当前位置:文档之家› 英语写作思维方式有几个重要特征





英美文化强调个人。而儒家文化强调他人。“我”字当头就是以我、我们、你、你们、他、他们,这些行为的执行者为重心和中心展开表达。强调主语,强调动作的执行者。英语强调动作。汉语强调状态。英语常把行为者和动作放在句首。汉语常把状语放在重要地方。例如:I found my bike lost when I walked out of the Shengli wovie theater after watching Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon yes-terday afternoon.(昨天下午在胜利电影院看完《卧虎藏龙》出来时,我发现我的自行车不见了。) 当然用另一种方法表达也可以。 Yesterday afternoon when I walked out of the Shengli movie theater after watching Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, I found my bike lost. 但是比起前者来略显头重脚轻。又例如:Many recently opened summer resorts around Beijing are filled with pleasure-seeking natives of Beijing.(北京附近新开放的夏季旅游点到处都是北京人。) 比较 Many natives of Beijing are enjoying themselves in the recently opened summer resorts around the city. 这一句将动作执行者置于句首,这种表达方式更符合英语习惯。


英美文化突出坦率,特别是在英语中更是这样。中国文化推崇含蓄。英语句子和英语修辞倾向直截了当的表达。汉语句子和汉语修倾向含蓄婉转的表达。例如: If you want to get more help from me, I would be glad to do my best for you.(如果你希望从我这儿获得更多的帮助,我将愿意帮忙。) If you need more help, just let me know. 这二句话反映了英语思维的简练和直截了当。另外,大部分英语句子使用动作的主动时态。中国学生喜欢作动作的被动时态。例如: The sone of Youth was written by her.(《青春之歌》是她写的。) 比较 She wrote The Song of Youth. 当然如果是属于交际场合中的礼节,英美人在用词上比中国人更显含蓄。例如,如果要表达“你要买点儿什么?”(What do you want to buy?)这样的中文思想,英美人会说: What can I do for you? 或者 Can I help you? 又例如,用中式思维表达下面的思想: A: Do you think I should buy a car?(你认为我该买辆汽车吗?) B: You’d better not buy it now.(你现好现在别买。) 比较英美人飞惯用的表达方汉表示同样的思想: A: Do you think I should buy a car? B: I would not buy it at this moment.(目前你最好别买。直译是:如果我是你,我就不买。)


本文中“事件”这个词泛指所有实在的物体,通俗一点儿可以理解为“内容”。它与“过程”相辅相成并紧密相连。“过程”也就是事物发展的方法,也可能理解为“形式”。事件表达的具体性是指句子中的句词,或者句子要表达的事物具体、准确,不能含糊其辞,让读者去猜。例如: The good painting competition drew crowds of students. 这里的good 和students就属于用词不准确,不具体。“好”和“坏”也非常笼统和抽象,在英语句子中应尽量少使用。如果你the threedays well-organized painting compertition就很具体,给读者一个清晰具体的信息。同样,student可分为elementary school students(first to fifth graderw), the middle school students(sixth to eighth graders), high school students(ninth to twelfth graders), college students(freshman, sophomore, junior and senior), graduate students(master students, Ph. D. students, or first-year/second-year graduate students, etc.)。除非在前面已经提到,否则第一次出现应该具体表达所指的人。同样,“a good wife”就远不如“a diligent and considerate wife”具体和准确。


西方文化区别于东方文化的一个显著特点是社会生活的自然化。撞单地说,就是抽象的、人类的、感情的东西可以用具体的、自然界的、物质的事物来表述。比如,a lot of bikes 可以用a sea of bikes来表达,因为sea是一种形象生动的词汇;in full development 可以用in full wing来表达,因为swing是从秋千的摆动引申而来的;the rising prices 可以用the skyrocketing prices来表达,等等。语言表达的形象就是用自然界相对应的事物和动作描写人类社会的活动,使得句子简练生动。这种表达不只局限于句词,表现具体动作的动词也可以表现抽象的意义,也可以转换成名词。例如rain这个单词是“下雨”的意思,它可以用作名词,也可以用作动词。但是在许多地道的英语句子中,rain的具体意义被引申使用于抽象思维,从而表现出高度的形象和生动性。下面的几个例句就表现了它的各个层次上的用法: (1) It is raining hard. (2) It is torrential rain. (3) The tennis game was rained out.(由于下雨,网球比赛被迫停止。) (4) The children rained questions on their teacher.(孩子们像雨点一样的问题使老师应接不暇。) (5) Debris from the explosion rained down the slope. (爆炸后的碎粒像雨点一样落到斜波上。) (6) Come rain or shine, I will see you on Thursday.(不论发生什么,咱们星期四见面。) 西方人喜爱用自然界具体形象表达生活中的抽象行为。既然rain可以如此表达,那么我们可以将其引申,同rain意思相同的词汇如drizzle, shower, downpour, storm, thunder, thunderstorm 都可以用于抽象意义。例如:(1) The priest drizzled water on the baby’s head.(牧师在婴儿头上洒了一点儿水。) (2) The speech was liberally drizzle with jokes about the incident.(发言中有意掺杂了一些对这件事的玩笑。) (3) His boss showered him with praise for everything he had done for the company.(他为公司做的每件事,他的老件都要大加赞赏。) (4) A shower of confetti fell on the newly-married couple outside the church.(在教堂外,五彩纸屑纷纷落在新郎新娘身上。) (5) She received a downpour of criticism at the meeting.(在会上她遭到激烈的批评。) (6) She stormed out of my office.(她愤怒地站出我的办公室。) (7) The issue has provoked a stormy debate between the left and the right of the party.(这件事引起了党内左右党派激烈的争论。) (8) “I never want to see you again,” he thundered.(“我再也不想见到你了,”他大声吼道。)

(9) A thunderstorm of laughing rose in the next door.(隔壁屋中突然传出一阵雷鸣般的笑声。)


