当前位置:文档之家› 儿童双语幽默英语小故事【三篇】







SnowWhiteisbornonacoldwinterday.Sheisaswhiteassnow.Hereyesare verybig,herhairverylongandhervoiceissweet.Sheisverykindandbea utiful.Everyonelovesher.Hermummy,theQueenlovesher,too.Butshed ied.

AnewQueencomes.Sheisbeautiful,butbad.Shedoesn’tlikeSnowWhite ,becauseSnowWhiteisthemostbeautifulgirlintheworld.

“IwillkillSnowWhite.”SosheordersahuntertokillSnowWhite.Theh unterisanhonestman.“Youareagoodgirl;Idon’twanttokillyou.”S oheletsSnowWhitego.

SnowWhitegoesintoaforest.Shefindsahouse,andgoesintothehouse.S evendwarfslivethere.TheylikeSnowWhite,andaskSnowWhitetolivewi ththem.

Nosooner,thenewQueendies.Becausesheisn’tthemostbeautifulwoma nintheworld.









WhenPeteris17,heisastallashisfather.Sohebeginstoborrowhisfath er’sclotheswhenhewantstogooutwithhisfather’sclotheswhenhewa ntstogooutwithhisfriendsintheevening.Fatherdoesn’tlikethis.A ndhealwaysgetsveryangrywhenhefindshissonwearinganyofhisthings.

OneeveningwhenPeterisabouttogoout;hisfatherstopshiminthelivin groom.HelooksatPeter’sclothesverycarefully.Thenhesaysangrily ,“Isn’tthatoneofmyties,Peter?”





“Yes,Iam,Father,”answersPeter,“Youdon’twanttoyourtrousers tofalldown,doyou?”












LittleRedRidingHoodisalovelygirl.Shelikesredhats.Sohermotherc allsherlittleRedRidingHood.

Hergrandmalovesherverymuch.Butnowsheisill.Hermotherisbusy.Sos heaskslittleRidingHoodtoseehergrandma.

Intheforest,awolfseeslittleRedRidingHood,“Look,littleRidingH ood.Ihavechildrenforlunch,thepathgoestohergrandma’shouse.”

Thewolfcomestograndma’shouseandeatsgrandma.Thenhewearsgrandm a’sglassesandclothes,andinherbed.

Afterawhile,littleRedRidingHoodcomestograndma’sbed.Tohersurp rise,grandma’smouthisverybig.Sosheasks:

“Grandma,whyisyourmouthsobig?”“Ieatlittlegirlswiththismout h.”AndherushedatlittleRedRidingHood.

“Help!Help!”ThewolfrunsafterlittleRedRidingHood.Atthistime, ahunterpassesthroughthehouse.HeshootsthewolfandsaveslittleRed RidingHood.Thenhecutsthewolfandgrandmacomesout.








英语幽默小故事10篇(带翻译) 线话英语|2016-03-14 17:03:05 英语幽默小故事10篇(带翻译)如下: Midway Tactics Three competing store owners rented adjoining shops in a mall. Observers waited for mayhem to ensue. The retailer on the right put up huge signs saying, "Gigantic Sale!" and "Super Bargains!" The store on the left raised bigger signs proclaiming, "Prices Slashed!" and "Fantastic Discounts!"

The owner in the middle then prepared a large sign that simply stated, "ENTRANCE". 中间战术 三个互相争生意的商店老板在一条商业街上租用了毗邻的店铺。旁观者等着瞧好戏。 右边的零售商挂起了巨大的招牌,上书:“大减价!”“特便宜!” 左边的商店挂出了更大的招牌,声称:“大砍价!”“大折扣!” 中间的商人随后准备了一个大招牌,上面只简单地写着:“入口处”。 Very Pleased to Meet You During World War II, a lot of young women in Britain were in the army. Joan Phillips was one of them. She worked in a big camp, and of course met a lot of men, officers and soldiers. One evening she met Captain Humphreys at a dance. He said to her, "I’m going abroad tomorrow, but I‘d be very happy if we could write to each other." Joan agreed, and they wrote for several months. Then his letters stopped, but she received one from another officer, telling her that he had been wounded and was in a certain army hospital in England. Joan went there and said to the matron, "I‘ve come to visit Captain Humphreys." "Only relatives are allowed to visit patients here," the matron said.


