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考研英语阅读真题及答案 英语阅读关于考研的在历年的真题中,有不少的精华等着大家去发掘。下面是给大家整理的考研英语阅读真题及答案,供大家参阅! 1991年考研英语阅读真题及答案解析Section II Reading Comprehension Each of the passages below is followed by some questions. For each question four answers are given. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each of the questions. Put your choice in the ANSWER SHEET. (30 points) Text 1 A wise man once said that the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. So, as a police officer, I have some urgent things to say to good people. Day after day my men and I struggle to hold back a tidal wave of crime. Something has gone terribly wrong with our once-proud American way of life. It has happened in the area of values. A key ingredient is disappearing, and I think I know what it is: accountability. Accountability isn t hard to define. It means that every


2019考研英语一真题翻译参考答案及解析 考研历年真题一定要用好,研究好。结合大纲和真题来选择辅导用书是最明智的。本文带大家回顾2019考研英语一真题翻译参考答案及解析: Part C Directions: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) It was only after I started to write a weekly column about the medical journals, and began to read scientific papers from beginning to end, that I realised just how bad much of the medical literature frequently was. I came to recognise various signs of a bad paper: the kind of paper that purports to show that people who eat more than one kilo of broccoli a week were 1.17 times more likely than those who eat less to suffer late in life from pernicious anaemia. (46) There is a great deal of this kind of nonsense in the medical journals which, when taken up by broadcasters and the lay press, generates both health scares and short-lived dietary enthusiasms. Why is so much bad science published? A recent paper, titled “The Natural Selection of Bad Science”, published on the Royal Society’s open science website, attempts to answer this intriguing and important question. It says that the problem is not merely that people do bad science, but that our current system of career advancement positively encourages it. What is important is not truth, but publication, which has become almost an end in itself. There has been a kind of inflationary process at work: (47) nowadays anyone applying for a research post has to have published twice the number of papers that would have been required for the same post only 10 years ago. Never mind the quality, then, count the number. (48) Attempts have been made to curb this tendency, for example, by trying to incorporate some measure of quality as well as quantity int o the assessment of an applicant’s papers. This is the famed citation index, that is to say the number of times a paper has been quoted elsewhere in the scientific literature, the assumption being that an important paper will be cited more often than one of small account. (49) This would be reasonable if it were not for the fact that scientists can easily arrange to cite themselves in their future publications, or get associates to do so for them in return for similar favours. Boiling down an individual’s o utput to simple metrics, such as number of publications or journal impacts, entails considerable savings in time, energy and ambiguity. Unfortunately, the long-term costs of using simple quantitative metrics to assess researcher merit are likely to be quite great. (50) If we are serious about ensuring that our science is both meaningful and reproducible, we must ensure that our institutions encourage that kind of science. 46-50参考答案及解析:


最新2019年中考英语阅读理解优编题(8) 第一篇 (2019中考科普环保类选练) Think of all the things you throw away:juice bottles,soda cans,candy covers.It adds up.How much rubbish do you produce? Americans throw away about 1 ton of rubbish per person every year.That's 2000 pounds of rubbish! Most of the rubbish gets covered in big holes in the round called landfills(垃圾掩埋法). A lot of this rubbish can be recycled,or turned back to something useful.The main things we recycle today are made of metal and paper. People recycle for many reasons.One of the main reasons is to protect resources(资源).Making new cans out of old ones means less aluminum(铝) is needed for new cans. This leads to a second reason people recycle:it saves energy.Recycling old aluminum ca ns take much less energy than making new aluminum.To make new aluminum,you need to mine metal ore(矿石) from the ground,remove it,and refine it,into a finished metal. Recycling also protects valuable land.By recycling,we produce less rubbish.That means fewer landfills are needed for dropping our rubbish.Because metals are some what costly to make,they are the world's most recycled materials.About two-thirds of all steel(钢) is recycled. Almost all drink cans are made of aluminum.Americans recycle about one-third of their used aluminum cans.Empty cans are sent to special factories.There,they are cleaned,melted,and made into new pieces of aluminum. Americans use lots of paper — mostly in the form of newspapers,magazines,and cardboard boxes.In fact,paper takes up more space in landfills than any other material. Old paper can be cut and made are into new paper.Americans recycle a little more than one-third of their paper rubbish.New papers are made from trees,each ton of recycled paper saves about 17 trees!


