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He stood out splendidly above all my uncles because he did not stand out at all. That was his distinction. He was the average man I ever


You would never pick him out in a crowd. He became just another man the minute he was in one. So many more pounds of man. Good solid pounds, but just pounds. You would never remember his hair or his chin,

or the shape of his ears. If he said something, you would agree with it, and, an hour later, you would be sure you had said it yourself.

Sometimes I think men like that get along about the best. They are

the easiest on their houses, their wives, and their children. They are easiest on the world. They slide along without having to do anything

about it as small boys do on their breeches after they have slid on them enough to wear them down smooth. The world is all so much pine

needles under them.

Passage 2

Usually the things we dream of, then work and struggle for, are what we value most. Have my granddaughters, blessed with abundance, been

denied life’s real pleasures?

Working tirelessly on that isolated farm, my grandfather taught me that we should accept and be grateful for what we have –whether it be

much or little. We must bear the burdens and relish the joys. There is so much we cannot control, but we must try to make things better when we are able. We must depend upon ourselves to make our own way as best as

we can.

Growing up in a comfortable suburban home, my granddaughters have been presented with a different situation. But I hope –I believe –they

will in their own way be able to cope with as well as my grandfather coped, and learn the lesson my grandfather taught me all those years ago.

On the day I took them to Storvassdal, I hope they would somehow understand the importance of the little boat and its simple message of


High in the mountain, I hesitated to speak lest I disturb our

tranquility. Then Claire looked up and broke my reverie as she said softly, ―Grandpa, someday I’ll come back.‖She paused. ―And I’ll bring my


Pete Sampras started playing tennis young and makes no plans to stop anytime soon. The man who has a calm demeanor, boyish shyness and the looks of a star proves again and again what so many players, critics and fans can’t deny: he can win, and always does. In 1990, when Sampras was only 19 years old and seeded twelfth in the U.S. Open, he slammed his way into the finals and became the youngest man to win the tournament. And we all knew after that first Grand Slam victory there would be no looking back.

Over the years, the quiet giant has gone on to win eleven more Grand Slams: six Wimbledons, three more U.S. Opens, and two Australian Opens. Sampras’s most beloved titles have come on the grasses of the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club. In 1993, he won his first Wimbledon title, and since that year, has gotten to and won in every final, except for a quarterfinal defeat by in 1996. He is the winningest man at Wimbledon in the Open Era and is one championship away from tying the all time record of seven titles that was set in the late 1800s. The historic grounds of Wimbledon and the intimate Center Court has become a home for Sampras, a ―cathedra‖ as he once said. He will undoubtedly go down in the history books as the greatest.

Passage 4

The ocean covers three quarters of the earth’s surface, produces 90 percent of all its life-supporting oxygen, and is the driving force behind the entire weather system. There are over 450 million cubic miles of sea water on the earth; and each cubic mile contains over 150 million tons of minerals.

So vast and so pervasive is the sea that if the earth’s crust were made level, ocean water would form a blanket over 8,000 feet deep.

The oceans contribute immeasurably to the earth’s life support system as well as provide an untapped storehouse of food, minerals, energy, and archaeological treasure.

Advanced atmospheric diving suits permit researchers to descend to depths of 1,500 feet. Yet the ocean’s average depth is greater than 12,000 feet. It is at these depths that remarkable discoveries are being made, discoveries which only a short time ago would have been impossible.

In that depth, where darkness is absolute and pressure exceeds eight tons per square inch, robotic submersibles have discovered enormous gorges, four times deeper than the Grand Canyon. Here, too, are volcanoes that vastly outnumber those on land. Landslides the size of Rhode Island have been recorded, as well as raging undersea storms that go completely unnoticed on the surface while dramatically rearranging the underwater landscapes.

Passage 5

It is a curious fact that nine people out of ten become happier when faced with some small misfortune. On my first visit to America, thirty-five years ago, a train in which I was travelling became stuck in a snowdrift so that we did not arrive in New York until a great many hours after all the food on the train had been eaten up. I was beginning to expect that the passengers would draw lots as to who should be eaten, but, far from that, everybody was in the best spirits. People who would have hated each other in ordinary circumstances found each other quite agreeable, and everybody reached an obviously exceptional level of happiness.

I observed the same thing in a really bad London fog. An ordinary fog is a mere nuisance, but a fog so bad that you cannot see your own feet brings consolation even to the most melancholic. People begin to speak to complete strangers –a thing which in London is not much done. They recall the far worse fogs that they remember in their youth; they tell of friends who got lost at Hyde Park Corner and were only found again by accidentally running into a policeman in quite another part of the town. Everybody laughs, everybody is jolly –until the fog clears, when they again become sober, grave and responsible citizens.