时间和空间是相辅相成的一对事物。英语表达在时间概念上表现了极强的具体性和现实性。我国学生喜欢用较大的时间概念,如nowadays, at present, in that time, recently, for a long time。英美作者常用具体的时间名词,如these years, the decade, these days, at that historical moment/point, the year, the month, the week, the day, the hour, the minute, the second, the moment, the point。这种差别可能出于经济生活的特征。现代化西方人的生活节奏比较快,造成时间概念上的紧凑,因而使用较小的时间单位。我们常听美国人说,“You have 168 hours a week so you have plenty of time to complete the work.”也许以后我们的生活节奏快了,也会使用较小的时间单位。这一类常见的例子有: (1) I have no idea about what is going to happen at this moment.(比较: I have no idea about what is going to happen at this time.) (2) The year of 1978 marks an important moment in modern Chinese history.(比较: The year of 1978 marks an important time in modern Chinese history.) (3) I tried calling her the instant I got home.(比较: I tried calling her as soon as I got home.) (4) I have been looking for a job

for so long that I have almost reached the stage of despair.(比较: I have been looking for a job for so long that I have almost reached the situation of despair.) (5) In his early years Benjamin Franklin worked in his brother’s printing shop.(比较: In this childhood, Benjamin Franklin worked in his brother’s printing shop.) (6) I have put in many hours of helping him move into his new home.(比较: I have spent a lot of time helping him move into his new home.) (7) She can’t forget those heart-breaking days in the Anti-Japanese War.(比较: She can’t forget her miserable life in the Anti-Japanese War.) 因此我们说,在写作中思维要复杂,但表达要具体。使用较小的时间名词,这正是英语写作突出的特点,也是我国学生需要掌握的技巧。


空间是指动作和行为。英语在表达动作时具有强烈的方向性:这与汉语截然不同。例如: (1) I am going down to Shanghai for the summer. (2) He is going up to Beijing next week for a job interview. 这两句中的副词down和up没有实在的意义,有时候可以省略。但表达出来就具有强烈的方向感。它们指示方向,down指南方,up指北方。汉语中则不容易表易出来。其他方向副词还有表示两边的out,表示距离的over,表示内外的in, inside, out, outside。比较普遍的用法有: (1) Could you come up inside here so we can talk about something personal?(说话时对方可能在窗外楼下院子里。当然这样连续使用3个副词的用法不常见。) (2) The old man worked the whole morning out there in his vegetable plot.(强调外边) (3) Please take a look at the sentence down at the bottom of the page.(强调下方) (4) On her arrival in Beijing and with little money on her, the little girl walked all the way from the Yongdingmen Railway Station up to Xizhimen.(强调北方) 当然空间表达的方向性并不是在每句话中都显示出来。但是明白它的重要性可以极大提高英语理解和写作能力,增强用英语思维的整体能力。


动词短语是指动词与副词或介词联用的短语,如give up, take off, pick up, make up, come on, figure out, speed up, slow down, lay out, set up, draw on, go through, fall short, dwell on, arrive at, do away with, depend on, grow up, turn down, dress up, account for, count on, rule out, take into account, bring about, amount to, carry out, feed on, keep up, head for, cling to, stick to, hang on, show up。还包括一些介词和副词短语短语,如at least, as to, to and fro, back and forth, due to, in effect, on the contrary, on the whole, as a result, according to, at length, on the one hand…and on the other, apart from, in addition, in contrast, in conclusion, in all, on average, at the heart of, in sight。动词短语在英语中起着极为重要的作用。它们表达简练、清晰、生动,使用频率极高,是英语句子表达皇冠上的明珠。他们在英语句子中的作画用不可替代。掌握好动词短语是提高英语能力和掌握英语写作的关键一步。


英语和汉语由于思维的差异在抽象和具体这两个概念上有根本的区别。在汉语里,“一瓶水”、“两杯咖啡”、“一线光亮”、“一大笔钱”、“一阵风”、“这类人”,这些短语都表现不出抽象和具体之分。而在英语里,它们被表达为: a bottle of water two cups of coffee a beam of light a great sum of money a gust of wind this kind of people 其中bottle, cups, beam, sum, gust, kind是具体名词,而water, coffee, light, money,

wind, people是抽象名词。当然water和people也可以用作可数的具体名词。但在这里它们被用作抽象概念。类似的还有: fits of cough a streak of blood a scrap of evidence a stroke of luck a blast of cold air a sudden rush of dizziness a wide span of responsibility 这一类名词和介词联用的词组可以称作“of”短语,它是英语和汉语的一个重要区别。Of前面的名词是可数具体名词,而of后面的名词是不可数抽象名词。这是英语表达中的固定用法,与汉语截然不同。造成这种表达上的差异,追究其根源,主要来源于长期文化和思维演变的影响。东方人倾向抽象、演绎、综合的思维方式;西方人倾向具体、归纳、分析的思维方式。如果能从理性上理解这种思维差异造成的表达区别,将会便中国学生在学习写英语句子上大大受益。


