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江苏省泰兴市西城中学八年级英语 练习82

江苏省泰兴市西城中学八年级英语 练习82
江苏省泰兴市西城中学八年级英语 练习82



班级______ 学号_______ 姓名________ 成绩________ 家长签字_________ 一.用所给词的适当形式填空

1.The trip is very short, but it’s very ____________ (please).

2.Air __________ (pollute) is a great problem to us.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/dc4766081.html,o Wang has no children. Sometimes he feels a bit ___________ (lone).

4.I’m sorry to hear that your mother is ___________ (terrible) ill.

5.He comes from Beijing. He knows Beijing very ___________ (good).

6.Mr and Mrs Green have lived in that street since they got ___________ (marry).

7.Nobody in our class likes to play ___________ (China) chess.

8.Great __________ (change) have taken place in our country since 1982.


( ) 1. Can you work out this problem ____ another way?

A in

B on

C at

D by

( ) 2. It is a pity that I have missed ____ the wonderful match!

A to watch

B watched

C watch

D watching

( ) 3. Mr Smith has worked in Nanjing since he ____ to China years ago.

A has come

B came

C comes

D come

( ) 4. It’s very nice of you ____ me with my English.

A to help

B help

C helping

D to helping

( ) 5. It’s very ____ to play ____ Chinese chess with them.

A pleasure; a

B pleased; the

C pleasant; /

D necessary; an ( ) 6. It’s nice for us to have ____ space and pretty gardens.

A opened

B open

C opening

D to open

( ) 7. Although he lives in the small house ____, he never feels ____.

A lonely; alone

B alone; lonely

C alone; alone

D lonely; lonely ( ) 8.After the guests are all seated, the plane will ____.

A land at

B fly over

C take off

D put on

( ) 9.Noise pollution was a serious problem here ____.

A since then

B in the future

C once a week

D in the past

( )10.We invite experts to give lecture(演讲) ____ in our college.

A from a day to night

B from time to time

C from one to another

D from past to now


Mr Chen has lived in Sunshine Town. He first lived in the s_________ part of the town with his parents. Then he got m__________ in 1965. He and his

w__________ moved to another flat in the c________ of town. They moved out in 1991.

Sunshine Town has changed a lot. Now, the place has t__________ into a park.

“I m__________ my old friends.” Mr Chen said. He often goes back and plays cards and Chinese c__________ with them. He thinks it very p_________. Of course it’s nice to have o_________ space and pretty gardens. H________, it has become

more difficult to see his old friends. Many of them have moved to other a_________ and Mr Chen feels a bit l________ from time to time.


1.He got married in 1991. (对画线部分提问)

_________ _________ he _________ married?

2.I think life is better now. (改为一般疑问句)

_________ you think _________ ________ _________ now?

3.He has lived in the city since he was born. (提问)

________ _______ _______ he lived in the city?

4.When Mr Dong got married, he moved out of the town. (同义句)

Mr Dong _________ move out of the town _______ he _________ __________. 五.完型填空

George is a young man. He does not have a wife, but he has a very big dog and a very small car. He likes playing tennis. Last Monday after 1 tennis 2 an hour at his club, he ran out and jumped into a car. His dog came 3 him, but it did not jump into 4 car. It jumped into the next 5 .

“Come here, silly(蠢) dog!”George shouted at it but the dog stayed in 6 car. George put his key into the lock(锁) of the car, but the key did not 7 . then he looked at the car again. It was not 8 . He was in the wrong car and the dog was in the 9 one!

“He’s sitting and laughing at me. But it doesn’t matter. He has no key. He can’t 10 the car, either.”

( ) 1.A was played B playing C plays D played

( ) 2.A in B of C for D after

( ) 3.A after B before C in front of D in the front of ( ) 4.A a B same C the D a different

( ) 5.A it B bus C that D one

( ) 6.A another B the other C other D others

( ) 7.A turn B come C drive D begin

( ) 8.A good B black C his D right

( ) 9.A same B different C wrong D right

( )10.A open B take C start D begin


1.不同时期的交通 transport at different times

2.从那时起 since then

3.住在镇南部 live in the southern part of town

4.结婚 get married(to sb.)

5.改变许多 change a lot

许多变化 a lot of changes

6.在过去 in the past

7.货摊 market stalls

8.打牌、下棋 play cards and Chinese chess

9.水污染water pollution

污染河流 pollute the river

被污染的河流 the polluted river

10.过去常常 used to do sth

11.采取措施减少污染 take action to reduce the pollution

12.时常感觉有一点点孤独 feel a bit / a little lonely from time to time

13.将废弃物倒进河里 dump the waste into t he river

14.因为那家老鞋厂 because of the old shoe factory

15.不像以前那样经常 not as often as before


My wife and I moved to another flat in the centre of town.


