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dress ----------v. put clothes on (oneself or sb. else) (给……)穿衣

Will you dress the children?

How long does it take you to dress?

n.---------clothing, esp. outer clothing 服装; an outer garment worn by women, girls, and babies 女装,童装

In this old play, the actors wear the dress of 100 years ago.

She prefers to design dresses for the children by herself.

(be) dressed in 穿着/ dress up 穿上盛装,精心打扮

instructions ----------- clear and detailed information 用法说明;指示;指令You must n’t take this medicine without doctor’s instructions.

He gave me full instructions to enable me to find his house.

Read the attached book carefully and follow the instructions when you set the washing machine to work.

instruct ---------v. give orders or directions to; inform 指示,指导,通知

Mr. Lin instructed his students how to make the experiment.

bring down ----------- reduce; cause to fall 减少,降低

He went on a diet and in three months brought down his weight to 100 pounds.

I’ll give you an inj ection to bring down the temperature.

bring about 引起,实现/ bring through / bring up 提出;抚养,培养/ bring back 使回想起

if the fever ---------- 华氏102°大约是摄氏39°,人体正常体温一般为98.6°(37°摄氏度)


avoid--------- keep or get away from; 避免,避开

I still felt guilty for that and tried to avoid him as much as possible.

We avoided driving through large cities on our trip.

be detached from ---------showing no interest in, be indifferent to 漠视,无动于衷,冷漠,不关心

detach ---------v. to separate esp. from a large mass and usu. without violence or damage 分开,分离,拆开

He detached his watch from the chain.

It’s difficult to detach the tyre from the wheel

follow ----------a) understand clearly 理解,听清楚

b) go or come after 跟随

c)take (as guide /leader / an example) 听从,遵循

d) engage in a business , trade, etc. 从事,经营

e) be necessarily true 作为必然的结果

e.g. Y ou are reading too fast for me to follow. 你读得太快,我听不清楚。

Monday follows Sunday. 星期天之后便是星期一。

The villagers still follow the customs of their grandfathers.村民们仍然沿袭他们祖先的习俗。

One is unable to follow the profession with a university diploma.


He is good, but it doesn’t follow that he is wise. 他人好,并不见得就聪明。

so far ------up to the present 到目前为止,迄今为止

So far, so good.

No other damages are reported so far

wake up --------

When do you usually wake up?

“醒来”—最好用wake (up) 或awake ,不用waken 和awaken ;被动语态中“被唤醒”一般多用wakened 或awakened ;在比喻说法中多用awake 和awaken 。

(would) rather ---------- more willing 宁愿,宁可

I would rather you come tomorrow than today.

I would rather not go out tonight, if you don’t mind.

I’d rather go by train than by car.

I’d stay at home and watch TV.

The old man would rather live in the countryside than in the city.

A : would rather + V --------- 表示选择,如果要说明对比的对象用:would rather + V +than + V --- 相同的动词常省略,意思是“宁愿-----而不愿------”

B 否定形式:would rather +not +V

I’d rather not see you tomorrow.

C 疑问形式:would 提到句首

Would you rather have water than coffee?

D : would rather + that clause 从句中的谓语动词要用虚拟语气形式是:

a) 与现在事实相反/ 与将来事实相反----谓语用一般过去时

b) 与过去事实相反---------谓语动词用过去完成时,意思是“宁愿,倒希望”

I would rather you came tomorrow than today.

I would rather you didn’t tell me about that.

I’d rather you started today.

varnish---------- cover (sth.) with a smooth appearance 把光漆涂在…上/ 光漆,清漆,油漆Don’t sit on it. I’ve just varnished it.

He varnished the wooden table.

What’s the best kind of vanish for the chair?

I fell twice, hard ----------

hard -------“重重的”前以逗号隔开是为了强调说明“摔”的程度

have -------

A -------have + O + V-ed 分词所表示的动作通常不是句子主语完成的,而是别人执行的,即“使人或雇人替自己做”

She has the windows cleaned every month.

B -------have + O + V-ing

a.I’ll have you driving in three days. (表示预期的目标,常与将来时间短语或副词连用)

b.If you don’t put a fence round your garden, you’ll have people walking in and stealing

your fruit.


c.I won’t have you speaking like that about your father.

C -------have + O +V 表示不能容忍某事的发生,或不许某种行为,这时该结构仅限于用于否定结构和第一人称,即“ I won’t /can’t have + O +V-ing ”

Have the next patient come in now please.

I had everybody fill out a form.

covey---------a small flock or group 一小群(鸟)

…a high clay bank with overhanging brush----------- …a small clay with bushes, weeds, and branches hanging over the edge

overhang ----------hang over or stand out over 悬于…之上,突出于……之上,倒垂,倒挂overhanging brush -----------倒垂下来的灌木丛

out of sight ----------- unable to be seen 看不见,在视野之外

I waved until the train went out of sight and then went home sadly.

Out of sight, out of mind. 眼不见,心不想(谚语)

scatter ------- a)go off in all directions 散开,使散开,驱散

The birds scattered at the sound of the gun.

Mice scatter in all directions when a cat appears.

The crowd scattered under the pressure of the police.

The police scattered the crowd.

b)throw /put in various directions 撒播,散布

They scattered the seeds.

We scattered the rat poison around the floor.

The books have been scattered all over the floor.

He scatters money about as if he were rich.

something like ----------about, approximately 大约,大概;有点像

The profits for this year have fallen by something like 20 per cent.

Every day he walked something like two miles to school.

The building looked something like a church.

keep…from ---------- prevent oneself form doing sth.; stop

We must keep them from getting to know our plans.

We must keep our city from being polluted.

What shall I do to keep this from getting dirty?

take it /things easy ---------- don’t worry; don’t hurry; don’t get excited or anxious 别紧张,别急,别太累

Take it easy, there is no need to be nervous.

Take it easy! There is no need to lose your temper.

The doctor told him to take it easy and stop working so hard.

I like to take things easy when I’m on holiday.

hold tight onto oneself --------keep firm control over oneself 抑制、控制自己

Jane was so frightened that she had to hold onto herself not to scream.

You should remember to hold onto yourself when you become excited.

He had a hard time holding onto himself.

hold onto ----------v. seize, hold…tightly

Hold onto my arm on this icy surface.

It was so windy that I had to hold onto my hat all the way along the street.

Hold onto the rope and we’ll pull you out.

commence -----------v. 比begin, start 正式,常用于written English。

commence to do sth / commence doing sth

The rainy season commence s in June here.

We may now commence the meeting.

die with / die of / die from -----------表示“死于”

He died of / from / with lung cancer.

His son died of smallpox.

die down -----------变弱,逐渐消失

The film died down.

They waited till the storm died down.