考研英语阅读理解试题解题方法及步骤 考研可以说是人生的一个转折驿站,一次改变命运的艰辛历练。作为考研路上的重要科目--英语,也成为不少考生脚下的牵绊石,而占分数比重的阅读理解,自然也是考试中的重头戏,能否巧妙的用对技巧,灵活应答,成为考生研路中的棘手问题,下面我们就层层推进,分析一下阅读的方法技巧和步骤攻略,揭开这层久未露面的神秘面纱。 一、阅读方法 阅读文章基本方法有3种,一是略读,二是精读,三是寻读。略读是一种快速阅读方法,在非常短的时间内浏览全文获得文章的中心思想和主要事实。精读则是仔细阅读每句话,理解分析其含义,弄清句与句之间的逻辑关系,进而理解整个段落的意思。而寻读则是通过目光扫视,迅速确定你所期望得到的信息的位置。考试中3种基本方法可以用在不同的情况。通过略读,我们可以了解材料的结构安排和主要信息,利用精读我们可以针对考题中的某些信息或难点做具体细致的解析,而寻读则在解题过程中起着一个定位的作用。 二、阅读步骤 第一步:略读短文把握方向 用尽量短的时间扫视短文,特别留意每段的第一句和末段的最后一句。因为各段的主题句往往在句首,而文章的最后一句很可能是概括总结。略读的目的是掌握短文的主旨大意,做到对全文的内容心中大致有数,有一个思考的方向。 第二步:浏览问题有的放矢 浏览5个问题,揣测出题者出此题的目的并侧重阅读短文相关部分。由于对所问问题及文章主旨都已了解,在阅读时自然会知道哪些地方得细读哪些地方可一带而过甚至跳过不读。所有问题都是根据文章内容提出的,基本反映并覆盖了文章的主要内容。先阅读问题再阅读全文,这种方法的优点是:可在较短的时间内有针对性地阅读相关内容,便于给相关问题定位,有的放矢,事半功倍。 第三步:分析判断确定答案 在完成上面两步的基础上,对5个问题逐一解答。需要注意的是:要是文章内容涉及自己熟悉的题材和知识范畴,在选项时绝对不能单凭自己的主观判断解决问题。因为文章考的是你对该篇的阅读理解能力,而不是你的某种知识,因此选项不能脱离文章的题意。 对于英语水平相对较低,阅读速度较慢的考生来说,我们建议不妨直接从第二步开始:先浏览所有5道题的题目,对文章所涉及的内容有个粗略的估计或了解,然后逐一解答。先寻读文章的相关部分,然后选择正确答案。如遇到有关文章主旨大意或需要推理的题,可先放一放,等做完其他题再做这类题。先难后易,各个击破。 另外,在阅读过程中,不妨在自己认为比较重要的某些句子或词语(主题句,关键词)下面划线,标上符号,这样有助于突出重点,活跃思维,同时也便于阅读,节省时间,使阅


考研英语(二)阅读真题答案及解析() 来源:文都教育 考研英语(二)阅读真题是应对气候变化的文章,文都教育的英语老师就考研英语(二)阅读第二篇给大家做了解析,为了方便核对,我们将选项内容也对应给出。 阅读理解答案 26.[] 27.[] 28.[] 29.[] 30.[] 解析: 31.根据题干“ ,” .定位到原文第一段第一句,但是我们发现第一段只提到了,而没有给出指什么,也就是没有给出本题的答案,因此我们需要看第一句后面的句子。第一句是中心句,后面的句子是对第一句进行阐述,根据后面的句子的阐述,我们可知尽管我们人类依靠森林来吸收大量的二氧化碳,但是我们造成的气候变化将会使我们的森林最终会释放的碳比吸收的碳还要多。也就是选项所说的森林可能会成为潜在的威胁。因此答案为选项。 32.根据题干“ ,” .定位到原文第二段第二句“ ” . 其中后面的内容就是题干问的内容。原文说为了使森林成为有价值的长期的碳汇,可能需要减少他们现在吸收碳的能力。浏览选项发现选项降低他们现在的碳吸收能力和原文一致,因此选项是正确选项。 33.根据题干’ .定位到原文三段第一句’ .该句大意为森林碳计划的目的是大力减少小树并在森林的部分地方除掉灌木丛。选项为减少他的森林的密度,因此选项是正确选项。 34.根据题干’ ?定位到原文第五段第二句’ , , . 第二句中的. 含义为:重要的是要优先考虑火灾和干旱风险大的地区,选项意为首先处理处于有严重危险的地方,因此答案为选项。

35.题干为’ ’ .原文最后一句’ , , .指出加利福尼亚的计划应该会起到模范作用,由此可知作者对加利福尼亚州计划的态度是支持的。浏览选项可知选项支持为正确答案。 以上就是文都教育考研高端的老师为各位考生带来的考研英语(二)阅读的答案解析,文都教育考研高端的英语老师预祝大家考上理想的学校!


