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A absence n.缺席,不在场,缺乏absorb vt.吸收,使专心 abstract a.抽象的n.摘要academic a.学院的,学术的access n.接近,通道,入口accordingly ad.因此,依照account n.记述,解释,帐目 】 accurate a.准确的,正确无误的accuse vt.指责,归咎于 actor n.男演员 actress n.女演员 actual a.实际的,现行的 adapt vt.使适应,改编 admire vt.钦佩,羡慕,赞赏admit vt.承认,准许…进入 ; adopt vt.收养,采用,采取 adult n.成年人a.成年的 advance vi.前进,提高n.进展adventure n.冒险,惊险活动 affair n.事情,事件,事务 affect vt.影响,感动 afterward (s) ad. 后来,以后,随后agent n.代理人,代理商 ¥ agriculture n.农业,农艺,农学ahead ad.在前,向前,提前 aid n.帮助,救护,助手 aim vi.瞄准,针对,致力 aircraft n.飞机,飞行器 alarm n.惊恐,忧虑,警报 album n.集邮本,照相簿,唱片alcohol n.酒精,乙醇 ! altogether ad.完全,总而言之amaze vt.使惊奇,使惊愕ambition n.雄心,抱负,野心amount n.总数,数量,和amuse vt.逗…乐,给…娱乐analyze vt.分析,分解,解析ancestor n.祖宗,祖先 anger n.怒,愤怒vt.使发怒 ( angle n.角,角度 anniversary n.周年纪念日announce vt.宣布,发表 annoy vt.使恼怒,打搅 anxious a.忧虑的,渴望的anyhow ad.无论如何 apart ad.相隔,分开,除去apartment n.一套公寓房间 . apologize vi.道歉,谢罪,认错appearance n.出现,来到,外观apply vt.应用,实施,使用appointment n.任命,约定,约会appreciate vt.欣赏,领会,感谢approach vt.向…靠近n.靠近architecture n.建筑学,建筑式样argue vi.争论,争辩,辩论 % arrange vt.筹备,整理,调解arrest vt.逮捕,拘留 arrival n.到达,到达者


1.enthusiastic热情的 2.recognize认出 3.dramatist剧作家 4.ruin毁坏 5.hardship困难 6.sever严厉的 7.financial经济的 8.depression沮丧 9.insistence坚持 10.aggressive好斗的 11.sentiment感情 12.failure失败 13.anniversary周年纪念 14.operation操作 15.surgery外科手术 16.foundation基础 17.brochure手册 18.advantage优势 19.postage邮费

20.quality质量 21.classic传统的 22.introduce介绍 23.appreciative感激的 https://www.doczj.com/doc/de4909810.html,bination联合 25.scholarship奖学金 26.income收入 27.modest谦虚的 28.solution解决方法 29.at least最少 30.amount数量 31.financial经济的 32.apply for申请 33.tuition学费 34.average平均的 35.hard困难 36.profitable有利的 37.external外部的 https://www.doczj.com/doc/de4909810.html,municate交流

39.condition条件 40.prevent防止 41.interpret解释 https://www.doczj.com/doc/de4909810.html,mand要求 43.motorize使机动化 44.react反应 45.object物体 46.signal信号 47.simple简单的 48.patient耐心的49.guarantee保证 50.alarm警报 51.roll卷 52.extremely极度的 53.choose选择 54.pour down倒入 55.limit限制 56.refuse拒绝 57.extend扩大 58.energy能量