Unfortunately, this mood, which is appropriate enough for small mishaps that cannot be prevented, is apt to extend itself to large misfortunes that could have been avoided.

Passage 6

What was the origin of the oil which now drives our motor-cars and aircraft? Scientists are confident about the formation of coal, but they do not seem so sure when asked about oil. They think that the oil under the surface of the earth originated in the distant past, and was formed from living things in the sea. Countless billions of minute sea creatures and

plants lived and sank to the sea bed. They were covered with huge deposits of mud, and by processes of chemistry, pressure and temperature were changed through long ages into what we know as oil. For these creatures to become oil, it was necessary that they should be imprisoned between layers of rock for an enormous length of time. The statement that oil originated in the sea is confirmed by a glance at a map showing the chief oilfields of the world; very few of them are far distant from the oceans of today. In some places gas and oil come up to the surface of the sea from its bed. The rocks in which oil is found are of marine origin too. They are sedimentary rocks, rocks which were laid down by the action of water on the bed of the ocean. Almost always the remains of shells, and other proofs of sea life, are found close to the oil. A very common sedimentary rock is called shale, which is a soft rock and was obviously formed by being deposited on the sea bed. And where there is shale there is likely to be oil.

Passage 7

For me the most interesting thing about a solitary life, and mine has been that for the last twenty years, is that it becomes increasingly rewarding. When I can wake up and watch the sun rise over the ocean, as I do most days, and know that I have an entire day ahead, uninterrupted, in which to write a few pages, take a walk with my dogs, read and listen to music, I am flooded with happiness.

I am lonely only when I am overtired, when I have worked too long without a break, when for the time being I feel empty and need filling up. And I am lonely sometimes when I come back home after a lecture trip, when I have seen a lot of people and talked a lot, and am full to the brim with experience that needs to be sorted out.

Then for a little while the house feels huge and empty, and I wonder where my self is hiding. It has to be recaptured slowly by watching the plants and, perhaps, by looking again at each one as though it were a person.

It takes a while, as I watch the surf blowing up in fountains, but the moment comes when the world falls away, and the self emerges again from the deep unconsciousness, bring back all I have recently experienced to be explored and slowly understood.

Passage 8

Making a long trip to the supermarket and queuing for hours used to be the normal weekly routine for British and American shoppers. But since the 1990s, there is a better way to get your groceries. Supermarket shopping on the Internet has boomed in the UK and the USA.

The major supermarkets have their own websites, and if you order on-line with them, for a small extra sum such as $8 / £5 the supermarkets will do your shopping for you and deliver it to your door. If you shop with them regularly, they will ―remember‖your favorites items so you can order them next time without searching for them!

These days thousands of people in the UK and the States regularly do their supermarket shopping in this way. In contrast, in many rural areas of Britain there has been a return to the traditional outdoor market. Farmers’markets, where farmers sell their products directly to the customers, had practically died out in Britain because of the attraction of the supermarkets, but they have been resurrected recently, both to help farmers make more profits, and to provide customers with ―real‖food again, such as fresh meat, eggs, vegetables and preserves. Organic food has become very popular, and some producers run a ―box service‖, where they deliver a weekly box of fruit and vegetables to your door. Customers can’t select the food—they just receive whatever is in season—but it is guaranteed to be fresh and free from chemicals, and now you can often order these on-line too!


汉译英: Unint 1 1. 她连水都不愿喝一口,更别提留下来吃饭了。(much less) She wouldn’t take a drink, much less would she stay for dinner. 2.他认为我在对他说谎,但实际上我讲的是实话。(whereas) He thought I was lying to him, whereas I was telling him the truth. 3. 这个星期你每天都迟到,对此你怎么解释? (account for) How do you account for the fact that you have been late every day this week? 4.他们利润增长部分的原因是由于采用了新的市场策略。(due to) The increase in their profits is due partly to their new market strategy. 5. 这样的措施很可能会带来工作效率的提高。(result in) Such measures are likely to result in the improvement of work efficiency. 6. 我们已经在这个项目上投入了大量时间和精力,所以我们只能继续。(pour into) We have already poured a lot of time and energy into the project, so we have to carry on.