Has Sunshine Town changed a lot over the years?


It’s nice to have open space and pretty gardens.

19.你看见我的食物了吗? 看见了, 我刚刚吃掉了.

Have you seen my food? Yes, I’ve just eaten it.


I don’t want to play with you any more.

江苏省泰兴市西城初级中学八年级语文下册《写作 写简单的议论文》教案 苏教版

训练目的 1、学会写简单的议论文来阐明自己的观点。 2、学会写议论文的常用的两种方法;摆事实和讲道理。 训练题目 [见课文] 训练指导 第一题 1、题目说:中华民族有许多优良的传统美德。 讨论具体表现在哪里?⑴父慈子孝,兄友弟悌;⑵为人谦和,礼貌待人; ⑶诚实可信,知恩图报;⑷爱国爱民,心忧天下; ⑸克己奉公,廉洁公正;⑹修身养性,君子慎独; ⑺见利思义,以义制利;⑻勤劳俭朴,艰苦奋斗; ⑼质朴求实,宽容大度;⑽勇敢刚毅,身体力行。 2、题目问:你认为当今最值得发扬和提倡的传统美德是什么? 学生讨论,归纳: 联系实际谈,如青少年学生对孝敬父母的意义——不仅继承了传统美德,而且只是报答父母养育之恩于万一,更是热爱祖国、忠于人民的思想情感的基础。 3、题目上提出四点要求:⑴观点正确;⑵有自己的见解;⑶例证有说服力; ⑷适当引用格言警句。 例如阐述传统美德中讲究“诚信”的道理,观点可以是:诚信是品德之 瑰宝,是才智之源泉,是成功之前提,是无形之资产。 第二题 阅读一则材料,联系现实生活,议论爷爷剪枝条给我们的启示。 学生讨论,归纳:1、削枝以强干。爷爷剪掉一些枝干,会使果树长得更好。舍弃次要的,是为了保留主要的,有所不为方能有所为。 2、看眼前,果树枝条茂盛,长势很好,看发展,剪掉枝条会使果实丰硕,所以爷爷毫不吝惜。行动服于目的,措施受制于宗旨。这是有远见、有胆识之举。 3、小孩拿起一根枝条,也许长得很好,但从整棵果树权衡,它成了分散营养,影响结果数量与质量的冗枝,必须剪掉。正确处理部分与整体的关系,让部分服务于整体,局部服务于大局。 4、“傻孩子”,傻在何处?傻在只看到一根一根的枝条,忘了它们与整体的联系;只看到它们眼前的长势,忘了它们最终影响的结果。我们切不可一叶障目,而不见全树。 第三题 入选“集锦”的材料,要注意“典型”“精辟”“可靠”;分类制作卡片可以从内容、形式或作者等多角度分类,原则上便于查找。 [例文] 《削枝为了强干》(见参考书) 简评: 这篇简单的议论文,阐明的观点就是题目:削枝为了强干。联系实际,必须减轻作业负担,以保证同学们学得更轻松,更有效。 文章阐明观点的事实,一是所提供的材料爷爷给果树剪枝的故事,一是生活中加重作业负担的事实。所举事例有代表性,能充分证明论点。作者对所举的事实作分析,一是分析爷爷给果树剪枝条的原因,二是分析沉重的作业负担所造成的危害。议论文中的分析,就是讲道


济川中学九年级化学模拟试题 (考试时间:60分钟满分:60分) 请注意: 1.本试卷分选择题和非选择题两个部分。 2.所有试题的答案均须填写在答题卡上,答案写在试卷上无效。 可能用到的相对原子质量:H—1 O—16 C—12 Fe—56 S—32 第一部分选择题(20分) 1—10题为单项选择题,每题1分,共10分。 1. 下列物质的用途中,利用其物理性质的是 A.金刚石用于切割玻璃 B.铁粉用作食品保鲜脱氧剂 C.潜水时氧气用于供给呼吸 D.炸弹定向爆破拆除楼房 2. 生活中常见的物质变化,属于化学变化的是 A. 酒精挥发 B. 活性炭吸附异味 C. 冰融化成水 D. 铁制品生锈 3. 下列化学用语书写正确的是 A. 铝元素 AL B. 氦气 He C. 铵根离子 NH3+ D. 3个氧原子 O3 4. 根据如图信息,下列说法正确的是 A. 镁属于非金属元素 B. 镁原子的相对原子质量为24.31g C. 镁原子的核电荷数为12 D. 在化学反应中,镁原子容易得到电子 5. 规范的实验操作是实验成功的必要条件。下列实验操作中,正确的是 6. 保护环境,节约资源。下列做法正确的是 A.将工厂废液直接排入江河 B.将煤脱硫处理后再燃烧 C.自来水价格便宜,可以尽情使用 D.废旧电池掩埋在土壤中 7. “端午佳节,粽叶飘香”,我们过节有吃鸭蛋、粽子、糖包、肉包的习俗,从均衡营养的角度 分析,还需要补充的主要营养素是 A.蛋白质 B.糖类 C.维生素 D. 油脂

