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Week 1: Unit 9

Reading A

Para. 1

low-back pain 腰背痛、成人腰痛

the catalogue of life’s certainties


experience low-back pain 患腰背痛

看内科physiacal office visits

work disability 丧失工作能力

reserve cell 储备细胞

cell renewal 细胞更新

cell population 细胞群体

cell of the same lineage同一谱系的细胞

the annual combined cost 每年的费用加起来

disability compensation 残疾补贴

评(论)注(释)性状语:clearly = it is clear that …

non-lethal [‘li: ?l] adj 非致命的

medical condition 疾病,病症

prevalence ['prev?l?ns] n.流行

the prevalence of back pain 腰背痛发病率很高

患病率(prevalence rate):也称现患率。指某特定时间内总人口中某病新旧病例所占比例。发病率(incidence rate):表示在一定期间内,一定人群中某病新病例出现的频率。lingering [‘li?g?ri?] adj.延迟的, 逗留不去的

the lingering mystery 这个谜一样的东西一直存在,挥之不去

美文赏析(beautiful English)


Low-back pain is a leading reason for physician visits,for hospitalization and surgery,and for work disability.

Para. 2

With less heavy labor 重体力劳动越来越少

diagnostic [dai?g‘n stik] adj.诊断的

spine [spain] n.脊骨

Work disability has risen.丧失工作能力的情况增加了。

faint-praise 轻微的赞扬

Over-praise is certainly sometimes even more damning than faint praise.



damn with faint praise. 名褒实贬

damn [’d?m] v.诅咒

at best - 至多;充其量比较:at one‘s best - 处在最佳状态

have a limited understanding of sth.

对…认识有限,对…理解不够=do not understand … well enough

medicine’s reliance on outdated ideas


weak evidence 证据不充分

physical inferences 生理推论

case report 病例报告

clinical findings临床表现;临床特征;临床症状

rigorous [‘rig?r?s] adj.严格的


临床对照试验Controlled Clinical Trials

Para. 3

substantially [s?b’st?n?(?)li] adv.充分地

prognosis [pr g‘n?usis] n.预后(a prediction of the course of a disease)

hold true v.适用, 有效(remain valid, applicable or unchanged)

a minority of 少量的=a small number of

miss work v. 误工=fail to attend or perform work

leave work 停工,休假

at a given time 在特定时间

work force n. 劳动人口, 劳动力

chronically adv.慢性地, 长期地

(…病)预后良好The prospects (for…) are quite good.

recurrence [ri‘k∧r?ns] n.复发

tend to do sth =have a tendency towards…

spontaneous [sp n‘teinj?s]

adj.自发的, 自然产生的=happening without an apparent external cause

Para. 4 Sources of Pain


Part of the mystery of back pain comes from the diagnostic challenge of determining its causes in a mechanical and biochemical system of multiple parts, all of which are subject to insult.


be subject to v.受支配, 常遭受

ligament [‘lig?m?nt] n.系带, 韧带

arthritis [a:‘ raitis] n.关节炎

facet [‘f?sit] n.(多面体的)面

*facet joints 小面关节

herniat ed [‘h?:nieitid] adj成疝的,突出的

herniated disk = slipped disk 椎间盘突出症

cushioning 减震, 缓冲

cushioning material 缓冲物质

protrude [pr?’tru:d] v.突出

rim=the usually curved or circular border or edge of an object

outer rim 外缘

adjacent adj.邻近的

*nerve root神经根

*culprit [‘k∧lprit] n.犯人

Or the culprit might be spinal stenosis.

此处culprit 应该引伸为“(致痛)原因”

spinal [‘spainl]adj.脊骨的, 脊髓的

*spinal stenosis. 椎管狭窄症

stenosis [sti’n?usis][医](器官)狭窄

spinal canal椎管

椎管肿瘤tumors of spinal canal

*pinched nerve 神经受到压迫

wear of the disks 椎间盘磨损


A herniated disk, in which the soft inner cushioning material protrudes through the disk’s outer rim and irritates an adjacent nerve root, can be the source of pain.


Para. 5

*congenital [k n‘d?enitl] n.adj. 先天的

congenital abnormality 先天性畸形

odd structure 畸形结构

*asymptomatic [eisimpt?`m?tik] adj.无症状的

anatomy [?‘n?t?mi] n. 解剖学,解剖结构

pancreas [‘p?nkri?s] n.[解]胰腺

*aorta [ei‘ :t?] n.大动脉

*underlying disease 潜在病变,隐患

rare forms of arthritis 罕见型关节炎

common forms of arthritis 常见型关节炎

Para. 6

vex [veks] vt.使烦恼

hinder [ [’hind?] v.阻碍, 打扰


The physical complexity of the lower back combines with another vexing reality to hinder diagnosis of the cause of pain.


Dosage and Administration 用(剂)量与用法

Route of Administration 给药途径

Direction for Use 用法

Method of (for) Administration 用法

Application and Dosage 用法与用(剂)量

anatomic [?n?‘t mik] adj.解剖的, 解剖学上的

anatomic change 解剖结构改变

*physiological change 生理改变

*irritated nerve 受损神经

*definitive diagnosis 明确诊断

nuts-and-bolts 具体的

account for = be responsible for

*the medical community 医学界

garden-variety adj.普通的


至于疼痛得原因,多达85%的腰背痛患者并没有获得明确诊断,也没有找到具体的原因。Up to 85% percent of patients with low-back pain are left without a definitive diagnosis, a nuts-and-bolts reason for their pain.

Para. 7

stressful life events 生活节奏快

perceive … as = regard … as 把… 看作是

*control group 对照组=a group for comparison

definitive physical damage确定的身体损伤

physical tension身体的紧张状态

=the physical condition of being stretched or strained

assert [?’s?:t] v.断言, 声称=claim

serve to do sth.=help to do sth

distract [dis’tr?kt] v.使…分心

distress [dis’tres] n.悲痛, 忧伤

confront [k?n’fr?nt] vt. 面对, 对抗

conflict [‘k nflikt] n.斗争, 冲突=disagreement; struggle or fight

psychological counseling心理咨询

Para. 8

*muscle soreness 肌肉酸痛

*natural wear 自然磨损

wear = diminishing , as by friction

tear n. 牵拉

ligament [’lig?m?nt]n.系带, 韧带

create microtraumas to sth. 对…造成微创

trauma [‘tr :m?] n.[医] 外伤, 损伤

with age = with passage of time

*pinpoint [‘pinp int] v.查明find out


Determining the cause of a given individual’s pain,however,remains more art than science.

确定某一个特定病人疼痛原因,仍然是这样一种情况: 与其说是科学,不如说是艺术。Enjoy Yourself

Patient: Doctor, I’m too busy to receive treatment i n hospital. Could you please find some other ways for me?

Doctor: Well, that’s not so difficult. There are two methods for you to choose.

Patient: Two? Great! Come on!

Doctor: Exercising one hour a day or being dead 24 hours a day.

