluza-Klein(KK)spectrum of the extra dimension up to a scale which depends on the size of the extra dimension R and the lattice spacing l.The scale above which the spectrum ceases to be higher-dimensional is roughlyΛKK≡R2/l for a?at extra dimension.Above

that scale the theory is a4D gauge theory with k~R/l factors of the5D gauge group.There are two other dimensionful scales to keep in mind:the dynamical strong coupling scale of each4D gauge group factorΛQCD,which we assume for simplicity to be the same for each of the gauge groups in the deconstructed theory;and the ultimate cuto?of the deconstructed theoryΛ4,which must be much higher thanΛKK andΛQCD for the deconstructed theory to provide a UV completion of the5D theory.

Flavors in the bulk of the extra dimension are added to the deconstructed theory by replicating the?avors at each lattice site and including a hopping superpotential[6].Flavors on a3-brane are modeled by localizing those?avors to a single lattice site.The moose(or quiver)diagram representing the deconstructed theory on a circle with N f bulk?avors and N b?avors localized to a3-brane is given in FIG.1a.The moose diagram for a theory on an interval with extra?avors on one boundary is shown in FIG.1b.Nodes in the moose diagram correspond to SU(N)gauge groups,and lines correspond to?elds transforming in the fundamental representation of the gauge groups at the nodes on which those lines end.We do not distinguish fundamental and antifundamental representations in the moose diagrams as it is conventional to assign links between nodes the bifundamental representation (

N f N




N + N b N f N f N f



FIG.1:a)Circular moose with brane.b)Interval moose with brane.

The hopping terms in the action for bulk?avors are reproduced by a superpotential,as we review below.In the absence of the superpotential the models that we study have a large number of interacting conformal?xed points.At each?xed point some combination of the independent gauge couplings is nonvanishing.We use the a-maximization procedure of Intriligator and Wecht[7]to calculate the dimensions of operators at these?xed points. Depending on the numbers of colors and bulk and brane?avors we determine which of the conformal?xed points are stable to gauging of the ungauged symmetry groups at those?xed points,and we argue that generically all of the bulk gauge couplings are nonvanishing at the stable?xed points.

We will show that for the braneless moose the hopping superpotential is composed of relevant operators in the neighborhood of the?xed points,so that those operators will generically have nonvanishing couplings in the infrared as required for the extra dimensional interpretation of the moose model near its stable?xed point.Furthermore,we will discover that the topology of the deconstructed extra dimension depends on the numbers of colors and bulk and brane?avors.

A.The Model

For de?niteness we will mostly consider the circular moose model with N f bulk?avors and N b brane?avors,as in FIG.1a.The gauge groups and matter content are summarized

in the table below:

U (1)R

r Q 1

Q 2···1......


1···r Q k r F 1(N f +N b )

11···1F 1N f F 2

1···1F 2r ...


11···r F k

N f 111···

F k F i are the ?avors.They are each chiral multiplets of 4D

N =1SUSY.The brane is on the ?rst lattice site,corresponding to the gauge group factor

SU(N )1.The moduli space of this theory allows the link ?elds to obtain expectation values,which we assume are at least approximately proportional to the identity in the SU(N )×SU(N )gauge group space under which each link ?eld transforms: Q i =v i 1.The gauge group is then broken to the diagonal SU(N )subgroup at low energies.If there is a superpotential in this model of the form,

W ?avor =√F i Q i F i +1)+ i m i F i

low energy dynamics below the scale1/R[8].If all of the vevs are equal(and nonvanishing) the hopping terms include the latticized kinetic terms of a?at extra dimension.The?avor

mass terms are also tuned so that m i=?

k and g~

methods exist[12]and have already proven useful for studying certain deconstructed gauge theories.In particular,4D instanton e?ects in the deconstructed5D N=1supersymmetric 5D pure gauge theory were examined in[8].The6D theory with(0,2)supersymmetry and the6D little string theory were studied in[13],and the Seiberg-Witten approach gave new nonperturbative insights in[14].

Strictly speaking,the techniques we use only apply to the origin of moduli space,with vanishing VEVs.Hence,we are only considering energies>ΛKK so that the VEVs are negligible near the(approximately)?xed points.In the continuum limit we need to take the couplings of individual gauge group factors to be large.SinceΛQCD is the strong coupling scale of each4D gauge group factor,we assumeΛQCD>ΛKK.Hence,we expect the renormalization group?ows to generically approach the approximate?xed point at energies higher thanΛKK,and our analysis remains valid.It is also interesting to consider the evolution of operators when?owing to still smaller scales.This evolution requires matching of operators while the heavier KK modes are integrated out,and we will not address the issue here.

Although the superpotential is not renormalized,wavefunction renormalization causes the ?avor hopping terms to run with energy scale.It is in general not possible to calculate the anomalous dimensions of the hopping terms in the Lagrangian at strong coupling.However, the conformal anomaly and the R-current anomaly are in a supersymmetry multiplet,with the consequence that the conformal dimension of an operator is proportional to its R-charge. At a conformal?xed point,the R-charges are in turn related to central charges in the theory, which can sometimes be determined exactly[15].The problem is that quite often there is not a unique gauge anomaly free R-symmetry,so the goal is then to determine which of the continuum of anomaly free R-symmetries is related by supersymmetry to the conformal anomaly.Without repeating the clever analysis of[7],the remarkably simple procedure that determines the correct R-charges for this purpose is to maximize the Euler anomaly,



supersymmetric gauge theories for which the existence of accidental symmetries is required for consistency of Seiberg duality and unitarity[16],and we will have to account for such accidental symmetries in our moose models.

C.Fixed Point Stability

Models with product gauge groups and bifundamental?elds have been studied non-perturbatively using Seiberg duality techniques[17],Seiberg-Witten theory[11],and a-maximization[18,19].The conclusion of these analyses is that these theories have an intricate vacuum structure which depends qualitatively on the numbers of?avors and colors of each gauge group factor.In[17]it was concluded that theories with two gauge groups can have a variety of conformal?xed points with either or both of the gauge couplings nonvanishing.IR stability of these?xed points depends on the numbers of?avors and col-ors.If the conformal dimensions of the?elds are known at a?xed point for which at least one of the gauge couplings vanishes,then the NSVZ beta-functions for the remaining gauge couplings are also known in a neighborhood of that?xed point(perturbatively in the small coupling(s)).The signs of the beta-functions then determine stability of the?xed point to perturbations of the gauge couplings.One can thereby determine which of the?xed points a generic?ow from the UV will approach in the IR.Superpotential deformations of the theory can be studied similarly to see whether the operators appearing in the deconstructed superpotential are relevant perturbations of the theory in their absence,as is necessary for the theory to appear higher dimensional below the scaleΛKK.

At?xed points with more than one nonvanishing gauge coupling a-maximization is gener-ally required to determine operator dimensions.This analysis was done for a class of models with two gauge groups in[18].We will extend the analysis to models with more gauge group factors,and focus our study to models related to deconstructed extra dimensions.As described earlier,we assume that each of the gauge group factors has the same number of colors N,and all but one of the gauge group factors has the same number of?avors N f. At one special lattice site,which we label the?rst lattice site and refer to as the brane,we allow for an additional N b?avors representing brane-localized matter.

We will argue that generically the bulk gauge couplings are nonvanishing at the stable ?xed points.In the absence of a brane,at perturbative stable?xed points near the edge of

the conformal window we will?nd that the gauge couplings are all equal to one another. In the presence of a brane we will not determine the gauge couplings,but we will?nd that depending on the numbers of colors,bulk and brane?avors,the gauge coupling at the brane may vanish at the stable?xed point.We will conclude from this that the topology of the deconstructed extra dimension depends on the numbers of?avors and colors.

A study of the?ows between conformal?xed points in these theories allows for a large class of nontrivial tests of the“a-theorem.”The a-theorem is a conjecture by Cardy that the Euler anomaly a plays the role of a Zamolodchikov C-function in four dimensions[20]. Heuristically,the C-function e?ectively counts the number of degrees of freedom in the theory as a function of energy scale,which is expected to decrease as degrees of freedom are integrated out.As such,the Euler anomaly is supposed to be always positive and?ow from higher values to smaller values as energy is decreased.Neither of these requirements(i.e. positivity or monotonicity)is known to be guaranteed,although there have been partially successful attempts at proving them,and many tests have been provided[15,18,21].We will test Cardy’s conjecture in a large class of?ows between?xed points,and will?nd consistency with the conjecture in each case.We will?nd that the a-theorem also precludes certain types of RG?ows in these models that are otherwise di?cult to argue against.