The fire is dying down. Please get more coal.

die out ---------- 消灭,灭绝,绝迹

If too many of these rare animals are killed, their kind will die out.

absolutely ----------- certainly; completely

Practice is absolutely vital to the mastery of a foreign language.

gaze ----------look long and steadily 凝视

The man turned his gaze from one person to the other in the room.

They gazed at the stranger.

amount to ----------- develop into; be equal to 发展为,有成就;等于

不能用于被动,一般是否定形式,宾语通常是anything / little / much / nothing 等。

I don’t think such a man can amount to much. 我认为这种人不会有什么作为。

The boy has no character, he will never amount to much.


His answer amounted to a refusal. 他的回答等于拒绝。

hostile ---------- unfriendly; showing a great amount of dislike 敌对的,不友好的,不利的

These people were quite hostile to outsiders. 这些人对外来人颇有敌意。

People should not be hostile to any change. 人们不应该对任何改革都持敌视态度。 The American spokesman had made it clear that they are hostile to the reform. view…as ----------think of …as; regard…as将…..视作

He viewed the whole thing as a joke.

Computers are viewed as a great technological improvement which saves people much time and energy.

escape --------- means of avoiding difficulties or responsibilities 逃跑,逃避;漏出,流出

He has escaped from the prison.

The explosion was caused by an escape of gas.

For Tom, listening to classical music is an escape from reality.

Gas escaped from the pipe.

in much the same way that ---------- in much the same way in which…

此句型中, that 引导的是一个限制性定语从句,先行词为 the way, that 相当于 in which。in the same way that ------just as 以同样的方式

He talked in much the same way that his father did.

We like them in the same way that we like paintings.

I did the job in the same way that you showed me.

Mutton is cooked in the same way that beef is cooked.

interfere with ----------- hinder, affect, interrupt 干扰,妨碍

The noise from the street interferes with my studies.

You mustn’t let pleasure interfere with you studies.

The pillar interferes with the view.

Nothing must be allowed to interfere with our plans for the weekend.


…researchers tried interrupting the dreams of sleepers ----------- …researchers carried out experiments in which they interrupted the dreams of sleepers

try doing ---------- make an experiment by doing sth. 试验,尝试

You should try using another method if this one doesn’t work.

try to do ----------- make an effort; attempt to do sth. difficult 试图,设法,尽力

I once tried to learn French, but without much success.

benefit ---------- advantage; help; thing that produces good results 益处 World peace would be of great benefit to the whole world. 世界和平对全世界都十分有利。

Rebuilding the canal has brought many benefits to our national economy.

The money is to be used for the benefit of the poor.

They have trouble concentrating.------------

have trouble (in) doing sth. -------------做某事有困难

He had trouble (in) finding out what is wrong with his car.

means --------- a method or way

The quickest means of travel is by plane.

by means of 通过,借助于 / be no means 决不 / by all means 想方设法

go beyond ---------- exceed, surpass 经过;超过;越过

The results of the experiment went beyond their expectation.

Finding a job in such a big company has always been beyond his wildest dreams.

You have gone beyond the speed limit. Slow down a bit or you’ll be fined. contribute to ----------- help to bring about 促成,有助于

Fresh air and exercise contribute to good health. 新鲜空气和锻炼有益于身体健康。

His gambling contributed to his downfall. 他的败落与他的赌博不无关系。

get along with ----------form /have a relationship with 与某人相处

He is easy to get along with.

We don’t get along with that family.

He gets along well with his classmates.

shape -------------v. 使成形,定形;发展,成形;塑造

The potter shaped the clay into a vase. 陶工把黏土捏成一个花瓶。

Our holiday plans are shaping up well. 我们的计划正在顺利地制定出来。

A good teacher helps shape a child’s character.一个好老师会帮助孩子塑造性格。due to ----------- caused by;because of; attributable to 由……造成;由于;归于 His death was due to natural causes.

Her success is due to good luck.

The flight was cancelled due to the heavy fog.

maintain ----------- continue to believe and claim (that a fact, opinion, etc. is true) 断言;保持,维持,坚持;主张;维修,保养

We maintain our principle. 我们坚持原则。

He maintained that he was innocent of the charge. 他对这项指控坚称无罪。

搭配: maintain prices 保持物价平衡 / maintain law and order 维持治安 / maintain the road 保养公路

turn out ----------(finally) become

The slow-minded boy turned out (to be) a great scientist.

go over ----------- consider, examine, review

Let’s go over everything and find out where the trouble is.

Every night, he would go over all he did during the day in his mind.

tell ---------( 常与 can, could, be able to 连用) 辨别,分辨

Can you tell the difference between yellow wine and vinegar?

have an effect on ----------对……有影响

The typhoon last week had a harmful effect on the green vegetables in this field.


Parents conducts have a significant effect on the children.

Why not try? ----------- Why don’t you have a try? or: You may have a try.

Why not…?------------ is a very useful colloquial expression to introduce a suggestion. 口语中提建议的一种非常有用的表达方法。

Why not call Jane and ask her to come to have dinner with us?

Why not borrow the book from the library, instead of buying it?

believe in --------------

比较: believe / believe in -----

A -------------指相信某事的真实性(真的发生、真的存在)或某人的诚实(诚意)等。

It’s hard to belie ve that she is only 25.

They believed her to be innocent.


He believes in ghost. / Some doctors believe in a low-fat diet.

I believe in his theory. / Mary believes in eating carefully to control her weight.

recommend ------------ advise or suggest; speak favorably of 推荐,介绍;劝告,建议

He recommended me for the job.

I recommend you to buy this dictionary.

The doctor recommended limiting the amount of fat in your diet.

go about ----------- start working on, do 着手做

How does he go about building the boat? 他怎样着手造一条船?

He then went about getting the needing information.

It’s an easy job if you go about it the right way.

soar ----------v. fly or go up high in the air; rise 翱翔,飞腾,飞翔,飞涨,大幅度上升,高耸入云

The crane soared high into the sky. 鹤展翅飞上云天。

Prices of vegetables soared in the wake of the typhoon. 台风过后,蔬菜价格直线上升。

You can see blocks of soaring buildings in this city.


project ----------- cause an image of (sth.) to be produced ( on a surface) 映,投射

The film was projected on to the screen.

The tree projects a shadow on the grass.

goal---------- what one wants to do or succeed in ; purpose; aim 目标

Their goal was to land a man on the moon and they made it.

After a long and hard work, he finally attained his goal.

attain ---------- succeed in arriving at esp. after effort; reach 获得;达到She attained the position of director.

His father promised to give him a new car when he attained the age of 18. impress…on ----------将……印在…

His words are strongly impressed on my memory.

He impressed its importance on my mind.

substitute ----------- a person or thing acting in place of another 代替者;代用品

substitute A for B = substitute B with A

We substituted red balls for blue balls, to see if the boy could notice.