幽默的英语句子 1) Money is not everything. There…s Mastercard & Visa. 钞票不是万能的,有时还需要信用卡。 2) One should love animals. They are so tasty. 每个人都应该热爱动物,因为它们很好吃。3)Save water. Shower with your girlfriend. 要节约用水,尽量和女友一起洗澡。 4)Love the neighbor. But don…t get caught. 要用心去爱你的邻居,不过不要让她的老公知道。 5)Behind every successful man, there is a woman. And behind every unsuccessful man, there are two. 每个成功男人的背后,都有一个女人。每个不成功男人的背后,都有两个女人。 6)Every man should marry. After all, happiness is not the only thing in life. 再快乐的单身汉迟早也会结婚,幸福不是永久的嘛。 7)The wise never marry, And when they marry they become otherwise. 聪明人都是未婚的,结婚的人很难再聪明起来。 8)Success is a relative term. It brings so many relatives. 成功是一个相关名词,他会给你带来很多不相关的亲戚(联系)。 9)Never put off the work till tomorrow what you can put off today. 不要等明天交不上差再找借口,今天就要找好。 10)Love is photogenic. It needs darkness to develop. 爱情就象照片,需要大量的暗房时间来培养。(老外也保守,要摸黑办事,哈哈) 11)Children in backseats cause accidents. Accidents in backseats cause children. 后排座位上的小孩会生出意外,后排座位上的意外会生出小孩。 12)"Your future depends on your dreams." So go to sleep. " 现在的梦想决定着你的将来",所以还是再睡一会吧。 13)There should be a better way to start a day than waking up every morning. 应该有更好的方式开始新一天,而不是千篇一律的在每个上午都醒来。 14)"Hard work never killed anybody." But why take the risk? " "努力工作不会导致死亡!"不过我不会用自己去证明。 15)"Work fascinates me." I can look at it for hours! " "工作好有意思耶!"尤其是看着别人工作。 16)God made relatives; Thank God we can choose our friends. 神决定了谁是你的亲戚,幸运的是在选择朋友方面他给了你留了余地。 17)When two…s company, three…s the result! 两个人的状态是不稳定的,三个人才是! 18)A dress is like a barbed fence. It protects the premises without restricting the view. 服饰就象铁丝网,它阻止你冒然行动但并不妨碍你尽情的观看。 19)The more you learn, the more you know, The more you know, the more you forget. The more you forget, the less you know. So why bother to learn. 学的越多,知道的越多,知道的越多,忘记的越多,忘记的越多,知道的越少,为什么学来着? 1.国外有个节目采访lord of ring(指环王)里面那个小哈比人时,他讲了个冷笑话: Q: a deer, has no eyes, what's its name?(一只鹿,没有眼睛,应该叫什么?) A: I don?t know ,what is it?(我不知道,该叫什么?)

对话形式的英语小笑话-英语小笑话 非常短

对话形式的英语小笑话|英语小笑话非常短 在交际场合,能恰到好处地讲个笑话或自创一个幽默,不仅可以体现自己的语言水平,还可以提升个人魅力。小编整理了对话形式的英语小笑话,欢迎阅读! 对话形式的英语小笑话篇一 He is really somebody! ” My uncle has 1000 men under him.” ”He is really somebody. What does he do?” ”A maintenance man in a cemetery. “ 他真是一个大人物! 我叔叔下面有1000个人。 他真是一个大人物。干什么的? 墓地守墓人。 对话形式的英语小笑话篇二 A 747 was halfway across the Atlantic when the captain got on the loud speaker, “Attention,passengers. We have lost one o f our engines, but we can certainly reach London with the threewe have left. Unfortunately, we will arrive an hour late as a result.”