Para. 9


The inadequacy of definitively diagnosing the cause of back pain led a research group from the University of Washington to conduct a national survey of physicians from different specialties.

coronary artery disease冠状动脉疾病

congenital dislocation of the hip 先天性髋脱臼

single-gene disorder 单基因症

Mendelian patterns of inheritance 孟德尔遗传规则

patient description = patient information

subject= a person or an object to be investigated

hypothetical [haip?u etik?l] adj.假设的=supposed

Hypothesis means saying what you think is going to happen

rheumatology [ru:m?’t l?d?i] n.风湿病学

in a search for sth.

electromyogram [ilektr?u`mai?gr?m] n.肌电图

arthritic conditions 关节炎(病)

neurosurgeon [nju?r?u`s?:d??n]n.神经外科医生

neurologist [nju?’r l?d?ist] n. 神经科医师

be inclined to do = tend to do

electromyogram [ilektr?u`mai?gr?m] n.肌电图

implicate [‘implikeit] vt. 暗示=suggest

Para. 10

*Spinal X-rays脊骨x光检查

A 10-year Swedish research effort demonstrated that at least for adults under age 50, x-rays added little of diagnostic value to office examinations, with unexpected findings in only about one in every 2,500 patients x-rayed.


Para. 11

epidemiology [epidi:mi’ l?d?i] n.流行病学

be blame for = be responsible for

职前体检preemployment medical examination

military induction 募兵,(军队)应征入伍

脊椎畸形spine abnormalities

asymptomatic [eisimpt?`m?tik] adj.无症状的


ionize [‘ai?naiz] vt.使离子化vi.电离

a chest x-ray= x光胸(部)透(视)

radiologist [reidi` l?d?ist] n.放射科医生

clinical guideline临床指南

Para. 13

instrumentation [instrumen’tei??n] n.(使用)仪器

computed tomographic =计算机断层成像/扫描(CT)

tomogra ph [‘t?um?gra:f] n.[医]断层X光摄影装置

internal organ内脏

正常范围normal range

bear offspring 产生后代

cell differentiation 细胞分化

skeletal cell 骨骼细胞

magnetic resonance imaging核磁共振成像

make a diagnosis 作出诊断

illusory [i‘lu:s?ri] adj. 错觉的, 不可靠的

alarming [?`la:mi?] adj.使令人担忧的


red herring 转移注意力的不相干的事实或论点

imaging interpretation读片

spine abnormality脊骨畸形

coincidental [k?uinsi‘dentl] adj.一致的, 符合的

cause pain 致痛

*spasm [‘sp?z?m] n.痉挛

injured ligament韧带受损

in a substantial percentage of back patients在相当多的腰背疼病人中perplexity [p'pleksiti] n.困惑混乱

orthopedic [ : ?u‘pi:dik] (=orthopaedic) adj.[医]整形外科的


functional recovery功能恢复

see orthopedic surgeons做整容手术

chiropractor [‘kair?pr?kt?] n.脊椎指压治疗师


Hippocratic [hip?u’kr?tik]希波克拉底的


admonition [?dm?‘ni??n] n.警告

*counsel [‘kauns?l] n. 劝告, 忠告

with regard to adv.关于(=about)


*bed rest卧床休养期

*rationale [r???’na:li] n.基本原理

*transient relief暂时性的缓解

intervertebral [int?(:)’v?:tibr?l] adj.[解]椎(骨)间的

prone adj. 俯伏的, 面向下的

norm [n :m] n.标准, 规范

fall from favor 不再受宠

dramatic adj.戏剧性的, 生动的

reversal [ri’v?:s?l] n.颠倒, 逆转, 撤销

*抽血装置blood letting instrument

*放血针头blood letting needle

anathema [?’n im?] n.诅咒, 被咒逐的人(物)

resume = restore

Week 6: Unit 11

Reading A

Cancer Pathogenesis

Para.2 Principles of Cancer Pathogenesis

试着翻译:The proliferation of normal cells is regulated by a counter-balance between growth-promoting proto-oncogenes and growth-restraining tumor suppressor genes.


*cancer tumor 肿瘤

connective tissue结缔组织

*sarcoma [sa:’k?um?]n.[医]肉瘤

*上皮组织epithelial tissue

*carcinoma [ka:si’n?um?]n.[医]癌瘤

*invasiveness 侵蚀

Para.3 Causes of Cancer Cell Development


cell nucleus细胞核

carcinogen [ka:’sin?d??n] n.致癌物质


The greatest exposure to such agents that comes by individual choice is in cigarette smoking.

*food additive食品添加剂

carcinogen [ka:’sin?d??n]n.致癌物质saccharine [‘sak?rain]n.<美>糖精

*po tent [‘p?ut?nt] adj. 强力的,烈性的(药等)

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate;our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.


Your playing small does not serve the world. 小打小闹改变不了这个世界

There is nothing enlightened about shrinking.没有努力就不会有成就

We are all meant to shine.天生我才必有用

breakage [‘breikid?] n.破坏, 破损

dormant [‘d :m?nt] adj.睡眠状态的, 隐匿的

*dormant virus=slow virus潜伏病毒,慢病毒

ionize [‘ai?naiz] vt.使离子化vi.电离

radio active material放射性材料

*atomic exhaust 核排放

*atomic waste 核废物

*bronzed-god look 古铜色的外表

take a toll 致死

afflict [?‘flikt] vt.使痛苦, 折磨

*basal cell carcinoma基底细胞癌

*lethal [‘li: ?l] adj.致命的n.致死因子

*lethal dose n. 致命剂量

melanoma [mei?’n?um?] n.[医](恶性)黑素瘤,(良性)胎记瘤

*pigment [‘pigm?nt] n.[生]色素, 颜料

melanin [‘mei?nin] n.[生化]黑色素

*oncogenic virus致癌病毒, 致肿瘤病毒

latitude n.纬度

mortality rate 死亡率

*oncogene n. 致癌基因

*vertebrate cell动物细胞

cancerous adj.癌的

encase vt.装入, 包住

*ribonucleic acid [raib?nju:’kli:ik][生化]核糖核酸(略作RNA)

*parasite [‘p?r?sait] n.寄生虫(物)

*epidemiology [epidi:m i’ l?d?i] n. 流行病学

enigma [i’nigm?]n.谜, 不可思议的东西

heredity [hi’rediti]n.遗传

six-fold adj.六倍的

endemic [en’demik]n.地方病

*intrigue [in’tri:g] vt.引起...的兴趣

*colon n. 〈解〉结肠

etiology n.[医]病因学, 病源论

*case-control study对照研究

Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) 急性心机梗塞Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease 高血压性心血管疾病Congential Heart Disease 先天性心脏病