1、prosecute [ 'prosikjuit] vt.对…提起公诉,告发,检举;继续从事w.起诉, 【记】词根记忆: pro(向前、大量的)+secut(跟随)+e:大量跟随:该被检举了!向前跟随:继续从事 2、transition [traen'zijan] n.过渡,转变 区分transit 运输 区分transient 转瞬即逝的 3、casualty [ 'kaesuslti] n.伤亡人员,受害人 【记】来自casual (a办偶然的):偶然遇害了 4、permeate [丨psimieit] v.弥漫,遍布,散布;渗入,渗透 【记】词根记忆:per(贯穿)+meat+e 空气中贯穿着肉味:弥漫! 5、pendulum [ 'pendjubm] n.摆,钟摆;摇摆不定的事态(或局面) 【记】词根记忆:pend(悬挂)+ulum ->o摇摆 6、refund [ 'rilfAnd] n.退款[rii'fAnd] vt.退还(钱款) 【记】词根记忆:re(向后)+fund(资金)-o退回资金-退款 7、linger [ Woga] w.(因不愿离开而)留恋徘徊;慢消失 【记】联想记忆:歌手(singer)留恋(linger)曾经的舞台 【短语】linger on继续存留 8、converge [k3niv3:d3] w.(在一点上)会合,互相靠拢;聚集,集中;(思想、观点等)十分 相似,相同 【记】词根记忆:con(共同)+verge(转)-转到一起-聚集 【记】联想记忆:in+cent(分,分币)+ive -用钱(分币)刺激-刺激,鼓励 9、associate [saujieit] no伙伴,同事v.(在思想上)把…联系在一起;使联


Day 1 1.square n.广场 2.stranger n.陌生人 3.practical adj.实用的 4.fan n.粉丝 5.avoid v.避免 6.dress v穿衣服n.裙子 7.basically adv.基本地 8.curiosity n.好奇心 9.mix v混合 10.harmful adj.有害的 11.engineer n.工程师 12.give out v赠送;分发 13.thus adv.因此 14.scared adj.害怕的 15.advance v.&n.提前 16.host v.主持n.主人 17.treat v对待;治疗;款待 18.opposite adj.相反的,对面的 19.lovely adj.可爱的 20.achievement n.成就,成果 21.protection n.保护 22.cut v切割n.伤口 23.decorate v装饰 24.bill n.账单 25.concert n.音乐会26.performance n.表演 27.worry v着急;担心 28.funny adj.有意思的 29.sympathy n.同情 30.equality n.平等 31.panic n.恐慌 32.tip n.建议;给小费 33.cave n.洞穴 34.huge adj.巨大的 35.dig v挖 36.branch n.分支 37.alive adj.活着的 38.shelter n.遮蔽物 39.various adj.各种各样的 40.available adj.可以得到的 41.volume n.音量 42.nationwide adj.全国的 43.loss n.损失 44.dialogue n.对话 45.depth n.深度 46.simple adj.简单的 47.interact v.交流 48.visible adj.可见的 49.wing n.翅膀 50.clumsy adj.笨拙的


1.abandon 抛弃,放弃 2.abnormal不正常的 3.absurd荒谬的 4.abundance 丰富,充裕 5.abundant丰富的 6.access (to) 入口,通路,接触 7.accessory 附件,附属品 8.accommodate 供给住宿,答应; 适应 9.accommodation 膳宿;和解,调解,适应 10.accurate 精确的,准确的 11.acknowledge 承认,供认;致谢,打招呼 12.acknowledgement 承认,感谢,致谢 13.acquaint 熟悉,认识,通晓 14.acquire 获得,得到 15.activate 使活波,激活 16.acute敏锐的,锋利的,急性的 17.addict (to) 沉溺于,嗜好 18.adequate 足够的,恰当的,合适的 19.adhere to 坚持,忠于 20.adjacent(to)毗连的,接近的 21.adjoin 邻近,接近,毗连 22.administer 管理,处理,治理,实行,实施 23.admiration 欣赏 24.admission 许可,入门费,门票;承认,供认 25.advocate提倡者,拥护者 26.adolescence 青年期 27.adolescent 青年,少年 28.adore 崇拜,敬爱,爱慕 29.adverse不利的,相反的 30.aerial空中的,航空的 31.aesthetic审美的,有审美能力的 32.affection 亲爱,爱意 33.affiliate 加盟,入会 34.affirm 肯定,断言 35.afflict 受折磨,使苦恼 36.afford 付得起,冒危险;供给,给予 37.aggravate 使恶化,使严重 38.aggregate 合计,总数 39.aggressive侵略的好斗的,进取的 40.agreeable宜人的,同意的 41.aisle 走廊,通道 42.alienate 离间,使不和,使疏远,转移,让渡allege 断言,宣称,提出 43.alien外国的,不同性质的 44.alleviate 减轻,缓和


