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Unit 3 A taste of English humour

1.break into 闯入;强行进入break away from…从…中逃脱;脱离(组织、团体等)burst into突然爆发burst into

laughter/tears 突然笑/哭起来break down(身体)垮掉;(机器)出故障;分解;失败break up(关系)结束;解散;破碎break off 中断;暂停;折断break in 闯入;插话;打断break out (战争、火灾、瘟疫等)爆发;突然发生break through 突破;克服辨析:break in 和break into 都有“闯入”的意思,但in是副词,其后不能接宾语;into 为介词,后面需要接宾语。

(1)Three strangers broke into the shop and got it robbed of.

(2)His home was broken into while he was away on holiday.

(3)Let’s break off for half an hour and have some coffee.

(4)Don’t break in while others are speaking.

(5)The peace talk broke down and no agreement was reached.

(6)Hearing the story, we all break into laughter.

2.up to now 直到现在up to date最新的;时尚的;新式的be up to+数字达到(某数量、程度等);至多有;直到;

不迟于be up to sth(体力或精力上)能胜任某事;正在干某事;在捣鬼;从事某事(尤指坏事) be up to sb(to do sth)由某人决定(做某事);(做某事)是某人的责任

(1)We have got no news about her up to now.

(2)I can take up to four people.

(3)I don’t feel up to going to work today.

(4)I’m sure he is up to no good.

(5)It’s not up to you to tell me how to do my work.

(6)Shall we go to the art exhibition right away? It’s all up to you.

(7)The temperature went up to 35℃ yesterday, which made many people uncomfortable.

(8)The writer has completed five novels up to now.

(9)It is up to you to decide when and where our party should take place.

3.brighten vt.使更愉快;使更有希望;使更明亮brighten sth up放晴;使活跃起来;使更加鲜艳;使更有希望

(1)In the distance, the sky was beginning to brighten.

(2) A smile brightens her face.

(3)She brightened up at the words of encouragement.

(4)According to the forecast, it should brighten up later.

(5) A personal letter will usually brighten up a person’s day.

(6)She has her hair brightened with some shampoo.

(7)Fresh flowers will brighten any room in the house.

(8)To the joy of the children,it finally brightened up after raining a whole day.

4.in between (时间或空间上)介于…之间

(1)The house was near a park but there was a road in between.

(2)I see her most weekends but not often in between.

(3)I’ll leave on June 6th and return on June 12th,so you’ll not see me in between.

(4)He stays at home before 8:00 a. m. and after 5:00 p.m.,but he is always busy with his work in his office in between.

5. a time when一段…时间It/This /That is /was a time when…. There is/was a time when… There were/are other times


(1)He made people laugh at a time when they felt depressed.

(2)There was a time when I hated to talk to anyone.

(3)That was a time when Blacks were looked down upon in America.

(4)It was a time when women were not allowed to attend school.

(5)We are going through a time when science and technology is developing very fast.

(6)This is a time when women and men can have equal pay for doing the same work.

6.feel content with对…感到满足/满意be content to do sth愿意干某事content adj.满足的;满意的;愿意只作表

语;contented adj.尤其指因生活好而满意的;知足的;惬意的只作定语;content oneself with sth /doing sth使某人自己满足于某事/做某事

(1)There is a contented smile on her face.

(2)My parents feel quite content with their present life.

(3)I am content to wait for next chance.

(4)I don’t feel quite content with my present job.

(5)My father is content to live in the countryside.

(6)We should not content ourselves with book knowledge only;practice is also very important to a person’s development.

7.unfortunately adv.不幸地;遗憾地;可惜地unfortunate adj. fortunate adj. fortunately adv. fortune

n.运气;机会;大笔的钱make a fortune 发财

(1)Unfortunately,his mother died when he was only 12 years old.

(2)It won’t be finished for a few weeks,unfortunately.

(3)I was late,but fortunately, the meeting hadn’t started.

(4)He is said to have made a fortune recently.

(5)It was an unfortunate accident.

(6)Unfortunately for him,the police were informed and were waiting outside.

8.be badly off拮据;贫穷;境况不好be badly off for sth 某物短少,某物不够be worse off (比以前或其他人)更穷、

更不愉快be well off 有钱;富裕be well off for sth 某物充裕be better off 经济较宽裕be better off doing sth 处于某状况或做某事较高兴、较满意

(1)They were badly off in those terrible years.

(2)I have got quite a big house,so I am not too badly off.

(3)They were once badly off for good teachers of primary school.

(4)The death of her husband left her life worse off.

9. ordinary adj. 普通的;正常的;平凡的;平庸的in the ordinary way 一般的,通常的out of the ordinary 不一般,超凡脱俗,特殊unusual adj.不同寻常的irregular adj.不规律的;不规则的uncommon adj.不常见的;稀罕的extraordinary adj.不平常的;奇怪的

(1)We have spent another ordinary sort of day.

(2)In the ordinary way,he is not a nervous person.

(3)I’m looking for something that is a little more out of the ordinary.

(4)It’s extraordinary that he managed to sleep through the party.

(5)He visited his parents at irregular intervals.

(6)It is not uncommon for college students to live at home.

(7)He got up at the usual time today.

(8)There are regular bus services to the airport.

(9)Cold is a common disease.

(10)Most people are ordinary people.

(11)We do not ordinarily carry out this type of work.

(12)You can’t expect everything to be out of the ordinary.

10. entertain vt.使欢乐;款待entertain sb to dinner/lunch 请某人吃晚餐/午餐entertain sb with sth通过某事物使某人快乐entertaining adj.有趣的;愉快的entertainment n. 招待;款待;娱乐amuse vt.逗乐;提供消遣amusement n.娱乐;消遣

(1)Mr. Song entertained us to dinner last night.

(2)He entertained us for hours with his stories and jokes.

(3)This is a family entertainment.

(4)I found the talk both informative and entertaining.

(5)We were entertained to a big dinner,and with funny performance last weekend.

(6)It is said that the early European playing cards were designed for entertainment and education.

11. as time went by随着…/当…时候,一边…一边… with 随着,伴着,由于

(1)As time went by,he began making films.

(2)As spring draws near,it is becoming warmer and warmer.

(3)We talked happily as we walked home.

(4)With everything bought/As everything was bought,he left the market.

(5)With the local guide leading the way, we found the cave easily.

(6)We had to stay indoors as it was very cold outside.(原因状语,由于,因为)

(7)He did everything as he was told.(方式状语,按照)

(8)Tired as she was,she went on to prepare dinner for her family.(让步状语,虽然,尽管。从句要用倒装语序)

(9)As he grew older,he gained in confidence.

(10)Jenny was very sad over the loss of the photos she had shot at Canada,as this was a memory she especially treasured.

