当前位置:文档之家› 一种基于到达时间差的无线传感器网络中Sybil攻击检测方案



1Project supported by the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education (SRFDP), under grant No. 20050248043.

TDOA-based Sybil Attack Detection Scheme for

Wireless Sensor Networks 1

Wen Mi, Li hui, Zheng Yanfei, Chen Kefei

Cryptography & Information Security Lab, Shanghai JiaoTong University, Shanghai,

China (200240)

E-mail :superwm@https://www.doczj.com/doc/d45200789.html,


As wireless sensor network are deployed in fire monitoring, object tracking applications, security emerges as a central requirement. A case that Sybil node illegitimately reports messages to the master node with multiple non-existent identities (ID), will cause harmful effects on the decision making or resource allocation in these applications. In this paper, we present an efficient and lightweight solution for Sybil attack detection based on the Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA) between the source node and beacon nodes. Our solution can not only detect the existence of Sybil attacks but also locate the Sybil nodes. And we demonstrate the efficiency of our solution through experiments. The experiments show that our solution can detect Sybil attack cases with 100% completeness.

Keywords: Attack Detection; Sybil Attack; Time Difference of Arrival; Wireless Sensor Networks

1. Introductions Wireless sensor network (WSN) has recently emerged as an important application resulting from the fusion of wireless communications and embedded computing technologies. It has been wildly applied in all fields, including monitoring, location, tracking and foresting. However, the nature of wireless sensor network makes them vulnerable to security attacks. Especially, without a trusted centralized authority, the Sybil attack is always possible. The Sybil attack introduced in [1] denotes an attack that the Sybil node tries to forge multiple identifications to broadcast messages in a certain region. Broadcasting messages with multiple identifications can be exceedingly harmful to many important functions of the sensor network, such as voting, fair resource allocation, group based decisions, routing, data aggregation, misbehavior detection etc. A number of protocols for Sybil attack prevention have been proposed in recent years. But most of them are too costly for the resource-poor sensors. Douceur [1] proposes a resource testing method. It assumes that each physical entity is limited in some resource. The verifier tests whether identities

correspond to different physical entities by

verifying that each identity has as much of the tested resource as a physical device. It is unsuitable for wireless sensor networks, because the attacker may be using a physical device with several orders of magnitude more resources than a resource starved sensor node. Karlof [2] commends to use a Needham- Schroeder like protocol to verify each other’s identity and establish a shared key. Consequently, it can limit the number of neighbors a node allowed to have and send an error message when a node exceeds it. But this method just limit the capability of the Sybil attack and it can’t locate the Sybil node and remove it. Newsome [3] adopts key validation for random key pre-distribution and registration; however, they consume precious memory space as every node is required to store pair-wise keys with neighbors. Bazzi [7] prevents Sybil attacks via geometric

distinctness certification, which tests that amongst a group of identities a large enough subset resides on a set of distinct entities. It’s too complex and energy consumptive. Demirbas [8] presents a scheme based on the received signal strength indicator (RSSI)

readings of messages to detect the Sybil attack. This is the one most close to ours.Zhang[9] proposes a suite of location-based compromise-tolerant security mechanisms, which based on a new cryptographic concept called pairing. To the best of our knowledge, pairing is energy-consuming and it is not suitable for the sensor networks.

The major contribution of this paper is that, it proposes a Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA) based solution for Sybil attack detection and demonstrates its efficiency by experiments. This solution can not only detect the existence of Sybil attacks but also locate the Sybil nodes. It requires minimal storage and communication overhead for sensors, as they are listened by three beacon nodes in each cluster, which are assumed to know their own locations (e.g., through GPS receivers or manual configuration).It also does not burden the WSN with shared keys or piggy backing of keys to messages. The essential point of the TDOA based solution is associating the TDOA ratio with the sender’s ID. Once the same TDOA ratio with different ID is received, the receiver knows there is a Sybil attack. To use TDOA ratio instead of TDOA to associate the ID is to avoid the sensors at the circle centered at one of the beacon nodes being misdiagnosed.

This paper is organized as follows. In section 2 we discuss the network model and methodology. In Section 3 we present our Sybil attack detection schemes. In Section 4 we discuss the experiments of our solution, and in section 5 we analyze the performance of our solution. Finally, in Section 6 we give our conclusion and future work.

2. Network model and


2.1 Network model

We assume a static network, where all

nodes are deployed randomly over a 2-dimensional monitored area (it can be easily

expand to 3- dimensions). If the nodes are deployed too dense, on one hand, the position of more than one node may be located at the same place. This location error may influence the detection of the Sybil attack. On the other hand, in the large scale network, which deployed outdoor, it’s expensive to deploy nodes too densely. So, we assume that the density of the sensor network is beyond 10m (10m is the position accuracy of MTS420C, which is the MICA2 GPS Sensor Board of Crossbow).We assume there are time synchronization between the source nodes and the beacon nodes. Three beacon nodes 123,,S S S with known coordinates (1X ,1Y ), (2X ,2Y ), and (3X ,3Y ) respectively, are placed at the boundary of the monitored area (usually a cluster), as shown in Fig1. Let (x, y) be the Sybil node’s location, which will be determined by time-based positioning schemes [4], [5]. Each node can reach all beacon nodes in the cluster. Note that Sybil node can forge non-existent multiple identities.

2.2 Time Difference of Arrival Principle

The TDOA of a message can be estimated by Hyperbolic Position Location Solution (HPL) [6].Assume that 1S is the master beacon node. The distance between the source and the i

th beacon node is

i R = (1)

Now, the distance difference between

Fig1Hyperbolic Position Location Redraw


beacon nodes with respect to 1S is given as ,1i R =,1i cd = i R ? 1R (2)

Where c is the signal propagation speed,

,1i R is the range distance difference between 1S and (1)i i S >, ,1i d is the estimated TDOA

between 1S and (1)i i S >. This defines the set of nonlinear hyperbolic equations whose solution

gives the 2-D coordinates of the source. From (2) we know that,

i R = ,1i R +1R (3)

Subtracting (1) at i = 1 from (3) results in 2,1i R +12i R R



i X +2

i Y ?2,1i X x ?2,1i Y y ?


1X ?


1Y (4)

Where ,1i X and ,1i Y are equal to 1i X X ? and 1i Y Y ? respectively. And without loss of generality, we assume the beacon node 1S is located at (0, 0).From (2) we obtain

2221R x y =+ (5)

For a three base station system, Chan's method [6] producing two TDOA to render solution for x and y in terms of 1R is in the form (6) as



311*2X Y R R K K x R y R X Y R K K ????????+?????


22111K X Y =+,22222K X Y =+ , 22333K X Y =+,

2,12,1,R cd =3,13,1R cd =

On the right side of above equation, all the quantities are known quantities except 1R . Therefore solution of x and y will be determined by 1R . When these values of x and y are substituted into the equation (5), a quadratic equation in terms of 1R is produced. Once the roots of 1R are known, values of x and y can be determined.