Shortly thereafter, the passengers heard the captain's voice again, “Guess what, folks. We justlost our third engine, but please be assured we can fly with only one. We will now arrive inLondon three hours late.” At this point, one passenger became furious. “For Pete's sake,” he shouted, “If we lose anotherengine, we'll be up here all night!” 一架747客机正在跨越大西洋时,喇叭里传来了机长的声音:旅客们请注意,我们的四个引擎中有一个丢失了。但剩下的三个引擎会把我们带到伦敦的。只是我们要因此晚到一小时。 过了一会儿,旅客们又听到机长的声音:各位,你们猜怎么啦?我们刚又掉了第三个引擎。但请你们相信好了。只有一个引擎我们也能飞,但要晚三个小时了。 正在这时,一位乘客非常气愤地说:看在上帝的份上,如果我们再掉一个引擎,我们就要整夜都要呆在天上了。 对话形式的英语小笑话篇三 A ne wspaper organized a contest for the best answer to the question: “If a fire broke out inthe Louvre, and if you could only save one painting, which one would you carry out?” 一份报纸组织了一场竞赛,为下面的问题征集最佳答案:如果卢浮宫起了火,而你只能救出一幅画,你将救出哪一幅? The winning repl y was: “The one nearest the exit.” 获奖的答案是:最接近门口的那一幅。 看了对话形式的英语小笑话的人还看了:


儿童睡前笑话故事 1、有个熊孩子喜欢打人,一天,那熊孩子生气地对一个小孩说:“我要收拾你”之后打了那个小孩,时间流逝,“收拾”对他来说是打。有一天他妈妈对他说;“你的房间好乱,去给我收拾收拾。” “好滴”一小时后,熊孩子出来,妈妈进去看,凳子被他‘收拾’翻了。玻璃瓶碎了一地,蚊帐被他打得散架了。 他妈苦笑,说:“果然是‘收拾’啊。” 2、小时候老妈给我姐两毛钱让她带着我到小店买泡泡糖吃, 那时一毛一颗,我姐买了两颗全部自己吃,等她嚼腻了再给我吃,我问她为什么嚼了再给我,她说:“我先验验有没毒。” 那时真心觉得姐姐好,这就是亲姐。 3、5岁的儿子对妈妈说:“今天有人表扬你了。” 妈妈激动的问:“谁?怎么表扬我的?” 儿子说:“我们同学看见你后跟我说‘你奶奶真年轻!’” 4、昨天晚上在电梯上一个七八岁的女孩问我几点了! 我想吓吓他,压低声音说道:你能看见我? 女孩满脸呆萌的说道:叔叔你那么胖谁看不见啊! 我…… 5、我带女儿出来玩,她总是要我买这个、买那个,我都没有买,这成了习惯可不好,我就和她说,你要听爸妈的话,爸妈说的都是有理的。

她回答说一句:那你妈妈叫你买东西给我吃的,你怎么就不听…… 6、周末夜晚,我们到郊外去放孔明灯。 孔明灯渐渐升上天空后,哥哥便让他的小女儿许愿,并说很灵的。 三岁的小侄女看着渐渐远去的孔明灯,十指紧扣置于胸前,大声说:“我想让它立刻飞回来。” 7、晚上,我和女儿一起散步。我问她有什么理想。小丫头从小就爱吃鸡蛋,她想了想说:“将来我最想成为一个卖鸡蛋的,想吃多少鸡蛋都可以……” 我笑着说:“这理想还行,只是有点儿小,你有什么大理想?” 女儿想了想,郑重其事地说:“西瓜比较大,我将来要去卖西瓜,这理想够大吧……” 8、本人是幼师,今天班上的一个小屁孩中午不肯睡觉,在床上翻跟头,结果把发的苹果掉到床下的尿尿的痰盂里,我在那偷偷看他怎么办。。。 只见他把苹果捞上来,跑到我跟前,很无辜的说:老师,给我啃啃皮…… 9、儿子两岁了,正在学数数。这天,爸爸伸出一根手指说:“这是一。” 儿子跟着说:“一!” 然后,爸爸又伸出两根手指说:“这是二。” 儿子又跟着说:“二!” 这时,妈妈走过来了,也伸出两根手指问:“宝贝,这是几?”