In this section we consider a deconstructed extra dimension with SU(N)gauge group and N f bulk?avors,but no localized?avors on a brane,N b=0.For now we turn o?the superpotential,so that the?avors do not yet hop in the extra https://www.doczj.com/doc/d68741409.html,ter we will check that the superpotential in the deconstructed theory is a relevant deformation of the theory.In the absence of a brane,the Z k symmetry of lattice translations puts all of the bifundamental?elds Q i on equal footing,and similarly for the?avors(F i+

F i≡r F. We require that N/2

of theories may extend to N f

32 kN 2

3(r Q ?1)3?(r Q ?1) +2kN f N 3(r F ?1)3?(r F ?1) +2k (N 2?1) .(5)

Maximizing a subject to the constraint (4),we ?nd that the R-charges which belong to the superconformal algebra and determine operator dimensions are given by,

r ?Q =?3N 2f +N f 6N 2?3N 2f r ?F =6N 2+3NN f ?3N 2f ?N 6N 2?3N 2f

(6)and the value of a at the ?xed point is,

a ?=?k 9N 4f +N 4 36+90N 2f ?20N f 48 ?2N 2+N 2f 2?kN 2N 2f ?36?18N 2f +N f 48 ?2N 2+N 2f 2(7)

Although the denominators in the expressions above vanish at N f =

F F would fall out of the unitarity bound for N f <17N

or N f >17N ,which lie outside of the naive

conformal window N/2

invariant,and would lead to violation of unitarity if N f<

32 3(r O?1)3?(r O?1) +2/9 ,(8) where3/32×2/9is the contribution to a from a free chiral multiplet with R-charge2/3.The result of a-maximization including this correction is not particularly illuminating,except that we have checked the R-charges change by not more than a few percent when N=2 due to the accidental symmetry,and change by even smaller amounts for larger N.

We are interested in the stability of the?xed point found above in the sense of renormal-ization group?ow.To study this,we begin by noting that in the naive conformal window N/2

A.A-type?xed points

At a?xed point with a single nonvanishing coupling,say g1,the interacting part of the theory looks like SU(N)SUSY QCD with N+N f?avors[23].There is a unique anomaly-

free R-charge consistent with the enhanced SU(N+N f)global symmetry for which the?elds Q1,Q N,F1and




(N f+N)1


N f1

(10) The NSVZβ-function for the perturbed gauge coupling is given by[24],





(G? iμi(1?r i))





(N+N f) 1?g22N




other than g N,g1and g2have negativeβ-functions because they are asymptotically free SUSY QCD.In summary,in the naive conformal window the one-loopβ-functions for all weak couplings near an A-type?xed point are negative,so that the A-type?xed points are necessarily unstable to turning on those gauge couplings.

B.B-type?xed points

We have found that the A-type?xed points will tend to?ow to?xed points with additional gauge couplings turned on in the infrared.Here we are interested in?xed points with two nonvanishing couplings,which we refer to as B-type?xed points.There are several distinct possibilities for such?xed points.If the nonvanishing couplings correspond to nodes in the moose which are not either neighbors or next-to-nearest neighbors,then the?xed point and its stability analysis acts as two decoupled A-type?xed points.As such,we will focus our attention on B-type?xed points which are not equivalent to decoupled A-type?xed points.We de?ne B1-type?xed points to be those?xed points with two neighboring gauge couplings turned on,and B2-type?xed points to be those with next-to-nearest neighboring gauge couplings turned on.The low energy interacting theory for a B1-type?xed point is speci?ed by the following table:


r Q

N f F11


1r F


N f1F



(73N2?4NN f?4N2f)

(73N2?4NN f?4N2f)?12N2f

F i F i type operator which would violate unitarity

(by having R-charge<2/3)in the absence of an accidental symmetry.Numerically,one ?nds that the operator det Q has R-charge>2/3for any N,N f in the naive conformal window.Hence,it is natural to assume that there is no accidental symmetry in this case.

Perturbing about the?xed point by weakly gauging SU(N)3,we?nd that theβ-function for the small gauge coupling takes the form,

β(B1) 3=?

g3373N2?4NN f?4N2f

8π2 (16)

One can check from this expression thatβ3<0in the entire naive conformal window,so that the B1-type?xed point is unstable in the IR.The value of a at the B1-type?xed point will be given more generally later,in(36).

For a B2-type?xed point,the interacting theory is that of two A-type?xed points.The di?erence in the stability analysis compared with the A-type?xed point is seen by weakly gauging the SU(N)gauge group in the“middle”of the two low energy SU(N)gauge group factors.For example,if the SU(N)1and SU(N)3gauge couplings are nonvanishing at the ?xed point,then weakly gauging SU(N)2gives rise to the following perturbed theory,where r is given by(9):





N f11


N f11


N f11


Theβ-function for the middle group is then,

β(B2) 2=?






It follows thatβ(B2)

<0for N f<2N,and B2-type?xed points are therefore unstable in 2

the entire conformal window.

C.General?xed points

Due to asymptotic freedom of the theory in the naive conformal window,?xed points are generically unstable to the development of gauge couplings which are not connected by link ?elds to any of the interacting gauge groups at the?xed point.This implies that generically at least one third of the gauge couplings in the moose will be turned on at the stable?xed point,as each node that is turned o?with at least two nodes turned o?on either side of it is itself unstable to turning on.The stability arguments in the previous sections suggest that generically an even larger fraction of the gauge couplings are turned on at the stable?xed point,and indeed we conjecture that all of the gauge couplings are generically turned on.In all of the cases which we will study numerically we will?nd that the bulk gauge couplings are all turned on,with or without a brane.For a generic?xed point with a large number of interacting gauge groups the analysis is complicated.However,there are a number of generic statements which can be made.

Suppose the?xed point contains a chain of interacting gauge groups as in FIG.2,where solid nodes correspond to the interacting gauge groups at the?xed point,and un?lled nodes are noninteracting at the?xed point.Such a?xed point structure is analogous to the B1 type?xed point,so we refer to such a?xed point generically as Type1.We are interested in the e?ect of weakly gauging the group corresponding to the lightly?lled node in FIG.2. The factor of the perturbed theory including the weakly gauged group is generically of the form given in the following table:

The node in the moose diagram adjacent to the last interacting node in the chain at either end has only a single neighboring interacting node.For large N,near the edge of the conformal window where N f=N(2??)with??1,the?xed points are perturbative, so that the anomalous dimensions can be assumed to be small[25].In that case,the beta function for the m th interacting SU(N)gauge group in FIG.2is proportional to(assuming

FIG.2:Type 1?xed point with chain of n +1interacting gauge groups.The labels (m ?

1),...,(m +n )index the SU(N )gauge group factors.The gauge coupling for SU(N )m ?1is turned o?at the ?xed point.Its β-function near the ?xed point determines stability of the ?xed point to development of the SU(N )m ?1gauge coupling.

there is no accidental symmetry),

βnum m =?3G +

i μi (1?γi )(19)=?3N +N +2N f

2(1?γQ m ),(20)which is required to vanish at the ?xed point.On the other hand,if we now weakly gauge the gauge group at the (m ?1)th node,then the beta function for that gauge coupling is proportional to,

βnum m ?1=? 3N ?(N +2N f )


(1?γF m ) =βnum m +N f γF m +

N 8π2(N 2?1)

8π2(N 2?1)

Unfortunately,a simple argument similar to the above fails for the generic situation analogous to the B2type?xed point,in which there is a gap by one node between two chains of interacting gauge groups.However,it is natural to conjecture that such?xed points,and indeed all?xed points in which not all couplings are turned on,are always unstable.We have not found an example to the contrary in our limited survey to follow, with or without a brane.

D.Will the Braneless Moose Hop After it Runs?