I would like to substitute her for Mary.

He substituted for the worker who was ill.

achievement ------------ the act or fact of achieving; the thing achieved 成就He has broken two world records in one day, which is quite an achievement.

his opportunities.

be after ------------ be in pursuit of, seek, try to obtain 追求,追赶,探求

The police are after him. 警方正在追捕他。

She is after a job in publishing. 她正在找一份出版业的工作。

What he is after is fame and wealth. 他所追求的是名和利。

neglect ------------ give too little care or attention to 忽视

He neglected his wife. 他忽视了他的妻子。

Don’t neglect locking / to lock the door when you leave. 走的时候别忘了锁门。

He was fined for neglecting his duty. 他因玩忽职守而被罚了款。

turn …into ---------- cause sb. or sth. to change into sb. or sth. different He is trying to invent a device to turn the sun’s heat into electricity.

in combination with ----------- 与……相结合

In combination with enough rest, the medicine will cure your cold in five days. In combination with correct guidance, hard work is the key to success in study.

Their marriage is actually a combination of two families’ interest.

set aside ---------留出,积攒,省出

He set aside some time to see his parents every month.

I have a little money set aside for my holiday.

by so doing -----------by doing so

so -----------指代上一句的 setting aside a few minutes each day for day dreaming fellow --------- 同类的,同伴的,同事的,同阶级的

a fellow student 同学 / a fellow countryman 同乡、同胞

meet one’s end -----------是死亡的委婉表达法

The spy was shot and met his end on the spot. 间谍被当场打死。

He met his miserable end in a car accident when he was only 30. 他年仅30岁就惨死于一场车祸。

execute ---------v. killed by law; punish (sb.) by death (法律上)处决(某人)

The robber was executed for murder.

The man who murdered his wife was executed by shooting. 那个杀害自己妻子的凶犯被枪决了。

dump ---------- drop or throw down in a heap or mass 倾倒;扔下;丢弃

They dumped bags on the floor.

The stolen car was found dumped in one of the side streets.

dump sth 扔掉 / dump sb 甩掉,断绝关系

string up ------hung (sth.) high with strings; put to death by hanging 用绳吊起;吊死

The dead body was strung up from the ceiling.

Small lanterns are strung up before every house at the Dead Return.

They strung up the ham for the winter.

pass into --------change gradually into; become part of 逐渐变成;成为…..一部分

As we got higher up the mountain, the rain passed into snow.


The deeds of these few brave men have passed into history.


It is not known how many of the details of Mussolini’s shabby end were communicated to the Fuehrer.----------

It is + adj. / Ved2 / Vi. + 主语从句( that/wh- ); it 代替wh- 从句时,谓语动词多用否定形式。

It is not reported how many people were killed in the air crash.

It is still uncertain when the plane is to take off.

It hasn’t been founded out if he is connected with the robbery.

strengthen ----------- cause (sb. or sth. ) to become strong(er) 加强

His visit is intended to strengthen ties between the two countries.

His sarcastic ridicule (冷嘲热讽) only strengthened my resolve to learn English well.

spectacle--------- an object of laughing or disrespect 引人鄙视的对象,洋相,出丑;壮观场面或景象

By arguing loudly with the policeman, he made a spectacle of himself.


The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games was a fine spectacle.


Tom got very drunk and made a spectacle of himself at his wedding party.

call in ---------- ask to come or go in 叫(某人)进来

The police was called in.

He waited for only a few minutes before he was called in for an interview.

Call the children in as it’s getting dark.

What did you call me in for from so far a place?

farewell ---------- good-bye 一般用于较文明 / 正式的场合

We’ll have a farewell party before we leave.

The singer gave a farewell performance.

appreciation ---------- grateful feelings 欣赏;感激之情

I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation for your help.


To show his appreciation for my hard work, Mr. Hobbs gave me a bonus of 2000 yuan. loyal ------------- 忠诚的;忠心的;忠实的

He wanted to be loyal to his country, but he also wanted to be loyal to his family. instruct ---------- give orders 命令,指示;指导,教授;

The doctor instructed him to go to bed and rest. 医生嘱咐他卧床休息。

I have been instructed to take you to London. 我奉命把你带到伦敦去。

order ------------命令,口令

On his word they all moved forward. 一听到他的命令,他们便朝前进。

be interpreted as sth. ----------- 被理解为,被解释为

interpret…as …---------- understand…as / regard…as

We interpreted his silence as refusal. 我们认为他的沉默是拒绝的表示。

You silence could be interpreted as admission of guilt.你保持沉默会被理解为承认有罪。

assemble ------- gather or collect together; put together

The students assembled in the school hall.

Wait until all the guests are assembled.

…shaking…and mumbling……-----------同时作伴随状语,伴随 walk这一动作。

inaudible ----------- not loud or clear enough to be heard 听不见的

There was a heavy film of moisture on his eyes ------- There were tears in his eyes. film ---------薄膜;薄层

There is always a film of dust on his desk.

moisture --------- 潮湿,湿气,这里指 tears

After he retired……---------

retire -----------v. 退出,退下,撤退,退休;就寝(正式)

The overthrown rules retired quietly from the scene. 被推翻的统治者无声无息地退出了历史舞台。

Immediately after dinner he retired.

build up ------- strengthen, increase 增强,发展,增加

When sick you must rest to build up your health. 有病时你必须休息,以增进健康。

Their pressure is building up. 压力在逐渐加强。

request ------- demand politely 要求

request sth (from /of sb ) // request sb to do sth // request + that clause (SM) She requested a present from me. 她请求我送她一件礼物。

We requested that she (should) go alone. 我们要求她一人去。

now that the Fuehrer’s strict control of their lives w as over -------- since the Fuehrer’s control of their lives was over……

Note the phrase “now that” is used only when something new has happened.

A)这是一个由连接词 now 引导的原因状语从句。

B)now-----conj. a) as a result of the fact that; considering that; since: [ 使

用时常与 that 连用,that 也可省略 ] 由于,既然

Now that you are busy, I won’t call you any more.

Now that I have read the novel, I understand why you like it.

Now that they are all gone, you can tell me the secret.

b) now (that) ---[还可引导时间状语从句] 当……时,而这时……

Now (that) he was ill I realized how much I owed him.


seek ------------ search for, try to obtain or find 寻求

He often seeks advice from experienced teachers.

They seek neither fame nor fortune.

enormous ----------- very, ver y large of great as in “an enormous quantity /amount /size / building / room”

He was sent to prison when he was unable to pay his ~ debts.

…was /were to do ------------表示注定要发生并通常与 never /ever /later连用。

He was never to see his wife and family again.

They said good-bye, little knowing that they were never to meet again.