3. TDOA-based Sybil node detection Here we first present a basic TDOA-based Sybil attack detection protocol in section 3.1, and in section 3.2, we propose an advanced one by considering the environment errors.

3.1 Basic Algorithm

We are going to use the localization algorithm in section2.2 to detect the Sybil attack as follows. Once hearing a message {,}i x m data D = from source S, the three beacon nodes record its arriving time respectively, for example, 123,,t t t at 123,,S S S . The master beacon node 1S can compute the Time Difference of Arrival when receive 23t and t from 23S and S and deduce the location of the source using equation (2) and (6).Then 1S associates this location with the source-ID included in the https://www.doczj.com/doc/d45200789.html,ter,when another message with a different source-ID is received and the location of the source is computed to be the same as the previous one,the beacon nodes detect a Sybil attack.

But, it is costly and very inconvenient to calculate the location of every node at every communication session using equation (6). In fact, we do not need this computation for Sybil node detection, because it is possible to detect Sybil attack by just recording and comparing the ratio of TDOA for the received messages. Only after the Sybil attack is found can we use equation (6) to locate the Sybil one.

Suppose, a Sybil node forge its ID as D1, D2…, Dx and so on. Considering at session1, a Sybil node broadcasts message 1{,1}m data D = with D1. When beacon nodes hear the message from Source node, they transmit their own ID and the arriving time of message 1m as 1(1){,1,}i i i report S D t >= to 1S .

1S will use


,1111*()/D i i i d t t R R c =?=? (7)

to denote the TDOA value between (1)i i S >and itself. Then, 1

S computes

the ratio


12,13,1/D D tr d d = (8)

and stores it locally.

Similarly, at session2, the Source node

broadcasts another

message 2{,2}m data D =with D2. When

beacon nodes hear the message, they also

transmit their own ID and the arriving time of

message 2m as 2(1){,2,}i i i report S D t >=

to 1S .1S computes the ratio


22,13,1/D D tr d d = (9)

Now,1S can test by comparing the ratio at session1 and session2. Definition 1 (Sybilly) A Sybilly is defined as

a phenomenon in which the TDOA ratio in two

session i and j are same, i.e.0i j tr tr ?=. If the difference between two ratios is

very close to zero, the beacon

node 1S concludes that the Sybil attacking is

happening in the cluster and the Sybil one is at the location of (x, y),which can be calculated

with the method of section 2.2. The received TDOA ratio is same, which means the sources’ locations are same. In other words, the same source node broadcasts messages with multiple IDs. That’s the classical behavior of the Sybil attack. On the contrary, 1S can tell there is no Sybil node. That means, here if

120tr tr ?= (10)

is true, we can detect a Sybil attack.

3.2 Advanced One for Error Tolerance

Theoretically, TDOA should stay the same if the locations of the two transceivers

are fixed, but in practice, there are three major

sources of errors [4] for our time based location detection scheme: the receiver system

delay, the wireless multipath fading channel,

and the nonline-of-sight transmission. These

factors make the measurement

of 2,1R and 3,1R fluctuate a lot and correspondingly they will cause the fluctuation of the TDOA ratio. So we should

consider the variance of the TDOA ratio and

quantify the range of it.

For simplicity and error tolerance, we let

the threshold used to detect a Sybil node be

α, and apply the algorithm described in

section 3.1. We can detect Sybil attacks

robustly using the following formula.

Definition 2 (α-Sybilly) A α-Sybilly is

defined as a phenomenon in which the TDOA

ratio in two session i and j are only different

within the probability of α, i.e.i j tr tr α?<.

If the Source nodes’ identities D1 and D2

are different but their location is adjacent, we can infer the Sybil attack by noticing that the

difference of TDOA ratio for both cases is within the threshold α. That means, if i j tr tr α?< (11)

is true, we can detect Sybil attack. In next section we will quantify the range of the TDOA ratio variance and evaluate the effect of different factors on αby experiments. 4. Experiments

Since the Basic scheme only have theoretic value, in this section, we just base our experiments on the advanced scheme. From the equation (2), (6) and (7), we can see that to determine the TDOA from source S, 2,1R and 3,1R are the main factors. The inaccuracies of 2,1R and


R will cause the

TDOA errors. We assume the calculation of 2,1R and 3,1R will be repeated enough times to

average their errors. Also certain measures

will be taken to reduce the effect of the three

major sources of errors. For example, as [4] mentioned, beacon nodes can be placed well above the surrounding objects to avoid the

multi-path fading and non-line-of-sight transmission, and the system delay can be predetermined to calibrate the time measurements. Therefore, the errors of 2,1R and 3,1R are approximately normally distributed. So the measuring errors of TDOA

are approximately normally distributed. Without loss of generality we assume the error



R and


R are distributed according to

21Ν(0,)σand 2

2Ν(0,)σ respectively.

The beacon node we used in our simulations is MTS420CA, which is the MICA2 GPS Sensor Board of Crossbow. The source node is MDA300- CA, which is the MICA2 Data Acquisition Board of Crossbow. In our simulation, we let the three beacon nodes locate at 1S (0, 0), 2S (0, 2000) and 3S (2000, 0). And we write our detection

program according to our method stated in section 2.2 and 3.2, and the TDOA ratio was computed from the equation (7). For each trial, we try our method 10000 times.

4.1 The source is dynamic

In this scenario, we study the distribution of TDOA ratio errors over a 2D planar monitored area. We let the source node move according to the diagonal of the rectangle, which is determined by the coordinates of the three beacon nodes and the point (2000, 2000). We will compare the difference of the TDOA ratio. Now source is placed at the point (i*100, i*100), where i 1, 2,3,…,20.We let the measuring errors distribute according to 2Ν(0,)σ. For easy comparison, we set



Here we let 2σ=0.05, which corresponds

to the TDOA deviation of ±0.22unit [4]. In

our simulation, we observe that with the distance from the source to three beacon nodes augmenting, the variance of TDOA ratio become larger and larger. Also when the source is close to any of the three beacon nodes, the error becomes larger. But specially, when the source arrives at (1000, 1000), the intersection of the perpendicular bisector of isosceles right-angled triangle 123S S S ?,the variance of TDOA ratio become the smallest. That’s because the distance from the source to the three beacon nodes is the same at this point. The measuring error influence is almost the same. This result is similar to that of [4].Fig 2 shows us the results.

From this analysis, we can conclude that the variance of TDOA ratio relate to the position of the beacon nodes and the source sensor. This result will help us to do better deployment of beacon nodes for better performance in other studies.

4.2 The source is static

Next we consider the scenario when

sensors are randomly deployed in a square region with lower-left corner (0, 0) and upper-right corner (2000, 2000). In this scenario, the error model we will study is: normal distribution according to 2Ν(0,)σ.We will consider the influence of 2σon TDOA ratio variance. The source is randomly placed in the cluster, once it is placed, its location is fixed. We let 2σequal to 0.1 and 0.05 respectively.