8. 夏季气温升高,共享单车的充气轮胎最容易发生爆炸,主要原因是 A.分子体积变大 B.分子质量变大 C.分子数目变多 D.分子间的间隙变大 9. 下列知识归纳完全正确的是 A.化学与安全 B.化学与生活 ①进入久未开启的菜窖前,做灯火实验 ②在室内放一盆水,不能防止煤气中毒 ③为防止矿井中瓦斯爆炸,严禁吸烟 ①用pH试纸测定洗发水的酸碱度 ②用氢氧化钠改良酸性土壤 ③用生石灰作食品干燥剂 C.化学与健康 D.化学与发现 ①人体缺维生素C易患坏血病 ②海鲜防腐可以用甲醛溶液浸泡 ③霉变的大米可高温加热后食用 ①波义耳发现了酸碱指示剂 ②拉瓦锡发现元素周期律并编制元素周期表 ③门捷列夫发现空气的组成 10. 为了帮助同学们更好的理解空气中氧气含量测定的实验原理,老师利用传感器技术实时测定了 实验装置(如图1)内的压强、温度和氧气浓度,三条曲线变化趋势如图2所示。下列关于此实 验叙述不正确 ...的是 A. X曲线表示的是温度变化 B. Y曲线表示的是氧气的浓度变化 C. 图2中BC段对应的变化进程是红磷燃烧 D. 图2中CD段对应的变化进程是水倒吸进广口瓶 11—15题每题有1或2个正确答案,全部选对得2分,漏选一个得1分,错选、多选不得分,共10分。 11.如图是微信热传的“苯宝宝表情包”,苯(化学式C6H6)是一种重要的化工原料,有关苯的说法正确的是 A.苯属于有机高分子化合物 B.苯由6个碳原子和6个氢原子构成 C.苯中碳氢两种元素的质量比为1:1 D.苯中氢元素的质量分数小于10%


初中英语阅读理解练习题 A friend of mine was fond of drawing horse. He drew the horses very well,but he always began the tail. Now it is the Western rule to begin at the head of the horse, that is why I was surprised. It struck me that it could not really make any difference whether the artist begins at the head or the tail or the belly(肚子)or the foot of the horse, if he really knows his business. And most great artists who really know their business do not follow other people’s rule.They make their own rules. Every one of them does his work in a way peculiar(奇特的) to himself; and the peculiarity means only that he finds it more easy to work in that way. Now the very same thing is true to literature(文学). And the question, "How shall I begin?" only means that you want to begin at the head instead of beginning at the tail or somewhere else. That is, you are not yet experienced(有经验的) enough to trust to your own powers. When you become more experienced you will never ask the question, and I think that you will often begin at the tail --that is to say, you will write the end of the story before you have even thought of the beginning. 1. A friend of the writer’s drew the horses ____. A. very well B. in the way of western rule C. in the way of his own rule D. all of the above 2. The writer was surprised because ____. A. the artist began to draw at the head of the horse B. the artist began to draw at the tail of the horse C. the artist made his own rule D. the artist did not follow other people’s rule 3. You are not yet experienced because ____. A. you don’t know where to begin B. you want to begin at the head instead of beginning at the tail


2019-2020学年七上数学期中模拟试卷含答案 注意事项: 1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。 2.选择题必须使用2B 铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。 3.请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。 4.保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。 一、选择题(共10小题,每小题3分,计30分) 1.5 1 - 的相反数为 ( ) A .-5 B .5 C . 51 D .5 1- 2.下列数中,最小的数是( ) A. 0 B. -8 C. 0.001 D. -0.25 3、b a 、两数在数轴上位置如图所示,将b a b a --、、、用“<”连接,其中正确的是( ) A .a <a -<b <b - B .b -<a <a -<b C .a -<b <b -<a D .b -<a <b <a - 4.青藏高原是世界上海拔最高的高原,它的面积是2500000平方千米.将2500000用科学记数法表示应为( ) A .2.5×105 元 B .25×105 元 C .2.5×106 元 D .0.25×107 元 5.若a 、b 互为相反数,x 、y 互为倒数,则xy b a 2 7 )(41++-的值是( ) A .3 B .4 C .2 D .3.5 6.已知 ,则 的值是( ) A.4 B.0 C.0或 4 D. 7、下列结论中,正确的是( ) A .单项式7 32 xy 的系数是3,次数是2 B .单项式m 的次数是1,没有系数 C .单项式z xy 2 -的系数是1-,次数是4 -1 a 0 1 b