Pyloric obstruction 幽门阻塞

*stress factors应激因素;紧张因素;胁迫因子


*healer n.医治者, , 治病术士, 治疗物

tenet [‘ti:net]n.原则

*trauma [ [‘tr :m?]n.[医] 外伤, 损伤

loss of a central relationship失去亲人

correlation n.相互关系, 相关(性)

physiology n.生理学

thymus [‘ aim?s] n.胸腺adj.胸腺的

hormonal[h :`m?un?l] adj.荷尔蒙的, 激素的

mediate [‘mi:diit]v. 调停, 作为引起...的媒介

*hypothalamus [haip?u’ ?l?m?s] n.[解剖]视丘下部

*pituitary n.[解]垂体

*adrenal cortex肾上腺皮质

cascade [k?s’keid]n.小瀑布, 喷流vi.成瀑布落下,大量倾泻vulnerable adj. 易受...的攻击

integrity [in‘tegriti] n. 完整, 完整性

Week 10: Unit 12

Reading B

Celiac Sprue 口炎性腹泻

celiac [‘si:li?k] adj.[解剖]腹的, 腹腔的

sprue [spru:] n. [医]口炎性腹泻

*diarrhea [dai?’ri?] n.痢疾,腹泻

*dist end [dis’tend] v.(使)扩大, (使)扩张

*distended abdomens腹胀

*The abdomen distend 腹部胀大。

*clinical condition临床表现

*malabsorption [m?l?b’s :p??n]

n.[医](营养)吸收障碍, 吸收不良

foul [faul] adj.污秽的, 恶臭的

*stool [stu:l] n.凳子, 大便

*multiple stool排便量多

*foamy stool大便有泡沫

*脂肪便greasy stools

*inadequate absorption 吸收不全

*metabolic defect代谢缺损

*pediatrician [pi:di?’tri??n] n.儿科医师

cereal [‘si?ri?l] n.谷类食品, 谷类

rye [rai] n.裸麦, 黑麦

gliadin [‘glai?din] n.[生化]麦胶蛋白

gluten [‘glu:t?n] n.麸质,谷蛋白

peroral [p?’ :r?l] adj.经口的,口周围的

*biopsy [‘b ai psi] n.[医]活组织检查, 活组织切片检查suction [‘s∧k??n] n.吸入,抽吸

guillotine [‘gil?ti:n] n. (切纸的)闸刀,环状刀

*microscopic study显微镜下观察

摄入不足insufficiency of intake

胎粪排出excretion of meconium

水分丢失loss of moist

生长高峰summit of growth

*celiac disease乳糜泻

*nontropical sprue非热带型卡他性腹泻

*enteropathy [ent?’r p? i] n.肠病n.[医]肠下垂

*gluten-sensitive enteropathy麦质敏感性肠病

*electron micrograph电子显微镜检查,电子显微照片*eroded mucosal surface受侵蚀粘膜表面

*villi [‘vilai][解][植]绒毛

*sparse [spa:s] adj.稀少的, 稀疏的

*erosion [i’r?u??n] n.腐蚀, 侵蚀

*primary host defect基本缺损

*under study正在研究之中

*genetic base遗传基础

atrophy [‘?tr?fi] n.[医]萎缩, 萎缩症

*pathologic [p? ?’l d?ik] adj.病理的

*lesion [‘li:??n] n.损害, 身体上的伤害

glutamine [‘glu:t?mi:n] n.谷氨酸盐

steatorrhea 脂肪痢

*secondary manifestation继发性表现

*primary biochemical reaction原发性生化反应

*celiac crisis粥样泻危象

acidosis [?si’d?usis] n.酸液过多症, 酸中毒症

*watery stool水样泻

copious [‘k?upj?s]adj.很多的, 大量的

*copious vomiting严重呕吐

*ingest [in’d?est] vt.摄取

*anemia [?’ni:mi?]n.贫血, 贫血症

rickets [‘rikits]n.[医]软骨病, 佝偻病, 驼背

*subcutaneous [‘s∧bkju(:)’te ini?s]adj.[解] 皮下的, 皮下用的buttock [‘b∧t?k] n. 臀部

emaciate [I’mei?ieit]vt.使憔悴, 使消瘦

apathetic [?p?’ etik] adj.缺乏兴趣的, 情感淡漠的

fretful [‘fretful] adj.烦燥的, 焦躁的

*dietary manegement饮食控制

oat [?ut]n.[植]燕麦, 麦片粥

barley [‘ba:li]n.大麦

corn [k :n] n.<美>玉米

recipe [‘resipi] n.处方

*dietary compliance饮食要求

*ethnic foods民族食品

*kit [kit] n. 工具箱

refractory [ri’fr?kt?ri] adj.难控制的

站立位erect position

胸围chest circumference

乳牙deciduous teeth

恒牙permanent teeth

运动发育motor development

Week 12: Unit 13

Reading 13B

gonorrhea [g n?’ri:?] n.[医]淋病

*法定传染病reportable diseases

Neisseria gonorrhoeae 奈瑟氏菌属


with the heaviest concentration among young adults(15 to 44 years) *antibiotic-resistant strains耐抗生素菌株

*pyogenic [pai?`d?enik] adj.[医] 化脓的

*pus [p∧s] n.脓, 脓汁

diplococcus [dipl?u`k k?s] n.[生物] 双球菌

*gram-negative diplococcus革兰氏阴性双球菌

evoke [i’v?uk] vt.唤起, 引起

purulent [‘pju?rul?nt] adj.脓的, 含脓的

*exudate [‘eksjudeit] n.流出物, 分泌液

*natural host 天然宿主

*mucus [‘mju:k?s] n.粘液, 胶

*epithelia [epi’ i:li?] n.[生]上皮细胞(epithclium的复数形式)

*portal [‘p :t?l] n.入口

*genitourinary [d?enit?u’ju?rin?ri] adj.泌尿生殖器的

oropharynx [?ur?’f?ri?ks] n.[解]口咽部

anorectum [ein?’rekt?m] 肛门直肠(部)

heterosexual [het?r?u’seksju?l] adj. 异性恋的

homosexual[h?um?u’seksju?l] adj.同性恋的


intercourse n.性交

autoinocul ation [‘ :t?uin kju’lei??n] n.[医]自体接种(指注射自体菌苗或疾病从身体的一部分扩散到另一部分)