100 1. the 2. of 3. and 4. a 5. to 6. in 7. is 8. you 9. that 10. it 11. he 12. was 13. for 14. on 15. are 16. as 17. with 18. his 19. they 20. I 21. at 22. be 23. this 24. have 25. from 26. or 27. one 28. had 29. by 30. word 31. but 32. not 33. what 34. all 35. were 36. we 37. when 38. your 39. can 40. said 41. there 42. use 43. an 44. each 45. which 46. she 47. do 48. how 49. their 50. if 51. will 52. up 53. other 54. about 55. out 56. many 57. then 58. them 59. these 60. so 61. some 62. her 63. would 64. make 65. like 66. him 67. into 68. time 69. has 70. look 71. two 72. more 73. write 74. go 75. see 76. number 77. no 78. way 79. could 80. people 81. my 82. than 83. first 84. water 85. been 86. call 87. who 88. oil 89. its 90. now 91. find 92. long 93. down 94. day 95. did 96. get 97. come 98. made 99. may 100. part 200 101. over 102. new 103. sound 104. take 105. only 106. little 107. work 108. know 109. place 110. year 111. live 112. me 113. back 114. give 115. most 116. very 117. after 121. name 122. good 123. sentence 124. man 125. think 126. say 127. great 128. where 129. help 130. through 131. much 132. before 133. line 134. right 135. too 136. mean 137. old 141. boy 142. follow 143. came 144. want 145. show 146. also 147. around 148. form 149. three 150. small 151. set 152. put 153. end 154. does 155. another 156. well 157. large 161. such 162. because 163. turn 164. here 165. why 166. ask 167. went 168. men 169. read 170. need 171. land 172. different 173. home 174. us 175. move 176. try 177. kind 181. change 182. off 183. play 184. spell 185. air 186. away 187. animal 188. house 189. point 190. page 191. letter 192. mother 193. answer 194. found 195. study 196. still 197. learn

220 sight words(220个英语高频词)

he down blue yellow write under to do red five always read and can from six drink why he could good walk once own a when any two soon found I did about or made wash you what around before run slow it so

want eat gave hot of see don't again open because in not how play has far was were know who find live said get right been only draw his them put may us clean that like too stop three grow she one got off

our best for this take never better upon on my where seven hold these they would every eight buy sing but me pretty cold funny together had will jump today warm please at yes green fly ate thank him big four myself full wish

with went away round those many up are old tell done shall all come by much use laugh look if their keep fast is now here give say her long saw work light there no call first pick some came after try hurt out


【每日特训】30天搞定高考英语1500个高频词(2030) 无论哪个年级、哪个阶段的学习复习,都不能忽视对词汇的积累。本套特训试题共30天,从高考考纲3500个词汇中精心筛选1500个左右高考高频词,供高三同学们在二轮复习和高一高二同学平时学习中每天挤时训练。选材均选自历年高考题及名校模拟题。只有有了丰富的词汇量,才能做到居高临下。今天推送第20天,望大家持之以恒,坚持30天! 第1天 /a—amount 第2天/amuse—awake 第3天/award—bread 第4天/break—character 第5天/charge—concern 第6天/concert—cupboard 第7天/cure—diverse

第8天/divide—enrich 第9天/ensure—feel 第10天/feeling—fun 第11天/funny—guitar 第12天/habit—himself 第13天/ hire—if 第14天/ignore—interval 第15天/interview—lecture 第16天/left—lung 第17天/machine—merely 第18天/merry—mystery 第19天/nail—occupy 第20天/occur—oxygen (训练日期5月31日) Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.Having studied in our school for two years, you certainly know what this city can______________ (提供) to the world.

2.______________(一旦) the damage is done, it will take many years for the farmland to recover. 3.The people ______________ (经营) these factories are deeply concerned about the environment. 4.I was wondering if you could share your______________(观点) on the topic. 5.(2018·全国卷Ⅱ)I am so curious about the history of our school that I mustn’t miss this excellent______________(机会)! 6.Most of the students interviewed last week ______________ (反对) having classes on Sunday. 7.I thought this medicine would make me sleep, but it had the______________ (相反的) effect. 8.I admire Helen because she is ______________(乐观的) about life. 9.I would appreciate it if you could give me some practical advice because you’ve ever ______________ (组织) such activities.