江苏省泰兴市西城初级中学八年级语文下册《变色龙》第一课时教案 苏教版

19、《变色龙》 教学目标 1、知识目标:了解“变色龙”的表面意思和象征意义; 2、能力目标:通过人物对话来把握人物性格,特别是奥楚蔑洛夫的性格特点; 3、情感目标:认识沙皇专制统治的腐朽黑暗。 教学重点、难点: 1、重点:通过人物对话来把握人物性格,特别是奥楚蔑洛夫的性格特点; 2、难点:理解奥楚蔑洛夫这一人物形象的深刻社会意义。 课时安排: 2课时 教学步骤: 第一课时 一、导入新课 同学们,说起人们眼下追求的个性宠物——蜥蜴,很多人的感觉是丑陋、可怕的,其实蜥蜴中的一种叫变色龙的,它会随着环境颜色的改变而改变皮肤颜色。俄国短篇小说大师契诃夫1884年创作的一篇讽刺小说就叫《变色龙》,其中的奥楚蔑洛夫警官也有善变的技能。今天我们就一起走进小说,去了解那里发生的故事。 二、明确目标 (一)、了解沙皇专制统治的黑暗腐败。 (二)、学习运用精彩的对话刻画人物,理解细节描写对人物刻画的作用。 (三)、进一步理解和学习运用对比进行讽刺的写作方法。 三、简介作者和背景作者简介 契诃夫(1860—1904),19世纪俄国伟大的批判现实主义作家。他出生于小市民家庭,靠当家庭教师读完中学,1879年入莫斯科大学学医,1884年毕业后从医并开始文学创作。 他的短篇小说,采取批判现实主义的创作方法,以犀利的笔锋直刺罪恶社会,揭露小市民的庸俗和丑恶,抨击反动统治,批判黑暗的现实。 2、背景简介 《变色龙》写作于1884年,当时的俄国沙皇亚历山大三世,为了强化反动统治,豢养了一批欺下媚上的走狗,为其镇压人民服务。他也制定了一些掩人耳目的法令,给残暴的专制主义蒙上了一层面纱。沙皇专制警察往往打着遵守法令的官腔,而干的却是趋炎附势、欺下媚上的勾当。《变色龙》中的奥楚蔑洛夫正是其中的典型代表。 四、字词注音 逮住() 逮捕() 盛满() 旺盛() 畜生() 畜牧() 无赖() 戳穿() 坯子()


初中英语配对阅读专项练习: (一) 将下面五个人的性格特征和某报社编辑给他们的交友建议相匹配。 ( )66.Sara likes to make friends with popular people, because she finds it easier to communicate with them. ( )67.When Jane is happy, she likes to talk to everyone in her class. But when she feels sad, she doesn’t even say “hi” to anyone. ( )68.Paul is poor in his study, and he always feels shy to talk with others, so he has very few friends. ( )69.When Peter feels uncomfortable talking with someone, he often look here and there. ( )70.Susan is a good student, but she is never sure what to talk about when she stays with others. 答案:66. C 67. F 68. A 69. B 70. G (二)


答案:66. B 67. F 68. A 69. D 70. E (四)


答案:66. D 67. F 68. A 69. E 70. G (六) (七)


江苏省泰兴市济川中学2020-2021学年七年级上学期期中数 学试题 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、单选题 1.1-的倒数为( ) A .1- B .1 C .0 D .不存在 2.单项式2353 x y z 的系数和次数分别是( ) A .53 - ,3 B .53 -,6 C .5-,6 D .5-,3 3.一多项式与2237a a 的和为249a a ,则这个多项式为( ) A .22a a --+ B .2716a a C .2 16a a D .2 32a a 4.已知关于x 的方程3x x a 的解与 11 2 4 x x 的解相同,则a 的值为( ) A .1 B .1- C .2 D .2- 5.如图所示的运算程序中,若开始输入的x 的值为48,第一次输出的结果是24,第二次输出的结果是12,第三次输出的结果是6,…,则第2020次输出的结果为( ) A .24 B .12 C .6 D .3 6.如图,在数轴上标出若干个点,每相邻的两个点之间的距离都是1个单位,点A 、B 、C 、D 表示的数分别是整数a 、b 、c 、d ,且满足2319a d ,则b c +的值为( ) A .3- B .2- C .1- D .0 二、填空题 7.3 2 - 的相反数是_________; 8.一个数的绝对值等于3,则这个数是________. 9.同步卫星在赤道上空大约36000000米处,请将数36 000 000用科学记数法表示为____________. 10.一批大米,每个包装袋上标有:(200.1)±kg ,则任意两袋大米最多相差______kg .