(11)Quiet student as he may be,he talks a lot about his favorite singers after class.(as引导让步状语从句,从句的表语要提到as前,且省去名词前的不定冠词。)

12. throughout prep. adv. 各处;遍及;自始至终表示时间相当于all through 表示地点相当于all over

(1)They export their products to markets throughout the world.

(2)The museum is open daily throughout the year.

(3)The house was painted white throughout.

(4)The ceremony lasted two hours and we had to stand throughout.

(5)He has decided to visit the countries all over/throughout the world.

(6)I’ll struggle through/throughout until pay day.

(7)I was caught in the heavy rain last night and got wet throughout.

(8)Cold-blooded animals,like snakes,will go to deep sleep throughout the winter.

13. failure n.失败;失败的人或事harvest/crop failure农作物歉收business failure 企业倒闭fail vi.失败;运转失灵;破产;(健康、视力等)衰退fail to do sth n.考试不及格without fail 务必;一定

(1)Yesterday’s meeting was a complete failure.

(2)We shouldn’t be afraid of failure.

(3)Words fail me.

(4)Why did you fail to get into the Royal College of Art?

(5)In the past few years his health has begun to fail.

(6)I want you to be here before two o’clock without fail.

(7)He has to admit that his marriage is a complete failure.

(8)He was a failure as a businessman.

(9)Failure is the mother of success.

(10)William found it increasingly difficult to read,for his eyesight was beginning to fail.

14. overcome vt.战胜;征服;克服;制服get over 克服;控制;解决

(1)We can overcome any difficulty,however great it is.

(2)She overcame injury to win the Olympic gold medal.

(3)I think the problem can be got over without too much difficulty.

(4)It is high time that you overcame your shyness and spoke in public as often as possible.

(5)I had to overcome the temptation to laugh at his foolish mistake.

15. cut off 剪掉;与…隔绝;切断cut sb off from sb/sth切断某人的去路;使某人与外界隔绝cut in(on sb/sth)插话;超车cut down 砍倒;削减;减少cut up 切碎;剁碎;打伤cut out 剪出(形状);删除

(1)Be careful not to cut your finger off!

(2)The king had his head cut off.

(3)The tailor had the collar cut out.

(4)I was just talking to Margaret when Jackson cut in.

(5)Most of us know we should cut down on fat,but knowing such things isn’t much help when it comes to shopping and eating.

(6)Addicted to computer games,the boy is completely cut off from the outside world.

16. pick out挑选;辨别出pick at小口吃pick on挑剔;选中pick off 去除;剪掉pick up 捡起;偶然学会;便宜买到;搭载车辆;开车接某人;接收

(1)He picked off all the dead leaves.

(2)We must stop children from picking up bad habits.

(3)She was picked on by other girls because of her size.

(4)Jack is so tall that I can easily pick him out in the crowd.

(5)He picked out the ripest peach for me.

17. convince vt.使信服;说服;劝说convince sb of sth 使某人相信某事convince sb to do sth说服某人干某事convince sb that…使某人相信…convinced adj.坚信的;深信的;确信的;只作表语。坚信不疑的,只作定语。convincing adj. 令人信服的

(1)You need to convince them of your enthusiasm for the job.

(2)I had convinced myself that I was right.

(3)I have been trying to convince him to see a doctor.

(4)Scientists are convinced of the positive effect of laughter on physical and mental health.

(5)I am convinced that he is the best person for the position.

18. direct vt. vi. 导演;指挥;指示;指导;管理;(把…) 指向或对准adj. 直接的;亲自的adv.径直;直接directly adv. 径直地;conj.一…就… director n. 经理;导演direction n.方向;方位;指导;说明

(1)She prefers to act rather than direct.

(2)A manager was appointed to direct the project.

(3)It costs more to fly direct to Hong Kong.

(4)The film was directed by Steven Spielberg.

(5)Was that remark directed at me?

(6)The director had her assistant pick up some hot dogs for the meeting.

(7)Thanks for your directions to the house;we wouldn’t have found it otherwise.

(8)I went home directly when I had finished my work.

(9)Hearing the bang of the gun,the birds flew in all directcions.

(10)She quitted her job directly her first baby was born.

(11)They have run in the direction of the town.

(12)I’ll inform you directly I have any news about her.

19. star in 在…中担任主角;主演star sb 由某人担任主角

(1)We saw a film starring Charlie Chaplin the other day.

(2)I prefer to see films starring Chen Daoming,a well-known actor.

20.particularly adv.尤其;特别particular adj.格外的;特别的;特指的(与泛指相对) be particular about/over sth 对某事物挑剔或讲究in particular 尤其,特别,特殊地,具体地especially adv.尤其,特别

(1)Traffic is bad, particularly in the city center.

(2)The lecture is not particularly interesting.

(3)She is very particular about her clothes.

(4)He loves science fiction in particular.

(5)I enjoyed the play, particularly the second part.

(6)She has already tri ed her best.Please don’t be too particular about her job.

(7)Is there anything in particular you’d like for dinner?

21. on… occasion 在…时候;有…次on occasion(s)偶尔;偶然;有时候on the occasion of在…时候if the occasion arises 如果有必要的话occasional adj.偶尔的;偶然的;临时的occasionally adv.偶尔;偶然;有时候

(1)We occasionally meet for a drink after work.

(2)He spent five years in Paris with occasional visits to Italy.

(3)He has been seen on occasions to lose his temper.

(4)They have been seen together on two separate occasions.

(5)As he works in a remote area, he visits his parents only occasionally.

(6)You can hardly find any occasions when he accompanies his family for weekends.

(7)I only drop in on my parents on occasions.

22. keep to信守(诺言);不偏离(道路);坚守(某地);不偏离(主题) keep (oneself )to oneself 不与某人来往keep sth to oneself不把某事物说出去stick to坚持做某事;维持、固守某事物

(1)He promised to help us and he stuck to his word.

(2)You must keep to the point at the moment.

(3)It is wrong not to keep to an agreement.

(4)Keep to the track(小路)-the land is very boggy(多沼泽的)around here.

(5)We just kept working in the field after dark.

(6)I would be grateful if you keep this information to yourself.

(7)Everyone shall keep to the point when we are discussing.

(8)She keeps to herself and never contacts with others.

(9)Kindly keep your opinions to yourself in future.

(10)Nothing is more irritating than people who don’t keep to the point.

23. slide v.滑动;滑行;(使)悄然移动;逐渐衰退n.滑动;滑行;降低;幻灯片slide in/into/out (of) 溜进…/溜出… slide from… to….从…滑向… slide down 下滑on the slide 下滑;恶化steal into=slide into 溜进来

(1)We slid down the grassy slope.

(2)He slid out while no one was looking.

(3)The economy is on the slide.

(4)We had to admit that our living conditions were on the slide at that time.

(5)He stole into the room without being noticed.

(6)The boy slid out of the classroom without being noticed.

