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中图分类号:g6 文献标识码:a 文章编号:1673-9795(2013)02(b)-0118-02

1 研究背景


2 景点英译质量分析



民俗文艺节目翻译 一、民俗表演《龙狮舞》 Dragon and Lion Dance 表演单位:元潭乡“女子龙狮舞”传习所 Performed by: “Female Dragon and Lion Dance Institute” of Yuantan township 龙、狮——是中华民族文化图腾,“舞龙、耍狮”以最具东方民族文化特色跻身世界民族文化瑰宝。在我们巴山人的生活中,每逢重大节庆,人们都会舞龙、舞狮,表达喜悦的心情和美好的愿望。 Dragon and lion——the totem of the Chinese national culture. The most oriental ethnic Dragon Dance and Lion Dance are the gems of the world culcure.In our life in Bashan Mountain,people joyfully play Dragon and Lion Dance to express their happiness and good wishes especially on important festivals. 二、民俗表演《巴山出嫁》 Bashan Marriage 表演单位:光雾山文艺中心 Performed by: GuangWu Mountain Literature and Arts Center. 大巴山的传统婚礼习俗中的对歌、抬花轿、拜堂、成亲等场景,有游戏、表演、逗趣等,展现出大巴山人对美好生活的向往和对婚姻家庭的美好祝愿。 Traditional Bashan Weddings are always filled with interesting scenes:Antiphonal,Sedan chair lift,the Bows and so on.Games and funny performances at the wedding are aspirations for happy marriage and better life.

机械毕业设计英文外文翻译460数字控制 (2)

附录 科技译文: Numerical Control Numerical Control(NC) is a method of controlling the movements of machineComponents by directly inserting coded instructions in the form of numerical data(numbers and data ) into the system.The system automatically interprets these data and converts to output signals. These signals ,in turn control various machine components ,such as turning spindles on and off ,changing tools,moving the work piece or the tools along specific paths,and turning cutting fluits on and off. In order to appreciate the importer of numerical control of machines ,let’s briefly review how a process such as machining has been carried out traditionally .After studying the working drawing of a part, the operator sets up the appropriate process parameters(such as cutting speed ,feed,depth of cut,cutting fluid ,and so on),determines the sequence of operations to be performed,clamps the work piece in a workholding device such as chuck or collet ,and proceeds to make the part .Depending on part shape and the dimensional accuracy specified ,this approach usually requires skilled


本次翻译实习有四天的时间,实习的内容很多,我在这有限的时间内,翻译了第一部分。我觉得这篇文章比较有难度,文章中很多单词都是我不了解的。但是,我通过查字典,查辅导书,请教同学,解决了绝大部分的问题。 英语的句子是通过一整套完整系统的语法结构和连接词将单词和词组组合在一起,强调结构上正确,逻辑上严密,思维上严谨。而汉语不是这样。一个汉语句子的分句与分句之间,或是短语与短语之间,在意思上有联系,但很少用关联词,是用每一个分句或是短语的意思组合成一个完整的句子的。比如,“Around the grave in the rundown cemetery were a few of his former advertising colleagues from New York, who recalled his energy and originality and told his daughter, Nancy, what a pleasure it had been to work with him.”我的译文是“在衰败的墓地周围,有几个他以前的纽约的广告公司的同事,他们使他想起了他曾经的精力和独创性,他告诉他的女儿南希过去和他们在一起工作是多么地愉快。”英语的句子是一个整句,但是翻译成汉语不需要连接词,却要把每个分句都翻译成单独的句子。我认为英语翻译就是理解和表达的结合,翻译力求做到信、达、雅。翻译的质量取决于我们应用两种语言的水平。但是,有一点不容忽视,那就是说英语的人的思维和说汉语的人的思维方式有很大差异。同样,英语和汉语本身也有很大差异。这是我感觉最困难的事情。例如,“If you gave my brother a box of envelopes, he could count them faster than anybody because his fingers were so dexterous and because he counted the envelopes by fives.”我的译文是“如果你给我弟弟一盒信封,他比谁都数得快,因为他的手指十分灵巧,数起信封都是用五个手指。”经过请教同学,我知道了“he counted the envelopes by fives”不应翻译成“数起信封都是用五个手指”而英翻译成“五个一数”。 英汉两种语言,除了一些专有名词之外,几乎没有绝对等值的词语,那是因为英语与汉语的词汇都普遍存在一词多义、一词多类的现象。就像一位语言学家所说:“在新的上下文里使用的每一个词都是新词。”正是词的这种多义性和变义性,决定了对英语词义的理解及其汉语表达是英译汉的难点所在。所以,我觉得,对于英译汉中每个词语的翻译都需要仔细斟酌,不可轻易地凭感觉而译。词的含义是复杂的,它不仅有直接的、表面的、一般的意思,还有引申的、内涵的、特定的含义。这是语言的共性,英语尤其如此。随便翻开英语字典,几乎每个词都有多种含义,有的甚至有几十个意思,错综复杂。比如标题“Everyman”,我翻译的是“每个人”,但是后来听说其他同学翻译的是“凡人”。我顿时恍然大悟,还是自己之前思考地不周全,没有像到引申义。