经典幽默英语故事(50个) 要求: 1、每天阅读两篇小故事,写出故事大意,尽量理解故事里的幽默点。 2 3、开学后,请把这14页的阅读素材,装订成册,上交给各班的英语老师。老师会根据你的完成情况,给你的阅读作业打出分数。 姓名:_________ 班级:_________ 学号:_________ 成绩:_________ 第一篇 My First and My Last When George was thirty-five, he bought a small plane and learned to fly it. He soon became very good and made his plane do all kinds of tricks. George had a friend. His name was Mark. One day George offered to take Mark up in his plane. Mark thought, "I've travelled in a big plane several times, but I've never been in a small one, so I'll go." They went up, and George flew around for half an hour and did all kinds of tricks in the air. When they came down again, Mark was very glad to be back safely, and he said to his friend in a shaking voice, "Well, George, thank you very much for those two trips in your plane." Gerogy was very surprised and said, "Two trips?" "Yes, my first and my last," answered Mark. 故事大意: _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________第二篇 First Flight Mr. Johnson had never been up in an aerophane before and he had read a lot about air accidents, so one day when a friend offered to take him for a ride in his own small phane, Mr. Johnson was


儿童笑话故事集合 1.老虎追蛇,蛇窜到水里去了,老虎耐心地趴在河边守候。半天,爬上来一只乌龟,老虎一把按住道:“往哪儿跑,穿上背心我也认得你!” 2.妈妈说:“今天能完成的事,不要留到明天。” 儿子道:“好吧,把刚才的蛋糕给我,我今天都吃光了吧。” 3.爸爸带着小、儿子气喘吁吁地爬到山顶。爸爸说:“快看哪,我们脚下的一片平原景色多好!” 儿子说:“既然下面的景色好,我们干吗要花三个小时爬到上面来呢,爸爸?” 4.阿宝问:“哥哥,昨天你看的什么电影?” 哥哥:“《飞往月球》,火箭飞得又快又高。” 阿宝:“那么火箭为什么飞得那么快呀?” 哥哥:“你没见火箭飞行时,屁股上有一团火吗?谁屁股上着了火不快跑啊?”

5. 妈妈:“阿宝,你睡觉了,为啥还要吃塘?” 阿宝:“你不是要我夜里睡得甜吗?” 6.妈妈:“你干吗一个劲儿翻跟头?” 阿宝:“我刚喝完药啊。我喝之前忘了把瓶里的药水摇 匀……” 7. 妈妈给三岁的女儿讲“司马光砸缸”的故事。讲完之后, 妈妈问女儿:“你和小朋友玩,如果小朋友掉进缸里,你该怎么办?”女儿想了想,说:“去找司马光呀!” 8. 有一天老师问小明:“小明,你爸爸几岁了?”小明说:“爸爸5岁了。”老师说:“小明,你好好想想你爸爸到底几岁?”小明说:“真的他是从我出生的那一天开始做爸爸的。” 9.有一天,小强问妈妈:“妈妈你平时叫我多吃菠菜,说菠菜时里含铁。我吃那么多,用吸铁石吸了吸,为什么一根也没吸出来?”

10. 老师:"阿宝同学请你用‘糖’字造一个句子。" 阿宝:"我在喝牛奶。" 老师:"糖呢?" 阿宝:"在牛奶里啊!" 11.阿宝开始换牙了,他的妈妈带他拔完牙回到单位里,阿姨问他:"牙还疼不疼?" 阿宝说:"啊呀,牙齿被留在医院里了,我不知道它疼不疼啊!" 12. 小弟弟从电视上学得一句话:"是,老大!"爸爸叫他端杯茶,他说:"是,老爸!"姐姐请他拿支笔,他说:"是,老姐!"一天,外婆来看我们,带了大包小包礼物,叫小弟帮忙,他很爽快地回答:"是,老外!" 13.下班时间,公交车上人超多,乘客还在往上涌。忽听一人大声疾呼:“大家不要挤,我这儿有易爆品!”司机大惊:“什么易爆品?!”那人将一包东西举过头顶,气急败坏地说:“鸡蛋哪!都挤爆两个啦!” 14.生病的儿子问:“打针前为什么要擦棉球?”父亲:“那是酒精,先把你的屁股擦醉了,再打针就不疼了。”儿子:“可是我还是疼呀!”父亲:“那是因为你屁股的酒量太大了!”