This I was only to learn later.

was / were to have done -----------表示“本来打算干”但实际没有干。

They were to have been married last year. 他们本打算去年结婚。

We were to have gone away last week, but I was ill. 我们本打算上星期离开,但我病了。

apparently ---------- clearly, obviously; or seems (that) 显然

Apparently he has changed his mind. 显然他已改变了主意。

Apparently my letter did not reach him, because I received no reply to my request. in charge of ----------- responsible for 负责

Who is in charge of Class Two?

He used to be in charge of secret documents.

I was in charge of the children.

have some difficulty in doing sth ----------

I had some difficulty in understanding the man’s accent.

I had great difficulty in waking him.

round up ----------- gather or collect together 召集,聚集,赶拢

The farmer rounded up the cows for milking. 农夫把奶牛赶拢来挤奶。

The guide rounded up the tourists and hurried them back into the coach.

have / be done with ----------have /be finished with 干完,不再需要

Have you done with the dictionary I lent you?

Have you done with the newspaper?

I have done with playing these childish games.

interval -----------time between two events 间隔,间隙

There is a two-hour interval to the next train. 下一班火车还要等两个小时。

During the interval we went to the coffee bar.

swallow ----------- move (food or drink) down the throat from the mouth 吞咽

swallow the medicine / swallow the food

Some people recommended swallowing vinegar to get rid of the fish bone stuck in the throat.

to the / a day --------- exactly 正好在同一天

He lived in the countryside for five years to the day.

My grandmother lived ninety years to the day.

It is now five years to a day since they said good-bye to each other.

to this day --------- 直到今天;至今

I still don’t know her name to this day.

To this day I have never told anyone her secret.

but --------- 用作副词时是 only 的书面语,多用于文学作品。

He left but an hour ago. 他只是一小时前离开的。

We can but try. 我们只得试一下。


1.质点运动学单元练习(一)答案 1.B 2.D 3.D 4.B 5.3.0m ;5.0m (提示:首先分析质点的运动规律,在t <2.0s 时质点沿x 轴正方向运动;在t =2.0s 时质点的速率为零;,在t >2.0s 时质点沿x 轴反方向运动;由位移和路程的定义可以求得答案。) 6.135m (提示:质点作变加速运动,可由加速度对时间t 的两次积分求得质点运动方程。) 7.解:(1))()2(22 SI j t i t r -+= )(21m j i r += )(242m j i r -= )(3212m j i r r r -=-=? )/(32s m j i t r v -=??= (2))(22SI j t i dt r d v -== )(2SI j dt v d a -== )/(422s m j i v -= )/(222--=s m j a 8.解: t A tdt A adt v t o t o ωω-=ωω-== ?? sin cos 2 t A tdt A A vdt A x t o t o ω=ωω-=+=??cos sin

9.解:(1)设太阳光线对地转动的角速度为ω s rad /1027.73600 *62 /5-?=π= ω s m t h dt ds v /1094.1cos 32 -?=ωω== (2)当旗杆与投影等长时,4/π=ωt h s t 0.31008.144=?=ω π = 10.解: ky y v v t y y v t dv a -==== d d d d d d d -k =y v d v / d y ??+=- =-C v ky v v y ky 2 22 121, d d 已知y =y o ,v =v o 则2 020 2 121ky v C --= )(22 22y y k v v o o -+= 2.质点运动学单元练习(二)答案 1.D 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.14-?==s m t dt ds v ;2 4 -?==s m dt dv a t ;22 2 8-?==s m t R v a n ; 2284-?+=s m e t e a n t


英语专业大学排名学校名称 1 北京外国语大学 2 北京大学 3 上海外国语大学 4 南京大学 5 厦门大学 6 复旦大学 7 南京师范大学 8 山东大学 9 大连外国语学院 10 华东师范大学 11 四川外语学院 12 西南大学 13 湖南师范大学 14 北京师范大学 15 华中科技大学 16 中国政法大学 17 北京语言大学 18 西南财经大学 19 湖南大学

20 北京第二外国语学院 21 山东大学 22 中南财经政法大学 23 华南理工大学 24 重庆大学 25 吉林大学 26 广东外语外贸大学 27 中南大学 28 天津财经大学 29 东北财经大学 30 宁波大学 31 天津大学 32 武汉理工大学 33 西南政法大学 34 大连理工大学盘锦校区 35 南京航空航天大学 36 北京邮电大学 37 中央民族大学 38 兰州大学 39 湖南师范大学 40 山东大学威海分校

41 西南交通大学 42 汕头大学 43 华中农业大学 44 华中农业大学 45 中国药科大学 46 西北工业大学 47 华侨大学 48 东北大学 49 中国民航大学 50 华北电力大学保定校区 51 郑州大学 52 大连海事大学 53 河海大学 54 华南农业大学 55 北京体育大学 56 大连理工大学 57 江西财经大学 58 北京工业大学 59 中国矿业大学 60 云南大学 61 南京农业大学

62 武汉科技大学 63 中南民族大学 64 湖北大学 65 中南民族大学 66 广西大学 67 合肥工业大学 68 湘潭大学 69 西北农林科技大学 70 广州中医药大学 71 浙江理工大学 72 南方医科大学 73 南京邮电大学 74 海南大学 75 天津外国语大学 以上英语专业大学排名,供大家参考。 英语专业学生主要学习英语语言、文学、历史、政治、经济、外交、社会文化等方面基本理论和基本知识,受到英语听、说、读、写、译等方面的良好的技巧训练,掌握一定的科研方法,具有从事翻译、研究、教学、管理工作的业务水平及较好的素质和较强能力。

南邮 微机实验

(2010 / 2011 学年第二学期) 课程名称微型计算机原理与接口技术 实验名称基于中断的字符串动态显示 实验时间2011 年 5 月18 日指导单位计算机学院 指导教师 学生姓名班级学号 学院(系) 通信学院专业网络工程

实验报告 实验名称基于中断的字符串动态显示指导教师周宁宁 实验类型设计实验学时 2 实验时间2011.5.18 一、实验目的和要求 利用系统定时源设计定时中断程序,要求每隔一定的时间在系统机屏幕上显示一行字符串。显示十行之后自动结束。 二、实验环境(实验设备) 硬件:PC机。 软件:“未来汇编”汇编语言开发环境 三、实验原理及内容 .486 DATA SEGMENT USE16 OLD1C DD ? ICOUNT DB 18 TIME DB 0 MESG DB '/','HELLO WORLD!',0DH,0AH,'$' DATA ENDS CODE SEGMENT USE16 ASSUME CS:CODE,DS:DA TA BEG: MOV AX,DATA MOV DS,AX CLI CALL READ1C CALL WRITE1C STI