节目及节目种类名称 (英文)

节目名称(英文) 今日说法Legal Report 道德观察Ethical Review 新闻调查News Probe 实话实说Tell it like it is 共同关注Eyes on 大家Great Masters 科技博览Science Review 科技苑Science and Technology 走近科学 Approaching Science 全球资讯榜Newslist 文化访谈录Culture Interview 探索发现Exploring 新闻30分 News 30 Min 百家讲坛Lecture Room 挑战主持人Challenge Anchor 名将之约Winner’s Circle 让世界了解你Meet China 中国电影报道China Movie Repor(拼写错误) 今日影视Movie Today 世界电影之旅World Film Report

世界影视博览World Cinema 影视同期声Movie & TV Express 周日影院Sunday Movie Zone 佳片有约 the Best 天天饮食I can cook so do you 搜寻天下Exploring High & Low 乡村大世界the World of Country 子午书简Diary Read Speedy Digest 当代工人contemporary labourer 讲述Story 人物People 影响100 Influence 100 健康之路Meet on the Road of Health 焦点访谈 Topics in Focus 新闻调查 News Probe 新闻30分 News in 30 Minutes 东方时空 Oriental Horizon 社会经纬 Net of Justice 夕阳红 Sunset Glow 商业电视 Business TV 市场热线 Market Hotline 世界经济报道 World Economic Report


附录 INTEGRATION OF MACHINERY (From ELECTRICAL AND MACHINERY INDUSTRY)ABSTRACT Machinery was the modern science and technology development inevitable result, this article has summarized the integration of machinery technology basic outline and the development background .Summarized the domestic and foreign integration of machinery technology present situation, has analyzed the integration of machinery technology trend of development. Key word:integration of machinery ,technology,present situation ,product t,echnique of manufacture ,trend of development 0. Introduction modern science and technology unceasing development, impelled different discipline intersecting enormously with the seepage, has caused the project domain technological revolution and the transformation .In mechanical engineering domain, because the microelectronic technology and the computer technology rapid development and forms to the mechanical industry seepage the integration of machinery, caused the mechanical industry the technical structure, the product organization, the function and the constitution, the production method and the management system has had the huge change, caused the industrial production to enter into “the integration of machinery” by “the machinery electrification” for the characteristic development phase. 1. Integration of machinery outline integration of machinery is refers in the organization new owner function, the power function, in the information processing function and the control function introduces the electronic technology, unifies the system the mechanism and the computerization design and the software which constitutes always to call. The integration of machinery development also has become one to have until now own system new discipline, not only develops along with the science and technology, but also entrusts with the new content .But its basic characteristic may summarize is: The integration of machinery is embarks from the system viewpoint, synthesis community technologies and so on utilization mechanical technology, microelectronic technology, automatic control technology,