conjunctiva [k nd?∧?k’taiv?] n.(眼球)结膜

neonate [‘ni:?neit] n.(尤指出生不满一个月的)婴儿

birth canal产道

gonorrhea conjunctivity 淋病性结膜炎

amniotic adj.[解]羊膜的,有羊膜的

*premature delivery n.[医]早产

premature rupture 提早破裂

membrane n.(羊)膜

*infant morbidity婴儿发病率

*mortality [m :’t?liti] n.死亡率

*genital gonorrhea生殖器淋病

*sexual abuse性虐待

anterior urethra尿道前部

*accessory [?k’ses?ri] n.附件

*urethral gland尿道腺

*Bartholin‘s glands前庭大腺,巴氏腺

*Skene’s glands 女性尿道旁腺

*cervix [‘s?:viks] n.[解] 子宫颈

*genital tract生殖道

*prostate [‘pr steit] adj.前列腺的n.前列腺

epididymis [epi’didimis] n.[解]附睾, 副睾

fallopian [f?’loupi?n]输卵管

pharyngitis [f?rin’d?aitis] n.[医]咽炎

oral-genital contact 口交

*bloodstream n. 血流

*disseminate [di’semineit] v.散布

*disseminated gonococcal infection散在性淋球菌感染

sequelae [si’kw:l?]后遗症, 结局

*bacteremic adj.菌血症的

*joint spaces关节腔

*heart valves 心脏瓣膜

*meninges [mi’nind?i:z] n.[解]脑膜, 髓膜

*unwittingly adv.不知情地, 无意地

*bloody discharge带血排出物

prostate [‘pr steit] adj.前列腺的n.前列腺

epididymis [epi’di dimis] n.[解]附睾, 副睾

periurethral [periju?’ri: r?l]adj.尿道周的

*periurethral glands尿道周腺

*rectal infection直肠感染

dysuria [dis’ju?ri?] n.[医] 排尿困难

dyspareunia [disp?’ru:ni?] n. 性交疼痛症

*pelvic pain 骨盆疼痛


*unusual vaginal bleeding阴道异常出血

proctitis [pr k’tai tis] n.[医]直肠炎

menses[‘mensi:z]n.[生理]月经, 行经

*intracellular [intr?’seljul?] adj.细胞内的

*diplococcus [dipl?u`k k?s] n.[生物] 双球菌

*menstrual [‘menstru?l] adj.[生理]月经的

*uterus [‘ju:t?r?s] n.[解]子宫

salpingitis [s?lpin’d?aitis] n.[医]输卵管炎

sterility [ste’riliti] n. 不育

Gram stain革兰氏染色法

*Gram culture革兰氏培养


oropharynx [?ur?’f?ri?ks] n.[解]口咽

urethra n.[解]尿道

plate [pleit] vt.涂于片上

anal [‘ein?l] adj.肛门的

anal canal肛道

*Thayer-Martin media泰-马二氏琼脂

*N. Gonorrhoeae淋病奈瑟氏菌

*fastidious [f?s’tidi?s] adj. 苛求的, (微生物等)需要复杂营养的*fastidious organism苛求菌

optimal [‘ ptim?l] adj.最佳的, 最理想的

*transport vt.送检,递送

*immunoassay [imjun?u’?sei] n.免疫测定

*enzyme immunoassay酶标免疫测定法

*gonococcal antigen淋球菌抗体=gonozyme

*DNA probe=DNA探针

*urethral swab尿道试子

*swab [sw b] n.拖把, 药签vt.拭抹, 擦洗

*be cost effective在费用上比较合算

*high risk populations 高危人群

syphilis [‘sifilis] n.[医]梅毒

chlamydia [kl?`midi?] n. [微]衣原体

screen [skri:n] vt筛检

*prenatal visit产前检查

high-risk populations高危人群

*have repeat cultures 作重复性培养

*trimester [trai’mest?] n.三月期

conjunctiva [k nd?∧?k’taiv?] n.(眼球)结膜

probenecid [pr?’ben?sid] n.[药]丙磺舒,羧苯磺丙胺( 一种作用于肾管功能的药物) *renal excretion肾脏排泄

tetracycline [tetr?’saiklin] n.[微]四环素

refrain [ri’frein] vi.节制, 避免, 制止

*concomitant [k?n’k mit?nt] adj.伴随的


*gonococcal pelvic inflammatory disease 淋球菌盆腔炎性疾病


*combination regimen联合疗法

regimen [‘red?imen] n.摄生法

*single dose一次性注射/剂量


doxycycline [d ksi’saiklin] n.[微]强力霉素

spectinomycin [spektinE5maisin]n.[微]奇放线菌素,壮观霉素,奇霉素(用作抗淋病药) doxycycline [d ksi’saiklin] n.[微]强力霉素

erythromycin [I’ri r?u’maisin] n.<美>红霉素

Week 13: Unit 14

Reading A

sheer [?i?] adj. 绝对的, 彻底的

*intelligent decision making智能决策


outweigh [aut’wei] v.在重量(或价值等)上超过

*deliberation [dilib?’rei??n] n.熟思, 考虑

profile n.概况,简介

eg company profile公司概况

chemical [‘kemik?l] adj.化学的n.化学制品, 化学药品

simplistic [sim’plistik] adj.过分单纯化的

acetylsalicylic acid乙酰水杨酸, 阿司匹林

trivia [‘trivj?] n.琐事

OTC(over-the-counter). (药等)不需医师处方而卖的;店面交易的受点,受体部位

*receptor site 受点,受体部位

analgesic [?n?l’d?i:sik] adj.止痛的

*chemotherapy [kem?u’ er?pi] n.化学疗法

*intestine [in’testin] n.[解, 动]肠

*malignant [m?’lign?nt] adj.恶性的

nausea [‘n :sj?] n.反胃, 恶心

*psychoactive [saik?u’?ktiv] adj.作用于精神的,影响(或改变)心理状态的*psychoactive drugs精神性药物

*marijuana [m?ri’hwa:n?] n.[植]大麻

giddy [‘gidi] adj.眼花缭乱的, 头晕的

encompass [in’k∧mp?s] v.包围, 环绕

*wild color强烈的颜色

* adverse reaction 有害反应,逆反应

*itching [‘it?i?] adj. 痒的

*watery eyes水汪汪的眼睛

*runny nose流鼻涕

discoloration [disk∧l?`rei??n] n.变色, 污点

hives [haivz] n.麻疹, 假膜性喉头炎

anaphylactic [?n?fi’l?ktik] adj.过敏的

*anaphylactic shock过敏性休克

*respiratory failure呼吸衰弱,呼吸衰竭

*cardiac arrest 心搏[动]停止

arrest n. 停止


学术英语unit1,unit3,unit4,unit9课文翻译 Unit 1 Text A 神经过载与千头万绪的医生 患者经常抱怨自己的医生不会聆听他们的诉说。虽然可能会有那么几个医生确实充耳不闻,但是大多数医生通情达理,还是能够感同身受的人。我就纳闷为什么即使这些医生似乎成为批评的牺牲品。我常常想这个问题的成因是不是就是医生所受的神经过载。有时我感觉像变戏法,大脑千头万绪,事无巨细,不能挂一漏万。如果病人冷不丁提个要求,即使所提要求十分中肯,也会让我那内心脆弱的平衡乱作一团,就像井然有序同时演出三台节目的大马戏场 突然间崩塌了一样。有一天,我算过一次常规就诊过程中我脑子里有多少想法在翻腾,试图据此弄清楚为了完满完成一项工作,一个医生的脑海机灵转动,需 要处理多少个细节。 奥索里奥夫人 56 岁,是我的病人。她有点超重。她的糖尿病和高血压一直控制良好,恰到好处。她的胆固醇偏高,但并没有服用任何药物。她锻炼不够多,最后一次 DEXA 骨密度检测显示她的骨质变得有点疏松。尽管她一直没有爽约,按时看病,并能按时做血液化验,但是她形容自己的生活还有压力。总的说来,她健康良好,在医疗实践中很可能被描述为一个普通患者,并非过于复杂。 以下是整个 20 分钟看病的过程中我脑海中闪过的念头。 她做了血液化验,这是好事。