From the simulation, we gain the following observations. Firstly, Fig3 and Fig4 show that the TDOA ratio variance increases with variance 2σ. This is rational as


σcorresponds to the error of 2,1R and 3,1R .In

fact, if 2σincreases, 21σand 22σ will increase. From equation (7) and (8), the TDOA variance will increase and TDOA ratio difference will increase correspondingly.

Fig2 The variance span of TDOA ratio with the changing of the source location Position of the source node

T h e v a r i a n c e s p a n o f T D O A r a t i o s

In Fig3, the values -0.01 and 0.01 occurred only at most five times out of 10000 times (0.05%), and it similar to those of -0.006 and 0.006 in Fig4. Therefore, if we let the threshold used to detect a Sybil node

be 2*,(1)k k ασ=≥, and apply the equation (11) to do the detection, we will succeed. The reason is that the standard deviation covers almost 100% of the values in Fig3 and Fig4. That is, if we set 0.1α= in our simulations, it will detect the Sybil node with almost 100% successful probability. This result is also shown in Fig2. So, our solution is an efficient one.

5. Performance Analysis In this section, we will show that our solution is also a lightweight one by comparison to the Random Key Predistribution in [3]. For simplicity, we let the length of the messages and the keys be L bytes and each transmission cost E energy unit. In section 3, we see except for the normal message transmission in each session, our solution only needs two more transmissions for beacon nodes 23S and S to report the message’s source ID and arriving time to 1S . And only 1S needs to record the TDOA ratio (also let TDOA ratio be L bytes long) in each session. So the total overhead in our solution to detect a Sybil one is K (2E+1L).

By comparison, in [3], in order to detect the Sybil attack it need a key pool in the network, with the size of m keys. And each node will need to store n keys. m and n are related to the size of the network (in [3] m=20000 and n=200). The node identity is associated with the keys assigned to the node. And the network need verify part or all of the keys that an identity claims to have. So, during each verification section, the node must claim what keys it has, this claim may be knE (01k <≤).The total overhead of [3] to detect if a node is the Sybil one is KknE + (m+n) L.

From the above, we can see that our solution needs less storage and lower energy consumption. Thus, it’s a lightweight solution.

6. Conclusions and Future Work

In this paper, we have proposed an efficient and lightweight TDOA based Sybil

attack detection scheme, it includes a basic

scheme an advanced scheme to tolerate the measuring errors. And also we demonstrate the efficiency of our solution through experiments. In future work we will study

another factor that can affect the effectiveness of the advanced scheme. This factor is the accuracy of the TDOA computation model. If

this model cannot accurately model the actual

deployment, there will be extra errors (both on false positive and detection rate) in the Sybilly detection. We will extend our scheme to

Fig4 The measurement errors are normally distributed 21σ=22σ=0.05 x 10-3

Variance of difference of TDOA ratio

F r e q u e r c y

Fig3 The measurement errors are normally

distributed, 21σ=2

2σ=0.1 Variance of difference of TDOA ratio

F r e q u e r c y

tolerate existing nodes in the network. Also we will try the other location algorithms, such as AOA etc.


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无线网络设计方案 班级:计算机网络技术11-1班 姓名:黄华 学号:

一、概述 近年来,随着计算机技术及网络通信技术的发展,在家庭中实现生活的现代化、安全化,提高居住环境等要求。使家庭设备智能化成为未来生活发展的趋势。随着计算机技术和电子信息技术的日渐成熟,电子产品以前所未有的速度迅速进入千家万户。而网络的普及,家庭用户对Internet的需求也越来越多。我们如果能将繁杂的电子产品有机的进行连接,组成一个家庭局域网,就可以实现软硬件资源共享,合理利用网络资源,满足各家庭成员的使用需求。 该方案具有多业务支持、安全、稳定、兼容性高、可靠性高、部署容易的特点,能实现小区内部的无线移动需求,还能支持小区内部的各项无线应用的可靠运行。针对小区内部的用户的不同需求,可为不同的用户提供不同的服务,安全接入属于自己的网络中,保证整个小区内部网络的安全接入。整体的解决方案包含了无线覆盖的所有软硬件设备,提供一个高安全、可管理、兼容性高的无线网络。 无线局域网是计算机网络和无线通信技术相结合的产物。具体地说就是在组建局域网时不再使用传统的电缆线而通过无线的方式以红外线、无线电波等作为传输介质来进行连接,提供有线局域网的所有功能。无线局域网的基础还是传统的有线局域网,是有线局域网的扩展和替换,它是在有线局域网的基础上通过无线集线器、无线访问节点、无线网桥、无线网卡等设备来实现无线通信的。目前无线局域网使用的频段主要是S频段。 无线局域网的组网模式大致上可以分为两种,一种是Ad-hoc模式,即点对点无线网络;另一种是Infrastructure模式,即集中控制式网络。 二、对建成的网络系统的基本要求 1.采用先进成熟技术,保证系统性能稳定可靠、风险系数小; 2.系统开放性好,可与多厂家产品联网,支持多种网络协议;不影响原有系统的运行,并可与原有系统连接; 3.系统安全保密性好,对人为的攻击、侵害具有极强的抵抗能力; 系统可维护性好,维护费用低; 4.系统兼容性好,能与原有网络设施兼容; 5.系统可用性好,能满足今后较长时期内各种应用的需求; 网络系统建设原则 实用性:


南京航空航天大学 硕士学位论文 基于无线传感器网络的环境监测系统设计与实现 姓名:耿长剑 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:电路与系统 指导教师:王成华 20090101

南京航空航天大学硕士学位论文 摘要 无线传感器网络(Wireless Sensor Network,WSN)是一种集成了计算机技术、通信技术、传感器技术的新型智能监控网络,已成为当前无线通信领域研究的热点。 随着生活水平的提高,环境问题开始得到人们的重视。传统的环境监测系统由于传感器成本高,部署比较困难,并且维护成本高,因此很难应用。本文以环境温度和湿度监控为应用背景,实现了一种基于无线传感器网络的监测系统。 本系统将传感器节点部署在监测区域内,通过自组网的方式构成传感器网络,每个节点采集的数据经过多跳的方式路由到汇聚节点,汇聚节点将数据经过初步处理后存储到数据中心,远程用户可以通过网络访问采集的数据。基于CC2430无线单片机设计了无线传感器网络传感器节点,主要完成了温湿度传感器SHT10的软硬件设计和部分无线通讯程序的设计。以PXA270为处理器的汇聚节点,完成了嵌入式Linux系统的构建,将Linux2.6内核剪裁移植到平台上,并且实现了JFFS2根文件系统。为了方便调试和数据的传输,还开发了网络设备驱动程序。 测试表明,各个节点能够正确的采集温度和湿度信息,并且通信良好,信号稳定。本系统易于部署,降低了开发和维护成本,并且可以通过无线通信方式获取数据或进行远程控制,使用和维护方便。 关键词:无线传感器网络,环境监测,温湿度传感器,嵌入式Linux,设备驱动