We have argued that generically the braneless moose prefers to?ow to IR?xed points in which all of the gauge couplings are turned on.This is good from the perspective of deconstructed extra dimensions,because it leads us to suspect that the hopping terms for the gauge?elds are relevant operators and survive RG running down to scales for which the theory is supposed to appear extra dimensional.

However,we have not yet studied the hopping potential for the N f bulk?avors.The hopping superpotential contains two types of operators:

F i Q i F i+1,which is marginal at lowest order.The latter operators are dangerous,as quantum corrections may easily make these operators irrelevant.If that were the case,then the hopping superpotential for the?avors would not exist at energies much belowΛQCD,the strong coupling scale for each SU(N)gauge group factor,which is assumed to be larger than the scale of the highest KK mass so that our?xed point analysis is valid(and because the latticized theory requires strong coupling at that scale).We study the relevance of the hopping superpotential in this section.

The?rst comment to be made is that the superpotential is not made irrelevant by wave-function renormalization at one-loop.This is because the anomalous dimensions of the ?avors and link?elds are all negative at one loop.At this order,the anomalous dimensions are given by(22),where all of the gauge couplings are equal by virtue of the Z k symmetry of the?xed point.From these anomalous dimensions we determine the R-charges of the?elds

and the operator






r Q=2





F i Q i F i+1?2?(g?)2



Hence,we see explicitly that the R-charge of the superpotential is less than2perturbatively, and hence the hopping terms are relevant deformations near the perturbative?xed point with vanishing superpotential.

To address the issue nonperturbatively we use the result of a-maximization(6).The question is whether or not the R-charges at the stable?xed point satisfy r

F i Q i F i+1=2?

3N2f?6NN f+(2N?N f)


One can check from this expression that in the naive conformal window N/2

i Q i F i+1

=2 as expected because that is where the IR theory becomes free.Hence,the hopping super-potential is a relevant deformation of the theory in the conformal window,and we conclude that the hopping superpotential will indeed survive the RG?ow down to the scale of the highest KK massΛKK.

E.Z k Symmetric Fixed Point with Hopping Superpotential

If we assume that the hopping superpotential does not eliminate the interacting IR?xed point,then we can calculate the?xed point anomalous dimensions of the?elds in the presence of the superpotential.We are still considering the origin of moduli space,i.e.vanishing link ?eld vevs,so strictly speaking this theory describes an approximate?xed point at energies much higher thanΛKK.Assuming we can neglect the mass terms in the superpotential at this scale,the anomaly freedom condition(4)is supplemented with the condition that the superpotential terms


,which will not be true in the more general models which follow).Together with(4),this determines r F=1and r Q=0,which implies that the mass

term is in fact marginal at the?xed point,and for consistency with unitarity we would also conclude that the operators( k i=1Q i)n are free and have dimension1.These operators are related to Wilson loops around the extra dimension,and the interpretation of the fact that those operators are free above the scale of the highest KK mass deserves exploration.


In this section we add additional?avors localized to one lattice site,which we label the ?rst lattice site and refer to as the brane.We still consider the circular moose model given by the table(1).The result of a-maximization in this case is sensitive to the number of lattice sites,and becomes numerically unwieldy with more than a few lattice sites.All analytic expressions in this section are valid when there is no accidental symmetry.We numerically study some examples with two,three and four lattice sites,and give more general results where possible.In the numerical examples here and in the following section we account for all accidental symmetries that are required by unitarity.

As before we consider the circular moose model in the naive conformal window N/2< N f<2N?N b.To analyze the stability of the?xed points we will use the same techniques as with the braneless moose.We only analyze?xed points whose structure and stability analysis di?ers from the braneless case.Type A?xed points for the moose with a brane, i.e.?xed points with a single nonvanishing SU(N)i gauge coupling,can be divided into two types which we call type A1and type A2.A type A1?xed point is a?xed point with the brane gauge coupling nonvanishing.A type A2?xed point is a?xed point with the gauge coupling next to the brane nonvanishing(g2or g k).At an A1type?xed point,the e?ective theory is like SQCD with(N+N f+N b)?avors.The R-charges are given by


N f+N b

16π22N f N+3N b N?N2f?N f N b

8π2 (26)

and for more than two sites


(N+N f+N b) 1?g22N

The beta functions in (26)



positive in the whole naive conformal window.Hence,Type A1?xed points are always unstable to development of neighboring gauge couplings.The Euler anomaly at the type A1?xed point is given by:

a ?



22NN f ?N 2f ?N b N ?N b N f 8π2 (29)for more than two sites

βII 1=?g 31(N +N f ) 1?g 21

N 6)N ,

with more than two lattice sites the A2type ?xed point will be stable for

N f >

32N b +125N 2?28N b N +4N 2b (31)when N b >1/2(7?2√48(N +N f )2 k 10N 4+22N 3N f +14N 2N 2f ?9N 2?18NN f ?9N 2f .+2NN 3f ?20N 4+12N 3N f +3N 2N 2f +2N b N 3+4N b N 2N f +2NN b N 2f ?2NN 3f (32)

For ?xed points with two nonvanishing gauge couplings,we will consider four di?erent cases.(a )First we consider a case when sites 2and 3(or k ?1and k )turn on.Perturbing

FIG.3:Numerator of the beta function(19)for(a)k>2,N=6,N b=5;and(b)k=2,N=4, N b=2.

the?xed point by the SU(N)1coupling,the e?ective theory for this type of?xed point is as follows:


r F


11r F

N f11

1r F

N f11


(N f+N b)F111


The R charges for this kind of?xed point is the same as in equation(14)for r F and equation (15)for r2.The beta function by perturbing the brane gauge coupling for k=3is,


(N2?4NN f?4N2f) 1?g21N

73N2?4NN f?4N2f+4N b N2f (34)

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托福96年10月-97年8月阅读文章词汇选择及参阅 一、听力场景 (一)娱乐场景 1音乐会 -永远好听 -喜欢classical music, 不喜欢Rock&Roll -去不了因为要学习 -提前买票 2剧院演出 -有票没票 -座位是否调换 *在卖on sale;卖完了be sold out *正前方的位置orchestra section;楼座balcony 3美术馆 -喜欢去且最好是modern art *油画oils;版画prints;水彩画water color;壁画fresco;素描sketch;肖像画portrait;山水画 landscape 4电影 -不好看,不值money *It was hardly worth the wait price of admission 5买东西 -买什么:invest in, stock up on, 以旧换新trade it in,分期付款pay by installment, 头期款 down payment,卖东西cash in on sth. -买没买(注意虚拟语气),退货refund,预付in advance/deposit -喜欢便宜货: on sale; good bargain/deal/price/buy; discount; %off *东西巨贵cost you an arm and a leg, cost sb dearly, dear sth, make a fortune,cost a bundle

*价钱公道fair, reasonable, affordable, acceptable. 6养花种草 -花草长势 -阳光水份: sunlight; water regularly -摆哪儿合适:窗前sunlight;角落里shade 7照相 -效果:模糊blurry -用光,胶卷:闪光灯flash, 焦距focus, out of focus, adjust the focus, 照相shot, a roll of film, 冲卷develop, 放大enlarge 8邮局 -不满意:It took forever to arrive. 9外出吃饭(go out for lunch, dine out) -上哪儿吃:一角dime, 五分nickel, 1分penny, 分cent -爱尝鲜appetizer开胃物,打包酒菜carryout,腌制souse, -喜欢安静:prefer a quiet place -谁请客:我请客This is my treat; Let me treat you; Let me pick up the bill. Foot the bill AA制:go fifty fifty, Let's spit the check, two bills -点错菜:order,菜单recipe *侍者常用语:①Bring the menu-are you ready to order now? ②take your order-I'll be with you in a moment③recommend sth-specialty特色④serve food- I'll take care of it. I'll see to it. 10贪吃场景 -吃完:eat up, clean out, empty, go out. -谁打扫:残羹冷炙leftover *饭量小eat like a bird, 饭量大eat like a horse, 酒量大drink like a fish, 能睡sleep like a log, 能抽烟smoke like a chimney 11吃