英语幽默笑话故事带翻译 篇一:英语短文笑话(带翻译) 1、How much English can you speak? "Your Honor, I want to bring to your attention how unfair it is for my client to be accused of theft. He arrived in New York City a week ago and barely knew his way around. What's more, he only speaks a few words of English." The judge looked at the defendant and asked, "How much English can you speak?" The defendant looked up and said, "Give me your wallet!" 中文翻译 "法官先生,我的当事人被指控偷窃,这是多么不公正啊。他一周前才来到纽约,几乎不认路。而且,他只会说几个英语单词。" 法官看了看被告,问道:"你会说多少英文?" 被告抬起头,说:"把你的钱包给我!" 2 A husband, proving to his wife that women talk more than men, showed her a study which indicated that men use on average only 15000 words a day, whereas women use 30000 words a day. She thought about this for a while and then told her husband that women use twice as many words as men because they have to repeat everything they say. He said, "What?" 丈夫给妻子看了一项调查结果,为了向她证明女人比男人啰嗦。研究表明男人平均每天使用15000个字,而女人每天使用30000个。 妻子想了一会儿说,女人每天说的字数是男人的两倍,因为她们必须重复已经说过的话。他问:"什么?" 3 Boy: Is this seat empty? Girl: Yes, and this one will be if you sit down. 男孩:这个座位是空的么? 女孩:是的,如果你坐下,我的座位也将是空的。 4、 "Tom, what's the matter with your brother?" asked the mother in the kitchen. "He's crying." "Oh, nothing, Mum," replied Tom. "I'm eating my cake. He is crying because I won't give him any." "But has he finished his own cake?" "Yes." said Tom. "And he also cried when I was helping him finish that." "汤姆,你弟弟怎么了?" 妈妈在厨房里问。"他在哭。" "没事儿,妈妈," 汤姆答道。"我在吃我的蛋糕。他哭是因为我不给他吃。" "他已经吃完自己的了么?" "是的。" "我帮他吃完时,他也哭了。"


【翻译趣闻】 “地道中文”的搞笑英语翻译 1. 有他这颗扫帚星,什么事情都办不成。 [误] With a comet like him, nothing can be accomplished. [正] With a jinx like him, nothing can be accomplished. 注:“扫帚星”是中国人对“慧星”(comet)的俗称,因其后面拖着一条像扫帚一样的长尾巴而得名。在中国古代,“扫帚星”被认为是灾难的预兆,并被用来比喻不吉利的人或事;祸根:(person or thing that is thought to bring)bad luck(to sb/sth);curse。英语的comet 虽然没有这层含义,但却有一个对应的说法,即jinx。 例:There's a jinx on/Someone's put a jinx on this car: it's always giving me trouble. (这辆汽车上有什么妨人的东西,总给我找麻烦。) 2.萝卜青菜,各有所爱。 [误] Some prefer radish but others prefer cabbage. [正] Tastes differ。 注:Tastes differ/vary是句英语谚语,除此以外,原句还可翻译成No dish suits all tastes 或You can never make everyone happy 等。此外,我们还可以这样说:One man's meat is another man's poison. 总之,应采取意译。 3.他一向嘴硬,从不认错。 [误] He has always got a hard mouth and never admit a fault. [正] He never says uncle. 注:say (cry) uncle: to give up or in; to surrender; to admit defeat. Mainly used by boys, as when fighting. 这句话主要是男孩们打架时的用语,当一方想制服另一方时,就用命令的口气说:“Say uncle!” 这时,有的孩子为了表示不服输,就是不说。后来,say uncle 就成了“服输”的代名词,而not say uncle 就相当于“嘴硬”了。 4.老师很喜欢这个嘴甜的小姑娘。 [误] The teacher likes this sweet-mouthed little girl very much. [正] The teacher likes this honey-lipped little girl very much. 注:中国人喜欢说“嘴甜”,但honey-lipped更符合英美人的语言习惯。 5.同学们都很讨厌他,因为他经常拍老师的马屁。 [误] The students all dislike him because he often pats the teacher's ass. [正] The students all dislike him because he often licks the teacher's boots. 注:以前在欧洲,臣民见到国王与王后往往要亲吻他们的靴子。后来,人们将lick the boots 引申为“为了某种目的而讨好某人”,它与汉语的“拍马屁”含义一样。在美国英语中,“拍马屁”还有另一种说法,即polish the apple,源于以前的学生用擦亮的苹果来讨好老师。


英语幽默小对话 1: One girl went to the preacher and confessed her sin. Girl: Father, I have sinned. Preacher: What did you do, little girl Girl: Yesterday, I called a man a son of a Bitch. Preacher: Why What did he do to you Girl: He touched my breast. Preacher: You mean like this (The guy did it.) Girl: (A little shy from the touch) Yes. Preacher: Thats no reason to call him that. Girl: But he also took off my cloth. Preacher: You mean like this (He did it again.) Girl: Yes, thats what he did. Preacher: Thats still no reason to call him that. Girl: And he put his you-know-what into my you-know-what... Preacher: (evil laugh...) You mean like this (And you-know-what) Girl: (After a few minutes...) Ugh... Yeah, thats what he did...