英语中有一些特殊动词具有它们特殊的用法。而这些特殊用法是根据西方人思维方式演变开成的。因此从理论上掌握它们的思维基础,对于写好英语句子有事半功倍的效果。第一类特殊动词:require, order, demand, suggest等等。这类动词可以叫做命令或祈使动词。它们要求与名词、动词不定式或者虚拟式宾语从句联用。例如: (1) The teacher demanded an answer from the students to the question he raised. (2) They demanded to go inside the building for a security check. (3) The librarian demanded he return the books he checked out six months ago. 因为这些动词表达要求和命令,因此与之伴随的句子成分都表示出相同的口气,特别是(3)句中的虚拟时态,其中should被省略了。类似的动词还有许多,你应该从思维着手,在词义上动脑筋,去发现相同类型的动词。这样你在以后写句子时,就可以满怀信心地使用它们固有的伴随结构,而不会出错误,即便你从前没有见到过它的用法。比如,假如你不知道动词order如何用,但是你知道order有命令的意思,那你就可以说: The captain ordered that all his officers should attend the parade. 或者 The captain ordered that all his officers attend the parade.(与上面C句用法相同) 同样 Her parents suggested she try again in the following year’s national entrance exams. I sugest he try the foreign languages bookstore in Haidian. 第二类特殊动词:rob of , deprive of , strip of accuse of , assure of , convince of . 这类动词可以被称为“双宾语of动词”。它们的宾语是由第一宾语和第二宾语组成。第一宾语一般是动作的承受者,一般是人或地方;而第二宾语是动作的对象,一般是事物。它们的这种特殊用法是由英语思维的特殊需要所决定的,即强调和突出动作的随者,即人或地方。所以动作的随者紧接动词。而动作的对象是第二宾语,处于从属地位,所以被放在介词of 的后边。例如: (1) Last Friday, he robbed the bank of $ 2 million . (突出bank,将其放在前边) (2) Poverty deprived these village children of the opportunities for education . (突出children,将其放在前边)。 (3) On the morning of July 29 , 2001 Zhang Jian stripped himself of his clothes and started swimming across the English Channel.(突出himself,将其放在前边) 所以,这类动词在使用时,有时其中一个宾语常常初省略掉。但是你不要忘记它们的固定用法。例如: (1) I have been robbed! (2) She glanced at the wall and then quickly stripped of its pictures. 你能把省略的宾语复原吗?如果能,你就懂得了这类动词的用法。这一类特殊动词很多,你应该从词义上发现和找到它们,使用这们在思维控制下的统一固定的用法,而不会出错误。例如: (1) He was accued of the murder. (2) He tried to convince the jury of his innocence. (3) He assured me of his brother’s qualification for the job. (4) This visit to this village reminded me of my stay in Beian , Heilongjiang , as an educated youth during the Cultural Revolution. 稍微引申一下,你会发现另一类相似的动词用法,动词+from+名词。

例如: (1) The doctor dedicated his life to freeing the local people from the fatal disease. (2) The medicine released me from years of suffering from allergy. (3) Wang Zhidong was released from his position. 第三类特殊动词:see , watch, hear , notice, overhear, feel. 这类动词可以称作“感官动词。”它们的主语一般是人。它们常常与无to的动词不定式或者动名词(动词的-ing形式)连用,以表达伴随动作同时发生,同时也使句子更为生动。比较使用动词的定语从句,后者则显得很蹩脚,也不符合标准英语习惯。例如: (1) From this window we could see the children playing in the yard. (比较:From this window we could see the children were playing in the yard). (2) I watched Yu Lina playing the violin concerto “The Butterfly Lovers” at Beijing Music Hall last summer. (去年夏天我在北京音乐厅看了俞丽拿演奏小提琴协奏曲“梁祝”。)(比较:I watched Yu Lina was playing the violin concerto “The Butterfly Lovers” at Bejing Music Hall last summer. ) (3) She heard he say he would quit his job. (比较:She heard he said he would quit his job.) (4) We noticed a police van stop outside their house. (比较:We noticed a police van stopped outside their house.) (5) She overheard them talking about her last night. (比较:She overheard they were talking about her last night.) (6) He felt something snap inside his knee. (比较:He felt something snapped inside his knee.) 第四类特殊动词:look, appear, sound, smell, taste, feel. 这类特殊动词可以叫做“感觉动词”。它们的主语一般是物,但有时也可以是人,如下面的(2)句。它们都是表示与身体某部分相关的感觉动作,常常与形容词连用。例如: (1) This dress looks nice on you. (2) The executive appeared tired this mornig. (3) Your vacation plan sounds great. (4) These deep-fried twisted dough sticks smell good.(这些油条闻着真香) (5) The milk tastes sour. (6) The ground felt cold. 这类动词不是很多,但很常用。所以当你掌握了他们在思维上的构成基础,就可以写出很多优美的句子。第五类特殊动词:be busy doing, spend time doing。这类动词可以称为“时间动词”,因为它们表达了一种“时间紧”的口气。这类动词不太多,但与它们连用的时间名词却不少。所以说他们也同样表达了一类英语思维倾向。例如: (1) She was busy writing out Christmas cards. (2) He spent three hours typing his paper. 这类动词的旧式用法是使用介词in,即be busy in doing和spend time in doing。这里使用的时间名词多种多样,如year, month, week, minute, second, moment, while, decade, generation。


特殊名词是指表示“因难、问题、麻烦”(problem, difficulty, trouble)这类意思的名词和与它们连用的动名词。例如: (1) They have difficulty proving he is guilty. (2) I had problem getting here. (3) Parents often have trouble finding restaurants that welcome young children. 旧式用法一般要在动名词前面加介词in,例如第一名,They have difficulty in proving he is guilty。这和上面第五类特殊动词相似。从英语思维的角度来看,“因难、问题、麻烦”这类名词与将要进行的动词相联系,所以必须与表示动作的词汇连用。另外这类词可分为抽象和具体名词,或者不可数和可数名词。上面几个例子是用于它们的抽象和不可数意义,所以该名词以单数形式出现,而且前面没有冠词。它们的具体和可数形式的用法如下: (1) Did you have any problems understanding my lecture? (2) My father has difficulties using his computer. 但这两句在语法结构上与前面几句不一样。在这里它们主要作修饰主语的状语。