05 英文翻译模板 供参考

毕业设计(论文) 外文翻译 题目一种配电网小电流故障 选线新方法 专业电气工程及其自动化 班级 学生 指导教师 年

一种配电网小电流故障选线的新方法 I. Zamora, Member, IEEE, A. J. Mazón, Member, IEEE, K. J. Sagastabeitia, and J. J. Zamora 摘要:在配电网系统中,故障点经经高阻接地或者中性点经消弧线圈接地使得故障电流比较小。以前高的故障电阻主要由于非有效接地或者绝缘降低引起。到后来,中性点就不接地或者经消弧线圈接地,然而,由于这样使得故障电流很小,无法使传统的过流继电器动作或者熔断熔断。本文提出了一种适用于辐射状配电网的基于特定频率电压信号叠加原理的单相接地故障选线新方法,计算机仿真和实验室试验都证明这种方法对于任何形式的接地故障选线都比较准确。 关键词:配电网,故障诊断,小电流接地,信号叠加 符号说明 R fbi馈线i单相对地电阻 Iresi 馈线i残余电流 VNG中性点电压 VpG相电压 Vh参考电压 Ki 馈线i的不对称度 △Kri 馈线i对称度的相对变化率 (a) Prefault situation 故障前 (b) Superposition situation叠加信号时

1简介 配电网的维护和运行里面两个必须要考虑的关键问题是公网安全和电能质量。在最大限度内输送电能必须协调好电能质量和苛刻的安全极限之间的矛盾。所有这些实现都要以新的立法形势和把握好技术改进和经济维护为前提。 然而,设计一种完全可靠的电力系统是不可能的,所以就要发展在最短时间内找到故障点并恢复供电的各种技术,短路故障情况下,短路电流变化比较明显,所以很容易找出故障线路。但是,由于故障的特殊性,配电网中的小电流接地不能被通常的保护监测到。 小电流接地故障通常发生在于高阻接地或有中性点有补偿装置的系统中。在第一种情况下,间接接地或弧光接地使得故障电阻很大,从而限制了故障电流。在第二种情况下,独立的系统或者中性点经电抗接地的系统在发生单相接地故障时,允许系统急需运行相负荷供电一段时间。 无论如何,如果对小电流接地不进行监控,有可能使巨大的电能危及人身安全和设备安全,即使短路电路很小,对设备来说是安全的,但是故障时刻的高电压已经威胁到人身的安全。因此,研究小电流接地选线装置对公众安全是必要的。 目前,有很多人从事这方面的研究工作,期望找出最好的办法来解决这个问题。利用神经网络,小波变换和人工智能的方法已经越来越重要了。低频信号分析也已经被用来分析故障特征,在中性点经消弧线圈接地系统中,利用改变消弧线圈的档位或者在中性点向系统注入工频电流信号,通过检测其对地的流通回路,但是,大部分这种技术只是用于一些小电流接地故障或者仅仅用于特定的情况下和特定类型的配电网中。 本文提出了一种基于电压信号叠加原理来监测小电流故障的的新方法,该方法适用配电网中的任何接地故障类型。


常见公司职务英文 总公司Head Office 分公司Branch Office 营业部Business Office 人事部Personnel Department (人力资源部)Human Resources Department 总务部General Affairs Department 财务部General Accounting Department 销售部Sales Department 促销部Sales Promotion Department 国际部International Department 出口部Export Department 进口部Import Department 公共关系Public Relations Department 广告部Advertising Department 企划部Planning Department 产品开发部Product Development Department 研发部Research and Development Department(R&D) 秘书室Secretarial Pool 生产部:Production Dept. 产品制造部:Production Manufacturing Dept. 常见职位职务英文译名 Accounting Assistant 会计助理 Accounting Clerk 记帐员 Accounting Manager 会计部经理 Accounting Stall 会计部职员 Accounting Supervisor 会计主管 Administration Manager 行政经理 Administration Staff 行政人员 Administrative Assistant 行政助理 Administrative Clerk 行政办事员 Advertising Staff 广告工作人员 Airlines Sales Representative 航空公司定座员 Airlines Staff 航空公司职员 Application Engineer 应用工程师 Assistant Manager 副经理 Bond Analyst 证券分析员 Bond Trader 证券交易员 Business Controller 业务主任 Business Manager 业务经理