Unint 2 1.尽管她是家里的独生女,她父母也从不溺爱她。(despite) Despite the fact that she is the only child in her family, she is never babied by her parents. 2.迈克没来参加昨晚的聚会,也没给我打电话作任何解释。(nor) Mike didn’t come to the party last night, nor did he call me to give an explanation. 3.坐在他旁边的哪个人确实发表过一些小说,但决不是什么大作家。(next to; by no means) The man sitting next to him did publish some novels, but he is by no means a great writer. 4.他对足球不感兴趣,也从不关心谁输谁赢。(be indifferent to) He has no interest in football and is indifferent to who wins or loses. 5.经理需要一个可以信赖的助手,在他外出时,由助手负责处理问题。(count on) The manager needs an assistant that he can count on to take care of problems in his absence. 6.这是他第一次当着那么多观众演讲。(in the presence of sb.)


The pearl 吉纳,一位穷渔夫,刚发现了一颗非常大而且非常珍贵的珍珠,准备去最近的城镇把它卖掉。他急切需要钱给刚给蝎子螫伤的孩子看病。吉纳发现珍珠前,他---一位可以看病的医生拒绝给孩子治病,因为吉纳付不起治疗费。 一个小镇就像个集群动物,有神经系统头肩膀和肢。它与其他城镇不想连。因此没有两座城镇是相似的。城镇里还有完整的感情。要知道消息是怎样传遍整个小镇的可是个难解之谜。消息传得似乎比小男孩冲出去告诉别人的速度还快,比女人隔着篱笆大声说消息的速度还要快。? 在吉纳胡安纳和其他渔夫回到吉纳的茅草屋前,小镇的神经正随着消息--吉纳发现了世界上最大的珍珠--传播而奔腾,跳动。跑得气喘吁吁的小男孩还没说出这个消息,母亲们早已知晓了。消息席卷而过茅草屋,激起波浪泡沫,然后冲进镇里的石头灰泥瓦房里。消息传到正在花园里散步的牧师,他的眼中露出若有所思的表情,他想起教堂的有些地方该维修了,他纳闷珍珠值多少钱。他想知道是否为吉纳的婴儿施过洗礼,或是否主持过他的结婚仪式。消息传到零售商那儿的时候,他们看着卖的不太好的男式衣服。?? 消息传到医生那儿的时候,他正在给一位妇人看病,这位夫人的疾病其实就是“年龄太老的问题”,尽管他们两人都不承认这点。弄清楚谁是吉纳后,医生变得严肃认真而又明智起来。医生说,“他是我的一个病人,我在给他的孩子治疗被蝎子螫伤的伤口。”眼珠在肿眼泡的眼眶内转来转去,医生想起巴黎,想起那他住过的既宽敞又豪华的房间。越过他的老年病人,医生仿佛看见自己坐在巴黎的一家餐馆,男侍者正在打开酒瓶。 消息早早地传到了教堂前乞讨者,他们咯咯地高兴地笑着,因为他们知道没有比突然


1. I don’t think that he would commit robbery, much less would he commit violent robbery. 1.我认为他不会抢劫,更不用说暴力抢劫了. 2. Men earn ten dollars an hour on average, whereas women only seven dollars. 2.男工平均工资每小时10美元,而女工才每小时7美元. 3. Once the balance in nature is disturbed, it will result in a number of possible unforeseeable effects. 3.自然界的平衡一旦遭到破坏,就会带来很多不可预知的影响. 4. The final examination is close at hand; you’d better spend more time reading. 4.期终考试迫在眉睫,你最好多花点时间看书. 5. What is interesting is that consumers find it increasingly difficult to identify the nationality of certain brands. This is due partly to globalization and partly to changes in the location of production 5.有趣的是,消费者发现越来越难以辨别某些品牌的原产国.其部分原因来自于全球化带来的影响,部分原因是由于产地的变化. 6. A recent survey showed that women account for 40 percent of the total workforce. 6.最近一次调查表明,妇女占总劳动力的40%. 1. They persisted in carrying out the project despite the fact that it had proved unworkable at the very beginning 1.尽管那项计划一开始就证明是不切实际的,但是他们还是坚持要实施. 2.I could not persuade him to accept the plan, nor could I make him see its importance. 2.我无法说服他接受这项计划,也无法使他认识到这项计划的重要性. 3. How did you manage to pack so amny things into such a small suitcase? 3.你是怎么把那么多东西塞进这个小行李箱的?