儿童幽默睡前故事大全 儿童幽默睡前故事【篇一】 这是一个大大的草坪。 这是草坪上一个小小的水塘。 水塘里,住着一条小红鱼、两只青蛙和三只乌龟。 每天,两只青蛙和三只乌龟都要爬出水塘去游玩儿。到了傍晚,它们又回到水塘,讲着外面看到的新鲜事物。这时,小红鱼总是瞪着大眼睛静静地听,脸上写满了羡慕。 这天,当一只青蛙说它看见了红色轿车时,小红鱼忍不住问:“哦,红色轿车,它比我大吗?它吃什么呢?” 青蛙和乌龟们愣住了。好久,他们同情地说;“你只能呆在水塘里,真难受。我们要帮助你,让你去水塘外面看看!” “谢谢你们,可是,我离不开水呀。”小红鱼伤心地说。

“没事儿,我们会想办法的!”青蛙和乌龟们说。傍晚的时候,青蛙和乌龟们从外面驮回了一个玻璃罐…… 第二天,当太阳出来的时候,水塘周围的人们惊奇地看到,两只青蛙和三只乌龟驮着一个玻璃罐走在路上。玻璃罐里,是一条小红鱼…… 它们经过车站…… 它们经过商店…… 它们经过公园…… 周围的大人和小孩越来越多,每个人都十分惊奇。一个孩子想把鱼和玻璃罐抱回家:“妈妈,我要那条小红鱼!”妈妈阻止了:“不,不能拿走它,它的朋友们会伤心的。” 太阳落山的时候,小红鱼和青蛙、乌龟们回到了水塘里。小红鱼十分感激:“谢谢你们,我看到了一个美丽的世界!” “不客气,我们今后要经常带你出去!”青蛙和乌龟们说。 亲爱的小朋友,如果哪天你看到了这样一支奇特的队伍,也

请不要伤害它们,让我们帮助它们,祝福它们吧! 儿童幽默睡前故事【篇二】 白兔和灰兔住在一座小山上。每天,太阳升起之后,他们就去山下的树林里玩。 一天,在树林里,白兔突然想到一个问题,他问灰兔:“晚上,树林里会是什么样呢?” “是啊!晚上树林里会是什么样呢?”灰兔也很想知道,于是他对白兔说:“我们今天晚上就到树林里看看。” 太阳快落山了,小朋友们陆陆续续地回家了。白兔和灰兔一边玩着游戏,一边等待着夜晚的降临。 树林里越来越暗,越来越静。白兔小声对灰兔说:“这里安静得好可怕。” “那是什么?”忽然,白兔指着地上的黑影,用颤抖的声音问灰兔。 灰兔说:“那是树的影子,我们也有影子。”


英语短篇幽默小故事 篇一:英语幽默小故事10篇. 英语幽默小故事10篇(带翻译)如下: Midway Tactics Three competing store owners rented adjoining shops in a mall. Observers waited for mayhem to ensue. The retailer on the right put up huge signs saying, "Gigantic Sale!" and "Super Bargains!"The store on the left raised bigger signs proclaiming, "Prices Slashed!" and "Fantastic Discounts!" The owner in the middle then prepared a large sign that simply stated, "ENTRANCE".中间战术 三个互相争生意的商店老板在一条商业街上租用了毗邻的店铺。旁观者等着瞧好戏。右边的零售商挂起了巨大的招牌,上书:“大减价!”“特便宜!” 左边的商店挂出了更大的招牌,声称:“大砍价!”“大折扣!” 中间的商人随后准备了一个大招牌,上面只简单地写着:“入口处”。 Very Pleased to Meet You During World War II, a lot of young women in Britain were in the army. Joan Phillips was one of them. She worked in a big camp, and of course met a lot of men, officers and soldiers.