北京新课标必考 形容词、名词和动词300useful adjective 1.absent 2.afraid 3.alive 4.alone 5.angry 6.ashamed 7.asleep 8.attractive 9.available 10.average 11.aware 12.awful 13.bad 14.basic 15.beautiful 16.big 17.black 18.blank 19.blind 20.blue 21.brief 22.bright 23.broad 24.brown 25.busy 26.calm 27.careful 28.careless 29.charming 30.cheap 31.cheerful 32.chemical 33.chief 34.clean 35.clear 36.clever 37.cloudy 38.cold https://www.doczj.com/doc/de4909810.html,fortable https://www.doczj.com/doc/de4909810.html,mon https://www.doczj.com/doc/de4909810.html,plete https://www.doczj.com/doc/de4909810.html,plex 43.constant 44.convenient 45.cool 46.correct 47.crazy 48.cruel 49.curious 50.dangerous 51.dark 52.dead 53.deaf 54.dear 55.deep 56.definite 57.delicious 58.different 59.difficult 60.direct 61.dirty 62.double 63.dry 64.dull 65.eager 66.early 67.easy 68.electric 69.elementary 70.empty 71.entire 72.equal 73.essential 74.exact 75.excellent 76.extra 77.fair 78.false 79.familiar 80.famous 81.far 82.fast 83.fat 84.favorite 85.female 86.final 87.fine 88.flat 89.foolish 90.foreign 91.formal 92.fortunate 93.free 94.fresh


display n/vt陈列,展览equivalent a相等的a相等物erect a竖直的v建造,竖立fax n/vt传真 ferfile a肥沃的;多产的fertilizer n肥料 grateful a感激的 gratitude n感激 horror n恐怖 horrible a可怕的 Internet n国际互联网,因特网interpret v翻译,解释interpretation n解释,说明jungle n丛林,密林 knot n结vt把打成结 leak v漏,渗出 lean vi倾斜,倚,靠 leap vi跳跃modify vt修改 nylon n尼龙 onion n洋葱 powder n粉末 applicable a可应用的,适当的applicant n申请人 breadth n宽度conservation n保存,保护conservative a保守的 parallel n平行线;可相比拟的事物passion n激情,热情 passive a被动的,消极的 pat v/n轻拍,轻打 peak n山峰,顶点phenomenon n现象 reluctant a不情愿的,勉强的rely vi(on,upon)依赖,指望relevant a有关的,切题的

英语微信群是目前学习英语最有效的方法,群里都是说英语,没有半个中文,而且规则非常严格,是一个超级不错的英语学习环境,群里有好多英语超好的超牛逼的人,还有鬼佬和外国美眉。其实坦白说,如果自己一个人学习英语太孤独,太寂寞,没有办法坚持,好几次都会半途而废。只要你加入到那个群里以后,自己就会每天都能在群里坚持学,坚持不停地说和练,由于是付费群,群里的成员学习氛围非常强,每天的训练度都非常猛,本来很懒惰的你一下子就被感染了,不由自主地被带动起来参与操练,不好意思偷懒,别人的刻苦学习精神会不知不觉影响你, EYC英语微信群(群主vx601332975)可以彻底治好你的拖延症,里面学员都非常友好,总是给你不断的帮助和鼓励,让你学英语的路上重新燃起了斗志,因为每天都在运用,你的英语口语就能得到了迅猛的提升,现在可以随便给一个话题,都能用英文滔滔不绝的发表5分钟以上对这个话题的看法和观点,想提高英语口语的可以加入进来,It really works very well.reliable a可靠的 relief n轻松,宽慰;减轻reputation n名气,声誉rescue vt/n营救triangle n三角(形) sequence n连续;顺序shallow a浅的 shiver vi/n发抖