WORD格式 中考英语阅读理解100 篇:中考英语阅读理解真题及答案 ( 1 ) Edward rose early on the New-year morning. He looked in every room and wished a Happy New Year to his family. Then he ran into the street to repeat that to those he might meet. When he came back, his father gave him two bright, new silver dollars. His face lighted up as he took them. He had wished for a long time to buy some pretty books that he had seen at the bookstore. He left the house with a light heart, expecting to buy the books. As he ran down the street, he saw a poor family. “ I wish you a Happy New Year. ” said Edward, as he was passing on. The man shook his head. “ You are not from this country. could not understand or speak his children shaking with cold, as if ( nothing to eat for ” said Edward. The man again shook his head, for he language. But he pointed to his mouth and to the 好像 ) to say,“ These little ones have had


考研英语:阅读理解之八大考点 考生应能读懂选自各类书籍和报刊的不同类型的文字材料(生词量不超过所读材料总词汇量的3%),还应能读懂与本人学习或工作有关的文献资料、技术说明和产品介绍等。对所读材料,考生应能: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4篇(总长度约为1600词)文章的内容,从每题所给出的4个选项中选出最佳答案,共20小题,每小题2分,共40分 一、

1.提问方式: 1)直接提问(Main idea型) ?The text intends to express the idea that. . . ?We can draw a conclusion from the text that. . . ?What is the passage mainly about? ?The passage is mainly. ?From the passage we learn that. . . ?The passage is mainly about. . . ?he key point of the passage is that. . . ?This passage mainly deals with. . . ?The main point the author makes in the passage is. ?What does this passage mainly discuss? ?The general/ main/ central idea of the passage is. ?The passage is primarily concerned with. . . 2)给文章定标题 The best title for the text may be. . . Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?' A best title for the passage could be. A best title for the passage might be. This passage can be entitled. . . 3)提问写作目的( Purpose型) ?The article is written to explain. ?The purpose of the passage is. ?This passage is intended to… 2.解题技巧: 1) ①.重点读文章的首段开头部分,如果文章中有这样的主旨句, 那么再看四个选择项,如其中一项所含的信息同主旨句中的信息相似,该项即为正确答案 ②.重点读各段的开头和结尾,四个选项中能涵盖文章各段内容的一项, 就是正确答案


2019考研英语(一)真题答案(完整版) Section I Use of English 1. 【C】Few 词义辨析题;此题考查考生对于前后文语境的把握;首句 中提出“今天我们生活在一个GPS系统,数字地图和其他导航应用程 序都在我们的智能手机上轻易获取”。空格之后的语句与前面语义方 向一致,再考虑到句中的without a phone,可知,此处需要双重否定表达肯定,所以,选择few,符合文意; 2. 【C】run 固定搭配;此题考查与介词on的搭配情况;run on battery表示手机使用电池得以运行;其他选项的搭配为:put on(增加;假装;使…上场);take on(承担;表现;具有;流行);come on( 快点;开始;要求;上演;);语义搭配不通顺,故选择run on搭配; 3. 【B】If 逻辑关系;此处考查逻辑关系。空格处所在句为“... 你 在没有电话或指南针的情况下迷路,...找不到北方,我们有一些技巧 能够协助你导航...文明”;前后句之间构成假设的逻辑关系,所以选 择if;其余选项:since(因为,自从); though(虽然); until(直到) 代入后,不符合语义表达; 4. 【D】literally词义辨析题;空格处所在句为“假如你在没有电话或指南针的情况下迷路,...找不到北方,我们有一些技巧能够协助你 导航...文明”;literally表示确实地,真正地;符合语义表达;其余选项:formally(正式地);relatively(相对地);gradually(逐渐地)不符 合语义表达; 5. 【A】back词义辨析题;出题处的语义表达“我们有一些技巧能够 协助你导航...文明”,只有back 与前文的lost(迷路)形成相互呼应,故而选择back; 6. 【B】off 词义辨析题;空格所在句提到“为当你发现自己...路径。但不是完全...的


