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今天,环球托福为备考托福听力的考友们带来托福TPO听力文本翻译Lecture1Astronomy (上),帮助大家复习托福听力以及分析听力文章的重点通常出现在哪些关键词后。下面,请看环球托福分享的托福TPO听力文本:

Computer Science (Software Development)

Narrator Listen to part of a lecture in a Computer Science class. The professor is discussing software engineering.

Professor We’ve been talking about the software development cycle, and today I’d like to move on to the next stage of that cycle-testing, and why finding

bugs during testing is actually a great thing. Eh...eh... the quality of the software product often relies heavily on how well it’s been tested. Liz?



Student Um... just a quick thing. Bugs are the word for problems in the program code, right?


Yeah, in code or in a computer itself. There is a bit of a story behind that term. Um... back in the 1940s, when the computer industry was just starting, a

group of computer scientists was working late one night, and there was a problem in one of the computers’circuits1. When they examined it, they found a five-centimeter long moth caught in there. Once they debugged the computer, it worked just fine. And ever since then, all kinds of computer problems have been known as bugs.



Anyway, you want to find bugs while the software is still in the development and testing phases. Finding them when the software product has already been put on the market can be quite embarrassing. Generally speaking, every software development project has a group of testers and a group of developers. Jack?




And they are different people?




They are generally completely different group of people. My personal opinion is that they have to be different groups of people because developers often have a bias for their own work, and it blinds them to certain problems that might be obvious to somebody else. So it is always good to have a different set of eyes to go in there and make sure that everything is tested properly.



Ok, now, here’s the key. Developers and testers have different mentalities. The mentality of the software developer is constructive, creative, they are spending long hours working together to create and build something new. A software tester, on the other hand, their entire goal is to look at this product and find problems with it, to improve it. Now, this difference between the testers and the developers can lead to an environment where there is a bit of friction. And that friction sometimes makes it difficult for the two teams to work together.



以上即是本次环球托福为大家带来的托福TPO听力文本翻译Lecture1Astronomy,该文未完待续,请看下文:托福TPO听力文本翻译Lecture2 Computer Science(下)。环球托福预祝大家托福考试顺利!

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