24. amuse vt.逗笑;逗乐;(提供)消遣;(使)娱乐amuse oneself自娱自乐entertain vt.使…娱乐amusing adj.逗人笑的;好笑的;有乐趣的amused adj.逗乐的;觉得好笑的amusement n.娱乐(活动) to one’s amusement使某人感到好笑的是with amusement 愉悦地,愉快地amusement park 游乐场,游乐园

(1)My funny drawings amused the kids.

(2)I’m sure I’ll be able to amuse myself for a few hours.

(3)Her eyes twinkled (闪烁)with amusement.

(4)He told a quite amusing story just now.

(5)There was an amused look on the president’s face.

(6)The aim of the series is both to entertain and inform.

25. whisper vt. vi.低语;小声说;私下说n. 低语,秘密in a whisper/in whispers低语,低声说,窃窃私语whisper sth to sb 悄悄告诉某人某事It was whispered that….有人私下说….

(1)My mum whispered to me,”Be quiet!Your little sister is sleeping.”

(2)He whispered to me that he was afraid.

(3)They were spoke in whispers.

26. mess n.肮脏,杂乱,不整洁,混乱vt.使不整洁,弄脏,弄乱in a mess乱七八糟make a mess of sth把…弄乱 a mess of(后面加可数名词复数或者不可数名词)许多的…mess around/about胡闹mess sth up 把…弄糟,使…不整洁tidy vt.使整洁;使有条理

(1)The room was in a mess.

(2)I feel I have made a mess of things.

(3)I don’t want you to mess up my clean kitchen.

(4)The kids made a mess in their room and the whole house is in such a mess.

(5)If you cancel now, you will mess up all my arrangements.

(6)Stop messing around/about and get down to business.

(7)You will find a mess of fish swimming down in the water.

27. react vi 起反应;回应;与…发生变化react to sth 与某物发生反应,对某事物做出回应;react with 与…起化学反应,发生物理变化react against sb/sth 反对、反抗某人/某物reaction n.反应

(1)Local residents have reacted angrily to the news.

(2)He reacted against the regulations of his company.

(3)Iron reacts with water and air to produce rust.(铁锈)

(4)Hearing how others react to the book you have just read creates an added pleasure.

(5)What was his reaction to the news?


用短语的适当形式填空break into,break in,break down,break out,break up

(1)To understand the grammar of the sentence,you must _____it______into parts.

(2)I was still sleeping when the fire ________,and then it spread quickly.

(3)I’m surprised to hear that Sue and Paul have____________.

So am I.They seemed very happy together when I last saw them

(4)Somebody must have _________ last night.

fortune fortunate unfortunately

(1)It was_________________that he couldn’t speak English.

(2)I was_________in having a good teacher.

(3)I have had a good______to work with some brilliant directors.

worse off well off better off

(1)We are _______for storage space in the new offices.

(2)The president hopes that the people be_______when he quits than when he started.

(3)The increase in taxes means that we’ll be 300¥a year_____than before.

usual regular common ordinary

(1)It is a_____practice to make an appointment before seeing a doctor in the USA.

(2)He was born in a peasant family and he is just a(n)______child.

(3)My parents both have a_________income and we needn’t worry about money every month.

(4)He went to the restaurant and sat at his______seat.

cut in cut down cut off

(1)She kept_______ on our conversation.

(2)Grandpa _______a tree and cut off the branches.

(3)If you don’t pay your gas bill, you may be _____.

pick at pick up pick out

(1)The bird is______the grains left in the field.

(2)My radio can ________the program of BBC.

(3)She was_______from over 200 applicants for the job.

(4)I _____Spanish when I stayed in Spain.

(5)She_______Japanese when she was in Japan.Now she can speak it freely.

(6)I can easily____you ______in the crowd.

(7)The picture was taken a long time ago.I wonder if you can_______my father.

convincing convinced

(1)I proved my innocence to him with_______evidence.

(2)I am______of her innocence.

(3)He is a ______ Christian.

(4)His explanation sounded_______to me.

amused amusement amusing

(1)Playing with water can keep children______for hours.

(2)His son was a continuous source of________and delight to him.

(3)I didn’t find the joke________at all.


必修四 季氏将伐颛臾·教案 【教学目标】 l、解决预习难点,归纳文言词语意义及句式。 2、弄清思路,理解课文。 3、了解孔子的政治主张。 【教学重点】文言多义词与句式辨识。 【教学难点】第3段阐述孔子的主张。 【课时安排】1课时 一、入课 映示教学目标,由《论语》这部书和回忆孔子导入课文。 引:初中我们学过《论语六则》这篇课文,谁能说说《论语》是一部什么书?(生答,教师适当 点拨) 明确:记录孔子及其弟子言行的书,是语录体散文集,儒家经典著作。论:编辑;语:“言谈” 的意思。古人有“半部《论语》治天下”之说,可见这部书影响巨大。 引:你了解孔子的哪些情况?(生答) 明确:孔子(前551——前479)名丘;字仲尼,春秋末期鲁国人,著名的思想家、政治家和教育家。儒家学派创始人,公认的世界十大文化名人之一。相传有弟子三千,贤者七十二,课文中冉有、季 路是他的学生。 二、有关背景 引:题目中的“伐”是“讨伐”的意思,本文写战争场面还是别的内容?相关背景如何? 点拨:课文共3段,写孔子与两名学生的三次对话。当时,鲁国正处于动荡中,三大贵族(季孙、 孟孙、叔孙)共同把持朝政,季孙是宰相,他的权力最大,他要讨伐颛臾的目的是:贪其土地;担心颛 臾对己不利。冉有、季路任李氏家臣,两人都参与了出征前的谋划,二人把消息告诉了孔子。 三、研习课文 (一)朗读全文,扫清字句障碍 (1)生分角色读课文,予以评价。 要求:其他学生看课文,听清读音,停顿、重音和语调。 (2)生做附二材料的1、2题后,着字幕、订正。 (二)分层讨论 1、学习第1段 ①生出声自读,看注释;理解句义,师巡场释疑。 ②提生释下列句义,指出句式特点,予以评价。 A李氏将有事于颛臾B无乃尔是过与?C何以伐为? 点拨:A句,介词结构后置B、C句,固定句式,宾语前置 ③简析。 引:本段哪两句话表达了孔子的态度?他反对讨伐颛臾的理由是什么?(生答) 点拨:“无乃尔是过与?”“何以伐为?”孔子责冉有[板书],从历史、地理、(颛臾与鲁国臣属)关系三方面阐述反对征伐(板书)理由。 2、学习第2段 ①放本段录音,学生边听边看书下注释。 ②提一生,译下列难句,予以评价。 A陈力就列;不能者止 B危而不持,颠而不扶 C虎兕出于柙,龟玉毁于椟中 点拨:难词“陈”,施展;“就”,充任;“危”,(盲人)走路不稳 ③简析 引:冉有推卸责任,孔子引名言,还用了两个形象比喻进行反驳(板书),教育冉有认识自己失 责,作为季氏家臣,冉有应该拼死力谏。那么,孔子为什么要这样激烈地批评弟子呢?表明他怎样的观 点态度? 点拨:孔子55岁离开鲁国,周游列国14年;宣传礼治(板书),反对战争,但他的主张并不被各国诸侯采纳,于前684年回到鲁国由于是他从事教育,希望他的学生到各诸侯国去参政,继续推行他