新媒体科技公司在职人员教育培训管理办法第一节总则.. 第二节培训制度 第三节培训内容 第四节学历(学位)教育. 第五节教育培训管理.. 第六节培训机制 第七节附则.. 第一节总则 第一条为推进上海XX科技发展有限公司(以下简称XX科技公司)教育培训工作科学化、制度化、规范化,全面提升员工队伍的职业道德、专业素质和业务技能,创建学习型组织,构建终身学习体系,树立人才资源是第一资源,人人努力成才的观念,根据国家和本市有关在职人员教育培训的规定,结合XX科技公司实际,制定本管理办法。 第二条在职人员的教育培训,是指XX科技公司在职人员通过一定形式的学习,在理论素养、思想品德、业务能力、知识水平、专业技能、管理水平等方面得到更新、补充、拓展和提高,获得学历学位、专业技术资格证书、上岗证书等,使其履行岗位职责的能力和水平与XX科技公司不断发展的事业需要相适应。 第三条XX科技公司所属单位应根据不同层次、不同类型在职人员的实际情况,有针对性地组织在职学习和脱产培训。培训工作可以项目形式委托国内外有关院校或专门机构开展。

第四条XX科技公司在职人员培训实行统一领导、统筹规划、分类指导、分级管理和组织实施的管理体制。 第五条参加教育培训是在职人员的权利和义务。参加教育培训的成绩和综合鉴定是在职人员上岗、考核、定级、转岗、续聘、任职、评先进和晋升岗位职务的重要依据之一。 第六条培训制度应与在职人员个人职业生涯规划相结合。各单位应根据员工自行拟订的职业生涯规划或组织考察后确定的工作要求制定相应的培训计划。 第二节培训制度 第七条培训分为:学历培训、岗前培训、持证上岗培训、岗位培训、专项培训、任职培训。 第八条学历培训是指员工通过学习获得国家承认的学历、学位证书以及国外学校学位的教育培训。 第九条岗前培训是指对新进单位的人员和本单位转岗人员新聘岗位前的培训。 XX科技公司所属单位从大专院校(职校)招聘的毕业生,在上岗前必须先参加XX集团或录用单位组织的入职培训; 对转任新岗位的职工进行任职前的培训; 待岗人员重新聘任新岗位的,必须进行任职前的培训。 第十条持证上岗培训指广播电视技术行业规定的专业岗位实行的职业资格证书的培训。


关于教育科技有限公司投资教育项目的情况报 告 XX: 近日,经XX商会推荐,驻XX招商联络处拜访了XX众盾教育科技有限公司执行董事兼总经理陈X先生,就公司拟在我区投资教育项目相关事宜进行了深入的沟通和交流。现将有关情况汇报如下: 一、公司简介 XX众盾教育科技有限公司是一家致力于互联网/VR+职业教育的综合培训机构。以”科技赋能教育,学习点燃梦想”为使命,自主研发了在线学习平台和网络教学资源,推出了“精品录播+互动直播+名师面授”的融合式教学和“名师授课+助教答疑”的双师课堂,同时整合社会优质资源,逐步建立了完善的学历教育和职业培训体系。经过多年发展,公司在培训行业拥有较大的品牌影响力,目前已经成为国内学历教育和职业培训的领跑者。 公司借助“互联网+”手段,整合形成了教育培训一体化解决方案,将职业技能教育、学历提升教育、课程研发、网站开发、网络运营融于一体,实现了线上培训和线下培训的结合。目前在职员工xx余人,现有专业讲师xx名(x名博士),常年聘请xx 多名高校教授、副教授担任培训顾问,不定期组织专家到企业进

行定制培训。为研发高质量的线上理论培训课程,学校花重资搭建了x间高清课程录播室、x间直播室,独立自主开发了网络学习平台。 二、项目情况 (一)项目名称:XX众盾教育科技有限公司 (二)投资金额:xx万人民币 (三)项目内容: x.众盾安全培训众盾教育独立研发的网络课程和学习平台,目前囊括了市的主要培训机构,包括安培教育科技有限公司、xx 集团安全环保研究院、市建筑工程专修学校、中天置业教育培训中心等,该平台拥有在线培训、在线模拟考试、人脸识别等功能,实现了数据的规范性、完整性和培训的痕迹化,同时整合了安全屋训练、VR/AR考核等,打造了全新的安全生产标准化体系建设。在xx项目中,可移植武汉众盾安全培训模式,与属地职业院校、培训机构合作,打造软硬件相结合的培训模式,为xx各地方应急管理部门提供安全教育。 x.众盾优职网众盾教育打造的互联网/VR+职业教育培训机构,自主研发在线学习平台和网络课件资源,推出“精品录播+互动直播+名师面授”的融合式教学和“名师授课+助教答疑”的双师课堂。主要涉及企业人力资源管理师、心理咨询师、健康


教育机构公司简介范文 教育培训是近年来逐渐兴起的一种将知识教育资 源信息化的机构或在线学习系统。下面是教育机构公司简介范文,欢迎参阅。 教育机构公司简介范文1晨曦教育连锁机构诞生于 20**,是一家专业从事幼儿大脑潜能开发和艺术性培养的民办教育机构和教育实体。该机构强调以儿童理想发展为中心,强调全员参与的、全过程的、面向全体的全面教育,并以实现群体儿童理想发展为目标,这也是宋群校长近十年来研究教育成果的集中体现。 自20**第一所晨曦幼儿园成功创办以来,晨曦教育经过十年的滚动发展,已经发展到拥有八所哈尔滨直营园,直营园遍布于哈尔滨五大区内。园内教职员工达近三百名,在册学生近20**办园的丰硕成果基础上,全程超越传统教学模式应运而生,它是晨曦继续改革的延续和结晶。 教育机构公司简介范文2北京祥文国际教育科技有限公司依托北京大学、河南工业大学,整合国内外高级管理培训师和咨询师,开发高质量的培训课程。我们已经形成了成熟的成人学历,人力资源管理师,职称,研究生,

出国留学,建造师等课程体系,并根据学员的实际情况为学员制定专业课程,在市场上有着非常好的口碑。 教育机构公司简介范文3诺贝儿教育作为综合性幼儿教育服务平台,诺贝儿教育为幼儿园提供一站式服务和专业化的全面的解决方案,业务包括幼儿园经营实体,幼儿园教材,幼儿园多媒体课程和幼儿园本课程,触摸一体机、点读笔等幼教(玩)具设备,亲子有声图书、幼儿教育软件库,以及幼儿园整体解决方案的咨询、培训、服务等。您所需要的,正是诺贝儿教育服务的!您所困扰的,正是诺贝儿教育专业的! 公司旗下有三家省级幼儿园,五年办学,品牌运营的经验沉淀及超过320**来,公司与华南师范大学幼儿教育发展中心紧密合作,联合国内多位幼教专家、儿科专家、心理学专家、社会学专家及幼教一线名师经过实践与应用,不断完善修订,打造了全国首套以主题综合活动为横向,以八大多元智能课程为纵向的幼儿园立体多媒体课程,在业界受到一致好评。 诺贝儿教育以专业的培训助力幼儿教育专业提升。本公司的幼儿培训业务直接与华南师范大学和其他知名高校的学前教育专业挂钩,有学历培训、在职培训、亲


托福阅读词汇分类技巧(一)托福阅读词汇分类技巧(一) https://www.doczj.com/doc/d68741409.html,/tuofuyuedu/20141219/329225.html?seo=wenku Example: OG Practice Set 4,question 10

Passage 8: One cognitive theory suggests that aggravating and painful events trigger unpleasant feelings. These feelings in turn,can lead to aggressive action,but not automatically. Cognitive factors intervene. People decide whether they will act aggressively or not on other people’s motives. Supporting evidence comes from research showing that aggressive people often distort other people’s motives. For example, they assume that other people mean them harm when they do not. The word distort in the passage is closest in meaning to ○ mistrust ○ misinterpret ○ criticize ○ resent 解析:distort所在的文章句子后出现“ for example”,根据for example 中的内容,我们可以得出distort在此句中的意思为misinterpret。 3. 并列信息 Example: OG Practice Set 5,question 3 Passage 3: …Absenteeism and lateness hurt productivity and since work was specialized,disrupted the regular factory routine. Industrialization not only produced a fundamental change in the way work was organized; it transformed the very nature of work. The word disrupted in the passage is closest in meaning to ○ prolonged 托福阅读词汇分类技巧(一) https://www.doczj.com/doc/d68741409.html,/tuofuyuedu/20141219/329225.html?seo=wenku