江苏省泰兴市西城初级中学八年级语文下册《鸟》专题知识点总结练习(无答案) 苏教版

《鸟》专题知识点总结练习 一、完成下列与鸟有关的谜语: 1、空中排队飞行,组织纪律严明。初春来到北方,深秋南方过冬。(大雁) 2、恩爱夫妻喜相逢,说说唱唱打鱼归。芙蓉深处轻舟过,红浆戏水泛光辉。(鸳鸯) 3、背面灰色腹有斑,繁殖习性很罕见。卵蛋产在邻鸟窝,请人孵育自逍遥。(杜鹃) 4、鸟儿当中数它小,针状嘴尾舌尖巧。身子只有野蜂大,飞行本领却很高。(蜂鸟) 5、日在树上,夜到庙堂。不要看我小,我也有心肺肝肠。(麻雀) 6、海上一只鸟,跟着船儿跑。寻找浪中鱼,从不怕风暴。(信天翁) 7、从南来个黑大汉,腰里插着两把扇。走一步,扇一扇,阿弥陀佛好热天。(企鹅) 8、驰名中外一歌手,音韵委婉会多变。能学多种鸟儿叫,祖国内蒙是家园。(百灵鸟) 9、腿儿长背儿驼,长着翅膀飞不过河。风吹草动胆子小,脑袋钻进沙窝窝。(鸵鸟) 10、飞起来像只鸟,坐下像只猫。夜间捉田鼠,眼亮本领高。(猫头鹰) 11、衔树枝,衔泥草,高高树上把房造。好消息,天天报,叫得人们心欢笑。(喜鹊) 12、冬天住在山林里,春天飞到天空中。从早到晚常不停,歌声催人快播种。(布谷鸟) 13、千里飞翔爱热闹,常在空中打呼哨。光送信来不送报,见谁都把姑姑叫。(鸽子) 二、完成下列与鸟有关的成语 1、比喻侍奉尊亲的孝心。【乌鸟私情】 2、形容光阴迅速流逝。【乌飞兔走】 3、像鸟类或鱼类那样聚集在一起。形容聚集得很多。【鸟集鳞萃鳞】 4、比喻事情成功之后,把曾经出过力的人一脚踢开。【鸟尽弓藏】 5、指悼念故人,祭品菲薄。【只鸡絮酒】 6、比喻平凡的人哪里知道英雄人物的志向。【燕雀安知鸿鹄之志】 7、比喻做一件事达到两个目的。【一箭双雕】 8、比喻相爱的男女形影不离。【双宿双飞】 9、形容游子倦游归家.或比喻离开工作岗位太久,倦於在外想回到自己岗位【倦鸟知返】 10、比喻一个人的仪表或才能在周围一群人里显得很突出。【鹤立鸡群】 11、比喻受困而不自由的人,也比喻易于擒拿的敌人。【笼中之鸟】 12、形容春天的景色宜人。【鸟语花香】 13、像聚集的鸟兽受到惊吓飞奔逃散,比喻崩溃逃散的情景。【如鸟兽散】


初三英语阅读理解练习题 1. The worst tourist in the world is Nicholas Scottie of San-Francisco. Once he flew from the U.S. to his hometown in Italy to see someone at home. The plane made one-hour stop to get oil at Kennedy Airport of New York. As he thought he had arrived home. Mr. Scottie got off the plane. He thought he was in Rome. When nobody was there to meet him, Mr. Scottie thought maybe they were held up by heavy traffic. While looking for their address, Mr. Scottie found that the old “Rome”had changed a lot. Many old buildings were replaced by high modern ones. He also found that many people spoke English instead of Italian and that many streets were written in English. Mr. Scottie knew very little English, so he asked a policeman the way to the bus station. He happened to meet a policeman who was also born in Italy and answered him in the same language. After twelve hour’s traveling round on a bus, the driver handed him over to a second policeman. He asked the policeman why the Rome police employed so many people as policemen speaking English instead of Italian. Mr. Scottie did not believe he was in New York when he was told so. To get him on a plane back to San Francisco, he was sent to the airport in a police car with sirens (警报) on. “Look,”said Scottie to his interpreter (翻译), “I know I’m in Italy. That’s how they drive.” 1. When Mr. Scottie arrived at the airport, nobody met him because _______. A. he was in New York B. he was not in Rome C. policeman could help him D. both A and B 2. In what direction did the plane fly when Mr. Scottie went to Italy from the U.S.? A. To the east B. To the south C. To the west D. To the north 3. Why was Mr. Scottie so sure that he was in Rome? A. Because he knew little about the U.S. B. Because he knew little bout Italy. C. Because he traveled a lot. D. Because he didn’t travel much 4. At last Mr. Scottie __________. A. know he did something wrong B. still thought he was in Rome.