Module4 Unit 1 Women of achievement Teaching goals 1.Target language a. Key words achieve, achievement, condition, welfare, institute, connection, campaign, organization, specialist, behave, behavior, worthwhile, nest, observe, observation, respect, argue, entertainment, inspire, support, devote ... to b. Key sentences Watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activity of the day. Everybody sits and waits while the animals in the group begin to wake up and move. But the evening makes it all worthwhile. ... we see them go to sleep together in their nest for the night. Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months was she allowed to begin her project. For forty years Jane Goodall has been helping the rest of the world understand and respect the life of these animals. 2.Ability goals a. Learn Warming Up, and know how to tell the great women and the famous women. b. Learn the way to describe a person from what the person did, what she/he looks like 3.Learning ability goals Teach Ss how to describe a person. Teaching important points a. By reading A protector of African wildlife, students can learn from Jane Goodall in at least two aspects: one is what is the humane way to study animals; the other is that it was her great personality - universal love and mercy(博爱与慈悲)that made her successful. If everyone had such kind of heart, they would give everything benefit for all living things. Then our world will be full of love and peace, without any war and starvation. b. Ask students to answer these questions: 1) What made her a great success? 2) What should we learn from Jane Goodall? Teaching difficult points Let everyone believe that all of us can become Jane Goodall. Teaching methods Inspiration, Questioning and Discussion. Teaching procedures & ways Period 1-2. Warming up and pre-reading Step 1. Lead in.


高中政治必修4《世界永恒发展》教案 Lesson plan for senior high school politics compulsory 4 "worl d eternal development"

高中政治必修4《世界永恒发展》教案 前言:政治教育是指有目的地形成人们一定的政治观点、信念和政治信仰的教育,学校德育的组成部分。其性质由一定社会政治经济制度所决定,受教育方针、目的制约,具有鲜明的阶级性、方向性。本教案根据政治课程标准的要求和教学对象的特点,将教学诸要素有序安排,确定合适的教学方案的设想和计划、并以启迪发展学生智力为根本目的。便于学习和使用,本文档下载后内容可按需编辑修改及打印。 教学目标 【教学目标】 . 1、知识目标:通过教学使学生懂得世界是永恒发展的,了解发展的普遍性,正确理解发展的实质。 2、能力目标:通过教学,培养和提高学生的分析和归纳能力,提高学生判断能力,培养学生的创造性思维。 3、情感态度与价值观目标:通过教学,培养学生辩证法的思想,并树立马克思主义科学的发展观。 教学重难点 1、重点:发展的普遍性 2、难点:发展的实质 教学过程

【导入】复习巩固 . 上节课我们学习了唯物辩证法的一个总特征“联系观”,整个世界是普遍联系的,联系是客观的,也是多样的,整体与部分是普遍联系的一种,因此,我们要做到坚持整体与部分的统一,掌握系统优化的方法。今天我们来学习唯物辩证法的第二个总特征“发展观”,哲学中将整个世界分为三大领域:自然界、人类社会和人的思维。唯物辩证法认为:世界是永恒发展的,我们就从这三大领域理解发展的普遍性。 【讲授】讲授新课 . 一、发展的普遍性(教学重点) 1、自然界是发展的 活动探究:观看视频《人类进化的过程》 思考:从生命产生到人的出现,经历了一个什么样的过程?它说明了什么? 教师总结:①从生命产生到人的出现是一个低级到高级,简单到复杂的变化发展的过程,而且这一过程是一个前进的、上升的过程。 ②这也说明了一个怎样的观点呢?——自然界是发展的。


人教版高中语文必修四全套教案 窦娥冤 【教学目标】 1、初步了解元杂剧的特点。 2、通过窦娥冤这一冤案,认识元代社会黑暗和统治者的残暴,认识当时阶级矛盾的尖锐。认识窦娥的刚烈性格和反抗精神。 3、从文学鉴赏的角度理解关汉卿设计三桩誓愿应验的用意。 【课时安排】二课时。 【教学过程】 一、导入新课 1、介绍关汉卿:关汉卿,号己斋叟,金末元初大都(现北京)人。元代杂剧的代表作家,也是我国戏剧史上最早也最伟大的戏剧作家。他与郑光祖、白朴、马致远齐名,被称为“元曲四大家”。元代人说他:“生而凋搅,博学能文,滑稽多智,蕴籍风流,为一时之冠。”他曾在散曲《南吕一枝花·不伏老》中说自己精音律,会吟诗,能吹萧弹琴,歌唱舞蹈,也会下棋射猎,多才多艺。他一生创作杂剧有60多部,但大都散失,现仅存15部。《窦娥冤》《救风尘》《望江亭》《单刀会》等流传很广。其中的《窦娥冤》是我国十大古典悲剧之一。1956年,他的名字被列入世界文化名人之列。 2、关于元杂剧: 元杂剧有一套较严格的体制: 结构:元杂剧一般是一本四折演一完整的故事,个别的有五折、六折或多本连演。折是音乐组织的单元,也是故事情节发展的自然段落,它不受时间、地点的限制,每一折大都包括较多的场次,类似于现代戏剧的“幕”。有的杂剧还有“楔子”,通常在第一折之前起交代作用。相当于现代剧的序幕,用来说明情节,介绍人物。杂剧每折限用同一宫调的曲牌组成的一套曲子。 角色:扮演的角色有末、旦、净、丑等。元杂剧每本戏只有一个主角,男主角称正末,女主角称正旦。此外,男配角有副末(次主角)、外末(老年男子)、小末(少年)等;女配角有副旦、外旦、小旦等。 净:俗称“大花脸”,大都扮演性格、相貌上有特异之处的人物。如张飞、李逵。丑:俗称“小花脸”,大抵扮演男次要人物。此外,还有孛(bó)老(老头儿)、卜儿(老妇人)、孤(官员)、徕儿(小厮)。 演出时一本四折都由正末或正旦独唱。(其他角色只有说白),分别称为“末本”或“旦本”。 剧本的构成:剧本由唱、科、白三部分构成。 唱词是按一定的宫调(乐调)、曲牌(曲谱)写成的韵文。元杂剧规定,每一折戏,唱同一宫调的一套曲子,其宫调和每套曲子的先后顺序都有惯例规定。元杂剧的唱词按一定宫凋写成。共分五个宫(五个全音阶):正宫、中吕宫、南昌宫、仙吕宫、黄钟宫,分别个当于现在的C、D、E、G、A五个乐调(谱号);曲牌,相当于现在的调号和板号(如二黄散板、西皮快板等),也即简谱中的曲谱和节拍。元杂剧中一折限于一调一韵。 科是戏剧动作的总称。包括舞台的程式、武打和舞蹈。科范或叫“科”“介”,是关于动作、表情或其他方面的舞台提示,如“笑科”“见科”“把盏科”“做掩泪科”“内作起风科”等。