广告特点分析: 1、电影短片系列的形式 这个广告以电影短片系列的形式讲述了酸、甜、苦、辣四个小故事,该广告形式的特性则是将品牌、产品诉求巧妙融合在一个好的故事中,让一个故事的主题成为品牌的核心概念(价值观)。整个广告所要表达的主题,即无论是在尝过各种味道后对牙齿的关爱,还是生活路上对他人的关心,“益达”始终相信,应该用灿烂的笑容面对生活中的酸甜苦辣。 广告创意。广告以微电影的表达形式出现,新颖独特,也很吸引人。连续性的情节故事,颠复了传统广告的重复性填鸭,避免了人们厌烦的心理,用故事的片段引人暇想,但它却抓住了核心,让人记住品牌电影短片系列的形式打破了传统广告时间短,内容简洁等特点,将内容和商品信息合二为一,产品信息深入情节内涵,强化了广告所承担的叙事功能,它生动的画面情节,以一种娱乐的形式进入受众的内心,更易被受众接受并产生共鸣,并在潜移默化中产生对产品的认同感。 2、利用了明星效应 代言人是彭于晏、桂纶镁,都是比较有代表性的明星,彭于晏帅气清爽,桂纶镁清纯自然,两人的形象特质与产品性质相契合,产品与人物相融合可以发挥出最佳的效果,广告利用明星效应,加上以电影短片的形式,明星以主角的形式不断出现在画面上,满足了受众欣赏的心理。

这部广告把彭于晏跟桂纶镁的爱情故事和益达联系在一起,益达多次出现,益达就是他们爱情的信物,益达的广告就是关心牙齿,更关心你,互相关心才是感情持续的一个充分必要条件,是幸福的基本条件,短短几分钟把爱情所需要的所有元素都加了进去。 3、精妙的台词。 “益达无醇口香糖,关爱牙齿更关心你”等也是一种艺术,让人感觉温暖。。“要两粒在一起才是最好”,主要是『两粒』达到了促销的目的。餐后来两粒,这样以前每次吃一粒的人就很可能改为每次吃两粒了。 4、背景音乐 这个益达广告的背景音乐采用了一首老歌叫做《给我一个吻》,真的挺不错的,让人感伤流年的爱情,让人为此感动,也为此怦然心动。同时也好像让人了解,真正的爱情就是那个人愿意陪你经历酸甜苦辣的生活。 5、网络视频营销 传统的广告都是以秒来计算广告费,因此要尽量以最简洁的广告来达到最佳的效果,而像益达酸甜苦辣系列片这样的广告在电视上播放的投入之大大家都应该知道,而且电视上的广告一般都有时间段,不可能用很长的时间来播放很多这样类似的系列广告短片,所以说采用网络视频,人们通过微博,人人,等途径进行转载观看,不仅可以降低广告成本,而且达到的效果是显而易见的。另一方面,也适应了



自制玩具快乐成长 ——科技教育活动方案 泾川县中街小学史彩红 一、方案名称:自制玩具快乐成长 二、方案背景 玩具是儿童的亲密伙伴,在每个人的经历中,都曾经有自己爱不释手、引以为豪的一件或几件玩具。目前,随着人们生活水平的提高,独生子女的增多,大人们更加容易满足学生的物质需求,尤其是玩具。只要商场里有卖的,学生手里就有玩的。但是面对这许许多多、五颜六色的玩具,学生们有时因为不了解玩具的构造与原理,没玩几天就被拆的七零八落;有时因为得来容易,不大爱惜;有时因为缺少玩伴,再多的玩具,他们也没有太多的乐趣;有时因为一窝蜂都玩,攀比严重。所以现在的学生并不缺少玩的东西,而缺失的是动手能力和创造能力。因此,我们有必要以此为契机,把学生单纯的“玩”玩具引导到“制”玩具中来,把科学的探究融入学生的玩耍中去,使学生在快乐中健康成长。 三、活动时间、对象与形式 1.活动时间:2012年1月---2013年1月。 2.活动对象与形式:参加人员为本校六年级学生及任《科学》课的教师,分个人制作与小组合作两种形式。 四、方案的主体部分 (一)活动内容 方案包含了五个不同内容的活动,即走访调查、举办“玩”玩具大比拼活动、开展科普知识讲座、科普阅读、创意生活小制作比赛。每一个活动都有不同的目的,通过这一系列活动,让学生在良好的科普氛围中接受科普知识的熏陶,并促使他们积极投入到动手制作、自主创新活动中。 (二)活动目标 1.知识与技能 ⑴尝试材料的收集与整理的方法,让学生在日常学习生活中了解身边常见的结构、材料,知道结构、材料的不同特点,能满足不

同的需求,树立材料意识,同时可以使学生具有准确的辨识能力、分析能力和敏感的科学触觉。 ⑵在自制玩具的过程中,训练动手技能,培养学生的动手能力和独立思考的能力,发展个性,养成良好的科学探索习惯。 ⑶通过采访、讨论、交流,培养学生的口语表达能力和人际交往能力。 2.情感态度和价值观 ⑴获得亲自参加活动的积极体验和丰富经验,塑造完美人格。 ⑵掌握一种科学的思维方式和独特、科学的实践方法,善于从身边进行科学实践。 ⑶鼓励学生积极参与制作,引导学生综合运用知识,培养学生克服困难的勇气和意志力,促进合作精神。 ⑷体验科学技术在生活中的作用,激发学生自制玩具的兴趣,不断进行尝试和创新,尊重自己和他人的制作成果。 (三)活动重、难点和创新点 重点:做个生活的有心人,把废旧物品再利用,重新整合设计,变成点缀生活的有趣小玩意。 难点:学生手脑并用,亲自经历制作过程。 创新点: 1.学生有浓厚的兴趣,容易调动学生的积极性。 2.适用范围广(小学生、中学生都可参加),成本低,普及性强,可组织多人参加活动。 3.参加活动学生的自主创新意识得以充分发挥。 4.在普及的基础上,每年可以组织全校学生参加创意大赛,将会涌现出许多小发明创造。 5.增强学生的环保意识。 (四)活动原则 1.实践性。学生把理论知识转化为实践经验的过程,是一种学生自己动手制作亲自经历的活动,是科技教育的灵魂。在活动中,重在学生参与,发挥他们的主体作用。让学生亲自选材、亲自设想设计、亲自制作、亲自介绍、亲自评价。 2.激励性。在整个科技教育过程中注重发挥激励功能,这里没有失败,只有不断的探究。每个学生在大家的热切期待中体验了制作的全过程。


酸甜苦辣广告赏析 益达广告很多都很有新意,比如“你的益达”,“不,是你的益达”;“你的益达加满了”。而这则广告我当初在电视上看到,也只是其中的一小部分,感觉很有意思。然而,后来才知道这并不是全部,“酸甜苦辣”是一部微电影,这个广告的内容还有很多,于是我对此就更加感兴趣了。于此,我对其进行我个人的赏析。 一、广告描述 广告产品:益达无糖木糖醇。 广告对象:一般指向当代对生活热血、有朝气的年轻人。 广告长度:14分钟38秒。 广告代言:彭于晏、桂纶镁以及连凯。 广告内容:整个广告分为两部,第一部讲述的是男主角(彭于晏饰)与女主角(桂纶镁饰)的相遇及发展以至于最后的分别,分为缘起和酸甜苦辣五个短篇;第二部则讲述两人重逢后发生的故事,同时加了人物客栈老板(连凯饰),共分为三集。 第一部中男主角骑摩托车到加油站加油,与女主角相遇并互相产生好感,然后开始了两人的旅程。在到底海边的旅程中,两人经历了生活中的酸甜苦辣,女主角更是品尝了甜的糖葫芦、酸的醋、辣的肉串和苦的咖啡,最后两人尽管相爱,但都没有勇气表达,在无奈之下,女主角带着那酸甜苦辣选择了离开。 第二部女主角已在客栈老板那里做服务员,两人已产生了感情,这时男主角因缘分突然出现,打破了女主角原本平静的生活,于是三人之间的情感故事展开。最后客栈老板选择放手,女主角跟男主角和好并继续了他们的旅程。 最后则是采访三人的情感历程。 二、创意评论 该广告的代言产品是益达无糖木糖醇,其消费对象也主要是年轻人,而广告的故事情节也是围绕感情来讲述的。在广告中,益达在两人的爱情中起着很大的作用,让两个人相识,又让两个人相爱。从某些程度上符合了当代年轻人的一些人生态度,可以使他们对此产生共鸣。 该广告的故事情节也很吸引人,尤其是其中每个片段都会出现的读白。讲述两个主人公的爱情经历,也讲述了益达对其爱情的辅助作用。首先,“缘起——缘分像杯烈酒,充满着浓烈的味道,却也回味无穷,就像……”,整个故事的开端,把所有故事归于味道,符合后边的酸甜苦辣,也符合了产品的作用。然后,“甜——甜蜜的开始,总是充满美味”、“酸——越觉得心酸,越是在乎对方”、“辣——火辣的争吵,是爱的调味剂”、“苦——最酷的总是,爱得不够勇敢”,