英语阅读理解带翻译:电视节目 Television gives the American people a wide variety of programs from early morning until late at night. Operas, orchestral performances, chamber music and jazz concerts are often presented on television. So most of the leisure at home is used for watching television. Many Americans are so fond of their TV programs that they often have cold luncheon in front of their receiving sets. Television has given people newer and deeper understanding of history, art, music, literature, the ballet, the theater, the discoveries of modern science and the wonders of the universe. Television viewers pay no tax or charges for receiving programs on their sets. The cost of the programs is paid chiefly by those who are given the opportunity to advertise their goods or services during the commercial breaks. 美国人从清晨直到深夜都能看到形形色色的电视节目。电视屏幕 上经常播放歌剧、管弦乐、室内音乐和爵士音乐演奏。所以家庭中绝 大部分空闲时间都花在看电视上。很多美国人酷爱电视节目,经常在 电视机前边看电视边吃冷餐。电视使人们对历史、艺术、音乐、文学、舞剧、戏剧、现代科学的新发现和宇宙的奥妙有较新和较深切的了解。电视观众看电视节目既不用缴税,也不必付款,节目费用主要是由那 些借此为其商品和服务做插播广告的人支付的。


本科毕业论文(设计) 外文翻译 学院:机电工程学院 专业:机械工程及自动化 姓名:高峰 指导教师:李延胜 2011年05 月10日 教育部办公厅 Failure Analysis,Dimensional Determination And

Analysis,Applications Of Cams INTRODUCTION It is absolutely essential that a design engineer know how and why parts fail so that reliable machines that require minimum maintenance can be designed.Sometimes a failure can be serious,such as when a tire blows out on an automobile traveling at high speed.On the other hand,a failure may be no more than a nuisance.An example is the loosening of the radiator hose in an automobile cooling system.The consequence of this latter failure is usually the loss of some radiator coolant,a condition that is readily detected and corrected.The type of load a part absorbs is just as significant as the magnitude.Generally speaking,dynamic loads with direction reversals cause greater difficulty than static loads,and therefore,fatigue strength must be considered.Another concern is whether the material is ductile or brittle.For example,brittle materials are considered to be unacceptable where fatigue is involved. Many people mistakingly interpret the word failure to mean the actual breakage of a part.However,a design engineer must consider a broader understanding of what appreciable deformation occurs.A ductile material,however will deform a large amount prior to rupture.Excessive deformation,without fracture,may cause a machine to fail because the deformed part interferes with a moving second part.Therefore,a part fails(even if it has not physically broken)whenever it no longer fulfills its required function.Sometimes failure may be due to abnormal friction or vibration between two mating parts.Failure also may be due to a phenomenon called creep,which is the plastic flow of a material under load at elevated temperatures.In addition,the actual shape of a part may be responsible for failure.For example,stress concentrations due to sudden changes in contour must be taken into account.Evaluation of stress considerations is especially important when there are dynamic loads with direction reversals and the material is not very ductile. In general,the design engineer must consider all possible modes of failure,which include the following. ——Stress ——Deformation ——Wear ——Corrosion ——Vibration ——Environmental damage ——Loosening of fastening devices


文档简介 一,英语翻译经典文章之英文原稿二,中文翻译:这篇英语文章的最好翻译版本!不是俺说的,是俺老师说哒!! 英文原稿Brian It seems my only request (“please, let me sleep”) is not clear enough, so I made this simple table that can help you when you’re in doubt. Especially during the night

中文翻译小子: 我只想好好地睡觉,你不明白吗?!所以,我做了这个简表。当你不知道怎么办时,特 别是在晚上的时候,你可以看看它。 具体情况行动指南 1,我正在睡觉禁止进入 2,你不确定我是否睡觉,你想搞清楚管你“鸟”事;禁止进入 3,你嗑了药,想奔向我的床你他妈的滚远点 4,你在youtube上看了一个超赞的视频,禁止进入;在脸书上把链接发给我想让我看看 5,就算第三次世界大战开始了管我屁事,他妈的别进来 6,你和你的基友们想和我“玩玩”抱歉,直男一枚。不要碰我的任何东西,门都别碰 7,你想整理我的房间我谢谢你了!我自己会打扫 8,普京宣布同性婚姻合法化终于等到“它”!还好你没放弃!还是不要来我房里! 9,我不在家进我房间,想都别想 10,白天,我在家。你敲了门,我说“请进” 你可以进来了 福利放送!!