Unit 1 Women of achievement 1. Target language a. achieve, achievement, condition, welfare, institute, connection, campaign, organization, entertainment, inspire, support, devote ... to b. Watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activity of the day. P2 Everybody sits and waits while the animals in the group begin to wake up and move. P2 But the evening makes it all worthwhile. P2 ... we see them go to sleep together in their nest for the night. P2 2. Ability goals a. Learn Warming Up, and know how to tell the great women and the famous women. b. Learn the way to describe a person from what the person did, what she/he looks like and so on. 3. Learning ability goals Teach Ss how to describe a person. Teaching important points a. By reading A protector of African wildlife, students can learn from Jane Goodall in at least two aspects: b. Ask students to answer these questions: 1) What made her a great success? 2) What should we learn from Jane Goodall? Teaching difficult points Let everyone believe that all of us can become Jane Goodall. Teaching methods Inspiration, Questioning and Discussion. Teaching aids A computer, a projector and a recorder.


《生活与哲学》教案 所教班级 执教者

目录 第一单元生活智慧与时代精神 第一课美好生活的向导………………………………………彭琳第二课百舸争流的思想………………………………………彭琳第三课时代精神的精华………………………………………段霞 第二单元探索世界与追求真理 第四课探索世界的本质………………………………………段霞第五课把握思维的奥妙………………………………………陈婷婷 第六课求索真理的历程………………………………………陈婷婷 第三单元思想方法与创新意识 第七课唯物辩证法的联系观…………………………………忽丽霞 第八课唯物辩证法的发展观…………………………………忽丽霞 第九课唯物辩证法的实质与核心……………………………张琳第十课创新意识与社会进步…………………………………张琳 第四单元认识社会与价值选择 第十一课寻觅社会的真谛……………………………………李永朝 第十二课实现人生的价值……………………………………李永朝

第一单元生活智慧与时代精神 第一课美好生活的向导 第一框生活处处有哲学 一、【教学目标】 1、哲学的本义和任务; 2、哲学与生活的关系; 二、【教学重难点】 重点:哲学产生于人类的实践活动,产生于人们对世界的追问和思考; 难点:哲学是指导人们生活得更好的艺术; 三、【知识梳理】 1.哲学怎么产生的? 2.哲学的本义? 3.哲学的任务?(功能.作用) 四、【提出疑惑】 同学们,通过你的自主学习,你还有哪些疑惑? 五、【课堂检测】 1.下列关于哲学智慧的产生说法中,不正确的是( ) A.哲学产生于人类的实践活动 B.哲学产生于人们对实践的追问和对世界的思考 C.哲学产生于哲学家的实践活动和主观情绪中 D.哲学产生于人们认识世界和改造世界的活动中 2.人们面对人口、资源、环境之间日益加剧的矛盾而进行的思考,不可回避地触及具有哲 学性质的问题。这说明( ) A.哲学的智慧是人努力想象出来的 B.在生活实践中产生的思想都是哲学思想 C.哲学是人们在认识世界和改造世界的实践中产生的 D.实践的发展是为了适应哲学的需要 3.古希腊哲学家亚里士多德曾经说过:“古往今来人们开始哲理探索,都应起于对自然万 物的惊异。一个有所迷惑与惊异的人,每每惭愧自己的愚昧无知;他们探索哲理的目的就是为了脱出愚蠢。”这句话意在说明( )

高中语文必修四 雷雨 教案(1)

雷雨 词语补释: *拜望:原是敬辞,指探望。文中含讽刺的意味。 *涔涔:形容汗水不断地下流。P92注① *谛听:仔细地听。谛:仔细。 *恩怨:恩惠和仇恨。文中偏指仇恨。 *见地:见解。 *交涉:跟对方商量解决有关的问题。文中含有办成事情的意思。 *惊愕:吃惊而发愣。 *昧心:违背良心。昧:mèi昏,糊涂,不明白。 *弥补:把不够的部分补足。 *伺候:在人身边供使唤,照料饮食起居。 *无赖:①刁钻泼辣,不讲道理;②游手好闲、品行不端的人。 *贤慧:指妇女心地善良,对人和蔼。也作“贤惠”。 *郁热:闷热。郁: 积聚而不得发泄。 *怨愤:怨恨愤怒。 作者简介: 曹禺,原名万家宝,1910年生,湖北潜江人。他从小爱好戏剧,1929年进南开大学,后来又转清华大学外语系,毕业后进清华研究院,专攻欧美戏剧文学,并从文学中汲取营养。1933年,在即将结束大学生活时,完成处女作《雷雨》。经巴金、靳以的推荐,这个剧本在1934年出版的《文学季刊》上发表。作者自己说: “那个时候,我是想反抗的,因陷于旧社会的昏暗腐朽,我不甘模棱地活下去,所以我才拿起笔。《雷雨》是我的第一声呻吟,或许是一声呼喊。”(《曹禺选集后记》)继《雷雨》之后,又写出了《日出》《北京人》《原野》《蜕变》等剧本。《雷雨》《日出》成就最高,是他的代表作。在这两个剧本中,作者以卓越的艺术才能深刻地描绘了旧制度必然崩溃的图景,对于走向没落和死亡的阶级给予了有力的揭露和抨击。剧作震动了当时的戏剧界。1942年,曹禺把巴金的《家》改编成话剧,解放后,写了《明朗的天》《胆剑篇》《王昭君》。 《雷雨》简介: 《雷雨》以现实与往事相间的手法,写了一个封建资产阶级大家庭的矛盾。这个家庭的主人,某煤矿公司董事长周朴园在三十年前,还是个地主大少爷的时候,曾引诱女仆梅妈的女儿侍萍,生了两个孩子。后来,他为了娶一位“有钱有门弟的阔小姐”,强迫侍萍把大儿子周萍留下,把刚生下三天的第二个孩子(鲁大海)带走,遗弃了母子俩。周朴园又娶了繁漪。并生了个儿子周冲。侍萍被逼得走投无路,冒着大风雪去跳河。她被救后,为了孩子,又嫁了两次,与后来的丈夫鲁贵生了个女儿四凤。不料鲁贵与四凤无意中又当了周家的仆人,儿子鲁大海当了周家的煤矿工人。于是以周家为中心发生了各种巧合的违反伦常的性爱关系,展开了错综复杂的矛盾: 继母繁漪与周萍私通,同父异母的兄妹周萍与四凤相爱,周冲也在追求四凤,而周朴园与鲁大海父子相互为敌,周萍与鲁大海兄弟之间亦互相仇视。这个悲剧的内幕是侍萍因繁漪通知她领回四凤而来到周家才被揭露的。这些矛盾酝酿、激发,终于在一个“天气更阴沉,更郁热,低沉潮湿的空气,使人异常烦燥”的下午趋向高潮,又经过一番复杂的矛盾冲突,周萍和四凤终于知道他们原来是同母兄妹。于是一场悲剧发生了,四凤触电而死,繁漪的儿子周冲为救四凤不幸送命,周萍也开枪自杀了……这个罪恶的大家庭终于归于毁灭。 《雷雨》标题的意义:


人教版高中思想政治必修四第十课第二框 创新是引领发展的第一动力 一、教学目标 1.知识目标:通过预习、巩固,识记创新是引领发展的第一动力;通过课前搜集素材和课上实例分析理解创新与社会进步的关系;列举实例、运用相关原理,说明创新推动了社会进步,创新推动了生产关系和社会制度的变革,创新推动了人类思维和文化的发展。 2.能力目标:通过合作探究,培养学生分析问题、感知问题的能力及关注创新、大胆创新的能力。 3.情感、态度、价值观:树立创新意识。 二、学情分析 高二学生,对事物有自己的看法,对政治生活关心,但也不轻易认同别人的观点。因此,要结合具体实例,让学生亲身参与、感受达到深刻理解知识进而树立正确的观念。 三、重点难点 教学重点:创新是引领发展的第一动力 教学难点:树立创新意识。 四、教学方法:案例分析法、合作探究法、讲授法等 五、课时安排:1课时 六、教学过程: 导入新课: 古代的中国有造纸术、指南针、火药、印刷术“四大发明”,现代的中国有高铁、移动支付、共享单车、网购“新四大发明”,中国古代的“四大发明”影响了世界,中国现代的“新四大发明”改变了中国。

新四大发明的全世界走红,说明我们国家在鼓励、引导、促进创新这条路已走上正轨。无论是我国古代的“四大发明”,还是中国现代的“新四大发明”,都是广大中国人民的智慧结晶。高铁、移动支付、共享单车、网购,都是值得我们中国人民为之自豪的发明创造,它们改变了中国,影响着世界。中国人民有着无穷的创造力,可以预见中国以后也会继续创造更多让世界惊叹的“中国发明”。 新课教学: (一)创新推动社会生产力的发展 说一说:你熟悉的手机品牌有哪些? 篇一:科技华为与创新中国 探究一:以“通信业巨人”华为为例,思考科技创新是如何推动生产力发展的?(二)创新推动生产关系和社会制度的变革 篇二:管理华为与中国道路 思考:从经济生活的角度分析华为的分配模式? 探究二:如果你是公司员工,你更愿意现在拿高薪还是拿股权?说说你的理由。 (1)理论创新是社会发展和变革的先导 (2)通过理论创新推动制度、科技、文化创新等 列举:我国在理论创新、制度创新方面有哪些创新的事例? (三)创新推动人类思维和文化的发展 篇三:文化华为和思维变革 探究三:华为的文化创新说明了什么? 1.创新推动着人类思维的变革 2.创新推动了人类文化的发展

人教版高中英语必修4Unit1 women of achievement 教案

Unit1 women of achievement text. understand the passage better. Teaching Aids教具准备

Introduce the topic of great women. (Give the students two minutes to discuss in pairs.) share the opinions with us? S:In my opinion , a great woman should be…Other students add their opinions. Step 2 prediction预测 the main content of the passage. T:Who is the woman? Ss:Jane Goodall. T:What is the animal?

Ss:It’s a chimp. T:What is she doing? Ss:She is kissing the chimp. about? worked with chimps in their environment T: Do you agree with her? Ss:Yes/ No.

Book4 Unit1 Women of achievement Period 1Reading

Teaching goals 教学目标 1. Target language 目标语言 a. 重点词汇 achievement, behave, shade, worthwhile, nest, observe, outspoken, respect, argue. b. 重点句子 Watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activity of the day. 2. Ability goals 能力目标 a. know how to tell the great women. b. Learn the way to describe a person. 3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 Teach Ss how to describe a person. Teaching Important Points教学重点 By reading A student of African wildlife, students can learn from Jane Goodall in at least two aspects: one is what is the humane way to study animals; the other is that it was her great personality - universal love and mercy(博爱与慈悲)that made her successful. If everyone had such kind of heart, they would give everything benefit for all living things. Then our world will be full of love and peace, without any war and starvation. Teaching Difficult Points教学难点 Let everyone believe that all of us can become Jane Goodall to one’s success. Teaching Methods教学方法 Predicting to guess the content of the passage. Skimming to get the general idea of the text. Scanning to get detailed information and get to understand the passage better. Task-based activities to get the students to comprehend the passage and learn something from Jane Goodall. Teaching Aids教具准备 A multimedia computer Teaching Procedures教学过程与方式


窦娥冤 教学目的: 1.初步了解元杂剧的特点。 2.结合“单元知识和训练”,掌握研究性阅读的特点,学会研究性阅读的方法。 教学重点和教学难点: 1.通过窦娥冤这一历史冤案,认识元代社会黑暗和统治者的残暴,认识当时阶级矛盾的尖锐。 2.认识窦娥的刚烈性格和反抗精神。 3.介绍元杂剧的体制。 教学时数: 3课时 第一课时 导入新课 1.介绍关汉卿: 2.介绍元杂剧: 指导阅读 1.阅读“自读提示”中与本折有关的情节。 2.阅读课文。 3.提问式阐述:文学史上公认课文所选部分是全剧的高潮。但在前两折里,已经把窦娥受害的故事情节交待得清楚明白。窦娥与张驴儿的冲突,窦娥在公堂上的斗争,都已在前两折里表现出来,那么高潮为什么出现在第三折里? 通过阅读课文,我们发现;第三折里仅有窦娥指天发誓,刑场受戮,故事情节简单,而构成窦娥矛盾冲突的对立面,如社会恶势力的代表张驴儿、元代残酷统治的典型官府都隐藏在幕后,没有冲突,就没有戏剧,更没有高潮,可见,全剧高潮出在第三折里是与戏剧本身的特点分不开的。 4.提问:在课文中共出现多少曲牌?都属什么宫调? 明确:共出现10个曲牌,都属于正宫调。 5.提问:根据10个曲牌和故事情节,把课文分成若干层次。(按“思考和练习”一的要求) 明确:10个曲牌有3个层次。使剧情有张有弛,有烘托、有渲染,扣人心弦,催人泪下。 6.分析第1层。齐读第1层两支曲子。 7.提问:窦娥为什么要指斥天地鬼神? 明确:窦娥诉说自己莫名其妙犯法受刑,冤屈之大可“动地惊天”。又因为窦娥的冲突对象隐于幕后,而天地鬼神便成了她的指斥对象。由于内心的悲愤难以控制,便构成了对天地的怨恨与控诉。 布置作业 1.默写[滚绣球]曲牌,整理“思考和练习”五。 2.结合“思考和练习”三,研究阅读第2、3两个层次。 3.熟悉剧本的三个组成部分。