江苏省泰兴市济川中学牛津版七年级英语下册Reading What a brave young man!教案

Reading: What a brave young man! Xinshi Middle School Wang Jianting Background information: Students: 33 Junior high school, class1, grade 7 Lesson duration: 45mins Teaching aids: blackboard, and PPT Aims: Knowledge: 1. to know the main idea of the text 2. to grasp the important words and phrases Ability: to improve the reading skills: skimming, scanning and reading for details Affection: to know how to protect ourselves from the fire and to be willing to help others. Teaching focus: to comprehend the text Teaching difficulty: to comprehend the text and to protect oneself from the fire New vocabulary: (adj.) brave, glad, dangerous, alone, (n.) fire, smoke, burn, blanket (v.) hurt, pour, rash, save Useful phrases: Help sb. out of sth. 帮助某人逃离

江苏省泰兴市西城初级中学八年级语文下册《紫藤萝瀑布》练习 苏教版

一.给下列加点字注音或根据注音写汉字。 迸.溅()琼.浆()绽.开()伶.仃()沉淀.()酒酿.()宗璞.() zhù立()花suì()遗hàn()砥lì() pù布()挑.逗()盛.开()忍俊不禁.()笼.罩()挑.拣()盛.满()禁.止()鸽笼.()二.填空。 1.《紫藤萝瀑布》的作者,是当代的,本名,其成名作是。本文以为线索,浓墨酣畅的描绘了 ,淋漓尽致地抒发了,阐发了的人生道理,表现了作者焕发活力,惜时而行的积极情怀。 2.忽然记起十多年前家门外也曾有过一大株紫藤萝,它(A、依傍B、靠着)一株枯槐爬得很高,但花朵从来都(A、稀少B、稀落),东一穗西一串伶仃地挂在树梢,好像在(A、诉说B、试探)什么。 三.下列说法有误的一项是: A.本文因为作者遇见一树盛开的紫藤萝花,睹物释怀,写成此文。 B.本文描写紫藤萝花的勃勃生机,实际上赞美了生命的美好和顽强。 C.作者由紫藤萝花的勃勃生机感悟到生命的长河是无止境的。 D.本文中多次使用了拟人、比喻、象征等修辞手法。 四.仿照例句写一句修辞手法相同的句子。 例句:只见一片辉煌的淡紫色,象一条瀑布,从空中垂下。 造句:。五.简答题 1.文章第一段“我不由得停住了脚步”独句成段,在全文起什么作用?最后又写“不觉加快了脚步”,这样安排有什么作用?我为什么“停住了脚步”又“加快了脚步”? 2.文章插叙十年前的往事有什么用意? 3.作者是怎样调动多种感官来观察和描写景物的? 六.阅读文章2---7节,回答下列文题。 1.请用简洁的语言概括这部分文字的大意。 2.这几段对紫藤萝的描绘极具层次感,你能指出他们的描写顺序吗? 3.第六节文字依次描写了和。4.第七节“它带走了这些时一直压在我心头的关于生死的疑惑”一句中的“它”指代的是 5.作者为什么把紫藤萝花比作是瀑布? 6.作者将紫藤萝写的如此生动形象,原因是什么?


济川中学初三化学期末试题 2013.1.25 (考试时间:60分钟,满分60分) 可能用到的相对原子质量: H: 1 S:32 O:16 Na:23 Fe:56 Cu:64 请注意:考生须将本卷所有答案答到答题纸上,答在试卷上无效! 第一部分选择题(共20分) 一、选择题(第1题~第10每小题只有一个 ..选项符合题意。每小题1分,共10分。) 1. 下列变化过程中,仅发生物理变化的是 A.食物腐败 B.爆竹爆炸 C.干冰升华 D.镁带燃烧 2. 空气成分中,体积分数最大的是 A.氮气B.二氧化碳C.氧气 D.稀有气体 3. 下列实验现象描述不正确 ...的是 A.白磷燃烧产生大量的白烟 B.镁在空气中燃烧,发出耀眼的白光 C.细铁丝在氧气中剧烈燃烧,火星四射,生成黑色固体 D.电解水时正极产生的气体比负极产生的气体体积大 4. 下列有关水的叙述中,不正确 ...的是 A.用明矾可以区分硬水和软水B.水是由水分子构成的一种氧化物 C.水汽化时分子间隔发生了变化D.水是能溶解多种物质的常用溶剂 5. 下列说法正确的是 A.电解水产生氢气和氧气,说明水是由氢分子和氧分子构成的 B.用洗洁精洗涤油腻的碗碟,是利用了溶解的原理 C.蒸馏是净化程度最高的净水方法 D.我国金属资源丰富,废旧金属根本不用回收 6. 下列物质属于纯净物的是 A.洁净的空气B.清澈的海水 C.蒸馏水D.自来水 7. 根据右表提供的信息,下列判断不正确的是 A. 元素所在的周期数等于其原子的电子层数 B. 钠离子核外有二个电子层 C. 第二、三周期元素的原子从左至右最外层电子 数逐渐增多