伴随状语虽然是一种普通的语法现象,但是它显示了英语思维中两个同时发生的动作可以按主次分开,使句子简练、生动。用主句表达主要动作,伴随状语表达辅助动作。例如: (1) Smoking a pipe, he browsed through a magazine in the room. (2) The paintings were on the floor, leaning against the wall. (3) Pinching and scraping we managed to get by when we were first married. (4) Laughing and yelling, the boy raced into the room and brought us the new. 12、礼节上的含蓄礼节上的含蓄是指在英语句子表达中使用婉转协商的口气和适当的语态,表达一种尊重的意向。例如: (1) What can I do for you?(此句常用于商店里营业员问顾客买什么东西) (2) Can I help you?(同上) (3) I would talk to my adviser first before taking on this project.(要是我,我就先和我的导师谈一谈,然后再着手这个项目。注意:这里没有用我国学生常用的You should talk to your adviser first before taking on this project.) (4) I would appreciate it very much should you let me know your decision at your earliest convenience.(如果能在您方便的时候尽早退知我你们的决定,我将非常感谢。注意:这里没有用我国不生常用的I would appreciate it very much should you tell me your decision at your earliest convenience.) 使用I would like to do…比You should do…或者You can do…要婉转得多。例如:(1) I’d like to buy ten envelopes and two 80-cent stamps.(比较,Can you give me ten envelopes and two 80-cent stamps?) (2) Would you please not smoke here?(比较:You should not smoke here.) 动词tell带用命令的口气,最好避免使用,除非用于和关系密切的人谈话中,例如: (1) Could you let me know the flight number for Kunming this afternoon?(比较:Can you tell me the flight number for Kunming this afternoon?) (2) I would like to let you know some of the company’s rules.(比较:I want to tell you some of the company’s rules.) (3) Can you tell me his e-mail address? I want to contact him.(此种为朋友之间的用法。)


英语写作的重要性 几乎所有的英语学习者都很注重听力和口语,如果不是要应付考试,极少有人会尝试进行英语写作。殊不知,光是会溜溜地说而不会写一篇完整的文章,基本上可以算作是半个英语文盲。 我们中国人学英语主要用途是什么?是因为要出国?还是因为要经常和老外face 2 face 的对话?恐怕我们的英语学习人群中最多只有1%的有机会出国,不会超过10%的人有机会和老外直接对话。英语实实在在使用最多的地方还是英文邮件书信往来。尤其涉外工作,则必须具备良好的英语写作能力。 经常进行英语写作练习,将会很好的提高自己的英语逻辑思维能力,同样对提高口语表达能力大有帮助。 英语写作的重要性 几乎所有的英语学习者都很注重听力和口语,如果不是要应付考试,极少有人会尝试进行英语写作。殊不知,光是会溜溜地说而不会写一篇完整的文章,基本上可以算作是半个英语文盲。 我们中国人学英语主要用途是什么?是因为要出国?还是因为要经常和老外face 2 face 的对话?恐怕我们的英语学习人群中最多只有1%的有机会出国,不会超过10%的人有机会和老外直接对话。英语实实在在使用最多的地方还是英文邮件书信往来。尤其涉外工作,则必须具备良好的英语写作能力。 经常进行英语写作练习,将会很好的提高自己的英语逻辑思维能力,同样对提高口语表达能力大有帮助。 英语(论坛)是当今世界上主要的国际通用语言 从全世界来看,说英语的人数已经超过了任何语言的人数,10多个国家以英语为母语,45个国家的官方语言是英语,世界三分之一的人口(二十几亿)讲英语。比如在日本,除了他们的本国母语——日语之外,英语是他们的第二语言,很多高层次的日本人以会说英语为荣。


常见英文连接词和句 型总结

作文过渡词的用法 1、表示时间的 at first 起初 next 接下来 then 然后 after that 那以后 later 后来 soon 不久soon/shortly after ……之后不久finally 最后 in the end 最后 eventually 最终 at last 最后 lately 近来 recently 最近now=at present=nowadays since then 自从那时起 after that 那以后 after a while 一会儿 afterward 后来 to begin/start with=in the first place 首先、第一点 immediately马上meanwhile=in the meantime=at the same time 在此期间、同时 until now 直到现在 suddenly=all of a sudden 突然 as a young man 当…… 是个年轻人的时候at the age of… 在……岁的时候 as soon as 一……就…… early in the morning 大清早 after/before dark 天黑后/前 from now on从现在开始 from then on 从那时开始 2、表示列举和时序 first, second, third…finally last but not the least最后但并非最不重要的firstly, secondly, thirdly…finally first of all, 首先 for one thing其一 for another其二, at the same time , at first , at last 3、表示列举

Importance of Education - 教育的重要性 - 英语作文模板 200字

Importance of Education In this modern world many nations or countries still facing problems of hunger poverty and illiteracy in which one of the main problems is of illiteracy. Some countries in Africa are even isolated from this world these countries did not grow with the world at that time when the world was growing and promote education,they didn’t take action and now they are in this condition only due to their illiteracy. They stuck in the dark ages and did not educate their children. And the countries that have low literacy are undeveloped in every way from this modern world. And countries such as Paris Singapore etc become the most developed country and the passport of Paris Singapore is on the top of the list of the most powerful passport in the world.