人教版高中英语必修4《Unit5Themeparks》教案 教学准备 教学目标 (1)阅读文章后,大部分学生能够归纳出三大主题公园的主题并列出园内的主要活动。 (2)阅读文章后,学生能够匹配图片与相应的主题公园,并恰当使用课文中的关键词汇和句型陈述理由。 (3)通过拓展阅读与小组合作,学生能够制定出一个简单的主题公园一日游计划 (4)通过本节课的学习,学生能够有较强的自信心自如陈述自己的观点。 教学重难点 (1)阅读文章后,大部分学生能够归纳出三大主题公园的主题并列出园内的主要活动。 (2)阅读文章后,学生能够匹配图片与相应的主题公园,并恰当使用课文中的关键词汇和句型陈述理由。 (3)通过拓展阅读与小组合作,学生能够制定出一个简单的主题公园一日游计划 (4)通过本节课的学习,学生能够有较强的自信心自如陈述自己的观点。 教学过程 Step1Warming-upandlead-in(5mins) (1)导入

教师提问学生“Haveyoubeentoathemepark?”与“Whatcanyoudoinathemepark?”,以此导入到本课的课题。然后通过图片介绍主题公园内常见的游乐设施,为文本阅读做好铺垫。 T:Hello,class.Todaywearegoingtotalkaboutthemeparks.First ,Iwouldliketoaskyou: ①IsourWestLakeParkathemepark?WhataboutJingqiWaterPark? ②Haveyoubeentoathemepark? ③Whatcanyoudoinathemepark? S1:Westlakeisnotathemepark.JingqiWaterParkisathemepark. S2:IhavebeentoHongkongDisneyland.Inathemeparkwecandoalot ofactivities. T:Exactly,inthethemeparkwecantakeroller-coaster,free-falldrop,swingingship,Ferriswheel,merry-go- roundandsoon.Inaword,therearevariousrideswecantakeinathemep ark.Well,whatdoes“ride”mean? S3:游乐设施 T:Yes.Hereitisanoun,meaning“供乘骑的游乐设施”. (2)揭题 教师引导学生对课文题目进行预测。 T:Withtheserides,thereisnodoubtthatwewillhavegreatfunina themepark,right?Justlikethetitleofthisarticlesuggest:Themep arks– fun.Butwhatabout“morethanfun”?Whatdoesitmeaninyouropinion? S4:“morethanfun”meansyoucanalsogetalotofinformation.


写作教学课例教案 课题:人教版必修4 Unit1 Women of achievement----Writing 课型:写作课 设计者:河北省邯郸市第二中学宋XX 教学背景分析 教学内容: 1.单元主题:本单元是人教版高中英语必修4 Unit1--- Women of achievement,主要是围绕成功女性这一主题展开,其中重点介绍了Jane Goodall和Lin Qiaozhi 两位伟大成功女性。学习本单元有助于提高对妇女社会角色的认识,了解成功女性的奋斗经历和勇于斗争的精神,培养学生(尤其是女生)的事业心和社会责任感,建立正确的性别观和自信心。可以帮助学生深切感受到无论男女,只要对他人有无私的爱心,对事业有坚定的信心,并不懈地为之倾注心血,都能成就一番事业。 2.课堂内容:本节课是Writing写作课。是本单元的第5课时。在学习了Jane Goodall和Lin Qiaozhi两位伟大女性后,在对人物介绍有了一定的基础后,由老师引导,学生完成任务,逐步完成人物描写写作课。 3.内容分派:Lead-in运用Using language--- reading (Why not carry on her good work?)林巧稚这个人物作为导入对象,引导学生从简单的词汇到简短英语短句最后总结从哪几方面进行人物描写。 人物介绍描写从背景、外貌、性格、成就、兴趣爱好、教育背景等几方面评价人物。每环节分设任务让学生结组或者自由讨论完成。实战演练部分呈现完整范文,师生共同分析文章总结介绍人物的文章怎么完成。作业以学生熟悉的教师为题材进行课后练习。 教学方法: 采用任务驱动方法,在整个学习过程中,充分确立学生的主体地位,充分调动学生的学习积极性和主观能动性,强化学生的个性培养,注意在教学的各环节中创设“情景”加强“协作”“会话”,让学生主动积极获取知识,使其学会,会学,真正意义上成为学习的主人。 1.演示法:把相关林巧稚的图片、视频等展示给学生看,便于学生对人物背 景知识的把握,并从旧知识中获得启迪,从而达到解决问题的目的。 2.任务驱动教学法:将所要学习的新知识隐含在一个或几个问题和小组活动之中,学生通过对所提的任务进行分析、讨论,并在老师的指导和帮助下


人教版高二语文必修四教案设计 导读:本文人教版高二语文必修四教案设计,来源互联网,仅供读者阅读参考. 【篇一】 【教学目标】 1、知识目标 (1)了解张衡一生在科学、文学、政治等方面对人类文明发展做出的杰出贡献,学习张衡的高尚品德和刻苦专研的精神。 (2)掌握文中涉及的文言实词、虚词、句式和文化常识。 (3)掌握叙述、说明的方法及详略得当的处理方法。 2、能力目标 (1)指导学生准确朗读,从而培养语言感知能力。 (2)结合语境分析语句,从而积累文言知识,培养学生语境意识。 (3)对人物进行概括评价,从中体会传记记人叙事详略安排得当的写法。 3、情感目标 (1)培养学生的科学精神和科学意识。 (2)学习张衡的高尚品德和刻苦专研的精神。 【教学重难点】 1、分析语句积累重点实词、虚词和文言句式。 2、分析评价张衡的品德和精神。 【教学策略】 1、设计艺术:以郭沫若对张衡的评价——“全面发展”的人为切入点 2、重难点突破方法:诵读法、讨论法、点拨法。