2019-2020年中考英语阅读理解训练:12 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 Hello, everyone. A problem with teenagers’ safety becomes serious because the school violence (暴力) happens more often in some areas. We are planning to build an organization named School Watch to make sure that students have a safe environment. Please be part of our plan! What is School Watch? School Watch is a volunteer project in our school. It helps us stop violence and improve the quality of school life. It will keep yourself and your schoolmates safe. The other members of School Watch care for you and your classroom and you do the same for them. Is it for everyone? Anybody can become a member of School Watch because everyone has something to offer. What else can it do? School Watch makes it possible for us not only to help each other but also to make friends with each other. Some members may offer to help schoolmates who have problems with their homework. Who is the Best School Watcher? Our school will look for the Best School Watcher and give him or her lots of prizes. You could be the one! How do you start? To be part of this plan, the only thing you need to do is to talk to the director of the plan in your grade. You can check the official website at www. schoolwatch. com if you want to get more information. 31. School Watch can help its members _________. A. save the environment B. organize sports activities C. improve the quality of school life D. go on school trips 32. Anyone can become a member of School Watch because _________.


1990年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题阅读 Section II R eading Comprehension Each of the two passages below is followed by five questions. For each question there are four answers. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each of the questions. Put your choice in the brackets on the left. (10 points) Text 1 ①In May 1989, space shuttle “Atlantis” released in outer space the space probe “Megallan,” which is now on her 15-month and one-billion-kilometer flight to Venus. ②A new phase in space exploration has begun. ①The planet Venus is only slightly smaller than Earth; it is the only other object in the solar system, in fact, that even comes close to earth’s size. ②Venus has a similar density, so it is probably made of approximately the same stuff, and it has an atmosphere, complete with clouds. ③It is also the closest planet to earth, and thus the most similar in distance from the sun. ④In short, Venus seems to justify its long-held nickname of “earth’s twin.” ①The surface temperature of Venus reaches some 900F. ②Added to that is an atmospheric pressure about 90 times Earth’s: High overhead in the carbon dioxide (CO2) that passes for air is a layer of clouds, perhaps 10 to 20 miles thick, whose little drops consist mostly of sulfuric acid (H2SO4). ③Water is all but nonexistent. ①Born with so many fundamental similarities to earth, how did Venus get to be so radically different: It is not just an academic matter. ②For all its extremes, Venus is a valuable laboratory for researchers studying the weather and climate of earth. ③It has no earth’s oceans, so the heat transport and other mechanisms are greatly simplified. ④In addition, the planet Venus takes 243 earth-days to turn once on its axis, so incoming heat from the sun is added and distributed at a more leisurely, observable pace. 一、词汇 1.shuttle n. 返汽车(列车,飞机);航天飞机,航天器 2.release v. 放出,释放 3.probe n. 探测 4.phase n. 阶段 5.density n. 密度 6.approximately ad. 大概,大约 7.stuff n. 材料,东西 8.passes for被当成9.sulfuric a. 硫的 10. acid n. 酸性物质,酸11. axis n. 轴(线) 12.leisurely ad. 慢慢地,悠然地 二、长难句 1. In May 1989, space shuttle “Atlantis” released in outer space the space probe “Megallan,” which is now on her 15-month and one-billion-kilometer flight to Venus. 该句主干为space shuttle “Atlantis” released … the space probe “Megallan”,which引导的定语从句做后置定语,修饰先行词the space probe “Megallan”。 翻译:1989年5月,“亚特兰蒂斯”号航天飞机将“麦哲伦”号金星探测器释放到外太空,


2019年考研政治试题 多选题 1、马克思主义哲学与旧哲学不同,它是 A.无产阶级的世界观和方法论 B.关于自然、社会和思维知识的概括和总结 C.科学之科学 D.人们观察和处理问题的科学方法 简答题 2、ABC会计师事务所正在制订业务质量控制制度,经过领导层集体研究,确立了下列重大质量控制程度: (1)合秋人的晋升与考核以业务量为主要考核指标,同时考虑遵循质量控制制度和职业道德规范的情况; (2)对员工介绍的客户,由员工所在部门经理根据收费的高低自行决定是否承接; (3)所有审计工作底稿应当在业务完成后90日内整理归档; (4)由于尚未取得上市公司审计资格,不予执行项目质量控制复核制度;(5)无论审计项目组内部的分歧是否得到解决,审计项目组必须保证按时出具审计报告; (6)以每3年为一个周期,选取已完成业务进行检查,检查对象为当年度考核等级位列后3名的项目负责人。 要求: 多选题 3、把社会和谐明确为中国特色社会主义的本质属性,有利于 A.更全面地坚持科学社会主义的基本原理 B.更全面地体现党的奋斗目标和全国各族人民的共同理想 C.更好地建设中国特色社会主义 D.更好地实现最广大人民的根本利益