D. 在化学变化中镁元素容易失去最外层2个电子形成镁离子,其离子符号是Mg+2 8. “酒驾”是当前热门话题之一。交巡警检查驾驶员是否饮酒的仪器里装有K 2Cr 2 O 7 ,K 2 Cr 2 O 7 中Cr元素的化合价为 A. + 2价 B.+5价 C.+6价 D.+7价 9. 到1990年,人类已知结构的化学物质是1000万种,2009年9月8日为5000万种。2011年5月23日中国医学科学院药物研究所研究人员发现了一种新物质,并向中国专利技术局申请了专利,该物质被CAS登记为第6000万种已知结构的新物质M(化学式为 C 19H 15 N 4 FSO 2 )。下列说法错误的的是 A. M由六种元素组成,属于化合物 B. M是氧化物 C. M中氮氧原子个数比为2︰1 D. 化学科学正在快速发展 10. 我们常见的一些食物的近似pH范围如下: A.鸡蛋清显碱性 B.胃酸过多的人应少吃四川泡菜 C.橘子汁不能使无色酚酞试液变红 D.牛奶比鸡蛋清的碱性强 第11题~第15题,每小题有一个或两个 .....选项符合题意。若正确答案包括两个选项,只选一个且正确得1分;多选、错选得0分;每小题2分,共10分。 11. 下图表示治理汽车尾气所涉及反应的微观过程。下列说法不正确的是( ) A. 反应中原子、分子个数都不变 B. 该反应的生成物均为无毒气体 C. 反应物都属于氧化物 D. 图中单质的化学式为N 2 12. 研究表明,氨气在常压下就可液化为液氨,液氨可用作汽车的清洁燃料,其燃烧时的主 要反应为 4NH 3 + 3O 2 ==== 2X + 6H 2 O。下列说法中正确 ..的是 A.氨气在常压下液化是化学变化 B.X的化学式为N 2 C.液氨具有可燃性属于化学性质 D.液氨属于混合物 13. A、B、C三种不含结晶水的固体物质的溶解度曲线如图,下列说法中不正确的是( ) A.t 1 ℃时,A的饱和溶液65 g中含有溶剂50 g


阅读理解训练 I. Where is Love? How can we find Love? Once a little boy wanted to meet Love. He knew it was a long trip to where Love lived, so he got his things ready with some pizzas and drinks and started off. When he passed three streets, he saw an old woman sitting in the park and watching some birds. She looked very hungry. The boy gave her a pizza. She took it and smiled at him. The smile was so beautiful that he wanted to see it again, so he gave her a Coke. She smiled once again. The boy was very happy. They sat there all the afternoon, eating and smiling, but they said nothing. When it grew dark, the boy decided to leave. But before he had gone more than a few steps, he turned around, ran back to the old woman and gave her a hug. The woman gave him her biggest smile ever. When the boy opened the door of his house, his mother was surprised by the look of joy(快乐)on his face and asked what had made him so happy. “I had lunch with Love. She has got the ,s son was also surprised at his At the same time, the old womanmost beautiful smile in the world.”,s pleasure and asked why. mother“I ate a pizza in the park with Love,”she said, “and he is much younger than I expected.” If the world is full of love, we can enjoy a better life. 1.When the little boy saw the old woman, she was . A. looking for a seat in the park B. passing the street C. looking at some birds D. having a pizza 2.The little boy gave the old woman a Coke because . A. the old woman still felt hungry B. he wanted to see the smile again ,t like the drink C. he didnD. the old woman paid him for it 3.The old woman gave the little boy the biggest smile . A. after the little boy went home B. before it grew dark C. when she was drinking Coke D. after the little boy hugged her ,s mother was surprised to see her son was very 4.The boywhen the door opened. A. pleased B. sad C. unhappy D. angry 5.Which of the following is TRUE? A. The little boy failed to find Love. B. Both the little boy and the old woman found what they wanted at last. C. The little boy decided never to go home. D. The old woman gave the little boy a hug to thank him. II. Dick was born in a poor family. His father had a small boat and went fishing in the morning