血糖好点了。胆固醇不是很好。可能需要考虑开始服用他汀类药物。 她的肝酶正常吗? 她的体重有点增加。我需要和她谈谈每天吃五种蔬果、每天步行 30 分钟的事。 糖尿病:她早上的血糖水平和晚上的比对结果如何?她最近是否和营养师谈过?她是否看过眼科医生?足科医生呢? 她的血压还好,但不是很好。我是不是应该再加一种降血压的药?药片多了是否让她困惑?更好地控制血压的益处和她可能什么药都不吃带来的风险孰重孰轻? 骨密度 DEXA 扫描显示她的骨质有点疏松。我是否应该让她服用二磷酸盐,因为这可以预防骨质疏松症?而我现在又要给她加一种药丸,而这种药需要详细说明。也许留到下一次再说吧? 她家里的情况怎么样呢?她现在是否有常见的生活压力?亦或她有可能有抑郁症或焦虑症?有没有时间让她做个抑郁问卷调查呢? 健康保养:她最后一次乳房 X 光检查是什么时候做的?子宫颈抹片呢? 50 岁之后是否做过结肠镜检查?过去 10 年间她是否注射过破伤风加强疫苗?她是否符合接种肺炎疫苗的条件? 奥索里奥夫人打断了我的思路,告诉我过去的几个月里她一直背痛。从她的角度来看,这可能是她此次就诊最要紧的事。但事实是,她让我如火如荼的思绪戛然而止(当时我正在考虑她的血糖问题,继而又有了一个念头,准备和她讨论饮食和锻炼的事,这时又跳出了另一个想法,要和她探讨是否开始服用他汀类药物)。我的本能反应是举手,阻止她打断我的思路。这并不是说我不想听她一定要说的话,而是我千头万绪,在到点前需要解决所这些问题,这种感


必修1 第一单元 Reading 阅读 ANNE’S BEST FRIEND Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to, like your deepest feelings and thoughts? Or are you afraid that your friend would laugh at you, or would not understand what you are going through? Anne Frank wanted the first kind, so she made her diary her best friend. 安妮最好的朋友 你想不想有一位无话不谈能推心置腹的朋友?或者你会不会担心你的朋友会嘲笑你,会不理解你目前的困境呢?安妮?弗兰克想要的是第一种类型的朋友,所以她把的日记视为自己最好的朋友。 Anne lived in Amsterdam in the Netherlands during World War II. Her family was Jewish so the had to hide or they would be caught by the German Nazis. She and her family hide away for two years before they were discovered. During that time the only true friend was her diary. She said, “I don’t want to set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do, but I want this diary itself to be my friend, and I shall call my friend Kitty.”Now read how she felt after being in the hiding place since July 1942. 在第二次世界大战期间,安妮住在荷兰的阿姆斯特丹。她一家人都是犹太人,所以他们不得不躲藏起来,否则就会被德国的纳粹分子抓去。她和她的家人躲藏了25个月之后才被发现。




第二单元 骨质疏松与骨骼的危险因素 骨质疏松可能几十年也没有任何症状。因为除非骨折,它不会引起任何症状。有些骨质疏松性骨折数年后才能诊断出来。因此,只有发生带来痛苦的骨折时,患者才能意识到自己的骨质疏松。而骨质疏松症状和骨折部位有关。 脊椎骨折可引起严重的带状疼痛,疼痛从后背扩散到身体的两侧。几年时间,反复的脊椎骨折可引起身高变矮,脊椎弯曲和后背下端长期疼痛。脊椎弯曲使得患者出现驼背现象,通常称为“罗锅”。 日常生活中发生的骨折叫做压迫性骨折。例如:有些骨质疏松患者走路或下台阶时,脚部会出现压迫性骨折。 跌倒时通常发生髋部骨折。如果患有骨质疏松,非常轻微的磕碰都能造成髋部骨折。由于骨骼的质量较差,即使行外科手术治疗,髋部骨折也很难治愈。 根据国际骨质疏松基金会今天在世界骨质疏松日公布的报告披露,如果吸烟,每天饮酒两杯以上,不锻炼身体或饮食不佳,晚年就会患骨质疏松。 国际骨质疏松基金会主席Daniel Navid在迪拜召开的记者招待会上说:“预计到2050年,因骨质疏松造成的髋部骨折发生率,男性将增至310%,女性将增至240%。骨质疏松导致的骨折通常意味着疼痛,功能丧失,严重病例会导致死亡。” “战胜骨折”报告作者及国际骨质疏松基金会成员Cyrus Cooper教授说:“世界范围内,骨质疏松发病率正以流行病的发病增长——50岁以上,有1/3的女性和1/5的男性患骨质疏松性骨折。但是,如果人们年轻时就认识到骨质疏松的危害并采取适当措施,将对晚年时期的骨骼健康有着巨大的积极影响。” 国际骨质疏松基金会敦促人们接受国际骨质疏松基金会一分钟骨质疏松危险因素检查。此外,采取对骨骼有益的生活方式,如营养饮食,定期锻炼,不吸烟,不酗酒,这些都会有助于形成健壮的骨骼,防止骨折。 危险因素主要分为两大类:可修正的和不可修正的危险因素。尽管我们无法控制危险因素,如年龄,性别,家族史,但还是有些能减轻其影响的办法。 可修正的危险因素 可修正的危险因素主要源于不健康的饮食或生活方式的选择,包括营养不良,身高体重比偏低,饮食失调,喝酒,吸烟和缺乏锻炼。这些危险因素大部分直接影响骨骼健康,导致骨密度降低。(BMD) 喝酒 欧洲,北美洲及澳大利亚的研究表明,无论男性还是女性,每天饮酒量超过两杯会就加大骨质疏松和髋关节骨折的危险。 吸烟 吸烟同样增加人的骨折危险。国际研究已经表明,吸烟使髋关节骨折的危险增加1.5倍。在瑞典进行的研究表明,18到20岁的男性吸烟者,其骨密度降低。这项研究结果尤其令人担忧。因为它表明,年轻人吸烟可以降低骨质峰值——而骨质在20岁到25岁形成——因此增加他得晚年患骨质疏松的危险。 身高体重比偏低 身高体重比(BMI)偏低是检测人瘦的尺度,也可以用来提示患骨质疏松的危险度。医生认为,BMI在20到25之间是理想值。19以下表明BMI太低,有患骨质疏松的危险。 营养不良、饮食钙摄取量低 营养不良与BMI低紧密相连,它能影响骨骼健康。当饮食中钙的摄取量不足时尤其如此。钙是骨矿物质的基本成分,对肌肉,神经和人体的其它细胞也是十分重要的。 维生素D缺乏 主要通过皮肤暴露在阳光下获得的维生素D十分重要,因为它帮助从肠中吸收的钙进入到血液中。通常,儿童和成人每天把面部、手和胳膊暴露在阳光下10到15分钟就足够了。 饮食失调 饮食失调,如神经性厌食、贪食,也能引起骨质疏松。这些情况都能大大降低钙摄取量,加速骨矿物质流失。 运动量不足 久坐的人比经常运动的人更容易发生髋关节骨折。例如:每天坐9个小时以上的女性,其髋关节骨折的机率比坐6个小时以下的女性高50%。 经常跌跤 90%的髋关节骨折都源于跌跤。视力障碍、丧失平衡、肌肉神经紊乱,痴呆、卧床及老年人中常见的服用安眠药