北京芸学教育科技有限公司 北京芸学教育科技有限公司总部位于北京,是一家专注于健康管理师、注册会计师、教师资格证、企业人力资源管理师、心理和营养师等领域的综合性教育服务机构。所授课程以培训+实践+就业+跟踪调研+丰富教学内容的运营模式,从企业中提取岗位需求,并结合到教学产品的研发上,学员在就业公司实习、就业,同步收集学员的工作感受,在产品上再次进行补充调整,形成学习—就业的完美闭环。芸学以“让学习更简单”为理念,致力为学员提供课程咨询、作业辅导、学习规划、售后答疑以及就业指导等在内的“一站式”服务。 芸学教育致力于为学习者提供精准的学习过程管理、完善的学习备考服务、科学的学习效果评估,充分使用大数据、人工智能等技术,为全国各地的学习者提供及时、准确、高效的教育资源。公司拥有国内外领先的教研、技术和服务团队,通过在线学习平台,整合直播、录播、题库、测评、双师等多种学习方式,全方位满足学习者的学习、训练和实操需求。课程设计坚持以市场需求为导向,通过实地探访过近百家企业,分析他们对人才和岗位需求,将核心需求融入课程设计内。 公司规模 截止到2019年底,芸学团队共有员工近千人。核心管理人员均是来自国内各大教育机构的顶级人才,拥有丰富的教育行业从业经验。短短三年时间,已经成为国内职业教育公司领军企业,2019年营业额超2亿元,培训学员覆盖全国40个城市,仅19年一年时间,就培养10万毕业生,打造了职业教育行业的一个奇迹。 品牌文化 作为在线职业教育的先驱者之一、面向大学生与职场新人的在线职业教育品牌,芸学教育一直致力于打破传统在线职业教育弊端,让优质的在线职业教育资源实现跨时空、低成本、高效率地传播,培养面向未来的职业人才。 简单:聚焦学员需求,把错综复杂的学科知识通过分析、研究和判断梳理归纳为直白易懂的语言,融入到教学课程内;把复杂的职场问题简单化,简单的问题条理化,解决问题抓住重点,把简单的事情做完善,让每一位学员轻松上手,快乐学习! 高效:对教学内容严格要求,对服务质量坚守承诺。消除学习过程中的繁琐步骤,轻装上阵,提高学员的学习效率,不断丰富教学方法并使之规范化,持续追求用最好的服务保障学员的学习效果和就业方向。


托福阅读提分的5大技巧 大家在备考的时候要多根据托福阅读题型进行总结,多做托福阅读真题。这样在考试中就 能够根据以往的经验进行答题,既能提高速度又能提高效率。下面为大家整理了托福阅读 提分的5大技巧。 1.文章主旨的把握 首先,托福的每一篇文章都附加了标题,可以通过对文章标题格式,内容,可能应用的文 章书写格式三个方面对文章整体进行把握。 其次,每篇文章的长度由原来的300-400增长到了现有的700字左右,且段落由原有的2- 4段增长到现有的5-10段,那么对于文章主旨的把握能力就显得无比重要。而要做到在短短的3-4分钟以内完成这件事情,就要求我们对段落结构,段落大意,以及段间结构即文 章大纲的把握做到精准的程度。 2.泛读能力 所谓托福阅读泛读能力是指得在短时间以内对一篇文章内容迅速把握。在对文章段落主旨 句的阅读中,我们需要读的内容约有8-15句话左右,在3-4分钟以内完成对这些句子的 阅读并总结文章大纲,就要求我们对于托福句子式结构熟识于心。而托福阅读中,句子长,成份杂一直以来都是大家在阅读上遇到的最大障碍之一。解决这个问题的方法,可以采用 泛读技巧中的主句阅读方式,即对读到的每个句子进行结构分析,找出主句,再补充其它 成份的细节内容。 当我们对段内句子的主要意思,讲述对象,及讲述方向有所了解之后,后期解题过程中使 用到的答案定位(或关键词定位)便可以达到快,准,稳的效果。 把握住了文章主旨就得到了文章的写作方向与目的,辅以段落间的关系,会使得解题过程 轻松无比。 3.段落结构 文章写作过程中,为了清楚的表达中心思想,会采用不同的段落结构,而结构的选取与文 章类型及内容无关,仅是选取一种最为清晰的表达方式。段落内部结构从大体上来讲可以 分为总---分---(总)的分点并列结构,或者总---分的观点递进阐述结构。相对来讲前者 更赋逻辑性,而后者因其逻辑性较差而导致在阅读过程中难度系数相对较大。当大家对段 落内部结构的分析日渐成熟的时候,便可以对段落主旨大意总结的驾驭做到轻车熟路,进 而节约阅读时间。 4.句子结构


益达广告观后感 益达广告观后感 第一篇:益达广告 益达广告的优缺点 益达口香糖在96年打入中国市场,在国内市场取得卓越的成就,其成就与它自身的创意广告有着密不可分的关系。我就其中的“益达无糖口香糖超市篇”并结合消费者行为学相关知识分析一下它的优缺点。 优点: 1.温馨的画面,甜蜜的爱情场景,关爱他人的细腻举动,给消费者传递出一种良好的消费讯号,极大地刺激了消费者的购买欲望。 2.广告插曲是大家耳熟能详的《love you more than i can say》,从感官上给消

费者一种轻松愉悦的享受。 3.所选择的超市这个拍摄地点,贴近了消费者的现实生活,从侧面反映了产品的价格较为平易近人,消除了消费者对于价格偏贵产品的抵触心理。 4.“关爱牙齿,更关心你”的广告语借产品表达了人与人互相关爱的态度,可以让消费者感觉到自己被充分的重视。 5.益达广告中的代言人都是一些一线的当红明星,利用这种明星效应以及明星的影响力极大地吸引了消费者的购买兴趣。 缺点: 1.广告表现上给会给消费者留下情侣口香糖的模糊概念,表达的情感对情侣以外的目标消费者吸引力和亲和感明显不足。 第二篇:益达广告 益达广告评析 说到口香糖很多人自然会想起曾经在电视荧屏上风靡一时的绿箭口香糖。绿箭口香糖以“清新口气”的主题曾经得

到了很多人的关注,但是随着口香糖功能的拓展和演变,口香糖从口味向功能和机能型发展,在满足了各种消费者需求的同时,一个新的品牌也在悄然的植入人们的心底,这就是益达口香糖!由起初的“你的益达,是你的益达。”到如今的“关爱牙齿,更关心你”。益达的广告语已经深入人心。而让我们一直记得的不仅仅是嚷嚷上口的广告语,更是广告片拍摄中的故事和创意。 每天都不得不被动的接受各种广告的轰炸,但那段小清新的益达广告片突然成了享受。起初的广告是一段超市里萌发的小爱情,一句“你的益达,是你的益达”,不知不觉中将爱情和益达联系在了一起。男女主角因为一瓶益达开始萌生爱情,隐约的告诉消费者益达可以是爱情的告白和见证。这则广告恰好是08年推出,结合当下的自由思想,这般清新的爱情故事很容易被羡慕,“益达”也将被记住。 一段广告的影响受时间的控制,广