Abstract Wireless Sensor Network, a new intelligent control and monitoring network combining sensor technology with computer and communication technology, has become a hot spot in the field of wireless communication. With the improvement of living standards, people pay more attention to environmental issues. Because of the high maintenance cost and complexity of dispose, traditional environmental monitoring system is restricted in several applications. In order to surveil the temperature and humidity of the environment, a new surveillance system based on WSN is implemented in this thesis. Sensor nodes are placed in the surveillance area casually and they construct ad hoc network automatieally. Sensor nodes send the collection data to the sink node via multi-hop routing, which is determined by a specific routing protocol. Then sink node reveives data and sends it to the remoted database server, remote users can access data through Internet. The wireless sensor network node is designed based on a wireless mcu CC2430, in which we mainly design the temperature and humidity sensors’ hardware and software as well as part of the wireless communications program. Sink node's processors is PXA270, in which we construct the sink node embedded Linux System. Port the Linux2.6 core to the platform, then implement the JFFS2 root file system. In order to facilitate debugging and data transmission, the thesis also develops the network device driver. Testing showed that each node can collect the right temperature and humidity information, and the communication is stable and good. The system is easy to deploy so the development and maintenance costs is reduced, it can be obtained data through wireless communication. It's easy to use and maintain. Key Words: Wireless Sensor Network, Environment Monitoring, Temperature and Humidity Sensor, Embedded Linux, Device Drivers


无线传感器网络试题 库1

《无线传感器网络》 一、填空题(每题4分,共计60分) 1.传感器网络的三个基本要素:传感器、感知对象、用户(观察者) 2.传感器网络的基本功能:协作式的感知、数据采集、数据处理、发布感知 信息 3、 3.无线传感器节点的基本功能:采集数据、数据处理、控制、通信 4.无线通信物理层的主要技术包括:介质选择、频段选取、调制技术、扩频 技术 5.扩频技术按照工作方式的不同,可以分为以下四种:直接序列扩频、跳 频、跳时、宽带线性调频扩频 6.定向扩散路由机制可以分为三个阶段:兴趣扩展阶段、梯度建立阶段、路 径加强阶段 7.无线传感器网络特点:大规模网络、自组织网络、可靠的网络、以数据为 中心的网络、应用相关的网络 8.无线传感器网络的关键技术主要包括:网络拓扑控制、网络协议、时间同 步、定位技术、数据融合及管理、网络安全、应用层技术 9.IEEE 802.15.4标准主要包括:物理层。介质访问控制层 10.简述无线传感器网络后台管理软件结构与组成:后台管理软件通常由数据 库、数据处理引擎、图形用户界面和后台组件四个部分组成。 11.数据融合的内容主要包括:多传感器的目标探测、数据关联、跟踪与识 别、情况评估和预测 12.无线传感器网络可以选择的频段有:_800MHz___915M__、2.4GHz、___5GHz

13.传感器网络的电源节能方法:_休眠(技术)机制、__数据融合 14.传感器网络的安全问题:(1) 机密性问题。 (2) 点到点的消息认证问题。 (3) 完整性鉴别问题。 15.802.11规定三种帧间间隔:短帧间间隔SIFS,长度为 28 s a)、点协调功能帧间间隔PIFS长度是 SIFS 加一个时隙(slot)长度,即 78 s b)分布协调功能帧间间隔DIFS ,DIFS长度=PIFS +1个时隙长度,DIFS 的长度为 128 s 16.任意相邻区域使用无频率交叉的频道是,如:1、6、11频道。 17.802.11网络的基本元素SSID标示了一个无线服务,这个服务的内容包括 了:接入速率、工作信道、认证加密方法、网络访问权限等 18.传感器是将外界信号转换为电信号的装置,传感器一般由敏感元件、转换 元件、转换电路三部分组成 19.传感器节点由传感器模块、处理器模块、无线通信模块和能量供应模块四 部分组成 20.物联网是在计算机互联网的基础上,利用RFID、无线数据通信等技术,构 造一个覆盖万物的网络。RIFD无线识别、嵌入式系统技术、能量供给模块和纳米技术列为物联网关键技术。 二、基本概念解释(每题5分,共40分) 1.简述无线网络介质访问控制方法CSMA/CA的工作原理 CSMA/CA机制:


计算机网络攻击常见手法及防范措施 一、计算机网络攻击的常见手法 互联网发展至今,除了它表面的繁荣外,也出现了一些不良现象,其中黑客攻击是最令广大网民头痛的事情,它是计算机网络安全的主要威胁。下面着重分析黑客进行网络攻击的几种常见手法及其防范措施。 (一)利用网络系统漏洞进行攻击 许多网络系统都存在着这样那样的漏洞,这些漏洞有可能是系统本身所有的,如WindowsNT、UNIX等都有数量不等的漏洞,也有可能是由于网管的疏忽而造成的。黑客利用这些漏洞就能完成密码探测、系统入侵等攻击。 对于系统本身的漏洞,可以安装软件补丁;另外网管也需要仔细工作,尽量避免因疏忽而使他人有机可乘。 (二)通过电子邮件进行攻击 电子邮件是互联网上运用得十分广泛的一种通讯方式。黑客可以使用一些邮件炸弹软件或CGI程序向目的邮箱发送大量内容重复、无用的垃圾邮件,从而使目的邮箱被撑爆而无法使用。当垃圾邮件的发送流量特别大时,还有可能造成邮件系统对于正常的工作反映缓慢,甚至瘫痪,这一点和后面要讲到的“拒绝服务攻击(DDoS)比较相似。 对于遭受此类攻击的邮箱,可以使用一些垃圾邮件清除软件来解决,其中常见的有SpamEater、Spamkiller等,Outlook等收信软件同样也能达到此目的。 (三)解密攻击 在互联网上,使用密码是最常见并且最重要的安全保护方法,用户时时刻刻都需要输入密码进行身份校验。而现在的密码保护手段大都认密码不认人,只要有密码,系统就会认为你是经过授权的正常用户,因此,取得密码也是黑客进行攻击的一重要手法。取得密码也还有好几种方法,一种是对网络上的数据进行监听。因为系统在进行密码校验时,用户输入的密码需要从用户端传送到服务器端,而黑客就能在两端之间进行数据监听。但一般系统在传送密码时都进行了加密处理,即黑客所得到的数据中不会存在明文的密码,这给黑客进行破解又提了一道难题。这种手法一般运用于局域网,一旦成功攻击者将会得到很大的操作权益。另一种解密方法就是使用穷举法对已知用户名的密码进行暴力解密。这种解密软件对尝试所有可能字符所组成的密码,但这项工作十分地费时,不过如果用户的密码设置得比较简单,如“12345”、“ABC”等那有可能只需一眨眼的功夫就可搞定。 为了防止受到这种攻击的危害,用户在进行密码设置时一定要将其设置得复杂,也可使用多层密码,或者变换思路使用中文密码,并且不要以自己的生日和电话甚至用户名作为密码,因为一些密码破解软件可以让破解者输入与被破解用户相关的信息,如生日等,然后对这些数据构成的密码进行优先尝试。另外应该经常更换密码,这样使其被破解的可能性又下降了不少。 (四)后门软件攻击 后门软件攻击是互联网上比较多的一种攻击手法。Back Orifice2000、冰河等都是比较著名的特洛伊木马,它们可以非法地取得用户电脑的超级用户级权利,可以对其进行完全的控制,除了可以进行文件操作外,同时也可以进行对方桌面抓图、取得密码等操作。这些后门软件分为服务器端和用户端,当黑客进行攻击时,会使用用户端程序登陆上已安装好服务器端程序的电脑,这些服务器端程序都比较小,一般会随附带于某些软件上。有可能当用户下载了一个小游戏并运行时,后门软件的服务器端就安装完成了,而且大部分后门软件的重生能力