摘要:随着课程改革的逐步深入,无论是在高考的命题趋势还是教师的教学环节都更加注重我们高中生学习英语的实践性,这使得英语写作的地位提升到了更高的层次。但是,我们高中生的学习方法并没有与之发生相应的改变,我们依旧抽出定量的学习时间进行专项式的写作训练。其实,笔者认为写作能力的提高却非一朝一夕之功,而阅读和写作是密切相联系的,我们可以在日常的阅读中提升自己的写作能力。本文就从,高中英语写作现状、英语阅读对写作的重要作用、阅读背景下的写作学习方法三方面展开论述。 关键词:高中英语阅读;英语写作;方法 语言是一种社交的工具,写作产生于社会交际的需要。英语的学习除了能听懂对方讲话进行日常交流的同时,我们还要能够运用原汁原味的英语写出精美的文章来表达出我们内心的感受、想法。写作考核是我们英语的综合技能,它需要充足的词汇量、正确的语法以及相关的文化背景等。而高中阶段我们接触到的文章大多数水平较高,通过文章的深入学习和恰当的学习策略,对于我们英语写作能力的提升具有主要的价值。 一、高中英语写作现状 写作能力的提升存在于我们日常英语学习的各个环节,因此,重在积累是写作能力提高的关键要素。我们自从上学以来,词汇、语法的学习在我们学习时间中占有了很大的比例,而我们接触相关的写作教学则较晚,在与周围同学的交流的过程当中,笔者发现同学们在写作中主要存在以下几个问题: 1、词汇不足、选词不准确 众所周知,写作是建立在充足的词汇量基础上的,但是许多同学不重视词汇的积累和运用,这就导致我们在真正的写作环节中陷入“无词可用”的尴尬境地。大脑中记忆的词汇远不能灵活地表达出我们的所思所想,这是许多同学在写作中产生的普遍现象;另一方面,同学们不懂得文章的美化,依旧采用初中阶段简单的词汇,我们写出的文章让人读起来仿佛是简单词汇的堆砌,毫无美感可言。举一个例子,在描述一个学生成绩优秀时,同学们只会用“good”,而不会用较高级的词汇“excellent”,这样虽然降低了犯错误的概率,但是文章的层次和精彩程度都大打折扣。 2、句式单一,结构不熟悉 高中阶段的写作要求我们要掌握多种文章的写法,如书信、报告等以后工作都广泛应用的文章形式,而这些类型我们在日常的阅读中都会接触到。但是同学们不注重阅读文章的结构分析,使得我们对写作要求的格式十分陌生。我们高中生学习了很多语法形式,但是不能将其运用到写作中,我们写出的文章复合句式较少,而大篇幅的都是简单的句式。 3、思维定式,文化不恰当 英语作为一门语言,它有特定的文化背景,我们写出的文章要符合其背景,这样才能写出地道的文章。但是我们同学们受母语的影响,许多文章的句式都采用中文的写作形式,这种“中式写作”未免让人读起来有种不伦不类的感觉。 二、英语阅读对写作的重要作用 阅读是我们在精心的学习一篇文章,我们除了要弄懂词汇的含义,还要对其文章结构、句式、极其作者情感的表现技巧等进行全方位的剖析。在新课标的实施背景下,我们接触的阅读尽可能与原版美文相契合,这种“接地气”的阅读形式,能让在我们学习到原汁原味的英语同时还能够了解当地的文化气息。阅读是语言的输入,写作则是语言的输出,我们只有在输入环节提升质量,我们才能自然地写出优美的文章。 三、阅读背景下的写作学习方法 高中英语阅读是丰富多彩的,除了课文教师讲解的文章外,我们在做题和课下阅读过程


英语作文万能总结句 1、Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally e to the conclusion that… 把所有这些因素加以考虑,我们自然会得出结论…… 2、Taking into aount all these factors, we may reasonably e to the conclusion that … 考虑所有这些因素,我们可能会得出合理的结论…… 3、Hence/Therefore, we’d better e to the conclusion that … 因此,我们最好得出这样的结论…… 4、There is no doubt that (job-hopping) has its drawbacks as well as merits. 毫无疑问,跳槽有优点也有缺点.

5、All in all, we cannot live without … But at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with the problems that would arise. 总之,我们没有…是无法生活的.但同时,我们必须寻求新的解决办法来对付可能出现的新问题. 1. 至于我,在某种程度上我同意后面的观点,我认为…… As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter opinion to some extent. I think that ____. 2. 总而言之,整个社会应该密切关注……这个问题。只有这样,我们才能在将来……。 In a word, the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of ______.Only in this way can ______in the future. 3. 但是,……和……都有它们各自的优势(好处)。例如,……,而……。然而,把这两者相比较,我更倾向于(喜欢)……


教育的重要性英语作文 教育的重要性英语作文1 China, as a developing country, has a large gap compared with developed countries. If we want to catch up with and even surpass the developed ones, education seems important and should be given the first priority. Besides, education seems the same important to individuals. In modern time, when science and technology are making great progress, the education of the work force is the most important. Moreover, many of the success in advanced countries have demonstrated that a nations prosperity mainly depends on the quality of its labor force, namely those who have been well educated. For individuals, education is the best way to improve oneself. Firstly, its education thathelps people gain basic knowledge of the world, helping them to distinguish what is right and wrong. Secondly, education improves ones skills of life and work, which can make people live a good life or have achievements in career. Finally,education brings people ability of learning and that is the key role of education. 教育的重要性英语作文2