招标投标企业报告 造物世界(北京)教育科技有限公司

本报告于 2019年9月24日 生成 您所看到的报告内容为截至该时间点该公司的数据快照 目录 1. 基本信息:工商信息 2. 招投标情况:中标/投标数量、中标/投标情况、中标/投标行业分布、参与投标 的甲方排名、合作甲方排名 3. 股东及出资信息 4. 风险信息:经营异常、股权出资、动产抵押、税务信息、行政处罚 5. 企业信息:工程人员、企业资质 * 敬启者:本报告内容是中国比地招标网接收您的委托,查询公开信息所得结果。中国比地招标网不对该查询结果的全面、准确、真实性负责。本报告应仅为您的决策提供参考。

一、基本信息 1. 工商信息 企业名称:造物世界(北京)教育科技有限公司统一社会信用代码:91110105MA00F2TQ11工商注册号:/组织机构代码:MA00F2TQ1 法定代表人:刘志宏成立日期:2017-06-06 企业类型:有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)经营状态:在业 注册资本:3500万人民币 注册地址:北京市朝阳区朝阳北路102号楼5层525 营业期限:2017-06-06 至 2037-06-05 营业范围:技术开发、技术推广、技术咨询、技术转让、技术服务;销售计算机、软硬件及辅助设备、电子产品、文具用品;教育咨询;从事互联网文化活动。(企业依法自主选择经营项目,开展经营活动;从事互联网文化活动以及依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后依批准的内容开展经营活动;不得从事本市产业政策禁止和限制类项目的经营活动。) 联系电话:*********** 二、招投标分析 2.1 中标/投标数量 企业中标/投标数: 个 (数据统计时间:2017年至报告生成时间) 3


科技公司简介范文 科技发展有限公司(SHANGHAI KEYTECH DEV. CO.,LTD.)是一家专业从事嵌入式工业计算机及自动化控制系统设计、开发、销售的高科技公司,成立于1992年。公司继承了自控领域的经验,融入当今先进的工业计算机技术,在自动化控制及嵌入式计算机系统领域取得了骄人的业绩,成为在该领域具有较强影响力的公司。 科技发展有限公司下设技术部、工程部、业务部,有较强的设计、研发和生产能力,可为用户提供嵌入式计算机系统产品设计、开发、系统集成、自动化工程实施等服务。随着公司的发展,目前已有自主品牌的四个系列(工业级平板电脑、工作站及平板显示器和BOX PC)近20款产品投入批量生产。我们的宗旨:专业是基础、服务是保证、质量是信誉。凭借可靠的产品质量和良好的售后服务,科韵赢得了广大用户的认可,产品应用涵盖公共交通,电力、军工、金融、网络安全、船舶制造、医药器械、数控、仪表、科研等行业,并连续多年成为上海地铁和军工科研单位嵌入式计算机产品指定供应商。 相关经验: 1.xx厂生产调度系统 2.xx厂生产自动监控系统 3.xx公司电力监控系统 4.xx国际机场道路收费系统主机 5.xx地铁多媒体查询系统(嵌入式工控主机) 6.xx轻轨一卡通票务查询机(嵌入式工控主机) 主要业务方向: 1.承接自动化工程 2.提供嵌入式电脑系统解决方案 3.提供各规格工业电脑及周边产品 公司宗旨: 专业是基础,服务是保证,质量是信誉

xx贸易有限公司是一家服务于工业领域内设备及备品配件的高科技公司。公司秉承着“专业、诚信、值得信赖”的经营理念,致力、高温热媒、蒸汽系统领域提供世界一流的产品同服务。我们多年的经验同积累,我们的专业和不断地创新,我们的诚信和优质服务,得到了各行业客户的一致肯定和好评,为企业赢得了卓越商誉。 “客户信赖、首选的品牌供货商”是我们企业追求的目标,我们也时刻以此来严格要求自己。代理及经营多项世界知名顶级品牌产品,期待在最关键的时候为您提供最为全面的现场解决方案以及最完善的产品和服务。 企业目标 专业、诚信、优秀的产品供应商 客户信赖的、首选的品牌供应商 经营理念 专业、诚信、值得信赖 服务宗旨 以最合理的价格、最完善的服务,提供最优秀的产品 以客户需求为导向,以提高客户生产效率及质量为目标,不断引进国外先进技术同产品,为客户带来更为全面的现场解决方案


托福IBT阅读总述 细节题 反面细节题 词汇题 指代题 推断题 修辞目的题 句子简化题 句子入位题 文章总结题 表格题 题型特点 1. 所占比重:3-6/14,30% 事实信息题的数量是十大题型当中最多的,占到整个考题量的1/5-1/4,而且以考察考生对于细节容的理解程度 2. 提问方式 According to the paragraph, which of the following is true of X? The author’s description of X mentions which of the following…?

According to the paragraph, X occurred because… According to the paragraph, X did Y because… According to the paragraph, why did X do Y? 解题步骤 细节题的答案直接出现在原文中,正确答案是原文的同义改写 ?1、从题干当中提取关键词(问什么,提到什么) ?2、带着关键词回原文定位 ?3、对定位句进行同义改写(80%)或者针对TS(topic sentence)+D(details)进行总结归纳(20%) ?4、运用直选法选出正确答案(排除答案当中的错误项) 能进行定位的: Key word原则:n>v>adj./ adv. n:人名;地名;时间名词;专属名词;数字 选择围小的当定位词:n1 of n2 of n3… n1 in n2 in n3… n1>n2 >n3… 无法进行定位的: 1.TS+D (Topic Sentence+Details)方法,捕捉抽象概念; 1.并结合选项排除 题型特点 1.所占比重:0-2/14,14% 事实信息题出题比重并不是特别大,但是往往成为考生在考试当中的失分点。 2. 提问方式 According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true of X? The author’s description of X mentions all of the following EXCEPT… 三种考查方式


农民科技教育培训的现状与对策 摘要:本文全面总结了XX县农民科技教育培训的现状,分析了当前农民科技教育培训工作中存在的问题,并针对问题提出了加强农民科技教育培训工作的发展对策。 关键词:农民,教育培训,现状,对策,XX 加强农民科技教育培训,是提高农村劳动力素质,提高农民在就业技能和竞争能力的重要手段,是增加农民收入最为有效的途径。改革开放以来,党中央、国务院提出了“科教兴农”战略。XX县是个农业大县,县委、政府高度重视农业,将农业和农村工程摆到了重要议事日程,建立组织机构,制订扶持政策为农民科技教育培训搭建平台,积极开展农业技术指导、结合产业结构调整开展农村干部、农民的学历教育和技术培训,为推进我县农业和农村经济的持续快速发展做出应有的贡献,取得了一定成效。但XX县农村还有大量的农村劳动力需要继续教育培训,农民科技教育培训的道路任重而道远。支撑新农村建设的基础在于培养数以亿计的观念新、有文化、讲文明、懂技术、会经营的新型农民。农民科技教育是全面提高劳动者素质,提高农业科技成果贡献率的重要基础,是繁荣农村经济,实现新世纪农村经济可持续发展的重要保证。 1XX县人力资源及科技教育培训现状 XX县是一个农业大县,全县辖13个乡镇,169个村(居)民委员会,2346个村民小组,有耕地资源48.06万亩,粮食总产量12.90万吨,人均有粮351公斤,人均纯收入2437元。2008年末总人口36.12万人,其中农业人口33.14万人,有劳动力资源20.35万人,其中已在二、三产业就业劳动力3.23万人,占劳动力资源15.89%,劳动力

资源丰富,但普遍素质较低。促进农村经济发展,增加农民收入,农村劳动力是决定因素,农民是主体,开展农民科技教育培训,是提高农村劳动力素质,促进农村经济发展,增加农民收入的一项重要措施。 1.1从事纯农的劳动力偏多富余劳动力总量大,据统计,我县农村劳动力中在本地从事农、林、牧、渔业的有16.07万人,按我县总耕地面积48.06万亩,每个劳动力耕种7亩土地计算,农业实际需劳动力为6.87万人,农村富余劳动力9.2万人,其中不包括“农闲务工、农忙务农”的农民。 1.2受教育程度低文化程度是决定农民素质高低的主要因素,从统计数据看,我县农村劳动力小学及以下文化程度占33.2%,初中文化程度占58.5%,高中以上文化程度占8.3%,受过职业技能培训的劳动力仅占农村劳动力的5 %左右,平均受教育年数不到7年。目前,农村劳动力文化程度较高的多已转移进入二、三产业就业,剩下的农村富余劳动力的文化程度相对更低。 1.3农民科技教育培训机构不断完善县内有职业高级中学一所,农业教育广播电视学校一所;在乡级中学开办有“3+1”班,各乡镇有成人文化技术学校;县科协开办有农业科技致富函授大学,县委组织部在村级设有农村党员素质教育培训点。齐全和完善的农民科技教育培训机构,为我县农民科技教育培训和实施新型农民科技培训打下坚实的基础。 1.4农民科技教育培训体系健全全县有农业科技推广机构23个,其中县级10个,乡(镇)级13个,共有农技推广人员390人,其中县级188人,从事种植业310人,渔业14人,农机化30人,农经36人;有高级职称21人,中级职称 136人,初级职称157人,有大