无线网络优化设计方案 目录 目录 0 摘要 (1) 第一章GSM无线网络优化方法 (2) 1.1 简介 (2) 1.2产生原因 (2) 1.3实施方案 (3) 第二章网络优化常见问题及优化方案 (4) 2.1 网络常见问题 (4) 2.1.1 电话不通的现象 (4) 2.1.2 电话难打现象 (6) 2.1.3 掉话现象 (6) 2.1.4 局部区域话音质量较差 (7) 2.1.5 多径干扰 (8) 2.2 无线网络优化的目的 (9)

2.3 网络优化过程 (10) 2.4 无线网络优化分析工具 (14) 第三章RFID发射设备电磁兼容性研究情况 (15) 摘要 网络优化的工作流程具体包括五个方面:系统性能收集、数据分析及处理、制定网络优化方案、系统调整、重新制定网络优化目标。在网络优化时首先要通过OMC-R采集系统信息,还可通过用户申告、日常CQT测试和DT测试等信息完善问题的采集,了解用户对网络的意见及当前网络存在的缺陷,并对网络进行测试,收集网络运行的数据;然后对收集的数据进行分析及处理,找出问题发生的根源;根据数据分析处理的结果制定网络优化方案,并对网络进行系统调整。调整后再对系统进行信息收集,确定新的优化目标,周而复始直到问题解决,使网络进一步完善。 关键字:系统性能收集、数据分析及处理、制定网络优化方案、系统调整、重新制定网络优化目标

第一章GSM无线网络优化方法 1.1 简介 随着网络优化的深入进行,现阶段GSM无线网络优化的目标已越来越关注于用户对网络的满意程度,力争使网络更加稳定和通畅,使网络的系统指标进一步提高,网络质量进一步完善。 1.2 产生原因 通过前述的几种系统性收集的方法,一般均能发现问题的表象及大部分问题产生的原因。 数据分析与处理是指对系统收集的信息进行全面的分析与处理,主要对电测结果结合小区设计数据库资料,包括基站设计资料、天线资料、频率规划表等。通过对数据的分析,可以发现网络中存在的影响运行质量的问题。如频率干扰、软硬件故障、天线方向角和俯仰角存在问题、小区参数设置不合理、无线覆盖不好、环境干扰、系统忙等。数据分析与处理的结果直接影响到网络运行的质量和下一步将采


基于无线传感器网络的桥梁安全检测系统 摘要 根据桥梁监测无线传感器网络技术的桥梁安全监测系统,以实现方案的安全参数的需要;对整个系统的结构和工作原理的节点集、分簇和关键技术,虽然近年来在无线传感器网络中,已经证明了其潜在的提供连续结构响应数据进行定量评估结构健康,许多重要的问题,包括网络寿命可靠性和稳定性、损伤检测技术,例如拥塞控制进行了讨论。 关键词:桥梁安全监测;无线传感器网络的总体结构;关键技术 1 阻断 随着交通运输业的不断发展,桥梁安全问题受到越来越多人的关注。对于桥梁的建设与运行规律,而特设的桥梁检测的工作情况,起到一定作用,但是一座桥的信息通常是一个孤立的片面性,这是由于主观和客观因素,一些桥梁安全参数复杂多变[1]。某些问题使用传统的监测方法难以发现桥梁存在的安全风险。因此长期实时监测,预报和评估桥梁的安全局势,目前在中国乃至全世界是一个亟待解决的重要问题。 桥梁安全监测系统的设计方案,即通过长期实时桥跨的压力、变形等参数及测试,分析结构的动力特性参数和结构的评价科关键控制安全性和可靠性,以及问题的发现并及时维修,从而确保了桥的安全和长期耐久性。 近年来,桥梁安全监测技术已成为一个多学科的应用,它是在结构工程的传感器技术、计算机技术、网络通讯技术以及道路交通等基础上引入现代科技手段,已成为这一领域中科学和技术研究的重点。 无线传感器网络技术,在桥梁的安全监测系统方案的实现上,具有一定的参考价值。 无线传感器网络(WSN)是一种新兴的网络科学技术是大量的传感器节点,通过自组织无线通信,信息的相互传输,对一个具体的完成特定功能的智能功能的协调的专用网络。它是传感器技术的一个结合,通过集成的嵌入式微传感器实时监控各类计算机技术、网络和无线通信技术、布式信息处理技术、传感以及无线发送收集到的环境或各种信息监测和多跳网络传输到用户终端[2]。在军事、工业和农业,环境监测,健康,智能交通,安全,以及空间探索等领域无线传感器网络具有广泛应用前景和巨大的价值。 一个典型的无线传感器网络,通常包括传感器节点,网关和服务器,如图1


无线传感器网络试题 一填空题 1、传感器是一种检测装置,能感受到被测量的信息,并能将检测感受到的信息,按一定规律变换成为电信号或其他所需形式的信息输出,以满足信息的传输、处理、存储、显示、记录和控制等要求。 2、感知目标、网络节点、用户构成了无线传感器网络的三个要素。 3、无线传感器网络的通信协议栈包括物理层、数据链路层、网络层、传输层和应用层与互联网协议栈的五层协议相对应 4、无线传感器网络的产业化障碍包括四个方面。它们分别是:大规模组网问题、大规模组网问题实用化低功耗技术、微型化加剧信号串扰、可靠性提高资源需求 二、判断题 1、无线通信是利用电磁波信号可以在自由空间中传播的特性进行信息交换的一种通信方式(对) 2、SINK节点:亦称网关节点,与簇头结点的功能完全相同。(错) 3、通过拓扑控制自动生成的良好的网络拓扑结构,能够提高路由协议和MAC协议的效率,可为数据融合、时间同步和目标定位等很多方面奠定基础,有利于节省节点的能量来延长网络的生存期。(对) 4、美国军方最先开始无线传感器网络技术的研究。(对) 三、选择题