阅读能力对英语学习的重要性 摘要:英语阅读不仅能培养学生英语语感,还能促进词汇积累,提高写作水平,对培养学生的英语综合能力大有帮助,是学好英语的主要手段和有效途径。 关键词:英语阅读语感 一、阅读的作用 英语阅读能力是发展其他语言技能的基础和前提,具体来说,阅读对英语学习的促进作用主要表现在以下几个方面。 1.阅读可以培养和增强学生的语感 学习英语,语感是非常重要的,因为它决定着你说出的语言是否纯正地道。语感,即语言感受力。它是在长期的语言实践中形成的对语言文字敏锐、丰富的感受领悟能力,是对特定环境中的话语不经过逻辑推理,直接迅速整体地感知和把握。语感是在长期的语言实践中自然而然形成的。古人云:“书读百遍,其义自见”,这是学习汉语的方法。对于学好英语,道理是一样的。阅读背诵是培养学生语感的最直接最基本的方法。读的多了,日积月累,语感就慢慢地产生了。有了良好的语感,我们才能克服英汉句子中词序的差异,才能讲纯正地道的英语。此外,良好的语感对学生在各种考试中取得好成绩也大有帮助。作为一种隐形的英语能力,语感能使学生跨越语法困难的障碍做出正确的判断。在解题的时候,有些学生没有明确的根据,却能选出正确答案就是这个缘故。 2.阅读可以扩大词汇量 词汇是语言的基本单位,抛开词汇来学英语就像用空气建大楼一样不切实际,因而词汇学习是英语学习的基础。只有在掌握了一定词汇量的基础上,我们才能培养和发展英语听、说、读、写等技能。而如何记忆单词扩大词汇量又是让许多学生头疼的事情。很多学生是通过背单词书背字典来记单词,这种方法有一定的效果,但是非常枯燥乏味,容易让人产生厌倦心理,而且很容易忘。事实上,除了死记硬背,扩大词汇量还有很多方法,其中阅读是掌握和记忆英语单词的最佳手段。在阅读中记忆单词,就是把单词放在一定的语言环境中来学习,结合上下文来认识单词,这样就避免了孤立地记单词,使单词更便于被识记、理解和掌握。不仅词义记得准确、清楚,单词的用法也得以掌握。此外,大量的阅读增加了我们学习单词的机会,对于一个单词,第一次见我们可能不认识,但借助工具书我们能查到它的发音和意思或者根据语境我们能推断出它的大意,第二次第三次见到这个单词时既使记不清楚,我们脑海里也会有一个大致的印象;当这个单词见上十次八次之后,我们对它就像熟悉自己的姓名一样熟悉了,根本不再需要刻意地去记了。 3.阅读能有效提高英语写作水平 英语写作作为一项重要的技能能反映一个人的综合英语学习水平。在英语学习中,写作既是一个重点又是一个难点。怎样才能用英语写出好文章呢?除了要打下牢固的语言基础,即一定词汇、语法基础外,大量的阅读也是必不可少的。关于阅读和写作的关系,中文有很多俗语:“读书破万卷,下笔如有神。”,“熟读唐诗三百首,不会做诗也会吟。”等等,英文同样如此,只有读得多了,见得广了,才能写出精彩的东西。通过大量阅读,广泛地接触语言材料,一方面,我们可以积累大量优美的词句、英语格言、警句、固定表达、习惯用语、修辞常识等,将其吸收内化为自己的东西,然后在我们的文章中编码输出;另一方面,在揣摩作者意图,把握文章整体框架结构的基础上,我们还可以有意识地模仿作者谋篇布局、文章衔接、遣词造句等建构篇章的技能。此外,大量的阅读有助于培养英语思维,只有用英语来思考我们的文章中才会避免汉语式的英语出现,才能创造出优美地道的英文作品。


如何提高英语写作能力 英语写作能力是英语听、说、读、写四种基本能力之一,英语写作能有效地促进语言知识的内化。Swain(1985)提出“可理解输出”假设,认为包括写在内的语言产生性运用有助于学习者检验目的语句法结构和词语的使用,促进语言运用的自动化,有效地达到了语言习得的目的。通过写作,英语知识不断得到巩固并内在化,有利于英语技能的全面发展。但是,英语写作又是广大英语学习者最感头痛的问题之一,且容易被教师忽视,如何提高英语写作能力值得我们认真研究。 一、提高英语写作能力的原则 (一)渐进性原则。要坚持“句—段—篇”的训练程序,由易到难,循序渐进。在英语写作的初始阶段,要始终注意培养学生良好的写作习惯,狠抓基本功训练。在学生掌握了基本句型并能写出简单句子后,再要求学生根据一些体例写出小段的文章。在段落写作中要引导学生分析段落的结构、段落的中心句、句与句之间的逻辑关系、写作手法等,这样有利于下一步一篇文章的写作。在文章写作中要教会学生如何构思文章、如何运用正确的写作技巧等。(二)多样性原则。要坚持训练形式的多样化及写作文体的多样性。从形式上而言,可以用回答提问的口头作文,也可以用续写故事;可以改写课文,也可以仿写课文;可以写提纲训练谋篇布局,也可以写拓展段训练发散思维……。从文体上而言,可以写说明文、议论文、记叙文,也可以写书信、便条、通知等实用文体。 (三)结合性原则。要坚持听说读训练和写训练相结合。根据语言习得理论,学习者在学习时常先通过听和读吸取语言知识,从而了解别人的思想,再通过说和写来表达自己的思想,让别人了解自己。大量的听说训练能促进读写能力的提高。因此,写与听说读紧密结合,进行多元化的能力训练,可使学生的各项能力互相影响、互相渗透、互相促进。


英语作文万能句型总结 1、It's important/necessaryforsb.todosth.(对…来说做某事是重要的/必要的) 这个句式可以广泛地应用于各种表达观点或者建议的作文。比如,说到友谊,你可以说"对我们来说,交朋友是非常有必要的";说到健康的建议,你可以说"对你来说,每天跑步是很重要的";说到梦想,你可以说"对我们来说,拥有梦想是很重要的"等等。 2、notonly…but also…(不但…而且) 它可以连接两个主语一致的句子:"她鼓励我努力"和"她帮我复习功课"这两个简单句子就可以用这一句式连接,变成"她不仅鼓励我努力学习,还帮我复习功课";它还可以连接两个观点:"读书给我带来了快乐"和"读书开阔了我的眼界",可以变成"读书不仅给我带来了快乐,还开阔了我的眼界"。 3、help sb.(to)do/help sb.with(帮助某人做某事) 它可以用在"写人记事"的作文中,比如"我的老师帮我学习";也可以用来表达"建议"的作用,我们可以在刚才的"对你来说,每天

跑步是很重要的"这句话后面加上"因为它可以帮助你保持健康和精力充沛"。 4、make名词adj.(让某人/某事…) 在"写人记事"的文章中,写了一个事情后,总要写一下心情,否则作文会比较单薄。此时,这个句型就非常有效,比如"在她的帮助下,我取得了好成绩",这句话后就可以加一句"它让我感到非常的高兴和自豪"。 5、so…that…(如此…以至于) 只要涉及到"结果"的两个相关句子就可以使用这个句式。比如"我的脚受伤了"和"我几乎无法走路"就可以变成"我的脚受伤如此严重以至于我几乎无法走路"。 6、spend…doing sth.(花费时间做) 这个句式可以用很多场合:提建议,叙述往事,花钱,花时间等。比如"我的老师帮我学英语"就可以改成"我的老师每天花1个小时帮我学英语";一个建议"对你来说,每天跑步是很重要的",也可以添加这一句型,变成"对你来说,每天花30分钟跑步是很重要的"。