1000 most frequently used 1000 frequently used 1000 often used words in English speech words in English speech words in English speech 一千英语口语最常用单字 一千英语口语较常用单字一千英语口语常用单字A A A a above absence ability abroad acceptable able absolute access about abuse accountant absolutely accommodation achievement accept according acknowledge accident account activist achieve accurate ad across active addition act additional address action address adequate activity administration admire actual admit advance actually adopt advertisement add adult adviser advantage advise agenda affect affair agent afford afterwards aggressive afraid agency alter after ahead ambulance afternoon aid amend again aim analysis against aircraft angle age airline angry ago airport announcement


display n/vt 陈列,展览equivalent a 相等的a 相等物erect a 竖直的v 建造,竖立fax n/vt 传真 ferfile a 肥沃的;多产的fertilizer n 肥料 grateful a 感激的 gratitude n 感激 horror n 恐怖 horrible a 可怕的 Internet n 国际互联网,因特网interpret v 翻译,解释interpretation n 解释,说明jungle n 丛林,密林 knot n 结vt 把打成结 leak v 漏,渗出 lean vi 倾斜,倚,靠 leap vi 跳跃modify vt 修改 nylon n 尼龙 onion n 洋葱 powder n 粉末 applicable a 可应用的,适当的applicant n 申请人 breadth n 宽度 conservation n 保存,保护conservative a 保守的 parallel n 平行线;可相比拟的事物passion n 激情,热情 passive a 被动的,消极的 pat v/n 轻拍,轻打 peak n 山峰,顶点phenomenon n 现象 reluctant a 不情愿的,勉强的rely vi (on ,upon)依赖,指望relevant a 有关的,切题的

reliable a 可靠的 relief n 轻松,宽慰;减轻reputation n 名气,声誉rescue vt/n 营救 triangle n 三角(形) sequence n 连续;顺序 shallow a 浅的 shiver vi/n 发抖 shrug v/n 耸肩 signature n签名 sincere a 诚挚的,真诚的utilify n 功用,效用 utilise vt 利用 utter vt 说出a 完全的,彻底的variation n 变化,变动 vehicle n 交通工具,车辆applause n 鼓掌,掌声appliance n 器具,器械consent n 准许,同意vi (to)准许,同意conquer vt 征服 defect n 缺点,缺陷 delicate a 易碎的;娇弱的;精美的evolve v演变 evolution n 演变,进化 frown v/n 皱眉 frustrate vt 使沮丧 guarantee vt/n 保证 guilty a 内疚的;有罪的 jealous a 妒忌的 jeans n 牛仔裤 liquor n 酒,烈性酒 liter/litre n 升 modest a 谦虚道 molecule n 分子 orbit n 轨道v (绕)作轨道运行participate v (in)参与,参加


最常用英语1000词 这些都是英语中最常见的词,按使用频率顺序排列。1-100约占一半的书面材料,1-300约占65%的杂志周刊。1-1000约占80%使用覆盖率,是所有学生都必须熟读而且要拼写正确。 First Hundred Words Words 1 - 25 Words 26 - 50 Words 51 - 75 Words 75 - 100 The or will Number of one up no and had other way a by about could to word out people in but many my is not then than you what them first it were so been he we some call was when her who for your would oil on can make its are said like now as there him find with use into long his an time down they each has day I which look did at she two get be do more come this how write made have their go may from if see part 常见的后缀: -s, -ing, -ed, -er, -ly, -est Second Hundred Words Words 101 - 125 Words 126 - 150 Words 151 - 175 Words 176 - 200 over say set try new great put kind take help does picture only through another again little much well change work before large off


Pre-primer: a and away big blue can come down find for funny go help here I in is it jump little look make me my not one play red run say(said )see the three to two up we where yellow you Primer: all am are at eat (ate )be black brown but come (came)did do eat four get good have he into like must new no now on our out please pretty run(ran)ride see(saw)say she so soon that there they this too under want is(was)well go(went)what white who will with yes Grade One: after again an any ask as by could every fly from give going had has her him his how just know let live may of old once open over put round some stop take thank them then think walk were when Grade two: always around because been before best both buy call cold does don ’t fast first five found gave goes green its made many off or pull push read right sing sit sleep tell their these those upon us use very wash which

核心高频 985 词汇(高中英语)