1、最先开始无线传感器网络技术的研究的国家是(B) A中国B美国C日本D韩国 2、无线传感器网络的特点包括(C) (1)可快速部署 (2)可自组织 (3)隐蔽性强和高容错性 (4)成本高,代价大 A (1)(2)(4) B (2)(3)(4) C (1)(2)(3) D(1)(3)(4) 3、将“信息社会技术”作为优先发展领域之一。其中多处涉及对WSN 的研究,启动了EYES 等研究计划的组织是(D) A日本总务省 B韩国信息通信部 C美国国防部 D欧盟 4、与无线传感器网络的兴起无关的技术是(A) A虚拟运营技术 B无线通信 C片上系统(SOC) D低功耗嵌入式技术


几种常见网络攻击的方法与对策研究 【摘要】随着计算机网络的普及和发展,我们的生活和工作都越来越依赖于网络,与此相关的网络安全问题也随之凸现出来。论文分析并探讨了一般性的网络攻击原理和手段,其中对IP Spoofing攻击方法和SYN Flooding作了详尽的讨论,最后提出了未来网络攻击方式演变的四种可能攻击趋势。 【关键词】网络攻击;IP Spoofing;SYN Flooding;攻击趋势 在网络这个不断更新换代的世界里,网络中的安全漏洞无处不在。即便旧的安全漏洞补上了,新的安全漏洞又将不断涌现。网络攻击正是利用这些存在的漏洞和安全缺陷对系统和资源进行攻击。网络攻击主要是通过信息收集、分析、整理以后,发现目标系统漏洞与弱点,有针对性地对目标系统(服务器、网络设备与安全设备)进行资源入侵与破坏,机密信息窃取、监视与控制的活动。 1RLA(Remote to Local Attacks)网络攻击的原理和手法 RLA是一种常见的网络攻击手段,它指的是在目标主机上没有账户的攻击者获得该机器的当地访问权限,从机器中过滤出数据、修改数据等的攻击方式。RLA也是一种远程攻击方法。远程攻击的一般过程:1)收集被攻击方的有关信息,分析被攻击方可能存在的漏洞;2)建立模拟环境,进行模拟攻击,测试对方可能的反应;3)利用适当的工具进行扫描;4)实施攻击。 IP Spoofing是一种典型的RLA攻击,它通过向主机发送IP包来实现攻击,主要目的是掩护攻击者的真实身份,使攻击者看起来像正常的用户或者嫁祸于其他用户。攻击过程可简单描述如下:①攻击端-SYN(伪造自己的地址)-被攻击端; ②伪造的地址SYN-ACK被攻击端;③被攻击端等待伪装端的回答。IP Spoofing 攻击过程见图1,具体描述如下:①假设I企图攻击A,而A信任B。②假设I 已经知道了被信任的B,使B的网络功能暂时瘫痪,以免对攻击造成干扰。因此,在实施IP Spoofing攻击之前常常对B进行SYN Flooding攻击。③I必须确定A 当前的ISN。④I向A发送带有SYN标志的数据段请求连接,只是信源IP改成了B。A向B回送SYN+ACK数据段,B已经无法响应,B的TCP层只是简单地丢弃A的回送数据段。⑤I暂停,让A有足够时间发送SYN+ ACK,然后I 再次伪装成B向A发送ACK,此时发送的数据段带有I预测的A的ISN+1。如果预测准确,连接建立,数据传送开始。如果预测不准确,A将发送一个带有RST标志的数据段异常终止连接,I重新开始。 IP Spoofing攻击利用了RPCN服务器仅仅依赖于信源IP地址进行安全校验的特性,攻击最困难的地方在于预测A的ISN。 图1IP Spoofing攻击过程 2拒绝服务DoS (Denial of Service)攻击 拒绝服务攻击指一个用户占据了大量的共享资源,使系统没有剩余的资源给其他用户使用的攻击方式。拒绝服务可以用来攻击域名服务器、路由器及其它网络操作服务,使CPU、磁盘空间、打印机、调制解调器等资源的可加性降低。拒绝服务的典型攻击方法有SYN Flooding、Ping Flooding、Land、Smurf、Ping of catch等类型。这里主要分析SYN Flooding攻击。 当一个主机接收到大量不完全连接请求而超出其所能处理的范围时,就会发生SYN Flooding攻击。在通常情况下,希望通过TCP连接来交换数据的主机必须使用3次握手进行任务初始化。SYN Flooding攻击就是基于阻止3次握手的


1武警部队监控平台架构介绍与设计 1.1监控系统的系统结构 基站监控系统的结构组成如上图所示,主要由三个大的部分构成,分别是监控中心、监控站点、监控单元。整个系统从资金、功能以及方便维护性出发,我们采用了干点加节点方式的监控方法。 监控中心(SC):SC的定义是指整个系统的中心枢纽点,控制整个分监控站,主要的功能是起管理作用和数据处理作用。一般只在市级包括(地、州)设置相应的监控中心,位置一般在武警部队的交换中心机房内或者指挥中心大楼内。 区域监控中心(SS):又称分点监控站,主要是分散在各个更低等级的区县,主要功能是监控自己所负责辖区的所有基站。对于固话网络,区域监控中心的管辖范围为一个县/区;移动通信网络由于其组网不同于固话本地网,则相对弱化了这一级。区域监控中心SS的机房内的设备配置与SC的差不多,但是不同的是功能不同以及SS的等级低于SC,SS的功能主要是维护设备和监控。 监控单元(SU):是整个监控系统中等级最低的单元了,它的功能就是监控并且起供电,传输等等作用,主要由SM和其他供电设备由若干监控模块、辅助设备构成。SU侧集成有无线传感网络微设备,比如定位设备或者光感,温感设备等等。 监控模块(SM):SM是监控单元的组成部分之一,主要作用监控信息的采集功能以及传输,提供相应的通信接口,完成相关信息的上传于接收。

2监控系统的分级管理结构及监控中心功能 基站监控系统的组网分级如果从管理上来看,主要采用两级结构:CSC集中监控中心和现场监控单元。CSC主要设置在运营商的枢纽大楼,主要功能为数据处理,管理远程监控单元,对告警信息进行分类统计,可实现告警查询和存储的功能。一般管理员可以在CSC实现中心调度的功能,并将告警信息进行分发。而FSU一般针对具体的某一个基站,具体作用于如何采集数据参数并进行传输。CSC集中监控中心的需要对FSU采集的数据参数进行报表统计和分析,自动生产图表并为我们的客户提供直观,方便的可视化操作,为维护工作提供依据,维护管理者可以根据大量的分析数据和报表进行快速反应,以最快的速度发现网络的故障点和优先处理点,将人力资源使用在刀刃上。监控中心CSC系统的功能中,还有维护管理类,具体描述如下: 1)实时报警功能 该系统的报警功能是指发现机房里的各种故障后,通过声音,短信,主界面显示的方式及时的上报给操作者。当机房内的动力环境,空调,烟感,人体红外等等发生变量后,这些数据通过基站监控终端上传到BTS再到BSC。最后由数据库进行分类整理后存储到SQLSEVRER2000中。下面介绍主要的几种报警方式: 2)声音报警 基站发生告警后,系统采集后,会用声卡对不一样的告警类别发出对应的语音提示。比如:声音的设置有几种,主要是以鸣叫的长短来区分的。为便于引起现场维护人员的重视紧急告警可设置为长鸣,不重要的告警故障设置为短鸣。这样一来可以用声音区分故障的等级,比方某地市的中心交换机房内相关告警声音设置,它的开关电源柜当平均电流达到40AH的时候,提示声音设置为长鸣,并立即发生短信告警工单。如果在夜晚机房无人值守的情况下:


无线传感器网络的应用与影响因素分析 摘要:无线传感器网络在信息传输、采集、处理方面的能力非常强。最初,由于军事方面的需要,无线传感网络不断发展,传感器网络技术不断进步,其应用的范围也日益广泛,已从军事防御领域扩展以及普及到社会生活的各个方面。本文全面描述了无线传感器网络的发展过程、研究领域的现状和影响传感器应用的若干因素。关键词:无线传感器网络;传感器节点;限制因素 applications of wireless sensor networks and influencing factors analysis liu peng (college of computer science,yangtze university,jingzhou434023,china) abstract:wireless sensor networks in the transmission of informa- tion,collecting,processing capacity is very strong.initially,due to the needs of the military aspects of wireless sensor networks,the continuous development of sensor network technology continues to progress its increasingly wide range of applications,from military defense field to expand and spread to various aspects of social life.a comprehensive description of the development


博通公司 计算机网络无线建设项目 技 术 方 案 开拓有限责任公司 2011年12月

目录 前言---------------------------------------------------------------------------3 公司介绍---------------------------------------------------------------------3 项目概况---------------------------------------------------------------------4 需求分析---------------------------------------------------------------------5 无线网络设计思路---------------------------------------------------------8 售后服务承诺--------------------------------------------------------------------17 总结---------------------------------------------------------------------------------18

一、前言 随着计算机应用技术的普及和国民经济信息化的发展,客户/服务器计算、分布式处理、国际互连网(Internet)、内部网(Intranet)等技术被广泛接受和应用,计算机的联网需求迅速扩大,网络在各行各业的应用越来越广。目前尽管有线网络以其传输速度高,产品品牌及数量众多和技术发展速度快等优点,在市场上有较高的知名度和较大的市场份额,但是在一些特殊的环境和特定的行业里依然有许多令IT数据管理公司头疼多年的LAN(网络/局域网)布线问题存在。 随着wireless(无线)技术的出现,在诸多计算机联网技术中,无线网(Wireless Network)以其无需布线、在一定区域漫游、运行费用低廉等优点,在许多这些应用场合发挥着其他联网技术不可替代的作用。随着无线局域网应用逐渐增多,它将扩展有线局域网或在某些情况下取而代之。可以预期,在未来信息无所不在的时代,无线网 将依靠其无法比拟的灵活性,可移动性和极强的可扩容性,使人们 真正享受到简单、方便、快捷的连接。 二、公司介绍 开拓网络科技有限公司阿是巴南地区发展最快、综合实力最强的一级工程专业承包企业,公司以先进的网络技术为超过300家客户提供各种无线网络的搭建服务。它当初的注册资本高达500万,可承担工程合同额2000万元以下的各类通信工程。多年来在网站开发、网络营销与网络搭建等方面取得巨大成功,并以其优质的服务、快速的响应在客户与同行中享有很好的声誉。我们秉承“服务至上”的理念,


一、课题研究目的 针对目前中国的交叉路口多,车流量大,交通混乱的现象研究一种控制交通信号灯的基于无线传感器的智能交通系统。 二、课题背景 随着经济的快速发展,生活方式变得更加快捷,城市的道路也逐渐变得纵横交错,快捷方便的交通在人们生活中占有及其重要的位置,而交通安全问题则是重中之重。据世界卫生组织统计,全世界每年死于道路交通事故的人数约有120 万,另有数100 万人受伤。中国拥有全世界1. 9 %的汽车,引发的交通事故占了全球的15 % ,已经成为交通事故最多发的国家。2000 年后全国每年的交通事故死亡人数约在10 万人,受伤人数约50万,其中60 %以上是行人、乘客和骑自行车者。中国每年由于汽车安全方面所受到的损失约为5180 亿(人民币),死亡率为9 人/ 万·车,因此,有效地解决交通安全问题成为摆在人们面前一个棘手的问题。 在中国,城市的道路纵横交错,形成很多交叉口,相交道路的各种车辆和行人都要在交叉口处汇集通过。而目前的交通情况是人车混行现象严重,非机动车的数量较大,路口混乱。由于车辆和过街行人之间、车辆和车辆之间、特别是非机动车和机动车之间的干扰,不仅会阻滞交通,而且还容易发生交通事故。根据调查数据统计,我国发生在交叉口的交通事故约占道路交通事故的1/ 3,在所有交通事故类型中居首位,对交叉口交通安全影响最大的是冲突点问题,其在很大程度上是由于信号灯配时不合理(如黄灯时间太短,驾驶员来不及反应),以及驾驶员不遵循交通信号灯,抢绿灯末或红灯头所引发交通流运行的不够稳定。随着我国经济的快速发展,私家车也越来越多,交通控制还是延续原有的定时控制,在车辆增加的基础上,这种控制弊端也越来越多的体现出来,造成了十字交叉路口的交通拥堵和秩序混乱,严重的影响了人们的出行。智能交通中的信号灯控制显示出了越来越多的重要性。国外已经率先开展了智能交通方面的研究。 美国VII系统(vehicle infrastructure integration),利用车辆与车辆、车辆与路边装置的信息交流实现某些功能,从而提高交通的安全和效率。其功能主要有提供天气信息、路面状况、交叉口防碰撞、电子收费等。目前发展的重点主要集中在2个应用上: ①以车辆为基础; ②以路边装置为基础。欧洲主要是CVIS 系统(cooperative vehicle infrastructure system)。它有60 多个合作者,由布鲁塞尔的ERTICO 组织统筹,从2006 年2 月开始到2010年6月,工作期为4年。其目标是开发出集硬件和软件于一体的综合交流平台,这个平台能运用到车辆和路边装置提高交通管理效率,其中车辆不仅仅局限于私人小汽车,还包括公共交通和商业运输。日本主要的系统是UTMS 21 ( universal traffic management system for the 21st century , UTMS 21)。是以ITS 为基础的综合系统概念,由NPA (National Police Agency) 等5个相关部门和机构共同开发的,是继20 世纪90 年代初UTMS 系统以来的第2代交通管理系统,DSSS是UTMS21中保障安全的核心项目,用于提高车辆与过街行人的安全。因此,从国外的交通控制的发展趋势可以看出,现代的交通控制向着智能化的方向发展,大多采用计算机技术、自动化控制技术和无线传感器网络系统,使车辆行驶和道路导航实现智能化,从而缓解道路交通拥堵,减少交通事故,改善道路交通环境,节约交通能源,减轻驾驶疲劳等功能,最终实现安全、舒适、快速、经济的交通环境。