【教学计划】两课时:第一课时主要以诵读法为主,通过多种形式的朗读中整体感知的内容和结构,初步了解张衡的品格及文学才能.第二课时在深入理解文句的基础上认识张衡在科学技术上的辉煌成就和杰出的政治才干。 第一课时 【教学内容】 熟读全文,整体感知,把握大意。认识张衡的品格及文学才能。 【教学过程】 一、新课导入 从中国历史博物馆里陈列的候风地动仪模型和郭沫若在张衡基碑上的题词说起。在中国历史博物馆里陈列着候风地动仪的模型。早在1800年前,张衡发明制造了世界上第一个候风地动仪。这个仪器早已毁于西晋战乱之中,现在陈列的候风地动仪模型,是现代科学家王振铎等人根据《张衡传》中对候风地动仪的介绍说明用木料制成的。 1959年党和政府重修张衡墓时,郭沫若在墓碑上题词道:“如此全面发展之人物,在世界上亦罕见。” 二、解题 1、“传”:传记.记述的内容是一个人的生平事迹。传记要突出传主的特点。 范晔(398-445)南朝宋顺阳(在今河南浙川东)人。他根据前人撰述的几十种有关后汉的历史著作编写成的《后汉书》,起于刘秀起兵*王莽,终于汉献帝禅位于曹丕,详载了东汉195年的历史,与司马迁的《史记》、班固的《汉书》、陈寿的《三国志》合称“四史”,盛行于世。对我国的文学、史学有很大影响。 2、范晔(398-445)南朝宋顺阳(在今河南浙川东)人。他根据前人撰述的几十

人教版英语必修四unit 4(reading:munication:no problem)教案

Book4 Unit 4 Body Language Communication: No Problem? 一、教材分析 本单元的中心话题是“肢体语言”,介绍了肢体语言在世界范围内的人们生活中所承担的例外角色及严重作用,还介绍了世界通用的肢体语言。Reading部分通过举例说明例外地区表达问候的肢体语言的例外,总结出例外文化背景下肢体语言的例外含义。肢体语言这一话题贴近生活,学生学习本单元较有兴趣。课前要求学生标注部分生词并预习课文。 二、学情分析 我所教是普通班,学生的英语基础差距较大,但总体英语水平还是比较单薄。所以我在设置的问题尽可能的简单,使他们有信心完成阅读任务。 三、学习目标 1.知识目标 1) let students know more about the cultural differences of using body language. 2) let students know some new words and expressions 2.能力目标 develop students’reading skills(skimming and scanning)as well as speaking ability. 3.情感目标 Increase students’ awareness of using body language correctly in different cultures. 四、教学重点

let students master the differences and similarity of body language in different parts of the world. 五、教学难点 1. develop students’ reading ability 2. ask the students to show their opinions in English. 六、教学方法 1. task-based teaching and learning 2. discussion 七、教学过程 Step 1warming up 1.首先由“waysofcommunicating”引出“bodylanguage”,包括facialexpression,gesture,action.接着通过一些图片来表现例外的肢体语言。这个环节主要是为了引起学生的阅读兴趣。 2.让学生观察课本P25的四幅图片并表述其肢体语言所传达的含义。 Step 2pre-reading 1.通过提问“H ow many ways can you think of to greet someone if you cannot speak?”引出本篇文章的主题。向学生展示一些图片,以便学生更清撤地了解例外地区表示问候的肢体语言。 2.Predicting.让学生借助文章的题目和图片,预测文章的主题和主要内容,对文章有初步的了解。 Step 3 Reading 1.Answer two questions. How many international students are there in the story?


《雷雨》教案 教学目的: 1.简介曹禺和他的《雷雨》。 2.了解戏剧的一般常识,理解舞台说明的作用。 3.分析《雷雨》(节选)的戏剧冲突,结构布局特点。 4.体会戏剧中个性化的语言和人物性格。 5.概括戏剧中揭示的思想主题。 教学重点:戏剧冲突;个性化的语言。 教学难点:个性化的语言(人物思想性格)。 教学课时:3课时。 教学过程 第一课时 一、曹禺和《雷雨》(大屏幕投影) 曹禺(1910-1996),原名万家宝,原籍为湖北潜江,现代著名剧作家。其作品有《雷雨》《日出》《北京人》《原野》《明朗的天》《胆剑篇》《王昭君》等。《雷雨》《日出》是他的代表作。 作者出生于天津一个没落的封建家庭,自幼曾广泛阅读中国古代文学作品,尤其喜爱唐传奇、元代戏曲和明清小说,并有机会接触与欣赏中国民族传统戏曲,如京剧、昆曲、河北梆子、唐山落子等。1922年在南开中学读书时,阅读了大量“五四”以来国内的优秀作品和外国文学、戏剧作品,并参加了北方最早的业余戏剧团体之一的“南开新剧团”,演出过易卜生、莫里哀、丁西林等作家的作品。1928年秋入南开大学,二年级时又考入清华大学西洋文学系。在这期间认真研读了希腊悲剧家莎士比亚、契诃夫、易卜生等人的剧作,1933年在清华大学读四年级时,完成了他的处女作多幕话剧《雷雨》,以其深刻的思想内容和卓越的艺术技巧第一次显示了他的艺术才华,引起了戏剧界的震动。 二、复习戏剧常识(大屏幕投影) 1.戏剧的概念:戏剧是一种综合性的舞台艺术,她借助文学、音乐、舞蹈、美术等艺术手段塑造舞台艺术形象,揭示社会矛盾,反映现实生活。 2.戏剧的种类:

从艺术形式和表现手法看,可分为话剧、歌剧、舞剧、歌舞剧、哑剧等; 从剧情繁简和结构看,可以分为多幕剧(如《雷雨》)和独幕剧(如《一只马蜂》); 从题材所反映的时代看,可以分为历史剧(如《王昭君》)、现代剧(如《雷雨》)。 从矛盾冲突的性质情节主题来看,戏剧又分为悲剧(如《屈原》)、喜剧(如《威尼斯商人》)和正剧(如《白毛女》); 从演出场地看,又分为舞台剧、街头剧《放下你的鞭子》、广播剧、电视剧等。 3.戏剧的几大要素:包括戏剧冲突、戏剧语言(舞台说明、人物台词等)。 4.戏剧文学的特色:一是适合舞台表演、二是要有戏剧冲突;三是要有鲜明生动的人物对话。 5.戏剧的语言:包括台词和舞台说明。戏剧语言有五个特色:一是动作性;二是个性表现力;三是抒情性;四是有潜台词;五是动听上口,浅显易懂。 6.戏剧文学(剧本)的情节结构 剧本的情节结构一般分为开端、发展、高潮、结局,有的作品还有序幕和尾声。 三、词语补释(大屏幕投影) 拜望:原是敬辞,指探望。文中含讽刺的意味。 涔涔:形容汗水不断地下流。 谛听:仔细地听。谛: 仔细。 恩怨:恩惠和仇恨。文中偏指仇恨。 见地:见解。 交涉:跟对方商量解决有关的问题。文中含有办成事情的意思。 惊愕:吃惊而发愣。昧心: 违背良心。昧: m èi 昏,糊涂,不明白。 弥补:把不够的部分补足。 伺候:在人身边供使唤,照料饮食起居。 无赖:刁钻泼辣,不讲道理;②游手好闲、品行不端的人。 贤慧:指妇女心地善良,对人和蔼。 郁热:闷热。郁: 积聚而不得发泄。 怨愤:怨恨愤怒。 四、复述与课文有关的故事情节(大屏幕投影) 这是一个令人心酸的悲情故事。

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