Lesson One: The Time Message Elwood N, Chapman 新的学习任务开始之际,千头万绪,最重要的是安排好时间,做时间的主人。本文作者提出了7点具体建议,或许对你有所启迪。 1 Time is tricky. It is difficult to control and easy to waste. When you look a head, you think you have more time than you need. For Example,at the beginning of a semester, you may feel that you have plenty of time on your hands, but toward the end of the term you may suddenly find that time is running out. You don't have enough time to cover all your duties (duty), so you get worried. What is the answer? Control! 译:时间真是不好对付,既难以控制好,又很容易浪费掉,当你向前看时,你觉得你的时间用不完。例如,在一个学期的开始,你或许觉得你有许多时间,但到学期快要结束时,你会突然发现时间快用光了,你甚至找不出时间把所有你必须干的事情干完,这样你就紧张了。答案是什么呢?控制。 2 Time is dangerous. If you don't control it, it will control you. I f you don't make it work fo r you, it will work against you. So you must become the master of time, not its servant. As a first-year college student, time management will be your number one Problem. 译:时间是危险的,如果你控制不了时间,时间就会控制你,如果你不能让时间为你服务,它就会起反作用。所以,你必须成为时间的主人,而不是它的奴仆,作为刚入学的大学生,妥善安排时间是你的头等大事。 3 Time is valuable. Wasting time is a bad habit. It is like a drug. The more time you waste,the easier it is to go on wasting time. If seriously wish to get the most out of college, you must put the time message into practice. 译:时间是珍贵的,浪费时间是个坏习惯,这就像毒品一样,你越浪费时间,就越容易继续浪费下去,如果你真的想充分利用上大学的机会,你就应该把利用时间的要旨付诸实践。 Message1. Control time from the beginning. 4 Time is today, not tomorrow or next week. Start your plan at the Beginning of the term. 译:抓紧时间就是抓紧当前的时间,不要把事情推到明天或是下周,在学期开始就开始计划。 Message2. Get the notebook habit. 5 Go and buy a notebook today, Use it to plan your study time each day. Once a weekly study plan is prepared, follow the same pattern every week with small changes. Sunday is a good day to make the Plan for the following week.


英语专业八级翻译练习题(一) The Rewards of Living a Solitary Life The other day an acquaintance of mine, a gregarious and charming man, told me he had found himself unexpectedly alone in New York for an hour or two between appointments. He went to the Whitney and spent the "empty" time looking at things in solitary bliss. For him it proved to be a shock nearly as great as falling in love to discover that he could enjoy himself so much alone. 参考译文: 独自生活的报偿 前些日子,我的一个熟人,一位热爱交际并很受欢迎的男士告诉我,他在纽约的两个约会之间偶然有一两个小时的空闲,他便去了惠特尼博物馆,四处浏览着展品,无比幸福的度过了那些时光。发现自已独自一人,也能如此的幸福,他感觉像坠入爱河那般震惊。 英语专业八级翻译练习题(二) What had he been afraid of, I asked myself? That, suddenly alone, he would discover that he bored himself, or that there was, quite simply, no self there to meet? But having taken the plunge, he is now on the brink of adventure; he is about to be launched into his own inner space to the astronaut. His every perception will come to him with a new freshness and, for a time, seem startlingly original. 参考译文: “他一直在害怕什么呢?”,我问自已。怕突然一个人呆着会发现自已厌烦自己,或者怕会失去自我?但是有了这次偿试,他便要开始探险了。他就要发射到自已心的宇宙之中。他的所见所感对他来说将会是全新的,一度会新颖的让人惊奇。 英语专业八级翻译练习题(三) For anyone who can see things for himself with a naked eye becomes, for a moment or two, something of a genius. With another human being present vision becomes double vision, inevitably. We are busy wondering, what does my companion see or think of this, and what do I think of it? The original impact gets lost, or diffused 参考译文: 因此每个能用肉眼观看事物的人,一时之间便成为天才。身边有别人存在,一个看法便不可避免地变成了双重看法。我们急于知道周边人的看法,以及我对它是怎么看的?” 最初的印像消失了,或者变得模糊不清。 英语专业八级翻译练习题(四)