单选题 4、《论十大关系》中提出我国社会主义建设必须围绕的一个基本方针是 A.调动一切积极因素,为社会主义事业服务 B.正确处理无产阶级同资产阶级的矛盾 C.发展生产力,把我国尽快地从落后的农业国变为先进的工业国 D.彻底消灭剥削制度,继续肃清反革命残余势力 单选题 5、是我们推进经济社会发展的重要目标,也是经济社会发展的重要保障。A.坚持和完善基本经济制度 B.建设社会主义新农村 C.构建社会主义和谐社会 D.推进政府行政管理体制改革 单选题 6、党的_____报告在党的文献中第一次提出了“邓小平理论”的科学概念,对邓小平理论的历史地位、指导意义、科学体系和时代精神作了新的阐述。 A.十五大 B.十三大 C.十二大 D.十一届三中全会 多选题 7、毛泽东思想的科学涵义是() A.是马克思列宁主义在中国的运用和发展 B.是被实践证明了的关于中国革命和建设的正确的理论原则和经验总结 C.是中国共产党集体智慧的结晶 D.是建设有中国特色社会主义的理论


2019年考研英语一阅读理解答案 考生可点击进入考研网提别为大家整理的《2019年考研真题及答案专题》查看各科2019年考研真题及答案信息。 英语一的题材涉及到第一个我们的银行家变现时间变长,目的是避免因为眼前的利益伤害到长远的发展,所以这篇文章能够归为经济类的话题。第二篇文章讨论的是分数,分数水涨船高,学校考试的分数越来越高,分析背后的原因,把这个题材归为教育。教育的话题是近几年考的比较多的。前几年英语二考过家庭作业的问题,谈到间隔年的问题,还谈到法律和教育的交集,就是律师收费越来越贵了,是因为攻读律师专业的时间越来越长,经济负担越来越高。第三个话题是人工智能,以及最后的法律,就是在线的收税。所以今年话题非常的平均。 英语二从文章的题材来讲有一个特点,以第四篇为例,谈到的环境保护,这是写作的时候是特别容易出现的一个话题。文章一上来说我们搞定当前的塑料这个环境污染大敌是很简单的事情,我们说欲扬先抑,这里是捧杀,我们批判的对象焦点是注重了个人,而且举了几个例子,他说我确实能够摒弃掉使用塑料吸管,我能够买更环保的东西而开车去很远的地方,但是开车更远也是一种浪潮就是燃油,所以这是一个批评性,你只聚焦个人,所以要算一个经济账,归根到底,为了利,作者的观点,应该呼吁的是政府。 第二篇文章,又是环保话题,话题是森林。森林吸收的是二氧化碳,导致世界气候的变化。但是在我们的文章里却谈到,我们的森林本身也会释放大量的二氧化碳,所以为了一个平衡要控制我们森林的面积。 第一题基本上题目都是按照定位好的句子,难度不大,类似于四六级的考法。首先第一题四个选项中全部都有“may”。我们的森林本身本来是解决问题的,但是它也能够成为问题。


2019年中考英语阅读理解专题复习 (名师详细剖析解题技巧+实战训练,建议下载保存) (绝对精品文档,价值很高,值得下载打印) 一、解题技巧 英语阅读理解是综合语言运用能力的一个重要方面,阅读理解题是占篇幅最长的、最耗时间的、生词最多的、单题分值最高的题型,当然,阅读理解也成为了学生们头疼的题型, 下面就是初中英语阅读理解难点分析及高分秘诀,希望能助力同学们取得更好的成绩! 初中英语阅读理解难点分析 1.单词不认识 很多同学都有这种感觉,平时课本上的单词自己都掌握了,为什么遇到阅读还是有很多看不懂呢?这类问题被归结为单词量不够。要解决这个问题,就是要多背单词,除此之外还 要摸索规律。 第一、人名、地名没必要较真。 英语中有大量的词总是大写第一个字母的,而他们也大多属于专有名词,表示人名,地名,事件。如Adela、Manchester、NATO。遇到这类词完全可以视若罔闻。 2.前缀、后缀有规律 英语中有些词通过前面或者后面加一些字母,就会变成另一个词。如,regular-- irregular,kind--kindness,前者通过加-ir变成起否定形式,后者通过在后面加-ness,变成了名词。归纳起来,一般说前缀变词义(如肯否定),后缀变词性。只要记住这个原则,平时在学习时 有意识地去检验,积累各种加前后缀的形式,就不至于稍加变化就不认识了。