英语写作的重要性及写作技巧 一、英语写作的重要性 1.英语写作能帮助我们提高使用英语的准确性只要写一个句子,更不用说一段,一篇,就要力求句法,用词,拼写,标点等完全正确,而且与前后句紧密连贯。写和说不同,写好后可以检查修改,而一次修改就是一次提高。写得越多,语言就会越准确。 2.练习英语写作能扩大词汇量口语所使用的语言一般是比较简单和常用的。而在用英语写作时,所使用的语言则是多种多样的。从极简单到较复杂的语言都要使用,所使用的词汇和句型也比口语中使用的要多得多,这对英语词汇量的扩大有很大帮助。 3.写作训练能帮助我们提高逻辑思考及分析问题的能力写一篇作文,不论长短,都需要妥善地组织材料,得出结论,作到重点突出,条理清楚。这样,在锻炼写作能力的同时, 也锻炼了分析与处理问题的能力。 4.英语写作对阅读,听力,口语,翻译等各方面都有促进作用自己知道写作的甘苦,对别人的写作技巧就会乐于学习。分析问题的能力提高了,听别人说话就会善于抓住要点。 语言质量提高了,口语也会准确一些。 二、怎样写好英语作文 1.打好扎实的英语语言基础要写好英语作文,首先必须掌握一定数量的英语单词。此外,还得掌握好一定的英语语法知识。若有不太清楚的地方,应通过查阅语法书和词典步解 决,不能偷懒,随便乱写。 2.广泛进行英语阅读专业作家的秘密之一就是:阅读,阅读,再阅读。杜甫说“读书破万卷,下笔如有神”。敏感的阅读,使人产生灵感,使人对生平从未遇到的问题作出符合逻辑的或感情上的响应。阅读其他人的文章,并不是为了如法炮制,但我们可以把从其他作品中学到的东西融化到自己的文体和技巧中去。当我们发现一段文章比自己能写出的任何东西好得多的时候,坐下来,对它进行反复研究琢磨。它好在哪里?就同一题目,这位作者做了哪些我们不能做到的事情?模仿别人技术上的长处,对习作者来说极有益处。但仅靠阅读是不行的,因为它可以被用作不动笔的借口,还会成为一种麻醉剂。因此要记住:阅读是为 了写作。 3.掌握一定的英语写作技巧英语写作有许多技巧,如怎样选词,造句,怎样展开段落,各种体裁的英语作文应怎样布局谋篇等。只有对这些基本的写作技巧加以掌握,才能在英语 写作时得心应手。 4.多观察多分析写的时候首先考虑内容问题。问问自己写什么,并用英语来思考,那 么在英语写作时,便不至于找不到话写。


初中英语作文万能句型总结,让你英语作文不用烦现在学生不管是中考、期末考、月考……还是什么大大小小的考试,英语作文是必考项,重要性不言而喻。当然,英语作文也是让大多数学生最头疼的事情。提高英语写作能力不是一蹴而就的,但是能把英语作文变成单词填空的话,那会大大的节省时间和精力,以小的投入获取大回报!!这种方法虽然不可取,但是在突击作文提分、面对的难写的作文时候很有可能达到事半功倍的效果! 下面这些英语作文万能句子,是厚学小编特地为大家整理的,掌握了这些,你的英语作文不在忧伤。 一、开头万能句型 1、互联网(可替换为手机)已在我们的生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色。它给我们带来了许多好处,但也产生了一些严重的问题。 Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well。 2、如今,(人口过剩)已成为我们不得不面对的问题了。 Nowadays,(overpopulation) has become a problem we have to face。 3、随着科技的发展,越来越多的人认为… With the development of science and technology,more and more people believe that… 二、结尾万能句型 1.总而言之,整个社会应该密切关注……这个问题。只有这样,我们才能在将来…… In a word, the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of ______.Only in this way can ______in the future。 2.但是,……和……都有它们各自的优势(好处)。例如,……,而……然而,把这两者相比较,我更倾向于(喜欢)…… But ______and ______have their own advantages.For example, _____, while_____.Comparing this with that, however, I prefer to______。 3.就我个人而言,我相信……,因此,我坚信美好的未来正等着我们。因为……


教育为什么如此之重要大学英语作文 When asked about why education is important, different people hold different attitude. Some people think education is a social phenomenon , there is inexistence or not important, while the rest think education is very essential.Personally, I think education is a good way to cultivate successors. 当被问及为什么教育很重要的时候,不同的人持有不同的态度。 有些人觉得教育是一种社会现象,不存在重不重要。而其他人则觉得教 育很重要。就我个人而言,我认为教育是培养接班人的一个好方法。 First,education can help a man of good conduct. When a kid is growing, he doesn’t know how to distinguish good or bad, so , he need to be taught by his parentsor teachers to identify the right thing, Then he can be a good man and adjusthimself to the modern society. Second, nowadays, the world is intellectual,people live in this world without knowledge will be very hard to survive. So,the education is very important, people have to learn academically knowledge to live a better life. 第一,教育可以帮助一个人形成良好的行为举止。一个还在发育 中的孩子,他不知道如何区分好坏,所以,他必须由父母或老师来教导 区分正确的事情。这样他可以成为一个有用的人,适应现代这个社会。 第二,如今,世界是知识的世界,没有知识的人将很难在这个世界上生 存。因此,教育是非常重要的,人们必须学会学术知识去过更好的生 活。 Therefore,a natural conclusion can be drawn that education is a way to make people to become a intelligent and good behavior one, besides it’s never too old to learn. 因此,自然可以得出这样的结论:教育可以使人变得更聪明和形


阅读的重要性英语作文范文 A good book is the essence of human thought.People need to constantly absorbing nutrition from the book,enrich their minds,enhance their own quality,to adapt to The Times of demand is higher and higher.Therefore,we should according to their own requirements in a wide range of Chinese and foreign classics,select and read them. Read classics,it is an effective way to improve writing ability.The ancients cloud:"read volumes,such as writing god!"This is the irrefutable truth. Psychological depiction of the characters in the classics,vivid portrayal of the scene,things,and control the power of the word,writers for every reader,is a precious wealth,can enjoy many times.Middle school students'age is small,the contact time of literature is so short,with only a dozen