专八翻译笔记 武汉新东方刘畅? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. – Joshua 1:9 第一章综述 一、何谓翻译? ? T —— tell ? R —— reader ? A —— authentic ? N —— native ? S —— smooth ? L —— language ? A —— and ? T —— touch upon ? E —— essence ? 英语的翻译“translation”是由trans-和-late构成。翻译是指两种语言的信息转换,即甲方说的意思换成乙方的语言表达。Steiner说:“翻译就是理解。”理解的对象就是原文的意义,理解原文的意义是达到翻译标准“忠实、通顺”的前一项(忠实)的前提,“通顺”只是表达阶段的事。不论是什么翻译,意义为先,形式为次。因此,可以说,理解为先,表达为次。 ? 二、大纲要求 ? 1、教学大纲 ? 能运用翻译的理论和技巧,将英美报刊上的文章以及文学原著译成汉语,或将我国报刊、杂志上的文章和一般文学作品译成英语,速度为每小时250~300个英文单词。英文要求忠实原意,语言流畅。能担任一般外事活动的口译。 ? 2、考试大纲 ? 汉译英项目要求应试者运用汉译英的理论和技巧,翻译我国报刊杂志上的论述文和国情介绍,以及一般文学作品的节录。速度为每小时250~300汉字。译文必须忠实原意,语言通顺。 ? 英译汉项目要求应试者运用英译汉的理论和技巧,翻译英美报刊杂志上有关政治、经济、历史、文化等方面的论述文以及文学原著的节录。速度为每小时约250~300词。译文要求忠实原意,语言流畅。 ? 三、试题特点 – 1、文体: ? 汉译英:记叙、介绍、散文、论说 ? 英译汉:散文、论说、评论、演讲 – 2、语域: ? 人文历史,无科技翻译 – 3、内容:无专门学术领域知识 ? 注意: ? 1、各年的翻译选段都是较正式的语体,未见不正式的讽刺性杂文,也未见不正式的小说对话。即使涉及文学,也是作家的作品或思想介绍。 ? 2、为了帮助考生更好地理解待翻译的篇段,一般都提供较多的上下文。但考生务必只翻译划线部分。


第三册 1. 每当有人帮了你,无论事情大小,无论他地位高低,你都应该对他说声“谢谢”。 2.蒸汽机的发明使船舶发生了变化,正如其已经改变了陆地运输一样。 3.尽管经理努力帮忙,他还是不能找到问题的根源所在。 4.这个女孩的生活天天围着哥哥转,完全明白该做什么来使哥哥高兴。 5.如果你不知道自己想要什么,你最终得到的可能都是自己不想要对。 6.吉米有他妹妹帮助他度过那些没有父亲的艰难日子。 1. 作为补救缺铁的一种方法,专家推荐食用肉、鸡和鱼,它们是最好的铁质来源,也是唯一最容易被身体吸收的铁质来源。 2.铁质储量为零时,你会觉得虚弱,疲乏无力,喘不过气,这是缺铁第三阶段的典型症状。 3. 耐力运动员,尤其是女性,经常会缺铁,如果增食肉类食物或服用铁质补剂,能够恢复到健康状态。 4.这位运动医学专家认为,感到劳累、工作效率差的人,最好食用牛肉、羊肉,它们含有最易被吸收的铁质。 5.铁质储量低的人应该去咨询医生,看看是否应通过调整饮食或服用铁质补剂来校正不足。6.一般说来,如果你忽视自己摄入的铁质含量,不在铁质储备失去之前注意警告信号,你会有危险。 1. 跟在法国一样,美国在20世纪60年代也发生过文化革命。 2.他一旦下定决心去干一件事,就根本拦不住他。 3.学校强调的观点是:家长和孩子一起参加学校的活动是值得的。 4.快下课时,老师让学生用最后的五分钟来展开激烈的讨论,依照1—10的评分标准相互评价他们当天的课堂表现。 5.为了避免引发针对他们的品格培养方案的争论,该校校长解释说,品格第一并不是要强迫学生接受某一套道德原则或宗教观念。 6.并非所有的家长都相信海德中学的办学原则,即如果你向学生传授诸如求真、勇敢、正直领导能力、好奇心和关心他人等美德的话,学生的学习成绩就自然会提高。 XII 1. 这副画上一个神色严肃的男子,身旁站着一位女子,身后是所农舍。他们的原型分别是画家的牙医和姐姐。 2.公司的申请书,不管是代表自己还是代表他人,都应该有官员的签名。 3.做了脱口秀之后,约翰和妻子在广播和电视节目上出了名,这些节目给普通民众以启迪,而不只是向他们提供信息。 4.尽管有些人不赞同,可市领导还是决定实施这个计划,在湖边建造两个五星级宾馆,以吸引更多的游客。 5.那位著名画家去世了,曾经给他当模特的妻子立即担任了他装潢公司的总经理职务。6.宴会上,他们的衣着都很华丽,但吸引我注意力的却是他们的交谈方式,使得我很想和他们交谈。 1. 直到60年代早期,人们似乎才普遍认同英国不再是以前心目中那样的大国了。 2.在决定了租房之后,我们便着手与市内所有的房屋代理商联系。