江苏省泰兴市西城初级中学八年级英语上学期双休日作业2(无答案) 牛津版

江苏省泰兴市西城初级中学八年级英语上学期双休日作业2 班级______ 学号_______ 姓名________ 成绩________ 家长签字_________ 一.词汇 A根据首字母提示或中文提示和句意,写出各单词的正确形式。 1. I think English is one of the most important s_____ _. 2. My cousin Andy often shares his j_______ with me. 3. In a m school, boys and girls have lessons together. 4.the teacher asked the students to talk about their i_____ school life. 5.There are some ______________(广告)in the magazine. 6.My father is _______(耐心的) enough to teach me how to swim. 7 English is one of the most important _______________(语言)in the world. 8. I also keep writing in________(法语) about my daily life.. 9. He is very ________ ( 亲密) to his uncle. 10.The more careful you are, ________(少的) mistakes(错误) you will make. B用所给词的适当形式填空: 11.I think she listens __________(care) in our class. 12. Do you often practice____________(speak)English here? 13. My mother asks us___________(not watch) too much TV. 14.Our team ______(win) the football match yesterday. 15.____________(drive) a car is much faster than taking a bus. 16.. Everyone in our class (enjoy) music very much. 17.He is from Britain. He is a _____________(Britain) boy. 二、选择 ( ) 1.----Can I have ________? ---- Of course .Here you are.. A. some more food B. a few food C. any more food D. a little eggs ( ) 2. Do you and your brother_________ each other? A. is like B. be like C. are like D. look like ( ) 3. One of my_________ is clean, but_________ one isn’t. A. foot, other B. feet; the other C. foot; the other D. feet; other ( ) 4._____________ of the women is my mother. A. The older B. Older C. The old D. The oldest ( )5. There aren’t enough chairs. Would you please _________ ones here? A. to bring another three B. bring more three C. to take three another D. bring three more ( ) 6. She sings beautifully. I never hear ________ voice(嗓音)。 A. the better B. a good C. the best D. a better ( )8.. Why come and play basketball with us? A. not you B. don’t C. not to D. not ( )9. People in the UK say “lift” while people in the USA say “”. A. hall B.elevator C. recess D. soccer ( )10. If it next Sunday, you still the Great Wall? A. will rain; do; visit B. will snow; will; visit C. rains; do; visit D. rains; will; visit


一.初中英语阅读理解的解题技巧 阅读理解也是中考英语题的必考题目之一,本题型旨在考查学生阅读,理解的能力,几年来,中考英语题中的阅读理解材料新,题材丰富,考查学生综合推 断能力,根据语篇猜单词意思的能力的力度加大,也考查学生关注细节的能力。 所以学生往往要么没能正确理解语篇中某些句子的意思,在细节题上丢分,要么就是对语篇的整体把握不够,在综合题或者推断题方面丢分。那么到底怎么做好阅读理解这一题型呢?我将从以下三个方面谈论这个问题: 一、解题思路 (一)先读问题,弄清考查要点,以便能带着问题看文章,这样会心中有数,有 的放矢。在读题的时候划出题目的关键词。 (二)快速浏览全文,掌握全貌,注意发现与问题有关的信息,如果时间紧,至 少要扫视一下起首段和尾段。再把标题和文章内容结合起来想一想,这样全文大 意便清楚了。此时,不要忙于答题。 (三)细读原文,捕捉相关信息词,掌握短文细节内容。这是解题的关键,应特 别注意以下几点: 1.抓住四个 "W"和一个 "H" ,就是边读边用铅笔做些标记,把 What ( 事件 ) ,When(时间), Where(地点), Why(原因), How(经过)划出来。抓住了四个“ W”和一个“ H”,就抓住了文章的全貌,一些直接性的问题便可解决。2.抓住连接词及起关键作用的副词、代词、介词、插入语等。因为这些词具有 因果,让步,递进,转折,指代,列举及承上启下等各种连接上下文的特殊功 能。这对考生分清文章层次,辨明各种关系,了解人物心理,推断作者意图,进 行逻辑推理等手段来分析难点,都具有举足轻重的作用。 3.注意领会文章的寓意。 4.根据题意,初选答案。这一步须仔细审题,领会测试要求,确定解题方法。 对那些明显的,有把握的题可以断然确定,不必把其余三个答案再作推敲而浪 费时间:有些略难的题,应再查阅短文(不是重读一遍),迅速找出依据,予以 排除。常用的解题方法有如下几种: ①直接解题法。即从原文中直接找出答案。 ② 归纳解题法。对于不能从原文中直接找出答案的可在把握全文中心和线 索的前题下进行概括、归纳得出正确答案。 ③ 综合推理法。读者需统观全文,认真分析,综合推理及至计算,最后归 纳出正确答案。 题干中有 "suggest,conclude, conclusion,probably,reason, because, according to “等字眼时,属于推断概括型,考查内容着眼于全篇,考 生应具备一定的分析归纳,推理等逻辑思维能力。 ④ 捕捉关键词。在阅读时应该注意与问题相关的同义词,近义词,反义词 或同位词等信息词来得出正确答案。 ⑤ 同意转换法。即原文这么说,而在问题和所选项中则用另外的词去转换 一种说法,但仍表示同一含义。 ⑥ 排除法。根据语言,句法结构,信息词和常识,在没有把握的选项中用 排除法得出正确答案。

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