核心高频985 词汇 使用说明 前有古人,后有来者,念单词书之多多,独拜我985 膝下!同学们,我是你们等待已久的高考真题核心词汇,请叫我985(提领拉低帽檐)!我从132 套真题卷中近12 万个单词中来,从考频软件1000 多次甄选的枪林弹雨中考验过关,又经高考编委老师的反复雕琢,最后才有了这么苗条的我,毕竟,浓缩的都是精华嘛(害羞!) 第一部分,那是外在的我---高考真题核心985 词汇,左边有序号、考频和单词,右边有音标和精选的考试词义,总共985 个单词。如此你还会为考试单词意思多而发愁吗?你还担心词汇不过关吗?看到这里你是不是已经默默地合上了其他的《**词汇宝典》,或《词汇**真经》。 最后请允许我提醒大家,在使用之前,请认真阅读并实践编委老师在第二部分提供的记单词锦囊---词汇背诵小贴士。看看有哪些记单词的习惯和方法自己可以学习和改善。 发狠背这本985,解决词汇问题,干掉高考英语。 兄弟们,努力吧。做好迎接高考胜利的准备。

序号考频单词音标词义词源 1 149 mean [mi?n] adj.吝啬的;卑鄙的B1M3 2 148 well [wel] n.井;adj. & adv.好的B1M3 3 130 author ['??θ?] n.著作者;作家B3M3 4 81 press [pres] n.压v.按;逼迫B5M3 5 61 passage ['p?s?d?] n.船费;通道;段B3M3 6 5 7 means [m??nz] n.手段;方法B8M1 7 55 refer [r??f?:(r)] v.谈到;查阅;参考B4M1 8 46 direct [d?'rekt] v.导演;adj.直接的B4M3 9 46 guide [ga?d] n.指导;向导v. 指引B5M3 10 40 title ['ta?tl] n.标题;头衔;资格B1M3 11 40 support [s?'p?rt] n. & v.支持;拥护B4M1 12 40 underline [?nd?'la?n] v.画底线标出;强调B4M2 13 40 ministry ['m?n?str?] n.(政府的)部B8M1 14 39 view [vju?] n.风景;观点;v.观看B1M3 15 37 power ['pa??(r)] n.能力;力量;权力B1M1 16 37 attention [?'ten?n] n.注意;关注;注意力B2M4 17 37 involve [?n'v?lv] v.涉及;使参与B5M4 18 37 section ['sek?n] n.部分;节B6M2 19 37 state [ste?t] v.陈述;宣布B7M2 20 35 finally ['fa?n?l?] adv.最后;终于B1M3 21 35 as well [?z wel] 也;又;还B2M2 22 35 respect [r?'spekt] n.& v.尊重;敬意B4M1 23 35 deliver [d?'l?v?] v.递送;发表演说B4M1 24 35 major ['me?d??(r)] adj.主要的B4M4 25 34 honey ['h?n?] n.蜜;蜂蜜B2M1 26 34 nest [nest] n.巢;窝B4M1 27 34 likely ['la?kl?] adj.可能的B4M4 28 31 opinion [?'p?nj?n] n.意见;看法;主张B1M3 29 30 actually ['?kt???li] adv.实际上;事实上B1M2 30 30 personal [?p?:s?nl] adj.私人的;亲自的B2M3 31 30 freedom ['fr??d?m] n.自由;自主B4M2 32 29 form [f?:m] v.(使)组成;形成;构成B2M5 33 29 reduce [r??dju:s] v.减少;减缩B4M2 34 28 block [bl?k] n.街区;木/石块v.阻碍B1M2 35 28 govern ['g?vn] v.统治;管理B7M5 36 27 reward [r??w?:d] n.报酬;奖金v.酬劳B1M3 37 27 volunteer [?v?l?n?t??(r)] n.志愿者;v.自愿B2M2 38 27 technology [tek?n?l?d?i] n.工艺;科技;技术B2M3 39 27 scene [s??n] n.现场;场面;景色B3M3 40 26 base [be?s] v.以…为根据;n.基础B1M2 41 26 challenge ['t??l?nd?] n.挑战v.向…挑战B5M1 42 26 realistic [ri?'listik] adj.现实的B6M1