综合英语 1 课后翻译答案精编版

Unit 1 1.他对这次面试中可能提到的问题作好了准备。(confront) He has prepared answers to the questions that he may confront during the interview. 2.他悲惨的遭遇深深打动了我们,使我们几乎哭出声来。(touch) His sad experience touched us so deeply that we nearly cried. 3.他们俩手挽着手沿着河边散步,有说有笑。(hand in hand) The two of them are walking hand in hand along the riverbank, chatting and laughing. 4.听到这令人激动的消息之后,他眼睛里涌出欢乐的泪水。(well up) When he heard the exciting news, tears of joy welled up in his eyes. 5.上海人容易听懂苏州话,因为上海话和苏州话有许多共同之处。(in common) People from Shanghai can understand Suzhou dialect with ease, for Shanghai dialect and Suzhou dialect have much in common. 6.亨利和妻子正在考虑能不能在3年内买一幢新房子。(look into) Henry and his wife are looking into the possibility of buying a new house within three years. 7.女儿再三请求到国外去深造,他最终让步了。(give in to) He finally gave in to his daughter’s repeated requests to further her education abroad. 8.我们在动身去度假之前把所有的贵重物品都锁好了。(lock away) We locked all our valuables away before we went on holiday. 9.虽然咱们分手了,但我希望咱们依然是好朋友,像以前一样互相关心,互相帮助。(part) Although we have parted from each other, I hope that we will remain good friends and that we will care for and help each other just as we used to. 10.在紧急关头,军长召集全体军官开会,制定新的克敌战略战术。(summon) At the critical moment, the army commander summoned all the officers to work out new strategies and tactics to conquer the enemy. Unit 2 1.一个由外交部长率领的政府代表团昨天抵达南非,开始对该国进行为期3天的友好访问。(head) A government delegation headed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs arrived in South Africa yesterday, starting a three-day friendly visit to the country. 2.看看这些讽刺社会弊端的漫画实在好笑。(awfully funny) It is awfully funny to look at these caricatures which satirize social ills. 3.计算机是最有用的教学工具之一,所有的功课以及所有的问题和答案都可在屏幕上显示出来。(show on a screen) Computers are one of the most useful teaching tools, for all your lessons as well as all the questions and all the answers can be shown on a screen. 4.张利的母亲前天突然病倒,他赶紧派人请来医生。(send for) Zhang Li’s mother fell ill the day before yesterday, so he sent for a doctor immediately.


第1章英汉互译考研真题分析 一般来说,英汉互译是全国各院校英语专业研究生入学考试常考的科目或者是考试科目中的常考内容,从“试题来源详细目录”中68所院校的考试科目就可以看出,除了“翻译理论与实践”、“翻译与写作”、“英语翻译基础”等考试科目必考英译汉或者汉译英,基础英语、英语综合水平测试、综合英语等必考科目的试题中都考英译汉或者汉译英的内容,也就是说,大多数的英语专业(包括英美文学、外国语言学及应用语言学等专业)都要考英语翻译的内容,因此,英汉互译对于报考英语专业的考生来说就显得非常重要! 英汉互译是许多学生得分不理想的考试内容,特别是一些著名院校(如北京外国语大学、上海外国语大学等)英语专业研究生入学考试的英汉互译试题就充分体现了名校的高水平,其难度超出专业八级的翻译标准,甚至高于全国外语翻译证书一级笔译考试的要求。但对于各个院校来说,英语专业历年考研翻译试题的选材特点、考试侧重点和难度都存在差异,下面对全国68所院校英语专业研究生入学考试的英汉互译试题进行分析,以便读者更好地选择院校和考试科目。需要说明的一点就是:由于院校自主命题,院校的考试科目和翻译题型不是一成不变,一些院校年份较早的考试科目现在已不再考查,但其翻译试题依然有很好的参考价值,因此,本书也会对这些考试科目进行分析。 1.1 全国68所院校英汉互译试题分析 北京地区 1.北京大学