如果你已经看到了这里,那么说明你应该是英文爱好者哦。 下面有一些非常实用,我精心整理的英文资料,你一定用得到!快去看看吧! 一,最常用英语翻译政治文体句型总结大全完美版 二,英文合同翻译最常用句型总结专业版 三,英语毕业论文提纲模板优秀完整详细无敌版


栏目名和书名、文章标题一样,是画龙点睛之笔,其翻译应遵循以下原则:1.能够反映本栏目的中心内容,突出主题。2.译名必须简洁,明白易懂,朗朗上口。 3.不用句子结构,即主谓宾或主系表结构。 4.不能望文生义。如《东方时空》译为Oriental Horizon。horizon的意思是地平线,即"向水平方向望去,天与地相交接的线",以此作为栏目名意境深远,给人想象的空间。如果译为Eastern Tim e and Space,就失去其深邃的意义了。又如社会经纬是中央电视台最早的一个法制节目,目的是向观众普及法律知识,增强观众的法律意识,弘扬司法公正。"社会经纬"字面上并没有法律,如直译成英文,会显得莫名其妙。但如果译成N et of Justice,就会使人由法律想到公正,由经纬想到天网恢恢。再如《夕阳红》译为Sunset Glow,比较贴切,又富有诗意。因为glow的意思"throw out light and heat without flame"(The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Curren t English,p.502)。下面,笔者把收集到的栏目名称英译与大家分享: 焦点访谈 Topics in Focus 新闻调查 News Probe 新闻30分 News in 30 Minutes 商业电视 Business TV 市场热线 Market Hotline 世界经济报道 World Economic Report 股市分析 Stock Market Analysis 足球之夜 Soccer Night 健康俱乐部 Health Club 春节联欢晚会 Spring Festival Gala Evening 半边天 Half the Sky 综艺大观 Super Variety Show 戏迷园地 Garden for Opera Fans 大风车 Big Pinwheel 七巧板 Tangram 12演播室 Twelve Studio 中华民族 Chinese Ethnic Peoples 科技博览 Science and Technology Review 人与自然 Man and Nature 正大综艺 Zhengda Variety Show 书坛画苑 Gallery of Calligraphy Painting 天涯共此时 Time Together across the Strait 华夏风情 China Kaleidoscope 中国新闻 China News 中国报道 China Report 旅行家 Travelogue 中国各地 Around China 今日中国 China Today 周日话题 Sunday Topics 英语新闻 English News 东方时尚 Oriental Fashion


沈阳工业大学工程学院 毕业设计(论文)外文翻译 毕业设计(论文)题目:工具盒盖注塑模具设计 外文题目:Friction , Lubrication of Bearing 译文题目:轴承的摩擦与润滑 系(部):机械系 专业班级:机械设计制造及其自动化0801 学生姓名:王宝帅 指导教师:魏晓波 2010年10 月15 日

外文文献原文: Friction , Lubrication of Bearing In many of the problem thus far , the student has been asked to disregard or neglect friction . Actually , friction is present to some degree whenever two parts are in contact and move on each other. The term friction refers to the resistance of two or more parts to movement. Friction is harmful or valuable depending upon where it occurs. friction is necessary for fastening devices such as screws and rivets which depend upon friction to hold the fastener and the parts together. Belt drivers, brakes, and tires are additional applications where friction is necessary. The friction of moving parts in a machine is harmful because it reduces the mechanical advantage of the device. The heat produced by friction is lost energy because no work takes place. Also , greater power is required to overcome the increased friction. Heat is destructive in that it causes expansion. Expansion may cause a bearing or sliding surface to fit tighter. If a great enough pressure builds up because made from low temperature materials may melt. There are three types of friction which must be overcome in moving parts: (1)starting, (2)sliding, and(3)rolling. Starting friction is the friction between two solids that tend to resist movement. When two parts are at a state of rest, the surface irregularities of both parts tend to interlock and form a wedging action. To produce motion in these parts, the wedge-shaped peaks and valleys of the stationary surfaces must be made to slide out and over each other. The rougher the two surfaces, the greater is starting friction resulting from their movement . Since there is usually no fixed pattern between the peaks and valleys of two mating parts, the irregularities do not interlock once the parts are in motion but slide over each other. The friction of the two surfaces is known as sliding friction. As shown in figure ,starting friction is always greater than sliding friction . Rolling friction occurs when roller devces are subjected to tremendous stress which cause the parts to change shape or deform. Under these conditions, the material in front of a roller tends to pile up and forces the object to roll slightly uphill. This changing of shape , known as deformation, causes a movement of molecules. As a result ,heat is produced from the added energy required to keep the parts turning and overcome friction. The friction caused by the wedging action of surface irregularities can be overcome