李约瑟难题5, 爱因斯坦两大发现7, 哥白尼日心说32, 开普勒行星运动三大定律(椭圆定律,等面积定律,和谐定律)34-36, 伽利略斜面实验,自由落体定律38和惯性运动40, 伽利略对科学方法的贡献41, 牛顿三定律(惯性定律、运动定律、反作用定律)43, 开普勒第二、三定律44, 第一、二宇宙速度、万有引力公式44-46, 牛顿的自然哲学思想50, 动量守恒定律、冲量、动量定理54 机械能守恒57 弹性和振动58弹性势能60,在振动过程中动能与(弹性)势能的转化关系63 角动量64 角动量守恒65例子66 电荷守恒定律71 奥斯特发现电流磁效应77安培对电流磁效应的深入研究79磁性起源假说80 电磁感应定律-法拉第82电荷分布、电场、磁场87,电场力、运动电荷所受的磁场力88-89 洛伦兹公式90导体回路的磁通量92楞次定律93 电磁波100-101 惠更斯的波动说108光的折射、光的全反射110-111 光的干涉、杨氏干涉实验113 双缝干涉实验、薄膜和劈尖干涉及其应用115,衍射117 马吕思定律121 光的波粒二象性122-126,光电效应和“光子”假设122 康普顿效应126多普勒效应128-129 伦琴X射线141-143,贝克勒尔放射性发现的意义145-147 汤姆逊电子的发现156电子发现的意义158 量子论,黑体辐射的两朵乌云164黑体的热辐射165 “能量量子化”假设167 汤姆孙的原子模型169,卢瑟福的原子核式模型171, 玻尔模型175、玻尔提出的两个基本假设176、玻尔模型的贡献与困难180 电子波动性的实验验证187 薛定谔波动方程189波函数的统计解释190-191 海森伯的不确定关系194 等容、等压、等温、绝热见附页 热力学第零定律202 热力学第一定律210,热力学第二定律的各种表述221-222 开尔文叙述:不可能从单一热源吸收热量,使之全部转化为有用的功而不产生其他影响。克劳修斯:热可以自发的从高温物体传到低温物体,但不可能把热量从低温物体传到高温物体而不引起其他变化。(可借助外力实现热量从低温传到高温物体) 熵增加原理:宇宙中的熵自发的增加而趋向极大 一切与热现象有关的实际宏观过程都是不可逆的。 卡诺循环与热机效率的过程212 狭义相对论两个基本假设(原理)247


南邮认识实习报告-本部实验室 2010-05-07 15:38 认知实习报告 实习周的第一天,我随班来到了南邮本部。首先参观了软交换实验室。随着通信网络技术的飞速发展,人们对于宽带及业务的要求也在迅速增长,为了向用户提供更加灵活、多样的现有业务和新增业务,提供给用户更加个性化的服务,提出了下一代网络的概念,且目前各大电信运营商已开始着手进行下一代通信网络的实验。软交换技术又是下一代通信网络解决方案中的焦点之一,已成为近年来业界讨论的热点话题。我国网络与交换标准研究组已经完成了有关软交换体系的总体技术要求框架,863计划也对有关软交换系统在多媒体和移动通信系统方面的研究课题进行了立项。 软交换的概念最早起源于美国。当时在企业网络环境下,用户采用基于以太网的电话,通过一套基于PC服务器的呼叫控制软件,实现PBX功能。对于这样一套设备,系统不需单独铺设网络,而只通过与局域网共享就可实现管理与维护的统一,综合成本远低于传统的PBX。由于企业网环境对设备的可靠性、计费和管理要求不高,主要用于满足通信需求,设备门槛低,许多设备商都可提供此类解决方案,因此IPPBX应用获得了巨大成功。受到IPPBX成功的启发,为了提高网络综合运营效益,网络的发展更加趋于合理、开放,更好的服务于用户。业界提出了这样一种思想:将传统的交换设备部件化,分为呼叫控制与媒体处理,二者之间采用标准协议且主要使用纯软件进行处理,于是,SoftSwitch(软交换)技术应运而生。 软交换是下一代网络的核心设备之一,各运营商在组建基于软交换技术的网络结构时,必须考虑到与其它各种网络的互通。在下一代网络中,应有一个较统一的网络系统结构。 软交换与应用/业务层之间的接口提供访问各种数据库、三方应用平台、功能服务器等接口,实现对增值业务、管理业务和三方应用的支持。其中:软交换与应用服务器间的接口可采用SIP、API,如Parlay,提供对三方应用和增值业务的支持;软交换与策略服务器间的接口对网络设备工作进行动态干预,可采用COPS协议;软交换与网关中心间的接口实现网络管理,采用SNMP;软交换与智能网SCP之间的接口实现对现有智能网业务的支持,采用INAP协议。 通过核心分组网与媒体层网关的交互,接收处理中的呼叫相关信息,指示网关完成呼叫。其主要任务是在各点之间建立关系,这些关系可以是简单的呼叫,也可以是一个较为复杂的处理。软交换技术主要用于处理实时业务,如话音业务、视频业务、多媒体业务等。 激光器的模式锁定工作 ---时域应用中的锁模激光器输出功率是一种连续系列的品质脉冲,图1示出的是一个铒玻璃锁模激光器的输出光脉冲频率,其工作波长为1535nm,重复频率为25GHz,周期为40ps,脉冲宽度约为4ps。一般说来,激光器的频率模式由一个C/2L的无光谱区分隔开,这里的L表示激光器的腔长,激光器的工作常常是多模的,其模式随时间的变化是随机性的。显然,这种变化会引起激光器的输出光强度发生随机性的起伏变化,从而导致模式间的相互干涉和模式竞争,这会降低激光器输出的稳定性和相干性能,因为一个稳定和相干工作的连续波激光器通 常只以一个激射模式工作。


1.质点运动学单元练习(一)答案 1.B 2.D 3.D 4.B 5.3.0m ;5.0m (提示:首先分析质点的运动规律,在t <2.0s 时质点沿x 轴正方向运动;在t =2.0s 时质点的速率为零;,在t >2.0s 时质点沿x 轴反方向运动;由位移和路程的定义可以求得答案。) 6.135m (提示:质点作变加速运动,可由加速度对时间t 的两次积分求得质点运动方程。) 7.解:(1))()2(22 SI j t i t r (2))(22SI j t i dt r d v )(2SI j dt v d a 8.解: 9.解:(1)设太阳光线对地转动的角速度为ω (2)当旗杆与投影等长时,4/ t 10.解: ky y v v t y y v t dv a d d d d d d d -k y v d v / d y 已知y =y o ,v =v o 则2 020 2 121ky v C 2.质点运动学单元练习(二)答案 1.D 2.A 3. B