翻译部分的试题来自英语语言文学专业考试科目“专业能力”和翻译硕士专业学位考试科目“英语翻译基础”。“专业能力”翻译部分为英译汉和汉译英的篇章或段落翻译,各占50分。英译汉多考的是十七、十八世纪的文章,尤其是富含哲理的文章,如培根的《论婚姻》,汉译英多以文言文为主,如《出师表》等,以及现代著名散文,如《秋夜》、《荷塘月色》等这一类文学色彩浓、思想性比较深刻而且语言优雅的散文。英译汉和汉译英两部分对考生的要求都很高,不仅要译出原文的思想,还要尽量使译文的风格与笔调与原文保持一致,比较注重考查考生的语言功底和文学修养水平。 “英语翻译基础”是全日制翻译硕士专业学位研究生入学考试的基础课考试科目,有国家颁布的统一的考试大纲,大纲要求“英语翻译基础”考生具备一定中外文化,以及政治、经济、法律等方面的背景知识,考试内容为术语、缩略语或专有名词的词语翻译(各占15分)和英汉互译的段落或篇章翻译(各占60分)。如北大2013年“英语翻译基础”便考到“CIA、heresy、fiscal policy、三K党、戴维营”等词汇翻译,英译汉篇章翻译内容是关于苏联解体后东欧国家的形势和发展趋势。需要注意的是,北大一向注重人文,散文、文言文等其他院校翻译硕士翻译试题中一般很少出现的题材,考生一定不能忽视。 由于“英语翻译基础”有明确的考试大纲要求,其出题形式和分值较为固定,所以对于下面考查该科目的高校不再一一分析说明。 2.中国人民大学 人大外语学院2008年取消了外国语言学及应用语言学专业,并对所设置的各个专业的研究方向进行了细化,英语语言文学分为英美文学、英语语言学英语教学、翻译理论与实践、英语国家文化四个方向,从2008年开始,翻译部分来自考试科目“基础英语”和“翻译理论与实践”。“基础英语”2006年只考汉译英部分,分值为30分,2007年翻译部分增加


历年专八英译汉翻译真题 1995 I, by comparison, living in my overpriced city apartment, walking to work past putrid sacks of street garbage, paying usurious taxes to local and state governments I generally abhor, I am rated middle class. This causes me to wonder, do the measurement make sense? Are we measuring only that which is easily measured--- the numbers on the money chart --- and ignoring values more central to the good life? For my sons there is of course the rural bounty of fresh-grown vegetables, line-caught fish and the shared riches of neighbours’ orchards and gardens. There is the unpaid baby-sitter for whose children my daughter-in-law baby-sits in return, and neighbours who barter their skills and labour. But more than that, how do you measure serenity? Sense if self? I don’t want to idealize life in small places. There are times when the outside world intrudes brutally, as when the cost of gasoline goes up or developers cast their eyes on untouched farmland. There are cruelties, there is intolerance, there are all the many vices and meannesses in small places that exist in large cities. Furthermore, it is harder to ignore them when they cannot be banished psychologically to another part of town or excused as the whims of alien groups --- when they have to be acknowledged as “part of us.” Nor do I want to belittle the opportunities for small decencies in cities --- the eruptions of one-stranger-to-another caring that always surprise and delight. But these are,sadly,more exceptions than rules and are often overwhelmed by the awful corruptions and dangers that surround us. 对我的几个儿子来说,乡村当然有充足的新鲜蔬菜,垂钓来的鱼,邻里菜园和果园里可供分享的丰盛瓜果。乡下有不用付报酬便可请来照看孩子的邻居,作为回报,我儿媳也帮着照看其孩子。乡邻之间互相交换技能和劳动。但比之更重要的是,你如何来衡量那静谧与安详?如何来衡量自我价值呢? 我无意将小地方的生活理想化。因为有时外面的世界会无情地侵入:比如汽油价格上涨,开发商把眼睛盯住尚未开发的农田;那里充斥着凶残和偏狭,大城市的种种卑劣行径,小地方也一应俱全。不仅如此,当人们无法自欺欺人地硬把那些丑恶现象想象成只是小地方的一小部分或将它们解释为异乡人的为所欲为,而又不得不承认这一切是我们的一部分时,就更难以忽视它们。 1996 It should have been easy. They were battle-tested veterans with long ties to Reagan and even longer ties to the Republican party, men who understood presidential politics as well as any in the country. The backdrop of the campaign was hospitable, with lots of good news to work with: America was at peace, and the nation’s economy, a key factor in any election, was rebounding vigorously after recession. Furthermore, the campaign itself was lavishly financed, with plenty of money for a top-flight staff, travel, and television commercials. And, most important, their candidate was Ronald Reagan, a president of tremendous personal popularity and dazzling communication skills. Reagan has succeed more than any president since John F. Kennedy in projecting a broad vision of America – a nation of renewed military strength, individual initiative, and smaller federal government. 这应该不是件难事。这都是些跟着里根多年、久经沙场的老将,他们跟共和党则有更深厚的渊源,是这个国家里最熟悉总统政治的人。竞选的背景也很有利,也很多好消息可供炒作。例如,美国上下一片和平,美国经济这一竞选要素也在经过一段时间的衰退之后开始强劲反弹。此外,这次竞选本身得到了慷慨资助,因此有充裕的资用于组织一流的竞选班子、支付巡回演讲和电视广告的费用。而最重要的一点是,他们的候选人是罗纳德·里根,他可是位极具个人魅力和沟通技巧的总统。自约翰·F·肯尼迪总统以来,里根是最成功地勾勒出美国蓝图的总统:一个军事力量复兴、富有个人进取心、联邦政府得以精简的国家。