影视广告 益达广告 -《是你的益达》 一、广告内容介绍: 时间:晚上 10:30 地点:小型百货超市 人物:超市男营业员,女顾客。男生可爱阳光,细心周到。女生清纯美丽 而不失端庄大方。 背景音乐: Leo Sayer 《I love you more than I can say》清新吉他版 故事梗概:晚上在超市值班的男生在柜台前悠闲地吃着面包,突然,超市感应门开了,走进来了那个熟悉的身影,那个女生,那个给无聊的夜晚带来一些喜 悦期待的女生。男生急忙拿开“用餐中”的告示牌,顾不得嘴里未咽下的面包,向女生打招呼。女生也轻轻的回头一笑。 女生挑好夜宵,来到收银台结账。 “这么晚才下班啊。” “是啊。” “我帮你加热。” “谢谢。” 这时,女生看到了放在柜台旁的益达口香糖,就拿了一瓶。“这个对牙齿好哦!”男生顺势说到。受到小小感动的女生于是又轻轻地拿了一瓶放在一起。 “好了,好好照顾自己。”男生关心地说。 “你也是。”女生腼腆地说完就转身离开了。 就在女孩快要走出超市门的时候,男生突然发现她有一瓶益达忘记带走。“嗨!你的益达!”女生转身甜美地回答到:“是你的益达。”

在女生身出那句“是你的益达” 背景解:“益达无糖口香糖,关牙,更关心你。” 益达微笑曲。 两大,五种品的展示。(特本广告主打品当新上市的香橙薄荷味无糖 口香糖) 接第一部分的故事,男生坐在收台前,上演着那典的“撕玫瑰花瓣” “ 我,不我??”的景,只不玫瑰花成了益达口香糖,台成了“她明天会来,她明天不会来??” 二、广告析 1、益达品介。 益达是 1984 年箭牌公司在美国推出的第一款无糖口香糖。它能刺激唾液分 泌,中和口腔酸性,从而能帮助防。并且些年的展,已成一款“ 尚,年,保 健,关” 定位的品。益达广告也是一直品些特点来的。 2、广告特色。 如果非要指出广告所用到的广告理,我最合适的是 BI 理。没有特推某一款品的功能价,而是从整体上益达口香糖塑造一 种浪漫,青春,关的品形象,最人印象深刻的是“是你的益达” 句广告,女生不直“是你的”,而是用含蓄的方式表达出男生的关心,众在听完后有所回味,有所温暖。 3、从广告内容分析售方向。 从音和男女主角形象来看,本品售象主要是年人,上班族。方法是消 者造一种温馨甜美的氛,在男女主人公平凡而又浪漫的相遇中,益达成一种 的,关的表达。


益达系列广告评析 Revised by Jack on December 14,2020

益达微电影广告评析 益达无糖口香糖1996年进入中国市场,在近些年,它所推出的微电影广告——酸甜苦辣系列在各大媒体上广为流传,深受观众的喜欢。 微电影广告分为两部,一部是由人气偶像桂纶镁和彭于晏主演的爱情系列,分为上下两篇。通过上篇两人在茫茫沙漠中相遇、相识后共历美好旅程中以酸,甜,辣,苦为主题的五个小故事,和下篇再相遇的一系列故事,描绘了充满生活真实气息的美妙爱情。益达穿插在每一个小故事中,其中“兄弟,加满”,“你的益达也满了”这两句广告词深入人心,它们既表现了男女主角对益达的喜爱,也是牵引他们美丽爱情的一条主线。广告最后辅以“吃完和完嚼益达”“关爱牙齿,更关心你——益达无糖口香糖”的结束语。另一部是由影星白百合和郭晓冬主演的梦想系列。描写的是丫头白百合向厨神郭晓冬拜师学艺的酸甜苦辣历程。系列短片以追求梦想需要脚踏实地,坚持到底为主题,引人寻思。同样,小包装的益达穿插其中,广告的重心在“吃完喝完嚼益达”和“关爱牙齿”。 以下,我们用广告创意理论来评析益达这一系列广告的创新和独到之处。它在体现USP理论、品牌形象塑造、产品定位、以及引起消费者的情感共鸣这四个方面都做得非常出色。 一、USP理论在益达广告中的应用 在广告系列的每一个小广告中,益达都是以保护牙齿的形象出现,不论是吃完了各种口味的食品、还是喝了咸哭的海水,过后嚼两片益达,就能够轻松帮助清洁牙齿,保持洁白牙色,呵护牙齿健康。“关爱牙齿”的广告语更是从不缺席。广告创意就在于提出了明确的产品概念:益达的作用就是关爱牙齿,如何关爱呢,吃完喝完嚼益达即可。轻松简单,在舒适的美味中让牙齿远离亚健康。在此之前,从来没有哪一种口香糖的宣传给予消费者餐后护理牙齿的主张,这样的概念无疑是新颖独特的。



1:公司属性&大事表; 属性:有限责任公司(法人独资);2006年美国上市 大事表: 1993 11月16日,北京新东方学校成立。 1996第一家新东方书店诞生。 2000在上海、广州相继设立新东方学校。 2002武汉、天津、西安、南京新东方学校相继成立,创办精英英语学习中心,挺进高端英语培训市场。 2003在沈阳、重庆、成都、深圳相继设立新东方学校。 2005杭州、长沙、哈尔滨、济南、太原、郑州、长春、襄樊新东方学校成立。 2006在福州、合肥、昆明、石家庄、苏州、株洲、宜昌、鞍山、佛山等地相继设立新东方学校。 2007在南昌、无锡、荆州、大连相继设立新东方学校。 2008在兰州、厦门、青岛、南宁、黄石、宁波等地相继设立新东方学校。 2009 3月,在徐州设立新东方学校。 2010在湘潭、镇江、洛阳、南通等地设立新东方学校。 2011新东方相继在吉林、贵阳、呼和浩特、唐山、乌鲁木齐等地开设新东方学校。2013 9月,俞敏洪成为耿丹学院理事长,新东方以间接方式进入民办大学学历教育领域。

2:公司定位,公司目标,行业定位,面向的客户群体; 公司定位:外语培训和基础教育 行业定位:中国大陆首家海外上市的综合性教育培训机构。 公司目标:提升学生终身竞争力,塑造学生公民素质,赋予学生全球眼光。客户群体:学生、准备出国留学的大学生。

3:公司规模:人员规模,地域分布; 新东方教育科技集团由1993年11月16日成立的北京新东方学校发展壮大而来,集团以培训为核心,拥有满天星幼儿园、泡泡少儿教育、优能中学教育、基础英语培训、大学英语及考研培训、出国考试培训、多语种培训等多个培训体系,同时在基础教育、职业教育、教育研发、出国咨询、文化产业等方面取得了骄人的成绩。作为中国著名私立教育机构,新东方教育科技集团于2006年9月7日在美国纽约证券交易所成功上市。截止2014年5月,新东方已经在全国50座城市设立了56所学校、31家书店以及703家学习中心。自成立以来,新东方累计面授学员2000万人次。新东方品牌在世界品牌价值实验室(World Brand ValueLab)编制的2010年度《中国品牌500强》排行榜中排名第94位,品牌价值已达64.23亿元。 22年的风雨历程让新东方奠定了在中国教育培训行业的领军地位,从一个名不见经传的培训班发展到如今拥有30000多名教职员工,业务与足迹遍及全国各大主要城市的上市公司。

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