基于反馈神经网络肘关节力矩的动态预测 R.Song K.Y.Tong 健康技术与信息学系,香港理工大学 KowIoon,香港

摘要 肌肉模型是身体部分运动分析的一个重要组成部分。尽管许多研究已经集中在静态条件下,但是肌电信号(EMG)和关节转矩在自愿动态情况下之间的关系并没有被很好的研究。本研究的目的是调查的一个反馈人工神经网络的性能(RANN)自愿动态情况下的复杂肘扭矩估计。肌电信号和运动数据,其中包括角度和角速度,被用来作为估计在运动过程中预期的扭矩输入。此外,角度和角速度的预测精度的作用进行了研究,并比较两个模型。一个模型的肌电图和关节运动的投入和其他的模型只使用肌电图无运动数据输入。六例健康体检者,和两个平均角速度(60°S 7和90°S 7)三种不同负荷(0公斤,1公斤,2公斤)在手的位置被选择来训练和测试90°屈肘、全伸肘之间的递归神经网络(0 ~)。训练结束后,根平均平方误差(RMSE)预期的扭矩和扭矩之间的模型预测,在训练数据集的肌电图和关节运动的投入和测试数据集,分别为0.17±0.03 nm和0.35 + 0.06 nm。预期的扭矩和预测模型的RMSE值之间的扭矩,在训练数据集只有肌电输入和测试集,分别为0.57 t - 0.07 nm和0.73 T 0.11 nm。结果表明,肌电信号一起运动的数据提供了更好的性能预测的关节力矩;关节角度和角速度提供了重要信息的关节力矩的估计在自愿的运动。 关键词:肌肉骨骼模型,自愿的运动,反馈人工神经网络,逆动力学模型

第一章绪论 由于希尔提出了1938肌肉的经典论文,神经生理学和神经肌肉骨骼系统的生物力学已被广泛研究,使人体运动生成的原理可以发现(希尔,1938)。 探讨中枢神经系统(CNS)激发肌肉和其后的发展力和产生不同的人体运动,许多模型来描述和定性的肌肉骨骼系统的不同层次的性能(温特斯,1990;扎杰克和温特斯,1990)。一个被普遍接受的山为基础的神经肌肉骨骼系统由以下子模型,一步一步:肌肉兴奋-收缩模型;肌腱骨骼模型;动态模型(扎耶克,1989)。 图1 肌肉骨骼模型框图 图1显示了基于hillbased模型的运动生成。图1,肌肉兴奋收缩模型是用来估计中枢神经系统指挥肌肉活动的状态。肌腱模型产生的肌肉力量不仅基于肌肉激活状态,而且基于肌腱式长度和肌腱式收缩速度,这与关节角速度和角速度(温特斯和斯塔克,1988)。前项状态的肌肉力量,它决定了肌腱的依从性,还负责肌肉力在后一阶段(扎耶克,1989)。一旦所有负责的关节运动的肌肉力量已经发现,肌肉的力量与各自的肌肉力臂和的结果求和乘法可以产生关节力矩。所有子模型的数学积分可以用来描述关节运动是中枢神经系统的命令产生哪些参数斧负责关节力矩。 肌电信号反映肌肉的活动,和许多类似的肌电力矩的关系已经在静态和动态情况的研究(张等人,1997;麦森纳和莫润,1995)。肌肉的肌电信号也常被认

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