Unit 1 1. If you move into any place other than your own private home, make sure you know what the rules are about pets if you have one. 出入除自己家以外的任何场所时,如果你带有宠物,一定要了解有关宠物的规定。 2. Some women coul d have made a good salary in job instead of staying at home, but they decided not to work for the sake of the family. 一些女性完全可以不待在家里,而是去工作,挣一份不错的工资。但是为了家庭,她们放弃了工作。 3. How can you justify such rudeness? You will pay heavily for that because they have sued you for damaging their good name. 你怎么为这样粗鲁的行为辩护? 你将会为此付出沉重的代价,因为他们已经以诋毁名誉的罪名起诉你了。 4. Criticism can be of great use; we may not like it at the time, but it can spur us on to greater things. 批评有其重要作用;我们可能当时不喜欢它,但是它能激励我们去做更伟大的事情。 5. His uncompromising behavior, to which the public objected, l eft him bankrupt emotionally and financially. 他毫不让步的行为遭到公众的反对,这使得他陷入了精神上崩溃、经济上破产的境地。 6. Even if you fail, d on't let failure harm you, don't let failure take over. Remember failure is a necessary step in learning; it is not the end of your l earning, but the beginning. 即使你失败了,也不要被失败伤害,更不要被失败左右。记住:失败是学习过程中必要的一步;它不是学习的结束,而是学习的开始。 Unit2 1.如果没有查理?卓别林,世界电影史就会不一样了。 If there had been no Charlie Chaplin, the history of world cinema would have been different. 2.令人感到宽慰的是,他的努力最终给予了他长期渴望的结果—他成功地发现了这种疾病的原因。 It was a relief that his hard work eventually gave him the result that he had l ong d esired: He successfully discovered the cause of the disease. 3.查理?卓别林是最伟大、最广受热爱的电影明星之一。从《流浪汉》到《摩登时代》,他拍摄了许多他那个时代最有趣、最受欢迎的电影。他最出名的是他扮演的一个人物—年轻可爱的小流浪汉。 Charlie Chaplin was one of the greatest and most widely loved movie stars. From The Tramp to Modern Times, he mad e many of the funniest and most popular films of his time. He was best known for his character, the youthful and l ovabl e Little Tramp. 4.卓别林是一个才能非凡的人:自他1914年第一次在电影中出现,两年时间内他就成了这个国家最有名的人物之一。Chaplin was an immensely tal ented man. Within only two years of his first appearance in motion pictures in 1914, he became one of the best-known personalities in the nation. 5.查理?卓别林对20世纪初期每个人的生活都产生了影响。与有史以来的任何人相比,他让更多的人欢笑,改变了人们看待这个世界的方式。 Charlie Chaplin had an impact on everyone’s life in the early 20th century. He made more people laugh than any other man who ever lived and changed the way people l ooked at the worl d. 6. 1977年,查理?卓别林在圣诞节那天去世了,身后留下了悲伤的家人和朋友,以及全世界数以百万计的影迷。 On Christmas Day in 1977 Charlie Chaplin passed away. He l eft behind family and friends sad dened by his d eath, and millions of fans worldwide. Unit 3 1. The man is reported to have said in private that "we are being made fools of by many of our clients, so we are entitled to have them bow to us as compensation." 据报道这个男子曾在私下说:“许多救济对象在欺骗我们,因此,作为补偿,我们有权让他们对我们点头哈腰。” 2. After consid ering your background and experience, we regret to inform you that we don't have an appropriate job opportunity for you at current stage. 我们考虑了你的背景与经历,很遗憾地告诉你,我们目前没有适合你的工作机会。 3. I failed to take my cue from Oscar. Instead, I talked back to the woman, who turned out to be our new manager. 我没能按奥斯卡的暗示去做,相反,我反驳了那个妇女,结果她竟然是我们的新经理。 4. There needs to be someone who can act as a champion for the rights of the poor because the system so easily lends itself to abuse. 需要有人来充当穷人权利的捍卫者,因为这一体制太容易被滥用。 5. I called the police for help after my car broke d own on the freeway. Twenty minutes later, they came to my rescue.

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