Unit 6 Text A 寻求临终护理 数十年前,大多数人在自己家中去世,但是医疗方面的进步已经改变了这一情况。如今,大多数美国人在医院或是疗养院中度过生命的最终时光。他们中有些人是为了治疗疾病进了医院,有些可能是选择长期住在疗养院。越来越多的人在生命的尽头开始选择临终关怀。 死亡没有一个称得上“合适”的地点。何况,我们死亡的地方,大多数情况下也并非我们可以决定的。但如果有选择的机会,每个人及其家属,都应该考虑究竟怎样的临终护理最为适合,在哪里可以享受到这样的关怀,家人和朋友能否提供帮助,以及他们应该如何支付相应的费用。 医院及疗养院 64 岁的 George 有充血性心力衰竭病史。一天晚上,他因为胸痛被送入医院。他与他最亲近的人事先便已决定,在任何情况下都要让医生使用最大努力来延续他的生命。所以当他需要相应的治疗时,他选择了医院,因为那里有全天候工作的医生和护士。医院提供一整套的治疗、检查及其他医疗照护。一旦George的心脏出现持续衰竭,医院的重症监护病房(ICU)或冠心病重症监护病房(CCU)就可以提供及时的救护。尽管医院有相关的规定,在有些情况下执行具有一定的弹性。如果George的医生认为他的病情并没有因为治疗有所好转,并濒临死亡,他的家属可以要求更加宽松的探视时间。如果他的家属想从家中给他带一些私人物品,可以向工作人员询问物品的尺寸限制或是是否需要消毒。不论George住在ICU、CCU还是两病床的病房,其家属都可以要求更多的私人空间。 在医院环境中,对临终病人来说,身边永远会有知道该如何照料他的医务人员。这一点令病人及其家属得以安心。 已有越来越多的人在生命尽头的时候选择疗养院,因为在这里,护理人员是随叫随到的。疗养院有时也被称为专业护理所,在临终护理方面有利有弊。与医院不同,疗养院里并不是全天候都有医生在场。然而,由于临终护理可以事先安


必修4 Unit 1 A STUDENT OF AFRICAN WILDLIFE It is 5:45 am and the sun is just rising over Gombe National Park in East Africa. Following Jane's way of studying chimps, our group are all going to visit them in the forest. Jane has studied these families of chimps for many years and helped people understand how much they behave like humans. Watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activity of the day. This means going back to the place where we left the family sleeping in a tree the night before. Everybody sits and waits in the shade of the trees while the family begins to wake up and move off. Then we follow as they wander into the forest. Most of the time, chimps either feed or clean each other as a way of showing love in their family. Jane warns us that our group is going to be very tired and dirty by the afternoon and she is right. However, the evening makes it all worthwhile. We watch the mother chimp and her babies play in the tree. Then we see them go to sleep together in their nest for the night. We realize that the bond between members of a chimp family is as strong as in a human family. Nobody before Jane fully understood chimp behaviour. She spent years observing and recording their daily activities. Since her childhood she had wanted to work with animals in their own environment. However, this was not easy. When she first arrived in Gombe in 1960, it was unusual for a woman to live in the forest. Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months was she allowed to begin her project. Her work changed the way people think about chimps. For example, one important thing she discovered was that chimps hunt and eat meat. Until then everyone had thought chimps ate only fruit and nuts. She actually observed chimps as a group hunting a monkey and then eating it. She also discovered how chimps communicate with each other, and her study of their body language helped her work out their social system. For forty years Jane Goodall has been outspoken about making the rest of the world understand and respect the life of these animals. She has argued that wild animals should be left in the wild and not used for entertainment or advertisements. She has helped to set up special places where they can live safely. She is leading a busy life but she says: "Once I stop, it all comes crowding in and I remember the chimps in laboratories. It's terrible. It affects me when I watch the wild chimps. I say to myself, 'Aren't they lucky?" And then I think about small chimps in cages though they have done nothing wrong. Once you have seen that you can never forget ..." She has achieved everything she wanted to do: working with animals in their own environment, gaining a doctor's degree and showing that women can live in the forest as men can. She inspires those who want to cheer the achievements of women. WHY NOT CARRY ON HER GOOD WORK? I enjoyed English, biology, and chemistry at school, but which one should I choose to study at university? I did not know the answer until one evening when I sat down at the computer to do some research on great women of China. By chance I came across an article about a doctor called Lin Qiaozhi, a specialist in women's diseases. She lived from 1901 to 1983. It seemed that she had been very busy in her chosen career, travelling abroad to study as well as writing books and articles. One of them


学术英语unit1,unit3,unit4,unit9课文翻译 Unit 1 Text A 神经过载与千头万绪的医生 患者经常抱怨自己的医生不会聆听他们的诉说。虽然可能会有那么几个医生确实充耳不闻,但是大多数医生通情达理,还是能够感同身受的人。我就纳闷为什么即使这些医生似乎成为批评的牺牲品。我常常想这个问题的成因是不是就是医生所受的神经过载。有时我感觉像变戏法,大脑千头万绪,事无巨细,不能挂一漏万。如果病人冷不丁提个要求,即使所提要求十分中肯,也会让我那内心脆弱的平衡乱作一团,就像井然有序同时演出三台节目的大马戏场 突然间崩塌了一样。有一天,我算过一次常规就诊过程中我脑子里有多少想法在翻腾,试图据此弄清楚为了完满完成一项工作,一个医生的脑海机灵转动,需 要处理多少个细节。 奥索里奥夫人 56 岁,是我的病人。她有点超重。她的糖尿病和高血压一直控制良好,恰到好处。她的胆固醇偏高,但并没有服用任何药物。她锻炼不够多,最后一次 DEXA 骨密度检测显示她的骨质变得有点疏松。尽管她一直没有爽约,按时看病,并能按时做血液化验,但是她形容自己的生活还有压力。总的说来,她健康良好,在医疗实践中很可能被描述为一个普通患者,并非过于复杂。 以下是整个 20 分钟看病的过程中我脑海中闪过的念头。 她做了血液化验,这是好事。