4.C 5.14 s m t dt ds v ;2 4 s m dt dv a t ;22 2 8 s m t R v a n ; 6.s rad o /0 .2 ;s rad /0 .4 ;2 /8 .0s rad r a t ; 7.解:(1)由速度和加速度的定义 )(22SI j i t dt r d v ;)(2SI i dt v d a (2)由切向加速度和法向加速度的定义 (3) )(1 22/322 SI t a v n 8.解:火箭竖直向上的速度为gt v v o y 45sin 火箭达到最高点时垂直方向速度为零,解得 9.解:s m u v /6.3430tan 10.解: l h v u ;u h l v 3.牛顿定律单元练习答案 1.C 2.C 3.A 4.kg Mg T 5.36721 ;2/98.02.0s m M T a 5.x k v x 2 2 ;x x x v k dt dx k dt dv v 222


南京邮电大学研究生专业英语翻译刘旭老师2017年第一学期 注:译文仅供参考(1)Analog cellular systems are commonly referred to as?rst-generation systems.The digital systems,such as Global System for Mobile Communications(GSM),PDC,cdmaOne(IS-95) and US-TDMA(IS-136),are second-generation systems. 模拟蜂窝系统通常被称为第一代系统。数字系统,如全球移动通信系统(GSM),PDC,cdmaOne(IS-95)和US-TDMA(IS-136)的是第二代系统。 These systems have enabled voice communications to go wireless in many of the leading markets,and customers are also increasingly?nding value in other services,such as text messaging and internet access,which are starting to grow rapidly. 使用这些系统,(客户)可以通过无线的方式进行语音通信,在市场中占据了主导地位。客户在使用的过程中还不断地挖掘出一些其他的有价值的服务,如文本信息传送,因特网接入,这些服务开始迅速发展起来。 (2)Third-generation systems are designed for multimedia communication:with these, person-to-person communication can be enhanced with high-quality images and video,and access to information and services on public and private networks will be enhanced by the higher data rates and new?exible communication capabilities of third-generation systems. 第三代移动通信是为多媒体通信所设计的。使用这样一个系统,人与人之间的通信可以增强为高质量的图像和视频传送。第三代移动通信的高速数据传输能力和灵活的通信能力可以有效地增强公共网络和私有(专用)网络的信息和服务。 This,together with the continuing evolution of the second-generation systems,will create new business opportunities not only for manufacturers and operators,but also for the providers of content and applications using these networks. 与不断演进的第二代移动通信一起,这些发展不仅为制造商和运营商,同时也为使用这些网络提供内容和应用的商家提供了新的商机。 (3)In the standardization forums,Wideband Code Division Multiple Access(WCDMA) technology has emerged as the most widely adopted third-generation air interface. 在标准化论坛中,宽带码分多址(WCDMA)技术成为最广泛的第三代移动通信空中接口。 Its specification has been created in the3rd Generation Partnership Project(3GPP),which is the joint standardization project of the standardization bodies from Europe,Japan,Korea, the USA and China. 其规范由第三代(移动通信)合作组织(3GPP)制定。3GPP是由欧洲、日本、韩国、美国和中国的标准化组织构成的联合标准化项目。 Within3GPP,WCDMA is called Universal Terrestrial Radio Access(UTRA)Frequency Division Duplex(FDD)and Time Division Duplex(TDD),the term WCDMA being used to cover both FDD and TDD operations. 在3GPP中,WCDMA被称为全球陆地无线接入频分双工(FDD)和时分双工(TDD)。


南京邮电大学实验室危险废物处置转移服务项目流标公告(2020) 南京邮电大学实验室危险废物处置转移服务项目进行公开招标,按规定程序进行了采购活动,现将本次采购的结果公布: 一、采购项目名称及编号 南京邮电大学实验室危险废物处置转移服务项目(项目编号NYCG2020-F012) 二、采购项目简要说明 1、服务地点:南京邮电大学仙林校区(南京市栖霞区文苑路9号) 2、服务内容:标段一:因教学产生的实验室危险废物处置服务,需要处理的废物种类为HW49:包括实验室废液和废物(危废代码900-047-49)、废包装容器(危废代码900-041-49)、废试剂(危废代码900-999-49);标段二:因科研产生的实验室危险废物处置服务,需要处理的废物种类为HW49:包括实验室废液和废物(危废代码900-047-49)、废包装容器(危废代码900-041-49)、废试剂(危废代码900-999-49)。 3、服务期限:一年 4、本项目2个标段采购最高限价均为:30万元/年 三、采购公告媒体及日期 2020年5月14日在江苏政府采购网、南京邮电大学发布了本项目的采购公告。 四、评标信息 评标日期:2020年6月4日 评标地点:南京邮电大学仙林校区行政南楼145室 评标工作组名单:吕海蓉,张胜,毛巍威,李培丽,陶宇 五、采购结果信息 投标单位不足三家,流标。 六、采购联系事项 电话(略) 联系地址:南京市文苑路9号南京邮电大学仙林校区,邮政编码:210023

邮箱:zbb@https://www.doczj.com/doc/d61513649.html, 七、本招标结果公告期限 本招标结果公示期限为一个工作日,各有关当事人对招标结果有异议的,可以在招标结果公告期限届满之日起7个工作日内,以书面原件形式向南京邮电大学提出并提供必要的证明材料,逾期将不再受理。 南京邮电大学采购招标管理办公室 2020年6月4日 (非正式文本,仅供参考。若下载后打开异常,可用记事本打开)


acceptor doping 受主杂质forbidden energy band 禁带allowed energy band 允带Hall effect 霍尔效应ambipolar diffusion coefficient 双极扩散系数high injection 大注入ambipolar mobility 双极迁移率hole 空穴 ambipolar transport 双极输运input characteristic curve 输入特征曲线 ambipolar transport equation 双极输运方程insulator 绝缘体:atomic bond 原子键intrinsic carrie 本征载流子 avalanche breakdown 雪崩击穿intrinsic Fermi level 本征费米能级 body-centered cubic lattice 体心立方ion implantation 离子注入boundary conditions 边界条件ionic bond 离子键boundary conditions 边界条件jane distribution 少子分布 built-in potential barrier 内建电势差/电 场 junction capacitance 结电容/势垒电 容 carrier drift 载流子漂移lattic 晶格 carrier generation 载流子的产生lattice scattering 晶格扩散carrier recombination 载流子的复合Law of conservation of mass 质量守恒定律charge neutrality 电中性law of mass action 质量作用定律compensated semiconductor 补偿半导体liner graded junction 线性缓变结complete ionization 完全电离Low level injection 小注入 conductivity 电导率Maxwell-Boltzmann approximation 麦克斯韦-波尔兹曼近似 contrast effect 衬偏效应metal 金属 covalent bond 共价键metal-semiconductor contact 金属半导体接触 crystal 晶体Miller indices 密勒指数crystal impurity 晶体杂质minority carrier diffusion length 少子扩散长度crystal orientation 晶向mobility ratio 迁移率cutoff frequency 截止频率Nonequilibrium carrier 非平衡载流子 Degenerate and Non degenerate Semiconductors 简并与非简并 半导体 Ohmic contact 欧姆接触 density of states function 状态密度函数one-sided junction 单边突变结diamond lattice 金刚石晶格onized impurity scattering 电离杂质散射diffuse 扩散on-uniform doping 非均匀参杂