3.有的词是需要摸索的。 在阅读题中,有的词是在文章中有提示的,因为英语写作有个潜在的规则,词语若非不得已,不要重复。秉承这个原则,我们可以在文章的结构平行处找线索。或是反义词,或是 近义词,根据文章的具体情况,同学们不难做出一个比较有针对性的选择。 4.考纲单词必须熟记。 大纲要求的单词、平时做题总是遇到的单词,生活中会经常遇到的单词,这些词是同学们发挥才智,施展所有做题技巧的基础。没有特别好的方法,就是有恒心一直背:把单词表上的词分类,单独把不会的列出来,分批背,平时总是遇到又不认识的,用一本笔记本把他们都记下来,天天反复天天背。 文章看不懂 “单词我都认识,文章说什么我就是看不懂。”也许有的同学会这样说。问题可能出在这里: 第一、单词不是真的都认识。 英语中几乎每一个单词都不是只有一个释义,同学们所说的认识,也许只是这些单词的一个意思,有可能在文段中考查的是这个单词另外一个意思。这类情况要解决它,就把它当个生词来处理就行了。唯一不同的是,同学们对这类词的处理要注重在语境中理解,这样才能更好地区分不同词义。 第二、语法句式不熟。 这个原因更普遍一些。阅读中的句子有的是很长的,有的是很怪异的。长的可能是加了从句(主语从句、宾语从句、定语从句、状语从句),怪的则有可能是倒装、插入语,这些语法点。解决这个问题就要解决语法弱项,认真学好每个语法现象,多去用学过的语法去分


考研英语:阅读理解精选练习 在考研英语的学习中,阅读理解占到60%的分值(包括阅读理解A、B、C三部分)。其重要性不言而喻。如何提高阅读理解得分能力,将是决战考研英语成败的关键一环。而想要有效提升阅读能力,唯有在实战演练中不断磨砺、体会并归纳总结做题的经验教训,才能有所成效。下面,就跟着都教授每天学一点,每天进步一点吧! Consumers should celebrate that; the firms’losses are their gains. But there is a catch. Comparisonsites, whether for insurance or something else, introduce a new layer of costs,including their own splashy advertising campaigns. In theory, competition in the market for comparison sites ought to keep those costs down. But in a recentpaper, David Ronayne of Warwick University argues that consumers often lose outfrom comparison sites. They earn a commission for each shopper who uses them to buy insurance. That referral cost is incorporated into the price the consumer ends up paying. If the increased costs outweigh the saving the comparison enables, consumers end up worse off. 1. Why consumers often lose out from the comparison sites? (A) The referral cost will be increasedby splashy advertising campaigns. (B) Consumers may not earn the commissionwhen buying the insurance. (C) The new layer of costs may increasethe price of insurance. (D) The insurance company may spend moreon comparison sites. 题目解析: 1. Why consumers often lose out from the comparison sites? (A) The referral cost will be increased by splashy advertising campaigns. referral cost和splashy advertising campaigns之间是没有关系的(看译文你就知道了) (B) Consumers may not earn the commission when buying the insurance. 这个干扰项就是我从文中随便找了几个词拼凑在一起的。Commission你都不知道是什么就瞎选! (C) The new layer of costs may increase the price of insurance. Comparison sites, whether for insurance or something else, introduce a new layer of costs. 这句话看的明白吧:新的成本是会加到保险价格上的,羊毛出在羊身上啊! 正确答案C!!!) (D) The insurance company may spend more on comparison sites. 保险公司才没有花更多呢。 定位其实两个句子都是可以的: That referral cost is incorporated into the price the consumer ends up paying. Comparison sites, whether for insurance or something else, introduce a new layer of costs.

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