血糖好点了。胆固醇不是很好。可能需要考虑开始服用他汀类药物。 她的肝酶正常吗 她的体重有点增加。我需要和她谈谈每天吃五种蔬果、每天步行 30 分钟的事。 糖尿病:她早上的血糖水平和晚上的比对结果如何她最近是否和营养师谈过她是否看过眼科医生足科医生呢 她的血压还好,但不是很好。我是不是应该再加一种降血压的药药片多了是否让她困惑更好地控制血压的益处和她可能什么药都不吃带来的风险孰重孰轻 骨密度 DEXA 扫描显示她的骨质有点疏松。我是否应该让她服用二磷酸盐,因为这可以预防骨质疏松症而我现在又要给她加一种药丸,而这种药需要详细说明。也许留到下一次再说吧 她家里的情况怎么样呢她现在是否有常见的生活压力亦或她有可能有抑郁症或焦虑症有没有时间让她做个抑郁问卷调查呢 健康保养:她最后一次乳房 X 光检查是什么时候做的子宫颈抹片呢 50 岁之后是否做过结肠镜检查过去 10 年间她是否注射过破伤风加强疫苗她是否符合接种肺炎疫苗的条件 奥索里奥夫人打断了我的思路,告诉我过去的几个月里她一直背痛。从她的角度来看,这可能是她此次就诊最要紧的事。但事实是,她让我如火如荼的思绪戛然而止(当时我正在考虑她的血糖问题,继而又有了一个念头,准备和她讨论饮食和锻炼的事,这时又跳出了另一个想法,要和她探讨是否开始服用他汀类药物)。我的本能反应是举手,阻止她打断我的思路。这并不是说我不想听她一定要说的话,而是我千头万绪,在到点前需要解决所这些问题,这种感受使我处于中度恐慌状态。万一我顾此失彼,落下一个怎么办当我在处理一件


Unit One Text A:Hippocratic Oath, The Medical Ideal 或许在医学史上最持久的,被引用最多次的誓言就是”希波克拉底誓言”.这个以古希腊著名医师希波克拉底命名的誓言,被作为医师道德伦理的指导纲领.虽然随着时代的变迁,准确的文字已不可考,但誓言的主旨却始终如一——尊敬那些将毕生知识奉献于医学科学的人,尊重病人,尊重医师尽己所能治愈病人的承诺。 作为被大家公认的”医学之父”,我们对希波克拉底知之甚少.他生活于约公元前460-380年,作为一名职业医师,与苏格拉底是同代人.在他的时代,他被推举为当时最著名的医师和医学教育者.收录了超过60篇论文的专著——希波克拉底文集,被归于他的名下;但是其中有些论文的内容主旨相冲突,并成文于公元前510-300年,所以不可能都是出自他之手. 这个宣言是以希波克拉底命名的,虽然它的作者依然存在疑问。根据医学历史权威的看法,这个宣言的内容是在公元前四世纪起草的,这使希波克拉底自己起草这个宣言成为可能。无论如何,不管是否是希波克拉底自己起草的(希波克拉底宣言),这个宣言的内容都反映了他在医学伦理上的看法。 作为代表当时希腊观点的唯一一小部分,希波克拉底誓言首次被写时并没有受到很好的欢迎。然而,在那远古时代结束时,医生们开始遵循誓言的条款。当科学医学在罗马帝国衰亡后遭受一显而易见的衰退时,这个誓言,连同希波克拉底医学的指示命令,在西方都几乎被遗忘是有可能的。正是通过东方坚持不懈的探索精神,使得希波克拉底医学信念和希波克拉底宣言得以在这一恶化的时期幸存下来,尤其是通过阿拉伯当局在医学上的著作。希腊医学知识而后在西方基督教复活是通过了阿拉伯文论著和原始希腊文的拉丁文翻译。 到17世纪后期,专业行为标准已经在西方世界建立。被专业组织通过的第一部医学伦理学的法典是由英国内科医生托马斯·珀西瓦尔(1740 - 1804)1794年编写的, 并在1846年被改编和通过了美国医学协会(AMA)。Thomas Percival提出的道德规范为职业医师提供了金标准,主宰着医生们服务他人时的道德权威和独立性以及医生对病人的责任,还有医生的个人荣誉。 6.The seeds had been sown by Hippocrates - or one of his ghost writers. 种子已经被希波克拉底或者他的代笔者们所播种。 7.二战之后,由于在罪犯身上进行骇人听闻的医学实验而违反了医学伦理准则,23位来自行德国纳粹集中营的医生被判有罪。这一事件导致了纽伦堡宣言的诞生(1947),这意味着关于人类受试者的道德治疗的讨论的开启,概述了在医学研究中关于这些受试者权益的道德问题。这反过来导致1948年世界医学协会通过了维也纳宣言的宣誓。 Contemporary dilemmas in the Modern World

必修5 人教版高中英语课文原文和翻译

必修5 Unit 1 Great scientists Reading JOHH SHOW DEFEATS “KING CHOLERA” 约翰·斯洛击败“霍乱王 John Snow was a famous doctor in London - so expert, indeed, that he attended Queen Victoria as her personal physician. But he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera. This was the deadly disease of its day. Neither its cause nor its cure was understood. So many thousands of terrified people died every time there was an outbreak. John Snow wanted to face the challenge and solve this problem. He knew that cholera would never be controlled until its cause was found. 约翰·斯洛是伦敦一位著名的医生——他的确医术精湛,因而成为照料维多利亚女王的私人医生。但他一想到要帮助那些得了霍乱的普通百姓时,他就感到很振奋。霍乱在当时是最致命的疾病,人们既不知

道它的病源,也不了解它的治疗方法。每次霍乱暴发时,就有大批惊恐的老百姓死去。约翰·斯洛想面对这个挑战,解决这个问题。他知道,在找到病源之前,霍乱疫情是无法控制的。 He became interested in two theories that possibly explained how cholera killed people. The first suggested that cholera multiplied in the air. A cloud of dangerous gas floated around until it found its victims. The second suggested that people absorbed this disease into their bodies with their meals. From the stomach the disease quickly attacked the body and soon the affected person died. 斯洛对霍乱致人死地的两种推测都很感兴趣。一种看法是霍乱病毒在空气中繁殖着,像一股危险的气体到处漂浮,直到找到病毒的受害者为止。第二种看法是人们在吃饭的时候把这种病毒引入体内的。病从胃里发作而迅速殃及全身,患者就会很快地死去。 1 / 23 John Snow suspected that the second theory was correct but he needed evidence. So when another outbreak hit London in 1854, he was ready to begin his enquiry. As the disease spread quickly through poor neighbourhoods, he


医学英语课文知识总结 1.Seasonal Influenza (P18) Definition: Seasonal influenza is an acute infection caused by the influenza virus. Type: Type A: A1(H1N1) and A3(H3N2) are circulating among human Type B: Only influenza A and B viruses are included in seasonal influenza vaccines Type C: much less frequently than A and B Cause: 1. High risk: People with certain medical conditions, such as chronic heart, lung, kidney, liver, blood or metabolic diseases (such as diabetes), or weakened immune systems 2. Transmission: Spread by breathing in infected droplets Signs and symptoms: high fever, cough, headache, muscle and joint pain, severe malaise, sore throat and runny nose Treatment: antiviral drugs such as adamantanes and inhibitors of influenza neuraminidase Prevention: vaccinate timely(most effective);covering mouth and nose with tissue when coughing, washing hands regularly 2.Diabetes (P25) Definition:Diabetes is a chornic disease that occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin,or alternatively,when thw body cannot effevtively use the insulin it produces. Type: Type 1 diabetes(previously know as insulin-dependent or childhood-onset)is characterized by a lack of insulin production. Type 2 diabetes(fromly called non-insulin-dependent or adult-onset)results from the body's ineffective use of insulin. Gestational diabetes is hyperglycaemia which is first recognized during pregnancy. Common consequences: Diabetes can damage the heart,blood vessels,eyes,kindneys,and nerves. Such as:retinopathy,neuropathy;tingling;pain;numbness,or weakness in the feet and hands;fool ulcers,even amputation;kidney failure;heart disease;stroke;cardiovascular disease. Prevent: achieve and maintain healthy body weigh;be physically active;blood testing;tabacco cessation; blood pressure control;foot care;morderate blood control, people with type 1 diabetes require insulin,people with type 2 diabetes can be treated with oral medication,but may also require insulin.screening for retinopathy;blood lipid control; screening for early signs of diabetes-related kindney disease. 5.Obesity And Overweight(P70) Defintion:Overweight and obesity are defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair health.WHO defines “overweight” as a BMI equal to or more than 25 and “obesity” as a BMI equal to or more than 30. Reason: Energy imbalance ,unhealthy diet and physical inactivity. Consequence:Cardiovascular disease,diabetes,musculoskeletal disorders,some cancer Prevention: Achieve energy balance and a healthy weight,limit energy intake, fruit,vegetables,legumes,whole grains and nuts.increase physical activity and limit sugar intake