A Soldier's Brilliant Idea Mr. Robinson had to travel somewhere on business, and as he was in a hurry, he decided to go by air. He liked sitting beside a window when he was flying, so when he got on to the plane, he looked for a window seat. He found all of them had already had been taken except for one. There was a soldier sitting in the seat beside this one, and Mr. Robinson was surprised that he had not taken the one by the window; but, anyhow, he at once went towards it. When he reached it, however, he saw that there was a notice on it. It was written in ink and said, "This seat is preserved for proper load balance, thank you." Mr Robinson had never seen such an unusual notice in a plane before, but he thought that the plane must be carrying something particularly heavy in it, so he walked on and found another empty seat, not beside a window, to sit in. Two or three people tried to sit in the window seat beside the soldier, but they too read the notice and went on, when the plane was nearly full, a very beautiful girl hurried into the plane. The soldier, who was watching the passengers coming in, quickly took the notice off the seat beside himself and in this way succeededin having the company of the girl during the whole trip. 英语幽默:士兵坐飞机有美女陪伴的高招 由于生意方面的事,罗宾逊先生得出趟门。因为有点紧急,他决定坐飞机。乘机旅行时,他喜欢靠窗坐,故而一登机,他就寻找一个靠窗的座位。他发现只有一个靠窗的座位还空着。在那空座位边坐着一名士兵。令罗宾逊先生纳闷的是,这位士兵没有坐靠窗的位置。罗宾逊先生不管那些,他马上径直朝那个空座位走去。 然而,等到了那儿,他看见座位上有则启事,是用钢笔写的:“为保持装载平衡,特预设该位置,谢谢合作。”罗宾逊先生还从来没有在飞机上见过如此不同寻常的启事。不过,他想飞机上一定装了什么特别重的物品,于是他找了个不靠窗的位置。 又有两三个乘客试图坐在那个士兵旁的靠窗座位上,他们看到那则启事就走开了。当快满座时,一位非常美丽的姑娘匆匆走进机舱。一直在注意进舱旅客的那个士兵赶紧拿掉他旁边空座位上的启事。士兵用这种办法,成功地找到了一位姑娘一路作伴。


幼儿简短幽默故事【三篇】 小时候看童话故事,说猫钓鱼时三心二意。第一次钓鱼时看见 蝴蝶飞,跑去追,蝴蝶飞走了,一条鱼没钓到;第二次钓鱼,看见兔子,也跑去追,又没钓到鱼。回到家,猫妈妈批评小猫,告诫它钓鱼要一 心一意,才能钓到鱼。于是,小猫学会了钓鱼的本领,再去钓鱼就能 钓到满满一桶。 话说小猫成了钓鱼高手的事情没过几天就传遍了整个山林,兽中 老虎也有了耳闻。立即召集动物们把小猫请进山里,提拔小锚为“钓 鱼大臣”。小猫很得意也很卖力,钓的鱼越来越多,经常得到老虎的 奖励,还给它拥有一兽之下万兽之上的特权,每天山珍海味,应有尽有。 这事被山林的动物们看在眼里,心里很不服气。特别是麻雀,它 也想像小猫一样,学会钓鱼的本领,得到小猫的位置。 于是,第二天一早,麻雀来到池塘边模仿小猫的样子来钓鱼。它 心想:等着瞧吧,等我钓上很多鱼后,也能够得到提拔了。到时候, 小猫的特权就归我了! 麻雀这样想着便笑了起来。小猫一个劲地劝麻雀,说钓鱼会有危险,可麻雀不听,举起鱼竿甩向池塘。就在这个瞬间,麻雀和鱼竿一 同栽进了池塘里。全身是水的麻雀再也没飞起来。小猫哈哈大笑,说“鸟本来是吃虫子的,但你却来钓鱼,只好自取灭亡!” 在这个地球上,所有的一切都不能违反大自然的规律,否则不会 有好后果。 【智斗老虎】 老虎生病了,躺在洞里不出来。他向森林里的小动物们下了一道 命令,要大家轮流去看他。