无线传感器网络技术试 题 Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998

一、填空题 1. 传感器网络的三个基本要素:传感器、感知对象、用户(观察者) 2. 传感器网络的基本功能:协作式的感知、数据采集、数据处理、发布感知信息 3. 无线传感器节点的基本功能:采集数据、数据处理、控制、通信 4. 传感节点中处理部件用于协调节点各个部分的工作的部件。 5. 基站节点不属于传感器节点的组成部分 6. 定向扩散路由机制可以分为三个阶段:兴趣扩展阶段、梯度建立阶段、路径加强阶段 7. 无线传感器网络特点:大规模网络、自组织网络、可靠的网络、以数据为中心的网络、应用相关的网络 8. NTP时间同步协议不是传感器网络的的时间同步机制。 物理层。介质访问控制层 10. 从用户的角度看,汇聚节点被称为网关节点。 11. 数据融合的内容主要包括:多传感器的目标探测、数据关联、跟踪与识别、情况评估和预测 13. 传感器网络的电源节能方法:_休眠(技术)机制、__数据融合 14. 分布式系统协同工作的基础是时间同步机制 15. 无线网络可以被分为有基础设施的网络与没有基础设施的网络,在无线传感器网络,Internet网络,WLan网络,拨号网络中,无线传感器网络属于没有基础设施的网络。 16. 传感器网络中,MAC层与物理层采用的是IEEE制定的IEEE协议

17. 分级结构的传感器网络可以解决平面结构的拥塞问题 18. 以数据为中心特点是传感器网络的组网特点,但不是Ad-Hoc的组网特点 19. 为了确保目标节点在发送ACK过程中不与其它节点发生冲突,目标节点使用了SIFS帧间间隔 20. 典型的基于竞争的MAC协议为CSMA 二、选择题 1.无线传感器网络的组成模块分为:通信模块、()、计算模块、存储模块和电源模块。A A.传感模块模块 C网络模块 D实验模块 2..在开阔空间无线信号的发散形状成()。A A.球状 B网络 C直线 D射线 3.当前传感器网络应用最广的两种通信协议是()D A. B. C. D. 4.ZigBee主要界定了网络、安全和应用框架层,通常它的网络层支持三种拓扑结构,下列哪种不是。D A.星型结构、B网状结构C簇树型结构D树形结构 5.下面不是传感器网络的支撑技术的技术。B A.定位技术B节能管理C时间同步D数据融合 6.下面不是无线传感器网络的路由协议具有的特点D A.能量优先 B.基于局部拓扑信息 C.以数据为中心 D预算相关 7.下面不是限制传感器网络有的条件C A电源能量有限 B通信能力受限 C环境受限 D计算和存储能力受限


无线传感器网络的研究现状及发展 默认分类 2008-06-12 18:19:20 阅读910 评论0 字号:大中小 摘要:无线传感器网络(WSN>综合了传感器技术、微电子机械系统(MEMS>嵌入式计算技术.分布式信息处理技术和无线通信技术,能够协作地实时感知、采集、处理和传输各种环境或监测对象的信息.具有十分广阔的应用前景,成为国内外学术界和工业界新的研究领域研究热点。本文简要介绍了无线传感器网络的网络结构、节点组成,分析了无线传感器网络的特点及其与现有网络的区别。进而介绍现有无线传感器网络中的MAC层技术、路由技术、节点技术和跨层设计等关键技术。最后展望无线传俄器网络的应用和发展并指出关键技术的进步将起到决定性的促进作用。 关键词:无线传感器网络节点 MAC层路由协议跨层设计 Abstract: Wireless sensor network (WSN> is integration of sensor techniques, Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems, embedded computation techniques, distributed computation techniques and wireless communication technique. They can be used for sensing, collecting, processing and transferring information of monitored objects for users. As a new research area and interest hotspot of academia and industries, Wireless Sensor Network(WSN> has a wide application future. This paper briefly introduced the wireless sensor network of networks, nodes, the analysis of the characteristics of wireless sensor networks and the differences wih the existing networks. And the MAC layer technology, routing technology, joint cross-layer design technology and key technology are introduced . At last the prospects of wireless sensor network are discussed in this article. Key Words: Wireless Sensor Network, node, MAC, routing protocol, Cross-layer design 一、概述 随着通信技术、嵌入式计算技术和传感器技术的发展进步,包括微电子机械系统


潍坊学院计算机工程学院 课程设计说明书 课程名称:网络系统集成综合设计 设计项目:无线校园网方案设计 学生姓名:潘彬彬 学号: 专业:网络工程 班级:2011级2班 指导教师:赵艳杰 2014 年9 月 一、任务与具体要求 设计一套较为完整的无线网络,以满足学校师生教学、办公、娱乐以及无线应急等项目。 二、设计说明书包括的内容 1、需求分析 2、无线网络的具体设计与实现 3、网络安全防护措施 三、应完成的图纸 四、评语及成绩 指导教师(签字)_____________ ________年____月____日

目录 一、前言...................................................... 1.1概述 ............................................................................................................................................... 1.2需求分析 ....................................................................................................................................... 1.2.1建设背景............................................................................................................................. 1.2.2总体建设目标..................................................................................................................... 1.2.3具体实施目标..................................................................................................................... 1.3校园无线网在教育中的发展与应用............................................................................................ 1.3.1教学网络............................................................................................................................. 1.3.2图书馆网络......................................................................................................................... 1.3.3行政办公网络..................................................................................................................... 1.3.4教工、学生宿舍网络......................................................................................................... 1.3.5无线应急网络..................................................................................................................... 二、校园无线网的设计方案...................................... 2.1概述 ............................................................................................................................................... 2.2 WLAN 的工作机制...................................................................................................................... 2.3硬件设备的选购............................................................................................................................ 2.3.1核心交换机的选购............................................................................................................. 2.3.2 POE交换机的选购 ............................................................................................................ 2.3.3光纤收发器的选购............................................................................................................. 2.3.4服务器的选购..................................................................................................................... 2.3.5无线路由器的选购............................................................................................................. 2.4校园无线网设计分析.................................................................................................................... 2.4.1设计原则............................................................................................................................. 2.5设计方案 ....................................................................................................................................... 2.5.1主要拓朴图......................................................................................................................... 2.5.2校园无线网络的三种典型应用及解决方案..................................................................... 三、安全防范.................................................. 3.1概述 ............................................................................................................................................... 3.2无线局域网的安全认证................................................................................................................ 3.2.1开放认证............................................................................................................................. 3.2.2共享密钥认证..................................................................................................................... 3.3安全运维管理................................................................................................................................ 3.4无线安全问题及对应策略............................................................................................................ 四、结束语.................................................... 五、参考文献..................................................

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