中考1500高频核心词汇 A airplane [???plein]飞机 airport [???p?:t]飞机场 album [??lb?m]相册 all [?:l] 全体;全部 allow [??lau] 允许;承认 almost [??:lm?ust]几乎;差不多alone [??l?un]单独地;独自地 along [??l??]沿着;顺着 aloud [??laud]出声地;高声地 already [?:l?redi] 早已;先前 also [??:ls?u] 也;亦;并且although [?:l?e?u] 虽然;即使纵然always [??:lweiz]总是;始终America [??mer?k?] 美国American [??mer?k?n] 美国的;美洲的 among [??m??] 在……中间 and [?nd, ?nd 和;又;而且 angry [???ɡri] 愤怒的;生气的animal [??nim?l]动物 another [??n?e?又一的;再一的answer [?ɑ:ns?] 回答;答复;答案ant [?nt] 蚂蚁 any [?eni]任何一个(或一些)事物 anybody [?eni?b?di] 任何人anyone [?eniw?n]任何人 anything [?eniθi?]任何事无论何事anyway [?eniwei] 不管怎样;无论何种方式 anywhere [?enihw??]任何地方appear [??pi?] 出现;露出;(公开演出) apple [??pl]苹果 April [?eipr?l] 四月 area [???ri?]面积;地区;地域arm [ɑ:m]臂;胳膊 around [??raund]大约 arrive [?'raiv] 到达;抵达某地 art [ɑ:t] 艺术;美术;艺术品 article [?ɑ:tikl]文章;冠词 as [?z, ?z作为 Asia [?e???] 亚洲 Asian [?e???n, ?e???n]亚洲人ask [ɑ:sk]询问;问 asleep [??sli:p]睡着的


最常用的1000个英语单词按词频排序(上)(附音标和注释) 这里列举出最常用的1000个单词,按照常用频率排序,因为它是按国外英语单词的实际使用频率进行统计的,可能不太适合在中国的英语单词实际使用频率,但它有助孩子了解英语单词的实际使用情况。 One 1 the [e?, ei:] art.这,那ad.[用于比较级;最高级前] 2 be [bi:,bi] aux. v.(am,is,are之原型) vi.是;在 3 of [?v, ?, ?v] prep.…的;由…制成的;关于;由于 4 and [?nd, ?nd] conj.和;那么;然后;而且 5 a [ei, ?, ?n, ?n] art.一(个);任何一(个);每一(个) 6 to [tu:, tu, t?] prep.向;对;趋于;直到…为止;比;到 7 in [in] prep.在…里;以;穿着;由于ad.进;到达 8 he [hi:, hi] pron.他;(不论性别的)一个人 9 have [h?v,h?v] aux. v.已经vt.有;进行;经受;吃;取得 10 it [it] pron.它;这;那 11 that [e?t] a./ pron.那,那个;ad.那样,那么 12 for [f?, f?:] prep.为;对,供,适合于;向conj.因为故 13 they [eei] pron.他(或她、它)们 14 I [ai] pron.我 15 with [wie, wiθ] prep.和,跟,同;具有;用;关于;随着 16 as [?z, ?z] ad.同样地prep.当作conj.随着;因为 17 not [n?t] ad.不,没,不是 18 on [?n] prep.在…上;向;处于;在ad.上;向前 19 she [?i:, ?i] pron.她 20 at [?t, ?t] prep.在;向;以;处于;因为;从事 21 by [bai] prep.被;凭借;经由;由于ad.在近旁;经过 22 this [eis] a.这,这个;今,本pron.这,这个 23 we [wi:, wi] pron.我们 24 you [ju, ju:] pron.你,你们 25 do [du, du:] aux. v.[代替动词] v.做,干,行动 26 but [b?t,b?t] conj.但是;而(是) prep.除…以外ad.只 27 from [fr?m,fr?m] prep.出自;离;去除;从;因为;由;与 28 or [?:, ?] conj.或,或者;或者说;否则,要不然 29 which [wit?] pron./ a.哪一个(些);[关系代词]那个(些) 30 one [w?n] num.一pron.一个(人) a.一个的;一体的 31 would [wud] aux. v.[will的过去式];总会;也许;请 32 all [?:l] a.全部的;尽量的ad.很pron.全部 33 will [wil] aux. v.将;愿意n.意志;遗嘱vt.用意志驱使 34 there [e??] pron.[与be连用,“有”] ad.在那里 35 say [sei] v.说;表明ad.比如说,大约n.发言权 36 who [hu:] pron.谁,什么人;[关系代词]…的人

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