Unit One Text A: Hippocratic Oath, The Medical Ideal 或许在医学史上最持久的,被引用最多次的誓言就是”希波克拉底誓言”.这个以古希腊著名医师希波克拉底命名的誓言,被作为医师道德伦理的指导纲领.虽然随着时代的变迁,准确的文字已不可考,但誓言的主旨却始终如一——尊敬那些将毕生知识奉献于医学科学的人,尊重病人,尊重医师尽己所能治愈病人的承诺。 作为被大家公认的”医学之父”,我们对希波克拉底知之甚少.他生活于约公元前460-380年,作为一名职业医师,与苏格拉底是同代人.在他的时代,他被推举为当时最著名的医师和医学教育者.收录了超过60篇论文的专著——希波克拉底文集,被归于他的名下;但是其中有些论文的内容主旨相冲突,并成文于公元前510-300年,所以不可能都是出自他之手. 这个宣言是以希波克拉底命名的,虽然它的作者依然存在疑问。根据医学历史权威的看法,这个宣言的内容是在公元前四世纪起草的,这使希波克拉底自己起草这个宣言成为可能。无论如何,不管是否是希波克拉底自己起草的(希波克拉底宣言),这个宣言的内容都反映了他在医学伦理上的看法。 作为代表当时希腊观点的唯一一小部分,希波克拉底誓言首次被写时并没有受到很好的欢迎。然而,在那远古时代结束时,医生们开始遵循誓言的条款。当科学医学在罗马帝国衰亡后遭受一显而易见的衰退时,这个誓言,连同希波克拉底医学的指示命令,在西方都几乎被遗忘是有可能的。正是通过东方坚持不懈的探索精神,使得希波克拉底医学信念和希波克拉底宣言得以在这一恶化的时期幸存下来,尤其是通过阿拉伯当局在医学上的著作。希腊医学知识而后在西方基督教复活是通过了阿拉伯文论著和原始希腊文的拉丁文翻译。 到17世纪后期,专业行为标准已经在西方世界建立。被专业组织通过的第一部医学伦理学的法典是由英国内科医生托马斯·珀西瓦尔(1740 - 1804)1794年编写的, 并在1846年被改编和通过了美国医学协会(AMA)。Thomas Percival提出的道德规范为职业医师提供了金标准,主宰着医生们服务他人时的道德权威和独立性以及医生对病人的责任,还有医生的个人荣誉。 种子已经被希波克拉底或者他的代笔者们所播种。 二战之后,由于在罪犯身上进行骇人听闻的医学实验而违反了医学伦理准则,23位来自行德国纳粹集中营的医生被判有罪。这一事件导致了纽伦堡宣言的诞生(1947),这意味着关于人类受试者的道德治疗的讨论的开启,概述了在医学研究中关于这些受试者权益的道德问题。这反过来导致1948年世界医学协会通过了维也纳宣言的宣誓。 誓言的重申一直是个问题。医学伦理相当复杂。他们必须平衡病人的期望、社会需求和禁忌、经济和政治现实以及并不断发展的医学和科学知识之间的关系。例如,当初的誓言要求无论在任何情况下患者都应得到治愈。然而,在双盲试验中使用安慰剂是在药物开发必不可少的,但却意味着医生没有试图进行治疗。而当初的誓言,也将禁止病人分流治疗。病人分流治疗用于战争或灾害时根据病人的生存机会优先进行治疗。对有或没有医疗保险的病人进行不同的医疗保健是不可能的。使用高剂量毒性药物进行化疗的某些危险形式将被禁止。最后,能够减轻身处无法治愈境地的病人痛苦的安乐死被当初的誓言所禁止。 因此,人们争辩自希波克拉底的时代以后,原始的希波克拉底誓言在一个发生了翻天覆地的社会经济、政治和道德变革的社会是无效的。这指引我们对誓言进行修改,使其更适合我们的时代。四个当今使用最广泛的版本是:日内瓦宣言(前文已提及);迈蒙尼德的祷告;Lasagna宣言;修复后的希波克拉底宣言.虽然他们的措辞和内容不同,主要原则是一样的


必修1第一单元Reading 阅读 ANNE’S BEST FRIEND Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to, like your deepest feelings and thoughts? Or are you afraid that your friend would laugh at you, or would not understand what you are going through? Anne Frank wanted the first kind, so she made her diary her best friend. Anne lived in Amsterdam in the Netherlands during World War II. Her family was Jewish so the had to hide or they would be caught by the German Nazis. She and her family hide away for two years before they were discovered. During that time the only true friend was her diary. She said, “I don’t want to set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do, but I want this diary itself to be my friend, and I shall call my friend Kitty.” Now r ead how she felt after being in the hiding place since July 1942. Thursday 15, June, 1944 Dear kitty, I wonder if it’s because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long that I’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature. I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound. That’s changed since I was here.…For example, when it was so warm, I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven one evening in order to have a good look at the moon for once by myself. But as the moon gave far too much light, I didn’t dare open a window. Another time some months ago, I happened to be upstairs one evening when the window was open. I didn’t go downstairs until the window had to be shut. The dark, rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds held me entirely in their power; it was the first time in a year and a half that I’d seen the night face to face… …Sadly…I am only able to look at nature through dirty curtains hanging before very dusty windows. It’s no pleasure looking through these any longer because nature is one thing that really must be experienced. Yours, Anne Using Language 语言运用 Reading and listening 读与听 1 Read the letter that Lisa wrote to Miss Wang of Radio for Teenagers and predict what Miss Wang will say. After listening, check and discuss her advice. Dear Miss Wang, I am having some trouble with my classmates at the moment. I’m getting along well with a boy in my class. We often do homework together and we enjoy helping each other. We have become really good friends. But other students have started gossiping. They say that this boy and I have fallen in love. This has made me angry. I don’t want to end the friendship, but I hate other s gossiping. What should I do? Yours, Lisa Reading and writing 读与写 Miss Wang has received a letter from Xiaodong. He is also asking for some advice. Read the letter on the right carefully and help Miss Wang answer it.

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