第一天,小白兔去看老虎,没有回来。第二天,小山羊去看老虎,也没有回来。 第三天,小花鹿去看老虎,还是没有回来。第四天,该轮到小狐 狸去看老虎了。爱动脑筋的小狐狸想:三个小伙伴都有去无回,大概 是被老虎吃掉了。我可不想成为老虎的盘中餐,得小心为妙。该怎么 办呢?小狐狸眼珠骨碌一转,计上心来,“有了!”他高兴地一拍脑门。 于是,小狐狸胸有成竹地进了老虎洞。老虎一见,假惺惺地说:“小狐狸,来,坐我身边。”小狐狸来到老虎身边。老虎一把抓住小 狐狸,说:“小狐狸,你也知道我生病了,不能去找食物吃。你就做 做好事,让我吃了你吧。我也是迫不得已啊!” 小狐狸说:“等等,您不能吃我!”老虎心想:“反正到手的肉 是飞不走了的。我倒要看看这狡猾的小狐狸还有什么花招!”想到这儿,老虎就说:“为什么呀?” 小狐狸说:“老虎大王,您不知道哪,前几天,我吃了一只山鸡,没想到那山鸡得了禽流感,我也被传染上了。要是您吃了我……”没 等小狐狸说完,老虎就大声吼道:“滚,快给我滚出去!你想害死我 呀!” 就这样,聪明的小狐狸从容不迫地走出了老虎洞,把老虎的阴谋 告诉了森林的所有居民。从此,再也没有动物去看老虎了。不久,老 虎也就活活地饿死了。 【快乐银行】 小熊胖胖乐观开朗,每天都有十二分的快乐。她想:十分快乐就 充足了,要是有一个快乐银行,把多余的快乐储存起来那该有多好啊! 几天后,动物电视台循环播放一则广告:"你快乐,我快乐,小 熊胖胖快乐银行即将开业。如果你有多余的快乐,请到我这里来,把 它储存起来。如果,你不快乐,请到我这里来,把快乐取走。随时随


1----------------精选公文范文----------------1 英语幽默小短文加翻译:20个英语笑话爆笑超短 各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢 幽默语言是借助于语言工具来建构和表达幽默的一种方式,它是幽默的一种具体的形式。小编整理了英语幽默小短文加翻译,欢迎阅读! 英语幽默小短文加翻译篇一 终身保修 After burying his mother nine months earlier, a client of the local mortuary finally had enough money to purchase the expensive coffin he’d originally wanted. So we exhumed the body and transferred his deceased mother into the new steel casket.

2----------------精选公文范文----------------2 “What’s so special about this coffin” I asked the funeral director. He replied, “It has a lifetime warranty.” 在将母亲下葬9个月后,当地殡仪馆的一个客户终于攒够了钱去买那副他早就相中的价值不菲的棺材了。他把母亲的棺材挖了出来,将尸体转移到了那副新的钢制棺材中。“这副棺材有什么特别”,我问葬礼的承办人。他回答说,“这种棺材终生保修。英语幽默小短文加翻译篇二 献错殷勤 At a dinner party a shy young man had been trying to think of something nice to say to his hostess. At last he saw his chance when she turned to him and remarked, “What a small appetite you have tonight, Mr.


英语情景对话,自己和舍友5个人在课堂上表演过.材料是自己整合了几个小故事和网上的对话小片段,在此为需要帮助的同学提供点参考.为了更好的说明,中间穿插了汉语.(英语水平不行啊).主要以娱乐为主.故事大概是这样的,有一个老师(也是旁白)和他的四个学生,一个美国人,一个印度人,一个中国人,一个日本人.看到这儿,应该可以猜到内容了,恶搞日本人的.对话如下: Pangbai: Long time ago, I was a teacher in a village and My name is Hutu and I have four students: an American. a Chinese , an India and a Japanese. Now they are coming . 四个人登场,进行自我介绍 (印度人):Good morning, boys and girls. I’m India and the monitor of the class. (中国人): Hello, everyone. I’m Chinese. (美国人): Hi, I’m American. (日本人,自我介绍的时候鞠个躬,显示所谓的礼仪): Hi, I’m Japanese and my English is very poor; Pangbai: During the National Day ,they travelled from Xi’an to Shanghai passby Luoyang. It’s said that some interesting and funny story have been happened when they travelled. Now , they will show us what actually happened in their trip.

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