Self-introduction 自我介绍 Name:William Shakespeare Graduated University:××××××××××× Major:English Literature Admission Time:20XX-09-01—20XX-06-30 Telephone:+86×××××××(MP) E-mail:520521××××@https://www.doczj.com/doc/d61513649.html, (后附范文5篇及10类常见问题解答,总有一个适合你!) 20XX年XX月XX日

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专业英语(自学)期末大作业 - 副本

南京邮电大学通达学院 2011/2012学年第一学期 《专业英语(自学)》期末大作业 专业班级学号姓名 Writing(100分) You will find several topics in the following lists. Please choose one of them and write a short paper to explain your own opinion. Requirements: (1) Name the paper by yourself; (2) Your own opinion should be clearly put forward. (3)Try to find some articles via the internet or journals as references. (4) More than 1200 words. Topics: 0.“People often complain that products are not made to last. They feel that making products that wear out fairly quickly wastes both natural and human resources. What they fail to see, however, is that such manufacturing practices keep costs down for the co nsumer and stimulate demand.”Which do you find more compelling: the complaint about products that do not last or the response to it? Explain your position using relevant reasons and/or examples drawn from your own experience, observations, or reading. 1.“Manufacturers are responsible for ensuring that their products are safe. If a product injures someone, for whatever reason, the manufacturer should be held legally and financially accountable for the injury.” Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion expressed above. Support your point of view with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading. 2.Analysis of Issue Questions: “Studies have found that employees of not-for-profit organizations and charities are often more highly motivated than employees of for-profit corporations to perform well at work when their performance is not being monitored or evaluated. Interviews with employees of not-for-profit organizations suggest that the reason for



通信与信息工程学院 / 第一学期 实验报告 实验课程名称数字图像处理与图像通信实验 专业电子信息工程 学生学号

学生姓名 指导教师谢世鹏 指导单位广播工程电视系

实验一图像信号的数字化 一、实验目的 经过本实验了解图像的数字化参数取样频率(像素个数)、量化级数与图像质量的关系。 二、实验内容 1、编写并调试图像数字化程序。要求参数k,N可调。其中,k为亚抽样比例,N 为量化比特数。 2、可选任意图像进行处理,在显示器上观察各种数字化参数组合下的图像效果。 三、实验方法及编程 在数字系统中进行处理、传输和存储图像,必须把代表图像的连续信号转变为离散信号,这种变换过程称为图像信号的数字化。它包括采样和量化两种处理。本实验对数字图像进行再采样和再量化,以考察人眼对数字图像的分辨率和灰度级的敏感程度。 程序的主体部分如下: function newbuf=Sample_Quant(oldbuf,k,n)% % 函数名称:Sample_Quant() 图像数字化算法函数 % oldbuf 原图像数组 % M N 原图像尺寸 % k 取样间隔 % n 量化比特值 % newbuf 存放处理后的图像二维数组 [M,N]=size(oldbuf); oldbuf=double(oldbuf); x=1;y=1; while x

for j=0:k-1 if(x+i=N y=1; end x=x+k; end 四、实验结果及分析 实验截图如下: 由实验结果能够看出,亚抽样比例k和量化比特数N对都会使图像变得模糊,但两者的影响是不相同的。 亚抽样比例k的大小决定了数字化图像的方块效应是否明显。当k较大时,数字化图像会有较为明显的块状出现,对于图像的视觉效果影响很大。 量化比特数N则决定了图像的灰度级,量化比特数为N时,图像有个2N灰度级。因此当N较小时,图像会出现不规则的区域有着相同的灰度值的情况,可是这些区域在原图像中却有着差别较小的不同的灰度值。特别是在原图的灰度渐变的区域,这种效应会变得尤为明显。


Part 1: Filling out corresponding Chinese or English term(20 points, 0.5 point per term) 1.Microprocessor 微处理器 2. Amplifier 放大器 3. Nonlinear 非线性 4.Time – varying 时变 5. Mixer 混频器 6. Oscillator 振荡器 7.Coding 编码8. Modulator 调制器9. Demodulator 解调器 10.Transmitter 发射机11. 接收机receiver 12. 信宿sink ;信源source 13.信道channel 14. 自由空间 free space 15. Front – end 前端 16.衰减weaken 17. 衰落fading 18. 协议protocol 19.Specification 规范20. 延迟 delay 21. Interference 干扰 22.- 23. 带宽bandwidth 24. Inter – symbol 码间 25.Equalization 均衡26. Propagation 传播27. Spectrum 频谱 28.Licensed spectrum 授权频谱29. Internet of Things 物联网30. Convergence 收敛31.Ubiquitous network 无处不在的网络32. Radio frequency 射频33. Hot spot area热点区域34.Private network 私人网络35. Connection 连接36. Call release 呼叫释放37.Architecture 架构,结构38. Sub - layer 子层39. 微波microwave https://www.doczj.com/doc/d61513649.html,er plane 用户平面 Part 2: Read every paragraph carefully and select most suitable one for every question.(30 points, 2 points per question) Paragraph 1: … Block diagram of an OFDM system (without showing interleaving/coding) Q1:According to above Fig, which is true among the following statements: (B)This Fig does not contain the coding and decoding parts of OFDM system. Q2: AWGN in above Fig means: (A)One kind of noise presented over the channel. Q3: Bits-to-symbol mapping in above Fig means: (B)Generate one symbol for several bits Q4: In above Fig, which is a corresponding counterpart for fast Fourier transform: (C)Reverse fast Fourier transform Paragraph 2: Complex Gaussian random vectors … Q1:According to above paragraph, which is true among the following statements: (A)A complex vector can be divided into one real vector and one imaginary vector. Q2: For a complex Gaussian random vector z=x+jy, (B)Z is not completed specified by the means of x and y, and the covariances of x and y. Q3: Which statement is correct according to this paragraph: (D)A circularly symmetric complex Gaussian random vector is characterized by its mean and covariance matrix defined in eq. Paragraph 3: .. … Figure 4 Evolution in Data Transmission Rate Q1: Which statement is correct according to this paragraph:


一:英译汉 翻译的内容:《Computer_Networks_4th_Edition》书中的第四章的第六节(1-3小节)和第八节。 4.6蓝牙 1994年,L.M.Ericsson公司对于“在无电缆情况下将它的移动电话和其他设备(比如PDA)连接起来”产生了浓厚的兴趣。它与其他四个公司(IBM、英特尔、诺基亚和东芝),组成了一个团体SIG(特别兴趣集团)联盟来开发一个无线标准,用于将计算机和通信设备或附加部件通过短距离的、低功耗的、低成本的无线电波相互连接起来。这个项目被命名为蓝牙(Bluetooth),该名字来源于北欧的一个海盗王Harald Blaatand(Bluetooth)II(940~981),他统一(即征服)了丹麦和挪威。 虽然最初的想法只是要去掉设备之间的电缆,但是,很快它便扩大了范畴,开始侵入到无线LAN的领地中去了。尽管这样的改变使得该标准更加有应用价值,但是这也造成了与802.11进行竞争的局面。更加糟糕的是,这两个系统还会相互电场干扰。同时值得注意的是,Hewlett-Packard曾经在几年以前引入了一个红外网络,一边将计算机的外围设备通过无线的方式连接起来,但遗憾的是,这种网络并没有真正大规模的流行起来。 尽管如此,到1999年7月,蓝牙SIG发布了一份1500页的规范(1.0版本)。此后不久正在考虑无线个人域网络(PAN)的IEEE标准组织802.15采纳了蓝牙的文档作为它的基础,并开始对它进行修订。这件事情虽然看起来非常怪异,因为802.15在对一项已经有了细致规范,但无非兼容实现(还需要进一步调整)的技术进行了标准化,然而,历史表明,通过一个像IEEE这样的中立机构来管理一个开放的标准往往有助于一项技术的推广和应用。更为精确地来说,我们应该注意到,蓝牙规范是针对整个系统的,从物理层到应用层,面面俱到。IEEE802.15委员会仅对物理层和数据链路层进行了标准化,协议栈中的其他部分并没有纳入到它的规范之中 尽管IEEE于2002年批准了第一个PAN标准802.15.1,然而,蓝牙SIG仍然在积极的改进它的方案。蓝牙SIG和IEEE的版本并不完全一样,期望在不久的将来它们会汇聚到同一个标准上。 4.6.1 蓝牙的体系结构 作为学习蓝牙系统的开始,我们首先快速的浏览一下蓝牙系统中所包含的内容以及它所针对的目标。蓝牙系统的基本单元式一个微微网(piconet),微微网包含一个主节点,以及10米距离之内至多7个活动的从节点。在同一个大的房间中可以同时存在多个微微网络,它们甚至可以通过一个桥节点连接起来,如图4.35所示。一组相互连接的微微网称为一个分散网(scatternet)。

嵌入式系统复习 南京邮电大学 期末复习 答案 提纲

1.嵌入式系统定义p1 嵌入式系统是以应用为中心,以计算机技术为基础,软硬件可裁剪,适应应用系统对功能、可靠性、成本、体积和功耗等严格要求的专用计算机系统。 2.嵌入式系统的组成结构,层次关系p4、板级支持包p6 1.硬件层 硬件层由嵌入式微处理器、存储系统、通信模块、人机接口、其它I/O接口(A/D、D/A、通用I/O等)以及电源等组成。 嵌入式系统的硬件层以嵌入式微处理器为核心。 2.中间层 硬件层与软件层之间为中间层,它把系统软件与底层硬件部分隔离,使得系统的底层设备驱动程序与硬件无关。中间层一般包括: 硬件抽象层(Hardware Abstract Layer,HAL) 板级支持包(Board Support Package,BSP) 3.软件层 实时操作系统(Real Time Operating System,) 文件系统 图形用户接口(Graphical User Interfaces,GUI) 网络系统 通用组件模块 RTOS是嵌入式应用软件的基础和开发平台。 4.功能层 功能层由基于RTOS开发的应用程序组成,用来完成实际所需的应用功能。功

能层是面向被控对象和用户的,当需要用户操作时往往需要提供一个友好的人机界面。 3.嵌入式处理器的分类,有哪些典型的嵌入式处理器p8 嵌入式处理器的分类:嵌入式微控制器(MCU),嵌入式微处理器(MPU),嵌入式DSP 处理器,SoC 片上系统。 1.嵌入式微控制器(MicroController) 嵌入式微控制器又称单片机,就是将整个计算机系统集成到一块芯片中。 嵌入式微控制器将CPU、存储器(少量的RAM、ROM或两者都有)和其他外设封装在同一片集成电路里,因为其片上外设资源一般比较丰富,适合于控制,因此称为微控制器。 与嵌入式微处理器相比,微控制器的最大特点是单片化,体积大大减小,从而使功耗和成本降低、可靠性提高。 由于微控制器低廉的价格、优良的功能,所以拥有的品种和数量最多,是目前嵌入式系统工业的主流。 2.嵌入式微处理器(MicroProcessorUnit) 嵌入式微处理器是由通用计算机中的CPU演变而来的。 与通用计算机处理器不同,在实际应用中,嵌入式系统将微处理器装配在专门设计的电路板上,只保留与嵌入式应用紧密相关的功能硬件,以满足嵌入式系统体积小、功耗低的特殊要求。 与工业控制计算机相比,嵌入式微处理器具有体积小、重量轻、成本低和可靠性高的优点。 3.嵌入式DSP (Digital Signal Processor ) 嵌入式DSP是专门用于信号处理的嵌入式芯片。 DSP处理器在系统结构和指令算法方面进行了特殊设计,使其适合于执行DSP 算法,因而能够对离散时间信号进行极快的处理计算,提高了编译效率和执行速度。 在数字滤波、FFT、频谱分析等方面,嵌入式DSP获得了大规模的应用。 嵌入式DSP处理器主要有两方面的应用:一方面,嵌入式DSP处理器经过单片化设计,通过在片上增加丰富的外设使之成为具有高性能DSP功能的片上系统; 另一方面,在微处理器、微控制器或片上系统中增加DSP协处理器来实现DSP运算。 4.嵌入式片上系统(System on Chip ) 片上系统SoC是20世纪90年代后出现的一种新的嵌入式集成器件。 在嵌入式系统设计从“集成电路”级设计不断转向“集成系统”级设计过程中,提出了SoC的概念。 Soc追求产品系统的最大包容,已成为提高移动通信、网络、信息家电、高速计算、多媒体应用以及军用电子系统性能的核心器件。 SoC不是把系统所需要的所有集成电路简单地二次集成到一个芯片上,而是从整个系统的性能要求出发,把各层次电路器件紧密结合起来,并通过系统的软硬件协同设计,在单个芯片上实现整个系统的功能。 S oC最大的特点就是成功实现了软硬件无缝结合,直接在处理器片内嵌入操作系统的代码模块,满足了单片系统所要求的高密度、高速度、高性能、小体积、低电压和低功耗等指标。 4.ARM处理器模式p27、内核版本(T、D、M、I的含义)p21、内核体系架构p24、工 作状态、寄存器组织p27、CPSR p29、SPSR p29、程序状态寄存器格式p29、程序计

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