考研英语作文常用句子总结 句型在英语学习中占有不可替代的作用,背诵一些有用的句子对于我们来说也是非常重要的。考研英语作文冲刺复习要注意积累,记忆一些好的句式。素材丰富了,大家才能下笔灵活,下面分享的这些考研英语常用写作句型,大家可以收藏。 1.The cartoon vividly shows an important truth that…漫画生动地揭示了一个重要的道理 2.As is vividly depicted in the drawings 漫画生动地描述了 3.Clearly, the cartoon reveals a very common problem in our society 很明显,漫画揭示了我们社会的一个普遍现象 4.The implied meaning of the drawings is that 漫画的寓意是 5.As is manifested in the cartoon 如漫画所示 6.The two drawings stand in a sharp contrast 两幅图形成了鲜明的对比 7.A ridiculous situation 一个可笑的场景 8.To grasp the full implication 充分理解寓意 9.With sweats trailing down the face 汗流满面 10.There is no denying that… 毋庸置疑…… 11.There is a general assumption that 人们普遍认为 12.To make careful decision 认真做决定


实践的重要性英语作文 参考范文: Nowadays many universities encourage and organize students to take part in social practice activities. During the holidays, more and more students choose to be the volunteers, take part-time jobs, or take part in other practical activities alike. It’s obvious that social practice is playing a more and more important role in China’s college education。 Undoubtedly, college students have benefited a lot from social practice. Above all, they are provided with more opportunities to contact the real world outside the campus. Moreover, in social practice activities, students can apply their knowledge to the solution to the practical problems. So their practical skills are improved greatly. Besides, social practice helps strengthen students’ sense of social responsibility。 Considering the above-mentioned, I think, it is necessary for college students to participate in social practice. However, social practice may bring some problems. For example, some students spend too much time in taking


英语写作能力的重要性【浅谈中学英语写作】 多年来,英语写作一直是英语教学中最为薄弱的环节。因此,改进英语写作教学已成为一个十分突出的问题。一、英语写作教学改革的思路英语学习中的听、说、读、写是一个有机的整体,而写在发展学生的综合语言能力方面,起着重要的作用。然而,目前中学英语教学严重忽视写作训练,由此带来的负面效应引起我们的高度重视。英语写作教学改革的目的就是要提高写作教学效果,而提高写作教学效果表现在以下两个方面:一是促进学生主动学习,提高学生学习写作的兴趣和参与度,让各类学生都能亲身经历合作学习和知识建构的过程;二是更新写作教学观念,优化写作教学过程,促进学生有效地学习。 二、在教学过程中,学生的写作能力与下面几个方面相关 1 受听说读三方面能力的影响 听是吸收和理解口头语言的能力,说是口头表达和运用语言信息的能力,朗读有助于培养语感,阅读则是一种吸收和理解书面信息

的能力。尽管听说读写在教学中是一个综合的整体,然而大多数学生感到英语写作无从下手,原因就在于他们还未能进行以上诸多能力的转化,可见写的能力应在听说读的基础上进行培养和提高。 2 与所掌握语言结构和文化结构差异有关 英语是形态语言,各种句子成份都有明显的形态标志,其组合有着严格的限制。文化差异给中国学生英语运用或交际带来困难,正如学生在笔头造句中把“桌上有一些花”写为“The table hassome nowers.”而正确的应为:“There’re someflowers on the table.” 尽管我们已在初一学习了there be句型的用法,但在练习写作过程中,笔者还是发现不少这样汉式英语的例子。英语的语序与汉语的语序不同。在表达“我在一年级三班”时,学生常写出汉式英语: I am in One Grade,Three Class,(错误) I arn in Class Three,Grade One,(正确)


初中英语作文万能模板范文万能句子 篇一:初二英语作文A Letter of Sympathy 慰问信 A Letter of Sympathy ——to the Parents of the Columbia Astronauts Dear parents of the Columbia astronauts. I am a student from X X Middle School in China. My name is Li Ming. I was very sorrowful when I learned from TV that SpShuttle Columbia broke up during re-entry and seven astronauts all lost their lives. You have lost your lovely sons arid daughters. You must be very grieved. However, you must also be proud of your children, because they have done great contributions to space projects. So please restrain your sorrow.Although this time they thiled, we could I get some experience from their failure. We will continue developing space projects, because we can explore the space through those projects and search for more information about sion that they haven't done.


关于教育的重要性高中英语作文 篇1 China, as a developing country, has a large gap compared with developed countries. If we want to catch up with and even surpass the developed ones, education seems important and should be given the first priority. Besides, education seems the same important to individuals. In modern time, when science and technology are making great progress, the education of the work force is the most important. Moreover, many of the success in advanced countries have demonstrated that a nation's prosperity mainly depends on the quality of its labor force, namely those who have been well educated. For individuals, education is the best way to improve oneself. Firstly, it's education thathelps people gain basic knowledge of the world, helping them to distinguish what is right and wrong. Secondly, education improves one's skills of life and work, which can make people live a good life or have achievements in career. Finally, education brings people ability of learning and that is the key role of education. 篇2 Almost everyone in the world has taken education. But, not everyone realize its importance. In fact, it plays a vital place in all people’s life. It helps people understand the world better, make preparation for their future and form good quality. Firstly, it is well-known that school is the best place to receive education, so the knowledge in school is very widely. It is obvious to see that there are so many books and knowledgeable teachers in school being ready to teach students. Through the school education, students can have a better understanding of the things happening in the world. Secondly, as students can learn so much knowledge in school, they can use this knowledge to work for them in the future after they graduate. Or students also can figure out their interest by searching the knowledge of various fields to clear their future road. Last but not least, education can help a person form good qualities. The more knowledge a person learns the more polite, modest and high quality he will be. A well educated person always behaves pretty well.

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