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peppa pig第19集 dressing up【学习笔记】

peppa pig第19集 dressing up【学习笔记】
peppa pig第19集 dressing up【学习笔记】

Peppa Pig第19集:Dressing Up【学习笔记】

粉红猪小妹Peppa Pig 是一部原版的英语动画。纯正的英式发音、有趣的情节、可爱的动画人物设计,受到了国内外很多家长和小朋友的欢迎。我们在这里总结Peppa Pig的重点词组,配以例句,伴你和孩子一起学习!【学习笔记】重点词组讲解1. dress up: 装扮2. a box of: 一箱例句:Peppa has found a box of old clothes. Peppa找到了一箱旧衣服。3. make-up: 化妆用品例句:Peppa has found Mummy's make-up box. Peppa找到了妈妈猪的化妆包。4. powder: 施粉5. lipstick: 唇膏,口红6. getting + a. 开始……(形容词)例句:But George is getting a bit bored. 但是乔治开始觉得有点乏味。7. dig:

掘(地);凿(洞);挖(土)例句:Daddy Pig is digging in the garden. 爸爸猪在花园里挖土。8. snort: (表示被逗乐)喷鼻息,哼例句:I want to make big snorts, too. 我也想发出这样的鼻音。9. have sb. done (被动)使某人做……例句:You really had us fooled! 你真的让我们都变傻了。

原文:I'm Peppa Pig. This is my little brother, George. This is Mummy Pig. And this is Daddy Pig. Peppa pig.Dressing

Up!Peppa and George are playing in Mummy and Daddy's bedroom.What's this? Peppa has found a box of old

clothes.Wow! This is Daddy's hat. And this is Mummy's

dress.George! Let's dress up and pretend to be Mummy and Daddy. Here is Daddy's hat. And here is Daddy's coat.Hello, Daddy Pig.Now it's my turn. This is Mummy's dress.This is Mummy's hat.Daddy Pig! Where are your shoes? I need some shoes, too.Now I need to look beautiful, just like Mummy.Peppa has found Mummy's make-up box. Aha!First, some powder. Lovely! Now for some lipstick. What a pretty Mummy

Pig!Come along, Daddy Pig. It's time to go to work.Mummy is working on her computer.Hello, Peppa. Hello, George.I beg your pardon?Peppa, I was just saying ''hello''.I'm not Peppa Pig. I'm Mummy Pig.Oh, yes! Of course. Hello, Mummy Pig.Hello, and this is Daddy Pig. George! And hello to you, too, Daddy Pig.Excuse me; I've got a lot of work to do!Hello? Yes, do this, do that. No, thank you, goodbye.Peppa is enjoying pretending to be Mummy Pig. But George is getting a bit bored.Sorry, Daddy Pig, I'm nearly finished. There! All done!Come on, Daddy Pig, it's time you did some work. Goodbye, Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig.Goodbye.Daddy Pig is digging in the garden.Hello, Peppa. Hello, George.I'm not Peppa! I'm Mummy Pig and this is Daddy Pig!Daddy pig is here to do some work.That's very kind of you, Daddy Pig.Now, be careful, it's a very deep hole.I do hope you are not digging in your best clothes, Daddy Pig.I want to make

big snorts, too.Ice cream, everyone.Ice cream!Peppa! George! You must take off those muddy clothes before you eat.I'm Mummy Pig and this is Daddy Pig.Are you sure? Yes.So, where are Peppa and George? We don't know.Oh, well, that's a shame because I've got their favorite ice cream here.But if we can't find them,then...Here we are!Peppa! George! There you are!Yes, Mummy, we were just pretending to be you and Daddy.You really had us fooled!

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